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Last active November 27, 2020 19:26
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  • Save leevigraham/448166 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save leevigraham/448166 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
* Custom configuration bootsrtap file for ExpressionEngine
* Place config.php in your site root
* Add require(realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../config.php')); to the bottom of system/expressionengine/config/config.php
* Add require(realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../config.php')); to the bottom of system/expressionengine/config/database.php
* If you have moved your site root you'll need to update the require_once path
* Also includes custom DB configuration file based on your environment
* Posiible DB configuration options
* $env_db_config['hostname'] = "";
* $env_db_config['username'] = "";
* $env_db_config['password'] = "";
* $env_db_config['database'] = "";
* @author Leevi Graham <>
* @link
* @link - Hat tip to: Erskine from EECI2010 Preso
* @version 1.1
* == Changelog ==
* Version 1.1
* - Changed 'gv_' to 'global:'
* - Added {global:cm_subscriber_list_slug} for integration
* - Added {global:google_analytics_key} for Google Analytics integration
* - Make $_POST array available as global vars with 'post:' prefix
* - Make $_GET array available as global vars with 'get:' prefix
* - Added more inline commenting
* - Swapped order of system config and global vars
* Version 1.2
* - Removed $_GET and $_POST parsing. You should use Mo Variables instead.
// Setup the environment
if(!defined('NSM_ENV')) {
define('NSM_SITE_URL', 'http://'.NSM_SERVER_NAME);
define('NSM_BASEPATH', dirname(__FILE__));
define('NSM_SYSTEM_FOLDER', 'ee-admin');
// Set the environment
if ( strstr( NSM_SERVER_NAME, 'local.' ) ) define('NSM_ENV', 'local');
elseif( strstr( NSM_SERVER_NAME, 'dev.' ) ) define('NSM_ENV', 'development');
elseif( strstr( NSM_SERVER_NAME, 'stage.' ) ) define('NSM_ENV', 'staging');
elseif( strstr( NSM_SERVER_NAME, 'm.' ) ) define('NSM_ENV', 'mobile');
else define('NSM_ENV', 'production');
// Define the environment settings
$env_config = array();
$env_db_config = array();
$env_global_vars = array();
// Set the environmental config and global vars
if (NSM_ENV == 'local') {
$env_db_config = array(
'hostname' => '',
'username' => '',
'password' => '',
'database' => '',
$env_global_vars = array(
'global:cm_subscriber_list_slug' => ''
elseif(NSM_ENV == 'development') {
$env_db_config = array(
'hostname' => '',
'username' => '',
'password' => '',
'database' => '',
$env_global_vars = array();
elseif(NSM_ENV == 'staging') {
$env_db_config = array(
'hostname' => '',
'database' => '',
'username' => '',
'password' => '',
$env_global_vars = array(
'global:cm_subscriber_list_slug' => ''
elseif(NSM_ENV == 'mobile') {
$env_db_config = array(
'hostname' => '',
'username' => '',
'password' => '',
'database' => '',
$env_config['tmpl_file_basepath'] = NSM_BASEPATH . '/templates_mobile/';
else {
$env_global_vars = array(
'global:cm_subscriber_list_slug' => '',
'global:google_analytics_key' => 'XX-XXXX'
// Config bootsrap... GO!
if(isset($config)) {
* Custom global variables
* This is a bit sucky as they are pulled straight from the $assign_to_config array.
* See EE_Config.php around line 90 or search for: 'global $assign_to_config;'
* Output the global vars in your template with:
* <?php $EE = get_instance(); print('<pre><code>'.print_r($EE->config->_global_vars, TRUE) . '</code></pre>'); ?>
$default_global_vars = array(
// General - Set the production environment so we can test / show / hide components
'global:env' => NSM_ENV,
// Tag parameters - Short hand tag params
'global:param_disable_default' => 'disable="categories|pagination|member_data"',
'global:param_disable_all' => 'disable="categories|custom_fields|member_data|pagination"',
'global:param_cache_param' => 'cache="yes" refresh="10"',
'-global:param_cache_param' => '-cache="yes" refresh="10"', // disable by adding a '-' to the front of the global
// Date and time - Short hand date and time
'global:date_time' => '%g:%i %a',
'global:date_short' => '%F %d, %Y',
'global:date_full' => '%F %d %Y, %g:%i %a',
* Theme - URL to theme assets
* Example: <script src="{global:theme_url}/js/libs/modernizr-1.6.min.js"></script>
