Adaptive bed mesh is merged into klipper master branch. You can use this feature without this custom macro. Official klipper adaptive bed mesh
- This macro will dynamically changing the bed mesh area based on the size of the parts will be printed. The fw will only probe on the area that the part will be printed (plus mesh_area_offset value)
- (1) Add the following macro to your printer config, this will replace the default
[gcode_macro BED_MESH_CALIBRATE] rename_existing: BED_MESH_CALIBRATE_BASE ; gcode parameters variable_parameter_AREA_START : 0,0 variable_parameter_AREA_END : 0,0 ; the clearance between print area and probe area variable_mesh_area_offset : 5.0 ; number of sample per probe point variable_probe_samples : 2 ; minimum probe count variable_min_probe_count : 4 ; scale up the probe count, should be 1.0 ~ < variable_max_probe_count/variable_min_probe_count variable_probe_count_scale_factor : 1.0 ; enable preference index variable_enable_reference_index : False gcode: {% if params.AREA_START and params.AREA_END %} {% set bedMeshConfig = printer["configfile"].config["bed_mesh"] %} {% set safe_min_x = bedMeshConfig.mesh_min.split(",")[0]|float %} {% set safe_min_y = bedMeshConfig.mesh_min.split(",")[1]|float %} {% set safe_max_x = bedMeshConfig.mesh_max.split(",")[0]|float %} {% set safe_max_y = bedMeshConfig.mesh_max.split(",")[1]|float %} {% set area_min_x = params.AREA_START.split(",")[0]|float %} {% set area_min_y = params.AREA_START.split(",")[1]|float %} {% set area_max_x = params.AREA_END.split(",")[0]|float %} {% set area_max_y = params.AREA_END.split(",")[1]|float %} {% if bedMeshConfig.probe_count.split(",")|length == 2 %} {% set meshPointX = bedMeshConfig.probe_count.split(",")[0]|int %} {% set meshPointY = bedMeshConfig.probe_count.split(",")[1]|int %} {% else %} {% set meshPointX = bedMeshConfig.probe_count.split(",")[0]|int %} {% set meshPointY = bedMeshConfig.probe_count.split(",")[0]|int %} {% endif %} {% set meshMaxPointX = meshPointX %} {% set meshMaxPointY = meshPointY %} {% if (area_min_x < area_max_x) and (area_min_y < area_max_y) %} {% if area_min_x - mesh_area_offset >= safe_min_x %} {% set area_min_x = area_min_x - mesh_area_offset %} {% else %} {% set area_min_x = safe_min_x %} {% endif %} {% if area_min_y - mesh_area_offset >= safe_min_y %} {% set area_min_y = area_min_y - mesh_area_offset %} {% else %} {% set area_min_y = safe_min_y %} {% endif %} {% if area_max_x + mesh_area_offset <= safe_max_x %} {% set area_max_x = area_max_x + mesh_area_offset %} {% else %} {% set area_max_x = safe_max_x %} {% endif %} {% if area_max_y + mesh_area_offset <= safe_max_y %} {% set area_max_y = area_max_y + mesh_area_offset %} {% else %} {% set area_max_y = safe_max_y %} {% endif %} {% set meshPointX = (meshPointX * (area_max_x - area_min_x) / (safe_max_x - safe_min_x) * probe_count_scale_factor)|round(0)|int %} {% if meshPointX < min_probe_count %} {% set meshPointX = min_probe_count %} {% endif %} {% if meshPointX > meshMaxPointX %} {% set meshPointX = meshMaxPointX %} {% endif %} {% set meshPointY = (meshPointY * (area_max_y -area_min_y ) / (safe_max_y - safe_min_y) * probe_count_scale_factor )|round(0)|int %} {% if meshPointY < min_probe_count %} {% set meshPointY = min_probe_count %} {% endif %} {% if meshPointY > meshMaxPointY %} {% set meshPointY = meshMaxPointY %} {% endif %} {% set algorithm = "bicubic" %} {% if "algorithm" in bedMeshConfig %} {% set algorithm = bedMeshConfig.algorithm %} {% endif %} {% if meshPointX >=7 or meshPointY >=7 %} {% set algorithm = "bicubic" %} {% endif %} {% if enable_reference_index %} {% set referenceIndex = (meshPointX * meshPointY / 2 - 1 )|round(0)|int %} BED_MESH_CALIBRATE_BASE mesh_min={area_min_x},{area_min_y} mesh_max={area_max_x},{area_max_y} probe_count={meshPointX},{meshPointY} samples={probe_samples|int} algorithm={algorithm} relative_reference_index={referenceIndex} {% else %} BED_MESH_CALIBRATE_BASE mesh_min={area_min_x},{area_min_y} mesh_max={area_max_x},{area_max_y} probe_count={meshPointX},{meshPointY} samples={probe_samples|int} algorithm={algorithm} {% endif %} {% else %} BED_MESH_CALIBRATE_BASE {% endif %} {% else %} BED_MESH_CALIBRATE_BASE {% endif %}
- (2) Go to slicer setting and replace the old bed mesh gcode the following command.
