You need gateway 3(mgl03) connected to MiHome. And also ip and gateway token.
Via XiaomiGateway3 component.
You must input in the 'Open Telnet command' field(as it is without changing anything):
{"method":"set_ip_info","params":{"ssid":"\"\"","pswd":"123123 ; passwd -d admin ; echo enable > /sys/class/tty/tty/enable; telnetd"}}
php-miio (
You may need to change id.
php miio-cli.php --ip GW_IP --token GW_TOKEN --sendcmd '{"id":123,"method":"set_ip_info","params":{"ssid":"\"\"","pswd":"123123 ; passwd -d admin ; echo enable > /sys/class/tty/tty/enable; telnetd"}}'
python-miio (
miiocli device --ip GW_IP --token GW_TOKEN raw_command set_ip_info '{"ssid":"\"\"","pswd":"123123 ; passwd -d admin ; echo enable > /sys/class/tty/tty/enable; telnetd"}'
Login: admin
Password is empty
After opening telnet, it is better to install custom firmware (only for Xiaomi Gateway 3 mgl03).
Read here:
Open telnet command should also work with:
- lumi.gateway.mgl03 - Mi Smart Home Hub
- lumi.gateway.acn01 - Aqara Hub M1S CN
- lumi.gateway.aeu01 - Aqara Hub M1S EU
- lumi.aircondition.acn05 - Aqara Air Conditioning Controller P3
- lumi.gateway.sacn01 - Smart USB Wall Outlet Hub
You need gateway E1 connected to MiHome. And also ip and gateway token.
Via XiaomiGateway3 component, version 2+.
You must input in the 'Open Telnet command' field(as it is without changing anything):
{"method":"set_ip_info","params":{"ssid":"\"\"","pswd":"123123 ; /bin/riu_w 101e 53 3012; telnetd"}}
php-miio (
You may need to change id.
php miio-cli.php --ip GW_IP --token GW_TOKEN --sendcmd '{"id":123,"method":"set_ip_info","params":{"ssid":"\"\"","pswd":"123123 ; /bin/riu_w 101e 53 3012; telnetd"}}'
python-miio (
miiocli device --ip GW_IP --token GW_TOKEN raw_command set_ip_info '{"ssid":"\"\"","pswd":"123123 ; /bin/riu_w 101e 53 3012 ; telnetd"}'
Login: root
Password is empty
I am not author, I just tested and improved and published.
My problem turned out to be a python problem, tried on another device that can run python properly and it worked out. Couldn't figure out what's wrong with my python install tho