'global:theme_url' => NSM_SITE_URL . '/themes/site_themes/default',
* CampaignMonitor - Slug for CM signup forms
* Example: <form action="{global:cm_subscriber_list_slug}/" method="post">...</form>
'global:cm_subscriber_list_slug' => false,
* Google Analytics Key
* Example:
* <script type="text/javascript">
* var _gaq = _gaq || [];
* _gaq.push(['_setAccount', 'UA-{global:google_analytics_key}']);
* _gaq.push(['_trackPageview']);
* </script>
'global:google_analytics_key' => false,
// NSM Gravatar
'global:nsm_gravatar_default_avatar' => NSM_SITE_URL . '/uploads/member/avatars/default.png'
// Make this global so we can add some of the config variables here
global $assign_to_config;
$assign_to_config['global_vars'] = array();
$assign_to_config['global_vars'] = array_merge($assign_to_config['global_vars'], $default_global_vars, $env_global_vars);
* Config. This shouldn't have to be changed if you're using the Newism EE2 template.
$default_config = array(
// General preferences
'is_system_on' => 'y',
'license_number' => '',
'site_index' => '',
'admin_session_type' => 'cs',
'new_version_check' => 'y',
'doc_url' => '',
'site_url' => NSM_SITE_URL,
'cp_url' => NSM_SITE_URL.'/'.NSM_SYSTEM_FOLDER.'/index.php',
// Set this so we can use query strings
'uri_protocol' => 'PATH_INFO',
// Datbase preferences
'db_debug' => 'n',
'pconnect' => 'n',
'enable_db_caching' => 'n',
// Site preferences
// Some of these preferences might actually need to be set in the index.php files.
// Not sure which ones yet, I'll figure that out when I have my first MSM site.
'is_site_on' => 'y',
'site_404' => 'site/four04',
'webmaster_email' => 'webmaster@' . NSM_SERVER_NAME,
'webmaster_name' => 'Webmaster',
// Localization preferences
'server_timezone' => 'UP10',
'server_offset' => FALSE,
'time_format' => 'eu',
'daylight_savings' => 'n',
'honor_entry_dst' => 'y',
// Channel preferences
'use_category_name' => 'y',
'word_separator' => 'dash',
'reserved_category_word' => 'category',
// Template preferences
'strict_urls' => 'y',
'save_tmpl_files' => 'y',
'save_tmpl_revisions' => 'y',
'tmpl_file_basepath' => NSM_BASEPATH . '/templates/',
// Theme preferences
'theme_folder_path' => NSM_BASEPATH . '/content/themes/',
'theme_folder_url' => NSM_SITE_URL . '/themes/',
// Tracking preferences
'enable_online_user_tracking' => 'n',
'dynamic_tracking_disabling' => '500',
'enable_hit_tracking' => 'n',
'enable_entry_view_tracking' => 'n',
'log_referrers' => 'n',
// Member preferences
'allow_registration' => 'n',
'profile_trigger' => '--sdjhkj2lffgrerfvmdkndkfisolmfmsd' . time(),
'prv_msg_upload_path' => NSM_BASEPATH . '/content/uploads/member/pm_attachments',
'enable_emoticons' => 'n',
'enable_avatars' => 'n',
'avatar_path' => NSM_BASEPATH . '/content/uploads/member/avatars/',
'avatar_url' => NSM_SITE_URL . '/uploads/member/avatars/',
'avatar_max_height' => 100,
'avatar_max_width' => 100,
'avatar_max_kb' => 100,
'enable_photos' => 'n',
'photo_path' => NSM_BASEPATH . '/content/uploads/member/photos/',
'photo_url' => NSM_SITE_URL . '/uploads/member/photos/',
'photo_max_height' => 200,
'photo_max_width' => 200,
'photo_max_kb' => 200,
'sig_allow_img_upload' => 'n',
'sig_img_path' => NSM_BASEPATH . '/content/uploads/member/signature_attachments/',
'sig_img_url' => NSM_SITE_URL . '/uploads/member/signature_attachments/',
'sig_img_max_height' => 80,
'sig_img_max_width' => 480,
'sig_img_max_kb' => 30,
'sig_maxlength' => 500,
'captcha_font' => 'y',
'captcha_rand' => 'y',
'captcha_require_members' => 'n',
'captcha_path' => NSM_BASEPATH . '/content/'.NSM_SYSTEM_FOLDER.'/images/captchas/',
'captcha_url' => NSM_SITE_URL.'/'.NSM_SYSTEM_FOLDER.'/images/captchas/',
// NSM htaccess Generator
'nsm_htaccess_generator_path' => NSM_BASEPATH . "/content/.htaccess",
// Build the new config object
$config = array_merge($config, $default_config, $env_config);
// DB bootsrap... GO!
$default_db_config = array("cachedir" => APPPATH . "cache/db_cache/");
$db['expressionengine'] = array_merge($db['expressionengine'], $default_db_config, $env_db_config);
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There's still some issues with setting a couple of the config vars via this method. You may need to use the $assign_to_config variable in the index.php files. See this forum post for more info

