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Forked from cpq/
Last active August 29, 2015 14:16
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#!/usr/bin/env perl
# Copyright (c) 2015 Sergey Lyubka
# All rights reserved
use Encode;
my $dir = "/Users/$ENV{USER}/.Trash";
sub read_file($) { local $/; open FD, $_[0] or die $_[0]; binmode FD; <FD>; }
sub u32($$) { unpack('N', substr($_[0], $_[1], 4)) }
sub str($$$) { my $s = substr($_[0], $_[1], $_[2]); Encode::from_to($s,'UCS-2BE','utf8'); $s; }
sub read_block($$) {
my ($p, $o) = @_;
my $cnt = u32($p, $o + 8);
$o += 12;
while ($cnt--) {
my $name_len = u32($p, $o) * 2;
my $name = str($p, $o + 4, $name_len);
my $tag = substr($p, $o + 4 + $name_len, 4);
my $type = substr($p, $o + 8 + $name_len, 4);
print "[$o] [$name] [$name_len] [$tag] [$type]\n";
$o += $name_len + 12;
if ($type eq 'bool') { $o += 1 }
elsif ($type =~ /shor|long|type/) { $o += 4; }
elsif ($type =~ /comp|dutc/) { $o += 8; }
elsif ($type eq 'ustr') {
my $n = 2 * u32($p, $o);
if ($tag eq 'ptbL') {
my $original_location = str($p, $o + 4, $n);
my $cmd = "mv \"$dir/$name\" \"/$original_location\"";
print "$cmd\n";
$o += $n + 4;
elsif ($type eq 'blob') { $o += u32($p, $o) + 4; }
else { last; }
return $cnt;
my $store = read_file("$dir/.DS_Store");
my $off = u32($store, 0x14) & ~15;
while (1) {
last if read_block($store, $off) == 0;
$off = ($off & 0xfffff000) + 0x1000;
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