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Created January 19, 2024 18:57
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Dumped CXX Header for Palworld properties
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#ifndef UE4SS_SDK_Pal_HPP
#define UE4SS_SDK_Pal_HPP
#include "Pal_enums.hpp"
struct FActionDynamicParameter
class AActor* ActionTarget; // 0x0000 (size: 0x8)
FTransform StartTransform; // 0x0010 (size: 0x60)
FVector ActionVelocity; // 0x0070 (size: 0x18)
int32 GeneralPurposeIndex; // 0x0088 (size: 0x4)
FVector DummyTargetLocation; // 0x0090 (size: 0x18)
FGuid ActionID; // 0x00A8 (size: 0x10)
bool bIsAdjustTransform; // 0x00B8 (size: 0x1)
FPalNetArchive Blackboard; // 0x00C0 (size: 0x10)
int32 NetRandSeed; // 0x00D0 (size: 0x4)
}; // Size: 0xE0
struct FActorArray
TArray<class AActor*> Actors; // 0x0000 (size: 0x10)
}; // Size: 0x10
struct FBuildingSurfaceMaterialSet
class UMaterialInstance* Highlight; // 0x0000 (size: 0x8)
class UMaterialInstance* Error; // 0x0008 (size: 0x8)
class UMaterialInstance* Building; // 0x0010 (size: 0x8)
class UMaterialInstance* BuildComplete; // 0x0018 (size: 0x8)
class UMaterialInstance* Dismantle; // 0x0020 (size: 0x8)
class UMaterialInstance* Damage; // 0x0028 (size: 0x8)
class UCurveFloat* BuildCompleteAnimationCurve; // 0x0030 (size: 0x8)
}; // Size: 0x38
struct FBulletHoleDecalInfo
TArray<class UMaterialInterface*> BulletHoleDecals; // 0x0000 (size: 0x10)
FVector Decal_Size; // 0x0010 (size: 0x18)
float Decal_Size_RandomMin; // 0x0028 (size: 0x4)
float Decal_Size_RandomMax; // 0x002C (size: 0x4)
}; // Size: 0x30
struct FCaptureResult
bool IsSuccess; // 0x0000 (size: 0x1)
int32 TestSuccessCount; // 0x0004 (size: 0x4)
EFailedCaptureType FailedCaptureType; // 0x0008 (size: 0x1)
}; // Size: 0xC
struct FCharacterListForImportanceManager
TArray<class APalCharacter*> CharacterList; // 0x0000 (size: 0x10)
}; // Size: 0x10
struct FCharacterParameterRepInfo : public FFastArraySerializerItem
FGuid RequestGUID; // 0x000C (size: 0x10)
FPalInstanceID ID; // 0x0020 (size: 0x30)
class UPalIndividualCharacterParameter* Parameter; // 0x0050 (size: 0x8)
}; // Size: 0x58
struct FDelegateTickFunction : public FTickFunction
}; // Size: 0x38
struct FElementOfLayeredFlagContainer
int32 Priority; // 0x0000 (size: 0x4)
FFlagContainer Container; // 0x0008 (size: 0x50)
}; // Size: 0x58
struct FFastCharacterParameterRepInfoArray : public FFastArraySerializer
TArray<FCharacterParameterRepInfo> Items; // 0x0108 (size: 0x10)
}; // Size: 0x148
struct FFastPalBaseCampRepInfoArray : public FFastArraySerializer
TArray<FPalBaseCampRepInfo> Items; // 0x0108 (size: 0x10)
}; // Size: 0x148
struct FFastPalLocationRepInfoArray : public FFastArraySerializer
TArray<FPalLocationRepInfo> Items; // 0x0108 (size: 0x10)
}; // Size: 0x148
struct FFixedPoint
int32 Value; // 0x0000 (size: 0x4)
}; // Size: 0x4
struct FFixedPoint64
int64 Value; // 0x0000 (size: 0x8)
}; // Size: 0x8
struct FFlagContainer
TMap<class FName, class bool> Flags; // 0x0000 (size: 0x50)
}; // Size: 0x50
struct FFloatContainer
TArray<FFloatContainer_FloatPair> Values; // 0x0000 (size: 0x10)
}; // Size: 0x10
struct FFloatContainer_FloatPair
FName Key; // 0x0000 (size: 0x8)
float Value; // 0x0008 (size: 0x4)
}; // Size: 0xC
struct FFloatCounter
float TriggerValue; // 0x0000 (size: 0x4)
float CurrentStackValue; // 0x0004 (size: 0x4)
}; // Size: 0x8
struct FFootIKSetting
bool bIsEnableIK; // 0x0000 (size: 0x1)
FName RayCastBoneName; // 0x0004 (size: 0x8)
float RayStartOffset; // 0x000C (size: 0x4)
float RayEndOffset; // 0x0010 (size: 0x4)
}; // Size: 0x14
struct FFootStampInfo
TMap<class EPalFootType, class UMaterialInterface*> FootstepDecalMap; // 0x0000 (size: 0x50)
FVector FootstepDecal_Size; // 0x0050 (size: 0x18)
FRotator FootstepDecal_InitialRotation; // 0x0068 (size: 0x18)
}; // Size: 0x80
struct FFootStepEffectInfo
TMap<TEnumAsByte<EPhysicalSurface>, TSoftObjectPtr<UNiagaraSystem>> PhysicalSurfaceToEffect; // 0x0000 (size: 0x50)
}; // Size: 0x50
struct FGameDateTime
int64 Ticks; // 0x0000 (size: 0x8)
}; // Size: 0x8
struct FGeneralAnimationParameter
float MoveSpeed; // 0x0000 (size: 0x4)
float MoveSpeedXY; // 0x0004 (size: 0x4)
FVector Velocity; // 0x0008 (size: 0x18)
FVector InputVelocity; // 0x0020 (size: 0x18)
FVector ClimbingVelocity; // 0x0038 (size: 0x18)
bool bIsInAir; // 0x0050 (size: 0x1)
bool bIsSliding; // 0x0051 (size: 0x1)
bool bIsSwimming; // 0x0052 (size: 0x1)
float RangeForGround; // 0x0054 (size: 0x4)
bool bIsNearGround; // 0x0058 (size: 0x1)
TMap<class EPalGeneralAnimSequenceType, class UAnimSequence*> GeneralAnimSequenceMap; // 0x0060 (size: 0x50)
TMap<class EPalGeneralBlendSpaceType, class UBlendSpace*> GeneralBlendSpaceMap; // 0x00B0 (size: 0x50)
float FootIKRootOffset; // 0x0100 (size: 0x4)
TMap<EPalFootType, float> FootIKOffset; // 0x0108 (size: 0x50)
float MoveSpeedPlusByRotateYaw; // 0x0158 (size: 0x4)
float YawSpeed; // 0x015C (size: 0x4)
float AdditiveAnimationRate; // 0x0160 (size: 0x4)
bool DisableUpperOverrideFlag; // 0x0164 (size: 0x1)
bool bTransportingObject; // 0x0165 (size: 0x1)
}; // Size: 0x168
struct FLayeredFlagContainer
TArray<FElementOfLayeredFlagContainer> ContainerList; // 0x0000 (size: 0x10)
}; // Size: 0x10
struct FNetworkActorSpawnParameters
class AActor* NetworkOwner; // 0x0000 (size: 0x8)
FName Name; // 0x0008 (size: 0x8)
class AActor* Owner; // 0x0010 (size: 0x8)
FVector SpawnLocation; // 0x0018 (size: 0x18)
FRotator SpawnRotation; // 0x0030 (size: 0x18)
FVector SpawnScale; // 0x0048 (size: 0x18)
TSubclassOf<class AController> ControllerClass; // 0x0060 (size: 0x8)
ESpawnActorCollisionHandlingMethod SpawnCollisionHandlingOverride; // 0x0068 (size: 0x1)
bool bAlwaysRelevant; // 0x0069 (size: 0x1)
}; // Size: 0x70
struct FPalAIActionBaseCampSleepActivelyParameter
float WalkAroundTime; // 0x0000 (size: 0x4)
}; // Size: 0x4
struct FPalAIActionDynamicParameter
class AActor* GeneralActor1; // 0x0000 (size: 0x8)
FVector GeneralVector1; // 0x0008 (size: 0x18)
FVector GeneralVector2; // 0x0020 (size: 0x18)
int32 GeneralIndex1; // 0x0038 (size: 0x4)
bool GeneralBool1; // 0x003C (size: 0x1)
int32 GeneralInteger1; // 0x0040 (size: 0x4)
int32 GeneralInteger2; // 0x0044 (size: 0x4)
EPalWazaID SelfDestructWaza; // 0x0048 (size: 0x1)
}; // Size: 0x50
struct FPalAIMoveRequest : public FAIMoveRequest
}; // Size: 0x68
struct FPalAISensorSearchQuery
}; // Size: 0x18
struct FPalAmbientSoundAreaData
int32 AmbientPriority; // 0x0000 (size: 0x4)
TArray<class UAkAudioEvent*> DayAmbientEvents; // 0x0008 (size: 0x10)
TArray<class UAkAudioEvent*> NightAmbientEvents; // 0x0018 (size: 0x10)
}; // Size: 0x28
struct FPalArrowSettings
FColor Color; // 0x0000 (size: 0x4)
float Size; // 0x0004 (size: 0x4)
float Thickness; // 0x0008 (size: 0x4)
}; // Size: 0xC
struct FPalAsyncSaveProcess
EPalAsyncSaveProcessState State; // 0x0000 (size: 0x1)
}; // Size: 0x18
struct FPalAsyncSaveProcessParallel
TMap<class FString, class FPalAsyncSaveProcess> ProcessMap; // 0x0000 (size: 0x50)
}; // Size: 0x60
struct FPalAudioFadeParameter
EPalAudioFadeType FadeType; // 0x0000 (size: 0x1)
float CurrentVolume; // 0x0004 (size: 0x4)
}; // Size: 0x8
struct FPalAxisKeyConfigKeys : public FPalKeyConfigKeys
FName AxisName; // 0x0030 (size: 0x8)
EPalKeyConfigAxisFilterType FilterType; // 0x0038 (size: 0x1)
}; // Size: 0x40
struct FPalBPClassDataRow : public FTableRowBase
TSoftClassPtr<APalCharacter> BPClass; // 0x0008 (size: 0x30)
}; // Size: 0x38
struct FPalBaseCampCreateParameter
}; // Size: 0x170
struct FPalBaseCampFacilityCountPair
EPalMapObjectWorkerAvailableFacilityType FacilityType; // 0x0000 (size: 0x1)
int32 FacilityCount; // 0x0004 (size: 0x4)
}; // Size: 0x8
struct FPalBaseCampFacilityUsageInfo
EPalBaseCampFacilityUsageState State; // 0x0000 (size: 0x1)
FPalInstanceID ReservedIndividualId; // 0x0008 (size: 0x30)
}; // Size: 0x38
struct FPalBaseCampFacilityUsageInfoSet
TMap<class FGuid, class FPalBaseCampFacilityUsageInfo> InfoMap; // 0x0000 (size: 0x50)
}; // Size: 0x50
struct FPalBaseCampItemContainerInfo
FPalContainerId ContainerId; // 0x0000 (size: 0x10)
EPalBaseCampItemContainerType Type; // 0x0010 (size: 0x1)
}; // Size: 0x14
struct FPalBaseCampItemExistsInfo
FGuid MapObjectModelInstanceId; // 0x0000 (size: 0x10)
int32 itemNum; // 0x0010 (size: 0x4)
}; // Size: 0x14
struct FPalBaseCampLevelMasterData : public FTableRowBase
int32 Level; // 0x0008 (size: 0x4)
int32 WorkerMaxNum; // 0x000C (size: 0x4)
int32 BaseCampMaxNumInGuild; // 0x0010 (size: 0x4)
}; // Size: 0x18
struct FPalBaseCampModuleResourceCollectWorkInfo
FGuid WorkId; // 0x0000 (size: 0x10)
}; // Size: 0x10
struct FPalBaseCampModuleTransportItemCharacterInfo
TArray<FPalItemAndNum> ItemInfos; // 0x0000 (size: 0x10)
FVector CharacterLocation; // 0x0010 (size: 0x18)
}; // Size: 0x28
struct FPalBaseCampModuleTransportItemDepotParameter
FGuid OwnerMapObjectConcreteModelInstanceId; // 0x0000 (size: 0x10)
FPalBoundsTransform DepotLocalBoundsTransform; // 0x0010 (size: 0x80)
FPalBaseCampModuleTransportItemRequirement Requirement; // 0x0090 (size: 0x48)
}; // Size: 0xE0
struct FPalBaseCampModuleTransportItemDirection
FGuid RequiredMapObjectConcreteModelInstanceId; // 0x0000 (size: 0x10)
FGuid TransportTargetMapObjectConcreteModelInstanceId; // 0x0010 (size: 0x10)
int32 MaxItemStackNum; // 0x0020 (size: 0x4)
bool bRetunring; // 0x0024 (size: 0x1)
}; // Size: 0x28
struct FPalBaseCampModuleTransportItemRequirement
EPalBaseCampModuleTransportItemTransportPriority Priority; // 0x0000 (size: 0x1)
TArray<FPalStaticItemIdAndNum> ItemInfo; // 0x0008 (size: 0x10)
TArray<EPalItemTypeA> itemTypeA; // 0x0018 (size: 0x10)
TArray<EPalItemTypeB> ItemTypeB; // 0x0028 (size: 0x10)
TArray<EPalBaseCampModuleTransportItemTransportableItemExtraType> ItemExtraTypes; // 0x0038 (size: 0x10)
}; // Size: 0x48
struct FPalBaseCampModuleTransportItemStatus
FPalBaseCampModuleTransportItemRequirement Requirement; // 0x0000 (size: 0x48)
bool bDepot; // 0x0048 (size: 0x1)
FPalBoundsTransform DepotLocalBoundsTransform; // 0x0050 (size: 0x80)
FGuid WorkId; // 0x00D0 (size: 0x10)
TMap<class FPalInstanceID, class FPalBaseCampModuleTransportItemDirection> DirectionMap; // 0x00E0 (size: 0x50)
TMap<FName, int32> NotSatisfiedRequirementItemInfoMap; // 0x0130 (size: 0x50)
}; // Size: 0x180
struct FPalBaseCampModuleTransportItemTarget
bool bTargetRemoved; // 0x0000 (size: 0x1)
TMap<class FPalInstanceID, class FPalBaseCampModuleTransportItemTargetReservedInfo> ReservedInfoMap; // 0x0008 (size: 0x50)
bool bNotExistMovePath; // 0x0058 (size: 0x1)
bool bEnableObtainAnywhere; // 0x0059 (size: 0x1)
TMap<FName, int32> NotReservedItemInfoMap; // 0x0060 (size: 0x50)
FGuid WorkId; // 0x00B0 (size: 0x10)
}; // Size: 0xC0
struct FPalBaseCampModuleTransportItemTargetReservedInfo
TArray<FPalStaticItemIdAndNum> ItemInfos; // 0x0000 (size: 0x10)
FGuid RequiredConcreteModelId; // 0x0010 (size: 0x10)
}; // Size: 0x20
struct FPalBaseCampPassiveEffectMapObjectInfo
TArray<FGuid> ConcreteModelInstanceIds; // 0x0000 (size: 0x10)
}; // Size: 0x10
struct FPalBaseCampPassiveEffectRepInfo : public FFastArraySerializerItem
class UPalBaseCampPassiveEffectBase* Effect; // 0x0010 (size: 0x8)
}; // Size: 0x18
struct FPalBaseCampPassiveEffectWorkHardInfo
float WorkSpeedRate; // 0x0000 (size: 0x4)
float MoveSpeedRate; // 0x0004 (size: 0x4)
float AffectSanityRate; // 0x0008 (size: 0x4)
float DecreaseFullStomachRate; // 0x000C (size: 0x4)
}; // Size: 0x10
struct FPalBaseCampRepInfo : public FFastArraySerializerItem
FGuid ID; // 0x000C (size: 0x10)
class UPalBaseCampModel* BaseCamp; // 0x0020 (size: 0x8)
}; // Size: 0x28
struct FPalBaseCampSaveData : public FPalBinaryMemory
FPalBaseCampSaveData_WorkerDirector WorkerDirector; // 0x0010 (size: 0x10)
FPalBaseCampSaveData_WorkCollection WorkCollection; // 0x0020 (size: 0x10)
TMap<class EPalBaseCampModuleType, class FPalBaseCampSaveData_Module> ModuleMap; // 0x0030 (size: 0x50)
}; // Size: 0x80
struct FPalBaseCampSaveData_Module : public FPalBinaryMemory
}; // Size: 0x10
struct FPalBaseCampSaveData_Module_PassiveEffect : public FPalBinaryMemory
}; // Size: 0x10
struct FPalBaseCampSaveData_WorkCollection : public FPalBinaryMemory
}; // Size: 0x10
struct FPalBaseCampSaveData_WorkerDirector : public FPalBinaryMemory
}; // Size: 0x10
struct FPalBaseCampSignificanceInfo
float DistanceInRangeFromPlayer; // 0x0000 (size: 0x4)
float TickInterval; // 0x0004 (size: 0x4)
}; // Size: 0x8
struct FPalBaseCampTaskCheckedData
int32 completedTaskNum; // 0x0000 (size: 0x4)
TMap<FName, int32> buildObjectNumMap; // 0x0008 (size: 0x50)
int32 workerNum; // 0x0058 (size: 0x4)
}; // Size: 0x60
struct FPalBaseCampTaskDataSet
TArray<FPalBaseCampTaskData_BuildObject> requireBuildObjects; // 0x0000 (size: 0x10)
FPalBaseCampTaskData_WorkerNum requirePalNum; // 0x0010 (size: 0x14)
}; // Size: 0x28
struct FPalBaseCampTaskDataSet_TableRow : public FTableRowBase
int32 Level; // 0x0008 (size: 0x4)
int32 workerNum; // 0x000C (size: 0x4)
FName WorkerNum_IncompleteMsgID; // 0x0010 (size: 0x8)
FName WorkerNum_CompleteMsgID; // 0x0018 (size: 0x8)
FName BuildObject1; // 0x0020 (size: 0x8)
int32 BuildObjectNum1; // 0x0028 (size: 0x4)
FName BuildObject1_IncompleteMsgID; // 0x002C (size: 0x8)
FName BuildObject1_CompleteMsgID; // 0x0034 (size: 0x8)
FName BuildObject2; // 0x003C (size: 0x8)
int32 BuildObjectNum2; // 0x0044 (size: 0x4)
FName BuildObject2_IncompleteMsgID; // 0x0048 (size: 0x8)
FName BuildObject2_CompleteMsgID; // 0x0050 (size: 0x8)
FName BuildObject3; // 0x0058 (size: 0x8)
int32 BuildObjectNum3; // 0x0060 (size: 0x4)
FName BuildObject3_IncompleteMsgID; // 0x0064 (size: 0x8)
FName BuildObject3_CompleteMsgID; // 0x006C (size: 0x8)
}; // Size: 0x78
struct FPalBaseCampTaskData_BuildObject
FName incompleteMsgID; // 0x0000 (size: 0x8)
FName completeMsgID; // 0x0008 (size: 0x8)
FPalDataTableRowName_MapObjectData mapObjectRowName; // 0x0010 (size: 0x8)
int32 requireNum; // 0x0018 (size: 0x4)
}; // Size: 0x1C
struct FPalBaseCampTaskData_WorkerNum
FName incompleteMsgID; // 0x0000 (size: 0x8)
FName completeMsgID; // 0x0008 (size: 0x8)
int32 requireNum; // 0x0010 (size: 0x4)
}; // Size: 0x14
struct FPalBaseCampWorkAssignRequest
}; // Size: 0x30
struct FPalBaseCampWorkCollectionStashInfo
FGameDateTime StashAtTime; // 0x0000 (size: 0x8)
}; // Size: 0x8
struct FPalBaseCampWorkerEventMasterData : public FTableRowBase
FName Debug_DisplayName; // 0x0008 (size: 0x8)
EPalBaseCampWorkerEventPriority Priority; // 0x0010 (size: 0x1)
int32 TriggerSanity; // 0x0014 (size: 0x4)
bool bAllowInterruptRecoverHungry; // 0x0018 (size: 0x1)
bool bAllowInterruptSleep; // 0x0019 (size: 0x1)
bool bAssignableWork; // 0x001A (size: 0x1)
int32 TriggerSkipCount; // 0x001C (size: 0x4)
EPalLogPriority logPriority; // 0x0020 (size: 0x1)
EPalLogContentToneType LogTone; // 0x0021 (size: 0x1)
bool Invalid; // 0x0022 (size: 0x1)
}; // Size: 0x28
struct FPalBaseCampWorkerSickMasterData : public FTableRowBase
EPalBaseCampWorkerSickType SickType; // 0x0008 (size: 0x1)
int32 EffectiveItemRank; // 0x000C (size: 0x4)
EPalFacialEyeType Facial; // 0x0010 (size: 0x1)
int32 WorkSpeed; // 0x0014 (size: 0x4)
int32 MoveSpeed; // 0x0018 (size: 0x4)
int32 SatietyDecrease; // 0x001C (size: 0x4)
}; // Size: 0x20
struct FPalBaseCampWorkerTaskCheckResponse
}; // Size: 0x50
struct FPalBelongInfo
}; // Size: 0x8
struct FPalBinaryMemory
TArray<uint8> RawData; // 0x0000 (size: 0x10)
}; // Size: 0x10
struct FPalBodyInstanceParameter
int32 InstanceBodyIndex; // 0x0000 (size: 0x4)
int16 InstanceBoneIndex; // 0x0004 (size: 0x2)
float LinearDamping; // 0x0008 (size: 0x4)
float AngularDamping; // 0x000C (size: 0x4)
}; // Size: 0x10
struct FPalBossBattleInstanceModelCreateParameter
TSoftClassPtr<APalCutsceneActor> IntroCutsceneActor; // 0x0008 (size: 0x30)
class UDataLayerAsset* ReservedDataLayerAsset; // 0x0038 (size: 0x8)
TSoftObjectPtr<UAkAudioEvent> BGMAudioEvent; // 0x0040 (size: 0x30)
class APalBossTower* BossTower; // 0x0070 (size: 0x8)
}; // Size: 0x1A0
struct FPalBossBattleLevelInstanceLoadOperator
}; // Size: 0x28
struct FPalBossBattleStaticInfo
TSoftClassPtr<APalCutsceneActor> IntroCutscene; // 0x0000 (size: 0x30)
class UDataLayerAsset* DataLayerAsset; // 0x0030 (size: 0x8)
FPalDataTableRowName_PalMonsterData PalID; // 0x0038 (size: 0x8)
int32 Level; // 0x0040 (size: 0x4)
TSoftObjectPtr<UAkAudioEvent> BGMAudioEvent; // 0x0048 (size: 0x30)
}; // Size: 0x78
struct FPalBossSpawnerSaveData
TMap<class FName, class bool> RespawnDisableFlag; // 0x0000 (size: 0x50)
}; // Size: 0x50
struct FPalBoundsTransform
FVector Location; // 0x0000 (size: 0x18)
FQuat Rotation; // 0x0020 (size: 0x20)
FBoxSphereBounds Bounds; // 0x0040 (size: 0x38)
}; // Size: 0x80
struct FPalBuildInstallOtherOptions
}; // Size: 0x2
struct FPalBuildObjectData : public FTableRowBase
FName MapObjectId; // 0x0008 (size: 0x8)
EPalBuildObjectTypeA TypeA; // 0x0010 (size: 0x1)
int32 RedialIndex; // 0x0014 (size: 0x4)
EPalBuildObjectTypeB TypeB; // 0x0018 (size: 0x1)
int32 Rank; // 0x001C (size: 0x4)
int32 BuildCapacity; // 0x0020 (size: 0x4)
float RequiredBuildWorkAmount; // 0x0024 (size: 0x4)
int32 AssetValue; // 0x0028 (size: 0x4)
EPalEnergyType RequiredEnergyType; // 0x002C (size: 0x1)
float ConsumeEnergySpeed; // 0x0030 (size: 0x4)
FName Material1_Id; // 0x0034 (size: 0x8)
int32 Material1_Count; // 0x003C (size: 0x4)
FName Material2_Id; // 0x0040 (size: 0x8)
int32 Material2_Count; // 0x0048 (size: 0x4)
FName Material3_Id; // 0x004C (size: 0x8)
int32 Material3_Count; // 0x0054 (size: 0x4)
FName Material4_Id; // 0x0058 (size: 0x8)
int32 Material4_Count; // 0x0060 (size: 0x4)
FName OverrideDescMsgID; // 0x0064 (size: 0x8)
bool bInstallAtReticle; // 0x006C (size: 0x1)
float InstallNeighborThreshold; // 0x0070 (size: 0x4)
bool bIsInstallOnlyOnBase; // 0x0074 (size: 0x1)
bool bIsInstallOnlyInDoor; // 0x0075 (size: 0x1)
bool bIsInstallOnlyHubAround; // 0x0076 (size: 0x1)
bool bInstallableNoObstacleFromCamera; // 0x0077 (size: 0x1)
}; // Size: 0x78
struct FPalBuildObjectDataSetTypeB
EPalBuildObjectTypeB TypeB; // 0x0000 (size: 0x1)
TArray<FPalBuildObjectData> DataArray; // 0x0008 (size: 0x10)
}; // Size: 0x18
struct FPalBuildObjectIconData : public FTableRowBase
TSoftObjectPtr<UTexture2D> SoftIcon; // 0x0008 (size: 0x30)
}; // Size: 0x38
struct FPalBuildObjectMaterialArray
TArray<class UMaterialInterface*> Materials; // 0x0000 (size: 0x10)
}; // Size: 0x10
struct FPalBuildObjectMeshDefaultSetting
FName ProfileName; // 0x0000 (size: 0x8)
}; // Size: 0x8
struct FPalBuildRequestDebugParameter
bool bNotConsumeMaterials; // 0x0000 (size: 0x1)
}; // Size: 0x1
struct FPalCalcCharacterDamageInfo
float OtomoRate; // 0x0000 (size: 0x4)
int32 DefenderLevel; // 0x0004 (size: 0x4)
int32 DefenderDefence; // 0x0008 (size: 0x4)
EPalElementType DefenderElementType1; // 0x000C (size: 0x1)
EPalElementType DefenderElementType2; // 0x000D (size: 0x1)
float ElementStatusMultiplay; // 0x0010 (size: 0x4)
}; // Size: 0x14
struct FPalCameraDOFSetting
float DepthOfFieldFocalDistance; // 0x0000 (size: 0x4)
float DepthOfFieldDepthBlurAmount; // 0x0004 (size: 0x4)
float DepthOfFieldDepthBlurRadius; // 0x0008 (size: 0x4)
float DepthOfFieldFstop; // 0x000C (size: 0x4)
float FOV; // 0x0010 (size: 0x4)
}; // Size: 0x14
struct FPalCaptureBallEffectSettingData
int32 CaptureAbsorbToBall_ParticleCount; // 0x0000 (size: 0x4)
float CaptureAbsorbToBall_Scale; // 0x0004 (size: 0x4)
}; // Size: 0x8
struct FPalCaptureBonusExpRaw : public FTableRowBase
int32 BonusExp; // 0x0008 (size: 0x4)
}; // Size: 0x10
struct FPalCapturedCageInfoDatabaseRow : public FTableRowBase
FName FieldName; // 0x0008 (size: 0x8)
FName PalID; // 0x0010 (size: 0x8)
float Weight; // 0x0018 (size: 0x4)
int32 MinLevel; // 0x001C (size: 0x4)
int32 MaxLevel; // 0x0020 (size: 0x4)
}; // Size: 0x28
struct FPalCellCoord
int64 X; // 0x0000 (size: 0x8)
int64 Y; // 0x0008 (size: 0x8)
int64 Z; // 0x0010 (size: 0x8)
}; // Size: 0x18
struct FPalCharacterCompleteDelegateParameter
EPalCharacterCompleteDelegatePriority Priority; // 0x0000 (size: 0x1)
FPalCharacterCompleteDelegateParameterCompleteDelegate CompleteDelegate; // 0x0004 (size: 0x10)
void PalOnCharacterCompleteInitializeParameter(class APalCharacter* InCharacter);
}; // Size: 0x14
struct FPalCharacterContainerSaveData : public FPalBinaryMemory
bool bReferenceSlot; // 0x0010 (size: 0x1)
TArray<FPalCharacterSlotSaveData> Slots; // 0x0018 (size: 0x10)
}; // Size: 0x28
struct FPalCharacterContainerSlotInfo
FPalInstanceID IndividualId; // 0x0000 (size: 0x30)
FPalCharacterSlotId SlotID; // 0x0030 (size: 0x14)
}; // Size: 0x48
struct FPalCharacterCreationColorPresetDataRow : public FTableRowBase
TArray<FLinearColor> Colors; // 0x0008 (size: 0x10)
}; // Size: 0x18
struct FPalCharacterCreationEyeMaterialDataRow : public FTableRowBase
TSoftObjectPtr<UMaterialInstance> EyeMaterialInstance; // 0x0008 (size: 0x30)
TSoftObjectPtr<UTexture2D> IconTexture; // 0x0038 (size: 0x30)
FLinearColor ShiftUIDisplayEyeColor; // 0x0068 (size: 0x10)
}; // Size: 0x78
struct FPalCharacterCreationMakeInfoPresetDataRow : public FTableRowBase
FPalPlayerDataCharacterMakeInfo PresetMakeInfo; // 0x0008 (size: 0x94)
}; // Size: 0xA0
struct FPalCharacterCreationMeshPresetDataRow : public FTableRowBase
TSoftObjectPtr<USkeletalMesh> SkeletalMesh; // 0x0008 (size: 0x30)
TSoftObjectPtr<USkeletalMesh> SkeletalMesh_MaleHead; // 0x0038 (size: 0x30)
TSoftObjectPtr<UTexture2D> IconTexture; // 0x0068 (size: 0x30)
TSoftClassPtr<UAnimInstance> ABPAsset; // 0x0098 (size: 0x30)
FLinearColor ShiftUIDisplayEyeColor; // 0x00C8 (size: 0x10)
FLinearColor ShiftUIDisplayBodyColor; // 0x00D8 (size: 0x10)
FLinearColor ShiftUIDisplayBrowColor; // 0x00E8 (size: 0x10)
FLinearColor ShiftUIDisplayHairColor; // 0x00F8 (size: 0x10)
}; // Size: 0x108
struct FPalCharacterCreationPresetDataRow : public FTableRowBase
FPalPlayerDataCharacterMakeInfo MakeInfo; // 0x0008 (size: 0x94)
TSoftObjectPtr<UTexture2D> IconTexture; // 0x00A0 (size: 0x30)
}; // Size: 0xD0
struct FPalCharacterIconDataRow : public FTableRowBase
TSoftObjectPtr<UTexture2D> Icon; // 0x0008 (size: 0x30)
}; // Size: 0x38
struct FPalCharacterList
TArray<class APalCharacter*> CharacterList; // 0x0000 (size: 0x10)
}; // Size: 0x10
struct FPalCharacterParameterDatabaseRow : public FTableRowBase
FName OverrideNameTextID; // 0x0008 (size: 0x8)
FName NamePrefixID; // 0x0010 (size: 0x8)
FName OverridePartnerSkillTextID; // 0x0018 (size: 0x8)
bool IsPal; // 0x0020 (size: 0x1)
EPalTribeID Tribe; // 0x0021 (size: 0x1)
FName BPClass; // 0x0024 (size: 0x8)
int32 ZukanIndex; // 0x002C (size: 0x4)
FString ZukanIndexSuffix; // 0x0030 (size: 0x10)
EPalSizeType Size; // 0x0040 (size: 0x1)
int32 Rarity; // 0x0044 (size: 0x4)
EPalElementType ElementType1; // 0x0048 (size: 0x1)
EPalElementType ElementType2; // 0x0049 (size: 0x1)
EPalGenusCategoryType GenusCategory; // 0x004A (size: 0x1)
EPalOrganizationType Organization; // 0x004B (size: 0x1)
EPalWeaponType weapon; // 0x004C (size: 0x1)
bool WeaponEquip; // 0x004D (size: 0x1)
int32 HP; // 0x0050 (size: 0x4)
int32 MeleeAttack; // 0x0054 (size: 0x4)
int32 ShotAttack; // 0x0058 (size: 0x4)
int32 Defense; // 0x005C (size: 0x4)
int32 Support; // 0x0060 (size: 0x4)
int32 CraftSpeed; // 0x0064 (size: 0x4)
float EnemyReceiveDamageRate; // 0x0068 (size: 0x4)
float CaptureRateCorrect; // 0x006C (size: 0x4)
float ExpRatio; // 0x0070 (size: 0x4)
float Price; // 0x0074 (size: 0x4)
FName AIResponse; // 0x0078 (size: 0x8)
FName AISightResponse; // 0x0080 (size: 0x8)
int32 SlowWalkSpeed; // 0x0088 (size: 0x4)
int32 WalkSpeed; // 0x008C (size: 0x4)
int32 RunSpeed; // 0x0090 (size: 0x4)
int32 RideSprintSpeed; // 0x0094 (size: 0x4)
int32 TransportSpeed; // 0x0098 (size: 0x4)
bool IsBoss; // 0x009C (size: 0x1)
bool IsTowerBoss; // 0x009D (size: 0x1)
EPalBattleBGMType BattleBGM; // 0x009E (size: 0x1)
bool IgnoreLeanBack; // 0x009F (size: 0x1)
bool IgnoreBlowAway; // 0x00A0 (size: 0x1)
int32 MaxFullStomach; // 0x00A4 (size: 0x4)
float FullStomachDecreaseRate; // 0x00A8 (size: 0x4)
int32 FoodAmount; // 0x00AC (size: 0x4)
int32 ViewingDistance; // 0x00B0 (size: 0x4)
int32 ViewingAngle; // 0x00B4 (size: 0x4)
float HearingRate; // 0x00B8 (size: 0x4)
bool NooseTrap; // 0x00BC (size: 0x1)
bool Nocturnal; // 0x00BD (size: 0x1)
int32 BiologicalGrade; // 0x00C0 (size: 0x4)
bool Predator; // 0x00C4 (size: 0x1)
bool Edible; // 0x00C5 (size: 0x1)
int32 Stamina; // 0x00C8 (size: 0x4)
int32 MaleProbability; // 0x00CC (size: 0x4)
int32 CombiRank; // 0x00D0 (size: 0x4)
int32 WorkSuitability_EmitFlame; // 0x00D4 (size: 0x4)
int32 WorkSuitability_Watering; // 0x00D8 (size: 0x4)
int32 WorkSuitability_Seeding; // 0x00DC (size: 0x4)
int32 WorkSuitability_GenerateElectricity; // 0x00E0 (size: 0x4)
int32 WorkSuitability_Handcraft; // 0x00E4 (size: 0x4)
int32 WorkSuitability_Collection; // 0x00E8 (size: 0x4)
int32 WorkSuitability_Deforest; // 0x00EC (size: 0x4)
int32 WorkSuitability_Mining; // 0x00F0 (size: 0x4)
int32 WorkSuitability_OilExtraction; // 0x00F4 (size: 0x4)
int32 WorkSuitability_ProductMedicine; // 0x00F8 (size: 0x4)
int32 WorkSuitability_Cool; // 0x00FC (size: 0x4)
int32 WorkSuitability_Transport; // 0x0100 (size: 0x4)
