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Last active September 19, 2016 16:34
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#!/usr/bin/env ruby
# sshsa (SSH Switch Agent)
# sshsa manages multiple ssh-agents with different sets of keys. It
# lets you switch between them with one command. It was written on OS X
# with Keychain stuff in mind, so probably won't work unmodified on
# Linux.
# To use:
# ## Install this script
# Put this script (sshsa) somewhere in your $PATH and make it executable.
# ## Set up Profile
# Add the following lines to your bash .profile:
# sshsa() { eval $(sshsa "$@"); }
# ssh-add -D 2> /dev/null
# The first line is the wrapper for this script which will take the output
# and source it into your current shell, so we can inject new environment
# variables.
# The second line removes all keys from the default agent.
# (The way the ssh-agent and Keychain integration works is that when
# an ssh-agent is started, it will add all keys to it that have passphrases
# in the keychain. That would bypass everything we're going for here, so
# we want to neuter that agent when a shell is opened.)
# ## Create your identities
# Create a folder: ~/.ssh/identities
# In that folder, create a new folder for each identity you want. Then move
# your keys (public and private) into the appropriate identity folders.
# Note: MOVE your keys there, don't leave them in ~/.ssh
# ## Update Bash prompt
# The script exports an env variable called SSH_AGENT_IDENTITY_NAME when
# switching between identities, so that can be used to decorate your bash
# prompt.
# ## Try switching to one of your identities
# The first time you switch to an identity, it will tell you the keys were
# not added. Just use the supplied command to re-enter the passphrase and
# store in the Keychain. In the future, you won't need to reenter the
# password.
require 'fileutils'
require 'open3'
identity = ARGV[0]
identities_path = File.expand_path("~/.ssh/identities")
identity_path = File.join(identities_path, identity)
agents_path = File.expand_path("~/.ssh/agents")
agent_path = File.join(agents_path, identity)
def run_command_in_agent(agentfile, command)
stdout, stderr, status = Open3.capture3("/usr/bin/env", "-i", "/bin/sh", "-c", ". #{agentfile} > /dev/null 2>/dev/null; #{command}")
[ status, stdout, stderr ]
def keys_for_identity(identity_path)
Dir[identity_path + "/*"].select do |identity_file|
identity_file !~ /\.pub$/
def create_agent_for_identity(identity_path, agent_path)
`ssh-agent > #{agent_path}`
keys = keys_for_identity(identity_path)
keys.each do |key|
status, stdout, stderr = run_command_in_agent(agent_path, "ssh-add -K #{key}")
if !status.success?
STDERR.puts "could not add identity #{key} to agent: #{status} #{stdout} #{stderr}"
STDERR.puts "You probably need to add the passphrase to the keychain with the following:"
STDERR.puts " ssh-add -K #{key}"
exit 1
status, stdout, stderr = run_command_in_agent(agent_path, 'ssh-add -l')
if !status.success?
STDERR.puts "could not create new agent for #{identity_path}: #{stdout} #{stderr}"
exit 1
keys = keys_for_identity(identity_path)
# Pre-Sierra, the agent would get all keys from the keychain, so we need to
# remove any unexpected ones.
found = []
stdout.each_line do |line|
bits, fingerprint, path = line.split(/\s+/)
if !keys.include?(path)
run_command_in_agent(agent_path, "ssh-add -d #{path}")
found << path
# now, make sure the keys we do want *are* there. It's possible they
# aren't in the keychain, in which case the user will need to be prompted
# for passphrases (when implemented).
notfound = keys - found
if notfound.length > 0
STDERR.puts "Some keys were not added to the agent, likely because they're not in your keychain."
STDERR.puts "Use the following command to add then to your agent and the keychain:"
notfound.each do |key|
STDERR.puts " ssh-add -K #{key}"
unless File.exists?(identity_path)
STDERR.puts "can't find #{identity} in #{identities_path}"
exit 1
valid_agent = false
if File.exists? agent_path
# test that the existing agent works
status, stdout, stderr = run_command_in_agent(agent_path, "ssh-add -l")
# `ssh-add -l` return 1 when the agent is running but has no identities. :/
valid_agent = status.success? || stdout =~ /The agent has no identities/
unless valid_agent
create_agent_for_identity(identity_path, agent_path)
output =
output += "SSH_AGENT_IDENTITY_NAME=#{identity}; export SSH_AGENT_IDENTITY_NAME;"
puts output
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