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Last active November 11, 2015 00:11
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  • Save BaldarSilveraxe/7ae48e19befde2ea78be to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save BaldarSilveraxe/7ae48e19befde2ea78be to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Roll20 API for Spell Management of public DnD 5E Spells
//SpellArray Gist:
///Googl File:
on("ready", function() {
on("chat:message", function (msg) {
if (msg.type != "api") return;
msg.who = msg.who.replace(" (GM)", "");
msg.content = msg.content.replace("(GM) ", "");
var command = msg.content.split(" ", 1);
if(command == "!spellbooksY" || command == "!spellbooksy") {spellbooks();};
if(command == "!updatespellY" || command == "!updatespelly") {updatespell();};
if(command == "!updatelistY" || command == "!updatelisty") {updateList();};
if(command == "!getvalues") {getvalues();};
//--Utility Function
var fixNewObject = fixNewObject || function(obj){
var p = obj.changed._fbpath;
var new_p = p.replace(/([^\/]*\/){4}/, "/");
obj.fbpath = new_p;
return obj;
//--Utility Function
function sortJSON(data, key) {
return data.sort(function(a, b) {
var x = a[key]; var y = b[key];
return ((x < y) ? -1 : ((x > y) ? 1 : 0));
var roll20API;
roll20API = roll20API || {};
roll20API.AbjurationURL = "";
roll20API.ConjurationURL = "";
roll20API.DivinationURL = "";
roll20API.EnchantmentURL = "";
roll20API.EvocationURL = "";
roll20API.IllusionURL = "";
roll20API.NecromancyURL = "";
roll20API.TransmutationURL = "";
roll20API.UnkownURL = "";
roll20API.DeprecateURL = "";
roll20API.OnAbjurationURL = "";
roll20API.OnConjurationURL = "";
roll20API.OnDivinationURL = "";
roll20API.OnEnchantmentURL = "";
roll20API.OnEvocationURL = "";
roll20API.OnIllusionURL = "";
roll20API.OnNecromancyURL = "";
roll20API.OnTransmutationURL = "";
roll20API.OnUnkownURL = "";
roll20API.TokAbjurationURL = "";
roll20API.TokConjurationURL = "";
roll20API.TokDivinationURL = "";
roll20API.TokEnchantmentURL = "";
roll20API.TokEvocationURL = "";
roll20API.TokIllusionURL = "";
roll20API.TokNecromancyURL = "";
roll20API.TokTransmutationURL = "";
roll20API.TokUnkownURL = "";
roll20API.spellbooks = [
{Class: "Barbarian", Short: "BN", Name: "barbarian_level", SaveDC: "0", StatBonus: "0", Stat: "0", Gained: "Other Source"},
{Class: "Bard", Short: "BD", Name: "bard_level", SaveDC: "bard_spell_dc", StatBonus: "charisma_mod", Stat: "charisma", Gained: "Bard"},
{Class: "Cleric", Short: "CC", Name: "cleric_level", SaveDC: "cleric_spell_dc", StatBonus: "wisdom_mod", Stat: "wisdom", Gained: "Cleric"},
{Class: "Druid", Short: "DD", Name: "druid_level", SaveDC: "druid_spell_dc", StatBonus: "wisdom_mod", Stat: "wisdom", Gained: "Druid"},
{Class: "Fighter", Short: "FR", Name: "fighter_level", SaveDC: "eldritch_knight_spell_dc", StatBonus: "intelligence_mod", Stat: "intelligence", Gained: "Eldritch Knight"},
{Class: "Monk", Short: "MK", Name: "monk_level", SaveDC: "0", StatBonus: "wisdom_mod", Stat: "wisdom", Gained: "Other Source"},
{Class: "Paladin", Short: "PN", Name: "paladin_level", SaveDC: "paladin_spell_dc", StatBonus: "charisma_mod", Stat: "charisma", Gained: "Paladin"},
{Class: "Ranger", Short: "RR", Name: "ranger_level", SaveDC: "ranger_spell_dc", StatBonus: "wisdom_mod", Stat: "wisdom", Gained: "Ranger"},
{Class: "Rogue", Short: "RE", Name: "rogue_level", SaveDC: "arcane_trickster_spell_dc", StatBonus: "intelligence_mod", Stat: "intelligence", Gained: "Arcane Trickster"},
{Class: "Sorcerer", Short: "SR", Name: "sorcerer_level", SaveDC: "sorcerer_spell_dc", StatBonus: "charisma_mod", Stat: "charisma", Gained: "Sorcerer"},
{Class: "Warlock", Short: "WK", Name: "warlock_level", SaveDC: "warlock_spell_dc", StatBonus: "charisma_mod", Stat: "charisma", Gained: "Warlock"},
{Class: "Wizard", Short: "WD", Name: "wizard_level", SaveDC: "wizard_spell_dc", StatBonus: "intelligence_mod", Stat: "intelligence", Gained: "Wizard"}
var characters = [];
var spellCastingClassLevel
var spellCastingAttackMod
//Used to find characters on the "Spell Book" page by finding tokens that represent character sheets.