int32 WorkSuitability_MonsterFarm; // 0x0104 (size: 0x4)
FName PassiveSkill1; // 0x0108 (size: 0x8)
FName PassiveSkill2; // 0x0110 (size: 0x8)
FName PassiveSkill3; // 0x0118 (size: 0x8)
FName PassiveSkill4; // 0x0120 (size: 0x8)
}; // Size: 0x128
struct FPalCharacterParameterStorageSaveData
TArray<FPalCharacterStoredParameterInfoSaveData> StoredParameterInfoSaveData; // 0x0000 (size: 0x10)
}; // Size: 0x10
struct FPalCharacterParameter_Work
FGuid MapObjectInstanceIdApproachTo; // 0x0000 (size: 0x10)
bool bApproachToAssignedLocation; // 0x0010 (size: 0x1)
float RepairRequiredWorkAmount; // 0x0014 (size: 0x4)
FFlagContainer NotWorkableFlag; // 0x0028 (size: 0x50)
}; // Size: 0x78
struct FPalCharacterSlotId
FPalContainerId ContainerId; // 0x0000 (size: 0x10)
int32 SlotIndex; // 0x0010 (size: 0x4)
}; // Size: 0x14
struct FPalCharacterSlotSaveData : public FPalBinaryMemory
FPalInstanceID IndividualId; // 0x0010 (size: 0x30)
EPalTribeID PermissionTribeID; // 0x0040 (size: 0x1)
}; // Size: 0x48
struct FPalCharacterSlotUpdateInfo
FPalContainerId ContainerId; // 0x0000 (size: 0x10)
int32 SlotIndex; // 0x0010 (size: 0x4)
FPalInstanceID InstanceId; // 0x0018 (size: 0x30)
}; // Size: 0x48
struct FPalCharacterStoredParameterId
FGuid ID; // 0x0000 (size: 0x10)
}; // Size: 0x10
struct FPalCharacterStoredParameterInfo
FPalIndividualCharacterSaveParameter SaveParameter; // 0x0000 (size: 0x218)
FGameDateTime StoredAt; // 0x0218 (size: 0x8)
FGuid LostPlayerUId; // 0x0220 (size: 0x10)
}; // Size: 0x230
struct FPalCharacterStoredParameterInfoSaveData
FPalCharacterStoredParameterId ID; // 0x0000 (size: 0x10)
FPalIndividualCharacterSaveParameterSaveData SaveParameter; // 0x0010 (size: 0x10)
FGameDateTime StoredAt; // 0x0020 (size: 0x8)
FGuid LostPlayerUId; // 0x0028 (size: 0x10)
}; // Size: 0x38
struct FPalCharacterUpgradeMasterData : public FTableRowBase
int32 Rank; // 0x0008 (size: 0x4)
FName RequiredStaticItemId; // 0x000C (size: 0x8)
int32 RequiredItemNum; // 0x0014 (size: 0x4)
int32 ResetRequiredMoney; // 0x0018 (size: 0x4)
}; // Size: 0x20
struct FPalChatMessage
EPalChatCategory Category; // 0x0000 (size: 0x1)
FString Sender; // 0x0008 (size: 0x10)
FGuid SenderPlayerUId; // 0x0018 (size: 0x10)
FString Message; // 0x0028 (size: 0x10)
FGuid ReceiverPlayerUId; // 0x0038 (size: 0x10)
}; // Size: 0x48
struct FPalCheckStuckInfo
}; // Size: 0x18
struct FPalCollectionRankDefineData
float DropNumRate; // 0x0000 (size: 0x4)
}; // Size: 0x4
struct FPalCombiUniqueDatabaseRow : public FTableRowBase
EPalTribeID ParentTribeA; // 0x0008 (size: 0x1)
EPalTribeID ParentTribeB; // 0x0009 (size: 0x1)
FName ChildCharacterID; // 0x000C (size: 0x8)
}; // Size: 0x18
struct FPalCommonQuestRewardData
int32 Exp; // 0x0000 (size: 0x4)
int32 TechnologyPoint; // 0x0004 (size: 0x4)
TMap<FPalDataTableRowName_ItemData, int32> Items; // 0x0008 (size: 0x50)
}; // Size: 0x58
struct FPalCompletedQuestSaveData
FName QuestName; // 0x0000 (size: 0x8)
}; // Size: 0x8
struct FPalContainerBelongInfo : public FPalBelongInfo
}; // Size: 0x8
struct FPalContainerCreateExtraParameter
bool bIsWatchAllPlayer; // 0x0000 (size: 0x1)
bool bIsSyncEnable; // 0x0001 (size: 0x1)
EPalContainerOperationRestrictType OperationRestrictType; // 0x0002 (size: 0x1)
}; // Size: 0x3
struct FPalContainerId
FGuid ID; // 0x0000 (size: 0x10)
}; // Size: 0x10
struct FPalContainerInfo
FPalContainerId ContainerId; // 0x0008 (size: 0x10)
int32 SlotNum; // 0x0018 (size: 0x4)
}; // Size: 0x20
struct FPalContainerInitializeParameter
FPalContainerId ID; // 0x0000 (size: 0x10)
int32 SlotNum; // 0x0010 (size: 0x4)
bool bReferenceSlot; // 0x0014 (size: 0x1)
EPalContainerOperationRestrictType OperationRestrictType; // 0x0015 (size: 0x1)
}; // Size: 0x18
struct FPalCoopSkillAssaultrifleModeCandidateLocation
FVector Location; // 0x0000 (size: 0x18)
float Distance; // 0x0018 (size: 0x4)
}; // Size: 0x20
struct FPalCoopSkillModuleAssignPassiveSkillNames
TArray<FPalDataTableRowName_PassiveSkillData> AssignSkillNames; // 0x0000 (size: 0x10)
}; // Size: 0x10
struct FPalCoopSkillSearchEffectParameter
FVector Origin; // 0x0000 (size: 0x18)
float RadiusFrom; // 0x0018 (size: 0x4)
float RadiusTo; // 0x001C (size: 0x4)
float ExtRadiusPerSec; // 0x0020 (size: 0x4)
}; // Size: 0x28
struct FPalCoopSkillSearchResultParameter
EPalCoopSkillSearchType SearchType; // 0x0000 (size: 0x1)
FVector Location; // 0x0008 (size: 0x18)
FGuid InstanceId; // 0x0020 (size: 0x10)
FPalInstanceID IndividualId; // 0x0030 (size: 0x30)
FGuid RequestPlayerUId; // 0x0060 (size: 0x10)
}; // Size: 0x70
struct FPalCrimeInstanceCreateParameter
FName CrimeId; // 0x0000 (size: 0x8)
FGuid TargetId; // 0x0008 (size: 0x10)
}; // Size: 0x18
struct FPalCrimeMasterData : public FTableRowBase
FName CrimeNameTextId; // 0x0008 (size: 0x8)
int32 BaseReward; // 0x0010 (size: 0x4)
}; // Size: 0x18
struct FPalCrimeStateInfo
TMap<class FGuid, class FDateTime> CrimeStateFinishTimeMap; // 0x0000 (size: 0x50)
TArray<FGuid> CrimeStateArray; // 0x0050 (size: 0x10)
}; // Size: 0x60
struct FPalCustomMarkerSaveData
FVector IconLocation; // 0x0000 (size: 0x18)
int32 IconType; // 0x0018 (size: 0x4)
}; // Size: 0x20
struct FPalDamageInfo
int32 NativeDamageValue; // 0x0000 (size: 0x4)
EPalWazaCategory Category; // 0x0004 (size: 0x1)
bool IsBlowAttack; // 0x0005 (size: 0x1)
bool IsLeanBack; // 0x0006 (size: 0x1)
FVector BlowVelocity; // 0x0008 (size: 0x18)
EPalBodyPartsType BodyPartsType; // 0x0020 (size: 0x1)
int32 AttackerLevel; // 0x0024 (size: 0x4)
EPalElementType AttackElementType; // 0x0028 (size: 0x1)
FGuid AttackerGroupID; // 0x002C (size: 0x10)
class AActor* Attacker; // 0x0040 (size: 0x8)
class AActor* OverrideNetworkOwner; // 0x0048 (size: 0x8)
EPalAttackType AttackType; // 0x0050 (size: 0x1)
FVector HitLocation; // 0x0058 (size: 0x18)
FName FoliageModelId; // 0x0070 (size: 0x8)
TArray<FPalFoliageInstanceId> FoliageInstanceIds; // 0x0078 (size: 0x10)
EPalAdditionalEffectType EffectType1; // 0x0088 (size: 0x1)
int32 EffectValue1; // 0x008C (size: 0x4)
float EffectValueEx1; // 0x0090 (size: 0x4)
EPalAdditionalEffectType EffectType2; // 0x0094 (size: 0x1)
int32 EffectValue2; // 0x0098 (size: 0x4)
float EffectValueEx2; // 0x009C (size: 0x4)
float SneakAttackRate; // 0x00A0 (size: 0x4)
bool PlaySneakAttackEffect; // 0x00A4 (size: 0x1)
float DamageRatePerCollision; // 0x00A8 (size: 0x4)
TArray<FPalSpecialAttackRateInfo> SpecialAttackRateInfos; // 0x00B0 (size: 0x10)
EPalDamageAnimationReactionType DamageReactionAnimationType; // 0x00C0 (size: 0x1)
bool bAttackableToFriend; // 0x00C1 (size: 0x1)
bool NoDamage; // 0x00C2 (size: 0x1)
bool IgnoreShield; // 0x00C3 (size: 0x1)
bool UIDamageTextOverride_DoubleRegist; // 0x00C4 (size: 0x1)
EPalPlayerDamageCameraShakeCategory CameraShake; // 0x00C5 (size: 0x1)
EPalSizeType ForceRagdollSize; // 0x00C6 (size: 0x1)
bool bApplyNativeDamageValue; // 0x00C7 (size: 0x1)
bool IgnorePlayerEquipItemDamage; // 0x00C8 (size: 0x1)
}; // Size: 0xD0
struct FPalDamageRactionInfo
bool IsBlow; // 0x0000 (size: 0x1)
FVector BlowVelocity; // 0x0008 (size: 0x18)
bool IsLeanBackAnime; // 0x0020 (size: 0x1)
bool IsStan; // 0x0021 (size: 0x1)
FVector HitLocation; // 0x0028 (size: 0x18)
}; // Size: 0x40
struct FPalDamageResult
int32 Damage; // 0x0000 (size: 0x4)
class AActor* Attacker; // 0x0008 (size: 0x8)
class AActor* Defender; // 0x0010 (size: 0x8)
FVector BlowVelocity; // 0x0018 (size: 0x18)
FVector HitLocation; // 0x0030 (size: 0x18)
EPalDamageAnimationReactionType DamageReactionAnimationType; // 0x0048 (size: 0x1)
bool IgnoreShield; // 0x0049 (size: 0x1)
bool IsPlayedLeanBack; // 0x004A (size: 0x1)
EPalPlayerDamageCameraShakeCategory CameraShake; // 0x004B (size: 0x1)
bool IgnorePlayerEquipItemDamage; // 0x004C (size: 0x1)
}; // Size: 0x50
struct FPalDataTableRowName_BaseCampWorkerEventData
FName Key; // 0x0000 (size: 0x8)
}; // Size: 0x8
struct FPalDataTableRowName_CrimeMasterData
FName Key; // 0x0000 (size: 0x8)
}; // Size: 0x8
struct FPalDataTableRowName_DungeonSpawnAreaData
FName Key; // 0x0000 (size: 0x8)
}; // Size: 0x8
struct FPalDataTableRowName_FarmCropData
FName Key; // 0x0000 (size: 0x8)
}; // Size: 0x8
struct FPalDataTableRowName_FieldLotteryNameData
FName Key; // 0x0000 (size: 0x8)
}; // Size: 0x8
struct FPalDataTableRowName_GameProgressPreset
FName Key; // 0x0000 (size: 0x8)
}; // Size: 0x8
struct FPalDataTableRowName_ItemData
FName Key; // 0x0000 (size: 0x8)
}; // Size: 0x8
struct FPalDataTableRowName_ItemProductData
FName Key; // 0x0000 (size: 0x8)
}; // Size: 0x8
struct FPalDataTableRowName_ItemShopCreateData
FName Key; // 0x0000 (size: 0x8)
}; // Size: 0x8
struct FPalDataTableRowName_ItemShopLotteryData
FName Key; // 0x0000 (size: 0x8)
}; // Size: 0x8
struct FPalDataTableRowName_MapObjectData
FName Key; // 0x0000 (size: 0x8)
}; // Size: 0x8
struct FPalDataTableRowName_NPCUniqueData
FName Key; // 0x0000 (size: 0x8)
}; // Size: 0x8
struct FPalDataTableRowName_NoteData
FName Key; // 0x0000 (size: 0x8)
}; // Size: 0x8
struct FPalDataTableRowName_PalHumanData
FName Key; // 0x0000 (size: 0x8)
}; // Size: 0x8
struct FPalDataTableRowName_PalMonsterData
FName Key; // 0x0000 (size: 0x8)
}; // Size: 0x8
struct FPalDataTableRowName_PalShopCreateData
FName Key; // 0x0000 (size: 0x8)
}; // Size: 0x8
struct FPalDataTableRowName_PassiveSkillData
FName Key; // 0x0000 (size: 0x8)
}; // Size: 0x8
struct FPalDataTableRowName_RecipeTechnologyData
FName Key; // 0x0000 (size: 0x8)
}; // Size: 0x8
struct FPalDataTableRowName_SoundID
FName Key; // 0x0000 (size: 0x8)
}; // Size: 0x8
struct FPalDataTableRowName_UIInputAction
FName Key; // 0x0000 (size: 0x8)
}; // Size: 0x8
struct FPalDeadInfo
int32 LastDamage; // 0x0000 (size: 0x4)
class AActor* LastAttacker; // 0x0008 (size: 0x8)
class AActor* SelfActor; // 0x0010 (size: 0x8)
FVector BlowVelocity; // 0x0018 (size: 0x18)
FVector HitLocation; // 0x0030 (size: 0x18)
EPalWazaID SelfDestructWaza; // 0x0048 (size: 0x1)
}; // Size: 0x50
struct FPalDeathPenaltyInfo
FGuid DeathPenaID; // 0x0000 (size: 0x10)
FGuid DeathPlayerID; // 0x0010 (size: 0x10)
FVector PlayerDeathLocation; // 0x0020 (size: 0x18)
FVector DropItemLocation; // 0x0038 (size: 0x18)
TArray<FPalItemAndNum> DropItemList; // 0x0050 (size: 0x10)
}; // Size: 0x60
struct FPalDeathPenaltyList
TArray<FPalDeathPenaltyInfo> DeathPenaArray; // 0x0000 (size: 0x10)
}; // Size: 0x10
struct FPalDebugAttachPassiveSkillInfo
TArray<FPalDataTableRowName_PassiveSkillData> skill; // 0x0000 (size: 0x10)
}; // Size: 0x10
struct FPalDebugInfoSet
}; // Size: 0x30
struct FPalDebugItemCreateInfo
FPalDataTableRowName_ItemData itemRowName; // 0x0000 (size: 0x8)
int32 itemNum; // 0x0008 (size: 0x4)
}; // Size: 0xC
struct FPalDebugOtomoPalInfo
FPalDataTableRowName_PalMonsterData PalName; // 0x0000 (size: 0x8)
int32 Level; // 0x0008 (size: 0x4)
int32 Rank; // 0x000C (size: 0x4)
TArray<EPalWazaID> WazaList; // 0x0010 (size: 0x10)
TArray<FPalDataTableRowName_PassiveSkillData> PassiveSkill; // 0x0020 (size: 0x10)
}; // Size: 0x30
struct FPalDebugPalCaptureInfo
FPalDataTableRowName_PalMonsterData PalName; // 0x0000 (size: 0x8)
int32 Num; // 0x0008 (size: 0x4)
}; // Size: 0xC
struct FPalDeforestRankDefineData
float DamageRate; // 0x0000 (size: 0x4)
EPalMapObjectMaterialSubType MaterialSubType; // 0x0004 (size: 0x1)
}; // Size: 0x8
struct FPalDropCharacterExtraParameter
FGuid DropPlayerUId; // 0x0000 (size: 0x10)
}; // Size: 0x10
struct FPalDropItemDatabaseRow : public FTableRowBase
FName CharacterID; // 0x0008 (size: 0x8)
int32 Level; // 0x0010 (size: 0x4)
FName ItemId1; // 0x0014 (size: 0x8)
float Rate1; // 0x001C (size: 0x4)
int32 min1; // 0x0020 (size: 0x4)
int32 Max1; // 0x0024 (size: 0x4)
FName ItemId2; // 0x0028 (size: 0x8)
float Rate2; // 0x0030 (size: 0x4)
int32 min2; // 0x0034 (size: 0x4)
int32 Max2; // 0x0038 (size: 0x4)
FName ItemId3; // 0x003C (size: 0x8)
float Rate3; // 0x0044 (size: 0x4)
int32 min3; // 0x0048 (size: 0x4)
int32 Max3; // 0x004C (size: 0x4)
FName ItemId4; // 0x0050 (size: 0x8)
float Rate4; // 0x0058 (size: 0x4)
int32 min4; // 0x005C (size: 0x4)
int32 Max4; // 0x0060 (size: 0x4)
FName ItemId5; // 0x0064 (size: 0x8)
float Rate5; // 0x006C (size: 0x4)
int32 min5; // 0x0070 (size: 0x4)
int32 Max5; // 0x0074 (size: 0x4)
}; // Size: 0x78
struct FPalDropItemInfo
}; // Size: 0x28
struct FPalDroppedPalProductDataForShop
FPalCharacterStoredParameterId StoredParameterId; // 0x0000 (size: 0x10)
FPalIndividualCharacterSaveParameter SaveParameter; // 0x0010 (size: 0x218)
}; // Size: 0x228
struct FPalDungeonDataLayerAssetSet
TArray<class UDataLayerAsset*> DataLayers; // 0x0000 (size: 0x10)
}; // Size: 0x10
struct FPalDungeonEnemySpawnerData : public FTableRowBase
FName SpawnAreaId; // 0x0008 (size: 0x8)
EPalDungeonEnemySpawnerRankType RankType; // 0x0010 (size: 0x1)
float WeightInSpawnAreaAndRank; // 0x0014 (size: 0x4)
TSoftClassPtr<APalNPCSpawnerBase> SpawnerBlueprintSoftClass; // 0x0018 (size: 0x30)
FName SpawnerName; // 0x0048 (size: 0x8)
}; // Size: 0x50
struct FPalDungeonInfoParameter
FText DungeonName; // 0x0000 (size: 0x18)
int32 Level; // 0x0018 (size: 0x4)
float DisappearRemainSeconds; // 0x001C (size: 0x4)
}; // Size: 0x28
struct FPalDungeonInstanceModelCreateParameter
class UDataLayerAsset* ReservedDataLayerAsset; // 0x0060 (size: 0x8)
}; // Size: 0x68
struct FPalDungeonItemSpawnerData : public FTableRowBase
FName SpawnAreaId; // 0x0008 (size: 0x8)
EPalDungeonItemSpawnerType Type; // 0x0010 (size: 0x1)
FName ItemFieldLotteryName; // 0x0014 (size: 0x8)
}; // Size: 0x20
struct FPalDungeonLevelData : public FTableRowBase
FName SpawnAreaId; // 0x0008 (size: 0x8)
float WeightInSpawnArea; // 0x0010 (size: 0x4)
FName LevelName; // 0x0014 (size: 0x8)
}; // Size: 0x20
struct FPalDungeonLevelInstanceLoadOperator
}; // Size: 0x28
struct FPalDungeonMarkerPointData
FGuid MarkerPointId; // 0x0000 (size: 0x10)
TArray<FName> SpawnAreaIds; // 0x0010 (size: 0x10)
FTransform Transform; // 0x0020 (size: 0x60)
FPalDungeonMarkerPointSpawnParameter SpawnParameter; // 0x0080 (size: 0x10)
TSubclassOf<class APalDungeonEntrance> EntranceClass; // 0x0090 (size: 0x8)
FGuid ConnectedDungeonInstanceId; // 0x00A0 (size: 0x10)
}; // Size: 0xB0
struct FPalDungeonMarkerPointDataSet
TArray<FPalDungeonMarkerPointData> MarkerPoints; // 0x0000 (size: 0x10)
}; // Size: 0x10
struct FPalDungeonMarkerPointSpawnParameter
float RespawnInterval; // 0x0000 (size: 0x4)
float DisappearInterval; // 0x0004 (size: 0x4)
float RespawnProbability; // 0x0008 (size: 0x4)
float DisappearIntervalAfterDefeatBoss; // 0x000C (size: 0x4)
}; // Size: 0x10
struct FPalDungeonPointMarkerSaveData
FGuid MarkerPointId; // 0x0000 (size: 0x10)
FGameDateTime NextRespawnGameTime; // 0x0010 (size: 0x8)
FGuid ConnectedDungeonInstanceId; // 0x0018 (size: 0x10)
}; // Size: 0x28
struct FPalDungeonSaveData
FGuid InstanceId; // 0x0000 (size: 0x10)
EPalDungeonType DungeonType; // 0x0010 (size: 0x1)
FGuid MarkerPointId; // 0x0014 (size: 0x10)
FName DungeonSpawnAreaId; // 0x0024 (size: 0x8)
FName DungeonLevelName; // 0x002C (size: 0x8)
EPalDungeonInstanceBossState BossState; // 0x0034 (size: 0x1)
FName EnemySpawnerDataBossRowName; // 0x0038 (size: 0x8)
FGameDateTime DisappearTimeAt; // 0x0040 (size: 0x8)
int32 ReservedDataLayerAssetIndex; // 0x0048 (size: 0x4)
FPalStageInstanceId StageInstanceId; // 0x004C (size: 0x14)
TArray<FPalMapObjectSaveData> MapObjectSaveData; // 0x0060 (size: 0x10)
}; // Size: 0x70
struct FPalDungeonSpawnAreaData : public FTableRowBase
FName DungeonNameTextId; // 0x0008 (size: 0x8)
FName PostfixTextId; // 0x0010 (size: 0x8)
}; // Size: 0x18
struct FPalDynamicItemDataInfo
class UPalDynamicItemDataBase* ItemData; // 0x0000 (size: 0x8)
}; // Size: 0x10
struct FPalDynamicItemDisposeReserveInfo
}; // Size: 0x20
struct FPalDynamicItemDisposeWaitNotifyInfo
TArray<FPalDynamicItemId> DynamicItemIds; // 0x0000 (size: 0x10)
TArray<int32> WaitPlayerIds; // 0x0010 (size: 0x10)
}; // Size: 0x20
struct FPalDynamicItemId
FGuid CreatedWorldId; // 0x0000 (size: 0x10)
FGuid LocalIdInCreatedWorld; // 0x0010 (size: 0x10)
}; // Size: 0x20
struct FPalDynamicItemIdArray
}; // Size: 0x10
struct FPalDynamicItemInfo
FPalItemSlotId SlotID; // 0x0000 (size: 0x14)
class UPalDynamicItemDataBase* DynamicItemData; // 0x0018 (size: 0x8)
}; // Size: 0x20
struct FPalDynamicItemSaveData : public FPalBinaryMemory
FPalDynamicItemId ID; // 0x0010 (size: 0x20)
FName StaticItemId; // 0x0030 (size: 0x8)
}; // Size: 0x38
struct FPalEachDamageRactionInfo
class AActor* Attacker; // 0x0000 (size: 0x8)
bool IsBlow; // 0x0008 (size: 0x1)
bool IsLeanBackAnime; // 0x0009 (size: 0x1)
bool IsStan; // 0x000A (size: 0x1)
EPalWazaCategory WazaCategory; // 0x000B (size: 0x1)
}; // Size: 0x10
struct FPalEditorItemActorClassTableRow : public FTableRowBase
FName ClassName; // 0x0008 (size: 0x8)
TSoftClassPtr<AActor> actorClass; // 0x0010 (size: 0x30)
}; // Size: 0x40
struct FPalEditorItemDynamicClassTableRow : public FTableRowBase
FName ClassName; // 0x0008 (size: 0x8)
TSubclassOf<class UPalDynamicItemDataBase> DynamicClass; // 0x0010 (size: 0x8)
}; // Size: 0x18
struct FPalEditorItemIconTableRow : public FTableRowBase
TSoftObjectPtr<UTexture2D> Icon; // 0x0008 (size: 0x30)
}; // Size: 0x38
struct FPalEditorItemStaticClassTableRow : public FTableRowBase
FName ClassName; // 0x0008 (size: 0x8)
TSubclassOf<class UPalStaticItemDataBase> StaticClass; // 0x0010 (size: 0x8)
}; // Size: 0x18
struct FPalEditorItemStaticMeshTableRow : public FTableRowBase
FName StaticMeshName; // 0x0008 (size: 0x8)
TSoftObjectPtr<UStaticMesh> StaticMeshPath; // 0x0010 (size: 0x30)
}; // Size: 0x40
struct FPalEggRankInfo
int32 PalRarity; // 0x0000 (size: 0x4)
float EggScale; // 0x0004 (size: 0x4)
float HatchingSpeedDivisionRate; // 0x0008 (size: 0x4)
}; // Size: 0xC
struct FPalEnemyCampSaveData
TMap<class FName, class FPalEnemyCampStatus> EnemyCampStatusMap; // 0x0000 (size: 0x50)
}; // Size: 0x50
struct FPalEnemyCampStatus
bool bIsSpawned; // 0x0000 (size: 0x1)
bool bIsEnemyAllDead; // 0x0001 (size: 0x1)
bool bIsClear; // 0x0002 (size: 0x1)
bool bRewardReceived; // 0x0003 (size: 0x1)
FName RewardPalId; // 0x0004 (size: 0x8)
int32 RewardPalLevel; // 0x000C (size: 0x4)
FDateTime ClearDate; // 0x0010 (size: 0x8)
float ElapsedTime; // 0x0018 (size: 0x4)
FDateTime LastCalcDate; // 0x0020 (size: 0x8)
}; // Size: 0x28
struct FPalEquipWeaponInfo
FPalContainerId ContainerId; // 0x0000 (size: 0x10)
class APalMonsterEquipWeaponBase* SpawnedWeapon; // 0x0010 (size: 0x8)
}; // Size: 0x18
struct FPalExpDatabaseRaw : public FTableRowBase
int32 DropEXP; // 0x0008 (size: 0x4)
int32 NextEXP; // 0x000C (size: 0x4)
int32 PalNextEXP; // 0x0010 (size: 0x4)
int32 TotalEXP; // 0x0014 (size: 0x4)
int32 PalTotalEXP; // 0x0018 (size: 0x4)
}; // Size: 0x20
struct FPalFarmCropGrowupProcessSet
EPalFarmCropState State; // 0x0000 (size: 0x1)
FComponentReference TargetCompRef; // 0x0008 (size: 0x28)
float ProcessRate; // 0x0030 (size: 0x4)
}; // Size: 0x38
struct FPalFastBaseCampPassiveEffectRepInfoArray : public FFastArraySerializer
TArray<FPalBaseCampPassiveEffectRepInfo> Items; // 0x0108 (size: 0x10)
}; // Size: 0x118
struct FPalFastGuildPlayerInfoRepInfoArray : public FFastArraySerializer
TArray<FPalGuildPlayerInfoRepInfo> Items; // 0x0108 (size: 0x10)
}; // Size: 0x148
struct FPalFastMapObjectModelEffectRepInfoArray : public FFastArraySerializer
TArray<FPalMapObjectModelEffectRepInfo> Items; // 0x0108 (size: 0x10)
}; // Size: 0x148
struct FPalFastMapObjectModuleRepInfoArray : public FFastArraySerializer
TArray<FPalMapObjectModuleRepInfo> Items; // 0x0108 (size: 0x10)
}; // Size: 0x148
struct FPalFastStageModelRepInfoArray : public FFastArraySerializer
TArray<FPalStageModelRepInfo> Items; // 0x0108 (size: 0x10)
}; // Size: 0x148
struct FPalFastWorkAssignRepInfoArray : public FFastArraySerializer
TArray<FPalWorkAssignRepInfo> Items; // 0x0108 (size: 0x10)
}; // Size: 0x148
struct FPalFieldLotteryName : public FTableRowBase
float ItemSlot1_ProbabilityPercent; // 0x0008 (size: 0x4)
float ItemSlot2_ProbabilityPercent; // 0x000C (size: 0x4)
float ItemSlot3_ProbabilityPercent; // 0x0010 (size: 0x4)
float ItemSlot4_ProbabilityPercent; // 0x0014 (size: 0x4)
float ItemSlot5_ProbabilityPercent; // 0x0018 (size: 0x4)
}; // Size: 0x20
struct FPalFoliageGridInstanceMap
TMap<class FPalFoliageInstanceId, class UPalFoliageInstance*> InstanceMap; // 0x0000 (size: 0x50)
}; // Size: 0x50
struct FPalFoliageGridSaveData
TMap<class FName, class FPalFoliageSaveData> ModelMap; // 0x0000 (size: 0x50)
}; // Size: 0x50
struct FPalFoliageInstallData
FVector Location; // 0x0000 (size: 0x18)
FRotator Rotator; // 0x0018 (size: 0x18)
FVector Scale3D; // 0x0030 (size: 0x18)
}; // Size: 0x48
struct FPalFoliageInstallDataArray
TArray<FPalFoliageInstallData> InstallDataArray; // 0x0000 (size: 0x10)
}; // Size: 0x10
struct FPalFoliageInstallDataSet
}; // Size: 0x50
struct FPalFoliageInstanceId
FGuid Guid; // 0x0000 (size: 0x10)
}; // Size: 0x10
struct FPalFoliageInstanceInfo
}; // Size: 0x4
struct FPalFoliageInstanceRepInfo : public FFastArraySerializerItem
FName FoliageTypeId; // 0x000C (size: 0x8)
FPalFoliageInstanceId InstanceId; // 0x0014 (size: 0x10)
class UPalFoliageInstance* Instance; // 0x0028 (size: 0x8)
}; // Size: 0x30
struct FPalFoliageInstanceRepInfoArray : public FFastArraySerializer
TArray<FPalFoliageInstanceRepInfo> Items; // 0x0108 (size: 0x10)
}; // Size: 0x148
struct FPalFoliageInstanceSaveData : public FPalBinaryMemory
}; // Size: 0x10
struct FPalFoliageInstanceTransform
FVector Location; // 0x0000 (size: 0x18)
FRotator Rotator; // 0x0018 (size: 0x18)
float ScaleX; // 0x0030 (size: 0x4)
}; // Size: 0x38
struct FPalFoliageMasterData : public FTableRowBase
FName ClassRefId; // 0x0008 (size: 0x8)
}; // Size: 0x10
struct FPalFoliagePresetData
FPalDataTableRowName_MapObjectData FoliageMapObjectId; // 0x0000 (size: 0x8)
int32 HP; // 0x0008 (size: 0x4)
TArray<FPalMapObjectDropItemData> DamagedDropItems; // 0x0010 (size: 0x10)
FPalDataTableRowName_ItemData DropItemId; // 0x0020 (size: 0x8)
int32 DropItemNum; // 0x0028 (size: 0x4)
int32 DropEXP; // 0x002C (size: 0x4)
EPalMapObjectDestroyFXType DestroyFXType; // 0x0030 (size: 0x1)
float DistanceFromPlayerNotRespawn; // 0x0034 (size: 0x4)
int32 RespawnIntervalRealMinutes; // 0x0038 (size: 0x4)
int32 RetryRespawnIntervalRealMinutes; // 0x003C (size: 0x4)
}; // Size: 0x40
struct FPalFoliageSaveData : public FPalBinaryMemory
TMap<class FPalFoliageInstanceId, class FPalFoliageInstanceSaveData> InstanceDataMap; // 0x0010 (size: 0x50)
}; // Size: 0x60
struct FPalFoliageTypeReference : public FTableRowBase
TSoftObjectPtr<UFoliageType> FoliageType; // 0x0008 (size: 0x30)
FPalDataTableRowName_MapObjectData FoliageMapObjectId; // 0x0038 (size: 0x8)
int32 HP; // 0x0040 (size: 0x4)
FPalDataTableRowName_ItemData DropItemId; // 0x0044 (size: 0x8)
int32 DropItemNum; // 0x004C (size: 0x4)
EPalMapObjectDestroyFXType DestroyFXType; // 0x0050 (size: 0x1)
}; // Size: 0x58
struct FPalFunnelCharacterManagementInfo
FPalInstanceID OwnerCharacterId; // 0x0000 (size: 0x30)
class APalFunnelCharacter* FunnelCharacter; // 0x0030 (size: 0x8)
}; // Size: 0x38
struct FPalFunnelSkillModuleCollectItemSearchInfo
FVector Location; // 0x0000 (size: 0x18)
float Distance; // 0x0018 (size: 0x4)
float ElapsedTime; // 0x001C (size: 0x4)
}; // Size: 0x28
struct FPalGameProgressPresetDataTableRow : public FTableRowBase
int32 Level; // 0x0008 (size: 0x4)
int32 HPLevel; // 0x000C (size: 0x4)
int32 SPLevel; // 0x0010 (size: 0x4)
int32 AttackLevel; // 0x0014 (size: 0x4)
int32 WorkLevel; // 0x0018 (size: 0x4)
int32 WeightLevel; // 0x001C (size: 0x4)
int32 CaptureLevel; // 0x0020 (size: 0x4)
TArray<FPalDebugOtomoPalInfo> OtomoPals; // 0x0028 (size: 0x10)
TArray<FPalDebugOtomoPalInfo> CapturedPals; // 0x0038 (size: 0x10)
TArray<FPalDebugItemCreateInfo> LoadoutItems; // 0x0048 (size: 0x10)
TArray<FPalDebugItemCreateInfo> Items; // 0x0058 (size: 0x10)
}; // Size: 0x68
struct FPalGameSystemInitSequenceSet
TArray<class UPalGameSystemInitSequenceBase*> InitSequences; // 0x0000 (size: 0x10)
}; // Size: 0x10
struct FPalGameTimeSaveData
int64 GameDateTimeTicks; // 0x0000 (size: 0x8)
int64 RealDateTimeTicks; // 0x0008 (size: 0x8)
}; // Size: 0x10
struct FPalGaugeInterpolationCalculator
float CurrentValue; // 0x0000 (size: 0x4)
float TargetValue; // 0x0004 (size: 0x4)
bool bDirectionPositive; // 0x0008 (size: 0x1)
}; // Size: 0xC
struct FPalGliderPalInfo
FPalDataTableRowName_PalMonsterData PalName; // 0x0000 (size: 0x8)
TArray<TSoftClassPtr<APalGliderObject>> GliderPalArray; // 0x0008 (size: 0x10)
}; // Size: 0x18
struct FPalGotStatusPoint
FName StatusName; // 0x0000 (size: 0x8)
int32 StatusPoint; // 0x0008 (size: 0x4)
}; // Size: 0xC
struct FPalGroupCreateParameter
EPalGroupType Type; // 0x0000 (size: 0x1)
EPalOrganizationType OrganizationType; // 0x0001 (size: 0x1)
FString GroupName; // 0x0008 (size: 0x10)
FGuid AdminPlayerUId; // 0x0018 (size: 0x10)
}; // Size: 0x28
struct FPalGroupSaveData : public FPalBinaryMemory
EPalGroupType GroupType; // 0x0010 (size: 0x1)
}; // Size: 0x18
struct FPalGroupUpdateInfo
FGuid EnterGroupId; // 0x0000 (size: 0x10)
FGuid ExitGroupId; // 0x0010 (size: 0x10)
