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Andrew Pynch Andrew-Pynch

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Andrew-Pynch / hiragana-to-romanji.ts
Created April 20, 2023 13:59
Typescript hiragana to romanji map
const hiraganaToRomajiMap: Map<string, string> = new Map([
['あ', 'a'],
['い', 'i'],
['う', 'u'],
['え', 'e'],
['お', 'o'],
['か', 'ka'],
['き', 'ki'],
['く', 'ku'],
['け', 'ke'],
scokmen / HttpStatusCode.ts
Created April 25, 2017 11:10
Typescript Http Status Codes Enum
"use strict";
* Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) response status codes.
* @see {@link}
enum HttpStatusCode {
* The server has received the request headers and the client should proceed to send the request body
tzmartin /
Last active March 10, 2025 16:56
Embedded File Viewer: Google Drive, OneDrive

Office Web Apps Viewer

('.ppt' '.pptx' '.doc', '.docx', '.xls', '.xlsx')[OFFICE_FILE_URL]

<iframe src='[OFFICE_FILE_URL]' width='px' height='px' frameborder='0'>

OneDrive Embed Links

andyj / html_for_international_calling coes.htm
Created October 22, 2013 21:57
HTML <select> international calling codes for each country
<!-- country codes (ISO 3166) and Dial codes. -->
<select name="countryCode" id="">
<option data-countryCode="GB" value="44" Selected>UK (+44)</option>
<option data-countryCode="US" value="1">USA (+1)</option>
<optgroup label="Other countries">
<option data-countryCode="DZ" value="213">Algeria (+213)</option>
<option data-countryCode="AD" value="376">Andorra (+376)</option>
<option data-countryCode="AO" value="244">Angola (+244)</option>
<option data-countryCode="AI" value="1264">Anguilla (+1264)</option>
<option data-countryCode="AG" value="1268">Antigua &amp; Barbuda (+1268)</option>