findCharacterByGraphics = function() {
characters = [];
var spellBookExists = false;
var pageCheck = findObjs({type: "page", name: "Spell Book"});
var errorTxt = "/direct <br><b>ERROR!</b><br><small>";
if(pageCheck.length != 1){
if(pageCheck.length == 0){errorTxt += "'Spell Book' page does not exist.</small>"
}else{errorTxt += "Multiple 'Spell Book' pages exist.</small>"};
sendChat("API", errorTxt);return;
var spellBookPageGraphics = findObjs({_pageid: findObjs({type: "page", name: "Spell Book"})[0].get("_id"), _type: "graphic"});
_.each(spellBookPageGraphics, function(indexSpellBookPageGraphics) {
if(indexSpellBookPageGraphics.get("represents").length != 0){
var character = findObjs({type: "character", _id: indexSpellBookPageGraphics.get("represents")});
if(character[0].get("name") == "Spell Book"){spellBookExists = true};
if(character[0].get("name") != "Spell Book"){characters.push(character);};
if(spellBookExists == false){sendChat("API", errorTxt + "Token representing 'Spell Book' not found.</small>");return;};
if(characters.length == 0){sendChat("API", errorTxt + "No tokens representing character found on the 'Spell Book' page.</small>");return;};
sendChat("Script Started", "~~~~~~~~~");
sendChat("API", "/direct <br><small>Processing your 'Spell Book' request...</small>");
//Builds rolable tables that are related to character and populated with spells based on class(es)
spellbooks = function() {
//Checks for and if needed creeates rollable talbe for each charcter in the charcter array.
//The rollable talbe name will be like "charcter name{-JWZiG0l2d7vdTE3VrgC}"
//Keeps the table name readable but also has the character ID in case the character name changes.
var rollabletables = findObjs({type: "rollabletable"});
_.each(characters, function(indexCharacters) {
var characterID = indexCharacters[0].get("_id");
var characterName = indexCharacters[0].get("name").replace(/[^a-zA-Z ]/g, "");
characterName = characterName.split(' ').join('-');
var tableFound = false;
var tableID = "";
_.each(rollabletables, function(indexrollabletables) {
if(tableFound == false){
var rollabletableName = indexrollabletables.get("name");
var start_pos = rollabletableName.indexOf("{") + 1;
var end_pos = rollabletableName.indexOf("}",start_pos);
var characterIDfound = rollabletableName.substring(start_pos,end_pos);
if(characterIDfound == characterID){tableFound = true; tableID = indexrollabletables.get("_id");};
if(tableFound == false){
var nameToUse = characterName+"{"+characterID+"}";
createObj("rollabletable", {name: nameToUse, showplayers: false,});
tableID = findObjs( {_type: "rollabletable", name: nameToUse})[0].get("_id");
tableFound = true;
sendChat("API", "/direct <small>Adding tables...</small>");
//Pulling the class leves on the 5E sheet, build an array all spell for each class, for each character.
var classString;
//roll20API.spellListClass = "";
roll20API.spellListClass = [];
_.each(characters, function(indexCharacters) {
var characterID = indexCharacters[0].get("_id");
var characterName = indexCharacters[0].get("name").replace(/[^a-zA-Z ]/g, "");
characterName = characterName.split(' ').join('-');
classString = "";
_.each(roll20API.spellbooks, function(indexBooks) {
var characterSheet = getObj("character", characterID);
var CurrentLevel = getAttrByName(, indexBooks.Name) * 1;
if(CurrentLevel > 0){classString += indexBooks.Class + ","};
classString = classString.substring(0, classString.length - 1);
if(classString.length > 0){
_.each(roll20API.spelllist, function(indexSpells) {
var spellFound = false;
var arr1 = indexSpells.Class.split(",");
var arr2 = classString.split(",");
for (var i = 0; i < arr1.length; i++) {
for (var j = 0; j < arr2.length; j++) {
if (arr1[i] === arr2[j]) {
if(spellFound == false){
roll20API.spellListClass.push({ID: characterID, Level: indexSpells.Level, School: indexSpells.School, Call: indexSpells.Call});
spellFound = true;
sendChat("API", "/direct <small>Building spell lists...</small>");
//Overwrting any spells that maybe in the table, puts the current list of spells in the table for each character.
//Looks to reuse the same spells if they already exists and uses deprecated spells before adding new spells.
