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Last active January 26, 2024 22:31
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These utils help to generate a JSON file to import all passwords from password-store into Vaultwarden / Bitwarden.

Steps that worked for me:

  1. follow the "Export from password-store" part in
  2. Install the bitwarden command line client and authenticate
  3. Run fids = get_folder_id_map(<path>) and make sure you keep the result somewhere (I just had a ipython session to do all this)
  4. Create a JSON-Exort in Vault-/Bitwarden
  5. Load the export into Python, replace items with list(gen_items(<path>, fids)), json.dump the result to disk
  6. Load the created file into Vault-/Bitwarden
import json
from os import walk
import re
from subprocess import run
from typing import Any, Generator
def get_folders(path) -> list[str]:
folders = []
for root, _, _ in walk(path):
name = root.replace(f"{path}/", "")
if name != path:
return folders
def get_folder_id_map(path: str) -> dict[str, str]:
folder_id_map = {}
for folder in get_folders(path):
p_encode = run(["bw", "encode"], input=json.dumps({"name": folder}), text=True, capture_output=True)
assert p_encode.returncode
p_create = run(["bw", "create", "folder", p_encode.stdout], text=True, capture_output=True)
if p_create.returncode > 0:
raise RuntimeError(p_create.stdout)
id_ = json.loads(p_create.stdout)["id"]
folder_id_map[folder] = id_
return folder_id_map
def gen_items(path: str, folder_id_map: dict[str, str]) -> Generator[dict[str, Any], None, None]:
for root, _, files in walk(path):
folder_key = root.replace(f"{path}", "")[1:]
for file in files:
item = {"type": 1, "name": file, "login": {}}
with open(f"{root}/{file}") as f:
lines =
note_lines = []
if not lines[0].startswith("otpauth://"):
item["login"]["password"] = lines[0]
lines = lines[1:]
for line in lines:
if line.startswith("otpauth://"):
item["login"]["totp"] = line
parts = line.split(": ")
if len(parts) == 2:
field, value = parts
if field.lower() in {"username", "email", "e-mail", "login", "user"}:
if existing := item["login"].get("username"):
if "fields" not in item:
item["fields"] = []
if field.lower() in {"email", "e-mail"}:
item["fields"].append({"type": 0, "name": field, "value": value})
item["fields"].append({"type": 0, "name": "email", "value": existing})
item["login"]["username"] = value
item["login"]["username"] = value
elif field.lower() in {"uri", "url"}:
if "uris" not in item["login"]:
item["login"]["uris"] = []
item["login"]["uris"].append({"uri": value})
if "fields" not in item:
item["fields"] = []
item["fields"].append({"type": 0, "name": field, "value": value})
if (notes := "\n".join(note_lines)) and notes != "\n":
item["notes"] = notes
if (domain := get_domain(f"{root}/{file}")) and "uris" not in item["login"]:
item["login"]["uris"] = [{"uri": domain}]
if "username" not in item["login"]:
if "/" in folder_key:
fkey, name = folder_key.rsplit("/", 1)
name = folder_key
fkey = None
item["name"] = name or file
item["login"]["username"] = file
fkey = folder_key
if fkey and (fid := folder_id_map.get(fkey)):
item["folderId"] = fid
yield item
def get_domain(folder) -> str | None:
for part in folder.split("/"):
if re.fullmatch(r"[a-zA-Z]+(\.[a-zA-Z]+)+", part):
return part
return None
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teisho commented Jan 26, 2024


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