Prusa Slicer
BED_MESH_CALIBRATE AREA_START={first_layer_print_min[0]},{first_layer_print_min[1]} AREA_END={first_layer_print_max[0]},{first_layer_print_max[1]}
Ideal maker
BED_MESH_CALIBRATE AREA_START={print_pos_min_x},{print_pos_min_y} AREA_END={print_pos_max_x},{print_pos_max_y}
Cura slicer
*(Cura slicer plugin) To make the macro to work in Cura slicer, you need to install the post process plugin click here to download (based on frankbags's script)
- In cura menu Help
-> Show configuration folder
- Copy the python script from the above link in to scripts
- Restart Cura
- In cura menu Extensions
-> Post processing
-> Modify G-Code
and select Klipper print area mesh
- (*) If you use single command start gcode like
START_PRINT BED_TEMP={material_bed_temperature_layer_0} EXTRUDER_TEMP={material_print_temperature_layer_0}
.You might need to add parameter parsing to BED_MESH_CALIBRATE inside START_PRINT. This is an example, also check my macro sample
[gcode_macro START_PRINT] variable_parameter_EXTRUDER_TEMP: 190 variable_parameter_BED_TEMP: 60 ; gcode parameters for area bed mesh variable_parameter_AREA_START : 0,0 variable_parameter_AREA_END : 0,0 gcode: # preheat, homing, etc BED_MESH_CALIBRATE AREA_START={params.AREA_START|default("0,0")} AREA_END={params.AREA_END|default("0,0")} # the rest of your start macro here
And you will need to change Slicer start gcode to this
- Cura:
START_PRINT EXTRUDER_TEMP={material_print_temperature_layer_0} BED_TEMP={material_bed_temperature_layer_0} AREA_START=%MINX%,%MINY% AREA_END=%MAXX%,%MAXY%
- Prusa slicer:
START_PRINT EXTRUDER_TEMP=[first_layer_temperature] BED_TEMP=[first_layer_bed_temperature] AREA_START={first_layer_print_min[0]},{first_layer_print_min[1]} AREA_END={first_layer_print_max[0]},{first_layer_print_max[1]}
- 2022/07/21
- Added force lagrange algorithm for mesh with lower than 3 points
- Added
config flag
- I will try to help if possible, you will have to post ALL of your configs, your slicer start gcode and your sliced gcode.
- If I'm cannot or too slow to respose, our discord members might help you. Check our discord here
I know I have done something stupid, but my brain has decided to take a holiday without me so i can't work out where I am wrong.
Two issues. The auto bed mesh seems to do the whole bed not just the print area. Also it leaves blobs of filament that slowly reduce in size as it probes the bed.
G21 ;metric values
G90 ;absolute positioning
M82 ;set extruder to absolute mode
M107 ;start with the fan off
G28 X0 Y0 ;move X/Y to min endstops
M300 S1318 P266
G28 Z0 ;move Z to min endstops
G0 Z0.2
G92 E0 ;zero the extruded length
G1 X40 E25 F400 ; Extrude 25mm of filament in a 4cm line. Reduce speed (F) if you have a nozzle smaller than 0.4mm!
G92 E0 ;zero the extruded length again
G1 E-1 F500 ; Retract a little
G1 X80 F4000 ; Quickly wipe away from the filament line
M117 ; Printing…
import re #To perform the search and replace.
from ..Script import Script
class MeshPrintSize(Script):
[gcode_macro BED_MESH_CALIBRATE]
rename_existing: BED_MESH_CALIBRATE_BASE
; gcode parameters
variable_parameter_AREA_START : 0,0
variable_parameter_AREA_END : 0,0
; the clearance between print area and probe area
variable_mesh_area_offset : 5.0
; number of sample per probe point
variable_probe_samples : 2
; minimum probe count
variable_min_probe_count : 8
; scale up the probe count, should be 1.0 ~ < variable_max_probe_count/variable_min_probe_count
variable_probe_count_scale_factor : 1.0
; enable preference index
variable_enable_reference_index : False
{% if params.AREA_START and params.AREA_END %}
{% set bedMeshConfig = printer["configfile"].config["bed_mesh"] %}
{% set safe_min_x = bedMeshConfig.mesh_min.split(",")[0]|float %}
{% set safe_min_y = bedMeshConfig.mesh_min.split(",")[1]|float %}
{% set safe_max_x = bedMeshConfig.mesh_max.split(",")[0]|float %}
{% set safe_max_y = bedMeshConfig.mesh_max.split(",")[1]|float %}
###Anycubic Vyper Klipper Config###
[include mainsail.cfg]
[include BED_MESH_CALIBRATE.cfg]
step_pin: PC2
dir_pin: PB9
enable_pin: !PC3
microsteps: 16
rotation_distance: 40
endstop_pin: !PA7
position_min: -3
position_endstop: -3
position_max: 245