TArray<FGuid> PlayerUIds; // 0x0020 (size: 0x10)
TArray<FPalInstanceID> CharacterIndividualIds; // 0x0030 (size: 0x10)
TArray<FGuid> MapObjectInstanceIds_BaseCampPoint; // 0x0040 (size: 0x10)
TArray<FGuid> BaseCampIds; // 0x0050 (size: 0x10)
}; // Size: 0x60
struct FPalGuildPalStorageInfo
}; // Size: 0x38
struct FPalGuildPlayerInfo
EPalGuildPlayerStatus Status; // 0x0000 (size: 0x1)
FDateTime LastOnlineRealTime; // 0x0008 (size: 0x8)
FString PlayerName; // 0x0010 (size: 0x10)
}; // Size: 0x20
struct FPalGuildPlayerInfoRepInfo : public FFastArraySerializerItem
FGuid PlayerUId; // 0x000C (size: 0x10)
FPalGuildPlayerInfo PlayerInfo; // 0x0020 (size: 0x20)
}; // Size: 0x40
struct FPalHeatSourceInfo
int32 HeatLevel_DayTime; // 0x0000 (size: 0x4)
int32 HeatLevel_NightTime; // 0x0004 (size: 0x4)
}; // Size: 0x8
struct FPalHitCollisionSetupParameter
}; // Size: 0x20
struct FPalIncidentBroadcastParameter
EPalInvaderType InvaderType; // 0x0000 (size: 0x1)
class UPalBaseCampModel* TargetBaseCamp; // 0x0008 (size: 0x8)
FPalInvaderDatabaseRow ChosenInvaderData; // 0x0010 (size: 0x70)
FGuid GroupGuid; // 0x0080 (size: 0x10)
}; // Size: 0x90
struct FPalIncidentExecutionSettings
bool bCanExecuteMultiple; // 0x0000 (size: 0x1)
}; // Size: 0x1
struct FPalIncidentIdParameter
FName IncidentId; // 0x0000 (size: 0x8)
FName IncidentType; // 0x0008 (size: 0x8)
FName Option; // 0x0010 (size: 0x8)
TArray<FName> Args; // 0x0018 (size: 0x10)
TArray<FName> Options; // 0x0028 (size: 0x10)
}; // Size: 0x38
struct FPalIncidentInitializeParameter
}; // Size: 0x38
struct FPalIncidentNotifyParameter
FName IncidentId; // 0x0000 (size: 0x8)
FName IncidentType; // 0x0008 (size: 0x8)
class UObject* OccuredObject; // 0x0010 (size: 0x8)
class UObject* OwnerObject; // 0x0018 (size: 0x8)
class UPalIncidentBase* IncidentObject; // 0x0020 (size: 0x8)
}; // Size: 0x28
struct FPalIncidentParameterDataTableRow : public FTableRowBase
FName Option; // 0x0008 (size: 0x8)
}; // Size: 0x10
struct FPalIncidentSystemFunctionAccessor
}; // Size: 0xC0
struct FPalIndividualCharacterCacheParameter
FGuid GroupID; // 0x0000 (size: 0x10)
bool bSleeping; // 0x0010 (size: 0x1)
FGuid InvaderTargetBaseCampId; // 0x0018 (size: 0x10)
EPalInvaderType InvaderType; // 0x0028 (size: 0x1)
}; // Size: 0x2C
struct FPalIndividualCharacterEquipItemContainerHandler
}; // Size: 0x8
struct FPalIndividualCharacterSaveParameter
FName CharacterID; // 0x0000 (size: 0x8)
FName UniqueNPCID; // 0x0008 (size: 0x8)
EPalGenderType Gender; // 0x0010 (size: 0x1)
TSubclassOf<class APalCharacter> CharacterClass; // 0x0018 (size: 0x8)
int32 Level; // 0x0020 (size: 0x4)
int32 Rank; // 0x0024 (size: 0x4)
int32 Rank_HP; // 0x0028 (size: 0x4)
int32 Rank_Attack; // 0x002C (size: 0x4)
int32 Rank_Defence; // 0x0030 (size: 0x4)
int32 Rank_CraftSpeed; // 0x0034 (size: 0x4)
int32 Exp; // 0x0038 (size: 0x4)
FString NickName; // 0x0040 (size: 0x10)
bool IsRarePal; // 0x0050 (size: 0x1)
TArray<EPalWazaID> EquipWaza; // 0x0058 (size: 0x10)
TArray<EPalWazaID> MasteredWaza; // 0x0068 (size: 0x10)
FFixedPoint64 HP; // 0x0078 (size: 0x8)
int32 Talent_HP; // 0x0080 (size: 0x4)
int32 Talent_Melee; // 0x0084 (size: 0x4)
int32 Talent_Shot; // 0x0088 (size: 0x4)
int32 Talent_Defense; // 0x008C (size: 0x4)
float FullStomach; // 0x0090 (size: 0x4)
EPalStatusPhysicalHealthType PhysicalHealth; // 0x0094 (size: 0x1)
EPalBaseCampWorkerSickType WorkerSick; // 0x0095 (size: 0x1)
TArray<FName> PassiveSkillList; // 0x0098 (size: 0x10)
int32 DyingTimer; // 0x00A8 (size: 0x4)
FFixedPoint64 MP; // 0x00B0 (size: 0x8)
bool IsPlayer; // 0x00B8 (size: 0x1)
FDateTime OwnedTime; // 0x00C0 (size: 0x8)
FGuid OwnerPlayerUId; // 0x00C8 (size: 0x10)
TArray<FGuid> OldOwnerPlayerUIds; // 0x00D8 (size: 0x10)
FFixedPoint64 MaxHP; // 0x00E8 (size: 0x8)
int32 Support; // 0x00F0 (size: 0x4)
int32 CraftSpeed; // 0x00F4 (size: 0x4)
TArray<FPalWorkSuitabilityInfo> CraftSpeeds; // 0x00F8 (size: 0x10)
FFixedPoint64 ShieldHP; // 0x0108 (size: 0x8)
FFixedPoint64 ShieldMaxHP; // 0x0110 (size: 0x8)
FFixedPoint64 MaxMP; // 0x0118 (size: 0x8)
FFixedPoint64 MaxSP; // 0x0120 (size: 0x8)
EPalStatusHungerType HungerType; // 0x0128 (size: 0x1)
float SanityValue; // 0x012C (size: 0x4)
EPalBaseCampWorkerEventType BaseCampWorkerEventType; // 0x0130 (size: 0x1)
float BaseCampWorkerEventProgressTime; // 0x0134 (size: 0x4)
FPalContainerId ItemContainerId; // 0x0138 (size: 0x10)
FPalContainerId EquipItemContainerId; // 0x0148 (size: 0x10)
FPalCharacterSlotId SlotID; // 0x0158 (size: 0x14)
float MaxFullStomach; // 0x016C (size: 0x4)
float FullStomachDecreaseRate_Tribe; // 0x0170 (size: 0x4)
int32 UnusedStatusPoint; // 0x0174 (size: 0x4)
TArray<FPalGotStatusPoint> GotStatusPointList; // 0x0178 (size: 0x10)
FFloatContainer DecreaseFullStomachRates; // 0x0188 (size: 0x10)
FFloatContainer AffectSanityRates; // 0x0198 (size: 0x10)
FFloatContainer CraftSpeedRates; // 0x01A8 (size: 0x10)
FVector LastJumpedLocation; // 0x01B8 (size: 0x18)
FName FoodWithStatusEffect; // 0x01D0 (size: 0x8)
int32 Tiemr_FoodWithStatusEffect; // 0x01D8 (size: 0x4)
EPalWorkSuitability CurrentWorkSuitability; // 0x01DC (size: 0x1)
bool bAppliedDeathPenarty; // 0x01DD (size: 0x1)
float PalReviveTimer; // 0x01E0 (size: 0x4)
int32 VoiceID; // 0x01E4 (size: 0x4)
FPalIndividualCharacterCacheParameter Dynamic; // 0x01E8 (size: 0x2C)
}; // Size: 0x218
struct FPalIndividualCharacterSaveParameterSaveData : public FPalBinaryMemory
}; // Size: 0x10
struct FPalIndividualCharacterSlotResultInfo
}; // Size: 0x20
struct FPalIndividualCharacterSlotUpdateInfo
}; // Size: 0x68
struct FPalInsideBaseCampUI_DisplayItemInfo
bool isShowWhenNothingItem; // 0x0000 (size: 0x1)
}; // Size: 0x1
struct FPalInstanceID
FGuid PlayerUId; // 0x0000 (size: 0x10)
FGuid InstanceId; // 0x0010 (size: 0x10)
FString DebugName; // 0x0020 (size: 0x10)
}; // Size: 0x30
struct FPalInteractiveObjectActionBy
class AActor* InteractingActor; // 0x0000 (size: 0x8)
int32 InteractId; // 0x0008 (size: 0x4)
}; // Size: 0x10
struct FPalInteractiveObjectActionInfoData
EPalInteractiveObjectIndicatorType IndicatorType; // 0x0000 (size: 0x1)
EPalInteractiveObjectButtonType buttonType; // 0x0001 (size: 0x1)
float longPushTime; // 0x0004 (size: 0x4)
bool bValid; // 0x0008 (size: 0x1)
bool bLockRiding; // 0x0009 (size: 0x1)
bool isInputComsume; // 0x000A (size: 0x1)
}; // Size: 0xC
struct FPalInteractiveObjectActionInfoSet
FPalInteractiveObjectActionInfoData Interact1_Indicator; // 0x0000 (size: 0xC)
FPalInteractiveObjectActionInfoData Interact2_Indicator; // 0x000C (size: 0xC)
FPalInteractiveObjectActionInfoData Interact3_Indicator; // 0x0018 (size: 0xC)
FPalInteractiveObjectActionInfoData Interact4_Indicator; // 0x0024 (size: 0xC)
}; // Size: 0x30
struct FPalInvaderDatabaseRow : public FTableRowBase
FName GroupName; // 0x0008 (size: 0x8)
EPalBiomeType BiomeID; // 0x0010 (size: 0x1)
int32 InvadeGradeMin; // 0x0014 (size: 0x4)
int32 InvadeGradeMax; // 0x0018 (size: 0x4)
float Weight; // 0x001C (size: 0x4)
FName CharactorID_A; // 0x0020 (size: 0x8)
int32 LevelMin_A; // 0x0028 (size: 0x4)
int32 LevelMax_A; // 0x002C (size: 0x4)
int32 Number_A; // 0x0030 (size: 0x4)
FName CharactorID_B; // 0x0034 (size: 0x8)
int32 LevelMin_B; // 0x003C (size: 0x4)
int32 LevelMax_B; // 0x0040 (size: 0x4)
int32 Number_B; // 0x0044 (size: 0x4)
FName CharactorID_C; // 0x0048 (size: 0x8)
int32 LevelMin_C; // 0x0050 (size: 0x4)
int32 LevelMax_C; // 0x0054 (size: 0x4)
int32 Number_C; // 0x0058 (size: 0x4)
FName CharactorID_D; // 0x005C (size: 0x8)
int32 LevelMin_D; // 0x0064 (size: 0x4)
int32 LevelMax_D; // 0x0068 (size: 0x4)
int32 Number_D; // 0x006C (size: 0x4)
}; // Size: 0x70
struct FPalInvaderSpawnCharacterParameter
FName CharacterID; // 0x0000 (size: 0x8)
int32 Level; // 0x0008 (size: 0x4)
}; // Size: 0xC
struct FPalInvaderStartPointInfo
FVector Location; // 0x0000 (size: 0x18)
EPalBiomeType BiomeType; // 0x0018 (size: 0x1)
}; // Size: 0x20
struct FPalItemAndNum
FPalItemId ItemId; // 0x0000 (size: 0x28)
int32 Num; // 0x0028 (size: 0x4)
}; // Size: 0x2C
struct FPalItemAndSlot
FPalItemId ItemId; // 0x0000 (size: 0x28)
int32 Num; // 0x0028 (size: 0x4)
FPalItemSlotId SlotID; // 0x002C (size: 0x14)
}; // Size: 0x40
struct FPalItemAndSlotUpdateContentSet
TArray<FPalItemAndSlot> UpdateContents; // 0x0000 (size: 0x10)
TArray<FPalStaticItemIdAndDynamicItemDataSet> UpdateDynamicItems; // 0x0010 (size: 0x10)
}; // Size: 0x20
struct FPalItemContainerBelongInfo : public FPalContainerBelongInfo
FGuid GroupID; // 0x0008 (size: 0x10)
}; // Size: 0x18
struct FPalItemContainerCreateParameter
int32 SlotNum; // 0x0000 (size: 0x4)
FPalItemPermission Permission; // 0x0008 (size: 0x30)
FPalItemContainerBelongInfo BelongInfo; // 0x0038 (size: 0x18)
TArray<FPalItemAndNum> InitialItems; // 0x0050 (size: 0x10)
}; // Size: 0x60
struct FPalItemContainerInfo : public FPalContainerInfo
FPalItemContainerBelongInfo BelongInfo; // 0x0020 (size: 0x18)
FPalItemPermission Permission; // 0x0038 (size: 0x30)
}; // Size: 0x68
struct FPalItemContainerSaveData : public FPalBinaryMemory
FPalItemContainerBelongInfo BelongInfo; // 0x0010 (size: 0x18)
TArray<FPalItemSlotSaveData> Slots; // 0x0028 (size: 0x10)
}; // Size: 0x38
struct FPalItemCreateParameter
FPalPassiveSkillAssignInfo PassiveSkillAssignInfo; // 0x0000 (size: 0x18)
FName CharacterID; // 0x0018 (size: 0x8)
}; // Size: 0x20
struct FPalItemData
class UPalStaticItemDataBase* StaticData; // 0x0000 (size: 0x8)
class UPalDynamicItemDataBase* DynamicData; // 0x0008 (size: 0x8)
}; // Size: 0x10
struct FPalItemFlowInSplineInfo
class AActor* ItemActor; // 0x0000 (size: 0x8)
float ProgressTime; // 0x0008 (size: 0x4)
}; // Size: 0x10
struct FPalItemId
FName StaticId; // 0x0000 (size: 0x8)
FPalDynamicItemId DynamicId; // 0x0008 (size: 0x20)
}; // Size: 0x28
struct FPalItemLotteryData : public FTableRowBase
FName FieldName; // 0x0008 (size: 0x8)
int32 SlotNo; // 0x0010 (size: 0x4)
float WeightInSlot; // 0x0014 (size: 0x4)
FName StaticItemId; // 0x0018 (size: 0x8)
int32 MinNum; // 0x0020 (size: 0x4)
int32 MaxNum; // 0x0024 (size: 0x4)
int32 NumUnit; // 0x0028 (size: 0x4)
EPalMapObjectTreasureGradeType TreasureBoxGrade; // 0x002C (size: 0x1)
}; // Size: 0x30
struct FPalItemOperationInfo_Move
FPalInstanceID ExecutorIndividualId; // 0x0000 (size: 0x30)
TArray<FPalItemId> ItemIds; // 0x0030 (size: 0x10)
TArray<FPalItemSlotId> FromSlotIds; // 0x0040 (size: 0x10)
FPalContainerId ToContainerId; // 0x0050 (size: 0x10)
TArray<FPalItemSlotId> ToSlotIds; // 0x0060 (size: 0x10)
}; // Size: 0x70
struct FPalItemOperationOptions
}; // Size: 0x1
struct FPalItemPalEggDataHandle
TArray<FPalDataTableRowName_ItemData> ItemRowNameArray; // 0x0000 (size: 0x10)
}; // Size: 0x10
struct FPalItemPermission
TArray<EPalItemTypeA> PermissionTypeA; // 0x0000 (size: 0x10)
TArray<EPalItemTypeB> PermissionTypeB; // 0x0010 (size: 0x10)
TArray<FName> PermissionItemStaticIds; // 0x0020 (size: 0x10)
}; // Size: 0x30
struct FPalItemRecipe : public FTableRowBase
FName Product_Id; // 0x0008 (size: 0x8)
int32 Product_Count; // 0x0010 (size: 0x4)
float WorkAmount; // 0x0014 (size: 0x4)
int32 WorkableAttribute; // 0x0018 (size: 0x4)
FName UnlockItemID; // 0x001C (size: 0x8)
FName Material1_Id; // 0x0024 (size: 0x8)
int32 Material1_Count; // 0x002C (size: 0x4)
FName Material2_Id; // 0x0030 (size: 0x8)
int32 Material2_Count; // 0x0038 (size: 0x4)
FName Material3_Id; // 0x003C (size: 0x8)
int32 Material3_Count; // 0x0044 (size: 0x4)
FName Material4_Id; // 0x0048 (size: 0x8)
int32 Material4_Count; // 0x0050 (size: 0x4)
FName Material5_Id; // 0x0054 (size: 0x8)
int32 Material5_Count; // 0x005C (size: 0x4)
EPalEnergyType EnergyType; // 0x0060 (size: 0x1)
int32 EnergyAmount; // 0x0064 (size: 0x4)
int32 Editor_RowNameHash; // 0x0068 (size: 0x4)
}; // Size: 0x70
struct FPalItemRecipeMaterialInfo
FName MaterialID; // 0x0000 (size: 0x8)
int32 MaterialCount; // 0x0008 (size: 0x4)
}; // Size: 0xC
struct FPalItemShopCreateDataRow : public FTableRowBase
TArray<FPalItemShopCreateDataStruct> productDataArray; // 0x0008 (size: 0x10)
}; // Size: 0x18
struct FPalItemShopCreateDataStruct
FName StaticItemId; // 0x0000 (size: 0x8)
float BuyRate; // 0x0008 (size: 0x4)
float SellRate; // 0x000C (size: 0x4)
int32 Stock; // 0x0010 (size: 0x4)
}; // Size: 0x14
struct FPalItemShopCreateIntermediateDataRow : public FTableRowBase
FName GroupName; // 0x0008 (size: 0x8)
FName StaticItemId; // 0x0010 (size: 0x8)
float BuyRate; // 0x0018 (size: 0x4)
float SellRate; // 0x001C (size: 0x4)
int32 Stock; // 0x0020 (size: 0x4)
}; // Size: 0x28
struct FPalItemShopLotteryDataRow : public FTableRowBase
TArray<FPalItemShopLotteryDataStruct> lotteryDataArray; // 0x0008 (size: 0x10)
}; // Size: 0x18
struct FPalItemShopLotteryDataStruct
FName ShopGroupName; // 0x0000 (size: 0x8)
int32 Weight; // 0x0008 (size: 0x4)
}; // Size: 0xC
struct FPalItemShopLotteryIntermediateDataRow : public FTableRowBase
FName GroupName; // 0x0008 (size: 0x8)
FName ShopGroupName; // 0x0010 (size: 0x8)
int32 Weight; // 0x0018 (size: 0x4)
}; // Size: 0x20
struct FPalItemSlotId
FPalContainerId ContainerId; // 0x0000 (size: 0x10)
int32 SlotIndex; // 0x0010 (size: 0x4)
}; // Size: 0x14
struct FPalItemSlotIdAndNum
FPalItemSlotId SlotID; // 0x0000 (size: 0x14)
int32 Num; // 0x0014 (size: 0x4)
}; // Size: 0x18
struct FPalItemSlotSaveData : public FPalBinaryMemory
int32 SlotIndex; // 0x0010 (size: 0x4)
FPalItemId ItemId; // 0x0014 (size: 0x28)
int32 StackCount; // 0x003C (size: 0x4)
}; // Size: 0x40
struct FPalKeyAction
FName ActionName; // 0x0000 (size: 0x8)
EPalKeyConfigAxisFilterType FilterType; // 0x0008 (size: 0x1)
}; // Size: 0xC
struct FPalKeyConfigKeys
FKey MainKey; // 0x0000 (size: 0x18)
FKey SecondaryKey; // 0x0018 (size: 0x18)
}; // Size: 0x30
struct FPalKeyConfigSettings
TMap<class FName, class FPalKeyConfigKeys> MouseAndKeyboardActionMappings; // 0x0000 (size: 0x50)
TArray<FPalAxisKeyConfigKeys> MouseAndKeyboardAxisMappings; // 0x0050 (size: 0x10)
TMap<class FName, class FPalKeyConfigKeys> GamePadActionMappings; // 0x0060 (size: 0x50)
TArray<FPalAxisKeyConfigKeys> GamePadAxisMappings; // 0x00B0 (size: 0x10)
}; // Size: 0xC0
struct FPalLoadoutSynchronalizedData
TSoftClassPtr<AActor> actorClass; // 0x0000 (size: 0x30)
FPalItemId ItemId; // 0x0030 (size: 0x28)
}; // Size: 0x58
struct FPalLocalSaveData
TMap<EPalTribeID, int32> Local_ActivateOtomoCount; // 0x0000 (size: 0x50)
TMap<class EPalTribeID, class bool> Local_PalEncountFlag; // 0x0050 (size: 0x50)
TMap<class FName, class bool> Local_NoteCheckedFlag; // 0x00A0 (size: 0x50)
TMap<EPalPlayerInventoryType, int32> Local_LoadoutSelectedIndexMap; // 0x00F0 (size: 0x50)
TMap<FName, int32> Local_NewUnlockedBuilds; // 0x0140 (size: 0x50)
bool Local_IsBuildMenuChecked; // 0x0190 (size: 0x1)
TMap<FName, int32> Local_NPCTalkCountMap; // 0x0198 (size: 0x50)
TMap<class FName, class bool> Local_NewUnlockedTechs; // 0x01E8 (size: 0x50)
TMap<class FName, class bool> Local_ShowedCutsceneFlag; // 0x0238 (size: 0x50)
int32 Local_PlayTime; // 0x0288 (size: 0x4)
TArray<uint8> worldMapMaskTexture; // 0x0290 (size: 0x10)
TArray<FPalCustomMarkerSaveData> Local_CustomMarkerSaveData; // 0x02A0 (size: 0x10)
TArray<FPalTutorialTriggerSaveData> Local_TutorialTriggerSaveData; // 0x02B0 (size: 0x10)
TArray<FPalCompletedQuestSaveData> Local_CompletedTutorialQuestSaveData; // 0x02C0 (size: 0x10)
TArray<FPalOrderedQuestSaveData> Local_OrderedTutorialQuestSaveData; // 0x02D0 (size: 0x10)
}; // Size: 0x2E0
struct FPalLocalizedTextData : public FTableRowBase
FText TextData; // 0x0008 (size: 0x18)
}; // Size: 0x20
struct FPalLocationRepInfo : public FFastArraySerializerItem
FGuid ID; // 0x000C (size: 0x10)
class UPalLocationBase* Location; // 0x0020 (size: 0x8)
}; // Size: 0x28
struct FPalLocationUIData
TSoftObjectPtr<UTexture2D> Icon; // 0x0000 (size: 0x30)
TSubclassOf<class UPalUICompassIconBase> compassIconWidget; // 0x0030 (size: 0x8)
float displayLength; // 0x0038 (size: 0x4)
}; // Size: 0x40
struct FPalLocationUIData_TableRow : public FTableRowBase
TMap<class EPalLocationType, class FPalLocationUIData> locationUIDataMap; // 0x0008 (size: 0x50)
TMap<class FName, class TSoftObjectPtr<UTexture2D>> mapObjectIconMap; // 0x0058 (size: 0x50)
}; // Size: 0xA8
struct FPalLogAdditionalData
TArray<TSoftObjectPtr<UTexture2D>> softTextures; // 0x0000 (size: 0x10)
EPalLogContentToneType logToneType; // 0x0010 (size: 0x1)
FName DefaultFontStyleName; // 0x0014 (size: 0x8)
TSubclassOf<class UPalLogWidgetBase> overrideWidgetClass; // 0x0020 (size: 0x8)
FPalStaticItemIdAndNum ItemIDAndNum; // 0x0028 (size: 0xC)
}; // Size: 0x38
struct FPalLogDataSet
FText Text; // 0x0000 (size: 0x18)
FPalLogAdditionalData AdditionalData; // 0x0018 (size: 0x38)
}; // Size: 0x50
struct FPalLogInfo_DropPal
FString NickName; // 0x0000 (size: 0x10)
FName CharacterID; // 0x0010 (size: 0x8)
}; // Size: 0x18
struct FPalLogInfo_Skill
FText SkillName; // 0x0000 (size: 0x18)
FText CharacterName; // 0x0018 (size: 0x18)
FText Value; // 0x0030 (size: 0x18)
}; // Size: 0x48
struct FPalLoggedinPlayerSaveDataRecordData
TMap<class FName, class bool> TowerBossDefeatFlag; // 0x0000 (size: 0x50)
TMap<class FName, class bool> NormalBossDefeatFlag; // 0x0050 (size: 0x50)
int32 BossDefeatCount; // 0x00A0 (size: 0x4)
int32 TribeCaptureCount; // 0x00A4 (size: 0x4)
TMap<FName, int32> PalCaptureCount; // 0x00A8 (size: 0x50)
TMap<class FName, class bool> PaldeckUnlockFlag; // 0x00F8 (size: 0x50)
int32 PalCaptureCountBonusCount_Tier1; // 0x0148 (size: 0x4)
int32 PalCaptureCountBonusCount_Tier2; // 0x014C (size: 0x4)
int32 PalCaptureCountBonusCount_Tier3; // 0x0150 (size: 0x4)
TMap<class FName, class bool> RelicObtainForInstanceFlag; // 0x0158 (size: 0x50)
int32 RelicPossessNum; // 0x01A8 (size: 0x4)
TMap<class FName, class bool> NoteObtainForInstanceFlag; // 0x01B0 (size: 0x50)
TMap<FName, int32> NPCTalkIdCount; // 0x0200 (size: 0x50)
TMap<class FName, class bool> FastTravelPointUnlockFlag; // 0x0250 (size: 0x50)
TArray<FGuid> BuildingObjectMapObjectInstanceIds; // 0x02A0 (size: 0x10)
}; // Size: 0x2B0
struct FPalMakeDamageInfo
class AActor* Attacker; // 0x0000 (size: 0x8)
class AActor* Defender; // 0x0008 (size: 0x8)
class USceneComponent* HitComponent; // 0x0010 (size: 0x8)
int32 Power; // 0x0018 (size: 0x4)
EPalWazaCategory Category; // 0x001C (size: 0x1)
EPalElementType Element; // 0x001D (size: 0x1)
EPalAttackType AttackType; // 0x001E (size: 0x1)
EPalWeaponType WeaponType; // 0x001F (size: 0x1)
FVector HitLocation; // 0x0020 (size: 0x18)
bool IsLeanBack; // 0x0038 (size: 0x1)
bool IsBlow; // 0x0039 (size: 0x1)
FVector BlowVelocity; // 0x0040 (size: 0x18)
FHitResult HitInfo; // 0x0058 (size: 0xE8)
EPalAdditionalEffectType EffectType1; // 0x0140 (size: 0x1)
int32 EffectValue1; // 0x0144 (size: 0x4)
float EffectValueEx1; // 0x0148 (size: 0x4)
EPalAdditionalEffectType EffectType2; // 0x014C (size: 0x1)
int32 EffectValue2; // 0x0150 (size: 0x4)
float EffectValueEx2; // 0x0154 (size: 0x4)
TArray<int32> HitFoliageIndex; // 0x0158 (size: 0x10)
float SneakAttackRate; // 0x0168 (size: 0x4)
float DamageRatePerCollision; // 0x016C (size: 0x4)
TArray<FPalSpecialAttackRateInfo> SpecialAttackRateInfos; // 0x0170 (size: 0x10)
EPalDamageAnimationReactionType DamageReactionAnimationType; // 0x0180 (size: 0x1)
bool bAttackableToFriend; // 0x0181 (size: 0x1)
bool NoDamage; // 0x0182 (size: 0x1)
bool IgnoreShield; // 0x0183 (size: 0x1)
bool UIDamageTextOverride_DoubleRegist; // 0x0184 (size: 0x1)
EPalPlayerDamageCameraShakeCategory CameraShake; // 0x0185 (size: 0x1)
EPalSizeType ForceRagdollSize; // 0x0186 (size: 0x1)
class AActor* OverrideNetworkOwner; // 0x0188 (size: 0x8)
}; // Size: 0x190
struct FPalMapObjectAppearanceData
FGameDateTime DateTime; // 0x0000 (size: 0x8)
}; // Size: 0x8
struct FPalMapObjectAppearanceDataWithId
FGuid InstanceId; // 0x0000 (size: 0x10)
FPalMapObjectAppearanceData AppearanceData; // 0x0010 (size: 0x8)
}; // Size: 0x18
struct FPalMapObjectAssignData : public FTableRowBase
EPalGenusCategoryType GenusCategory; // 0x0008 (size: 0x1)
EPalElementType ElementType; // 0x0009 (size: 0x1)
EPalWorkSuitability WorkSuitability; // 0x000A (size: 0x1)
int32 WorkSuitabilityRank; // 0x000C (size: 0x4)
bool bPlayerWorkable; // 0x0010 (size: 0x1)
EPalWorkType WorkType; // 0x0011 (size: 0x1)
EPalActionType WorkActionType; // 0x0012 (size: 0x1)
int32 WorkerMaxNum; // 0x0014 (size: 0x4)
float AffectSanityValue; // 0x0018 (size: 0x4)
}; // Size: 0x20
struct FPalMapObjectBelongInfo : public FPalBelongInfo
FGuid GroupID; // 0x0008 (size: 0x10)
}; // Size: 0x18
struct FPalMapObjectBuildProcessSaveData : public FPalBinaryMemory
}; // Size: 0x10
struct FPalMapObjectConcreteModelCreateParameter
}; // Size: 0xA0
struct FPalMapObjectConcreteModelModuleSaveData : public FPalBinaryMemory
}; // Size: 0x10
struct FPalMapObjectConcreteModelSaveData : public FPalBinaryMemory
TMap<class EPalMapObjectConcreteModelModuleType, class FPalMapObjectConcreteModelModuleSaveData> ModuleMap; // 0x0010 (size: 0x50)
}; // Size: 0x60
struct FPalMapObjectConnectorSaveData : public FPalBinaryMemory
}; // Size: 0x10
struct FPalMapObjectCreateParameter
}; // Size: 0x80
struct FPalMapObjectDisposeOptions
}; // Size: 0x10
struct FPalMapObjectDisposeReserveInfo
}; // Size: 0x20
struct FPalMapObjectDropItemData
FPalDataTableRowName_ItemData StaticItemId; // 0x0000 (size: 0x8)
int32 Num; // 0x0008 (size: 0x4)
}; // Size: 0xC
struct FPalMapObjectEffectSaveData : public FPalBinaryMemory
}; // Size: 0x10
struct FPalMapObjectFarmCropData : public FTableRowBase
FName CropBlueprintClassName; // 0x0008 (size: 0x8)
TSoftClassPtr<APalMapObjectFarmCrop> CropClassPath; // 0x0010 (size: 0x30)
FName CropItemId; // 0x0040 (size: 0x8)
float GrowupTime; // 0x0048 (size: 0x4)
int32 CropItemNum; // 0x004C (size: 0x4)
float SeedingWorkAmount; // 0x0050 (size: 0x4)
float WateringWorkAmount; // 0x0054 (size: 0x4)
float HarvestWorkAmount; // 0x0058 (size: 0x4)
FName MaterialItem1_Id; // 0x005C (size: 0x8)
int32 MaterialItem1_Num; // 0x0064 (size: 0x4)
FName MaterialItem2_Id; // 0x0068 (size: 0x8)
int32 MaterialItem2_Num; // 0x0070 (size: 0x4)
int32 Editor_RowNameHash; // 0x0074 (size: 0x4)
}; // Size: 0x78
struct FPalMapObjectFoliageDropItemData
FPalDataTableRowName_ItemData StaticItemId; // 0x0000 (size: 0x8)
int32 Num; // 0x0008 (size: 0x4)
}; // Size: 0xC
struct FPalMapObjectFoliageInstallData : public FTableRowBase
FName FoliageTypeName; // 0x0008 (size: 0x8)
FVector Location; // 0x0010 (size: 0x18)
FRotator Rotator; // 0x0028 (size: 0x18)
FVector Scale3D; // 0x0040 (size: 0x18)
}; // Size: 0x58
struct FPalMapObjectFoliageInstanceAccessID
FName ModelId; // 0x0000 (size: 0x8)
FPalFoliageInstanceId InstanceId; // 0x0008 (size: 0x10)
}; // Size: 0x18
struct FPalMapObjectItemContainerCreateContainerParameter
}; // Size: 0x68
struct FPalMapObjectItemContainerModuleSlotIndexes
EPalMapObjectItemContainerSlotAttribute Attribute; // 0x0000 (size: 0x1)
TArray<int32> Indexes; // 0x0008 (size: 0x10)
}; // Size: 0x18
struct FPalMapObjectItemProductData : public FTableRowBase
FName Product_Id; // 0x0008 (size: 0x8)
float RequiredWorkAmount; // 0x0010 (size: 0x4)
float AutoWorkAmountBySec; // 0x0014 (size: 0x4)
}; // Size: 0x18
struct FPalMapObjectManageAsyncTickFunction : public FTickFunction
}; // Size: 0x30
struct FPalMapObjectMasterData : public FTableRowBase
FName OverrideNameMsgID; // 0x0008 (size: 0x8)
FName BlueprintClassName; // 0x0010 (size: 0x8)
TSoftClassPtr<APalMapObject> BlueprintClassSoft; // 0x0018 (size: 0x30)
EPalMapObjectMaterialType MaterialType; // 0x0048 (size: 0x1)
EPalMapObjectMaterialSubType MaterialSubType; // 0x0049 (size: 0x1)
int32 HP; // 0x004C (size: 0x4)
int32 Defense; // 0x0050 (size: 0x4)
bool bBelongToBaseCamp; // 0x0054 (size: 0x1)
int32 DistributeExpAroundPlayer; // 0x0058 (size: 0x4)
float DeteriorationDamage; // 0x005C (size: 0x4)
float ExtinguishBurnWorkAmount; // 0x0060 (size: 0x4)
bool bShowHPGauge; // 0x0064 (size: 0x1)
bool bInDevelop; // 0x0065 (size: 0x1)
int32 Editor_RowNameHash; // 0x0068 (size: 0x4)
}; // Size: 0x70
struct FPalMapObjectMeshVisibleData
FComponentReference MeshComponentRef; // 0x0000 (size: 0x28)
float VisibleHpPercentageThreshold; // 0x0028 (size: 0x4)
}; // Size: 0x30
struct FPalMapObjectModelConnectInfo
EPalMapObjectModelConnectIndex ConnectIndex; // 0x0000 (size: 0x1)
TArray<FPalMapObjectModelConnectInfoItem> ConnectToInfos; // 0x0008 (size: 0x10)
}; // Size: 0x18
struct FPalMapObjectModelConnectInfoItem
FGuid ConnectToModelInstanceId; // 0x0000 (size: 0x10)
EPalMapObjectModelConnectIndex ConnectIndex; // 0x0010 (size: 0x1)
}; // Size: 0x14
struct FPalMapObjectModelEffectRepInfo : public FFastArraySerializerItem
EPalStatusID StatusId; // 0x000C (size: 0x1)
class UPalMapObjectModelEffectBase* Effect; // 0x0010 (size: 0x8)
}; // Size: 0x18
struct FPalMapObjectModelInitializeExtraParameters
TArray<class UPalMapObjectModelInitializeExtraParameterBase*> Entries; // 0x0000 (size: 0x10)
bool bIgnoredSave; // 0x0010 (size: 0x1)
FGuid LevelObjectInstanceId; // 0x0014 (size: 0x10)
}; // Size: 0x28
struct FPalMapObjectModelSaveData : public FPalBinaryMemory
FPalMapObjectBuildProcessSaveData BuildProcess; // 0x0010 (size: 0x10)
