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Created August 9, 2012 10:23
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Save zz/3303054 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Nagios Plugin for checking a backup file for existence, age and size.
# By Nathan Vonnahme, Sept 2011
# An example for "Writing Custom Nagios Plugins in Perl" at the Nagios
# World Conference North America 2011.
# I. Prologue
use strict;
use warnings;
use Nagios::Plugin;
use File::stat;
use vars qw($VERSION $PROGNAME $verbose $timeout $result);
$VERSION = '1.0';
# get the base name of this script for use in the examples
use File::Basename;
$PROGNAME = basename($0);
# II. Usage/Help
my $p = Nagios::Plugin->new(
usage => "Usage: %s [ -v|--verbose ] [-t <timeout>]
[ -f|--file=<path/to/backup/file> ]
[ -a|--age=<max age in hours> ]
[ -s|--size=<acceptable min:max size in MB> ]",
version => $VERSION,
blurb => "Check the specified backup file's age and size",
extra => "
$PROGNAME -f /backups/foo.tgz -a 24 -s 1024:2048
Check that foo.tgz exists, is less than 24 hours old, and is between
1024 and 2048 MB.
# III. Command line arguments/options
# See Getopt::Long for more
spec => 'file|f=s',
required => 1,
help => "-f, --file=STRING
The backup file to check. REQUIRED.");
spec => 'age|a=i',
default => 24,
help => "-a, --age=INTEGER
Maximum age in hours. Default 24.");
spec => 'size|s=s',
help => "-s, --size=INTEGER:INTEGER
Minimum:maximum acceptable size in MB (1,000,000 bytes)");
# Parse arguments and process standard ones (e.g. usage, help, version)
# IV. Check arguments for sanity
# Perform sanity checking on command line options.
if ( (defined $p->opts->age) && $p->opts->age < 0 ) {
$p->nagios_die( " invalid number supplied for the age option " );
# V. Check the stuff
# Check the backup file.
my $f = $p->opts->file;
unless (-e $f) {
$p->nagios_exit(CRITICAL, "File $f doesn't exist");
my $mtime = File::stat::stat($f)->mtime;
my $age_in_hours = (time - $mtime) / 60 / 60;
my $size_in_mb = (-s $f) / 1_000_000;
my $message = sprintf "Backup exists, %.0f hours old, %.1f MB.",
$age_in_hours, $size_in_mb;
# VI. Performance Data
# Add perfdata, enabling pretty graphs etc.
$p->add_perfdata( label => "age", value => $age_in_hours, uom => "hours" );
$p->add_perfdata( label => "size", value => $size_in_mb, uom => "MB" );
# VII. Check against thresholds
my $result = $p->check_threshold(
check => $age_in_hours,
warning => undef,
critical => $p->opts->age
if ($result == OK) {
$result = $p->check_threshold(
check => $size_in_mb,
warning => $p->opts->size,
critical => undef,
# VIII. Exit Code
# Output the result and exit.
return_code => $result,
message => $message
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