homing_speed: 30.0
step_pin: PB8
dir_pin: PB7
enable_pin: !PC13
microsteps: 16
rotation_distance: 32
endstop_pin: !PC5
position_min: -17
position_endstop: -17
position_max: 245
homing_speed: 30.0
step_pin: PB6
dir_pin: !PB5
enable_pin: !PC14
microsteps: 16
rotation_distance: 8
endstop_pin: PB2
#position_endstop: 0.0
position_max: 260
position_min: -5
homing_speed: 5.0
step_pin: PC0
dir_pin: !PC1
enable_pin: !PC15
microsteps: 16
rotation_distance: 8
#endstop_pin: PC6
step_pin: PB4
dir_pin: !PB3
enable_pin: !PA15
microsteps: 16
rotation_distance: 22.185
gear_ratio: 50:17
full_steps_per_rotation: 200
nozzle_diameter: 0.400
filament_diameter: 1.750
max_extrude_cross_section: 5.0
heater_pin: PA1
sensor_type: ATC Semitec 104GT-2
sensor_pin: PC4
#control: pid
#pid_kp = 28.937
#pid_ki = 1.295
#pid_kd = 161.688
min_temp: 0
max_temp: 260
pressure_advance = 0.34
[heater_fan extruder_fan]
pin: PB1
heater_pin: PA4
sensor_type: EPCOS 100K B57560G104F
sensor_pin: PB0
#control: pid
#pid_kp = 67.648
#pid_ki = 1.044
#pid_kd = 1095.893
min_temp: 0
max_temp: 110
pin: PA0
pin: !PB12
#z_offset: 0
[output_pin LED]
pin: mcu:PA13
pwm: False
value: 0
[output_pin probe_reset_pin]
pin: PB13
[filament_switch_sensor runout]
pause_on_runout: True
switch_pin: PA5
serial: /dev/ttyUSB0
restart_method: command
[temperature_sensor Raspberry Pi]
sensor_type: temperature_host
min_temp: 0
max_temp: 100
home_xy_position: -3,-17
z_hop: 10
#shaper_freq_x: 62.2
#shaper_type_x: ei
#shaper_freq_y: 36.8
#shaper_type_y: mzv
kinematics: cartesian
max_velocity: 300
max_accel: 4000
max_accel_to_decel: 3000
max_z_velocity: 5
max_z_accel: 100
mesh_min: 15,15
mesh_max: 230, 230
probe_count: 6,6
mesh_pps: 2,3
algorithm: bicubic
speed: 5400
horizontal_move_z: 5
[gcode_macro probe_reset]
SET_PIN PIN=probe_reset_pin VALUE=0
G4 P300
SET_PIN PIN=probe_reset_pin VALUE=1
G4 P100
[gcode_macro PAUSE]
description: Pause the actual running print
rename_existing: PAUSE_BASE
##### set defaults #####
{% set x = params.X|default(230) %} #edit to your park position
{% set y = params.Y|default(230) %} #edit to your park position
{% set z = params.Z|default(10)|float %} #edit to your park position
{% set e = params.E|default(1) %} #edit to your retract length
##### calculate save lift position #####
{% set max_z = printer.toolhead.axis_maximum.z|float %}
{% set act_z = printer.toolhead.position.z|float %}
{% set lift_z = z|abs %}
{% if act_z < (max_z - lift_z) %}
{% set z_safe = lift_z %}
{% else %}
{% set z_safe = max_z - act_z %}
{% endif %}
##### end of definitions #####
{% if printer.extruder.can_extrude|lower == 'true' %}
G1 E-{e} F2100
{% else %}
{action_respond_info("Extruder not hot enough")}
{% endif %}
{% if "xyz" in printer.toolhead.homed_axes %}
G1 Z{z_safe}
G1 X{x} Y{y} F6000
{% else %}
{action_respond_info("Printer not homed")}
{% endif %}
[gcode_macro RESUME]
description: Resume the actual running print
rename_existing: RESUME_BASE
##### set defaults #####
{% set e = params.E|default(1) %} #edit to your retract length
#### get VELOCITY parameter if specified ####
{% if 'VELOCITY' in params|upper %}
{% set get_params = ('VELOCITY=' + params.VELOCITY) %}
{%else %}
{% set get_params = "" %}
{% endif %}
##### end of definitions #####
{% if printer.extruder.can_extrude|lower == 'true' %}
G1 E{e} F2100
{% else %}
{action_respond_info("Extruder not hot enough")}
{% endif %}
RESUME_BASE {get_params}
[gcode_macro CANCEL_PRINT]
description: Cancel the actual running print
rename_existing: CANCEL_PRINT_BASE
## <---------------------- SAVE_CONFIG ---------------------->
## DO NOT EDIT THIS BLOCK OR BELOW. The contents are auto-generated.