var rollabletables = findObjs({type: "rollabletable"});
_.each(characters, function(indexCharacters) {
var characterID = indexCharacters[0].get("_id");
var characterName = indexCharacters[0].get("name").replace(/[^a-zA-Z ]/g, "");
characterName = characterName.split(' ').join('-');
_.each(rollabletables, function(indexrollabletables) {
var rollabletableName = indexrollabletables.get("name");
var start_pos = rollabletableName.indexOf("{") + 1;
var end_pos = rollabletableName.indexOf("}",start_pos);
var characterIDfound = rollabletableName.substring(start_pos,end_pos);
if(characterIDfound == characterID){
var tableItems = findObjs({ _type: "tableitem", _rollabletableid: indexrollabletables.get("_id")});
if(tableItems.length != 0){
_.each(roll20API.spellListClass, function(indexPlayerSpells) {
var spellFoundAsItem = false;
var itemName = indexPlayerSpells.Level + "_" + indexPlayerSpells.Call;
_.each(tableItems, function(indextListedSpells) {
if(indextListedSpells.get("name") == itemName){spellFoundAsItem = true};
if(spellFoundAsItem == false){
var checkFor999 = false;
_.each(tableItems, function(indextListedSpells) {
if(checkFor999 == false && indextListedSpells.get("name").substring(0, 3) == "999"){
checkFor999 = true;
spellFoundAsItem = true;
var itemID = indextListedSpells.get("_id")
var avatarURL = roll20API.UnkownURL;
if(indexPlayerSpells.School == "Abjuration"){avatarURL = roll20API.AbjurationURL};
if(indexPlayerSpells.School == "Conjuration"){avatarURL = roll20API.ConjurationURL};
if(indexPlayerSpells.School == "Divination"){avatarURL = roll20API.DivinationURL};
if(indexPlayerSpells.School == "Enchantment"){avatarURL = roll20API.EnchantmentURL};
if(indexPlayerSpells.School == "Evocation"){avatarURL = roll20API.EvocationURL};
if(indexPlayerSpells.School == "Illusion"){avatarURL = roll20API.IllusionURL};
if(indexPlayerSpells.School == "Necromancy"){avatarURL = roll20API.NecromancyURL};
if(indexPlayerSpells.School == "Transmutation"){avatarURL = roll20API.TransmutationURL};
var itemName = indexPlayerSpells.Level + "_" + indexPlayerSpells.Call;
findObjs({ _type: "tableitem", _id: itemID })[0].set({name: itemName});
findObjs({ _type: "tableitem", _id: itemID })[0].set({avatar: avatarURL})
findObjs({ _type: "tableitem", _id: itemID })[0].set({weight: 0})
if(spellFoundAsItem == false){
var avatarURL = roll20API.UnkownURL;
if(indexPlayerSpells.School == "Abjuration"){avatarURL = roll20API.AbjurationURL};
if(indexPlayerSpells.School == "Conjuration"){avatarURL = roll20API.ConjurationURL};
if(indexPlayerSpells.School == "Divination"){avatarURL = roll20API.DivinationURL};
if(indexPlayerSpells.School == "Enchantment"){avatarURL = roll20API.EnchantmentURL};
if(indexPlayerSpells.School == "Evocation"){avatarURL = roll20API.EvocationURL};
if(indexPlayerSpells.School == "Illusion"){avatarURL = roll20API.IllusionURL};
if(indexPlayerSpells.School == "Necromancy"){avatarURL = roll20API.NecromancyURL};
if(indexPlayerSpells.School == "Transmutation"){avatarURL = roll20API.TransmutationURL};
var itemName = indexPlayerSpells.Level + "_" + indexPlayerSpells.Call;
if(characterID == indexPlayerSpells.ID){
marker = createObj("tableitem", {
_rollabletableid: indexrollabletables.get("_id"),
name: itemName,
avatar: avatarURL,
weight: 0,
_.each(roll20API.spellListClass, function(indexPlayerSpells) {
var avatarURL = roll20API.UnkownURL;
if(indexPlayerSpells.School == "Abjuration"){avatarURL = roll20API.AbjurationURL};
if(indexPlayerSpells.School == "Conjuration"){avatarURL = roll20API.ConjurationURL};
if(indexPlayerSpells.School == "Divination"){avatarURL = roll20API.DivinationURL};
if(indexPlayerSpells.School == "Enchantment"){avatarURL = roll20API.EnchantmentURL};
if(indexPlayerSpells.School == "Evocation"){avatarURL = roll20API.EvocationURL};
if(indexPlayerSpells.School == "Illusion"){avatarURL = roll20API.IllusionURL};
if(indexPlayerSpells.School == "Necromancy"){avatarURL = roll20API.NecromancyURL};
if(indexPlayerSpells.School == "Transmutation"){avatarURL = roll20API.TransmutationURL};
var itemName = indexPlayerSpells.Level + "_" + indexPlayerSpells.Call;
if(characterID == indexPlayerSpells.ID){
marker = createObj("tableitem", {
_rollabletableid: indexrollabletables.get("_id"),
name: itemName,
avatar: avatarURL,
weight: 0,
sendChat("API", "/direct <small>Writing spells...</small>");
//Deprecates any extra items on the table(e.g. invalid spells that the API can not delete.)
var rollabletables = findObjs({type: "rollabletable"});
_.each(characters, function(indexCharacters) {
var characterID = indexCharacters[0].get("_id");
var characterName = indexCharacters[0].get("name").replace(/[^a-zA-Z ]/g, "");
characterName = characterName.split(' ').join('-');
_.each(rollabletables, function(indexrollabletables) {
var rollabletableName = indexrollabletables.get("name");
var start_pos = rollabletableName.indexOf("{") + 1;
var end_pos = rollabletableName.indexOf("}",start_pos);
var characterIDfound = rollabletableName.substring(start_pos,end_pos);
if(characterIDfound == characterID){
var tableItems = findObjs({ _type: "tableitem", _rollabletableid: indexrollabletables.get("_id")});
if(tableItems.length != 0){
_.each(tableItems, function(indextListedSpells) {
var validSpell = false;
_.each(roll20API.spellListClass, function(indexPlayerSpells) {
var itemName = indexPlayerSpells.Level + "_" + indexPlayerSpells.Call;
if(indextListedSpells.get("name") == itemName){validSpell = true};
if(validSpell == false){
var itemID = indextListedSpells.get("_id")
findObjs({ _type: "tableitem", _id: itemID })[0].set({name: "999_deprecated"});
findObjs({ _type: "tableitem", _id: itemID })[0].set({avatar: roll20API.DeprecateURL});
findObjs({ _type: "tableitem", _id: itemID })[0].set({weight: -1});
sendChat("API", "/direct <small>Cleaning up the mess...</small>");
//Sorts the final table by item name (which is level & name with underscores.)
