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Convert Obsidian-Markdown Notes to HTML
: '
Pretty roughly converts a single folder of notes from Obsidian/Zettlr markdown
(markdown + wikilinks) to HTML with pandoc. The real trick here is
re-converting WikiLinks back into something that pandoc will work with.
It does not handle percent-encoding for characters other than spaces for
filenames or headers.
mkdir -p html
find . -maxdepth 1 -name '*.md' -print0 | xargs --null -I{} cp {} html/
# Replace WikiLinks with Markdown links
sed -r -i 's,\[\[([^\[\|]+)\|([^\[]+)\]\],[\2](\1),g' html/*
sed -r -i 's,\[\[([^\[\|]+)\]\],[\1](\1),g' html/*
# Replace spaces in links with %20
sed -r -i ':l s,\]\(([^ )#]+) +,](\1%20,;tl' html/*
# Replace spaces in archors with dashes
sed -r -i ':l s,\]\((.+)#([^ )]+) +,](\1#\2-,;tl' html/*
find html -exec pandoc {} -f markdown -t html -o {} \;
rename .md '' html/*
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