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# ~/.vim/spell/en.utf-8.add | |
on | |
off | |
erd | |
actioncable | |
actionmailer | |
actionpack | |
actionview | |
activejob | |
activemerchant | |
activemodel | |
activemodel-serializers-xml | |
activerecord | |
activerecord-deprecated_finders | |
activerecord-postgis-adapter | |
activerecord-session_store | |
activeresource | |
activesupport | |
acts_as_list | |
addressable | |
annotate | |
ansi | |
apipie-rails | |
apns | |
arel | |
arel-helpers | |
autoprefixer-rails | |
awesome_nested_set | |
aws-sdk | |
aws-sdk-core | |
aws-sdk-resources | |
aws-sdk-v1 | |
aws-sigv4 | |
axlsx | |
babel-source | |
babel-transpiler | |
babosa | |
bcrypt | |
bcrypt-ruby | |
bigdecimal | |
bindex | |
binding_of_caller | |
bootstrap-generators | |
bootstrap-sass | |
bootstrap-x-editable-rails | |
bootstrap3-datetimepicker-rails | |
bower-rails | |
breadcrumbs_on_rails | |
buftok | |
builder | |
bullet | |
bundler | |
bundler-unload | |
byebug | |
camertron-eprun | |
cancan | |
cancancan | |
canonical-rails | |
capistrano | |
capistrano-ash | |
capistrano-bundler | |
capistrano-ext | |
capistrano-rails | |
capistrano-rvm | |
capistrano_colors | |
carmen | |
celluloid | |
celluloid-essentials | |
celluloid-extras | |
celluloid-fsm | |
celluloid-pool | |
celluloid-supervision | |
CFPropertyList | |
chartkick | |
childprocess | |
choice | |
chronic | |
chunky_png | |
ckeditor_rails | |
claide | |
cldr-plurals-runtime-rb | |
climate_control | |
cocaine | |
cocoapods | |
cocoapods-core | |
cocoapods-deintegrate | |
cocoapods-downloader | |
cocoapods-plugins | |
cocoapods-search | |
cocoapods-stats | |
cocoapods-trunk | |
cocoapods-try | |
coderay | |
coffee-rails | |
coffee-script | |
coffee-script-source | |
colored | |
colored2 | |
colorize | |
columnize | |
commander-fastlane | |
commands | |
commonjs | |
compass | |
compass-core | |
compass-import-once | |
compass-rails | |
concurrent-ruby | |
connection_pool | |
countries | |
country_select | |
css_parser | |
curb | |
currencies | |
daemons | |
debug_inspector | |
debugger-linecache | |
debugger-ruby_core_source | |
declarative | |
declarative-option | |
deface | |
delayed_job | |
devise | |
devise-bootstrap-views | |
devise-encryptable | |
did_you_mean | |
diffy | |
docile | |
domain_name | |
dotenv | |
draper | |
dropzonejs-rails | |
equalizer | |
erubis | |
escape | |
eventmachine | |
excon | |
execjs | |
executable-hooks | |
faraday | |
faraday-cookie_jar | |
faraday_middleware | |
fastimage | |
fastlane | |
fcm | |
ffaker | |
ffi | |
font-awesome-rails | |
font-awesome-sass | |
foreman | |
formatador | |
formtastic | |
formtastic-bootstrap | |
fourflusher | |
friendly_id | |
fuzzy_match | |
gcm | |
gem-wrappers | |
gh_inspector | |
global_phone | |
global_phone_dbgen | |
globalid | |
google-api-client | |
google-id-token | |
googleauth | |
groupdate | |
guard | |
guard-compat | |
guard-minitest | |
guard-rails | |
guard-spork | |
haml | |
hashie | |
highline | |
hike | |
hitimes | |
htmlentities | |
http | |
http-cookie | |
http-form_data | |
http_parser.rb | |
httparty | |
httpclient | |
hurley | |
i18n | |
i18n-missing_translations | |
i18n_data | |
icalendar | |
interactive_editor | |
io-console | |
jbuilder | |
jmespath | |
journey | |
jquery-fileupload-rails | |
jquery-rails | |
jquery-turbolinks | |
jquery-ui-rails | |
json | |
json_pure | |
jwt | |
kaminari | |
kgio | |
koala | |
launchy | |
less | |
less-rails | |
letter_opener | |
levenshtein | |
libv8 | |
listen | |
little-plugger | |
logging | |
