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Last active September 11, 2020 09:06
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Python DB connector: script / tutorial to connect to a database and perform simple operations on a table using psycopg2
import psycopg2
import re
def connect():
Function to connect to the server
NOTE: this, as it is, works only on my machine. You need to insert your own connection data
:return: psycopg2 'connection' object to the university server
:rtype: psycopg2 'connection' object
# fetch params for the server connection from a text file
with open("../../server_uni_connection_data.txt", 'r') as connectionDataFile:
connectionDataDict = {"host": None, "db": None, "user": None, "password": None}
for line in connectionDataFile.readlines():
lineData = line.split(':')
connectionDataDict[lineData[0]] = lineData[1].strip() # remove final '\n'
# connect to the database
return psycopg2.connect(host=connectionDataDict["host"],
def display_menu():
Functions that display a menu with the possible options
:return: a list of tuple (option name, corresponding function name) and the number of options
:rtype: list[ tuples(str, function name) ], int
options = [
("Insert new expense", insertExpense),
("Check expenses history", seeExpenses),
("Delete an expense", deleteExpense)
print("Insert the number of the desired option\nAvailable options:")
count = 0
for option in options:
print(f"{count}) {option[0]}", end="\n")
count += 1
print(f"{count}) Exit")
return options, count
def register_choice(n_opts):
Function to register user's choice
:param n_opts: number of options
:type n_opts: int
:return: the choice of the user
:rtype: int
choice = -1
while choice < 0 or choice > n_opts:
choice = int(input("> "))
return choice
def insert_date():
Function to insert a date from console and do the checks
:return: the date typed by the user
:rtype: string
day_per_month = {"01": 31, "02": 28, "03": 31, "04": 30, "05": 31, "06": 30, "07": 31, "08": 31, "09": 30,
"10": 31, "11": 30, "12": 31}
# date format dd/mm/yyyy
date = input("Insert date (dd/mm/yyyy): ")
pattern = re.compile("^\d{2}/\d{2}/\d{4}$")
while not pattern.match(date) or int(date[3:5]) > 12 or int(date[3:5]) < 1 or \
int(date[0:2]) > day_per_month[date[3:5]] or int(date[0:2]) < 1:
date = input("Wrong format! Insert date (dd/mm/yyyy): ")
return date
def insertExpense(connection, cursor):
Function to insert new data in table expenses
:param connection: instance of <class 'psycopg2.extensions.connection'>
:param cursor: instance of <class 'psycopg2.extensions.cursor'>
connection.isolation_level = 'READ COMMITTED'
date = insert_date()
description = input("Insert description: ")
amount = float(input("Insert amount: "))
cursor.execute("INSERT INTO Expenses(date, description, amount) VALUES(%s, %s, %s)", (date, description, amount))
print("Insertion tuple: {:s}".format(cursor.statusmessage))
if connection.notices:
print(f"Notices: {connection.notices[-1]}")
connection.notices[-1] = ""
def seeExpenses(connection, cursor):
Function to see all expenses
:param connection: instance of <class 'psycopg2.extensions.connection'>
:param cursor: instance of <class 'psycopg2.extensions.cursor'>
connection.isolation_level = 'READ COMMITTED'
cursor.execute("SELECT * FROM Expenses;")
for record in cursor:
print(record, end="\n")
def deleteExpense(connection, cursor):
Function to see all expenses
:param connection: instance of <class 'psycopg2.extensions.connection'>
:param cursor: instance of <class 'psycopg2.extensions.cursor'>
connection.isolation_level = 'REPEATABLE READ' # to avoid exit status 0 while a concurrent transaction deleted
# that record. In that case the record might be actually deleted while having exit status 0 in this transaction
seeExpenses(connection, cursor)
id = input("Insert the id of the expense to delete: ")
cur.execute("DELETE FROM Expenses WHERE id = %s;", id)
print("DELETE: Exit status: {:s}\nAny notices: {:s}".format(cursor.statusmessage, connection.notices[-1]))
connection.notices[-1] = ""
if __name__ == '__main__':
con = connect()
con.autocommit = True
with con:
with con.cursor() as cur:
# create table "Expenses" if does not exist
cur.execute("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS Expenses( \
description VARCHAR, \
amount DECIMAL(10, 2) NOT NULL);")
print("Creation table 'Expenses': {:s}".format(cur.statusmessage))
if con.notices:
print(f"Notices: {con.notices[-1]}")
con.notices[-1] = "" # to avoid repetition of the same notice in other operations
# options_funcs_map: list[ tuples(str, func name) ]
options_funcs_map, options_number = display_menu()
choice = register_choice(options_number)
while choice != options_number: # if choice == option_number then exit
# call the func which name is the 2nd value of the choice-th tuple of options_funcs_map
options_funcs_map[choice][1](con, cur)
options_funcs_map, options_number = display_menu()
choice = register_choice(options_number)
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