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Created January 23, 2025 11:27
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Public disclosure for a security issue inside KW Hotel desktop application
Version: v0.47
Vulnerability type: CSV injection
CVE ID: CVE-2023-46400
Description: CSV Formula Injection inside KWHotel Free edition through version 0.47 inside add guest functionality.
When adding a guest a payload in form of a csv injection can be embedded inside the comment field of the guest.
The input is not validated and can be exported to a csv file resulting in a csv formula injection. Payload used:
@SUM(44+44)*cmd|' /C powershell'!A0
Version: v0.47
Vulnerability type: CSV injection
CVE ID: CVE-2023-46401
Description: CSV Formula Injection inside KWHotel Free edition through version 0.47 inside add invoice functionality.
When adding an invoice inside the Accounting tab of the application the field for searching customers, the attacker can embed a payload instead because the input is not validated.
Payload used:
=SUM(44+44)*cmd|' /C powershell'!A0
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