## [input_shaper]
## shaper_type_x = ei
## shaper_freq_x = 61.0
## shaper_type_y = mzv
## shaper_freq_y = 58.0
## [bed_mesh default]
## version = 1
## points =
## -0.235000, -0.242500, -0.200000, -0.037500, 0.005000, -0.080000, 0.000000, 0.080000, 0.210000, 0.280000, 0.175000, 0.172500, 0.172500, 0.332500, 0.327500
## -0.232500, -0.227500, -0.190000, -0.067500, 0.087500, -0.330000, 0.027500, 0.085000, 0.235000, 0.357500, 0.245000, 0.225000, 0.260000, 0.330000, 0.122500
## -0.145000, -0.275000, -0.185000, -0.037500, -0.125000, 0.032500, -0.052500, 0.005000, 0.240000, 0.340000, 0.327500, 0.255000, 0.242500, 0.362500, 0.370000
## -0.155000, -0.247500, -0.200000, -0.015000, 0.122500, 0.090000, 0.005000, 0.077500, 0.215000, 0.147500, 0.287500, 0.197500, 0.240000, 0.295000, 0.327500
## -0.202500, -0.275000, -0.147500, -0.035000, 0.045000, 0.045000, -0.047500, 0.042500, 0.267500, 0.367500, 0.222500, 0.022500, 0.275000, 0.260000, 0.322500
## -0.065000, -0.352500, -0.230000, -0.077500, 0.005000, 0.090000, 0.037500, 0.047500, 0.160000, 0.370000, 0.325000, 0.200000, 0.297500, 0.370000, 0.370000
## -0.240000, -0.220000, -0.160000, -0.025000, 0.122500, 0.045000, 0.082500, -0.090000, 0.250000, 0.322500, 0.317500, 0.240000, 0.280000, 0.340000, 0.402500
## -0.052500, -0.200000, -0.130000, 0.005000, 0.005000, -0.485000, -0.040000, -0.050000, 0.247500, 0.362500, 0.182500, 0.242500, 0.297500, 0.400000, 0.432500
## -0.035000, -0.325000, -0.152500, -0.037500, 0.120000, -0.015000, 0.032500, 0.087500, 0.125000, 0.210000, 0.280000, 0.120000, 0.082500, 0.330000, 0.295000
## -0.065000, -0.315000, -0.155000, -0.055000, -0.202500, -0.035000, 0.090000, 0.125000, 0.260000, 0.245000, 0.160000, 0.167500, 0.240000, 0.012500, 0.327500
## -0.112500, -0.122500, -0.120000, 0.012500, 0.120000, 0.172500, 0.137500, 0.135000, 0.282500, 0.287500, 0.242500, 0.247500, 0.295000, 0.405000, 0.345000
## -0.112500, -0.307500, -0.127500, -0.035000, 0.127500, 0.187500, 0.115000, 0.080000, 0.160000, 0.407500, 0.342500, 0.250000, 0.317500, 0.120000, 0.395000
## -0.147500, -0.152500, -0.107500, -0.037500, 0.120000, 0.052500, 0.125000, 0.207500, 0.335000, 0.325000, 0.372500, 0.112500, 0.295000, 0.365000, 0.357500
## -0.112500, -0.357500, -0.077500, 0.005000, -0.045000, 0.147500, 0.127500, 0.037500, 0.330000, 0.450000, 0.267500, 0.227500, 0.302500, 0.365000, 0.407500
## -0.142500, -0.150000, -0.147500, 0.005000, 0.165000, 0.167500, 0.160000, 0.195000, 0.367500, -0.245000, 0.140000, 0.330000, 0.182500, 0.355000, 0.407500
## x_count = 15
## y_count = 15
## mesh_x_pps = 2
## mesh_y_pps = 2
## algo = bicubic
## tension = 0.2
## min_x = 15.0
## max_x = 229.9
## min_y = 15.0
## max_y = 229.9
## [probe]
## z_offset = -0.170
## [stepper_z]
## position_endstop = 2.760
## [extruder]
## control = pid
## pid_kp = 32.303
## pid_ki = 1.976
## pid_kd = 132.037
## [heater_bed]
## control = pid
## pid_kp = 68.901
## pid_ki = 1.215
## pid_kd = 976.672
## [bed_mesh 15x15]
## version = 1
## points =
## -0.777500, -0.850000, -0.895000, -0.792500, -0.632500, -0.932500, -0.637500, -0.665000, -0.592500, -0.460000, -0.537500, -0.682500, -0.715000, -0.640000, -1.017500
## -1.085000, -1.102500, -0.887500, -0.755000, -0.582500, -0.615000, -0.662500, -0.777500, -0.562500, -0.485000, -0.512500, -0.717500, -0.755000, -0.647500, -0.665000
## -0.795000, -0.805000, -0.827500, -0.730000, -0.632500, -0.565000, -0.645000, -0.687500, -0.650000, -0.477500, -0.517500, -0.632500, -0.672500, -0.572500, -0.982500
## -0.890000, -0.807500, -0.935000, -0.687500, -0.677500, -0.522500, -0.762500, -0.677500, -0.677500, -0.422500, -0.487500, -0.682500, -0.715000, -0.627500, -0.902500
## -0.802500, -0.722500, -0.825000, -0.735000, -0.555000, -0.545000, -1.007500, -0.645000, -0.557500, -0.430000, -0.485000, -0.625000, -0.650000, -0.542500, -0.950000
## -0.647500, -0.647500, -0.732500, -0.665000, -0.490000, -0.467500, -0.542500, -0.605000, -0.545000, -0.392500, -0.602500, -0.652500, -0.710000, -0.632500, -0.905000
## -0.685000, -0.835000, -0.747500, -0.750000, -0.547500, -0.472500, -0.592500, -0.617500, -0.437500, -0.352500, -0.427500, -0.595000, -0.662500, -0.515000, -0.867500
## -0.642500, -0.655000, -0.765000, -0.655000, -0.447500, -0.520000, -0.547500, -0.637500, -0.480000, -0.362500, -0.422500, -0.625000, -0.642500, -0.550000, -0.725000
## -0.565000, -0.680000, -0.912500, -0.667500, -0.472500, -0.477500, -0.552500, -0.552500, -0.440000, -0.287500, -0.362500, -0.500000, -0.550000, -0.437500, -0.850000
## -0.487500, -0.625000, -0.680000, -0.575000, -0.417500, -0.390000, -0.690000, -0.527500, -0.392500, -0.285000, -0.382500, -0.510000, -0.580000, -0.475000, -0.505000
