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Ollama Portable Windows
This file contains bidirectional Unicode text that may be interpreted or compiled differently than what appears below. To review, open the file in an editor that reveals hidden Unicode characters.
Learn more about bidirectional Unicode characters
#!powershell | |
# | |
# powershell -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -File .\scripts\build_windows.ps1 | |
# | |
# gcloud auth application-default login | |
$ErrorActionPreference = "Stop" | |
function checkEnv() { | |
if ($null -ne $env:ARCH ) { | |
$script:ARCH = $env:ARCH | |
} else { | |
$arch=([System.Runtime.InteropServices.RuntimeInformation]::OSArchitecture) | |
if ($null -ne $arch) { | |
$script:ARCH = ($arch.ToString().ToLower()).Replace("x64", "amd64") | |
} else { | |
write-host "WARNING: old powershell detected, assuming amd64 architecture - set `$env:ARCH to override" | |
$script:ARCH="amd64" | |
} | |
} | |
$script:TARGET_ARCH=$script:ARCH | |
Write-host "Building for ${script:TARGET_ARCH}" | |
write-host "Locating required tools and paths" | |
$script:SRC_DIR=$PWD | |
if ($null -eq $env:VCToolsRedistDir) { | |
$MSVC_INSTALL=(Get-CimInstance MSFT_VSInstance -Namespace root/cimv2/vs)[0].InstallLocation | |
$env:VCToolsRedistDir=(get-item "${MSVC_INSTALL}\VC\Redist\MSVC\*")[0] | |
} | |
# Locate CUDA versions | |
# Note: this assumes every version found will be built | |
$cudaList=(get-item "C:\Program Files\NVIDIA GPU Computing Toolkit\CUDA\v*\bin\" -ea 'silentlycontinue') | |
if ($cudaList.length -eq 0) { | |
$d=(get-command -ea 'silentlycontinue' nvcc).path | |
if ($null -ne $d) { | |
$script:CUDA_DIRS=@($d| split-path -parent) | |
} | |
} else { | |
$script:CUDA_DIRS=$cudaList | |
} | |
$inoSetup=(get-item "C:\Program Files*\Inno Setup*\") | |
if ($inoSetup.length -gt 0) { | |
$script:INNO_SETUP_DIR=$inoSetup[0] | |
} | |
$script:DIST_DIR="${script:SRC_DIR}\dist\windows-${script:TARGET_ARCH}" | |
$env:CGO_ENABLED="1" | |
Write-Output "Checking version" | |
if (!$env:VERSION) { | |
$data=(git describe --tags --first-parent --abbrev=7 --long --dirty --always) | |
$pattern="v(.+)" | |
if ($data -match $pattern) { | |
$script:VERSION=$matches[1] | |
} | |
} else { | |
$script:VERSION=$env:VERSION | |
} | |
$pattern = "(\d+[.]\d+[.]\d+).*" | |
if ($script:VERSION -match $pattern) { | |
$script:PKG_VERSION=$matches[1] | |
} else { | |
$script:PKG_VERSION="0.0.0" | |
} | |
write-host "Building Ollama $script:VERSION with package version $script:PKG_VERSION" | |
# Note: Windows Kits 10 signtool crashes with GCP's plugin | |
if ($null -eq $env:SIGN_TOOL) { | |
${script:SignTool}="C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\8.1\bin\x64\signtool.exe" | |
} else { | |
${script:SignTool}=${env:SIGN_TOOL} | |
} | |
if ("${env:KEY_CONTAINER}") { | |
${script:OLLAMA_CERT}=$(resolve-path "${script:SRC_DIR}\ollama_inc.crt") | |
Write-host "Code signing enabled" | |
} else { | |
write-host "Code signing disabled - please set KEY_CONTAINERS to sign and copy ollama_inc.crt to the top of the source tree" | |
} | |
} | |
function buildOllama() { | |
if ($null -eq ${env:OLLAMA_SKIP_GENERATE}) { | |
Remove-Item -ea 0 -recurse -force -path "${script:SRC_DIR}\dist\windows-${script:ARCH}" | |