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Revision adds some global variables to the config.php file

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Revision: removed config_db.php and merged the db prefs into the main file.

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Revision: (version 1.1)

  • Changed 'gv_' to 'global:'
  • Added {global:cm_subscriber_list_slug} for integration
  • Added {global:google_analytics_key} for Google Analytics integration
  • Make $_POST array available as global vars with 'post:' prefix
  • Make $_GET array available as global vars with 'get:' prefix
  • Added more inline commenting
  • Swapped order of system config and global vars

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Revision: (version 1.2)

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Revision (1.4)

  • Updated NSM .htaccess path. v1.1.0 of the addon requires the config setting to be an array

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Hi Leevi,

Here's my MSM experience: I've resorted to commenting out site_url and cp_url from the bootstrap file, since in a typical MSM setup, those settings are set immediately within each site's index.php file. If you open up the index.php file and go to line 75, comments for MSM setup ask you to set site_url, site_name, and cp_url there. I keep these set here, and comment them out in bootstrap, and that seems to keep things working smoothly.

Perhaps you could keep the site_name setting in each MSM site's index.php file, and then within bootstrap set the site_url based on the environment + site_name value... But between subdomain vs subfolder vs distinct domain variations, plus the possibility for tens to hundreds of MSM sites, it might just become more hassle than worth.


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I notice you recommend placing your config_bootstrap.php in the html public directory. I was wondering why that would be a more secure solution than adding it above the public html directory in the expressionengine/config directory with the other config.php and database.php file?

Was hoping you could shed some light. Thank you!

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farneman commented Jun 9, 2011


I'm working on setting up the boostrap for an MSM system. My setup is managing multiple domains. Where do you keep your bootstrap file?

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I'm working with subdomains myself but shouldn't matter:

/admin_html/ (EE admin access)
/public_html/ (default_site)


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matalin commented Jan 17, 2012

I've installed a number of your addons including a htaccess generator. This sounded awesome but when I added it, it gives me the error: The configuration file does not exist.

This is on my local mac using MAMP. Any idea why it wouldn't find the config file?

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matalin commented Jan 17, 2012

in your code you say "Place config.php in your site root" what file is this? if it's not the system/config/ config file and it's not the config_bootstrap, could you elaborate on what it is? is it to do with ? thanks!

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@matalin: I've updated the docs:

* Add require(realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../config_bootstrap.php')); to the bottom of system/expressionengine/config/config.php
* Add require(realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../config_bootstrap.php')); to the bottom of system/expressionengine/config/database.php

which should make the instructions clearer

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Just a quick heads up Leevi. I had to change the file upload code to:

'upload_preferences' => array(
    1 => array(                                                                                 // ID of upload destination
        'name'        => 'Staging Image Uploads',                          // Display name in control panel
        'server_path' => '/home/user/', // Server path to upload directory
        'url'         => ''      // URL of upload directory

Otherwise it killed the script.

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wssrstrm commented Feb 7, 2012

I'm wondering something pretty basic. Where do you set the db info for the production db if not in this file? Do you just set it normally through the expression engine install on the production server itself and use this file to identify the dbs for the other environments?

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@andyhoman sorted!

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ginkelb commented Mar 1, 2012

@wssrstrm The db info for the production environment are entered near line 123 of the script. It woudn't be very handy if you ended up with configuration data in multiple files.

@leevigraham The NSM_SITE_URL near line 62 ends up WITH a trailing /. All other variables based off of this like theme_folder_url use a / between NSM_SITE_URL and the rest of the variable. Ending up with Is this intentional?

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@ginkelb I'll update the NSM_SITE_URL now.

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I think an important config is missing (excellent bootstrap btw).
[base_url] => http://local.ee2.template/

site_url($uri = '') from ->helper('url') in Config.php as part of CI uses base_url to define paths.

This caught me out when developing a module using site_url() for the 'action' part of a form_declaration. I'm not sure why site_url doesn't use 'site_url' from the config array, maybe it's a hangover from CI and EE uses 'site_url'.

Easy fix, I've included after
'site_url' => NSM_SITE_URL,
'base_url' => NSM_SITE_URL

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  • Version 1.9
  • - Added $config['third_party'] param to ease updating
  • - Added $config['base_url']
  • - Moved webmaster_email config into dev environment

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missing a comma after:

'base_url' => NSM_SITE_URL

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@alexroper wish I would've see your comment an hour ago. I was tearing my hair out!

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ghost commented Sep 21, 2012

@alexroper Just found out about the comma

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@leevigraham EE v2.5.3 adds a couple other hidden config variables for third-party themes:

'path_third_themes' => NSM_BASEPATH . '/content/themes/third_party/',
'url_third_themes' => NSM_SITE_URL . '/themes/third_party/',

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@leevigraham Also, the 'third_party' variable should be changed to 'third_party_path':

'third_party_path' => NSM_BASEPATH . '/third_party/',

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@alexroper took me a while but I've updated based on your comments

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@leevigraham you've got syntax errors now on Line 154 and 177 (double braces)

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line 369 should be:

$env_config['upload_preferences'] = array(

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sharq88 commented Apr 25, 2014

@leevigraham Line 7,8 should be:

  • require_once instead of require (see line 9)

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