var rollabletables = findObjs({type: "rollabletable"});
_.each(characters, function(indexCharacters) {
var characterID = indexCharacters[0].get("_id");
var characterName = indexCharacters[0].get("name").replace(/[^a-zA-Z ]/g, "");
characterName = characterName.split(' ').join('-');
_.each(rollabletables, function(indexrollabletables) {
var rollabletableName = indexrollabletables.get("name");
var start_pos = rollabletableName.indexOf("{") + 1;
var end_pos = rollabletableName.indexOf("}",start_pos);
var characterIDfound = rollabletableName.substring(start_pos,end_pos);
if(characterIDfound == characterID){
var tableItems = findObjs({ _type: "tableitem", _rollabletableid: indexrollabletables.get("_id")})
roll20API.tobesorted = []
_.each(tableItems, function(indextableItems) {
name: indextableItems.get("name"),
avatar: indextableItems.get("avatar"),
weight: indextableItems.get("weight")});
sortedList = sortJSON(roll20API.tobesorted,"name");
var j=0;
_.each(tableItems, function(indextableItems) {
var itemID = indextableItems.get("_id")
findObjs({ _type: "tableitem", _id: itemID })[0].set({name: roll20API.tobesorted[j].name});
findObjs({ _type: "tableitem", _id: itemID })[0].set({avatar: roll20API.tobesorted[j].avatar});
findObjs({ _type: "tableitem", _id: itemID })[0].set({weight: roll20API.tobesorted[j].weight});
sendChat("API", "/direct <small>Sorting things out...</small>");
sendChat("API", "/direct <small>Please review your spell tables and set weighting. \
Spell item weight of '0' (zero) means the spell will NOT be added to the character record sheet. \
Spell item weight of '1' (one) means the spell WILL BE added to the character record sheet with ability. \
Spell item weight of '2' (two) means the spell WILL BE added to the character record sheet with ability \
and the ability will be a token action.</small>");
sendChat("Script Ended", "~~~~~~~~~");
//Updates the icons in the rollabe table to make them more readable.
updateList = function() {
var rollabletables = findObjs({type: "rollabletable"});
_.each(characters, function(indexCharacters) {
var characterID = indexCharacters[0].get("_id");
var characterName = indexCharacters[0].get("name").replace(/[^a-zA-Z ]/g, "");
characterName = characterName.split(' ').join('-');
_.each(rollabletables, function(indexrollabletables) {
var rollabletableName = indexrollabletables.get("name");
var start_pos = rollabletableName.indexOf("{") + 1;
var end_pos = rollabletableName.indexOf("}",start_pos);
var characterIDfound = rollabletableName.substring(start_pos,end_pos);
if(characterIDfound == characterID){
var tableItems = findObjs({ _type: "tableitem", _rollabletableid: indexrollabletables.get("_id")})
var j = -1;
var levelOfSpell = "";
var lastLevel = "";
_.each(tableItems, function(indextableItems) {
if(indextableItems.get("name") != "999_deprecated"){
var newAvatar = indextableItems.get("avatar");
var newSchool = "Unknown";
var givenWeight = Number(indextableItems.get("weight"));
var AbjurationString = roll20API.AbjurationURL + roll20API.OnAbjurationURL + roll20API.TokAbjurationURL
var ConjurationString = roll20API.ConjurationURL + roll20API.OnConjurationURL + roll20API.TokConjurationURL
var DivinationString = roll20API.DivinationURL + roll20API.OnDivinationURL + roll20API.TokDivinationURL
var EnchantmentString = roll20API.EnchantmentURL + roll20API.OnEnchantmentURL + roll20API.TokEnchantmentURL
var EvocationString = roll20API.EvocationURL + roll20API.OnEvocationURL + roll20API.TokEvocationURL
var IllusionString = roll20API.IllusionURL + roll20API.OnIllusionURL + roll20API.TokIllusionURL
var NecromancyString = roll20API.NecromancyURL + roll20API.OnNecromancyURL + roll20API.TokNecromancyURL
var TransmutationString = roll20API.TransmutationURL + roll20API.OnTransmutationURL + roll20API.TokTransmutationURL
var UnkownString = roll20API.UnkownURL + roll20API.OnUnkownURL + roll20API.TokUnkownURL
if(AbjurationString.indexOf(newAvatar) !== -1) {newSchool = "Abjuration";};