New-Item "${script:SRC_DIR}\dist\windows-${script:ARCH}\lib\ollama\" -ItemType Directory -ea 0 | |
# Default first, then conditionall ROCm and cuda v11 | |
write-host "Building Default native backend libraries" | |
$env:CMAKE_GENERATOR="ninja" | |
& cmake --preset Default | |
if ($LASTEXITCODE -ne 0) { exit($LASTEXITCODE)} | |
& cmake --build --preset Default -j 12 | |
if ($LASTEXITCODE -ne 0) { exit($LASTEXITCODE)} | |
& cmake --install build -j 12 | |
# TODO - add steps for v11 and ROCm | |
# | |
# if ("$script:CUDA_DIRS".Contains("v11") -and "$script:CUDA_DIRS".Contains("v12")) { | |
# # We assume the default is v12, so override for v11 | |
# $origCUDA_PATH=$env:CUDA_PATH | |
# $hashEnv = @{} | |
# Get-ChildItem env: | foreach { $hashEnv[$_.Name] = $_.Value } | |
# $hashEnv.Keys | foreach { if ($_.Contains("CUDA_PATH_V11")) { $v11="$_" }} | |
# write-host "$v11" | |
# # $env:CUDA_PATH=$hashEnv[$v11] | |
# # $env:CUDACXX=$hashEnv[$v11]+"\bin\nvcc.exe" | |
# $env:CUDAToolkit_ROOT=$hashEnv[$v11] | |
# # ls env: | |
# write-host "Building CUDA v11 backend libraries" | |
# & cmake --preset "CUDA 11" | |
# $env:CUDA_PATH=$origCUDA_PATH | |
# exit(1) | |
# if ($LASTEXITCODE -ne 0) { exit($LASTEXITCODE)} | |
# # & cmake --build --preset "CUDA 11" -j 12 | |
# # if ($LASTEXITCODE -ne 0) { exit($LASTEXITCODE)} | |
# } | |
# if ($env:HIP_PATH) { | |
# write-host "Building ROCm backend libraries" | |
# $env:HIPCXX="${env:HIP_PATH}\bin\clang++.exe" | |
# $env:HIP_PLATFORM="amd" | |
# $env:CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH="${env:HIP_PATH}" | |
# & cmake --preset "ROCm" | |
# $env:HIPCXX="" | |
# $env:HIP_PLATFORM="" | |
# $env:CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH="" | |
# if ($LASTEXITCODE -ne 0) { exit($LASTEXITCODE)} | |
# & cmake --build --preset "ROCm" -j 12 | |
# if ($LASTEXITCODE -ne 0) { exit($LASTEXITCODE)} | |
# } | |
} else { | |
write-host "Skipping generate step with OLLAMA_SKIP_GENERATE set" | |
} | |
write-host "Building ollama CLI" | |
& go build -trimpath -ldflags "-s -w$script:VERSION" . | |
if ($LASTEXITCODE -ne 0) { exit($LASTEXITCODE)} | |
cp .\ollama.exe "${script:DIST_DIR}\" | |
} | |
function buildApp() { | |
write-host "Building Ollama App" | |
cd "${script:SRC_DIR}\app" | |
& windres -l 0 -o ollama.syso ollama.rc | |
& go build -trimpath -ldflags "-s -w -H windowsgui$script:VERSION" -o "${script:SRC_DIR}\dist\windows-${script:TARGET_ARCH}-app.exe" . | |
if ($LASTEXITCODE -ne 0) { exit($LASTEXITCODE)} | |
} | |
function gatherDependencies() { | |
if ($null -eq $env:VCToolsRedistDir) { | |
write-error "Unable to locate VC Install location - please use a Developer shell" | |
exit 1 | |
} | |
write-host "Gathering runtime dependencies from $env:VCToolsRedistDir" | |
cd "${script:SRC_DIR}" | |
md "${script:DIST_DIR}\lib\ollama" -ea 0 > $null | |
# TODO - this varies based on host build system and MSVC version - drive from dumpbin output | |
# currently works for Win11 + MSVC 2019 + Cuda V11 | |
if ($script:TARGET_ARCH -eq "amd64") { | |
$depArch="x64" | |
} else { | |
$depArch=$script:TARGET_ARCH | |
} | |
if ($depArch -eq "x64") { | |
cp "${env:VCToolsRedistDir}\${depArch}\Microsoft.VC*.CRT\msvcp140*.dll" "${script:DIST_DIR}\lib\ollama\" | |
cp "${env:VCToolsRedistDir}\${depArch}\Microsoft.VC*.CRT\vcruntime140.dll" "${script:DIST_DIR}\lib\ollama\" | |
