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Created December 23, 2019 14:41
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-- comments
--| doc comments, should support latex (my dream)
--|prefix| prefixed comments
--[block comment]--
--[prefix| prefixed block comment]--
[1, 2, 3] -- lists
1 :: 2 :: 3 :: [] -- list
-- Types, should starts with uppercase letters
-- Sum Types
Sum = Bool | Int
a := 123 -- variable assignment (type inferenced)
a : Int = 123 -- variable assginment (with type declarations)
-- Records
record = { a: 32, b: True }
-- Tuples, behaves like a record with numericc field names.
tuples = (32, True)
-- As you see, there is no `let` statement in root level of the file.
-- declare a function
plus2 (x: i32) : i32 = { x + 2 }
plus4 (x: i32) : i32 = plus2 (plus2 x)
-- local variables
plus8 (x: i32) : i32 = {
let y = plus4 (x) -- (x) can be reduced to x, unless it is (x,)
let z = plus2 x
y + z
-- yes it is newline sensitive, and I try to avoid semicolon as mandatory
-- because some of the keyboard layouts are hard to type `;`, if they want
-- to make a term multiline, then use parenthesis.
someFunc a b c d e f
-- into
someFunc (
a -- there is no comma here, whitespaces or newline is fine
-- arrays
-- it is always `[n-ary]type`, so you can make it nested
a : [3][2]Int -- means there is 3 array that contains 2 element of Int
= [[1, 2], [3, 4], [5, 6]]
-- but this is invalid [[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]]
-- random access of data
a : [3][2]i32 = [[1, 2], [3, 4], [5, 6]]
a[1] -- [1, 2]
t := (3, 4)
t.2 -- 4
x = { x: 123, y: True }
x.y -- True
-- closure
\(x:type) (y:type) => body
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