FPalMapObjectConnectorSaveData Connector; // 0x0020 (size: 0x10)
TMap<class EPalStatusID, class FPalMapObjectEffectSaveData> EffectMap; // 0x0030 (size: 0x50)
}; // Size: 0x80
struct FPalMapObjectModelStaticData
FPalBoundsTransform WorkableBounds; // 0x0000 (size: 0x80)
FBox MeshBoxBounds; // 0x0080 (size: 0x38)
EPalMapObjectDamagableType DamagableType; // 0x00B8 (size: 0x1)
FName BuildObjectId; // 0x00BC (size: 0x8)
TSubclassOf<class APalMapObject> BlueprintClass; // 0x00C8 (size: 0x8)
}; // Size: 0xD0
struct FPalMapObjectModuleRepInfo : public FFastArraySerializerItem
class UPalMapObjectConcreteModelModuleBase* Module; // 0x0010 (size: 0x8)
}; // Size: 0x18
struct FPalMapObjectPasswordLockPlayerInfo
FGuid PlayerUId; // 0x0000 (size: 0x10)
int32 TryFailedCount; // 0x0010 (size: 0x4)
bool TrySuccessCache; // 0x0014 (size: 0x1)
}; // Size: 0x18
struct FPalMapObjectPickupItemData
FPalDataTableRowName_ItemData StaticItemId; // 0x0000 (size: 0x8)
int32 Num; // 0x0008 (size: 0x4)
}; // Size: 0xC
struct FPalMapObjectPickupItemPalEggData
FPalDataTableRowName_PalMonsterData PalMonsterId; // 0x0000 (size: 0x8)
}; // Size: 0x8
struct FPalMapObjectPickupItemPalEggLotteryData
FPalMapObjectPickupItemPalEggData PalEggData; // 0x0000 (size: 0x8)
float Weight; // 0x0008 (size: 0x4)
}; // Size: 0xC
struct FPalMapObjectRepairInfo
FPalDataTableRowName_ItemData RepairKitItemName; // 0x0000 (size: 0x8)
int32 RepairKitRequiredNum; // 0x0008 (size: 0x4)
float RepairRequiredWorkAmount; // 0x000C (size: 0x4)
}; // Size: 0x10
struct FPalMapObjectSaveData
FVector WorldLocation; // 0x0000 (size: 0x18)
FQuat WorldRotation; // 0x0020 (size: 0x20)
FVector WorldScale3D; // 0x0040 (size: 0x18)
FName MapObjectId; // 0x0058 (size: 0x8)
FGuid MapObjectInstanceId; // 0x0060 (size: 0x10)
FGuid MapObjectConcreteModelInstanceId; // 0x0070 (size: 0x10)
FPalMapObjectModelSaveData Model; // 0x0080 (size: 0x80)
FPalMapObjectConcreteModelSaveData ConcreteModel; // 0x0100 (size: 0x60)
}; // Size: 0x160
struct FPalMapObjectSpawnableCheckParameter
TArray<class AActor*> IgnoredOverlapCheckActors; // 0x0078 (size: 0x10)
}; // Size: 0x90
struct FPalMapObjectSpawnerInStageSaveData
TMap<class FGuid, class FPalMapObjectSpawnerSaveData> SpawnerDataMapByLevelObjectInstanceId; // 0x0000 (size: 0x50)
}; // Size: 0x50
struct FPalMapObjectSpawnerItemSaveData
int64 NextLotteryGameTime; // 0x0000 (size: 0x8)
FGuid MapObjectInstanceId; // 0x0008 (size: 0x10)
}; // Size: 0x18
struct FPalMapObjectSpawnerSaveData
TMap<int32, FPalMapObjectSpawnerItemSaveData> ItemMap; // 0x0000 (size: 0x50)
}; // Size: 0x50
struct FPalMapObjectStaticData
FName DummyFoliageMapObjectId; // 0x0000 (size: 0x8)
FName DropItemMapObjectId; // 0x0008 (size: 0x8)
FName DropItem3DMapObjectId; // 0x0010 (size: 0x8)
FName BuildObjectId_PalStorage; // 0x0018 (size: 0x8)
FName MapObjectId_ItemChest; // 0x0020 (size: 0x8)
FName MapObjectId_DeathPenalty; // 0x0028 (size: 0x8)
FName MapObjectId_DroppedCharacter; // 0x0030 (size: 0x8)
FName MapObjectId_TreasureBox_VisibleContent; // 0x0038 (size: 0x8)
FName MapObjectId_SkillFruit_VisibleContent; // 0x0040 (size: 0x8)
}; // Size: 0x48
struct FPalMapObjectStatusValue
int32 CurrentValue; // 0x0000 (size: 0x4)
int32 MaxValue; // 0x0004 (size: 0x4)
}; // Size: 0x8
struct FPalMapObjectVisualEffectAssets
TMap<class EPalMapObjectVisualEffectType, class TSoftObjectPtr<UNiagaraSystem>> AssetMap; // 0x0000 (size: 0x50)
}; // Size: 0x50
struct FPalMapObjectVisualEffectInstanceSet
TArray<class UNiagaraComponent*> Instances; // 0x0000 (size: 0x10)
}; // Size: 0x10
struct FPalMapObjectWorldDropItemInfo
FName StaticItemId; // 0x0008 (size: 0x8)
FGameDateTime CreatedAt; // 0x0010 (size: 0x8)
}; // Size: 0x18
struct FPalMapObjectWorldDropItemInfoSet
TArray<FPalMapObjectWorldDropItemInfo> Infos; // 0x0000 (size: 0x10)
TArray<FPalMapObjectWorldDropItemInfo> InsertReservedInfoSet; // 0x0010 (size: 0x10)
int32 MaxCount; // 0x0020 (size: 0x4)
}; // Size: 0x28
struct FPalMiningRankDefineData
float DamageRate; // 0x0000 (size: 0x4)
EPalMapObjectMaterialSubType MaterialSubType; // 0x0004 (size: 0x1)
}; // Size: 0x8
struct FPalMonsterControllerBaseCampHungryParameter
float RecoverSatietyTo; // 0x0000 (size: 0x4)
float RecoverSanityTo; // 0x0004 (size: 0x4)
int32 EatMaxNum; // 0x0008 (size: 0x4)
}; // Size: 0xC
struct FPalMonsterControllerBaseCampLogContent
EPalMonsterControllerBaseCampLogType Type; // 0x0000 (size: 0x1)
FName TextId; // 0x0004 (size: 0x8)
FName TargetObjectTextId; // 0x000C (size: 0x8)
FPalInstanceID InstanceId; // 0x0018 (size: 0x30)
}; // Size: 0x48
struct FPalMorphSetting
TMap<FName, float> WeightList; // 0x0000 (size: 0x50)
}; // Size: 0x50
struct FPalNPCInteractConditionConstValueDataTableRow : public FTableRowBase
FName ValText; // 0x0008 (size: 0x8)
}; // Size: 0x10
struct FPalNPCInteractionDataTableRow : public FTableRowBase
FName UniqueNPCID; // 0x0008 (size: 0x8)
FName CharacterID; // 0x0010 (size: 0x8)
EPalInteractiveObjectIndicatorType InteractionType; // 0x0018 (size: 0x1)
FName Conditions; // 0x001C (size: 0x8)
FName IncidentId; // 0x0024 (size: 0x8)
FName IncidentArgs1; // 0x002C (size: 0x8)
FName IncidentArgs2; // 0x0034 (size: 0x8)
}; // Size: 0x40
struct FPalNPCMultiTalkRow : public FTableRowBase
TSubclassOf<class UPalNPCMultiTalkHandle> MultiTalkHandleClass; // 0x0008 (size: 0x8)
}; // Size: 0x10
struct FPalNPCOneTalkRow : public FTableRowBase
class UDataTable* OneTalkData; // 0x0008 (size: 0x8)
}; // Size: 0x10
struct FPalNPCSpawnInfo
TSubclassOf<class APalAIController> ControllerClass; // 0x0000 (size: 0x8)
FName CharacterID; // 0x0008 (size: 0x8)
int32 Level; // 0x0010 (size: 0x4)
FVector Location; // 0x0018 (size: 0x18)
float Yaw; // 0x0030 (size: 0x4)
class UPalSquad* Squad; // 0x0038 (size: 0x8)
}; // Size: 0x40
struct FPalNPCTalkData
EPalNPCTalkCommand TalkCommand; // 0x0000 (size: 0x1)
TArray<FName> MessageIDList; // 0x0008 (size: 0x10)
TArray<FName> ChoiceMessageIDList; // 0x0018 (size: 0x10)
FName TalkerNameID; // 0x0028 (size: 0x8)
FName CustomFuncName; // 0x0030 (size: 0x8)
bool isCloseWhenCalledCustomFunc; // 0x0038 (size: 0x1)
class UDataTable* CustomFuncParam; // 0x0040 (size: 0x8)
TArray<FPalNPCTalkSelectedChoiceCommandData> SelectedChoiceCommandDataList; // 0x0048 (size: 0x10)
}; // Size: 0x58
struct FPalNPCTalkDataTableRow : public FTableRowBase
TArray<FPalNPCTalkData> TalkData; // 0x0008 (size: 0x10)
}; // Size: 0x18
struct FPalNPCTalkSelectedChoiceCommandData
EPalNPCTalkSelectedChoiceCommand selectedChoiceCommand; // 0x0000 (size: 0x1)
FName SeqenceName; // 0x0004 (size: 0x8)
FName CustomFuncName; // 0x000C (size: 0x8)
bool isCloseWhenCalledCustomFunc; // 0x0014 (size: 0x1)
class UDataTable* CustomFuncParam; // 0x0018 (size: 0x8)
}; // Size: 0x20
struct FPalNPCTalkSystemCustomFunctionParameters
TScriptInterface<class IPalNPCTalkSystemCustomFunctionInterface> Interface; // 0x0000 (size: 0x10)
class UDataTable* FuncParameter; // 0x0010 (size: 0x8)
}; // Size: 0x18
struct FPalNPCWeaponCombatInfo
TSubclassOf<class UPalAIActionBase> CombatAIActionClass; // 0x0000 (size: 0x8)
int32 NPCWeaponRange_Near_cm; // 0x0008 (size: 0x4)
int32 NPCWeaponRange_Far_cm; // 0x000C (size: 0x4)
float ShootInterval; // 0x0010 (size: 0x4)
int32 MaxShootCount; // 0x0014 (size: 0x4)
float ReloadTime; // 0x0018 (size: 0x4)
float RandomMoveTime_Min; // 0x001C (size: 0x4)
float AimOffset_Height; // 0x0020 (size: 0x4)
bool UseSideDashMovement; // 0x0024 (size: 0x1)
bool UseReloadMotion; // 0x0025 (size: 0x1)
bool MeleeAttackWithGun; // 0x0026 (size: 0x1)
float AimRotateSpeed; // 0x0028 (size: 0x4)
TSubclassOf<class UPalStateMachineStateBase> FireStateClass; // 0x0030 (size: 0x8)
}; // Size: 0x38
struct FPalNavigationDividedAreaInfo
}; // Size: 0x50
struct FPalNavigationUpdateFrequencySetting
int32 UpdateDivideRate; // 0x0000 (size: 0x4)
FVector2D UpdatableRangeMinMaxFromPlayer; // 0x0008 (size: 0x10)
}; // Size: 0x18
struct FPalNetArchive
TArray<uint8> Bytes; // 0x0000 (size: 0x10)
}; // Size: 0x10
struct FPalNetworkChangeIndividualID
}; // Size: 0x60
struct FPalNetworkCharacterContainerParameter
}; // Size: 0x58
struct FPalNetworkContainerParameter
}; // Size: 0x20
struct FPalNetworkDynamicItemParameter
}; // Size: 0x30
struct FPalNetworkItemOperationParameter
}; // Size: 0x20
struct FPalNetworkMapObjectSpawnRequestParameter
}; // Size: 0x10
struct FPalNetworkParameter
}; // Size: 0x10
struct FPalNetworkPlayerObtainClientParameter
}; // Size: 0x10
struct FPalNetworkTransmitterDelaySpawnInfo
FGuid SpawnGUID; // 0x0010 (size: 0x10)
class AActor* SpawnActor; // 0x0020 (size: 0x8)
}; // Size: 0x28
struct FPalNoteMasterData : public FTableRowBase
FName TextId_Description; // 0x0008 (size: 0x8)
}; // Size: 0x10
struct FPalNoteMasterDataTextureTableRow : public FTableRowBase
TSoftObjectPtr<UTexture2D> Texture; // 0x0008 (size: 0x30)
}; // Size: 0x38
struct FPalObjectCollectorCalcNearestCharacterTickFunction : public FTickFunction
}; // Size: 0x30
struct FPalObjectCollectorTickFunction : public FTickFunction
}; // Size: 0x30
struct FPalOptimizeParameter
int32 FoliageISMDistance_Meters; // 0x0000 (size: 0x4)
float TargetFPS; // 0x0004 (size: 0x4)
float MinFPS; // 0x0008 (size: 0x4)
float MaxFPS; // 0x000C (size: 0x4)
int32 CharacterImportance_CheckNumberPerFrame; // 0x0010 (size: 0x4)
int32 CharacterImportance_NearestCount; // 0x0014 (size: 0x4)
float CharacterImportance_NearDistance; // 0x0018 (size: 0x4)
float CharacterImportance_FarDistance; // 0x001C (size: 0x4)
float CharacterImportance_FarthestDistance; // 0x0020 (size: 0x4)
TMap<EPalCharacterImportanceType, float> CharacterImportance_TickInterval_Actor; // 0x0028 (size: 0x50)
TMap<EPalCharacterImportanceType, float> CharacterImportance_TickInterval_Movement; // 0x0078 (size: 0x50)
TMap<EPalCharacterImportanceType, float> CharacterImportance_TickInterval_Mesh; // 0x00C8 (size: 0x50)
TMap<EPalCharacterImportanceType, float> CharacterImportance_TickInterval_Action; // 0x0118 (size: 0x50)
TMap<EPalCharacterImportanceType, float> CharacterImportance_TickInterval_Status; // 0x0168 (size: 0x50)
TMap<EPalCharacterImportanceType, float> CharacterImportance_TickInterval_LookAt; // 0x01B8 (size: 0x50)
TMap<EPalCharacterImportanceType, float> CharacterImportance_TickInterval_VisualEffect; // 0x0208 (size: 0x50)
TMap<EPalCharacterImportanceType, float> CharacterImportance_TickInterval_Shooter; // 0x0258 (size: 0x50)
TMap<EPalCharacterImportanceType, float> CharacterImportance_TickInterval_FlyMesh; // 0x02A8 (size: 0x50)
TMap<EPalCharacterImportanceType, float> CharacterImportance_TickInterval_Controller; // 0x02F8 (size: 0x50)
TMap<EPalCharacterImportanceType, float> CharacterImportance_TickInterval_AIAction; // 0x0348 (size: 0x50)
TMap<EPalCharacterImportanceType, float> CharacterImportance_TickInterval_AISensor; // 0x0398 (size: 0x50)
TMap<EPalCharacterImportanceType, float> CharacterImportance_TickInterval_PathFollowing; // 0x03E8 (size: 0x50)
float SpawnerImportance_NearDistance; // 0x0438 (size: 0x4)
float SpawnerImportance_FarDistance; // 0x043C (size: 0x4)
TMap<EPalSpwnerImportanceType, float> SpawnerImportance_TickInterval_NPCSpawner; // 0x0440 (size: 0x50)
}; // Size: 0x490
struct FPalOptionAudioSettings
float Master; // 0x0000 (size: 0x4)
float BGM; // 0x0004 (size: 0x4)
float SE; // 0x0008 (size: 0x4)
float PalVoice; // 0x000C (size: 0x4)
float HumanVoice; // 0x0010 (size: 0x4)
float Ambient; // 0x0014 (size: 0x4)
float UI; // 0x0018 (size: 0x4)
}; // Size: 0x1C
struct FPalOptionCommonSettings
float PalRideCameraLengthRate; // 0x0000 (size: 0x4)
float FOV; // 0x0004 (size: 0x4)
bool bEnableMotionBlur; // 0x0008 (size: 0x1)
bool bEnableCameraShake; // 0x0009 (size: 0x1)
TArray<FString> HistoryServerWorldGUID; // 0x0010 (size: 0x10)
}; // Size: 0x20
struct FPalOptionGraphicsPresetRow : public FTableRowBase
EPalOptionGraphicsLevel GraphicsLevel; // 0x0008 (size: 0x1)
TEnumAsByte<EAntiAliasingMethod> AntiAliasingType; // 0x0009 (size: 0x1)
int32 CommonQuality; // 0x000C (size: 0x4)
int32 ViewDistanceQuality; // 0x0010 (size: 0x4)
int32 FoliageQuality; // 0x0014 (size: 0x4)
int32 ShadowQuality; // 0x0018 (size: 0x4)
int32 TextureQuality; // 0x001C (size: 0x4)
}; // Size: 0x20
struct FPalOptionGraphicsSettings
EPalOptionGraphicsLevel GraphicsLevel; // 0x0000 (size: 0x1)
TEnumAsByte<EWindowMode::Type> WindowMode; // 0x0001 (size: 0x1)
FIntPoint ScreenResolution; // 0x0004 (size: 0x8)
bool bEnableVSync; // 0x000C (size: 0x1)
bool bEnableMotionBlur; // 0x000D (size: 0x1)
TEnumAsByte<EAntiAliasingMethod> AntiAliasingType; // 0x000E (size: 0x1)
bool bEnableCameraShake; // 0x000F (size: 0x1)
bool bEnableCameraRecoil; // 0x0010 (size: 0x1)
float FOV; // 0x0014 (size: 0x4)
float PalRideCameraLengthRate; // 0x0018 (size: 0x4)
float LODBias; // 0x001C (size: 0x4)
float DrawDistance; // 0x0020 (size: 0x4)
float GrassDrawDistance; // 0x0024 (size: 0x4)
bool bEnableShadow; // 0x0028 (size: 0x1)
float ShadowResolution; // 0x002C (size: 0x4)
int32 CommonQuality; // 0x0030 (size: 0x4)
int32 ViewDistanceQuality; // 0x0034 (size: 0x4)
int32 FoliageQuality; // 0x0038 (size: 0x4)
int32 ShadowQuality; // 0x003C (size: 0x4)
float Brightness; // 0x0040 (size: 0x4)
bool bEnableAutoContrast; // 0x0044 (size: 0x1)
int32 TextureQuality; // 0x0048 (size: 0x4)
UDLSSMode DLSSMode; // 0x004C (size: 0x1)
float MaxFPS; // 0x0050 (size: 0x4)
}; // Size: 0x54
struct FPalOptionKeyboardSettings
bool bIsDashHold; // 0x0000 (size: 0x1)
float MouseSensitivity; // 0x0004 (size: 0x4)
float MouseAimSensitivity; // 0x0008 (size: 0x4)
bool bIsReverseYaw; // 0x000C (size: 0x1)
bool bIsReversePitch; // 0x000D (size: 0x1)
bool bEnableAimAssist; // 0x000E (size: 0x1)
bool bShowChat; // 0x000F (size: 0x1)
}; // Size: 0x10
struct FPalOptionLocalStaticSettings
FPalOptionValueFloat MouseSensitivity; // 0x0000 (size: 0x8)
FPalOptionValueFloat MouseAimSensitivity; // 0x0008 (size: 0x8)
FPalOptionValueFloat LeftStickThreshold; // 0x0010 (size: 0x8)
FPalOptionValueFloat RightStickSensitivity; // 0x0018 (size: 0x8)
FPalOptionValueFloat RightStickAimSensitivity; // 0x0020 (size: 0x8)
FPalOptionValueFloat RightStickThreshold; // 0x0028 (size: 0x8)
FPalOptionValueFloat PalRideCameraLengthRate; // 0x0030 (size: 0x8)
FPalOptionValueFloat FOV; // 0x0038 (size: 0x8)
}; // Size: 0x40
struct FPalOptionPadSettings
bool bIsDashHold; // 0x0000 (size: 0x1)
float LeftStickThreshold; // 0x0004 (size: 0x4)
float RightStickSensitivity; // 0x0008 (size: 0x4)
float RightStickAimSensitivity; // 0x000C (size: 0x4)
float RightStickThreshold; // 0x0010 (size: 0x4)
bool bIsRightStickReverseYaw; // 0x0014 (size: 0x1)
bool bIsRightStickReversePitch; // 0x0015 (size: 0x1)
bool bEnableVibration; // 0x0016 (size: 0x1)
bool bEnableAimAssist; // 0x0017 (size: 0x1)
}; // Size: 0x18
struct FPalOptionSaveData
FPalOptionKeyboardSettings KeyboardSettings; // 0x0000 (size: 0x10)
FPalOptionPadSettings PadSettings; // 0x0010 (size: 0x18)
FPalKeyConfigSettings KeyConfigSettings; // 0x0028 (size: 0xC0)
FPalOptionCommonSettings CommonSettings; // 0x00E8 (size: 0x20)
FPalOptionGraphicsSettings GraphicsSettings; // 0x0108 (size: 0x54)
FPalOptionAudioSettings AudioSettings; // 0x015C (size: 0x1C)
bool bHasAppliedUserSetting; // 0x0178 (size: 0x1)
}; // Size: 0x180
struct FPalOptionValueFloat
float Min; // 0x0000 (size: 0x4)
float Max; // 0x0004 (size: 0x4)
}; // Size: 0x8
struct FPalOptionValueInt
int32 Min; // 0x0000 (size: 0x4)
int32 Max; // 0x0004 (size: 0x4)
}; // Size: 0x8
struct FPalOptionWorldModePresetRow : public FTableRowBase
EPalOptionWorldMode WorldMode; // 0x0008 (size: 0x1)
bool bEnablePlayerToPlayerDamage; // 0x0009 (size: 0x1)
bool bCanPickupOtherGuildDeathPenaltyDrop; // 0x000A (size: 0x1)
bool bEnableNonLoginPenalty; // 0x000B (size: 0x1)
bool bEnableFastTravel; // 0x000C (size: 0x1)
bool bIsStartLocationSelectByMap; // 0x000D (size: 0x1)
bool bExistPlayerAfterLogout; // 0x000E (size: 0x1)
bool bEnableDefenseOtherGuildPlayer; // 0x000F (size: 0x1)
}; // Size: 0x10
struct FPalOptionWorldPresetRow : public FTableRowBase
EPalOptionWorldDifficulty Diffculty; // 0x0008 (size: 0x1)
float DayTimeSpeedRate; // 0x000C (size: 0x4)
float NightTimeSpeedRate; // 0x0010 (size: 0x4)
float ExpRate; // 0x0014 (size: 0x4)
float PalCaptureRate; // 0x0018 (size: 0x4)
float PalSpawnNumRate; // 0x001C (size: 0x4)
float PalDamageRateAttack; // 0x0020 (size: 0x4)
float PalDamageRateDefense; // 0x0024 (size: 0x4)
float PlayerDamageRateAttack; // 0x0028 (size: 0x4)
float PlayerDamageRateDefense; // 0x002C (size: 0x4)
float PlayerStomachDecreaceRate; // 0x0030 (size: 0x4)
float PlayerStaminaDecreaceRate; // 0x0034 (size: 0x4)
float PlayerAutoHPRegeneRate; // 0x0038 (size: 0x4)
float PlayerAutoHpRegeneRateInSleep; // 0x003C (size: 0x4)
float PalStomachDecreaceRate; // 0x0040 (size: 0x4)
float PalStaminaDecreaceRate; // 0x0044 (size: 0x4)
float PalAutoHPRegeneRate; // 0x0048 (size: 0x4)
float PalAutoHpRegeneRateInSleep; // 0x004C (size: 0x4)
float BuildObjectDamageRate; // 0x0050 (size: 0x4)
float BuildObjectDeteriorationDamageRate; // 0x0054 (size: 0x4)
float CollectionDropRate; // 0x0058 (size: 0x4)
float CollectionObjectHpRate; // 0x005C (size: 0x4)
float CollectionObjectRespawnSpeedRate; // 0x0060 (size: 0x4)
float EnemyDropItemRate; // 0x0064 (size: 0x4)
EPalOptionWorldDeathPenalty DeathPenalty; // 0x0068 (size: 0x1)
bool bActiveUNKO; // 0x0069 (size: 0x1)
int32 DropItemMaxNum_UNKO; // 0x006C (size: 0x4)
bool bEnableInvaderEnemy; // 0x0070 (size: 0x1)
int32 DropItemMaxNum; // 0x0074 (size: 0x4)
bool bAutoResetGuildNoOnlinePlayers; // 0x0078 (size: 0x1)
float AutoResetGuildTimeNoOnlinePlayers; // 0x007C (size: 0x4)
int32 GuildPlayerMaxNum; // 0x0080 (size: 0x4)
float PalEggDefaultHatchingTime; // 0x0084 (size: 0x4)
int32 BaseCampWorkerMaxNum; // 0x0088 (size: 0x4)
}; // Size: 0x90
struct FPalOptionWorldSaveData
FPalOptionWorldSettings Settings; // 0x0000 (size: 0x128)
}; // Size: 0x128
struct FPalOptionWorldSettings
EPalOptionWorldDifficulty Difficulty; // 0x0000 (size: 0x1)
float DayTimeSpeedRate; // 0x0004 (size: 0x4)
float NightTimeSpeedRate; // 0x0008 (size: 0x4)
float ExpRate; // 0x000C (size: 0x4)
float PalCaptureRate; // 0x0010 (size: 0x4)
float PalSpawnNumRate; // 0x0014 (size: 0x4)
float PalDamageRateAttack; // 0x0018 (size: 0x4)
float PalDamageRateDefense; // 0x001C (size: 0x4)
float PlayerDamageRateAttack; // 0x0020 (size: 0x4)
float PlayerDamageRateDefense; // 0x0024 (size: 0x4)
float PlayerStomachDecreaceRate; // 0x0028 (size: 0x4)
float PlayerStaminaDecreaceRate; // 0x002C (size: 0x4)
float PlayerAutoHPRegeneRate; // 0x0030 (size: 0x4)
float PlayerAutoHpRegeneRateInSleep; // 0x0034 (size: 0x4)
float PalStomachDecreaceRate; // 0x0038 (size: 0x4)
float PalStaminaDecreaceRate; // 0x003C (size: 0x4)
float PalAutoHPRegeneRate; // 0x0040 (size: 0x4)
float PalAutoHpRegeneRateInSleep; // 0x0044 (size: 0x4)
float BuildObjectDamageRate; // 0x0048 (size: 0x4)
float BuildObjectDeteriorationDamageRate; // 0x004C (size: 0x4)
float CollectionDropRate; // 0x0050 (size: 0x4)
float CollectionObjectHpRate; // 0x0054 (size: 0x4)
float CollectionObjectRespawnSpeedRate; // 0x0058 (size: 0x4)
float EnemyDropItemRate; // 0x005C (size: 0x4)
EPalOptionWorldDeathPenalty DeathPenalty; // 0x0060 (size: 0x1)
bool bEnablePlayerToPlayerDamage; // 0x0061 (size: 0x1)
bool bEnableFriendlyFire; // 0x0062 (size: 0x1)
bool bEnableInvaderEnemy; // 0x0063 (size: 0x1)
bool bActiveUNKO; // 0x0064 (size: 0x1)
bool bEnableAimAssistPad; // 0x0065 (size: 0x1)
bool bEnableAimAssistKeyboard; // 0x0066 (size: 0x1)
int32 DropItemMaxNum; // 0x0068 (size: 0x4)
int32 DropItemMaxNum_UNKO; // 0x006C (size: 0x4)
int32 BaseCampMaxNum; // 0x0070 (size: 0x4)
int32 BaseCampWorkerMaxNum; // 0x0074 (size: 0x4)
float DropItemAliveMaxHours; // 0x0078 (size: 0x4)
bool bAutoResetGuildNoOnlinePlayers; // 0x007C (size: 0x1)
float AutoResetGuildTimeNoOnlinePlayers; // 0x0080 (size: 0x4)
int32 GuildPlayerMaxNum; // 0x0084 (size: 0x4)
float PalEggDefaultHatchingTime; // 0x0088 (size: 0x4)
float WorkSpeedRate; // 0x008C (size: 0x4)
bool bIsMultiplay; // 0x0090 (size: 0x1)
bool bIsPvP; // 0x0091 (size: 0x1)
bool bCanPickupOtherGuildDeathPenaltyDrop; // 0x0092 (size: 0x1)
bool bEnableNonLoginPenalty; // 0x0093 (size: 0x1)
bool bEnableFastTravel; // 0x0094 (size: 0x1)
bool bIsStartLocationSelectByMap; // 0x0095 (size: 0x1)
bool bExistPlayerAfterLogout; // 0x0096 (size: 0x1)
bool bEnableDefenseOtherGuildPlayer; // 0x0097 (size: 0x1)
int32 CoopPlayerMaxNum; // 0x0098 (size: 0x4)
int32 ServerPlayerMaxNum; // 0x009C (size: 0x4)
FString ServerName; // 0x00A0 (size: 0x10)
FString ServerDescription; // 0x00B0 (size: 0x10)
FString AdminPassword; // 0x00C0 (size: 0x10)
FString ServerPassword; // 0x00D0 (size: 0x10)
int32 PublicPort; // 0x00E0 (size: 0x4)
FString PublicIP; // 0x00E8 (size: 0x10)
bool RCONEnabled; // 0x00F8 (size: 0x1)
int32 RCONPort; // 0x00FC (size: 0x4)
FString Region; // 0x0100 (size: 0x10)
bool bUseAuth; // 0x0110 (size: 0x1)
FString BanListURL; // 0x0118 (size: 0x10)
}; // Size: 0x128
struct FPalOptionWorldStaticSettings
FPalOptionValueFloat DayTimeSpeedRate; // 0x0000 (size: 0x8)
FPalOptionValueFloat NightTimeSpeedRate; // 0x0008 (size: 0x8)
FPalOptionValueFloat ExpRate; // 0x0010 (size: 0x8)
FPalOptionValueFloat PalCaptureRate; // 0x0018 (size: 0x8)
FPalOptionValueFloat PalSpawnNumRate; // 0x0020 (size: 0x8)
FPalOptionValueFloat PalDamageRateAttack; // 0x0028 (size: 0x8)
FPalOptionValueFloat PalDamageRateDefense; // 0x0030 (size: 0x8)
FPalOptionValueFloat PlayerDamageRateAttack; // 0x0038 (size: 0x8)
FPalOptionValueFloat PlayerDamageRateDefense; // 0x0040 (size: 0x8)
FPalOptionValueFloat PlayerStomachDecreaceRate; // 0x0048 (size: 0x8)
FPalOptionValueFloat PlayerStaminaDecreaceRate; // 0x0050 (size: 0x8)
FPalOptionValueFloat PlayerAutoHPRegeneRate; // 0x0058 (size: 0x8)
FPalOptionValueFloat PlayerAutoHpRegeneRateInSleep; // 0x0060 (size: 0x8)
FPalOptionValueFloat PalStomachDecreaceRate; // 0x0068 (size: 0x8)
FPalOptionValueFloat PalStaminaDecreaceRate; // 0x0070 (size: 0x8)
FPalOptionValueFloat PalAutoHPRegeneRate; // 0x0078 (size: 0x8)
FPalOptionValueFloat PalAutoHpRegeneRateInSleep; // 0x0080 (size: 0x8)
FPalOptionValueFloat BuildObjectDamageRate; // 0x0088 (size: 0x8)
FPalOptionValueFloat BuildObjectDeteriorationDamageRate; // 0x0090 (size: 0x8)
FPalOptionValueFloat CollectionDropRate; // 0x0098 (size: 0x8)
FPalOptionValueFloat CollectionObjectHpRate; // 0x00A0 (size: 0x8)
FPalOptionValueFloat CollectionObjectRespawnSpeedRate; // 0x00A8 (size: 0x8)
FPalOptionValueFloat EnemyDropItemRate; // 0x00B0 (size: 0x8)
FPalOptionValueInt DropItemMaxNum; // 0x00B8 (size: 0x8)
FPalOptionValueInt DropItemMaxNum_UNKO; // 0x00C0 (size: 0x8)
FPalOptionValueFloat WorkSpeedRate; // 0x00C8 (size: 0x8)
FPalOptionValueInt AutoResetGuildTimeNoOnlinePlayers; // 0x00D0 (size: 0x8)
FPalOptionValueInt GuildPlayerMaxNum; // 0x00D8 (size: 0x8)
FPalOptionValueInt PalEggDefaultHatchingTime; // 0x00E0 (size: 0x8)
FPalOptionValueInt BaseCampWorkerMaxNum; // 0x00E8 (size: 0x8)
}; // Size: 0xF0
struct FPalOrderedQuestSaveData
FName QuestName; // 0x0000 (size: 0x8)
int32 BlockIndex; // 0x0008 (size: 0x4)
}; // Size: 0xC
struct FPalPalShopCreateDataRow : public FTableRowBase
int32 MaxLostPalNum; // 0x0008 (size: 0x4)
int32 CharacterNum; // 0x000C (size: 0x4)
TArray<FPalDataTableRowName_PalMonsterData> CharacterIDArray; // 0x0010 (size: 0x10)
int32 MinCharacterLevel; // 0x0020 (size: 0x4)
int32 MaxCharacterLevel; // 0x0024 (size: 0x4)
}; // Size: 0x28
struct FPalPartnerSkillDatabaseRow : public FTableRowBase
FName DevName; // 0x0008 (size: 0x8)
float effectTime; // 0x0010 (size: 0x4)
float CoolDownTime; // 0x0014 (size: 0x4)
float ExecCost; // 0x0018 (size: 0x4)
float IdleCost; // 0x001C (size: 0x4)
bool CanThrowPal; // 0x0020 (size: 0x1)
bool CanChangeWeapon; // 0x0021 (size: 0x1)
bool IsToggleKey; // 0x0022 (size: 0x1)
}; // Size: 0x28
struct FPalPartnerSkillParameterQueryFunction
}; // Size: 0x20
struct FPalPartnerSkillParameterRide
float JumpZVelocityScale; // 0x0000 (size: 0x4)
float GravityScale; // 0x0004 (size: 0x4)
}; // Size: 0x8
struct FPalPassiveAbilitySkillParameters
float DelayTime; // 0x0000 (size: 0x4)
EPalWorkType WorkType; // 0x0004 (size: 0x1)
TArray<FPalDataTableRowName_MapObjectData> MapObjectId; // 0x0008 (size: 0x10)
TArray<FPalDataTableRowName_ItemData> ItemId; // 0x0018 (size: 0x10)
bool AssignOthers; // 0x0028 (size: 0x1)
EPalElementType TargetElementType; // 0x0029 (size: 0x1)
}; // Size: 0x38
struct FPalPassiveAbilitySkillStatus
EPalPassiveAbilitySkillState State; // 0x0000 (size: 0x1)
float ElapsedTime; // 0x0004 (size: 0x4)
TArray<FName> Flags; // 0x0008 (size: 0x10)
EPalPassiveTriggerType TriggerType; // 0x0018 (size: 0x4)
}; // Size: 0x20
struct FPalPassiveAbilitySkills
TArray<FPalPassiveAbilitySkillParameters> AllAbilityPassiveSkills; // 0x0000 (size: 0x10)
}; // Size: 0x10
struct FPalPassivePartnerSkillFindOtomoParameter
EPalElementType TargetElementType; // 0x0000 (size: 0x1)
TArray<FPalDataTableRowName_PalMonsterData> TargetPalIds; // 0x0008 (size: 0x10)
}; // Size: 0x18
struct FPalPassivePartnerSkillIdAndParameters