## -0.512500, -0.595000, -0.642500, -0.565000, -0.400000, -0.357500, -0.435000, -0.490000, -0.340000, -0.250000, -0.360000, -0.635000, -0.540000, -0.550000, -0.782500
## -0.477500, -0.517500, -0.777500, -0.542500, -0.330000, -0.295000, -0.410000, -0.432500, -0.320000, -0.265000, -0.320000, -0.490000, -0.630000, -0.420000, -0.757500
## -0.762500, -0.962500, -0.797500, -0.680000, -0.377500, -0.305000, -0.595000, -0.470000, -0.280000, -0.192500, -0.197500, -0.545000, -0.517500, -0.517500, -0.675000
## -1.185000, -0.660000, -0.600000, -0.435000, -0.280000, -0.320000, -0.345000, -0.525000, -0.227500, -0.157500, -0.227500, -0.435000, -0.562500, -0.667500, -0.805000
## -0.605000, -0.525000, -0.607500, -0.475000, -0.320000, -0.252500, -0.357500, -0.427500, -0.230000, -0.112500, -0.215000, -0.440000, -0.600000, -0.405000, -0.510000
## x_count = 15
## y_count = 15
## mesh_x_pps = 2
## mesh_y_pps = 2
## algo = bicubic
## tension = 0.2
## min_x = 15.0
## max_x = 229.9
## min_y = 15.0
## max_y = 229.9
## [bed_mesh 15 hot]
## version = 1
## points =
## -0.452500, -0.550000, -0.380000, -0.170000, -0.135000, -0.372500, -0.127500, 0.037500, 0.150000, 0.125000, 0.015000, 0.030000, 0.225000, 0.160000, 0.012500
## -0.487500, -0.505000, -0.300000, -0.127500, -0.142500, -0.160000, -0.170000, 0.102500, 0.172500, 0.110000, 0.020000, 0.130000, 0.157500, 0.095000, 0.012500
## -0.460000, -0.525000, -0.297500, -0.082500, -0.092500, -0.125000, -0.065000, 0.012500, 0.222500, 0.177500, 0.055000, 0.147500, 0.265000, 0.212500, 0.012500
## -0.502500, -0.537500, -0.292500, -0.090000, -0.070000, -0.120000, -0.292500, 0.137500, 0.230000, 0.140000, 0.137500, 0.195000, 0.312500, 0.260000, 0.092500
## -0.497500, -0.540000, -0.547500, -0.100000, -0.055000, -0.117500, -0.047500, 0.195000, 0.250000, 0.262500, 0.115000, 0.227500, 0.330000, 0.310000, 0.105000
## -0.452500, -0.412500, -0.225000, -0.067500, -0.032500, -0.077500, 0.002500, 0.202500, 0.262500, 0.255000, 0.055000, 0.245000, 0.337500, 0.310000, 0.105000
## -0.417500, -0.562500, -0.365000, -0.047500, 0.000000, -0.062500, -0.025000, 0.192500, 0.317500, 0.270000, 0.172500, 0.237500, 0.355000, 0.327500, 0.167500
## -0.400000, -0.420000, -0.227500, -0.010000, 0.020000, -0.037500, 0.022500, 0.260000, 0.337500, 0.295000, 0.227500, 0.295000, 0.380000, 0.257500, 0.217500
## -0.412500, -0.415000, -0.227500, -0.012500, 0.015000, -0.040000, 0.037500, 0.260000, 0.375000, 0.322500, 0.275000, 0.332500, 0.442500, 0.200000, 0.222500
## -0.380000, -0.382500, -0.180000, 0.017500, 0.050000, -0.017500, 0.090000, 0.287500, 0.415000, 0.360000, 0.257500, 0.360000, 0.460000, 0.385000, 0.257500
## -0.377500, -0.367500, -0.137500, 0.040000, 0.092500, 0.030000, 0.117500, 0.300000, 0.425000, 0.375000, 0.285000, 0.332500, 0.455000, 0.327500, 0.252500
## -0.397500, -0.390000, -0.145000, 0.057500, 0.105000, -0.117500, 0.157500, 0.377500, 0.432500, 0.417500, 0.337500, 0.410000, 0.500000, 0.467500, 0.292500
## -0.462500, -0.362500, -0.177500, 0.032500, -0.067500, 0.065000, 0.150000, 0.375000, 0.502500, 0.420000, 0.357500, 0.177500, 0.550000, 0.475000, 0.307500
## -0.417500, -0.377500, -0.147500, 0.062500, 0.105000, 0.097500, 0.175000, 0.377500, 0.507500, 0.460000, 0.385000, 0.257500, 0.557500, 0.537500, 0.385000
## -0.425000, -0.375000, -0.217500, 0.085000, 0.152500, 0.105000, 0.220000, 0.295000, 0.502500, 0.435000, 0.365000, 0.425000, 0.540000, 0.462500, 0.312500
## x_count = 15
## y_count = 15
## mesh_x_pps = 2
## mesh_y_pps = 2
## algo = bicubic
## tension = 0.2
## min_x = 15.0
## max_x = 229.9
## min_y = 15.0
## max_y = 229.9
## [bed_mesh 25 hot]
## version = 1
## points =
## -0.722500, -0.252500, -0.117500, -0.047500, -0.055000, 0.010000, 0.020000, 0.050000, 0.177500, 0.360000, 0.435000, 0.490000, 0.492500, 0.495000, 0.445000, 0.560000, 0.607500, 0.732500, 0.732500, 0.762500, 0.737500, 0.602500, 0.587500, 0.592500, 0.582500
## -0.325000, -0.200000, -0.070000, 0.017500, 0.030000, 0.030000, 0.052500, 0.100000, 0.200000, 0.242500, 0.432500, 0.487500, 0.497500, 0.470000, 0.455000, 0.490000, 0.637500, 0.720000, 0.765000, 0.725000, 0.750000, 0.645000, 0.582500, 0.607500, 0.680000
## -0.365000, -0.150000, -0.005000, 0.010000, 0.050000, 0.052500, -0.017500, 0.115000, 0.225000, 0.352500, 0.425000, 