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Charles Schimmelpfennig CharlesSchimmel

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CharlesSchimmel / docker-compose.yml
Created July 12, 2022 02:28
paperless-ngx issue #1229
# docker-compose file for running paperless from the docker container registry.
# This file contains everything paperless needs to run.
# Paperless supports amd64, arm and arm64 hardware.
# All compose files of paperless configure paperless in the following way:
# - Paperless is (re)started on system boot, if it was running before shutdown.
# - Docker volumes for storing data are managed by Docker.
# - Folders for importing and exporting files are created in the same directory
# as this file and mounted to the correct folders inside the container.
# - Paperless listens on port 8000.
CharlesSchimmel /
Last active July 10, 2021 16:08
Convert Obsidian-Markdown Notes to HTML
: '
Pretty roughly converts a single folder of notes from Obsidian/Zettlr markdown
(markdown + wikilinks) to HTML with pandoc. The real trick here is
re-converting WikiLinks back into something that pandoc will work with.
It does not handle percent-encoding for characters other than spaces for
filenames or headers.
CharlesSchimmel /
Last active January 29, 2023 19:29
Convert WikiLinks to Markdown Links
CharlesSchimmel /
Last active July 2, 2021 03:32
Convert Markdown Links to WikiLinks