TMap<class FPalDataTableRowName_PassiveSkillData, class FPalPassivePartnerSkillParameters> SkillAndParameters; // 0x0000 (size: 0x50)
}; // Size: 0x50
struct FPalPassivePartnerSkillParameters
float DelayTime; // 0x0000 (size: 0x4)
int32 TriggerTypeFlags; // 0x0004 (size: 0x4)
EPalWorkType WorkType; // 0x0008 (size: 0x1)
TArray<FPalDataTableRowName_MapObjectData> MapObjectId; // 0x0010 (size: 0x10)
TArray<FPalDataTableRowName_ItemData> ItemId; // 0x0020 (size: 0x10)
bool AssignOthers; // 0x0030 (size: 0x1)
EPalElementType TargetElementType; // 0x0031 (size: 0x1)
TArray<FPalDataTableRowName_PalMonsterData> PalIds; // 0x0038 (size: 0x10)
bool bNotAssignSelf; // 0x0048 (size: 0x1)
}; // Size: 0x50
struct FPalPassivePartnerSkillStatus
EPalPassivePartnerSkillState State; // 0x0000 (size: 0x1)
float ElapsedTime; // 0x0004 (size: 0x4)
TArray<FName> Flags; // 0x0008 (size: 0x10)
}; // Size: 0x18
struct FPalPassiveSkillAssignInfo
bool isDoNotSetSkills; // 0x0000 (size: 0x1)
TArray<FName> ForceSetSkillList; // 0x0008 (size: 0x10)
}; // Size: 0x18
struct FPalPassiveSkillDatabaseRow : public FTableRowBase
int32 Rank; // 0x0008 (size: 0x4)
FName OverrideDescMsgID; // 0x000C (size: 0x8)
EPalPassiveSkillEffectType EffectType1; // 0x0014 (size: 0x1)
float EffectValue1; // 0x0018 (size: 0x4)
EPalPassiveSkillEffectTargetType TargetType1; // 0x001C (size: 0x1)
EPalPassiveSkillEffectType EffectType2; // 0x001D (size: 0x1)
float EffectValue2; // 0x0020 (size: 0x4)
EPalPassiveSkillEffectTargetType TargetType2; // 0x0024 (size: 0x1)
EPalPassiveSkillEffectType EffectType3; // 0x0025 (size: 0x1)
float EffectValue3; // 0x0028 (size: 0x4)
EPalPassiveSkillEffectTargetType TargetType3; // 0x002C (size: 0x1)
bool InvokeActiveOtomo; // 0x002D (size: 0x1)
bool InvokeWorker; // 0x002E (size: 0x1)
bool InvokeRiding; // 0x002F (size: 0x1)
bool InvokeReserve; // 0x0030 (size: 0x1)
bool InvokeInOtomo; // 0x0031 (size: 0x1)
bool InvokeAlways; // 0x0032 (size: 0x1)
bool AddPal; // 0x0033 (size: 0x1)
bool AddRarePal; // 0x0034 (size: 0x1)
bool AddShotWeapon; // 0x0035 (size: 0x1)
bool AddMeleeWeapon; // 0x0036 (size: 0x1)
bool AddArmor; // 0x0037 (size: 0x1)
bool AddAccessory; // 0x0038 (size: 0x1)
FName OverrideNameTextID; // 0x003C (size: 0x8)
FName OverrideSummaryTextId; // 0x0044 (size: 0x8)
}; // Size: 0x50
struct FPalPassiveSkillEffect
EPalPassiveSkillEffectType Type; // 0x0000 (size: 0x1)
float Value; // 0x0004 (size: 0x4)
TArray<FName> Flags; // 0x0008 (size: 0x10)
}; // Size: 0x18
struct FPalPassiveSkillEffectInfos
TArray<FPalPassiveSkillEffect> SkillEffectArray; // 0x0000 (size: 0x10)
}; // Size: 0x10
struct FPalPassiveSkillSetupInfo
FName SkillName; // 0x0000 (size: 0x8)
TArray<FName> Flags; // 0x0008 (size: 0x10)
}; // Size: 0x18
struct FPalPathFollowingBlockDetectionParams
float BlockDetectionDistance; // 0x0000 (size: 0x4)
float BlockDetectionInterval; // 0x0004 (size: 0x4)
int32 BlockDetectionSampleCount; // 0x0008 (size: 0x4)
}; // Size: 0xC
struct FPalPettingParameter
float CameraCenterDistance; // 0x0000 (size: 0x4)
float CameraHeight; // 0x0004 (size: 0x4)
float CameraArmLength; // 0x0008 (size: 0x4)
}; // Size: 0xC
struct FPalPhantomReplicateInfo
int32 ID; // 0x0000 (size: 0x4)
class APalCharacter* Character; // 0x0008 (size: 0x8)
}; // Size: 0x10
struct FPalPlayerAccountInitData
FString CharacterName; // 0x0000 (size: 0x10)
FPalPlayerDataCharacterMakeInfo CharacterMakeData; // 0x0010 (size: 0x94)
}; // Size: 0xA8
struct FPalPlayerBattleEnemyInfo
EPalBattleBGMType Rank; // 0x0000 (size: 0x1)
TWeakObjectPtr<class AActor> WeakActor; // 0x0004 (size: 0x8)
}; // Size: 0xC
struct FPalPlayerClassStructSet
TSubclassOf<class UPalPlayerDataCharacterMake> CharacterMakeDataClass; // 0x0000 (size: 0x8)
TSubclassOf<class UPalPlayerRecordData> RecordDataClass; // 0x0008 (size: 0x8)
TSubclassOf<class UPalWorldMapUIData> WorldMapUIDataClass; // 0x0010 (size: 0x8)
TSubclassOf<class UPalQuestManager> LocalQuestManagerClass; // 0x0018 (size: 0x8)
TSubclassOf<class UPalPlayerInventoryData> InventoryDataClass; // 0x0020 (size: 0x8)
}; // Size: 0x28
struct FPalPlayerDamageCameraShakeData : public FTableRowBase
EPalPlayerDamageCameraShakeCategory Category; // 0x0008 (size: 0x1)
float Scale_Min; // 0x000C (size: 0x4)
float Scale_Default; // 0x0010 (size: 0x4)
float Scale_Max; // 0x0014 (size: 0x4)
int32 HPRate_Min; // 0x0018 (size: 0x4)
int32 HPRate_Default; // 0x001C (size: 0x4)
int32 HPRate_Max; // 0x0020 (size: 0x4)
}; // Size: 0x28
struct FPalPlayerDataCharacterMakeInfo
FName BodyMeshName; // 0x0000 (size: 0x8)
FName HeadMeshName; // 0x0008 (size: 0x8)
FName HairMeshName; // 0x0010 (size: 0x8)
FName EquipmentBodyMeshName; // 0x0018 (size: 0x8)
FName EquipmentHeadMeshName; // 0x0020 (size: 0x8)
bool DisableEquipmentHeadFlag; // 0x0028 (size: 0x1)
float ArmVolume; // 0x002C (size: 0x4)
float TorsoVolume; // 0x0030 (size: 0x4)
float LegVolume; // 0x0034 (size: 0x4)
FLinearColor HairColor; // 0x0038 (size: 0x10)
FLinearColor BrowColor; // 0x0048 (size: 0x10)
FLinearColor BodyColor; // 0x0058 (size: 0x10)
FLinearColor BodySubsurfaceColor; // 0x0068 (size: 0x10)
FLinearColor EyeColor; // 0x0078 (size: 0x10)
FName EyeMaterialName; // 0x0088 (size: 0x8)
int32 VoiceID; // 0x0090 (size: 0x4)
}; // Size: 0x94
struct FPalPlayerDataInventoryInfo
FPalContainerId CommonContainerId; // 0x0000 (size: 0x10)
FPalContainerId DropSlotContainerId; // 0x0010 (size: 0x10)
FPalContainerId EssentialContainerId; // 0x0020 (size: 0x10)
FPalContainerId WeaponLoadOutContainerId; // 0x0030 (size: 0x10)
FPalContainerId PlayerEquipArmorContainerId; // 0x0040 (size: 0x10)
FPalContainerId FoodEquipContainerId; // 0x0050 (size: 0x10)
}; // Size: 0x60
struct FPalPlayerDataPalStorageSlotSaveData
FPalInstanceID IndividualId; // 0x0000 (size: 0x30)
FPalIndividualCharacterSaveParameter CharacterSaveParameter; // 0x0030 (size: 0x218)
FPalCharacterSlotId SlotID; // 0x0248 (size: 0x14)
}; // Size: 0x260
struct FPalPlayerEquipmentMeshDataRow : public FTableRowBase
TMap<class FName, class TSoftObjectPtr<USkeletalMesh>> SkeletalMeshMap; // 0x0008 (size: 0x50)
TMap<class FName, class TSoftClassPtr<UAnimInstance>> ABPAssetMap; // 0x0058 (size: 0x50)
bool IsHairAttachAccessory; // 0x00A8 (size: 0x1)
TMap<class FName, class FName> HairAttachSocketNameMap; // 0x00B0 (size: 0x50)
}; // Size: 0x100
struct FPalPlayerInfoForMap
FString PlayerName; // 0x0000 (size: 0x10)
FTransform Transform; // 0x0010 (size: 0x60)
}; // Size: 0x70
struct FPalPlayerInitializeParameter
FPalIndividualCharacterSaveParameter InitParam; // 0x0000 (size: 0x218)
}; // Size: 0x218
struct FPalPlayerInventorySelectData
int32 nowSelectedContainerIndex; // 0x0000 (size: 0x4)
class UPalItemContainer* targetItemContainer; // 0x0008 (size: 0x8)
}; // Size: 0x10
struct FPalPlayerParameterDatabaseRow : public FTableRowBase
int32 Stamina; // 0x0008 (size: 0x4)
int32 HP; // 0x000C (size: 0x4)
int32 MeleeAttack; // 0x0010 (size: 0x4)
int32 ShotAttack; // 0x0014 (size: 0x4)
int32 Defense; // 0x0018 (size: 0x4)
int32 Support; // 0x001C (size: 0x4)
int32 CraftSpeed; // 0x0020 (size: 0x4)
int32 Satiety; // 0x0024 (size: 0x4)
}; // Size: 0x28
struct FPalPlayerRecordCountMapStruct
TMap<FName, int64> countMap; // 0x0000 (size: 0x50)
}; // Size: 0x50
struct FPalPlayerRecordDataRepInfoArray_BoolVal : public FFastArraySerializer
TArray<FPalPlayerRecordDataRepInfo_BoolVal> Items; // 0x0118 (size: 0x10)
}; // Size: 0x178
struct FPalPlayerRecordDataRepInfoArray_IntVal : public FFastArraySerializer
TArray<FPalPlayerRecordDataRepInfo_IntVal> Items; // 0x0118 (size: 0x10)
}; // Size: 0x178
struct FPalPlayerRecordDataRepInfo_BoolVal : public FFastArraySerializerItem
FName Key; // 0x000C (size: 0x8)
bool Value; // 0x0014 (size: 0x1)
}; // Size: 0x18
struct FPalPlayerRecordDataRepInfo_IntVal : public FFastArraySerializerItem
FName Key; // 0x000C (size: 0x8)
int32 Value; // 0x0014 (size: 0x4)
}; // Size: 0x18
struct FPalPlayerRecordDataStruct
TMap<FName, int64> simpleCountRecordMap; // 0x0000 (size: 0x50)
TMap<class FName, class bool> simpleFlagMap; // 0x0050 (size: 0x50)
TMap<class FName, class FPalPlayerRecordCountMapStruct> countMapRecordMap; // 0x00A0 (size: 0x50)
TMap<class FName, class FPalPlayerRecordFlagMapStruct> flagMapRecordMap; // 0x00F0 (size: 0x50)
}; // Size: 0x140
struct FPalPlayerRecordFlagMapStruct
TMap<class FName, class bool> flagMap; // 0x0000 (size: 0x50)
}; // Size: 0x50
struct FPalPlayerStatusRankMasterData : public FTableRowBase
int32 Rank; // 0x0008 (size: 0x4)
int32 RequiredRelicNum; // 0x000C (size: 0x4)
int32 ResetRequiredMoney; // 0x0010 (size: 0x4)
}; // Size: 0x18
struct FPalQuestDataSetRow : public FTableRowBase
TSoftClassPtr<UPalQuestData> QuestData; // 0x0008 (size: 0x30)
}; // Size: 0x38
struct FPalRadialCatalog
TMap<int32, int32> Catalog; // 0x0000 (size: 0x50)
}; // Size: 0x50
struct FPalRandomIncidentSettings : public FTableRowBase
class UDataTable* MonsterSpawnData; // 0x0008 (size: 0x8)
class UDataTable* NPCSpawnData; // 0x0010 (size: 0x8)
bool ExcludeOtherPal; // 0x0018 (size: 0x1)
TSubclassOf<class UPalRandomIncidentActionBase> action; // 0x0020 (size: 0x8)
}; // Size: 0x28
struct FPalRandomIncidentSpawnIncidentParameter
FName IncidentId; // 0x0000 (size: 0x8)
FName SettingName; // 0x0008 (size: 0x8)
int32 LotteryRate; // 0x0010 (size: 0x4)
}; // Size: 0x14
struct FPalRandomIncidentSpawnLocationData : public FTableRowBase
FVector2D Location; // 0x0008 (size: 0x10)
}; // Size: 0x18
struct FPalRandomIncidentSpawnMonsterData : public FTableRowBase
FPalDataTableRowName_PalMonsterData CharacterID; // 0x0008 (size: 0x8)
int32 Level; // 0x0010 (size: 0x4)
int32 Group; // 0x0014 (size: 0x4)
bool IsSquad; // 0x0018 (size: 0x1)
FVector2D SpawnLocation; // 0x0020 (size: 0x10)
float SpawnRadius; // 0x0030 (size: 0x4)
float RotZ_Degree; // 0x0034 (size: 0x4)
TSubclassOf<class APalAIController> ControllerClass; // 0x0038 (size: 0x8)
TSubclassOf<class UPalActionBase> DefaultActionClass; // 0x0040 (size: 0x8)
}; // Size: 0x48
struct FPalRandomIncidentSpawnMonsterOutbreakData : public FTableRowBase
FPalDataTableRowName_PalMonsterData CharacterID; // 0x0008 (size: 0x8)
int32 Num; // 0x0010 (size: 0x4)
int32 LevelMin; // 0x0014 (size: 0x4)
int32 LevelMax; // 0x0018 (size: 0x4)
int32 Group; // 0x001C (size: 0x4)
bool IsSquad; // 0x0020 (size: 0x1)
class UDataTable* LocationTable; // 0x0028 (size: 0x8)
TSubclassOf<class APalAIController> ControllerClass; // 0x0030 (size: 0x8)
TSubclassOf<class UPalActionBase> DefaultActionClass; // 0x0038 (size: 0x8)
}; // Size: 0x40
struct FPalRandomIncidentSpawnNPCData : public FTableRowBase
FPalDataTableRowName_PalHumanData CharacterID; // 0x0008 (size: 0x8)
FPalDataTableRowName_NPCUniqueData UniqueNPCID; // 0x0010 (size: 0x8)
int32 Level; // 0x0018 (size: 0x4)
int32 Group; // 0x001C (size: 0x4)
bool IsSquad; // 0x0020 (size: 0x1)
FVector2D SpawnLocation; // 0x0028 (size: 0x10)
float SpawnRadius; // 0x0038 (size: 0x4)
float RotZ_Degree; // 0x003C (size: 0x4)
FName WalkPathName; // 0x0040 (size: 0x8)
float WalkRadius; // 0x0048 (size: 0x4)
TSubclassOf<class APalAIController> ControllerClass; // 0x0050 (size: 0x8)
TSubclassOf<class UPalAIActionBase> DefaultAIActionClass; // 0x0058 (size: 0x8)
}; // Size: 0x60
struct FPalRandomIncidentWalkPathReferenceData
TArray<class AActor*> WalkPoints; // 0x0000 (size: 0x10)
}; // Size: 0x10
struct FPalRandomRestInfo
class UAnimMontage* RandomRestMontage; // 0x0000 (size: 0x8)
float Weight; // 0x0008 (size: 0x4)
int32 LoopNum_Min; // 0x000C (size: 0x4)
int32 LoopNum_Max; // 0x0010 (size: 0x4)
float AfterIdleTime; // 0x0014 (size: 0x4)
}; // Size: 0x18
struct FPalRespawnPointData : public FTableRowBase
FName SpawnPointID; // 0x0008 (size: 0x8)
int32 ResourcesAbundant; // 0x0010 (size: 0x4)
int32 PalAbundant; // 0x0014 (size: 0x4)
}; // Size: 0x18
struct FPalShopProductRequireItemData
FName StaticItemId; // 0x0000 (size: 0x8)
int32 requireNum; // 0x0008 (size: 0x4)
}; // Size: 0xC
struct FPalSizeParameterDataRow : public FTableRowBase
EPalSizeType Size; // 0x0008 (size: 0x1)
float EffectScale; // 0x000C (size: 0x4)
float JumpEffectOffsetZ; // 0x0010 (size: 0x4)
}; // Size: 0x18
struct FPalSlateNavigationSetting
bool IsEnableAnalogNavigation; // 0x0000 (size: 0x1)
bool IsEnableLeftKeyNavigation; // 0x0001 (size: 0x1)
bool IsEnableRightKeyNavigation; // 0x0002 (size: 0x1)
bool IsEnableDownKeyNavigation; // 0x0003 (size: 0x1)
bool IsEnableUpKeyNavigation; // 0x0004 (size: 0x1)
}; // Size: 0x5
struct FPalSlotItemAndNum
FPalItemAndSlot itemSlot; // 0x0000 (size: 0x40)
int32 Num; // 0x0040 (size: 0x4)
}; // Size: 0x44
struct FPalSlotOpItemInfo
FPalItemAndNum Item; // 0x0000 (size: 0x2C)
float CorruptionProgressValue; // 0x002C (size: 0x4)
}; // Size: 0x30
struct FPalSlotOpItemSlotInfo
FPalSlotOpItemInfo ItemInfo; // 0x0000 (size: 0x30)
FPalItemSlotId SlotID; // 0x0030 (size: 0x14)
}; // Size: 0x44
struct FPalSoundIDDataTableRow : public FTableRowBase
FName Description; // 0x0008 (size: 0x8)
}; // Size: 0x10
struct FPalSoundOptions
int32 FadeInTime; // 0x0000 (size: 0x4)
}; // Size: 0x4
struct FPalSoundPlayingParameter
class UAkAudioEvent* AudioEvent; // 0x0000 (size: 0x8)
FPalSoundOptions Options; // 0x0008 (size: 0x4)
bool bStopAbsolutely; // 0x000C (size: 0x1)
}; // Size: 0x10
struct FPalSoundSource : public FTableRowBase
int32 Radius_Meter; // 0x0008 (size: 0x4)
bool bIsMuteable; // 0x000C (size: 0x1)
}; // Size: 0x10
struct FPalSpawnerGroupInfo
int32 Weight; // 0x0000 (size: 0x4)
EPalOneDayTimeType OnlyTime; // 0x0004 (size: 0x1)
EPalWeatherConditionType OnlyWeather; // 0x0005 (size: 0x1)
TArray<FPalSpawnerOneTribeInfo> PalList; // 0x0008 (size: 0x10)
}; // Size: 0x18
struct FPalSpawnerOneTribeInfo
FPalDataTableRowName_PalMonsterData PalID; // 0x0000 (size: 0x8)
FPalDataTableRowName_PalHumanData NPCID; // 0x0008 (size: 0x8)
int32 Level; // 0x0010 (size: 0x4)
int32 Level_Max; // 0x0014 (size: 0x4)
int32 Num; // 0x0018 (size: 0x4)
int32 Num_Max; // 0x001C (size: 0x4)
}; // Size: 0x20
struct FPalSpecialAttackRateInfo
EPalSpecialAttackRateType Type; // 0x0000 (size: 0x1)
float Rate; // 0x0004 (size: 0x4)
}; // Size: 0x8
struct FPalSphere
FVector Center; // 0x0000 (size: 0x18)
float Radius; // 0x0018 (size: 0x4)
bool bXY; // 0x001C (size: 0x1)
}; // Size: 0x20
struct FPalStageAreaInfo
FBox BoundingBox; // 0x0000 (size: 0x38)
}; // Size: 0x38
struct FPalStageInstanceId
FGuid InternalId; // 0x0000 (size: 0x10)
bool bValid; // 0x0010 (size: 0x1)
}; // Size: 0x14
struct FPalStageModelRepInfo : public FFastArraySerializerItem
FPalStageInstanceId InstanceId; // 0x000C (size: 0x14)
class UPalStageModelBase* Model; // 0x0020 (size: 0x8)
}; // Size: 0x28
struct FPalStagePlayerInfo
FGuid PlayerUId; // 0x0000 (size: 0x10)
EPalStagePlayerState PlayerState; // 0x0010 (size: 0x1)
}; // Size: 0x14
struct FPalStaticCharacterInfo_SpawnItem
TMap<int32, FPalDataTableRowName_FieldLotteryNameData> FieldLotteryNameByRank; // 0x0000 (size: 0x50)
}; // Size: 0x50
struct FPalStaticItemAndSlot
FPalStaticItemIdAndNum ItemInfo; // 0x0000 (size: 0xC)
FPalItemSlotId SlotID; // 0x000C (size: 0x14)
}; // Size: 0x20
struct FPalStaticItemDataStruct : public FTableRowBase
FName OverrideName; // 0x0008 (size: 0x8)
FName OverrideDescription; // 0x0010 (size: 0x8)
FName IconName; // 0x0018 (size: 0x8)
EPalItemTypeA TypeA; // 0x0020 (size: 0x1)
EPalItemTypeB TypeB; // 0x0021 (size: 0x1)
int32 Rank; // 0x0024 (size: 0x4)
int32 Rarity; // 0x0028 (size: 0x4)
int32 MaxStackCount; // 0x002C (size: 0x4)
float Weight; // 0x0030 (size: 0x4)
int32 Price; // 0x0034 (size: 0x4)
int32 SortID; // 0x0038 (size: 0x4)
bool bInTreasureBox; // 0x003C (size: 0x1)
bool bNotConsumed; // 0x003D (size: 0x1)
bool bEnableHandcraft; // 0x003E (size: 0x1)
int32 TechnologyTreeLock; // 0x0040 (size: 0x4)
FName ItemStaticClass; // 0x0044 (size: 0x8)
FName ItemDynamicClass; // 0x004C (size: 0x8)
FName ItemActorClass; // 0x0054 (size: 0x8)
FName ItemStaticMeshName; // 0x005C (size: 0x8)
FName VisualBlueprintClassName; // 0x0064 (size: 0x8)
TSoftClassPtr<AActor> VisualBlueprintClassSoft; // 0x0070 (size: 0x30)
EPalDropItemType DropItemType; // 0x00A0 (size: 0x1)
int32 Editor_RowNameHash; // 0x00A4 (size: 0x4)
int32 RestoreSatiety; // 0x00A8 (size: 0x4)
int32 RestoreConcentration; // 0x00AC (size: 0x4)
int32 RestoreSanity; // 0x00B0 (size: 0x4)
int32 RestoreHealth; // 0x00B4 (size: 0x4)
int32 GrantEffect1Id; // 0x00B8 (size: 0x4)
float GrantEffect1Time; // 0x00BC (size: 0x4)
int32 GrantEffect2Id; // 0x00C0 (size: 0x4)
float GrantEffect2Time; // 0x00C4 (size: 0x4)
int32 GrantEffect3Id; // 0x00C8 (size: 0x4)
float GrantEffect3Time; // 0x00CC (size: 0x4)
int32 Durability; // 0x00D0 (size: 0x4)
EPalElementType ElementType; // 0x00D4 (size: 0x1)
bool bSleepWeapon; // 0x00D5 (size: 0x1)
int32 MagazineSize; // 0x00D8 (size: 0x4)
float SneakAttackRate; // 0x00DC (size: 0x4)
int32 PhysicalAttackValue; // 0x00E0 (size: 0x4)
int32 HPValue; // 0x00E4 (size: 0x4)
int32 PhysicalDefenseValue; // 0x00E8 (size: 0x4)
int32 ShieldValue; // 0x00EC (size: 0x4)
int32 MagicAttackValue; // 0x00F0 (size: 0x4)
int32 MagicDefenseValue; // 0x00F4 (size: 0x4)
FName PassiveSkillName; // 0x00F8 (size: 0x8)
EPalWazaID WazaID; // 0x0100 (size: 0x1)
float CorruptionFactor; // 0x0104 (size: 0x4)
float FloatValue1; // 0x0108 (size: 0x4)
}; // Size: 0x110
struct FPalStaticItemIdAndDynamicItemDataSet
FName StaticItemId; // 0x0000 (size: 0x8)
class UPalDynamicItemDataBase* DynamicItemData; // 0x0008 (size: 0x8)
}; // Size: 0x10
struct FPalStaticItemIdAndNum
FName StaticItemId; // 0x0000 (size: 0x8)
int32 Num; // 0x0008 (size: 0x4)
}; // Size: 0xC
struct FPalStatusAccumulate
}; // Size: 0x10
struct FPalStatusEffectFoodDataRow : public FTableRowBase
int32 effectTime; // 0x0008 (size: 0x4)
EPalFoodStatusEffectType EffectType1; // 0x000C (size: 0x1)
int32 EffectValue1; // 0x0010 (size: 0x4)
EPalFoodStatusEffectType EffectType2; // 0x0014 (size: 0x1)
int32 EffectValue2; // 0x0018 (size: 0x4)
}; // Size: 0x20
struct FPalSyncTeleportRequestParameter
FString SyncTeleportStartSE; // 0x0000 (size: 0x10)
FVector Location; // 0x0010 (size: 0x18)
FQuat Rotation; // 0x0030 (size: 0x20)
bool bIsFadeOutSkip; // 0x0050 (size: 0x1)
}; // Size: 0x60
struct FPalTalkTreeDataTableRow : public FTableRowBase
FName NPCID; // 0x0008 (size: 0x8)
FName TalkName; // 0x0010 (size: 0x8)
FName TextId; // 0x0018 (size: 0x8)
}; // Size: 0x20
struct FPalTechnologyDataSet
class UDataTable* recipeUnlockDataTable; // 0x0000 (size: 0x8)
class UDataTable* technologyNameTable; // 0x0008 (size: 0x8)
class UDataTable* technologyDescTable; // 0x0010 (size: 0x8)
}; // Size: 0x18
struct FPalTechnologyDataTableRowBase : public FTableRowBase
FName Name; // 0x0008 (size: 0x8)
FName Description; // 0x0010 (size: 0x8)
FName IconName; // 0x0018 (size: 0x8)
int32 RequireBossDefeatNum; // 0x0020 (size: 0x4)
FName RequireTechnology; // 0x0024 (size: 0x8)
bool IsBossTechnology; // 0x002C (size: 0x1)
int32 LevelCap; // 0x0030 (size: 0x4)
int32 Tier; // 0x0034 (size: 0x4)
int32 Cost; // 0x0038 (size: 0x4)
}; // Size: 0x40
struct FPalTechnologyRecipeUnlockDataTableRow : public FPalTechnologyDataTableRowBase
TArray<FName> UnlockBuildObjects; // 0x0040 (size: 0x10)
TArray<FName> UnlockItemRecipes; // 0x0050 (size: 0x10)
}; // Size: 0x60
struct FPalTimerGaugeWidgetCreateInfo
class AActor* TargetActor; // 0x0008 (size: 0x8)
FVector TargetLocation; // 0x0010 (size: 0x18)
TSubclassOf<class UPalUserWidgetTimerGaugeBase> timerGaugeWidgetClass; // 0x0028 (size: 0x8)
FVector DisplayOffset; // 0x0030 (size: 0x18)
float DisplayRange; // 0x0048 (size: 0x4)
FString FunctionName; // 0x0050 (size: 0x10)
float Time; // 0x0060 (size: 0x4)
bool bLooping; // 0x0064 (size: 0x1)
float InitialStartDelay; // 0x0068 (size: 0x4)
float InitialStartDelayVariance; // 0x006C (size: 0x4)
bool IsHide; // 0x0070 (size: 0x1)
}; // Size: 0x78
struct FPalTimerHandle
}; // Size: 0x10
struct FPalTutorialTriggerSaveData
FName TutorialMsg; // 0x0000 (size: 0x8)
bool Checked; // 0x0008 (size: 0x1)
}; // Size: 0xC
struct FPalUIActionBindData
}; // Size: 0x4
struct FPalUIAimReticleMapObjectAssignableData
bool isAssignable; // 0x0000 (size: 0x1)
FName targetMapObjectID; // 0x0004 (size: 0x8)
}; // Size: 0xC
struct FPalUICaptureCameraOffsetData : public FTableRowBase
FVector LocationOffset; // 0x0008 (size: 0x18)
FRotator Rotator; // 0x0020 (size: 0x18)
FVector PointLightOffset_1; // 0x0038 (size: 0x18)
float PointLightIntensity_1; // 0x0050 (size: 0x4)
float PointLightSize_1; // 0x0054 (size: 0x4)
FVector PointLightOffset_2; // 0x0058 (size: 0x18)
float PointLightIntensity_2; // 0x0070 (size: 0x4)
float PointLightSize_2; // 0x0074 (size: 0x4)
FVector RectLightOffset; // 0x0078 (size: 0x18)
FRotator RectLightRotator; // 0x0090 (size: 0x18)
float RectLightIntensity; // 0x00A8 (size: 0x4)
float RectLightSize; // 0x00AC (size: 0x4)
}; // Size: 0xB0
struct FPalUICommonItemInfoDisplayData
class UPalItemSlot* TargetItemSlot; // 0x0000 (size: 0x8)
FName RecipeID; // 0x0008 (size: 0x8)
class UWidget* RelativeWidget; // 0x0010 (size: 0x8)
FVector2D AnchorPosition; // 0x0018 (size: 0x10)
bool IsUsableSlot; // 0x0028 (size: 0x1)
bool IsEnableQuickEquip; // 0x0029 (size: 0x1)
bool IsEnableQuickMove; // 0x002A (size: 0x1)
bool IsEnableSpreadLift; // 0x002B (size: 0x1)
bool IsShowPrice; // 0x002C (size: 0x1)
}; // Size: 0x30
struct FPalUICommonRewardDisplayData
FText Message; // 0x0000 (size: 0x18)
class UTexture2D* Texture; // 0x0018 (size: 0x8)
TSoftObjectPtr<UTexture2D> SoftTexture; // 0x0020 (size: 0x30)
EPalUIRewardDisplayType DisplayType; // 0x0050 (size: 0x1)
}; // Size: 0x58
struct FPalUIGuildMemberDisplayInfo
FString CharacterName; // 0x0000 (size: 0x10)
bool IsAdmin; // 0x0010 (size: 0x1)
EPalGuildPlayerStatus PlayerStatus; // 0x0011 (size: 0x1)
}; // Size: 0x18
struct FPalUILocalWorldDisplayData
FString WorldName; // 0x0000 (size: 0x10)
FString WorldDirectoryName; // 0x0010 (size: 0x10)
FString PlayerName; // 0x0020 (size: 0x10)
int32 PlayerLevel; // 0x0030 (size: 0x4)
int32 Day; // 0x0034 (size: 0x4)
FDateTime Timestamp; // 0x0038 (size: 0x8)
FString DirectoryPath; // 0x0040 (size: 0x10)
}; // Size: 0x50
struct FPalUIPalCaptureInfo
FName CharacterID; // 0x0000 (size: 0x8)
int32 CaptureCount; // 0x0008 (size: 0x4)
int32 Level; // 0x000C (size: 0x4)
TArray<FName> PassiveSkillNameList; // 0x0010 (size: 0x10)
bool IsRarePal; // 0x0020 (size: 0x1)
bool IsUnlockedPaldeck; // 0x0021 (size: 0x1)
}; // Size: 0x28
struct FPalUIPaldexDistributionData : public FTableRowBase
FPalUIPaldexDistributionLocationStruct dayTimeLocations; // 0x0008 (size: 0x18)
FPalUIPaldexDistributionLocationStruct nightTimeLocations; // 0x0020 (size: 0x18)
}; // Size: 0x38
struct FPalUIPaldexDistributionLocationStruct
TArray<FVector> locations; // 0x0000 (size: 0x10)
float Radius; // 0x0010 (size: 0x4)
}; // Size: 0x18
struct FPalUIPaldex_DisplayInfo
int32 Index; // 0x0000 (size: 0x4)
FString IndexSuffix; // 0x0008 (size: 0x10)
FString CombinedIndexString; // 0x0018 (size: 0x10)
EPalUIPaldexPanelDetailType detailType; // 0x0028 (size: 0x1)
FName baseCharacterName; // 0x002C (size: 0x8)
}; // Size: 0x38
struct FPalUIServerDataCollectInfo
EPalUIServerListSortType SortType; // 0x0000 (size: 0x1)
FString SearchWord; // 0x0008 (size: 0x10)
}; // Size: 0x18
struct FPalUIServerDisplayData
FString ServerName; // 0x0120 (size: 0x10)
FString Description; // 0x0130 (size: 0x10)
bool IsPvP; // 0x0140 (size: 0x1)
int32 Day; // 0x0144 (size: 0x4)
int32 NowPlayerNum; // 0x0148 (size: 0x4)
int32 MaxPlayerNum; // 0x014C (size: 0x4)
int32 Ping; // 0x0150 (size: 0x4)
EPalUIServerListFilterType ServerListType; // 0x0154 (size: 0x1)
FString ServerAddress; // 0x0158 (size: 0x10)
int32 ServerPort; // 0x0168 (size: 0x4)
FString VersionString; // 0x0170 (size: 0x10)
bool IsLocked; // 0x0180 (size: 0x1)
FString Region; // 0x0188 (size: 0x10)
int32 CreateTime; // 0x0198 (size: 0x4)
}; // Size: 0x1A0
struct FPalUMGCustomVertexData
FVector4 texCoords; // 0x0000 (size: 0x20)
FVector2D materialTexCoords; // 0x0020 (size: 0x10)
FVector2D Position; // 0x0030 (size: 0x10)
FColor Color; // 0x0040 (size: 0x4)
int32 pixelWidth; // 0x0044 (size: 0x4)
int32 pixelHeight; // 0x0048 (size: 0x4)
}; // Size: 0x50
struct FPalUniqueNPCDatabaseRow : public FTableRowBase
FName CharacterID; // 0x0008 (size: 0x8)
FName NameTextID; // 0x0010 (size: 0x8)
FName OneTalkDTName; // 0x0018 (size: 0x8)
FName TalkBPClass; // 0x0020 (size: 0x8)
EPalGenderType Gender; // 0x0028 (size: 0x1)
EPalNPCSkinColor SkinColor; // 0x0029 (size: 0x1)
EPalNPCFaceType Face; // 0x002A (size: 0x1)
EPalNPCHairStyleType HairStyle; // 0x002B (size: 0x1)
EPalNPCHairColorType HairColor; // 0x002C (size: 0x1)
EPalNPCClothesType Clothes; // 0x002D (size: 0x1)
EPalNPCScaleType Scale; // 0x002E (size: 0x1)
int32 Level; // 0x0030 (size: 0x4)
}; // Size: 0x38
struct FPalVisitorNPCDatabaseRow : public FPalInvaderDatabaseRow
EPalIVisitorNPCAction ActionTimeLimit; // 0x0070 (size: 0x1)
bool IsSquad; // 0x0071 (size: 0x1)
}; // Size: 0x78
struct FPalVisualEffectDynamicParameter
TArray<FPalVisualEffectDynamicParameterFloat> FloatValues; // 0x0000 (size: 0x10)