0.315000, 0.525000, 0.507500, 0.480000, 0.517500, 0.527500, 0.750000, 0.755000, 0.770000, 0.442500, 0.622500, 0.600000, 0.650000, 0.585000
## -0.385000, -0.282500, -0.022500, 0.017500, 0.075000, -0.155000, 0.112500, 0.125000, 0.240000, 0.355000, 0.480000, 0.550000, 0.507500, 0.482500, 0.515000, 0.505000, 0.647500, 0.620000, 0.792500, 0.707500, 0.742500, 0.657500, 0.600000, 0.255000, 0.642500
## -0.362500, -0.190000, -0.097500, 0.025000, 0.060000, -0.190000, 0.082500, 0.110000, 0.270000, 0.397500, 0.477500, 0.505000, 0.552500, 0.520000, 0.507500, 0.587500, 0.682500, 0.617500, 0.820000, 0.822500, 0.802500, 0.712500, 0.395000, 0.497500, 0.692500
## -0.510000, -0.402500, -0.095000, -0.047500, -0.132500, -0.092500, 0.097500, 0.142500, 0.255000, 0.405000, 0.437500, 0.512500, 0.522500, 0.542500, 0.550000, 0.577500, 0.682500, 0.785000, 0.745000, 0.790000, 0.765000, 0.710000, 0.657500, 0.662500, 0.722500
## -0.495000, -0.167500, -0.142500, 0.002500, -0.040000, 0.007500, 0.082500, 0.105000, 0.212500, 0.395000, 0.472500, 0.567500, 0.530000, 0.472500, 0.562500, 0.627500, 0.727500, 0.830000, 0.725000, 0.875000, 0.785000, 0.750000, 0.757500, 0.755000, 0.802500
## -0.287500, -0.142500, -0.002500, 0.072500, 0.080000, 0.085000, 0.107500, 0.102500, 0.257500, 0.390000, 0.520000, 0.592500, 0.610000, 0.560000, 0.580000, 0.620000, 0.750000, 0.852500, 0.885000, 0.812500, 0.837500, 0.762500, 0.747500, 0.755000, 0.805000
## -0.485000, -0.155000, -0.005000, 0.050000, 0.087500, 0.087500, 0.080000, -0.027500, 0.277500, 0.157500, 0.520000, 0.560000, 0.595000, 0.540000, 0.555000, 0.735000, 0.757500, 0.842500, 0.872500, 0.547500, 0.820000, 0.777500, 0.700000, 0.457500, 0.817500
## -0.232500, -0.070000, -0.107500, 0.080000, 0.115000, 0.080000, 0.120000, 0.000000, 0.287500, 0.427500, 0.555000, 0.612500, 0.615000, 0.565000, 0.605000, 0.630000, 0.727500, 0.820000, 0.910000, 0.877500, 0.852500, 0.647500, 0.677500, 0.767500, 0.817500
## -0.397500, -0.167500, -0.237500, 0.092500, 0.092500, 0.107500, 0.110000, 0.182500, 0.315000, 0.457500, 0.600000, 0.577500, 0.600000, 0.587500, 0.610000, 0.657500, 0.755000, 0.867500, 0.900000, 0.872500, 0.867500, 0.795000, 0.470000, 0.755000, 0.802500
## -0.235000, -0.080000, 0.012500, 0.112500, 0.125000, 0.122500, -0.345000, 0.235000, 0.335000, 0.482500, 0.562500, 0.625000, 0.615000, 0.572500, 0.612500, 0.400000, 0.602500, 0.877500, 0.905000, 0.915000, 0.842500, 0.455000, 0.780000, 0.787500, 0.825000
## -0.245000, -0.085000, -0.177500, 0.027500, 0.097500, -0.010000, 0.170000, 0.230000, 0.265000, 0.472500, 0.530000, 0.610000, 0.620000, 0.580000, 0.470000, 0.697500, 0.787500, 0.900000, 0.907500, 0.932500, 0.890000, 0.822500, 0.802500, 0.855000, 0.885000
## -0.212500, -0.117500, 0.042500, 0.135000, 0.170000, 0.127500, 0.162500, 0.237500, 0.362500, 0.485000, 0.597500, 0.610000, 0.665000, 0.617500, 0.642500, 0.707500, 0.837500, 0.912500, 0.957500, 0.910000, 0.910000, 0.867500, 0.830000, 0.840000, 0.877500
## -0.215000, -0.075000, 0.045000, 0.115000, 0.157500, 0.145000, 0.105000, 0.197500, 0.242500, 0.507500, 0.607500, 0.585000, 0.672500, 0.640000, 0.640000, 0.705000, 0.697500, 0.920000, 0.965000, 0.975000, 0.897500, 0.885000, 0.810000, 0.865000, 0.947500
## -0.160000, -0.165000, -0.272500, 0.100000, 0.132500, 0.172500, 0.192500, 0.255000, 0.395000, 0.545000, 0.627500, 0.667500, 0.685000, 0.667500, 0.682500, 0.750000, 0.567500, 0.957500, 0.995000, 1.000000, 0.937500, 0.842500, 0.837500, 0.655000, 0.920000
## -0.187500, -0.055000, 0.087500, 0.162500, 0.145000, -0.072500, 0.202500, 0.277500, 0.402500, 0.557500, 0.647500, 0.717500, 0.652500, 0.647500, 0.652500, 0.735000, 0.837500, 0.965000, 0.962500, 0.995000, 0.920000, 0.885000, 0.865000, 0.875000, 0.762500
## -0.130000, -0.032500, 0.080000, 0.037500, 0.207500, 0.210000, 0.187500, 0.292500, 0.407500, 0.515000, 0.670000, 0.717500, 0.722500, 0.667500, 0.677500, 0.740000, 0.637500, 0.925000, 1.007500, 1.007500, 0.952500, 0.872500, 0.865000, 0.910000, 0.952500
## -0.285000, -0.412500, 0.030000, 0.067500, 0.232500, 0.192500, 0.162500, 0.192500, 0.430000, 0.592500, 0.667500, 0.725000, 0.732500, 0.515000, 0.722500, 0.797500, 0.910000, 0.792500, 1.007500, 1.027500, 