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Naretena A. 6en6ar

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6en6ar / gist:5d39374d6ced8acbe489e0b1b932d056
Created January 23, 2025 11:27
Public disclosure for a security issue inside KW Hotel desktop application
Version: v0.47
Vulnerability type: CSV injection
CVE ID: CVE-2023-46400
Description: CSV Formula Injection inside KWHotel Free edition through version 0.47 inside add guest functionality.
When adding a guest a payload in form of a csv injection can be embedded inside the comment field of the guest.
The input is not validated and can be exported to a csv file resulting in a csv formula injection. Payload used:
@SUM(44+44)*cmd|' /C powershell'!A0
6en6ar / gist:78168687da94e8aa2e0357f2456b0233
Created January 15, 2025 12:21
Public disclosure for a security issue inside parse-uri library
Version: v1.0.9
Vulnerability type: Denial of Service
CVE ID: CVE-2024-36751
Description: There is a possible Denial of service when repeating characters are added to a url being parsed.
It seems that the regex for checking the url on line 28. and 29. in index.jsis vulnerable to regex denial of service;
Github issue:
6en6ar / gist:a4977866c59cbcfc716f0f2717b812bf
Created April 29, 2024 10:38
Public disclosure for a security issue inside s3-url-parser library
Version: 1.0.3
Vulnerability type: Denial of Service
CVE ID: CVE-2024-25355
The regexes defined on lines 7. , 17. and 27. inside
are vulnerable to regex denial of service when a long input is provided resulting in a crash.
I've managed to reproduce it with this code:
import s3ParseUrl from 's3-url-parser';
6en6ar / gist:c3b11b4058b8e2bc54717408d451fb79
Last active March 20, 2024 07:41
Security issue in domain-suffix
Version: 1.0.8
Vulnerability type: Denial of Service
CVE ID: CVE-2024-25354
The regex defined on line 28. inside
is vulnerable to Regex Denial of Service. When a long string is provided to the application without specifying "/" character
the function parse will be stuck for indefinite amount of time, in this case 10 seconds, but this can be
amplified if more characters are added.
PoC code:
6en6ar / gist:c792d8337b63f095cbda907e834cb4ba
Created February 14, 2024 22:36
Security issue inside urlite through version v.3.1.0
A regex defined on line 1. inside inside npm package "Urlite"
( is found to be vulnerable to Regex Denial of Service when malicious input containing a long regex input is
provided to the application that parses a URL. When a malicious payload is provided to the parsing
function the application will hang for indefinite amount of time causing Denial of Service.
If more requests are sent using the same payload it can result in
Distributed Denial of service potentially rendering the service unavailable.
Payload that was used:
var payload ='//:' + '\t:\t'.repeat(90000)+ '\t'
6en6ar / gist:7c2424c93e7fbf2b6fc44e7fb9acb95d
Last active December 5, 2023 17:12
Security issue in regex inside git-urls package
- v1.0.0
- v1.0.0
- Status: not fixed
6en6ar / gist:712a4c1eab0324f15e09232c77ea08f8
Created October 19, 2023 19:43
Vulnerability inside the node-email-check npm package through version 1.0.4
The regex on line 10. inside is vulnerable to a Regex Denial of Service
if a malicious string is provided causing the application using the package to hang.
Proof of concept code to test it:
const emailCheck = require('node-email-check');
// async request with mx check
//await emailCheck.isValid('[email protected]');
// sync request without mx check
6en6ar / gist:b118888dc739e8979038f24c8ac33611
Created June 20, 2023 22:39
Public disclosure of vulnerability inside the urlnorm crate through 0.1.4 for Rust
Regex Denial of service in urlnorm package on
The urlnorm crate through 0.1.4 for Rust allows Regular Expression Denial of Service (ReDos) via a crafted URL to
The regex defined on line 37. in used for trimming .html and other
extensions when normalizing the url is vulnerable to a Regex Denial of Service when malicious input is provided.
Poc Code:
use url::Url;


load without any analysis (file header at offset 0x0): r2 -n /path/to/file

  • analyze all: aa
  • show sections: iS
  • list functions: afl
  • list imports: ii
  • list entrypoints: ie
  • seek to function: s sym.main