}; // Size: 0x10
struct FPalVisualEffectDynamicParameterFloat
FName Name; // 0x0000 (size: 0x8)
float Value; // 0x0008 (size: 0x4)
}; // Size: 0xC
struct FPalWaitLoadingWorldPartitionParameter
FWorldPartitionStreamingQuerySource QuerySource; // 0x0000 (size: 0x88)
EWorldPartitionRuntimeCellState CellState; // 0x0088 (size: 0x1)
float IntervalTime; // 0x008C (size: 0x4)
float InFirstDelayTime; // 0x0090 (size: 0x4)
}; // Size: 0x98
struct FPalWazaDatabaseRaw : public FTableRowBase
EPalWazaID WazaType; // 0x0008 (size: 0x1)
EPalElementType Element; // 0x0009 (size: 0x1)
bool IgnoreRandomInherit; // 0x000A (size: 0x1)
EPalWazaCategory Category; // 0x000B (size: 0x1)
int32 Power; // 0x000C (size: 0x4)
bool IsLeanBack; // 0x0010 (size: 0x1)
EPalPlayerDamageCameraShakeCategory CameraShake; // 0x0011 (size: 0x1)
int32 MinRange; // 0x0014 (size: 0x4)
int32 MaxRange; // 0x0018 (size: 0x4)
float CoolTime; // 0x001C (size: 0x4)
EPalSizeType ForceRagdollSize; // 0x0020 (size: 0x1)
EPalAdditionalEffectType EffectType1; // 0x0021 (size: 0x1)
int32 EffectValue1; // 0x0024 (size: 0x4)
float EffectValueEx1; // 0x0028 (size: 0x4)
EPalAdditionalEffectType EffectType2; // 0x002C (size: 0x1)
int32 EffectValue2; // 0x0030 (size: 0x4)
float EffectValueEx2; // 0x0034 (size: 0x4)
TArray<FPalSpecialAttackRateInfo> SpecialAttackRateInfos; // 0x0038 (size: 0x10)
bool bIsWeaponDamage; // 0x0048 (size: 0x1)
bool DisabledData; // 0x0049 (size: 0x1)
}; // Size: 0x50
struct FPalWazaMasterLevelDataRow : public FTableRowBase
FName PalID; // 0x0008 (size: 0x8)
EPalWazaID WazaID; // 0x0010 (size: 0x1)
int32 Level; // 0x0014 (size: 0x4)
}; // Size: 0x18
struct FPalWazaMasterTamagoDataRow : public FTableRowBase
FName PalID; // 0x0008 (size: 0x8)
EPalWazaID WazaID; // 0x0010 (size: 0x1)
}; // Size: 0x18
struct FPalWeaponSubParameterData : public FTableRowBase
float dps; // 0x0008 (size: 0x4)
float Range; // 0x000C (size: 0x4)
float stability; // 0x0010 (size: 0x4)
float accuracy; // 0x0014 (size: 0x4)
}; // Size: 0x18
struct FPalWildSpawnerDatabaseRow : public FTableRowBase
FName SpawnerName; // 0x0008 (size: 0x8)
EPalSpawnedCharacterType SpawnerType; // 0x0010 (size: 0x1)
float Weight; // 0x0014 (size: 0x4)
EPalOneDayTimeType OnlyTime; // 0x0018 (size: 0x1)
EPalWeatherConditionType OnlyWeather; // 0x0019 (size: 0x1)
FName Pal_1; // 0x001C (size: 0x8)
FName NPC_1; // 0x0024 (size: 0x8)
int32 LvMin_1; // 0x002C (size: 0x4)
int32 LvMax_1; // 0x0030 (size: 0x4)
int32 NumMin_1; // 0x0034 (size: 0x4)
int32 NumMax_1; // 0x0038 (size: 0x4)
FName Pal_2; // 0x003C (size: 0x8)
FName NPC_2; // 0x0044 (size: 0x8)
int32 LvMin_2; // 0x004C (size: 0x4)
int32 LvMax_2; // 0x0050 (size: 0x4)
int32 NumMin_2; // 0x0054 (size: 0x4)
int32 NumMax_2; // 0x0058 (size: 0x4)
FName Pal_3; // 0x005C (size: 0x8)
FName NPC_3; // 0x0064 (size: 0x8)
int32 LvMin_3; // 0x006C (size: 0x4)
int32 LvMax_3; // 0x0070 (size: 0x4)
int32 NumMin_3; // 0x0074 (size: 0x4)
int32 NumMax_3; // 0x0078 (size: 0x4)
}; // Size: 0x80
struct FPalWindInfo
FVector Direction; // 0x0000 (size: 0x18)
float Speed; // 0x0018 (size: 0x4)
}; // Size: 0x20
struct FPalWorkAssignDefineData
TArray<EPalGenusCategoryType> GenusCategories; // 0x0000 (size: 0x10)
TArray<EPalElementType> ElementTypes; // 0x0010 (size: 0x10)
EPalWorkSuitability WorkSuitability; // 0x0020 (size: 0x1)
int32 WorkSuitabilityRank; // 0x0024 (size: 0x4)
bool bPlayerWorkable; // 0x0028 (size: 0x1)
EPalWorkType WorkType; // 0x0029 (size: 0x1)
EPalActionType ActionType; // 0x002A (size: 0x1)
int32 WorkerMaxNum; // 0x002C (size: 0x4)
float AffectSanityValue; // 0x0030 (size: 0x4)
}; // Size: 0x38
struct FPalWorkAssignDefineDataStaticSetting
FName RowName; // 0x0000 (size: 0x8)
FPalWorkAssignDefineData AssignDefineData; // 0x0008 (size: 0x38)
}; // Size: 0x40
struct FPalWorkAssignHandleId
FGuid WorkId; // 0x0000 (size: 0x10)
int32 LocationIndex; // 0x0010 (size: 0x4)
EPalWorkAssignType AssignType; // 0x0014 (size: 0x1)
}; // Size: 0x18
struct FPalWorkAssignInfo
int32 LocationIndex; // 0x0000 (size: 0x4)
class UPalWorkAssign* WorkAssign; // 0x0008 (size: 0x8)
}; // Size: 0x10
struct FPalWorkAssignLocalLocation
FVector Location; // 0x0000 (size: 0x18)
FVector FacingDirection; // 0x0018 (size: 0x18)
}; // Size: 0x30
struct FPalWorkAssignParameter
}; // Size: 0x28
struct FPalWorkAssignRepInfo : public FFastArraySerializerItem
int32 LocationIndex; // 0x000C (size: 0x4)
class UPalWorkAssign* WorkAssign; // 0x0010 (size: 0x8)
}; // Size: 0x18
struct FPalWorkAssignRequirementParameter
}; // Size: 0x18
struct FPalWorkAssignSaveData : public FPalBinaryMemory
}; // Size: 0x10
struct FPalWorkProgressManagerWorkProcessTickFunction : public FTickFunction
class UPalWorkProgressManager* Target; // 0x0028 (size: 0x8)
}; // Size: 0x30
struct FPalWorkSaveData : public FPalBinaryMemory
EPalWorkableType WorkableType; // 0x0010 (size: 0x1)
TMap<int32, FPalWorkAssignSaveData> WorkAssignMap; // 0x0018 (size: 0x50)
}; // Size: 0x68
struct FPalWorkStaticParameter
FGuid OwnerMapObjectModelId; // 0x0000 (size: 0x10)
FGuid OwnerMapObjectConcreteModelId; // 0x0010 (size: 0x10)
FPalBoundsTransform WorkableBounds; // 0x0020 (size: 0x80)
TArray<FPalWorkAssignLocalLocation> AssignLocalLocations; // 0x00A0 (size: 0x10)
}; // Size: 0xC0
struct FPalWorkSuitabilityCollectionDefineData
FPalWorkSuitabilityDefineData CommonDefineData; // 0x0000 (size: 0x18)
TArray<FPalCollectionRankDefineData> CollectionDefineData; // 0x0018 (size: 0x10)
}; // Size: 0x28
struct FPalWorkSuitabilityDefineData
bool bIsChangeWorkAnimPlayRate; // 0x0000 (size: 0x1)
TArray<int32> CraftSpeeds; // 0x0008 (size: 0x10)
}; // Size: 0x18
struct FPalWorkSuitabilityDeforestDefineData
FPalWorkSuitabilityDefineData CommonDefineData; // 0x0000 (size: 0x18)
TArray<FPalDeforestRankDefineData> DeforestDefineData; // 0x0018 (size: 0x10)
}; // Size: 0x28
struct FPalWorkSuitabilityInfo
EPalWorkSuitability WorkSuitability; // 0x0000 (size: 0x1)
int32 Rank; // 0x0004 (size: 0x4)
}; // Size: 0x8
struct FPalWorkSuitabilityMiningDefineData
FPalWorkSuitabilityDefineData CommonDefineData; // 0x0000 (size: 0x18)
TArray<FPalMiningRankDefineData> MiningDefineData; // 0x0018 (size: 0x10)
}; // Size: 0x28
struct FPalWorkTypeSet
TArray<EPalWorkType> WorkTypes; // 0x0000 (size: 0x10)
}; // Size: 0x10
struct FPalWorkWaitParameter
}; // Size: 0x18
struct FPalWorldBaseInfoData
FPalWorldBaseInfoSaveData BaseInfoSaveData; // 0x0000 (size: 0x28)
FDateTime Timestamp; // 0x0028 (size: 0x8)
FString DirectoryPath; // 0x0030 (size: 0x10)
}; // Size: 0x40
struct FPalWorldBaseInfoSaveData
FString WorldName; // 0x0000 (size: 0x10)
FString HostPlayerName; // 0x0010 (size: 0x10)
int32 HostPlayerLevel; // 0x0020 (size: 0x4)
int32 InGameDay; // 0x0024 (size: 0x4)
}; // Size: 0x28
struct FPalWorldHUDParameter
TWeakObjectPtr<class AActor> TargetActor; // 0x0000 (size: 0x8)
FVector TargetLocation; // 0x0008 (size: 0x18)
TSubclassOf<class UPalUserWidgetWorldHUD> WorldHUDClass; // 0x0020 (size: 0x8)
EPalWorldHUDWidgetBlueprintType WorldHUDType; // 0x0028 (size: 0x1)
class UPalHUDDispatchParameterBase* HUDParameter; // 0x0030 (size: 0x8)
FVector DisplayOffset; // 0x0038 (size: 0x18)
FVector2D DisplayOffsetScreenPos; // 0x0050 (size: 0x10)
float DisplayRange; // 0x0060 (size: 0x4)
bool bEnableShow; // 0x0064 (size: 0x1)
}; // Size: 0x68
struct FPalWorldMapUIDataSave
TMap<class FName, class bool> unlockedRegionMap; // 0x0000 (size: 0x50)
}; // Size: 0x50
struct FPalWorldMapUIDataTableRow : public FTableRowBase
FVector2D minMapTextureBlockSize; // 0x0008 (size: 0x10)
FVector2D mapBlockNum; // 0x0018 (size: 0x10)
FVector landScapeRealPositionMin; // 0x0028 (size: 0x18)
FVector landScapeRealPositionMax; // 0x0040 (size: 0x18)
TMap<class FName, class FPalWorldMapUIRegionData> textureDataMap; // 0x0058 (size: 0x50)
TSoftObjectPtr<UTexture2D> DefaultMaskTexture; // 0x00A8 (size: 0x30)
}; // Size: 0xD8
struct FPalWorldMapUIRegionData
TSoftObjectPtr<UTexture2D> Texture; // 0x0000 (size: 0x30)
FVector2D blockSize; // 0x0030 (size: 0x10)
FVector2D gridPosition; // 0x0040 (size: 0x10)
FName regionNameMsgId; // 0x0050 (size: 0x8)
}; // Size: 0x58
struct FPalWorldObjectRecordData_MapObjectSpawner
TMap<int32, FPalWorldObjectRecordData_MapObjectSpawnerItem> ItemMap; // 0x0000 (size: 0x50)
}; // Size: 0x58
struct FPalWorldObjectRecordData_MapObjectSpawnerInStage
TMap<class FGuid, class FPalWorldObjectRecordData_MapObjectSpawner> RecordDataMapByLevelObjectInstanceId; // 0x0000 (size: 0x50)
}; // Size: 0x50
struct FPalWorldObjectRecordData_MapObjectSpawnerItem
FGameDateTime NextSpawnLotteryGameTime; // 0x0000 (size: 0x8)
FGuid MapObjectInstanceId; // 0x0008 (size: 0x10)
}; // Size: 0x18
struct FPalWorldPlayerSaveData
FGuid PlayerUId; // 0x0000 (size: 0x10)
FPalInstanceID IndividualId; // 0x0010 (size: 0x30)
FGuid RespawnPointMapObjectInstanceId; // 0x0040 (size: 0x10)
FTransform LastTransform; // 0x0050 (size: 0x60)
FString PlayerName; // 0x00B0 (size: 0x10)
FPalPlayerDataCharacterMakeInfo PlayerCharacterMakeData; // 0x00C0 (size: 0x94)
FPalContainerId OtomoCharacterContainerId; // 0x0154 (size: 0x10)
EPalOtomoPalOrderType OtomoOrder; // 0x0164 (size: 0x1)
FPalPlayerDataInventoryInfo inventoryInfo; // 0x0168 (size: 0x60)
int32 TechnologyPoint; // 0x01C8 (size: 0x4)
int32 bossTechnologyPoint; // 0x01CC (size: 0x4)
TArray<FName> UnlockedRecipeTechnologyNames; // 0x01D0 (size: 0x10)
FPalContainerId PalStorageContainerId; // 0x01E0 (size: 0x10)
FPalLoggedinPlayerSaveDataRecordData RecordData; // 0x01F0 (size: 0x2B0)
bool bIsSelectedInitMapPoint; // 0x04A0 (size: 0x1)
}; // Size: 0x4B0
struct FPalWorldSaveData
FString WorldName; // 0x0000 (size: 0x10)
TMap<class FPalInstanceID, class FPalIndividualCharacterSaveParameterSaveData> CharacterSaveParameterMap; // 0x0010 (size: 0x50)
TArray<FPalMapObjectSaveData> MapObjectSaveData; // 0x0060 (size: 0x10)
TMap<class FPalCellCoord, class FPalFoliageGridSaveData> FoliageGridSaveDataMap; // 0x0070 (size: 0x50)
TMap<class FGuid, class FPalMapObjectSpawnerSaveData> MapObjectSpawnerSaveData; // 0x00C0 (size: 0x50)
TMap<class FPalStageInstanceId, class FPalMapObjectSpawnerInStageSaveData> MapObjectSpawnerInStageSaveData; // 0x0110 (size: 0x50)
TArray<FPalWorkSaveData> WorkSaveData; // 0x0160 (size: 0x10)
TMap<class FGuid, class FPalBaseCampSaveData> BaseCampSaveData; // 0x0170 (size: 0x50)
TMap<class FPalContainerId, class FPalItemContainerSaveData> ItemContainerSaveData; // 0x01C0 (size: 0x50)
TArray<FPalDynamicItemSaveData> DynamicItemSaveData; // 0x0210 (size: 0x10)
TMap<class FPalContainerId, class FPalCharacterContainerSaveData> CharacterContainerSaveData; // 0x0220 (size: 0x50)
TMap<class FGuid, class FPalGroupSaveData> GroupSaveDataMap; // 0x0270 (size: 0x50)
FPalCharacterParameterStorageSaveData CharacterParameterStorageSaveData; // 0x02C0 (size: 0x10)
FPalGameTimeSaveData GameTimeSaveData; // 0x02D0 (size: 0x10)
FPalBossSpawnerSaveData BossSpawnerSaveData; // 0x02E0 (size: 0x50)
FPalEnemyCampSaveData EnemyCampSaveData; // 0x0330 (size: 0x50)
TArray<FPalDungeonPointMarkerSaveData> DungeonPointMarkerSaveData; // 0x0380 (size: 0x10)
TArray<FPalDungeonSaveData> DungeonSaveData; // 0x0390 (size: 0x10)
}; // Size: 0x3A0
struct FPalWorldSecurityWantedPoliceSettingData
FPalDataTableRowName_PalHumanData PoliceType; // 0x0000 (size: 0x8)
int32 PoliceNum; // 0x0008 (size: 0x4)
int32 PoliceLevel; // 0x000C (size: 0x4)
}; // Size: 0x10
struct FPalWorldSecurityWantedStateInfo
FDateTime ExpiredDate; // 0x0000 (size: 0x8)
TArray<FGuid> CrimeInstanceIdArray; // 0x0008 (size: 0x10)
}; // Size: 0x18
struct FPlayerGenderParams
TMap<class EPalWeaponType, class TSoftClassPtr<UPalShooterAnimeAssetBase>> DefaultWeaponAnimeAssetBPSoftClassMap; // 0x0000 (size: 0x50)
TMap<class TSoftClassPtr<APalWeaponBase>, class TSoftClassPtr<UPalShooterAnimeAssetBase>> OtherWeaponAnimeAssetBPSoftClassMap; // 0x0050 (size: 0x50)
float ClavicleAdjustDegree; // 0x00A0 (size: 0x4)
}; // Size: 0xA8
struct FReactivePropertyFloat
}; // Size: 0x18
struct FReserveMontage
class UAnimMontage* Montage; // 0x0000 (size: 0x8)
float PlayRate; // 0x0008 (size: 0x4)
float StartTime; // 0x000C (size: 0x4)
}; // Size: 0x10
struct FRiderActionInfo
TSubclassOf<class UPalActionBase> RideAction; // 0x0000 (size: 0x8)
TSubclassOf<class UPalActionBase> GetOffAction; // 0x0008 (size: 0x8)
}; // Size: 0x10
struct FRidingAimingAnimationInfo
class UAnimSequence* ShootingAnimation; // 0x0000 (size: 0x8)
class UAimOffsetBlendSpace* ShootingAO; // 0x0008 (size: 0x8)
}; // Size: 0x10
struct FRidingAnimationInfo
class UAnimSequence* RidingAnimation; // 0x0000 (size: 0x8)
class UAnimMontage* RidingShakingMontage; // 0x0008 (size: 0x8)
class UAnimSequence* RideShootingAnimation; // 0x0010 (size: 0x8)
class UAimOffsetBlendSpace* RideShootingAO; // 0x0018 (size: 0x8)
}; // Size: 0x20
struct FShooterSpringCameraAdditionalOffset
FName flagName; // 0x0000 (size: 0x8)
int32 Priority; // 0x0008 (size: 0x4)
FShooterSpringCameraParameter CameraOffset; // 0x0010 (size: 0x20)
}; // Size: 0x30
struct FShooterSpringCameraParameter
float ArmLength; // 0x0000 (size: 0x4)
FVector CameraOffset; // 0x0008 (size: 0x18)
}; // Size: 0x20
struct FSkillEffectSpawnParameter
float TimeOffset; // 0x0000 (size: 0x4)
TSubclassOf<class APalSkillEffectBase> SkillEffectClass; // 0x0008 (size: 0x8)
FVector SpawnOffset; // 0x0010 (size: 0x18)
bool bAttachToOwner; // 0x0028 (size: 0x1)
FName AttachSocketName; // 0x002C (size: 0x8)
EPalBodyLocationType AttachLocationType; // 0x0034 (size: 0x1)
}; // Size: 0x38
struct FSpawnedEnemyInfo
class AActor* SelfActor; // 0x0000 (size: 0x8)
EPalEnemySpawnActorType WeaponType; // 0x0008 (size: 0x1)
class AActor* TargetActor; // 0x0010 (size: 0x8)
}; // Size: 0x18
struct FStatusDynamicParameter
int32 GeneralIndex; // 0x0000 (size: 0x4)
FName GeneralName; // 0x0004 (size: 0x8)
}; // Size: 0xC
struct FTargetAbleInfoForEnemy
class AActor* SelfActor; // 0x0000 (size: 0x8)
int32 DuplicateNum; // 0x0008 (size: 0x4)
float ThreatLevel_OnlyCharacterParam; // 0x000C (size: 0x4)
}; // Size: 0x10
struct FTutorialDataStruct : public FTableRowBase
FName MsgId; // 0x0008 (size: 0x8)
EPalTutorialTriggerType Type; // 0x0010 (size: 0x1)
bool MultiTrigger; // 0x0011 (size: 0x1)
EPalTutorialTriggerConditionType ConditionType; // 0x0012 (size: 0x1)
TArray<FName> ConditionObjectIds; // 0x0018 (size: 0x10)
FName ConditionCategoryName; // 0x0028 (size: 0x8)
float ConditionValue; // 0x0030 (size: 0x4)
}; // Size: 0x38
struct FUITransientData
int32 RadialMenuLastTab; // 0x0000 (size: 0x4)
bool IsCampTaskUIOpen; // 0x0004 (size: 0x1)
FName LastOpenedPaldexCharacter; // 0x0008 (size: 0x8)
bool NewsOpened; // 0x0010 (size: 0x1)
bool IsOpenedSurvivalGuide; // 0x0011 (size: 0x1)
bool ServerLobbyDialogOpened; // 0x0012 (size: 0x1)
}; // Size: 0x14
struct FWeaponAnimationInfo
class UBlendSpace1D* NormalMoveBlendSpace; // 0x0000 (size: 0x8)
class UBlendSpace1D* CrouchMoveBlendSpace; // 0x0008 (size: 0x8)
class UBlendSpace* AimingMoveBlendSpace; // 0x0010 (size: 0x8)
class UBlendSpace* HipShootingMoveBlendSpace; // 0x0018 (size: 0x8)
class UBlendSpace* CrouchAimingMoveBlendSpace; // 0x0020 (size: 0x8)
class UAnimMontage* JumpPreliminary; // 0x0028 (size: 0x8)
class UAnimSequence* JumpStart; // 0x0030 (size: 0x8)
class UAnimSequence* JumpLoopUp; // 0x0038 (size: 0x8)
class UAnimSequence* JumpLoopDown; // 0x0040 (size: 0x8)
class UAnimSequence* JumpEnd; // 0x0048 (size: 0x8)
class UAnimSequence* Sliding; // 0x0050 (size: 0x8)
class UAnimSequence* SlidingEnd; // 0x0058 (size: 0x8)
class UAnimSequence* Sprint; // 0x0060 (size: 0x8)
class UAnimMontage* ReloadMontage; // 0x0068 (size: 0x8)
class UAnimMontage* WeaponChangeMontage; // 0x0070 (size: 0x8)
TMap<class EWeaponAnimationPoseType, class UAnimSequence*> IdlePoseMap; // 0x0078 (size: 0x50)
TMap<class EWeaponAnimationPoseType, class UAnimSequence*> JogPoseMap; // 0x00C8 (size: 0x50)
TMap<class EWeaponAnimationPoseType, class UAnimSequence*> AimBaseMap; // 0x0118 (size: 0x50)
TMap<class EWeaponAnimationPoseType, class UAimOffsetBlendSpace*> AimOffsetMap; // 0x0168 (size: 0x50)
TMap<class EWeaponAnimationType, class FWeaponNotifyAnimationInfo> AnimationMap; // 0x01B8 (size: 0x50)
TMap<class EPalRidePositionType, class FRidingAnimationInfo> RidingAnimationMap; // 0x0208 (size: 0x50)
}; // Size: 0x258
struct FWeaponNotifyAnimationInfo
TMap<class EWeaponAnimationPoseType, class UAnimMontage*> PoseMap; // 0x0000 (size: 0x50)
bool isAutoStop; // 0x0050 (size: 0x1)
}; // Size: 0x58
class APalAIController : public AAIController
TArray<class AActor*> TargetPlayers; // 0x03B8 (size: 0x10)
TArray<class AActor*> TargetNPCs; // 0x03C8 (size: 0x10)
TSubclassOf<class UPalAICombatModule> CombatModuleClass; // 0x03D8 (size: 0x8)
class UPalActiveSkillSlot* SkillSlot; // 0x03E0 (size: 0x8)
FString DebugOrganizationName; // 0x03E8 (size: 0x10)
class APalCharacter* R1AttackTarget; // 0x03F8 (size: 0x8)
float MinAIActionComponentTickInterval; // 0x0400 (size: 0x4)
bool bIsActive; // 0x0410 (size: 0x1)
bool IsSquadBehaviour; // 0x0411 (size: 0x1)
bool IsNotSleepWildLife; // 0x0412 (size: 0x1)
class UPalSquad* MySquad; // 0x0418 (size: 0x8)
class UPalHate* HateSystem; // 0x0420 (size: 0x8)
class UPalAIActionComponent* AIActionComponent; // 0x0428 (size: 0x8)
class UPalAIBlackboardBase* PalAIBlackboard; // 0x0430 (size: 0x8)
bool bOverwriteBlockDetectionParams; // 0x04C0 (size: 0x1)
FPalPathFollowingBlockDetectionParams BlockDetectionParams; // 0x04C4 (size: 0xC)
TSubclassOf<class UPalAIBlackboardBase> PalBlackboardClass; // 0x04D0 (size: 0x8)
FTimerHandle DeadBodyDeleteTimerHandle; // 0x04E0 (size: 0x8)
bool IsDeadBodyTimeDelate; // 0x04E8 (size: 0x1)
bool IsSelfTimeDelate_FromSpawnTime; // 0x04E9 (size: 0x1)
FTimerHandle SelfDeleteTimerHandle; // 0x04F0 (size: 0x8)
void WaitForSeconds(float Time);
void SimpleMoveToActorWithLineTraceGround(const class AActor* GoalActor);
void ShowHateArrow();
void ShowActionDebug();
void SetInitialValue(bool IsSquad, bool NotSleep);
void SetActiveAI(bool Active);
void RPCDummy();
TEnumAsByte<EPathFollowingRequestResult::Type> PalMoveToLocation(const FVector& Dest, float AcceptanceRadius, bool bStopOnOverlap, bool bUsePathfinding, bool bProjectDestinationToNavigation, bool bCanStrafe, TSubclassOf<class UNavigationQueryFilter> FilterClass, bool bAllowPartialPaths);
void OnDeadTimerStart(FPalDeadInfo Info);
void OnChangedActiveCharacter(const bool bActive);
void OnChangeChangeImportance(EPalCharacterImportanceType Next);
void NotifyTalkStart(class APalPlayerCharacter* TalkPlayer);
void NotifyTalkEnd(class APalPlayerCharacter* TalkPlayer);
void MoveToLocation_ErrorSupportMove(FVector GoalLocation);
void MoveToDirectly(FVector GoalLocation);
bool IsOnNavMesh_TargetLocation(FVector TargetLocation);
bool IsOnNavMesh();
bool IsLeader();
bool IsExistPathForLocation_ForBP_HeightRangeCheck(const FVector Location, const float AcceptanceRadius, const float UpOffset, const float DownOffset, FVector& OutGoalLocation);
bool IsExistPathForLocation_ForBP(const FVector Location, const float AcceptanceRadius);
bool IsActiveAI();
class APalCharacter* GetSquadLeader();
class UPalSquad* GetSquad();
class UPalAIBlackboardBase* GetMyPalBlackboard();
class UPalAIBlackboardBase* GetLeaderPalBlackboard();
bool GetIsSquadBehaviour();
bool GetIsnotSleepWildLife();
class UPalHate* GetHateSystem();
class UPalAIActionComponent* GetAIActionComponent();
bool FindReachablePathLocation(TArray<FVector> RequestLocationArray, FVector& OutGoalLocation);
bool FindNearestNavmeshPointFromSelf(FVector& OutLocation);
void DeleteSelfDeadBody();
void CreatePalBlackboard();
class AActor* CopyTargetFromOtherAI(const class AActor* FromAcotr);
void AddTargetPlayer_ForEnemy(class AActor* PlayerOrPal);
void AddTargetNPC(class AActor* NPC);
}; // Size: 0x4F8
class APalActionDummyTargetActor : public AActor
}; // Size: 0x290
class APalAmbientSoundAreaBase : public AActor
int32 AmbientPriority; // 0x0290 (size: 0x4)
TArray<class UAkAudioEvent*> DayAmbientEvents; // 0x0298 (size: 0x10)
TArray<class UAkAudioEvent*> NightAmbientEvents; // 0x02A8 (size: 0x10)
bool bIsOverlappedLocalPlayer; // 0x02B8 (size: 0x1)
void OnEndOverlap(class UPrimitiveComponent* OverlappedComponent, class APalPlayerCharacter* PlayerCharacter);
void OnBeginOverlap(class UPrimitiveComponent* OverlappedComponent, class APalPlayerCharacter* PlayerCharacter);
class UPrimitiveComponent* GetAreaCollision();
FPalAmbientSoundAreaData GetAmbientSoundAreaData();
}; // Size: 0x2C0
class APalAmbientSoundLineBase : public AActor
class UAkComponent* AkComponent; // 0x0290 (size: 0x8)
class UBoxComponent* ActivateTrigger; // 0x0298 (size: 0x8)
class UPalAmbientSoundLineObject* AmbinetSoundLineObject; // 0x02A0 (size: 0x8)
}; // Size: 0x2A8
class APalBackWeaponBase : public AActor
bool InFirstOrSecondSlot; // 0x0290 (size: 0x1)
bool IsEquipHand; // 0x0291 (size: 0x1)
FFlagContainer HiddenBackWeapon; // 0x0298 (size: 0x50)
}; // Size: 0x2E8
class APalBiomeAreaTriggerBase : public AActor
EPalBiomeType BindBiomeType; // 0x0290 (size: 0x1)
void OnOverlap(class AActor* OtherActor, EPalBiomeType BiomeType);
void OnEndOverlap(class AActor* OtherActor, EPalBiomeType BiomeType);
EPalBiomeType GetBiomeType();
}; // Size: 0x298
class APalBossBattleLevelInstance : public ALevelInstance
FPalBossBattleLevelInstanceOnBossSpawnedDelegate OnBossSpawnedDelegate; // 0x0320 (size: 0x10)
void OnBossSpawnedDelegate(class APalCharacter* SpawnedCharacter);
bool bIsLoaded; // 0x0330 (size: 0x1)
void SpawnBossSpawner(EPalBossType BossType, int32 JoinPlayerNum);
void ResetBossLocation();
void OnBossSpawnedDelegate__DelegateSignature(class APalCharacter* SpawnedCharacter);
FTransform GetSequencerTransform();
FTransform GetPlayerStartTransform();
bool CheckLevelLoaded();
void BossSpawned(class APalCharacter* SpawnedCharacter);
}; // Size: 0x338
class APalBossTower : public AActor
FPalBossTowerOnChangeBossTowerEntryWaitUI OnChangeBossTowerEntryWaitUI; // 0x0298 (size: 0x10)
void OnChangeBossTowerEntryWaitUI(bool bIsCountDown, FDateTime TimeLimit);
EPalBossType BossType; // 0x02A8 (size: 0x1)
FGuid EntryWaitInfoHUDId; // 0x02AC (size: 0x10)
class UPalBossBattleInstanceModel* InstanceModel; // 0x02C0 (size: 0x8)
FDateTime CombatTimeLimit; // 0x02C8 (size: 0x8)
FGuid LocationInstanceId; // 0x02D0 (size: 0x10)
TArray<class APalPlayerCharacter*> InDoorPlayerList; // 0x02E0 (size: 0x10)
FTimerHandle TimerHandle; // 0x02F0 (size: 0x8)
bool WriteBossDefeatRecord_ServerInternal(class APalPlayerCharacter* TargetPlayer);
void ShowWaitInfo(const FVector TargetLocation, const FVector DisplayOffset, bool isWaiting);
void RequestBossBattleStart(class APalPlayerCharacter* Player);
void RequestBossBattleEntry(class APalPlayerCharacter* Player);
void RemoveInDoorPlayer(class APalPlayerCharacter* Player);
void OnRep_InstanceModel();
void OnChangeEntryPlayer(TArray<class APalPlayerCharacter*> EntryPlayers);
void OnChangeCombatTimeLimit(FDateTime NewCombatTimeLimit);
void OnChangeBossTowerEntryWaitUI__DelegateSignature(bool bIsCountDown, FDateTime TimeLimit);
void OnChangeBossBattleStateBP(EPalBossBattleState NewState);
void OnChangeBossBattleState(EPalBossBattleState NewBossBattleState);
bool IsEntered(class APalPlayerCharacter* Player);
FTransform GetTopWarpPoint();
TArray<class APalPlayerCharacter*> GetStartablePlayers();
FTransform GetFrontWarpPoint();
TArray<class APalPlayerCharacter*> GetForceWarpTargets();
FTransform GetDeadItemDropPoint();
FName GetBossBattleRowName();
void CloseWaitInfo();
void AddInDoorPlayer(class APalPlayerCharacter* Player);
}; // Size: 0x2F8
class APalBotBuilderLocationBase : public AActor
int32 BuilderIndex; // 0x0290 (size: 0x4)
bool bIsBuilded; // 0x0294 (size: 0x1)
}; // Size: 0x298
class APalBoxSpawnerPlacementTool : public AActor
FVector BoxExtent; // 0x0290 (size: 0x18)
class UBoxComponent* BoxComp; // 0x02A8 (size: 0x8)
}; // Size: 0x2B0
class APalBuildObject : public APalMapObject
FPalBuildObjectOnChangeState OnChangeState; // 0x03C0 (size: 0x10)
void OnChangeStateDelegate(EPalBuildObjectState State);
EPalBuildObjectInstallStrategy InstallStrategy; // 0x03E8 (size: 0x1)
float InstallCapacitySlopeAngle; // 0x03EC (size: 0x4)
float InstallCapacitySinkRateByHeight; // 0x03F0 (size: 0x4)
class UPalBuildObjectVisualControlComponent* VisualCtrl; // 0x03F8 (size: 0x8)
FName BuildObjectId; // 0x0400 (size: 0x8)
class UShapeComponent* OverlapCheckCollision; // 0x0408 (size: 0x8)
FComponentReference OverlapCheckCollisionRef; // 0x0410 (size: 0x28)
FBox LocalBounds; // 0x0438 (size: 0x38)
class UPalBuildObjectOverlapChecker* OverlapChecker; // 0x0470 (size: 0x8)
TArray<class UMeshComponent*> AllMeshes; // 0x0478 (size: 0x10)
TArray<class UPrimitiveComponent*> VirtualMeshCollisions; // 0x0488 (size: 0x10)
EPalBuildObjectState CurrentState; // 0x0498 (size: 0x1)
FGuid WorldHUDId; // 0x049C (size: 0x10)
FGuid buildProgressWorldHUDId; // 0x04AC (size: 0x10)
FVector WorldHUDDisplayOffset; // 0x04C0 (size: 0x18)
float WorldHUDDisplayRange; // 0x04D8 (size: 0x4)
FVector buildProgressHUDDisplayOffset; // 0x04E0 (size: 0x18)