cp "${env:VCToolsRedistDir}\${depArch}\Microsoft.VC*.CRT\vcruntime140_1.dll" "${script:DIST_DIR}\lib\ollama\" | |
$llvmCrtDir="$env:VCToolsRedistDir\..\..\..\Tools\Llvm\${depArch}\bin" | |
foreach ($part in $("runtime", "stdio", "filesystem", "math", "convert", "heap", "string", "time", "locale", "environment")) { | |
write-host "cp ${llvmCrtDir}\api-ms-win-crt-${part}*.dll ${script:DIST_DIR}\lib\ollama\" | |
cp "${llvmCrtDir}\api-ms-win-crt-${part}*.dll" "${script:DIST_DIR}\lib\ollama\" | |
} | |
} else { | |
# Carying the dll's doesn't seem to work, so use the redist installer | |
copy-item -path "${env:VCToolsRedistDir}\vc_redist.arm64.exe" -destination "${script:DIST_DIR}" -verbose | |
} | |
cp "${script:SRC_DIR}\app\ollama_welcome.ps1" "${script:SRC_DIR}\dist\" | |
} | |
function sign() { | |
if ("${env:KEY_CONTAINER}") { | |
write-host "Signing Ollama executables, scripts and libraries" | |
& "${script:SignTool}" sign /v /fd sha256 /t /f "${script:OLLAMA_CERT}" ` | |
/csp "Google Cloud KMS Provider" /kc ${env:KEY_CONTAINER} ` | |
$(get-childitem -path "${script:SRC_DIR}\dist" -r -include @('ollama_welcome.ps1')) ` | |
$(get-childitem -path "${script:SRC_DIR}\dist\windows-*" -r -include @('*.exe', '*.dll')) | |
if ($LASTEXITCODE -ne 0) { exit($LASTEXITCODE)} | |
} else { | |
write-host "Signing not enabled" | |
} | |
} | |
function buildInstaller() { | |
if ($null -eq ${script:INNO_SETUP_DIR}) { | |
write-host "Inno Setup not present, skipping installer build" | |
return | |
} | |
write-host "Building Ollama Installer" | |
cd "${script:SRC_DIR}\app" | |
$env:PKG_VERSION=$script:PKG_VERSION | |
if ("${env:KEY_CONTAINER}") { | |
& "${script:INNO_SETUP_DIR}\ISCC.exe" /DARCH=$script:TARGET_ARCH /SMySignTool="${script:SignTool} sign /fd sha256 /t /f ${script:OLLAMA_CERT} /csp `$qGoogle Cloud KMS Provider`$q /kc ${env:KEY_CONTAINER} `$f" .\ollama.iss | |
} else { | |
& "${script:INNO_SETUP_DIR}\ISCC.exe" /DARCH=$script:TARGET_ARCH .\ollama.iss | |
} | |
if ($LASTEXITCODE -ne 0) { exit($LASTEXITCODE)} | |
} | |
function distZip() { | |
write-host "Generating stand-alone distribution zip file ${script:SRC_DIR}\dist\ollama-windows-${script:TARGET_ARCH}.zip" | |
Compress-Archive -Path "${script:SRC_DIR}\dist\windows-${script:TARGET_ARCH}\*" -DestinationPath "${script:SRC_DIR}\dist\ollama-windows-${script:TARGET_ARCH}.zip" -Force | |
} | |
checkEnv | |
try { | |
if ($($args.count) -eq 0) { | |
buildOllama | |
buildApp | |
gatherDependencies | |
sign | |
buildInstaller | |
distZip | |
} else { | |
for ( $i = 0; $i -lt $args.count; $i++ ) { | |
write-host "performing $($args[$i])" | |
& $($args[$i]) | |
} | |
} | |
} catch { | |
write-host "Build Failed" | |
write-host $_ | |
} finally { | |
set-location $script:SRC_DIR | |
$env:PKG_VERSION="" | |
} |
This file contains bidirectional Unicode text that may be interpreted or compiled differently than what appears below. To review, open the file in an editor that reveals hidden Unicode characters.
Learn more about bidirectional Unicode characters
@echo off | |
title Ollama Portable | |
set OLLAMA_HOST= | |
set userprofile=%cd%\data | |
set localappdata=%cd%\data\AppData\Local | |
cmd /k ollama.exe |
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