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Created January 4, 2024 16:13
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Grayscale effect example prepared in Godot engine PR #80214 Code ported from GDScript to C#.
using static Godot.GD;
using static Godot.RenderingDevice;
namespace Godot.Demo.CompositeEffect;
/// <summary>
/// This is a very simple effects demo that takes our color values and writes
/// back gray scale values.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// This class is ported from GDScript into C#, you can check original source code below :
/// <para/>
/// Tested on 55730f9782 (PR : <para/>
/// Ported by Creta Park
/// </remarks>
public partial class RenderingEffectGrayScale : CompositorEffect
private const string SHADER_RES_PATH = "res://gray_scale/gray_scale.glsl";
public RenderingEffectGrayScale() : base()
EffectCallbackType = EffectCallbackTypeEnum.PostTransparent;
RenderingServer.CallOnRenderThread(new Callable(this, MethodName.InitializeCompute));
public override void _Notification(int what)
switch ((long)what)
case NotificationPredelete:
//When this is called it should be safe to clean up our shader.
//If not we'll crash anyway because we can no longer call our _render_callback.
if (_shader.IsValid)
//Everything after this point is designed to run on our rendering thread
private RenderingDevice _renderingDevice;
private Rid _shader;
private Rid _pipeline;
private void InitializeCompute()
_renderingDevice = RenderingServer.GetRenderingDevice();
if (!IsInstanceValid(_renderingDevice))
//Create our shader
var shaderFile = Load<RDShaderFile>(SHADER_RES_PATH);
var shaderSpirV = shaderFile.GetSpirV();
_shader = _renderingDevice.ShaderCreateFromSpirV(shaderSpirV);
_pipeline = _renderingDevice.ComputePipelineCreate(_shader);
public override void _RenderCallback(int effectCallbackType, RenderData renderData)
if (!IsInstanceValid(_renderingDevice))
switch ((EffectCallbackTypeEnum)effectCallbackType)
case EffectCallbackTypeEnum.PostTransparent: OnPostTransparent(); break;
void OnPostTransparent()
//Get our render scene buffers object, this gives us access to our render buffers.
//Note that implementation differs per renderer hence the need for the cast.
RenderSceneBuffersRD renderSceneBuffers = renderData.GetRenderSceneBuffers()
as RenderSceneBuffersRD;
if (!IsInstanceValid(renderSceneBuffers))
//Get our render size, this is the 3D render resolution!
Vector2I size = renderSceneBuffers.GetInternalSize();
if (size == Vector2I.Zero)
//We can use a compute shader here
uint xGroups = ((uint)size.X - 1) / 8 + 1;
uint yGroups = ((uint)size.Y - 1) / 8 + 1;
_renderingDevice.Barrier(BarrierMask.AllBarriers, BarrierMask.Compute);
//Loop through views just in case we're doing stereo rendering. No extra cost if this is mono.
uint viewCount = renderSceneBuffers.GetViewCount();
for (uint view = 0; view < viewCount; view++)
//Get the RID for our color image, we will be reading from and writing to it.
Rid inputImage = renderSceneBuffers.GetColorLayer(view);
//Create a uniform set, this will be cached, the cache will be cleared if our viewports configuration is changed
var uniform = new RDUniform() {
UniformType = UniformType.Image,
Binding = 0
Rid uniformSet = UniformSetCacheRD.GetCache(_shader, 0, new() { uniform });
//Run our compute shader
var computeList = _renderingDevice.ComputeListBegin();
_renderingDevice.ComputeListBindComputePipeline(computeList, _pipeline);
_renderingDevice.ComputeListBindUniformSet(computeList, uniformSet, setIndex: 0);
_renderingDevice.ComputeListDispatch(computeList, xGroups, yGroups, 1);
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