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Last active February 8, 2018 11:09
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How to reach the Philosophy page on Wikipedia clicking the first link of every found page ?
package net.zyuiop.philofinder
import net.ruippeixotog.scalascraper.browser.JsoupBrowser
import net.ruippeixotog.scalascraper.dsl.DSL._
import net.ruippeixotog.scalascraper.scraper.ContentExtractors.{element, elements}
* @author Louis Vialar
object PhiloFinder {
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
val lang = Input.readInput("Wikipedia Language", "fr")
val browser = new WikiBrowser(lang)
val page = Input.readInput("Wikipedia Page", "Spécial:Page_au_hasard")
val searched = Input.readInput("Target Wikipedia Page", "Philosophie")
val searcher = new Searcher(searched, browser), page, 0, Set()))
class WikiBrowser(lang: String) {
val browser = JsoupBrowser()
def getUrl(name: String) = "https://" + lang + "" + name
def getFirstLink(name: String): (String, String) = {
val url = getUrl(name)
val content = (browser.get(url) >> element("#mw-content-text")).children.head
val links = content.children.filter(_.tagName == "p") flatMap (_ >> elements("a:not(.new):not(.selflink)"))
if (links.isEmpty) null
else {
val array: Array[String] = links.head.attr("href").split("/")
(array(array.length - 1), links.head.attr("title"))
object Input {
def readInput(prompt: String, default: String): String = {
print(prompt + " [" + default + "]: ")
val res = StdIn.readLine()
if (res.isEmpty) default
else res
class Searcher(targetPage: String, browser: WikiBrowser) {
def next(status: Status): Unit = status match {
case Status(currentPage: String, currentPageTitle: String, hops: Int, previousPages: Set[String]) =>
println(hops + ": " + currentPageTitle + " [[" + currentPage + "]]")
if (currentPage.equalsIgnoreCase(targetPage)) {
println("==> Found target page " + targetPage + " in " + hops + " hops!")
} else if (status.previousPages(currentPage)) {
println("==> Found loop on page " + currentPage + " after " + hops + " hops!")
} else {
val nextPage = browser.getFirstLink(currentPage)
if (nextPage == null) {
println("==> End: no link found")
} else {
next(Status(nextPage._1, nextPage._2, hops + 1, previousPages + currentPage))
case class Status(currentPage: String, currentPageTitle: String, hops: Int, previousPages: Set[String])
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