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Allen Chun ChunAllen

  • Singapore
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ChunAllen / serverless-function-reference-formats.yml
Created November 23, 2022 03:03 — forked from DavidWells/serverless-function-reference-formats.yml
Various ways to reference function name and ARN in serverless.yml
handler: index.handler
# Ways to reference function in serverless.yml
FunctionName: !Sub arn:aws:lambda:${AWS::Region}:${AWS::AccountId}:function:${}-${self:provider.stage}-foo
FunctionName: !GetAtt FooLambdaFunction.Arn
FunctionName: !Sub "${AWS::StackName}-foo"
FunctionName: ${}-${self:provider.stage}-foo
ChunAllen / A Nuxt.js VPS production
Created April 10, 2019 10:26 — forked from DreaMinder/A Nuxt.js VPS production
Deployment manual for a real-world project built with nuxt.js + koa + nginx + pm2

Example of deployment process which I use in my Nuxt.js projects. I usually have 3 components running per project: admin-panel SPA, nuxt.js renderer and JSON API.

This manual is relevant for VPS such as or It's easier to use things like Now for deployment but for most cases VPS gives more flexebillity needed for projects bigger than a landing page.

UPD: This manual now compatible with [email protected]. For older versions deployment, see revision history.

Let's assume that you have entered fresh installation of Ubuntu instance via SSH. Let's rock:

ChunAllen / userAvatar.js
Created November 22, 2018 05:49 — forked from SylarRuby/userAvatar.js
NodeJs AWS S3 Upload
* This gist was inspired from which I wanted to work when uploading an image from
* a base64 string.
* This code is used in my startup, Zired.
* Web:
// You can either "yarn add aws-sdk" or "npm i aws-sdk"
const AWS = require('aws-sdk')
ChunAllen /
Created June 24, 2018 15:14 — forked from joepie91/
Rendering pages server-side with Express (and Pug)


  • View: Also called a "template", a file that contains markup (like HTML) and optionally additional instructions on how to generate snippets of HTML, such as text interpolation, loops, conditionals, includes, and so on.
  • View engine: Also called a "template library" or "templater", ie. a library that implements view functionality, and potentially also a custom language for specifying it (like Pug does).
  • HTML templater: A template library that's designed specifically for generating HTML. It understands document structure and thus can provide useful advanced tools like mixins, as well as more secure output escaping (since it can determine the right escaping approach from the context in which a value is used), but it also means that the templater is not useful for anything other than HTML.
  • String-based templater: A template library that implements templating logic, but that has no understanding of the content it is generating - it simply concatenates together strings, potenti
ChunAllen / webpack.config.js
Created June 12, 2018 10:27 — forked from learncodeacademy/webpack.config.js
Sample Basic Webpack Config
var debug = process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production";
var webpack = require('webpack');
module.exports = {
context: __dirname,
devtool: debug ? "inline-sourcemap" : null,
entry: "./js/scripts.js",
output: {
path: __dirname + "/js",
filename: "scripts.min.js"
docker exec -t -u postgres your-db-container pg_dumpall -c > dump_`date +%d-%m-%Y"_"%H_%M_%S`.sql
cat your_dump.sql | docker exec -i your-db-container psql -Upostgres
ChunAllen / autopgsqlbackup
Created February 21, 2018 10:24 — forked from matthewlehner/autopgsqlbackup
Auto PostgreSQL backup script.
# PostgreSQL Backup Script Ver 1.0
# Copyright (c) 2005 Aaron Axelsen <[email protected]>
# This script is based of the AutoMySQLBackup Script Ver 2.2
# It can be found at
# The PostgreSQL changes are based on a patch agaisnt AutoMySQLBackup 1.9
ChunAllen / nginx-config-rails4-with-puma-ssl-version.conf
Created January 23, 2018 09:36 — forked from rkjha/nginx-config-rails4-with-puma-ssl-version.conf
Nginx config for rails 4 application using puma [ssl and non-ssl version]
upstream myapp_puma {
server unix:/tmp/myapp_puma.sock fail_timeout=0;
# for redirecting to https version of the site
server {
listen 80;
rewrite ^(.*) https://$host$1 permanent;
ChunAllen / gist:b2ae4349db4e134b1d547e590a5d1869
Created January 21, 2018 16:14 — forked from jrochkind/gist:2161449
A Capistrano Rails Guide

A Capistrano Rails Guide

by Jonathan Rochkind,

why cap?

Capistrano automates pushing out a new version of your application to a deployment location.

I've been writing and deploying Rails apps for a while, but I avoided using Capistrano until recently. I've got a pretty simple one-host deployment, and even though everyone said Capistrano was great, every time I tried to get started I just got snowed under not being able to figure out exactly what I wanted to do, and figured I wasn't having that much trouble doing it "manually".

ChunAllen / Capistrano
Created January 9, 2018 03:29 — forked from stevenyap/Capistrano
Capistrano 3 Setup

This guide explains the way to setup a production server using Capistrano.

Setup Capistrano on LOCAL

  • Capistrano is a development gem which assist the developer to run commands on the production server (something like a Heroku toolbelt)
  • Hence, it is installed and configured on developer's computer
# Gemfile

# Use Capistrano for deployment