if(ConjurationString.indexOf(newAvatar) !== -1) {newSchool = "Conjuration";};
if(DivinationString.indexOf(newAvatar) !== -1) {newSchool = "Divination";};
if(EnchantmentString.indexOf(newAvatar) !== -1) {newSchool = "Enchantment";};
if(EvocationString.indexOf(newAvatar) !== -1) {newSchool = "Evocation";};
if(IllusionString.indexOf(newAvatar) !== -1) {newSchool = "Illusion";};
if(NecromancyString.indexOf(newAvatar) !== -1) {newSchool = "Necromancy";};
if(TransmutationString.indexOf(newAvatar) !== -1) {newSchool = "Transmutation";};
if(UnkownString.indexOf(newAvatar) !== -1) {newSchool = "Unkown";};
if(givenWeight == 1){givenWeight = "On";};
if(givenWeight == 2){givenWeight = "Tok";};
if(givenWeight != "On" && givenWeight != "Tok"){givenWeight = "Off";};
if(givenWeight == "On"){
if(newSchool == "Abjuration"){newAvatar = roll20API.OnAbjurationURL};
if(newSchool == "Conjuration"){newAvatar = roll20API.OnConjurationURL};
if(newSchool == "Divination"){newAvatar = roll20API.OnDivinationURL};
if(newSchool == "Enchantment"){newAvatar = roll20API.OnEnchantmentURL};
if(newSchool == "Evocation"){newAvatar = roll20API.OnEvocationURL};
if(newSchool == "Illusion"){newAvatar = roll20API.OnIllusionURL};
if(newSchool == "Necromancy"){newAvatar = roll20API.OnNecromancyURL};
if(newSchool == "Transmutation"){newAvatar = roll20API.OnTransmutationURL};
if(newSchool == "Unkown"){newAvatar = roll20API.OnUnkownURL};
if(givenWeight == "Off"){
if(newSchool == "Abjuration"){newAvatar = roll20API.AbjurationURL};
if(newSchool == "Conjuration"){newAvatar = roll20API.ConjurationURL};
if(newSchool == "Divination"){newAvatar = roll20API.DivinationURL};
if(newSchool == "Enchantment"){newAvatar = roll20API.EnchantmentURL};
if(newSchool == "Evocation"){newAvatar = roll20API.EvocationURL};
if(newSchool == "Illusion"){newAvatar = roll20API.IllusionURL};
if(newSchool == "Necromancy"){newAvatar = roll20API.NecromancyURL};
if(newSchool == "Transmutation"){newAvatar = roll20API.TransmutationURL};
if(newSchool == "Unkown"){newAvatar = roll20API.UnkownURL};
if(givenWeight == "Tok"){
if(newSchool == "Abjuration"){newAvatar = roll20API.TokAbjurationURL};
if(newSchool == "Conjuration"){newAvatar = roll20API.TokConjurationURL};
if(newSchool == "Divination"){newAvatar = roll20API.TokDivinationURL};
if(newSchool == "Enchantment"){newAvatar = roll20API.TokEnchantmentURL};
if(newSchool == "Evocation"){newAvatar = roll20API.TokEvocationURL };
if(newSchool == "Illusion"){newAvatar = roll20API.TokIllusionURL};
if(newSchool == "Necromancy"){newAvatar = roll20API.TokNecromancyURL};
if(newSchool == "Transmutation"){newAvatar = roll20API.TokTransmutationURL};
if(newSchool == "Unkown"){newAvatar = roll20API.TokUnkownURL};
var itemID = indextableItems.get("_id")
findObjs({ _type: "tableitem", _id: itemID })[0].set({avatar: newAvatar});
sendChat("API", "/direct <small>Spell Icons have been updated. Please review before adding spells.</small>");
sendChat("API", "/direct <small>Please review your spell tables and set weighting. \
Red: Spell item weight of '0' (zero) means the spell will NOT be added to the character record sheet. \
Green: Spell item weight of '1' (one) means the spell WILL BE added to the character record sheet with ability. \
Blue: Spell item weight of '2' (two) means the spell WILL BE added to the character record sheet with ability \
and the ability will be a token action.</small>");
sendChat("Script Ended", "~~~~~~~~~");
getvalues = function() {
_.each(characters, function(indexCharacters) {
var characterID = indexCharacters[0].get("_id");
var attributes = findObjs({type: "attribute", _characterid: characterID});
_.each(attributes, function(indexAttributes) {
var attName = indexAttributes.get("name")
if(attName.indexOf("repeating") > -1){
sendChat("API", "/direct " + indexAttributes.get("name") + ": " + indexAttributes.get("current"))
//Adds Spels and Abilities to the character..