loofah | |
lumberjack | |
memoist | |
memoizable | |
method_source | |
mime-types | |
mime-types-data | |
mimemagic | |
mini_magick | |
mini_portile | |
mini_portile2 | |
mini_racer | |
minitest | |
minitest-focus | |
minitest-rails | |
minitest-reporters | |
minitest-test | |
molinillo | |
momentjs-rails | |
monetize | |
money | |
msgpack | |
multi_fetch_fragments | |
multi_json | |
multi_xml | |
multipart-post | |
mustermann | |
mysql2 | |
nanaimo | |
nap | |
naught | |
nenv | |
neovim | |
nested_form | |
net-scp | |
net-ssh | |
net-telnet | |
netrc | |
nio4r | |
nokogiri | |
notiffany | |
oauth2 | |
omniauth | |
omniauth-oauth2 | |
orm_adapter | |
os | |
paper_trail | |
paperclip | |
paranoia | |
pdfkit | |
pg | |
pg_search | |
pkg-config | |
plist | |
polyamorous | |
polyglot | |
power_assert | |
premailer | |
premailer-rails | |
pry | |
pry-byebug | |
pry-nav | |
pry-rails | |
psych | |
public_suffix | |
puma | |
rabl | |
rack | |
rack-cache | |
rack-cors | |
rack-mini-profiler | |
rack-pjax | |
rack-protection | |
rack-ssl | |
rack-test | |
railroady | |
rails | |
rails-deprecated_sanitizer | |
rails-dom-testing | |
rails-erd | |
rails-html-sanitizer | |
rails-livestamp | |
rails_admin | |
rails_admin_dropzone | |
rails_admin_globalize_field | |
rails_autolink | |
railsless-deploy | |
railties | |
rainbow | |
raindrops | |
rake | |
ransack | |
rb-fsevent | |
rb-inotify | |
rb-kqueue | |
rdoc | |
react-rails | |
react_on_rails | |
recaptcha | |
redis | |
redis-namespace | |
redis-session-store | |
ref | |
remotipart | |
rename | |
representable | |
request_store | |
responders | |
rest-client | |
retriable | |
rgeo | |
rgeo-activerecord | |
rmagick | |
roo | |
rouge | |
route_translator | |
rspotify | |
ruby-graphviz | |
ruby-macho | |
ruby-ole | |
ruby-prof | |
ruby-progressbar | |
ruby_dep | |
rubygems-bundler | |
rubyzip | |
rufus-scheduler | |
rvm | |
sass | |
sass-rails | |
sassc | |
sassc-rails | |
sdoc | |
security | |
select2-rails | |
shellany | |
sidekiq | |
signet | |
simple_form | |
simple_oauth | |
simplecov | |
simplecov-html | |
sinatra | |
sixarm_ruby_unaccent | |
slack-notifier | |
slim | |
slim-rails | |
slop | |
sort_alphabetical | |
spoon | |
spork | |
spork-minitest | |
spork-rails | |
spotify-client | |
spreadsheet | |
spree | |
spree_api | |
spree_auth_devise | |
spree_backend | |
spree_cmd | |
spree_core | |
spree_frontend | |
spree_gateway | |
spree_sample | |
spring | |
spring-watcher-listen | |
sprockets | |
sprockets-rails | |
sqlite3 | |
sshkit | |
state_machines | |
state_machines-activemodel | |
state_machines-activerecord | |
stringex | |
sucker_punch | |
temple | |
terminal-notifier | |
terminal-table | |
test-unit | |
therubyracer | |
thin | |
thor | |
thread_safe | |
tilt | |
time-warp | |
time_difference | |
timecop | |
timers | |
treetop | |
truncate_html | |
tty-screen | |
turbolinks | |
turbolinks-source | |
turn | |
twilio-ruby | |
twitter_cldr | |
tzinfo | |
uber | |
uglifier | |
unf | |
unf_ext | |
unicode-display_width | |
unicode_utils | |
unicorn | |
uniform_notifier | |
versioncake | |
vimgolf | |
virb | |
warden | |
web-console | |
websocket-driver | |
websocket-extensions | |
will_paginate | |
will_paginate-bootstrap | |
word_wrap | |
xcodeproj | |
xcpretty | |
xcpretty-travis-formatter | |
yt | |
tzinfo | |
Gemfile | |
Rakefile | |
config | |
tmp | |
rb | |
erb | |
md | |
ru | |
guid | |
dir | |
datetime | |
url | |
ip | |
jpeg png gif | |
jpeg | |
png | |
gif | |
asc | |
desc | |
navbar |
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