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Created October 3, 2012 12:03
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Element43 margin script
- extends "base.haml"
- load cache
- load humanize
- block title
element43 - Station - Best Margins
- block content
Daily Volume
Best Ask
Best Bid
- for item in top_margins
{{item.top_ask|intcomma}} ISK
{{item.top_bid|intcomma}} ISK
{{item.margin|floatformat:2}} %
def margins(request, station_id = 60003760):
Generates a list like
# Get station object - default to CNAP if something goes wrong
station = StaStation.objects.get(id = station_id)
station_id = 60003760
station = StaStation.objects.get(id = station_id)
# Get all orders grouped by type
top_ask = Orders.objects.filter(stastation = station, is_bid = False).values('invtype').annotate(min_price=Min('price'))
top_bid = Orders.objects.filter(stastation = station, is_bid = True).values('invtype').annotate(max_price=Max('price'))
# Get re-structured dicts and sets
ask = {}
bid = {}
for item in top_ask:
ask[item['invtype']] = item['min_price']
ask_set = set(ask)
for item in top_bid:
bid[item['invtype']] = item['max_price']
bid_set = set(bid)
# Get types with both buy and sell orders
types = ask_set.intersection(bid_set)
# Store margins
top_margins = []
for invtype in types:
margin = ((ask[invtype] / bid[invtype]) * 100)
volume = ast.literal_eval(History.objects.get(mapregion = station.region, invtype_id = invtype).history_data).itervalues().next()[4]
volume = 0
score = volume * margin
# Filter Junk
if (margin > 0) and (margin < 10000):
top_margins.append({'type': invtype, 'margin': margin, 'score': score, 'volume':volume})
# Sort margins
top_margins = sorted(top_margins, key=lambda k: k['score'])
del top_margins[100:]
# Take top 50 margins
for margin in top_margins:
margin['type'] = InvType.objects.get(id = margin['type'])
margin['top_ask'] = Orders.objects.filter(stastation = station, is_bid = False, invtype_id = margin['type']).aggregate(Min('price'))['price__min']
margin['top_bid'] = Orders.objects.filter(stastation = station, is_bid = True, invtype_id = margin['type']).aggregate(Max('price'))['price__max']
rcontext = RequestContext(request, {'station':station, 'top_margins':top_margins})
return render_to_response('trading/station/station.haml', rcontext)
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