FVector2D buildProgressHUDDisplayOffsetScreen; // 0x04F8 (size: 0x10)
float buildProgressHUDDisplayRange; // 0x0508 (size: 0x4)
class UAkAudioEvent* BuildCompleteSEOverride; // 0x0510 (size: 0x8)
float BuildProgressVisualRate; // 0x0518 (size: 0x4)
bool bDismantleTargetInLocal; // 0x051C (size: 0x1)
TMap<class UPrimitiveComponent*, class FPalBuildObjectMeshDefaultSetting> DefaultMeshSettingMap; // 0x0520 (size: 0x50)
void PlayBuildCompleteFX_ToALL();
void OnUpdateHp(class UPalMapObjectModel* DamagedModel);
void OnUpdateBuildWorkAmount(class UPalWorkProgress* WorkProgress);
void OnTriggerInteractBuilding(class AActor* OtherActor, EPalInteractiveObjectIndicatorType IndicatorType);
void OnTickRepairCompleteAnimation();
void OnTickBuildCompleteAnimation();
void OnStartTriggerInteractBuilding(class AActor* OtherActor, EPalInteractiveObjectIndicatorType IndicatorType);
void OnRep_CurrentState();
void OnRep_BuildProgressVisualRate();
void OnNotAvailable_BlueprintImpl();
void OnFinishBuildWork_ServerInternal(class UPalBuildProcess* BuildProcess);
void OnEndTriggerInteractBuilding(class AActor* OtherActor, EPalInteractiveObjectIndicatorType IndicatorType);
void OnDamage(class UPalMapObjectModel* DamagedModel, const FPalDamageInfo& DamageInfo);
void OnChangeStateDelegate__DelegateSignature(EPalBuildObjectState State);
void OnBeginInteractBuilding(class AActor* OtherActor, TScriptInterface<class IPalInteractiveObjectComponentInterface> InteractiveObject);
void OnAvailable_BlueprintImpl();
bool IsAvailable();
class UShapeComponent* GetBuildWorkableBoundsShape();
}; // Size: 0x570
class APalBuildObjectBaseCampPoint : public APalBuildObject
FTransform GetWorkerSpawnLocalTransform();
FTransform GetFastTravelLocalTransform();
}; // Size: 0x570
class APalBuildObjectBreedFarm : public APalBuildObject
FComponentReference ChestInteractRef; // 0x0570 (size: 0x28)
FComponentReference WalkAroundVolumeRef; // 0x0598 (size: 0x28)
}; // Size: 0x5C0
class APalBuildObjectDefenseBase : public APalBuildObject
TSubclassOf<class UPalAIActionBaseCampDefenseBase> DefenseAIActionClass; // 0x0570 (size: 0x8)
FPalDataTableRowName_ItemData BulletItemId; // 0x0578 (size: 0x8)
int32 MagazineSize; // 0x0580 (size: 0x4)
}; // Size: 0x588
class APalBuildObjectFarmBlockV2 : public APalBuildObject
FPalDataTableRowName_FarmCropData CropDataId; // 0x0570 (size: 0x8)
class UNiagaraSystem* GrowupFX; // 0x0578 (size: 0x8)
class APalMapObjectFarmCrop* CropActor; // 0x0580 (size: 0x8)
void OnUpdateState_ServerInternal(EPalFarmCropState LastCropState, EPalFarmCropState NextCropState);
}; // Size: 0x598
class APalBuildObjectGenerateEnergy : public APalBuildObject
EPalEnergyType GenerateEnergyType; // 0x0570 (size: 0x1)
float GenerateEnergyRateByWorker; // 0x0574 (size: 0x4)
float MaxEnergyStorage; // 0x0578 (size: 0x4)
void OnUpdateWorkAssigned_ServerInternal(class UPalWorkBase* Work);
void OnStartGenerate();
void OnEndGenerate();
void BroadcastStartGenerate();
void BroadcastEndGenerate();
}; // Size: 0x580
class APalBuildObjectInstallChecker : public AActor
class APalBuildObject* TargetBuildObject; // 0x0290 (size: 0x8)
class UShapeComponent* OverlapCheckComponent; // 0x0298 (size: 0x8)
class UPalBuildObjectOverlapChecker* OverlapChecker; // 0x02A0 (size: 0x8)
class UPalBuildObjectInstallStrategyBase* InstallStrategy; // 0x02A8 (size: 0x8)
}; // Size: 0x2B0
class APalBuildObjectMonsterFarm : public APalBuildObject
FComponentReference WalkAroundVolumeRef; // 0x0570 (size: 0x28)
}; // Size: 0x598
class APalBuildObjectPalStorage : public APalBuildObject
FPalBuildObjectPalStorageOnOverlapBeginCageArea OnOverlapBeginCageArea; // 0x0570 (size: 0x10)
void OverlapAreaDelegate(class UPrimitiveComponent* OverlappedComp, class AActor* OtherActor, class UPrimitiveComponent* OtherComp);
FPalBuildObjectPalStorageOnOverlapEndCageArea OnOverlapEndCageArea; // 0x0580 (size: 0x10)
void OverlapAreaDelegate(class UPrimitiveComponent* OverlappedComp, class AActor* OtherActor, class UPrimitiveComponent* OtherComp);
FPalBuildObjectPalStorageOnOverlapBeginCageWalls OnOverlapBeginCageWalls; // 0x0590 (size: 0x10)
void OverlapAreaDelegate(class UPrimitiveComponent* OverlappedComp, class AActor* OtherActor, class UPrimitiveComponent* OtherComp);
FPalBuildObjectPalStorageOnOverlapEndCageWalls OnOverlapEndCageWalls; // 0x05A0 (size: 0x10)
void OverlapAreaDelegate(class UPrimitiveComponent* OverlappedComp, class AActor* OtherActor, class UPrimitiveComponent* OtherComp);
float BaseCampAreaRange; // 0x05B0 (size: 0x4)
FComponentReference AccessPointObjectRef; // 0x05B8 (size: 0x28)
FComponentReference AccessPointMovableRangeRef; // 0x05E0 (size: 0x28)
FComponentReference AccessPointInteractRef; // 0x0608 (size: 0x28)
FComponentReference ChestObjectRef; // 0x0630 (size: 0x28)
FComponentReference ChestMovableRangeRef; // 0x0658 (size: 0x28)
FComponentReference ChestInteractRef; // 0x0680 (size: 0x28)
FName ChestWorkableBoundsName; // 0x06A8 (size: 0x8)
int32 ChestSlotNum; // 0x06B0 (size: 0x4)
void PlaySpawnCharacterFX(class APalCharacter* TargetActor);
void OverlapAreaDelegate__DelegateSignature(class UPrimitiveComponent* OverlappedComp, class AActor* OtherActor, class UPrimitiveComponent* OtherComp);
void OnSpawnCharacter(FPalInstanceID IndividualId, int32 PhantomId);
FTransform GetWorkerSpawnLocalTransform();
FTransform GetFastTravelLocalTransform();
FTransform GetDisplayCharacterSpawnLocalTransform();
class USceneComponent* GetChestObject();
class UBoxComponent* GetChestMovableRange();
class UShapeComponent* GetCageAreaShape();
class UStaticMeshComponent* GetAccessPointObject();
class UBoxComponent* GetAccessPointMovableRange();
}; // Size: 0x6B8
class APalBullet : public AActor
FPalBulletOnDestroyDelegate OnDestroyDelegate; // 0x0290 (size: 0x10)
void DestroyBulletDelegate(class UPrimitiveComponent* HitComp, class AActor* OtherCharacter, class UPrimitiveComponent* OtherComp, const FHitResult& Hi);
class USphereComponent* CollisionComp; // 0x02A0 (size: 0x8)
class UProjectileMovementComponent* ProjectileMovement; // 0x02A8 (size: 0x8)
EPalPlayerDamageCameraShakeCategory PlayerDamageCameraShake; // 0x02B0 (size: 0x1)
bool bIsHitFriend; // 0x02B1 (size: 0x1)
int32 WeaponDamage; // 0x02B4 (size: 0x4)
FTimerHandle Handle; // 0x02B8 (size: 0x8)
bool isDamageable; // 0x02C0 (size: 0x1)
bool AISoundEmitable; // 0x02C1 (size: 0x1)
float SneakAttackRate; // 0x02C4 (size: 0x4)
float DeleteTime; // 0x02C8 (size: 0x4)
float DamageDecayStartRate; // 0x02CC (size: 0x4)
float LifeTimer; // 0x02D0 (size: 0x4)
EPalDamageAnimationReactionType weaponBulletDamageReactionType; // 0x02D4 (size: 0x1)
TArray<FPalPassiveSkillEffect> skillEffectList; // 0x02D8 (size: 0x10)
TMap<TEnumAsByte<EPhysicalSurface>, FBulletHoleDecalInfo> BulletHoleDecalsMap; // 0x02E8 (size: 0x50)
FBulletHoleDecalInfo DefaultBulletHoleDecals; // 0x0338 (size: 0x30)
void SetWeaponDamage(int32 Damage);
void SetSneakAttackRate(float Rate);
void SetSkillEffectList(const TArray<FPalPassiveSkillEffect>& inList);
void SetDeleteTime(float DeleteSecound, float DecayStartRate);
void SetDamageable(bool damageable);
bool SetBulletHoleDecal(const FHitResult& Hit, float LifeSpan, float FadeTime, float fadeScreenSize);
void OnHitToPalEnemy(class UPrimitiveComponent* HitComp, class APalCharacter* OtherCharacter, class UPrimitiveComponent* OtherComp, const FHitResult& Hit);
void OnHitToPalCharacter(class UPrimitiveComponent* HitComp, class APalCharacter* OtherCharacter, class UPrimitiveComponent* OtherComp, const FHitResult& Hit);
void OnHitToActor(class UPrimitiveComponent* HitComp, class AActor* OtherActor, class UPrimitiveComponent* OtherComp, const FHitResult& Hit);
void OnHit(class UPrimitiveComponent* HitComp, class AActor* OtherActor, class UPrimitiveComponent* OtherComp, const FHitResult& Hit);
void OnDestroy(class UPrimitiveComponent* HitComp, class AActor* OtherCharacter, class UPrimitiveComponent* OtherComp, const FHitResult& Hit);
void OnBlock(class UPrimitiveComponent* HitComp, class AActor* OtherActor, class UPrimitiveComponent* OtherComp, FVector NormalImpulse, const FHitResult& Hit);
void OnBeginOverlap(class UPrimitiveComponent* HitComp, class AActor* OtherActor, class UPrimitiveComponent* OtherComp, int32 OtherBodyIndex, bool bFromSweep, const FHitResult& Hit);
bool IsDestroy(class UPrimitiveComponent* HitComp, class AActor* OtherCharacter, class UPrimitiveComponent* OtherComp, const FHitResult& Hit);
int32 GetWeaponDamage();
float GetSneakAttackRate();
float GetParameterWithPassiveSkillEffect(float originalValue, EPalPassiveSkillEffectType EffectType);
float GetDecayDamageRate();
void DestroyBulletDelegate__DelegateSignature(class UPrimitiveComponent* HitComp, class AActor* OtherCharacter, class UPrimitiveComponent* OtherComp, const FHitResult& Hi);
}; // Size: 0x368
class APalCaptureJudgeObject : public AActor
void OnSuccessFinish();
void OnFailedFinish();
void OnFailedByTest(const class APalCharacter* Character, FCaptureResult Result);
void OnFailedByMP(const class APalCharacter* Character, FCaptureResult Result);
void OnCaptureSuccess(const class APalCharacter* Character, FCaptureResult Result);
void ChallengeCapture_ToServer(class APalCharacter* Character, float capturePower);
void ChallengeCapture(class APalCharacter* Character, float capturePower);
void CaptureResult_ToALL(class APalCharacter* Character, FCaptureResult Result);
}; // Size: 0x2B8
class APalCapturedCage : public AActor
FName FieldKeyName; // 0x0298 (size: 0x8)
TSubclassOf<class APalAIController> ControllerClass; // 0x02A0 (size: 0x8)
float SpawnRange; // 0x02A8 (size: 0x4)
float DespawnRange; // 0x02AC (size: 0x4)
FName SpawnedPalId; // 0x02B0 (size: 0x8)
int32 SpawnedPalLevel; // 0x02B8 (size: 0x4)
bool IsRequestedInteract; // 0x02BC (size: 0x1)
bool IsDisableInteractive; // 0x02BD (size: 0x1)
bool IsInSpawnedRange; // 0x02BE (size: 0x1)
class UPalIndividualCharacterHandle* SpawnedPalHandle; // 0x02C0 (size: 0x8)
void SpawnPal(FName InPalID, int32 InPalLevel);
void SetOverrideKeyName(FName Key);
void SetDisableInteractive();
void RequestInteract(class APalPlayerCharacter* Attacker);
void OnCreateHandle(FPalInstanceID ID);
void LotteryAndSpawnPal();
class APalCharacter* GetSpawnedPal();
EPalInteractiveObjectIndicatorType GetIndicatorType();
FName GetCampSpawnerName();
}; // Size: 0x2C8
class APalCharacter : public ACharacter
float UpdateGroundInterval; // 0x0618 (size: 0x4)
class UPalActionComponent* ActionComponent; // 0x0620 (size: 0x8)
class UPalCharacterParameterComponent* CharacterParameterComponent; // 0x0628 (size: 0x8)
class UPalStaticCharacterParameterComponent* StaticCharacterParameterComponent; // 0x0630 (size: 0x8)
class UPalDamageReactionComponent* DamageReactionComponent; // 0x0638 (size: 0x8)
class UPalStatusComponent* StatusComponent; // 0x0640 (size: 0x8)
class UPalShooterSpringArmComponent* CameraBoom; // 0x0648 (size: 0x8)
class UPalCharacterCameraComponent* FollowCamera; // 0x0650 (size: 0x8)
class UPalNetworkMulticastGateComponent* MulticastGateComponent; // 0x0658 (size: 0x8)
class UPalLookAtComponent* LookAtComponent; // 0x0660 (size: 0x8)
class UPalNavigationInvokerComponent* NavInvokerComponent; // 0x0668 (size: 0x8)
class UPalFootIKComponent* FootIKComponent; // 0x0670 (size: 0x8)
class UPalVisualEffectComponent* VisualEffectComponent; // 0x0678 (size: 0x8)
class UPalPassiveSkillComponent* PassiveSkillComponent; // 0x0680 (size: 0x8)
class UPalHeadUpDisplayComponent* HUDComponent; // 0x0688 (size: 0x8)
class UPalAnimNotifyParameterComponent* AnimNotifyComponent; // 0x0690 (size: 0x8)
class UPalCharacterAroundInfoCollectorComponent* AroundInfoCollectorComponent; // 0x0698 (size: 0x8)
FPalCharacterOnChangeActiveActorDelegate OnChangeActiveActorDelegate; // 0x06A0 (size: 0x10)
void OnChangeActiveActor(bool bIsActive);
FPalCharacterOnRollingDelegate OnRollingDelegate; // 0x06B0 (size: 0x10)
void RollingDelegate();
FPalCharacterOnRollingFinishDelegate OnRollingFinishDelegate; // 0x06C0 (size: 0x10)
void RollingDelegate();
FPalCharacterOnCompleteSyncPlayerFromServer_InClient OnCompleteSyncPlayerFromServer_InClient; // 0x06D0 (size: 0x10)
void OnCompleteSyncPlayerFromServer_InClient();
FPalCharacterOnChangeBattleModeDelegate OnChangeBattleModeDelegate; // 0x06E0 (size: 0x10)
void OnChangeBattleMode(bool bIsBattleMode);
FPalCharacterOnChangeImportanceDelegate OnChangeImportanceDelegate; // 0x06F0 (size: 0x10)
void OnChangeImportance(EPalCharacterImportanceType NextType);
FPalCharacterOnCapturedDelegate OnCapturedDelegate; // 0x0700 (size: 0x10)
void OnCaptured(class APalCharacter* SelfCharacter, class APalCharacter* Attacker);
bool bIsBattleMode; // 0x0710 (size: 0x1)
bool bIsTalkMode; // 0x0711 (size: 0x1)
bool bIsPalActiveActor; // 0x0712 (size: 0x1)
bool bIsLocalInitialized; // 0x0713 (size: 0x1)
bool bIsDisable_ChangeTickInterval_ByImportance; // 0x0714 (size: 0x1)
FTimerHandle GroundCheckTimerHandle; // 0x0718 (size: 0x8)
FVector SpawnLocation_ForServer; // 0x0720 (size: 0x18)
FFlagContainer IsDisableChangeTickInterval; // 0x0738 (size: 0x50)
EPalCharacterImportanceType ImportanceType; // 0x0788 (size: 0x1)
FTimerHandle CheckIndividualParameterReplicateTimerHandle; // 0x0790 (size: 0x8)
FName RootCollisionProfileName; // 0x0798 (size: 0x8)
TMap<class EPalCharacterCompleteDelegatePriority, class UPalCharacterOnCompleteInitializeParameterWrapper*> OnCompleteInitializeParameterDelegateMap; // 0x07A8 (size: 0x50)
void UpdateGroundRayCast();
void SetVisibleHandAttachMesh(bool Active);
void SetVisibleCharacterMesh(bool Active);
void SetDisableChangeIntervalByImportance(FName flagName, bool isDisable);
void SetActiveCollisionMovement(bool Active);
void SetActiveActorStayVisible(bool Active);
void SetActiveActor(bool Active);
void RPCDummy();
void RollingDelegate__DelegateSignature();
void ReviveCharacter_ToServer(FFixedPoint HP);
void ReviveCharacter(FFixedPoint HP);
void ResetTickInterval();
void RequestJump();
void Play2Montage(class UAnimMontage* firstMontage, class UAnimMontage* nextMontage);
void OnTeleport_ToClient(const FVector& Location, const FQuat& Rotation);
void OnRep_RootCollisionProfileName();
void OnRep_IsPalActiveActor(bool PrevIsActiveActor);
void OnOverlapEndByAroundInfo(class AActor* OtherActor);
void OnOverlapBeginByAroundInfo(class AActor* OtherActor);
void OnCompleteSyncPlayerFromServer_InClient__DelegateSignature();
void OnCompleteInitializeParameter__DelegateSignature(class APalCharacter* InCharacter);
void OnChangeWetnessStatus(bool IsSwim);
void OnChangeImportance__DelegateSignature(EPalCharacterImportanceType NextType);
void OnChangeBattleMode__DelegateSignature(bool bIsBattleMode);
void OnChangeActiveActor__DelegateSignature(bool bIsActive);
void OnCaptured__DelegateSignature(class APalCharacter* SelfCharacter, class APalCharacter* Attacker);
bool IsInitialized();
bool IsCooping();
void GetVisual_ExceptMainMesh_SyncAnyway(TArray<class USceneComponent*>& OutComponent);
bool GetTalkMode();
class UPalCharacterMovementComponent* GetPalCharacterMovementComponent();
TSoftObjectPtr<UNiagaraSystem> GetOverrideSleepFX();
class USkeletalMeshComponent* GetOverrideFaceMesh();
class UPalCharacterOnCompleteInitializeParameterWrapper* GetOnCompleteInitializeParameterDelegate(EPalCharacterCompleteDelegatePriority Priority);
class UPalSkeletalMeshComponent* GetMainMesh();
class USkeletalMeshComponent* GetHandAttachMesh();
class UPalCharacterParameterComponent* GetCharacterParameterComponent();
bool GetBattleMode();
bool GetActiveActorFlag();
class UPalActionComponent* GetActionComponent();
void ChangeWantFood_ToAll(bool IsWantFood, bool IsExistFood);
void ChangeTalkModeFlag_ToAll(bool IsTalk);
void ChangeBattleModeFlag_ToAll(bool IsBattle);
void ChangeBattleModeFlag(bool IsBattle);
void BroadcastOnCompleteInitializeParameter();
void BindFonctionToOnCompleteInitializeParameter(EPalCharacterCompleteDelegatePriority Priority, FBindFonctionToOnCompleteInitializeParameterCallback Callback);
}; // Size: 0x800
class APalCopyMeshVisualEffect : public AActor
class UCapsuleComponent* RootCapsule; // 0x0290 (size: 0x8)
class UPalPoseableMeshComponent* PoseableSkeletalMeshComponent; // 0x0298 (size: 0x8)
void Setup(class USkeletalMeshComponent* MeshComponent);
TArray<class UMaterialInstanceDynamic*> GetMainMeshMaterials();
class USkinnedMeshComponent* GetMainMesh();
void GetAllMesh(TArray<class USceneComponent*>& OutComponent);
}; // Size: 0x2A0
class APalCutsceneActor : public ALevelSequenceActor
float OpeningFadeOutDelay; // 0x0308 (size: 0x4)
float OpeningFadeOutTime; // 0x030C (size: 0x4)
void OnPrePlayCutscene();
void OnFinishedCutscene();
}; // Size: 0x310
class APalDebug_SpawnInfoReporter : public AActor
TArray<class APalNPCSpawnerBase*> CacheSpawner; // 0x0290 (size: 0x10)
FString GetDebugInfoString(class APalNPCSpawnerBase* spawner);
}; // Size: 0x2A0
class APalDismantleObjectChecker : public AActor
class APalBuildObject* TargetBuildObject; // 0x0290 (size: 0x8)
class APalBuildObject* GetTargetObject();
}; // Size: 0x298
class APalDungeonAreaVolume : public APalStageAreaVolume
void OnOverlapActor(class AActor* Other);
}; // Size: 0x298
class APalDungeonEnemySpawnerPoint : public AActor
EPalDungeonEnemySpawnerRankType RankType; // 0x02A0 (size: 0x1)
void ReturnIndividualHandleDelegate__DelegateSignature(class UPalIndividualCharacterHandle* IndividualHandle);
void OnEnterCharacterToGroup(class UPalIndividualCharacterHandle* IndividualHandle);
void OnCreatedGroup();
void OnChangeBossState_ServerInternal(class UPalDungeonInstanceModel* InstanceModel);
void CheckLevelStreamingCompleted();
}; // Size: 0x2C8
class APalDungeonEntrance : public AActor
class UPalStageModelDungeon* StageModel; // 0x0298 (size: 0x8)
bool TryGetDungeonInstanceModel(class UPalDungeonInstanceModel*& OutModel);
void OnTriggerInteract(class AActor* Other, EPalInteractiveObjectIndicatorType IndicatorType);
void OnResponseDialogEnterDungeon(const bool bResponse);
FTransform GetWarpPoint();
class UPalStageModelDungeon* GetStageModel();
FPalStageInstanceId GetStageInstanceId();
FGuid GetDungeonInstanceId();
FTransform GetDeadItemDropPoint();
}; // Size: 0x2A0
class APalDungeonExit : public AActor
bool bStartPoint; // 0x0298 (size: 0x1)
void OnTriggerInteract(class AActor* Other, EPalInteractiveObjectIndicatorType IndicatorType);
void OnResponseDialogExitDungeon(const bool bResponse);
bool IsStartPoint();
FTransform GetWarpPoint();
}; // Size: 0x2A0
class APalDungeonFixedEntrance : public APalDungeonEntrance
FGuid LevelObjectInstanceId; // 0x02A8 (size: 0x10)
FDataTableRowHandle DungeonNameRowHandle; // 0x02B8 (size: 0x10)
class UDataLayerAsset* DataLayerAsset; // 0x02C8 (size: 0x8)
TSoftClassPtr<APalNPCSpawnerBase> EnemySpawnerSoftClass; // 0x02D0 (size: 0x30)
float RespawnCoolTimeMinutesAfterBossDefeated; // 0x0300 (size: 0x4)
TSubclassOf<class APalNPCSpawnerBase> EnemySpawnerClass; // 0x0318 (size: 0x8)
FGuid GetLevelObjectInstanceId();
TSoftClassPtr<APalNPCSpawnerBase> GetEnemySpawnerSoftClass();
TSubclassOf<class APalNPCSpawnerBase> GetEnemySpawner();
class UDataLayerAsset* GetDataLayerAsset();
}; // Size: 0x320
class APalDungeonGimmickUnlockableDoor : public AActor
}; // Size: 0x290
class APalDungeonGimmickUnlockableDoor_DefeatBoss : public APalDungeonGimmickUnlockableDoor
EPalDungeonInstanceBossState BossState; // 0x0290 (size: 0x1)
void OnRep_BossState();
void OnChangeBossStateImpl(const EPalDungeonInstanceBossState ToState);
void OnChangeBossState_ServerInternal(class UPalDungeonInstanceModel* InstanceModel);
}; // Size: 0x298
class APalDungeonItemSpawnerPoint : public APalLevelObjectActor
EPalDungeonItemSpawnerType ItemSpawnerType; // 0x02A8 (size: 0x1)
TSoftClassPtr<APalMapObjectSpawnerTreasureBox> TreasureBoxSpawnerSoftClass; // 0x02B0 (size: 0x30)
}; // Size: 0x2F8
class APalDungeonPointMarker : public APalLevelObjectActor
TArray<FPalDataTableRowName_DungeonSpawnAreaData> SpawnAreaIds; // 0x02A8 (size: 0x10)
bool bEditSpawnParameter; // 0x02B8 (size: 0x1)
FPalDungeonMarkerPointSpawnParameter EditSpawnParameter; // 0x02BC (size: 0x10)
TSubclassOf<class APalDungeonEntrance> DungeonEntranceClass; // 0x02D0 (size: 0x8)
}; // Size: 0x2D8
class APalDungeonStartPointMarker : public AActor
}; // Size: 0x290
class APalDynamicObjectBase : public AActor
}; // Size: 0x290
class APalEditorMapObjectCheckPlacer : public AActor
class UArrowComponent* LeftEdgeArrow; // 0x0290 (size: 0x8)
class UArrowComponent* RightEdgeArrow; // 0x0298 (size: 0x8)
class UArrowComponent* StackRowArrow; // 0x02A0 (size: 0x8)
FVector2D PlacementMargin; // 0x02A8 (size: 0x10)
TArray<FPalDataTableRowName_MapObjectData> IgnoreRowNames; // 0x02B8 (size: 0x10)
void PlaceMapObjects();
}; // Size: 0x2D8
class APalEnemySpawner : public AActor
EPalEnemySpawnActorType EnemyActorType; // 0x0290 (size: 0x1)
EPalEnemySpawnDefaultAction DefaultAction; // 0x0291 (size: 0x1)
}; // Size: 0x298
class APalEnemyVirtualCommander : public AActor
}; // Size: 0x290
class APalExponentialHeightFogVolume : public AActor
class UExponentialHeightFogComponent* Component; // 0x0290 (size: 0x8)
uint8 bEnabled; // 0x0298 (size: 0x1)
bool bEnableSwitchVisibility; // 0x029C (size: 0x1)
bool bDisableEnabledFlag; // 0x029D (size: 0x1)
void OnRep_bEnabled();
}; // Size: 0x2A0
class APalFoliageModelChunk : public AActor
FPalFoliageInstanceRepInfoArray RepInfoArray; // 0x0290 (size: 0x148)
int32 ChunkGridSize; // 0x03D8 (size: 0x4)
int32 InstanceNum; // 0x03DC (size: 0x4)
void OnRep_ChunkGridSize();
void OnReceivedChunkGridSize(const int32 NewChunkGridSize);
}; // Size: 0x3E0
class APalFunnelCharacter : public APalCharacter
TSubclassOf<class UPalAIActionFunnelSkillBase> FunnelSkillAIActionClass; // 0x07F8 (size: 0x8)
TSubclassOf<class UPalFunnelSkillModule> FunnelSkillModuleClass; // 0x0800 (size: 0x8)
FPalInstanceID OwnerCharacterId; // 0x0808 (size: 0x30)
void SetOwnerCharacterId(const FPalInstanceID OwnerCharacterId);
void SetLocationNearTrainer();
void OnTrainerMoveToRespawnLocation(class APalPlayerCharacter* Player, FVector Location);
void OnTrainerDead(FPalDeadInfo DeadInfo);
void OnSpawned();
void OnRep_OwnerCharacterId();
void OnOwnerDead(FPalDeadInfo DeadInfo);
void OnInactive();
void OnActive();
void InactivateSelf();
class APalCharacter* GetTrainer();
int32 GetRank();
class APalCharacter* GetOwnerPal();
FName GetCharacterID();
void ActivateSelf();
}; // Size: 0x840
class APalGameInstanceViewActor : public AActor
TWeakObjectPtr<class UObject> Target; // 0x0290 (size: 0x8)
}; // Size: 0x298
class APalGameMode : public APalGameModeBase
void RestartGame();
void RespawnPlayer(int32 PlayerIndex);
void OnServerLobbyUpdate();
void OnEOSLoginDedicatedServerComplete(const class UPocketpairUserInfo* UserInfo, bool bSuccess, FString ErrorStr);
void OnCompleteCreateSession(bool IsSuccess, FString ErrorStr);
void CreateSession(FString Address);
}; // Size: 0x358
class APalGameModeBase : public AGameModeBase
EPalGameModeType GameModeType; // 0x0330 (size: 0x1)
}; // Size: 0x338
class APalGameModeLogin : public APalGameModeBase
void OnSwitchUserUICompleted(const class UPocketpairUserInfo* UserInfo, bool bSuccess, FString ErrorStr);
void OnLoginEOSCompleted(const class UPocketpairUserInfo* UserInfo, bool bSuccess, FString ErrorStr);
void OnLoginCompleted(const class UPocketpairUserInfo* UserInfo, bool bSuccess, FString ErrorStr);
void OnConfirmAlert_MultiplayRestricted(bool bSuccess);
void OnConfirmAlert_EOSLogin(bool bSuccess);
void OnCloseEalryAccess(bool _);
void GoToTitle();
}; // Size: 0x340
class APalGameModeServerEntry : public APalGameModeBase
void LoadLevel();
}; // Size: 0x338
class APalGameModeTitle : public APalGameModeBase
}; // Size: 0x338
class APalGameState : public AGameStateBase
}; // Size: 0x2E0
class APalGameStateInGame : public APalGameState
class UPalCharacterManagerReplicator* CharacterManagerReplicator; // 0x02E0 (size: 0x8)
class UPalBaseCampReplicator* BaseCampReplicator; // 0x02E8 (size: 0x8)
class UPalOptionReplicator* OptionReplicator; // 0x02F0 (size: 0x8)
class UPalStageReplicator* StageReplicator; // 0x02F8 (size: 0x8)
class UPalLocationReplicator* LocationReplicator; // 0x0300 (size: 0x8)
class APalNetworkTransmitter* DedicatedServerTransmitter; // 0x0358 (size: 0x8)
class UPalGameSystemInitManagerComponent* GameSystemInitManager; // 0x0360 (size: 0x8)
TArray<class APalBotBuilderLocationBase*> BotBuilderLocation; // 0x0368 (size: 0x10)
FString WorldName; // 0x0378 (size: 0x10)
FString WorldSaveDirectoryName; // 0x0388 (size: 0x10)
bool bIsDedicatedServer; // 0x0398 (size: 0x1)
int32 MaxPlayerNum; // 0x039C (size: 0x4)
FGameDateTime WorldTime; // 0x03A0 (size: 0x8)
FDateTime RealUtcTime; // 0x03A8 (size: 0x8)
float ServerFrameTime; // 0x03B0 (size: 0x4)
FString ServerSessionId; // 0x03B8 (size: 0x10)
int32 ServerWildMonsterCount; // 0x03C8 (size: 0x4)
int32 ServerOtomoMonsterCount; // 0x03CC (size: 0x4)
int32 ServerBaseCampMonsterCount; // 0x03D0 (size: 0x4)
int32 ServerNPCCount; // 0x03D4 (size: 0x4)
int32 ServerOtherCharacterCount; // 0x03D8 (size: 0x4)
int32 ImportanceCharacterCount_AllUpdate; // 0x03DC (size: 0x4)
int32 ImportanceCharacterCount_Nearest; // 0x03E0 (size: 0x4)
