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Allen Chun ChunAllen

  • Singapore
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DreaMinder / A Nuxt.js VPS production
Last active July 31, 2024 13:56
Deployment manual for a real-world project built with nuxt.js + koa + nginx + pm2

Example of deployment process which I use in my Nuxt.js projects. I usually have 3 components running per project: admin-panel SPA, nuxt.js renderer and JSON API.

This manual is relevant for VPS such as or It's easier to use things like Now for deployment but for most cases VPS gives more flexebillity needed for projects bigger than a landing page.

UPD: This manual now compatible with [email protected]. For older versions deployment, see revision history.

Let's assume that you have entered fresh installation of Ubuntu instance via SSH. Let's rock:

satendra02 / app.DockerFile
Last active November 19, 2024 17:28
docker+rails+puma+nginx+postgres (Production ready)
FROM ruby:2.3.1
# Install dependencies
RUN apt-get update -qq && apt-get install -y build-essential libpq-dev nodejs
# Set an environment variable where the Rails app is installed to inside of Docker image:
ENV RAILS_ROOT /var/www/app_name
RUN mkdir -p $RAILS_ROOT
# Set working directory, where the commands will be ran:
ChunAllen / Capistrano Commands
Created November 19, 2017 13:56 — forked from clara101/Capistrano Commands
Deploy Rails 4 to AWS EC2(Ubuntu 14.04.4 LTS). Nginx, Puma, Capistrano3, PostgreSQL, RVM.
cap production deploy:db:abort_if_pending_migrations # Run rake db:abort_if_pending_migrations
cap production deploy:db:create # Run rake db:create
cap production deploy:db:drop # Run rake db:drop
cap production deploy:db:migrate # Run rake db:migrate Migrate the database (options: VERSION=x, VERBOSE=false, SCOPE=blog)
cap production deploy:db:migrate:down # Run rake db:migrate:down Run the "down" for a given migration VERSION
cap production deploy:db:migrate:redo # Run rake db:migrate:redo Rollback the database one migration and re migrate up (options: STEP=x, VERSION=x)
cap production deploy:db:migrate:reset # Run rake db:migrate:reset Reset your database using your migrations
cap production deploy:db:migrate:status # Run rake db:migrate:status Display status of migrations
cap production deploy:db:migrate:up # Run rake db:mi
the-dvlpr /
Last active May 21, 2019 13:01
Deploy and reroute traffic from your purchased domain name to your Rails app on a self-hosted EC2 server utilizing GitHub

Punchlist for Serving your Rails App on an EC2 Instance

Run through this list to setup your EC2 instance and host your rails app. This list makes a few assumptions (make changes as necessary)

  • You have github repo with a rails app pushed to it that we'll just pull down to the new server
  • You're using Rails 5.1

If not, see very bottom for steps to build a quick example app.

Launching EC2 instance

  • Use the basic Linux AMI distro: Amazon Linux AMI 2017.09.0 (HVM), SSD Volume Type - ami-8c1be5f6
  • Select a size: t2.micro is fine for this, unless you need larger for a production app
hectcastro / ddl-athena-papertrail-logs.sql
Created July 5, 2017 18:03
A DDL to convert Papertrail logs into an AWS Athena table. Raw
`id` bigint,
`generated_at` string,
`received_at` string,
`source_id` bigint,
`source_name` string,
`source_ip` string,
`facility_name` string,
`severity_name` string,
`program` string,
joepie91 /
Last active July 26, 2024 09:56
Rendering pages server-side with Express (and Pug)


  • View: Also called a "template", a file that contains markup (like HTML) and optionally additional instructions on how to generate snippets of HTML, such as text interpolation, loops, conditionals, includes, and so on.
  • View engine: Also called a "template library" or "templater", ie. a library that implements view functionality, and potentially also a custom language for specifying it (like Pug does).
  • HTML templater: A template library that's designed specifically for generating HTML. It understands document structure and thus can provide useful advanced tools like mixins, as well as more secure output escaping (since it can determine the right escaping approach from the context in which a value is used), but it also means that the templater is not useful for anything other than HTML.
  • String-based templater: A template library that implements templating logic, but that has no understanding of the content it is generating - it simply concatenates together strings, potenti
kndt84 / authorize.js
Last active May 17, 2024 03:11
Sample code: how to refresh session of Cognito User Pools with Node.js and Express
const AWS = require('aws-sdk');
const CognitoUserPool = require('amazon-cognito-identity-js-node').CognitoUserPool;
const CognitoUserSession = require('amazon-cognito-identity-js-node').CognitoUserSession;
const CognitoUser = require('amazon-cognito-identity-js-node').CognitoUser;
const CognitoIdToken = require('amazon-cognito-identity-js-node').CognitoIdToken;
const CognitoAccessToken = require('amazon-cognito-identity-js-node').CognitoAccessToken;
const CognitoRefreshToken = require('amazon-cognito-identity-js-node').CognitoRefreshToken;
const cfg = require('config').config;
caalberts / deploy.yml
Last active December 31, 2023 21:04
Ansible Playbook to Deploy Rails to AWS
# Deploy rails app from localhost to remote servers
- name: Set up AWS infrastructure
hosts: localhost
connection: local
- setup_aws
- name: Package app
syafiqfaiz /
Last active December 8, 2024 22:08
How to copy production database on AWS RDS(postgresql) to local development database.
  1. Change your database RDS instance security group to allow your machine to access it.
    • Add your ip to the security group to acces the instance via Postgres.
  2. Make a copy of the database using pg_dump
    • $ pg_dump -h <public dns> -U <my username> -f <name of dump file .sql> <name of my database>
    • you will be asked for postgressql password.
    • a dump file(.sql) will be created
  3. Restore that dump file to your local database.
    • but you might need to drop the database and create it first
    • $ psql -U <postgresql username> -d <database name> -f <dump file that you want to restore>
  • the database is restored
dineshsprabu / async_waterfall_example.js
Created January 19, 2016 05:44
NodeJS Async WaterFall Example
var async = require('async');
function(callback) {
callback(null, 'Yes', 'it');
function(arg1, arg2, callback) {
var caption = arg1 +' and '+ arg2;
callback(null, caption);