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Created September 18, 2024 13:40
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// Prim’s MST algorithm: priority queue version
void Prim(Graph* G, int* D, int s) {
int i, v, w; // "v" is current vertex
int V[G->n()]; // V[I] stores I’s closest neighbor
DijkElem temp;
DijkElem E[G->e()]; // Heap array with lots of space
temp.distance = 0; temp.vertex = s;
E[0] = temp; // Initialize heap array
heap<DijkElem, DDComp> H(E, 1, G->e()); // Create heap
for (int i=0; i<G->n(); i++) // Initialize
D[0] = 0;
for (i=0; i<G->n(); i++) { // Now build MST
do {
if(H.size() == 0) return; // Nothing to remove
temp = H.removefirst();
v = temp.vertex;
} while (G->getMark(v) == VISITED);
G->setMark(v, VISITED);
if (v != s) AddEdgetoMST(V[v], v); // Add edge to MST
if (D[v] == INFINITY) return; // Ureachable vertex
for (w=G->first(v); w<G->n(); w = G->next(v,w))
if (D[w] > G->weight(v, w)) { // Update D
D[w] = G->weight(v, w);
V[w] = v; // Update who it came from
temp.distance = D[w]; temp.vertex = w;
H.insert(temp); // Insert new distance in heap
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