updatespell = function() {
var rollabletables = findObjs({type: "rollabletable"});
_.each(characters, function(indexCharacters) {
var characterID = indexCharacters[0].get("_id");
var characterName = indexCharacters[0].get("name").replace(/[^a-zA-Z ]/g, "");
characterName = characterName.split(' ').join('-');
_.each(rollabletables, function(indexrollabletables) {
var rollabletableName = indexrollabletables.get("name");
var start_pos = rollabletableName.indexOf("{") + 1;
var end_pos = rollabletableName.indexOf("}",start_pos);
var characterIDfound = rollabletableName.substring(start_pos,end_pos);
if(characterIDfound == characterID){
var tableItems = findObjs({ _type: "tableitem", _rollabletableid: indexrollabletables.get("_id")})
var j = -1;
var levelOfSpell = "";
var lastLevel = "";
_.each(tableItems, function(indextableItems) {
if(indextableItems.get("weight") > 0){
levelOfSpell = indextableItems.get("name").substr(0, 1);
if(lastLevel != levelOfSpell){j = -1};
var nameOfSpell = indextableItems.get("name").substr(2, indextableItems.get("name").length);
var countOfSpell = j;
lastLevel = levelOfSpell;
j = -1;
levelOfSpell = "";
lastLevel = "";
var actionWeight = false;
_.each(tableItems, function(indextableItems) {
if(indextableItems.get("weight") > 0){
levelOfSpell = indextableItems.get("name").substr(0, 1);
if(lastLevel != levelOfSpell){j = -1};
var nameOfSpell = indextableItems.get("name").substr(2, indextableItems.get("name").length);
var countOfSpell = j;
lastLevel = levelOfSpell;
if(indextableItems.get("weight") > 1){
actionWeight = true;
actionWeight = false;
sendChat("API", "/direct <small>Spell have been added, please review.</small>");
sendChat("Script Ended", "~~~~~~~~~");
addAction = function(levelOfSpell,nameOfSpell,countOfSpell,characterIDfound,actionWeight) {
var spellData = _.findWhere(roll20API.spelllist, {Call: nameOfSpell});
var classValue = spellData.Class;
var tokeActionValue = "";
var spellPowerCardDescription = spellData.PowerCard;
if(spellPowerCardDescription.length < 1 || spellPowerCardDescription == undefined){return;};
if(spellData.Level == "0"){
var levelTH = "Cantrip";
var s = ["th","st","nd","rd"], v=spellData.Level%100;
var levelTH = spellData.Level+(s[(v-20)%10]||s[v]||s[0]) + " Level";
var emoteText = " Cast..."
if(spellData.Component.indexOf("V") != -1 && spellData.Component.indexOf("S") != -1){
emoteText = " Speaking words of arcane power while making precise movement of the hand...";
if(spellData.Component.indexOf("V") != -1 && spellData.Component.indexOf("S") == -1){
emoteText = " Speaking words of arcane power...";
if(spellData.Component.indexOf("V") == -1 && spellData.Component.indexOf("S") != -1){
emoteText = " Makes a measure and precise movement of the hand...";
var cardEmote = " --emote|" + emoteText + " --charid|" + characterIDfound
var cardName = " --name|" + spellData.Name + " --txcolor|#fff" + " --txcolor|#fff";
var cardSub = " --leftsub|" + spellData.CastingTime + " --rightsub|" + spellData.Range;
var cardLevel = " --" + levelTH + "|" + spellData.School;
var cardComponents = " --Components|" + spellData.Component + " " + spellData.Material;
var cardDuration = " --Duration|" + spellData.Duration;
var spellPowerCardEffect = "";
if(spellData.Effect.length > 1){spellPowerCardEffect = " --Effect|" + spellData.Effect;};
var spellHigherLevel = "";
if(spellData.HigherLevel.length > 1){spellHigherLevel = " --Higher Level|" + spellData.HigherLevel;};
if(spellPowerCardDescription.length < 1 || spellPowerCardDescription == undefined){return;};
tokeActionValue = "!power" + cardEmote + cardName + cardSub + cardLevel + cardComponents + cardDuration
tokeActionValue = tokeActionValue + " --Description|" + spellPowerCardDescription + spellHigherLevel + spellPowerCardEffect + " " + spellData.SpellSlotLevel;
if(tokeActionValue == ""){return;};
if(levelOfSpell == 0){
var abilityName = "[c]"
var abilityName = "[" + levelOfSpell + "]"
abilityName += "-" + nameOfSpell.split(' ').join('-');
var abilityExists = findObjs({type: "ability", _characterid: characterIDfound, name: abilityName});
tokeActionValue = tokeActionValue.replace(/spellcastingability/g, spellCastingAttackMod);
if(abilityExists.length > 0 ){
findObjs({ _type: "ability", _id: abilityExists[0].get("_id") })[0].set({description: "Spell Control Added"});
findObjs({ _type: "ability", _id: abilityExists[0].get("_id") })[0].set({action: tokeActionValue});
findObjs({ _type: "ability", _id: abilityExists[0].get("_id") })[0].set({istokenaction: actionWeight});
createObj("ability", {
name: abilityName,
characterid: characterIDfound,
description: "Spell Control Added",
action: tokeActionValue,
istokenaction: actionWeight
addSpellToSheet = function(levelOfSpell,nameOfSpell,countOfSpell,characterIDfound) {
var attributeName = "";
if(levelOfSpell == 0){
attributeNamePre = "repeating_spellbookcantrip_" + countOfSpell + "_";