0.947500, 0.907500, 0.880000, 0.885000, 0.955000
## -0.207500, -0.035000, 0.020000, 0.165000, 0.040000, 0.227500, 0.227500, 0.317500, 0.482500, 0.567500, 0.710000, 0.727500, 0.630000, 0.735000, 0.740000, 0.760000, 0.902500, 0.830000, 1.017500, 1.037500, 0.985000, 0.920000, 0.907500, 0.897500, 0.970000
## -0.227500, -0.077500, 0.075000, 0.197500, 0.170000, 0.197500, 0.245000, 0.325000, 0.445000, 0.610000, 0.482500, 0.760000, 0.752500, 0.745000, 0.732500, 0.822500, 0.895000, 1.030000, 1.065000, 1.082500, 1.000000, 0.957500, 0.940000, 0.595000, 0.930000
## -0.210000, -0.032500, 0.045000, 0.120000, 0.110000, 0.202500, 0.255000, 0.330000, 0.435000, 0.600000, 0.702500, 0.770000, 0.750000, 0.732500, 0.747500, 0.832500, 0.930000, 0.905000, 1.040000, 1.057500, 1.015000, 0.870000, 0.915000, 0.957500, 1.007500
## -0.242500, -0.032500, -0.377500, -0.077500, 0.000000, 0.200000, 0.265000, 0.350000, 0.482500, 0.605000, 0.725000, 0.777500, 0.767500, 0.722500, 0.760000, 0.735000, 0.960000, 0.875000, 1.075000, 1.072500, 1.002500, 0.952500, 0.790000, 0.950000, 1.022500
## -0.200000, -0.042500, 0.082500, 0.027500, 0.235000, 0.227500, 0.272500, 0.352500, 0.485000, 0.640000, 0.715000, 0.757500, 0.777500, 0.750000, 0.740000, 0.465000, 0.962500, 1.050000, 1.047500, 0.787500, 0.997500, 0.535000, 0.945000, 0.945000, 1.032500
## -0.240000, -0.050000, 0.055000, 0.100000, 0.272500, 0.200000, 0.082500, 0.362500, 0.502500, 0.637500, 0.715000, 0.795000, 0.787500, 0.762500, 0.787500, 0.870000, 0.542500, 1.137500, 1.067500, 1.065000, 1.000000, 0.945000, 0.527500, 0.625000, 0.960000
## x_count = 25
## y_count = 25
## mesh_x_pps = 2
## mesh_y_pps = 2
## algo = bicubic
## tension = 0.2
## min_x = 15.0
## max_x = 229.8
## min_y = 15.0
## max_y = 229.8
## [bed_mesh new]
## version = 1
## points =
## -0.342500, -0.135000, -0.162500, -0.137500, -0.345000, 0.042500, 0.235000, 0.050000, 0.130000, 0.280000, 0.192500, 0.317500, 0.395000, 0.400000, 0.560000, 0.530000, 0.565000, 0.585000, 0.512500, 0.467500, 0.477500, -0.377500, 0.475000, 0.617500, 0.572500
## -0.132500, -0.042500, -0.167500, -0.175000, -0.067500, 0.072500, 0.200000, 0.290000, 0.155000, 0.275000, 0.240000, 0.242500, 0.262500, 0.397500, 0.422500, 0.552500, 0.582500, 0.520000, 0.372500, 0.427500, 0.390000, -0.302500, 0.587500, 0.565000, 0.592500
## -0.090000, -0.090000, -0.037500, -0.255000, -0.002500, 0.072500, 0.205000, 0.270000, 0.287500, 0.322500, 0.257500, 0.242500, 0.277500, 0.400000, 0.480000, 0.552500, 0.550000, 0.562500, 0.397500, 0.425000, 0.437500, 0.485000, 0.572500, 0.547500, 0.572500
## -0.127500, -0.085000, -0.122500, -0.145000, -0.020000, 0.000000, 0.157500, 0.292500, 0.310000, 0.310000, 0.192500, 0.245000, 0.312500, 0.360000, 0.482500, 0.567500, 0.590000, 0.527500, 0.527500, 0.460000, 0.437500, 0.490000, 0.582500, 0.490000, 0.442500
## -0.040000, -0.085000, -0.165000, -0.040000, -0.035000, 0.082500, 0.230000, 0.305000, 0.287500, 0.270000, 0.207500, 0.240000, 0.280000, 0.362500, 0.485000, 0.192500, 0.592500, 0.442500, 0.442500, 0.480000, 0.395000, 0.452500, 0.562500, 0.602500, 0.532500
## -0.077500, -0.100000, -0.137500, -0.205000, 0.000000, 0.060000, 0.167500, 0.215000, 0.315000, 0.310000, 0.192500, 0.280000, 0.277500, 0.415000, 0.480000, 0.542500, 0.602500, 0.545000, 0.432500, 0.447500, 0.495000, 0.550000, 0.515000, 0.550000, 0.562500
## -0.110000, -0.167500, -0.092500, -0.037500, -0.047500, 0.037500, 0.195000, 0.200000, 0.265000, 0.277500, 0.272500, 0.277500, 0.282500, 0.375000, 0.475000, 0.600000, 0.555000, 0.555000, 0.500000, 0.457500, 0.475000, 0.547500, 0.530000, 0.455000, 0.622500
## -0.075000, -0.130000, -0.070000, -0.090000, -0.087500, 0.112500, 0.115000, 0.267500, 0.347500, 0.325000, 0.285000, 0.277500, 0.067500, 0.440000, 0.520000, 0.537500, 0.557500, 0.552500, 0.472500, 0.480000, 0.442500, 0.527500, 0.615000, 0.632500, 0.620000
## -0.030000, -0.040000, -0.160000, -0.075000, -0.045000, -0.040000, 0.202500, 0.247500, 0.300000, 0.282500, 0.245000, 0.232500, 0.282500, 0.430000, 0.450000, 0.600000, 0.497500, 0.582500, 0.460000, 0.495000, 0.475000, 0.522500, 0.562500, 0.550000, 0.562500
## -0.070000, -0.077500, -0.147500, -0.082500, -0.085000, 0.082500, 0.225000, 