mkdir -p ~/SD
cd ~/SD
docker build -t sd-mrocm-5-6 .
docker-compose up -d
docker logs -f sd-mrocm-5-6
docker start sd-mrocm-5-6
It's now running as a service, browse to:
The web UI will pull things in the background and may act... Odd the first few times you run things. WAIT for a while after a click, watch your GUI and network load to see what's up. Sometimes just hitting F5 to reload the page will fix things.
| Is there any straightforward way to edit the files in the container without rebuilding it? Say for instance if i wanted to modify the starting parameters?
Not that I am aware of, no. But the rebuild doesn't take too long, so... Once it is built, you can restart it at any time with "docker start sd-mrocm-5-6"
There are also options to export it to a tar.gz if you want to make a backup of it.
| Is there a reason this uses a slightly older build?
I am a novice at this as well (AI Stuff), so i was more interested in it working rather than the latest newest stuff. But that part are you referring to? I just updated it to rCOM 5.6 as it is supposed to run a bit faster, and I think 5.5 torch was JUST released and is the newest thing out.
Please let me know, I don't mind testing newer stuff.