attributeNamePre = "repeating_spellbooklevel" + levelOfSpell + "_" + countOfSpell + "_";
var spellData = _.findWhere(roll20API.spelllist, {Call: nameOfSpell});
//Spell Information
var dataValue = spellData.Name;
var attributeName = attributeNamePre + "spellname";
var dataValue = spellData.School;
var attributeName = attributeNamePre + "spellschool";
var dataValue = spellData.CastingTime;
var attributeName = attributeNamePre + "spellcasttime";
var dataValue = spellData.Range;
var attributeName = attributeNamePre + "spellrange";
var dataValue = spellData.Component + spellData.Material;
var attributeName = attributeNamePre + "spellcomponents";
var dataValue = spellData.Duration;
var attributeName = attributeNamePre + "spellduration";
var dataValue = spellData.Description;
var attributeName = attributeNamePre + "spelldescription";
var dataValue = spellData.HigherLevel;
var attributeName = attributeNamePre + "spellhighersloteffect";
var dataValue = spellData.SaveSuccess;
var attributeName = attributeNamePre + "savesuccess";
var dataValue = spellData.SaveStat;
var attributeName = attributeNamePre + "savestat";
var dataValue = spellData.HealAmount;
var attributeName = attributeNamePre + "spellhealamount";
var dataValue = spellData.CritText;
var attributeName = attributeNamePre + "spellcrittext";
var dataValue = spellData.DamageMiscBonus;
var attributeName = attributeNamePre + "damagemiscbonus";
var dataValue = spellData.DamageType;
var attributeName = attributeNamePre + "damage";
var dataValue = spellData.DamageKind;
var attributeName = attributeNamePre + "damagetype";
var dataValue = spellData.EffectClean;
var attributeName = attributeNamePre + "spelleffect";
var dataValue = spellData.TargetAoE;
var attributeName = attributeNamePre + "spelltarget";
//Drop Downs
var dataValue = spellData.Ritual
if(dataValue == "N"){
dataValue = "";
dataValue = "(Ritual)";
var attributeName = attributeNamePre + "spellritual";
var dataValue = spellData.Concentration
if(dataValue == "N"){
dataValue = "";
dataValue = "(Concentration)";
var attributeName = attributeNamePre + "spellconcentration";
//Stat Bonus
var dataValue = spellData.Class
var attributeName = attributeNamePre + "healstatbonus";
var dataValue = spellData.Class
var attributeName = attributeNamePre + "attackstat";
if(spellData.DamageStatBonus == "0" || spellData.DamageStatBonus == 0){
var dataValue = "0"
var attributeName = attributeNamePre + "damagestatbonus";
var dataValue = spellData.Class
var attributeName = attributeNamePre + "damagestatbonus";
//Save DC
var dataValue = spellData.Class
var attributeName = attributeNamePre + "spellsavedc";
//spell gained from
var dataValue = spellData.Class
var attributeName = attributeNamePre + "spellgainedfrom";
gainfunction = function(dataValue,attributeName,characterIDfound) {
var statArray = [];
_.each(roll20API.spellbooks, function(indexBooks) {
var CurrentLevel = getAttrByName(characterIDfound, indexBooks.Name) * 1;
if(CurrentLevel > 0){
var givenStat = indexBooks.StatBonus;
var statValue = 0;
if(givenStat != "0"){
var attributesExists = findObjs({type: "attribute", _characterid: characterIDfound, name: indexBooks.Stat});
if(attributesExists.length > 0 ){
statValue = attributesExists[0].get("current") * 1;
var classStatBouns = indexBooks.StatBonus;
Class: indexBooks.Class,
ClassLevel: indexBooks.Name,
Level: CurrentLevel,
StatBonus: classStatBouns,
Stat: indexBooks.Stat,
StatValue: statValue,
SaveDC: indexBooks.SaveDC,
SaveDCValue: 8 + (Math.round((5 + CurrentLevel) / 4)) + (Math.floor((statValue / 2) - 5)),
AttackMod: (Math.round((5 + CurrentLevel) / 4)) + (Math.floor((statValue / 2) - 5)),
Gained: indexBooks.Gained
sortedStatArray = sortJSON(statArray,"AttackMod");
var spellFoundByClass = false;
var SpellRecord = 0;
for (i = sortedStatArray.length - 1; i > -1; i = i - 1) {
if(spellFoundByClass == false){
if(dataValue.indexOf(sortedStatArray[i].Class) > -1 ){
spellFoundByClass = true
SpellRecord = i;
dataValue = sortedStatArray[SpellRecord].Gained
var attributesExists = findObjs({type: "attribute", _characterid: characterIDfound, name: attributeName});
if(attributesExists.length > 0 ){
findObjs({ _type: "attribute", _id: attributesExists[0].get("_id") })[0].set({current: dataValue});
createObj("attribute", {
name: attributeName,
characterid: characterIDfound,
current: dataValue
saveDCfunction = function(dataValue,attributeName,characterIDfound) {
var statArray = [];
_.each(roll20API.spellbooks, function(indexBooks) {
var CurrentLevel = getAttrByName(characterIDfound, indexBooks.Name) * 1;
if(CurrentLevel > 0){
var givenStat = indexBooks.StatBonus;
var statValue = 0;
if(givenStat != "0"){
var attributesExists = findObjs({type: "attribute", _characterid: characterIDfound, name: indexBooks.Stat});
if(attributesExists.length > 0 ){
statValue = attributesExists[0].get("current") * 1;
var classStatBouns = indexBooks.StatBonus;
Class: indexBooks.Class,