0.307500, 0.327500, 0.250000, 0.260000, 0.275000, 0.310000, 0.455000, 0.497500, 0.550000, 0.577500, 0.555000, 0.437500, 0.482500, 0.440000, 0.527500, 0.555000, 0.635000, 0.557500
## -0.080000, -0.075000, -0.130000, -0.127500, -0.032500, -0.142500, 0.200000, 0.312500, 0.325000, 0.315000, 0.285000, 0.232500, 0.310000, 0.405000, 0.537500, 0.522500, 0.610000, 0.557500, 0.472500, 0.445000, 0.472500, 0.555000, 0.607500, 0.622500, 0.550000
## -0.032500, -0.040000, -0.122500, -0.082500, 0.000000, 0.122500, 0.237500, 0.312500, 0.112500, 0.285000, 0.230000, 0.247500, 0.290000, 0.425000, 0.547500, 0.607500, 0.582500, 0.577500, 0.517500, 0.497500, 0.487500, 0.545000, 0.617500, 0.430000, 0.605000
## -0.095000, -0.012500, -0.022500, -0.005000, -0.012500, 0.122500, 0.205000, 0.320000, 0.350000, 0.305000, 0.200000, 0.295000, 0.280000, 0.315000, 0.557500, 0.595000, 0.562500, 0.547500, 0.462500, 0.422500, 0.467500, 0.442500, 0.620000, 0.547500, 0.630000
## -0.042500, -0.087500, -0.210000, -0.067500, 0.032500, 0.130000, 0.242500, 0.315000, 0.320000, 0.310000, 0.312500, 0.160000, 0.320000, 0.422500, 0.515000, 0.600000, 0.632500, 0.477500, 0.555000, 0.430000, 0.480000, 0.537500, 0.617500, 0.645000, 0.530000
## -0.010000, -0.037500, -0.065000, -0.127500, 0.000000, 0.120000, 0.245000, 0.315000, 0.360000, 0.332500, 0.322500, 0.252500, 0.325000, 0.445000, 0.560000, 0.275000, 0.637500, 0.570000, 0.517500, 0.427500, 0.522500, 0.627500, 0.685000, 0.642500, 0.545000
## 0.005000, -0.082500, -0.040000, -0.370000, 0.035000, 0.167500, 0.227500, 0.275000, 0.232500, 0.355000, 0.315000, 0.265000, 0.385000, 0.480000, -0.070000, 0.590000, 0.655000, 0.610000, 0.470000, 0.470000, 0.552500, 0.597500, 0.670000, 0.660000, 0.667500
## -0.077500, -0.140000, -0.077500, -0.077500, -0.042500, 0.157500, 0.282500, 0.267500, 0.385000, 0.377500, 0.237500, 0.355000, 0.385000, 0.487500, 0.592500, 0.672500, 0.550000, 0.535000, 0.520000, 0.485000, 0.517500, 0.552500, 0.582500, 0.565000, 0.625000
## -0.085000, -0.182500, -0.122500, -0.085000, 0.075000, 0.190000, 0.272500, 0.375000, 0.307500, 0.400000, 0.225000, 0.262500, 0.407500, 0.517500, 0.472500, 0.677500, 0.647500, 0.557500, 0.560000, 0.497500, 0.550000, 0.595000, 0.632500, 0.707500, 0.680000
## -0.085000, -0.172500, -0.072500, -0.087500, 0.082500, 0.167500, 0.330000, 0.355000, 0.437500, 0.390000, 0.392500, 0.325000, 0.437500, 0.530000, 0.517500, 0.722500, 0.692500, 0.500000, 0.565000, 0.550000, 0.562500, 0.590000, 0.685000, 0.722500, 0.532500
## -0.005000, -0.402500, -0.020000, 0.030000, 0.042500, 0.195000, 0.285000, 0.387500, 0.432500, 0.417500, 0.407500, 0.397500, 0.392500, 0.272500, 0.567500, 0.685000, 0.725000, 0.622500, 0.562500, 0.572500, 0.605000, 0.705000, 0.682500, 0.585000, 0.640000
## 0.035000, 0.002500, -0.002500, -0.047500, 0.080000, 0.127500, 0.325000, 0.440000, 0.470000, 0.407500, 0.392500, 0.432500, 0.472500, 0.555000, 0.680000, 0.720000, 0.717500, 0.670000, 0.650000, 0.590000, 0.607500, 0.670000, 0.715000, 0.757500, 0.687500
## -0.005000, -0.035000, 0.002500, -0.002500, -0.005000, 0.220000, 0.325000, 0.432500, 0.480000, 0.440000, 0.440000, 0.380000, 0.480000, 0.582500, 0.567500, 0.727500, 0.755000, 0.695000, 0.675000, 0.547500, 0.582500, 0.627500, 0.727500, 0.775000, 0.765000
## -0.047500, -0.042500, -0.040000, 0.035000, 0.037500, 0.215000, 0.292500, 0.435000, 0.477500, 0.455000, 0.380000, 0.357500, 0.440000, 0.562500, 0.700000, 0.712500, 0.727500, 0.637500, 0.602500, 0.550000, 0.602500, 0.672500, 0.597500, 0.757500, 0.710000
## -0.005000, 0.007500, -0.080000, -0.165000, 0.120000, 0.245000, 0.342500, 0.432500, 0.485000, 0.475000, 0.397500, 0.400000, 0.477500, 0.605000, 0.687500, 0.705000, 0.705000, 0.557500, 0.667500, 0.637500, 0.627500, 0.637500, 0.722500, 0.755000, 0.722500
## -1.887500, 0.032500, -0.027500, 0.002500, 0.037500, 0.157500, 0.290000, 0.395000, 0.397500, 0.400000, 0.440000, 0.475000, 0.440000, 0.597500, 0.672500, 0.702500, 0.715000, 0.717500, 0.625000, 0.637500, 0.590000, 0.710000, 0.630000, 0.755000, 0.795000
## x_count = 25
## y_count = 25
## mesh_x_pps = 2
## mesh_y_pps = 2
## algo = bicubic
## tension = 0.2
## min_x = 15.0
## max_x = 229.8
## min_y = 15.0
#*# max_y = 229.8