ClassLevel: indexBooks.Name,
Level: CurrentLevel,
StatBonus: classStatBouns,
Stat: indexBooks.Stat,
StatValue: statValue,
SaveDC: indexBooks.SaveDC,
SaveDCValue: 8 + (Math.round((5 + CurrentLevel) / 4)) + (Math.floor((statValue / 2) - 5)),
AttackMod: (Math.round((5 + CurrentLevel) / 4)) + (Math.floor((statValue / 2) - 5)),
Gained: indexBooks.Gained
sortedStatArray = sortJSON(statArray,"AttackMod");
var spellFoundByClass = false;
var SpellRecord = 0;
for (i = sortedStatArray.length - 1; i > -1; i = i - 1) {
if(spellFoundByClass == false){
if(dataValue.indexOf(sortedStatArray[i].Class) > -1 ){
spellFoundByClass = true
SpellRecord = i;
dataValue = "@{" + sortedStatArray[SpellRecord].SaveDC + "}"
var attributesExists = findObjs({type: "attribute", _characterid: characterIDfound, name: attributeName});
if(attributesExists.length > 0 ){
findObjs({ _type: "attribute", _id: attributesExists[0].get("_id") })[0].set({current: dataValue});
createObj("attribute", {
name: attributeName,
characterid: characterIDfound,
current: dataValue
statBonus = function(dataValue,attributeName,characterIDfound) {
var statArray = [];
_.each(roll20API.spellbooks, function(indexBooks) {
var CurrentLevel = getAttrByName(characterIDfound, indexBooks.Name) * 1;
if(CurrentLevel > 0){
var givenStat = indexBooks.StatBonus;
var statValue = 0;
if(givenStat != "0"){
var attributesExists = findObjs({type: "attribute", _characterid: characterIDfound, name: indexBooks.Stat});
if(attributesExists.length > 0 ){
statValue = attributesExists[0].get("current") * 1;
var classStatBouns = indexBooks.StatBonus;
Class: indexBooks.Class,
ClassLevel: indexBooks.Name,
Level: CurrentLevel,
StatBonus: classStatBouns,
Stat: indexBooks.Stat,
StatValue: statValue,
SaveDC: indexBooks.SaveDC,
SaveDCValue: 8 + (Math.round((5 + CurrentLevel) / 4)) + (Math.floor((statValue / 2) - 5)),
AttackMod: (Math.round((5 + CurrentLevel) / 4)) + (Math.floor((statValue / 2) - 5)),
Gained: indexBooks.Gained
sortedStatArray = sortJSON(statArray,"AttackMod");
var spellFoundByClass = false;
var SpellRecord = 0;
for (i = sortedStatArray.length - 1; i > -1; i = i - 1) {
if(spellFoundByClass == false){
if(dataValue.indexOf(sortedStatArray[i].Class) > -1 ){
spellFoundByClass = true
SpellRecord = i;
dataValue = "@{" + sortedStatArray[SpellRecord].StatBonus + "}"
var attributesExists = findObjs({type: "attribute", _characterid: characterIDfound, name: attributeName});
if(attributesExists.length > 0 ){
findObjs({ _type: "attribute", _id: attributesExists[0].get("_id") })[0].set({current: dataValue});
createObj("attribute", {
name: attributeName,
characterid: characterIDfound,
current: dataValue
addSpellAttribute = function(dataValue,attributeName,characterIDfound) {
var attributesExists = findObjs({type: "attribute", _characterid: characterIDfound, name: attributeName});
if(attributesExists.length > 0 ){
findObjs({ _type: "attribute", _id: attributesExists[0].get("_id") })[0].set({current: dataValue});
createObj("attribute", {
name: attributeName,
characterid: characterIDfound,
current: dataValue
addTokenAction = function(dataValue,actionName,characterIDfound) {
var actionExists = findObjs({type: "ability", _characterid: characterIDfound, name: actionName});
if(actionExists.length > 0 ){
findObjs({ _type: "ability", _id: actionExists[0].get("_id") })[0].set({action: dataValue});
createObj("ability", {
name: actionName,
characterid: characterIDfound,
action: dataValue
getCastingClassLevel = function(classValue,characterIDfound) {
var statArray = [];
_.each(roll20API.spellbooks, function(indexBooks) {
var CurrentLevel = getAttrByName(characterIDfound, indexBooks.Name) * 1;
if(CurrentLevel > 0){
var givenStat = indexBooks.StatBonus;
var statValue = 0;
if(givenStat != "0"){
var attributesExists = findObjs({type: "attribute", _characterid: characterIDfound, name: indexBooks.Stat});
if(attributesExists.length > 0 ){
statValue = attributesExists[0].get("current") * 1;
var classStatBouns = indexBooks.StatBonus;
Class: indexBooks.Class,
ClassLevel: indexBooks.Name,
Level: CurrentLevel,
StatBonus: classStatBouns,
Stat: indexBooks.Stat,
StatValue: statValue,
SaveDC: indexBooks.SaveDC,
SaveDCValue: 8 + (Math.round((5 + CurrentLevel) / 4)) + (Math.floor((statValue / 2) - 5)),
AttackMod: (Math.round((5 + CurrentLevel) / 4)) + (Math.floor((statValue / 2) - 5)),
Gained: indexBooks.Gained
sortedStatArray = sortJSON(statArray,"AttackMod");
var spellFoundByClass = false;
var SpellRecord = 0;
for (i = sortedStatArray.length - 1; i > -1; i = i - 1) {
if(spellFoundByClass == false){
if(classValue.indexOf(sortedStatArray[i].Class) > -1 ){
spellFoundByClass = true
SpellRecord = i;
spellCastingClassLevel = sortedStatArray[SpellRecord].ClassLevel
spellCastingAttackMod = sortedStatArray[SpellRecord].StatBonus
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Thanks for the script!

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