int32 ImportanceCharacterCount_Near; // 0x03E4 (size: 0x4)
int32 ImportanceCharacterCount_MidInSight; // 0x03E8 (size: 0x4)
int32 ImportanceCharacterCount_FarInSight; // 0x03EC (size: 0x4)
int32 ImportanceCharacterCount_MidOutSight; // 0x03F0 (size: 0x4)
int32 ImportanceCharacterCount_FarOutSight; // 0x03F4 (size: 0x4)
int32 ImportanceCharacterCount_Farthest; // 0x03F8 (size: 0x4)
int32 BaseCampCount; // 0x03FC (size: 0x4)
int32 NavMeshInvokerCount; // 0x0400 (size: 0x4)
TArray<FPalChatMessage> ChatMessages; // 0x0408 (size: 0x10)
FPalGameStateInGameOnRecievedChatMessageDelegate OnRecievedChatMessageDelegate; // 0x0418 (size: 0x10)
void OnRecievedChatMessageDelegate(const FPalChatMessage& Message);
void OnRep_WorldSaveDirectoryName();
void OnRep_StageReplicator();
void OnRep_OptionReplicator();
void OnRep_LocationReplicator();
void OnRep_CharacterManagerReplicator();
void OnRep_BaseCampReplicator();
void OnRecievedChatMessageDelegate__DelegateSignature(const FPalChatMessage& Message);
FString GetWorldName();
float GetServerFrameTime();
int32 GetMaxPlayerNum();
void BroadcastChatMessage(const FPalChatMessage& ChatMessage);
}; // Size: 0x428
class APalGliderObject : public AActor
float GliderMaxSpeed; // 0x0290 (size: 0x4)
float GliderSP; // 0x0294 (size: 0x4)
float GliderAirControl; // 0x0298 (size: 0x4)
float GliderGravityScale; // 0x029C (size: 0x4)
FVector OffsetLocation; // 0x02A0 (size: 0x18)
FRotator OffsetRotation; // 0x02B8 (size: 0x18)
bool bUseLeftHand; // 0x02D0 (size: 0x1)
bool bUseRightHand; // 0x02D1 (size: 0x1)
FName attachBoneName; // 0x02D4 (size: 0x8)
class UAnimMontage* GliderStartAnimation; // 0x02E0 (size: 0x8)
class UAnimMontage* GliderLoopAnimation; // 0x02E8 (size: 0x8)
class UAnimMontage* GliderStartPlayerAnimation; // 0x02F0 (size: 0x8)
class UAnimMontage* GliderLoopPlayerAnimation; // 0x02F8 (size: 0x8)
class UPalSoundPlayerComponent* SoundPlayerComponent; // 0x0300 (size: 0x8)
class UPalSkeletalMeshComponent* GetMainMesh();
class USceneComponent* GetAkOwnerComponent();
}; // Size: 0x308
class APalGuildInfo : public AInfo
FGuid GroupID; // 0x0290 (size: 0x10)
class UPalGroupGuildBase* Guild; // 0x02A0 (size: 0x8)
void OnRep_Guild(const class UPalGroupGuildBase* OldValue);
}; // Size: 0x2A8
class APalHUD : public AHUD
}; // Size: 0x380
class APalHUDInGame : public AHUD
TSubclassOf<class UPalUIHUDLayoutBase> HUDLayoutClass; // 0x0388 (size: 0x8)
TSubclassOf<class UPalUIInputGuard> PlayerInputGuardClass; // 0x0390 (size: 0x8)
class UPalUIHUDLayoutBase* HUDLayout; // 0x0398 (size: 0x8)
TMap<class FGuid, class UPalUserWidgetWorldHUD*> WorldHUDWidgetMap; // 0x03A0 (size: 0x50)
TArray<class UPalUserWidget*> HUDWidgets; // 0x03F0 (size: 0x10)
TArray<class UPalUserWidgetStackableUI*> StackableUIWidgets; // 0x0400 (size: 0x10)
class UPalUILiftSlotModel* LiftSlotModel; // 0x0410 (size: 0x8)
class UUserWidget* HoverWidget; // 0x0418 (size: 0x8)
TArray<class UPalWorldHUDDisplayInfo*> WorldHUDDisplayInfos; // 0x0420 (size: 0x10)
TArray<class UPalWorldHUDDisplayInfo*> ActiveWorldHUDDisplayInfos; // 0x0430 (size: 0x10)
TMap<class EPalWidgetBlueprintType, class TSoftClassPtr<UPalUserWidgetStackableUI>> CommonUIClassMap; // 0x0440 (size: 0x50)
TMap<class EPalWorldHUDWidgetBlueprintType, class TSoftClassPtr<UPalUserWidgetWorldHUD>> WorldHUDClassMap; // 0x0490 (size: 0x50)
TMap<class EPalWidgetBlueprintType, class TSubclassOf<UPalUserWidgetStackableUI>> LoadedCommonUIClassMap; // 0x04E0 (size: 0x50)
TMap<class EPalWorldHUDWidgetBlueprintType, class TSubclassOf<UPalUserWidgetWorldHUD>> LoadedWorldHUDClassMap; // 0x0530 (size: 0x50)
class UPalSoundPlayer* SoundPlayer; // 0x0598 (size: 0x8)
TArray<FGameplayTag> GameMenuLayerTagOrder; // 0x05A8 (size: 0x10)
TMap<class FGameplayTag, class FFlagContainer> LayerHideFlagMap; // 0x05B8 (size: 0x50)
void TickWorldHUDs();
void ShowLiftIcon();
void RemoveWorldHUDFromWidgetId(const FGuid& ID);
void RemoveWorldHUD(const FGuid& ID);
void RemoveHUD(const FGuid& ID);
FGuid PushWidgetStackableUI(TSubclassOf<class UPalUserWidgetStackableUI> WidgetClass, class UPalHUDDispatchParameterBase* Parameter);
void OnApplicationActivationStateChanged(bool bIsFocused);
void Initialize();
void HideLiftIcon();
class UPalUserWidgetWorldHUD* CreateWorldHUDWidget(TSubclassOf<class UPalUserWidgetWorldHUD> WidgetClass, class UPalHUDDispatchParameterBase* Parameter);
class UPalUserWidget* CreateHUDWidget(TSubclassOf<class UPalUserWidget> WidgetClass, const EPalHUDWidgetPriority Priority, class UPalHUDDispatchParameterBase* Parameter);
void CloseWorldHUDWidget(const FGuid WidgetId);
void CloseOverlayUI(const FGuid& ID);
void CloseHUDWidget(class UPalUserWidget* Widget);
void BP_SetupPlayerUI();
void BindGameOverUI();
FGuid AddWorldHUD(FPalWorldHUDParameter Parameter);
FGuid AddHUD(TSubclassOf<class UPalUserWidget> WidgetClass, const EPalHUDWidgetPriority Priority, class UPalHUDDispatchParameterBase* Parameter);
}; // Size: 0x608
class APalHiddenAreaBase : public AActor
class UPalProceduralFoliageComponent* ProceduralComponent; // 0x0290 (size: 0x8)
}; // Size: 0x298
class APalHiddenAreaBox : public APalHiddenAreaBase
class UPalHiddenBoxComponent* HiddenBoxComponent; // 0x0298 (size: 0x8)
}; // Size: 0x2A0
class APalHiddenAreaCapsule : public APalHiddenAreaBase
class UPalHiddenCapsuleComponent* HiddenCapsuleComponent; // 0x0298 (size: 0x8)
}; // Size: 0x2A0
class APalHitCollision : public AActor
class UPalHitFilter* HitFilter; // 0x0290 (size: 0x8)
}; // Size: 0x298
class APalHitCollisionBox : public APalHitCollision
class UBoxComponent* BoxComponent; // 0x0298 (size: 0x8)
void DrawHitCollision();
}; // Size: 0x2A0
class APalImGui : public AActor
TWeakObjectPtr<class APalCharacter> WeakCharacterForParameterDisplay; // 0x03A8 (size: 0x8)
}; // Size: 0x3B8
class APalInvaderStartPoint : public AActor
EPalBiomeType BiomeType; // 0x02A0 (size: 0x1)
}; // Size: 0x2A8
class APalLevelInstance : public ALevelInstance
}; // Size: 0x330
class APalLevelObjectActor : public AActor
FGuid LevelObjectInstanceId; // 0x0298 (size: 0x10)
FGuid GetLevelObjectInstanceId();
}; // Size: 0x2A8
class APalLevelObjectCharacterStatusOperator : public APalLevelObjectActor
TScriptInterface<class IPalInteractiveObjectComponentInterface> InteractComp; // 0x02B0 (size: 0x10)
void OnTriggerInteract(class AActor* Other, EPalInteractiveObjectIndicatorType IndicatorType);
}; // Size: 0x2C0
class APalLevelObjectNote : public APalLevelObjectObtainable
FPalDataTableRowName_NoteData NoteRowName; // 0x0308 (size: 0x8)
}; // Size: 0x310
class APalLevelObjectObtainable : public APalLevelObjectActor
FPalLevelObjectObtainableOnUpdatePickupStatusInClient OnUpdatePickupStatusInClient; // 0x02B0 (size: 0x10)
void ReturnSelfDelegate(class APalLevelObjectObtainable* Self);
TSoftObjectPtr<UNiagaraSystem> ObtainFXSoftObj; // 0x02C0 (size: 0x30)
TScriptInterface<class IPalInteractiveObjectComponentInterface> InteractComp; // 0x02F0 (size: 0x10)
bool bPickedInClient; // 0x0300 (size: 0x1)
void ReturnSelfDelegate__DelegateSignature(class APalLevelObjectObtainable* Self);
void OnUpdateFlagMapRecord(const FName Key, const bool bFlag);
void OnTriggerInteract(class AActor* Other, EPalInteractiveObjectIndicatorType IndicatorType);
void OnCompleteSyncPlayer(class APalPlayerState* PlayerState);
FVector GetObtainFXLocation();
}; // Size: 0x308
class APalLevelObjectRelic : public APalLevelObjectObtainable
}; // Size: 0x308
class APalLevelObjectRespawnPoint : public APalLevelObjectActor
FName RespawnPointID; // 0x02A8 (size: 0x8)
}; // Size: 0x2B0
class APalLevelObjectUnlockableFastTravelPoint : public APalLevelObjectActor
FPalLevelObjectUnlockableFastTravelPointOnUpdateUnlockStateDelegate OnUpdateUnlockStateDelegate; // 0x02B0 (size: 0x10)
void ReturnSelfDelegate(class APalLevelObjectUnlockableFastTravelPoint* Self);
TScriptInterface<class IPalInteractiveObjectComponentInterface> InteractComp; // 0x02C0 (size: 0x10)
bool bUnlocked; // 0x02D0 (size: 0x1)
bool EnableRequestUnlock; // 0x02D1 (size: 0x1)
FName FastTravelPointID; // 0x02D4 (size: 0x8)
void ReturnSelfDelegate__DelegateSignature(class APalLevelObjectUnlockableFastTravelPoint* Self);
void OnUpdateFlagMapRecord(const FName Key, const bool bFlag);
void OnTriggerInteract(class AActor* Other, EPalInteractiveObjectIndicatorType IndicatorType);
void OnCompleteSyncPlayer(class APalPlayerState* PlayerState);
bool IsUnlocked();
class UAkAudioEvent* GetUnlockAkAudioEvent();
}; // Size: 0x2E0
class APalMapLevelObject : public APalMapObject
FGuid LevelObjectInstanceId; // 0x03A8 (size: 0x10)
FGuid GetLevelObjectInstanceId();
}; // Size: 0x3B8
class APalMapObject : public AActor
FPalMapObjectOnNotifiedShowStatusHUDDelegate OnNotifiedShowStatusHUDDelegate; // 0x02A0 (size: 0x10)
void ReturnSelf(class APalMapObject* Self, EPalHUDDisplayType DisplayType);
FPalMapObjectOnNotifiedShowBuildProgressHUDDelegate OnNotifiedShowBuildProgressHUDDelegate; // 0x02B0 (size: 0x10)
void ToggleBuildProgressHUD(EPalHUDDisplayType DisplayType);
FPalMapObjectOnSetConcreteModelDelegate OnSetConcreteModelDelegate; // 0x02C0 (size: 0x10)
void PalMapObjectConcreteModelMulticastDelegate(class UPalMapObjectConcreteModelBase* Model);
FVector SpawnLocationOffset; // 0x02D0 (size: 0x18)
TSubclassOf<class UPalMapObjectConcreteModelBase> ConcreteModelClass; // 0x02E8 (size: 0x8)
TArray<TScriptInterface<IPalInteractiveObjectComponentInterface>> InteractComps; // 0x02F0 (size: 0x10)
class UPalMapObjectDamageReactionComponent* DamageReaction; // 0x0300 (size: 0x8)
class UPalMapObjectVisualEffectComponent* VisualEffect; // 0x0308 (size: 0x8)
bool bSpawnableIfOverlapped; // 0x0310 (size: 0x1)
bool bLevelSpawnObject; // 0x0311 (size: 0x1)
TArray<FName> AllowOverlapCollisionPresetNames; // 0x0318 (size: 0x10)
bool bSpawnSlipAboveIfAnyOverlap; // 0x0328 (size: 0x1)
bool bShakeOnDamaged; // 0x0329 (size: 0x1)
EPalMapObjectDestroyFXType DestroyFXType; // 0x032A (size: 0x1)
bool bShowOutlineInTargettingReticle; // 0x032B (size: 0x1)
bool bShowOutlineNearPlayer; // 0x032C (size: 0x1)
bool bAutoDestroyByOverlapSpawning; // 0x032D (size: 0x1)
bool bInDoorObject; // 0x032E (size: 0x1)
bool bBaseObject; // 0x032F (size: 0x1)
FGuid HPHUDId; // 0x0330 (size: 0x10)
EPalMapObjectDamagableType DamagableType; // 0x0340 (size: 0x1)
FGuid ModelInstanceId; // 0x0344 (size: 0x10)
class UPalMapObjectModel* MapObjectModel; // 0x0358 (size: 0x8)
bool bUnmanagedInLocal; // 0x0360 (size: 0x1)
TSubclassOf<class UPalUserWidgetWorldHUD> IndicatorWidgetClass; // 0x0368 (size: 0x8)
TArray<FPalMapObjectMeshVisibleData> MeshVisibleDataSet; // 0x0370 (size: 0x10)
EPalMapObjectChangeMeshFXType ChangeMeshFXType; // 0x0380 (size: 0x1)
FGuid OpenWidgetId; // 0x0384 (size: 0x10)
bool bWorkLocationGroupRaycastStartOffsetOrigin; // 0x0394 (size: 0x1)
bool bShouldPlayDestroyFX; // 0x0395 (size: 0x1)
void TryGetConcreteModel(EPalMapObjectGetModelOutPinType& OutputPin, class UPalMapObjectConcreteModelBase*& ConcreteModel);
void ToggleBuildProgressHUD__DelegateSignature(EPalHUDDisplayType DisplayType);
void SetIgnoreSave_ServerInternal(const bool bIgnore);
void ReturnSelf__DelegateSignature(class APalMapObject* Self, EPalHUDDisplayType DisplayType);
void OnUpdatedEnableTickByModel(class UPalMapObjectModel* Model);
void OnRep_MapObjectModel();
void OnInteractEnd(class AActor* Other, TScriptInterface<class IPalInteractiveObjectComponentInterface> Component);
void OnInteractBegin(class AActor* Other, TScriptInterface<class IPalInteractiveObjectComponentInterface> Component);
void OnDisposeModel_ServerInternal(class UPalMapObjectModel* DisposeModel, const FPalMapObjectDisposeOptions& Options);
void OnDamaged(class UPalMapObjectModel* TargetModel, const FPalDamageInfo& DamageInfo);
void OnCloseParameter(class UPalHUDDispatchParameterBase* Parameter);
class UPalMapObjectModel* GetModel();
FGuid GetGroupIdBelongTo();
void DisposeSelf_ServerInternal();
void CallOrRegisterOnSetConcreteModel(FCallOrRegisterOnSetConcreteModelDelegate Delegate);
void BroadcastShouldPlayDestroyFX();
void BP_OnSetConcreteModel(class UPalMapObjectConcreteModelBase* ConcreteModel);
}; // Size: 0x3A0
class APalMapObjectDropItem : public APalMapObject
}; // Size: 0x3A0
class APalMapObjectFarmCrop : public AActor
TArray<FPalFarmCropGrowupProcessSet> GrowupProcessSets; // 0x0290 (size: 0x10)
}; // Size: 0x2A0
class APalMapObjectPalEgg : public APalMapObject
class UPalMapObjectPickupItemPalEggParameterComponent* ParameterComponent; // 0x03A0 (size: 0x8)
FName GetCharacterID();
}; // Size: 0x3A8
class APalMapObjectSpawnerBase : public APalLevelObjectActor
int32 ProbabilityRespawn; // 0x02A8 (size: 0x4)
float LotteryCoolTimeMinutes; // 0x02AC (size: 0x4)
FPalStageInstanceId StageInstanceIdBelongTo; // 0x02B0 (size: 0x14)
class USphereComponent* LocateSphere; // 0x02C8 (size: 0x8)
void OnWorldMapObjectSpawnableInServer();
}; // Size: 0x2D0
class APalMapObjectSpawnerMultiItem : public APalMapObjectSpawnerBase
FPalDataTableRowName_FieldLotteryNameData FieldLotteryName; // 0x0320 (size: 0x8)
float RespawnTimeMinutesObtained; // 0x0328 (size: 0x4)
}; // Size: 0x330
class APalMapObjectSpawnerPalEgg : public APalMapObjectSpawnerSingleBase
TArray<FPalMapObjectPickupItemPalEggLotteryData> SpawnPalEggLotteryDataArray; // 0x02D0 (size: 0x10)
float RespawnTimeMinutesObtained; // 0x02E0 (size: 0x4)
bool bRespawnableMulti; // 0x02E4 (size: 0x1)
void OnFinishedSpawningMapObjectModel(FGuid InstanceId, const EPalMapObjectOperationResult Result);
}; // Size: 0x2E8
class APalMapObjectSpawnerSimple : public APalMapObjectSpawnerSingleBase
FPalDataTableRowName_MapObjectData MapObjectId; // 0x02D0 (size: 0x8)
void OnFinishedSpawningMapObjectModel(FGuid InstanceId, const EPalMapObjectOperationResult Result);
}; // Size: 0x2D8
class APalMapObjectSpawnerSingleBase : public APalMapObjectSpawnerBase
}; // Size: 0x2D0
class APalMapObjectSpawnerTreasureBox : public APalMapObjectSpawnerSingleBase
FPalDataTableRowName_MapObjectData SpawnMapObjectId; // 0x02D0 (size: 0x8)
FPalDataTableRowName_FieldLotteryNameData FieldLotteryName; // 0x02D8 (size: 0x8)
float RespawnTimeMinutesObtained; // 0x02E0 (size: 0x4)
bool bRespawnableMulti; // 0x02E4 (size: 0x1)
void OnFinishedSpawningMapObjectModel(FGuid InstanceId, const EPalMapObjectOperationResult Result);
}; // Size: 0x2E8
class APalMapObjectTreasureBox : public APalMapObject
FVector DropItemLocalLocation; // 0x03A0 (size: 0x18)
void TriggerOpen();
void OnReceiveOpenInServer(class UPalMapObjectConcreteModelBase* ConcreteModel);
void NotifyStartOpenInAnimation();
void BroadcastTriggerOpen();
}; // Size: 0x3D0
class APalMonsterCharacter : public APalNPC
TScriptInterface<class IPalInteractiveObjectComponentInterface> InteractiveObj; // 0x0818 (size: 0x10)
class UPalCharacterLiftupObjectComponent* LiftupObjectComponent; // 0x0828 (size: 0x8)
void SelectedFeedingItem(const FPalItemSlotId& itemSlotId, const int32 Num);
void OnTriggerInteract(class AActor* OtherActor, EPalInteractiveObjectIndicatorType IndicatorType);
void OnSelectedOrderWorkerRadialMenu(class UPalHUDDispatchParameterBase* Parameter);
void MasterWazaUpdateWhenLevelUp(int32 addLevel, int32 nowLevel);
void MasterWazaSetup(class APalCharacter* InCharacter);
bool IsLiftupObject();
}; // Size: 0x890
class APalMonsterEquipWeaponBase : public APalWeaponBase
FVector BattleAimTargetLocation; // 0x0538 (size: 0x18)
class APalBullet* ShootOneBulletDefault();
class APalBullet* ShootOneBullet(TSubclassOf<class APalBullet> bulletClass, class UNiagaraSystem* MuzzleEffect, FVector MuzzleLocation, FRotator MuzzleRotate, float BulrAngle);
FRotator GetMuzzleRotation();
FVector GetMuzzleLocation();
class UNiagaraSystem* GetMuzzleEffect();
FVector GetCommonTargetLocation();
float GetBulrAngle();
TSubclassOf<class APalBullet> GetBulletClass();
}; // Size: 0x550
class APalNPC : public APalCharacter
class UPalNPCWeaponGenerator* WeaponGenerator; // 0x07F8 (size: 0x8)
bool IsEnableJumpEffect; // 0x0800 (size: 0x1)
int32 DefaultVoiceID; // 0x0804 (size: 0x4)
void OnCompletedInitParam(class APalCharacter* InCharacter);
}; // Size: 0x810
class APalNPCCampSpawnerBase : public AActor
FName CampSpawnerName; // 0x0290 (size: 0x8)
float CalcRemainRespawnTime(const FPalEnemyCampStatus& CampStatus);
float CalcRemainDespawnTime(const FPalEnemyCampStatus& CampStatus);
}; // Size: 0x298
class APalNPCSpawnerBase : public AActor
bool bIsRunOnAnyThread; // 0x0290 (size: 0x1)
bool Ignore_DebugSettingDisable; // 0x0291 (size: 0x1)
bool Ignore_DistanceLocationReset; // 0x0292 (size: 0x1)
bool Ignore_FarCheck; // 0x0293 (size: 0x1)
bool bDoSpawnedTick; // 0x0294 (size: 0x1)
EPalSpawnRadiusType SpawnRadiusType; // 0x0295 (size: 0x1)
bool IsSquadBehaviour; // 0x0296 (size: 0x1)
FString DebugOrganizationName; // 0x0298 (size: 0x10)
float LocationResetDistance_SpawnerToCharacterTooFar; // 0x02A8 (size: 0x4)
float LocationResetHeight_SpawnerToCharacterTooLow; // 0x02AC (size: 0x4)
FString GroupName; // 0x02B0 (size: 0x10)
class UPalNavigationInvokerComponent* NavInvokerComponent; // 0x02C0 (size: 0x8)
TArray<FVector> NPCLocations; // 0x02C8 (size: 0x10)
FPalNPCSpawnerBaseOnCreatedGroupDelegate OnCreatedGroupDelegate; // 0x02D8 (size: 0x10)
void CreatedGroupDelegate();
FGuid WildGroupGuid; // 0x02F8 (size: 0x10)
class UPalSquad* Squad; // 0x0308 (size: 0x8)
FFlagContainer DisableSpawn; // 0x0310 (size: 0x50)
EPalSpwnerImportanceType ImportanceType; // 0x0360 (size: 0x1)
void Tick_Spawning(float DeltaTime);
void Tick_Spawned(float DeltaTime);
void Tick_Despawning(float DeltaTime);
void SpawnRequest_ByOutside(bool IsDeleteAliveCharacter);
void SetSpawnedFlag(bool IsSpawned);
void SetSpawnDisableFlag(const FName& Name, bool isDisable);
void SetDisableBossSpawner_ToSaveData(FName KeyName);
void SetCheckRadius(float SpawnRadius, float DespawnRadius);
void SetAllNPCLocation();
void RequestCreateGroup(TArray<FName> CharacterIDList);
void Request_TickSpawningForGameThread(float DeltaTime);
void Request_TickSpawnedForGameThread(float DeltaTime);
void Request_TickDespawningForGameThread(float DeltaTime);
void RemoveGroupWhenDestoryActor(class AActor* DestoryActor);
void RemoveGroupCharacter(class UPalIndividualCharacterHandle* RemoveIndividualHandle);
bool RandomSpawnLocationByRadiusLineTraceWithWorldLocation(FVector& OutLocation, float Radius, float RayStartUpOffset, float RayEndDownOffset, const FVector& WorldPos, int32 SumSpawnNum, int32 SelfIndexInAll);
bool RandomSpawnLocationByRadiusLineTrace(FVector& OutLocation, float Radius, float RayStartUpOffset, float RayEndDownOffset, int32 SumSpawnNum, int32 SelfIndexInAll);
void ProcessBossDefeatInfo_ServerInternal(class AActor* BossActor, FName SpawnerName);
void PathWalkNameSort(TArray<class UObject*> WalkPoint, TArray<class UObject*>& OutSortedWalkPoint);
void OnInitialized();
bool IsSuppressedByRandomIncident();
bool IsSpawned();
bool IsSpawnDisable();
bool IsNearBaseCamp();
float GetSpawnRadiusCM();
float GetSpawnPointRadius();
int32 GetSpawnNumRandom_OneTribe(FPalSpawnerOneTribeInfo Info);
int32 GetSpawnLevelRandom_OneTribe(FPalSpawnerOneTribeInfo Info);
float GetSpawnerRadiusByType();
FString GetSpawnDisableDebugInfo();
int32 GetMaxMonsterLevel();
bool GetIsServer();
bool GetDisableBossSpawnerFlag_FromSaveData(FName KeyName);
void GetAllSpawnedNPCHandle(TArray<class UPalIndividualCharacterHandle*>& Handles);
void GetAllNPCLocation(TArray<FVector>& OutLocations);
void CreatedGroupDelegate__DelegateSignature();
void CreateDebugSpawnerGroupInfo(FPalSpawnerGroupInfo OneGroupInfo);
EPalCheckSpawnResultType CheckSpawnDistance(bool IsSpawned);
void BlueprintTick_Spawning(float DeltaTime);
void BlueprintTick_Spawned(float DeltaTime);
void BlueprintTick_Despawning(float DeltaTime);
void BlueprintTick_AnyThread(float DeltaTime);
void BlueprintTick(float DeltaTime);
void AddGroupCharacterByGroupId(class UPalIndividualCharacterHandle* AddIndividualHandle, const FGuid& GroupID, FString DebugName);
void AddGroupCharacter(class UPalIndividualCharacterHandle* AddIndividualHandle);
}; // Size: 0x368
class APalNetworkTransmitter : public AActor
class UPalNetworkMapObjectComponent* MapObject; // 0x02E0 (size: 0x8)
class UPalNetworkItemComponent* Item; // 0x02E8 (size: 0x8)
class UPalNetworkBaseCampComponent* BaseCamp; // 0x02F0 (size: 0x8)
class UPalNetworkCharacterContainerComponent* CharacterContainer; // 0x02F8 (size: 0x8)
class UPalNetworkGroupComponent* Group; // 0x0300 (size: 0x8)
class UPalNetworkPlayerComponent* Player; // 0x0308 (size: 0x8)
class UPalNetworkCharacterComponent* Character; // 0x0310 (size: 0x8)
class UPalNetworkWorkProgressComponent* WorkProgress; // 0x0318 (size: 0x8)
class UPalNetworkWorldSecurityComponent* WorldSecurity; // 0x0320 (size: 0x8)
class UPalNetworkBossBattleComponent* BossBattle; // 0x0328 (size: 0x8)
class UPalNetworkTimeComponent* Time; // 0x0330 (size: 0x8)
class UPalNetworkShopComponent* Shop; // 0x0338 (size: 0x8)
class UPalNetworkInvaderComponent* Invader; // 0x0340 (size: 0x8)
class UPalNetworkCharacterStatusOperationComponent* CharacterStatusOperation; // 0x0348 (size: 0x8)
class UPalNetworkIndividualComponent* NetworkIndividualComponent; // 0x0350 (size: 0x8)
TArray<FPalNetworkTransmitterDelaySpawnInfo> DelayDelegateCallQueue; // 0x0358 (size: 0x10)
FGuid SpawnReliableActorBroadcast(UClass* actorClass, FNetworkActorSpawnParameters SpawnParameter, FSpawnReliableActorBroadcastSpawnDelegate SpawnDelegate);
FGuid SpawnNonReliableActorBroadcast(UClass* actorClass, FNetworkActorSpawnParameters SpawnParameter, FSpawnNonReliableActorBroadcastSpawnDelegate SpawnDelegate);
void SpawnNonReliableActor_ToServer(UClass* actorClass, FNetworkActorSpawnParameters SpawnParameter, int32 issuerID);
void SpawnedNonReliableActor_ToALL(UClass* actorClass, FNetworkActorSpawnParameters SpawnParameter, int32 issuerID);
void SpawnedActor_ToALL(class AActor* SpawnedActor, class AActor* SpawnedController, FNetworkActorSpawnParameters SpawnParameter, FGuid Guid);
FGuid SpawnActorBroadcast(UClass* actorClass, FNetworkActorSpawnParameters SpawnParameter, FSpawnActorBroadcastSpawnDelegate SpawnDelegate);
void SpawnActor_ToServer(UClass* actorClass, FNetworkActorSpawnParameters SpawnParameter, FGuid Guid);
void SetupBroadcast_FromServer();
class UPalNetworkWorldSecurityComponent* GetWorldSecurity();
class UPalNetworkWorkProgressComponent* GetWorkProgress();
class UPalNetworkTimeComponent* GetTime();
class UPalNetworkShopComponent* GetShop();
class UPalNetworkPlayerComponent* GetPlayer();
class UPalNetworkMapObjectComponent* GetMapObject();
class UPalNetworkItemComponent* GetItem();
class UPalNetworkInvaderComponent* GetInvader();
class UPalNetworkGroupComponent* GetGroup();
class UPalNetworkCharacterStatusOperationComponent* GetCharacterStatusOperation();
class UPalNetworkCharacterContainerComponent* GetCharacterContainer();
class UPalNetworkCharacterComponent* GetCharacter();
class UPalNetworkBossBattleComponent* GetBossBattle();
class UPalNetworkBaseCampComponent* GetBaseCamp();
void DummyReliableFunction();
void Debug_RequestLogTreasureBoxLocalPlayerAround_ToServer();
void Debug_ReceiveLogTreasureBoxLocalPlayerAround_ToRequestPlayer(FString Message);
}; // Size: 0x368
class APalPlayerCharacter : public APalCharacter
class UPalShooterComponent* ShooterComponent; // 0x0800 (size: 0x8)
class UPalInteractComponent* InteractComponent; // 0x0808 (size: 0x8)
class UPalBuilderComponent* BuilderComponent; // 0x0810 (size: 0x8)
class UPalLoadoutSelectorComponent* LoadoutSelectorComponent; // 0x0818 (size: 0x8)
class UPalInsideBaseCampCheckComponent* InsideBaseCampCheckComponent; // 0x0820 (size: 0x8)
class UPalObjectReplicatorComponent* HighPriorityObjectReplicatorComponent; // 0x0828 (size: 0x8)
FPalPlayerCharacterOnPlayerReviveDelegate OnPlayerReviveDelegate; // 0x0830 (size: 0x10)
void OnPlayerReviveDelegate(class APalPlayerCharacter* Player);
FPalPlayerCharacterOnPlayerRespawnDelegate OnPlayerRespawnDelegate; // 0x0840 (size: 0x10)
void OnPlayerRespawnDelegate(class APalPlayerCharacter* Player);
FPalPlayerCharacterOnPlayerMoveToRespawnLocationDelegate OnPlayerMoveToRespawnLocationDelegate; // 0x0850 (size: 0x10)
void OnPlayerMoveToRespawnLocationDelegate(class APalPlayerCharacter* Player, FVector Location);
FPalPlayerCharacterOnCombatRankDownDelegate OnCombatRankDownDelegate; // 0x0860 (size: 0x10)
void OnCombatRankDownDelegate(EPalPlayerBattleFinishType FinishType);
FPalPlayerCharacterOnAddRemoveEnemyDelegate OnAddRemoveEnemyDelegate; // 0x0870 (size: 0x10)
void OnAddRemoveEnemyDelegate(EPalBattleBGMType Rank, bool IsAdd);
FPalPlayerCharacterOnChangeBattleModeDelegate_ForPlayer OnChangeBattleModeDelegate_ForPlayer; // 0x0880 (size: 0x10)
void OnChangePlayerBattleMode(bool IsBattle);
FPalPlayerCharacterOnPlayerDeathAction OnPlayerDeathAction; // 0x0890 (size: 0x10)
void OnPlayerDeathAction();
FPalPlayerCharacterOnChangeBossTowerEntrancePlayer OnChangeBossTowerEntrancePlayer; // 0x08A0 (size: 0x10)
void OnChangeBossTowerEntrancePlayer(FName BossType, const TArray<class APalPlayerCharacter*>& PlayerList);
FPalPlayerCharacterOnChangeBossEntrancePlayer OnChangeBossEntrancePlayer; // 0x08B0 (size: 0x10)
void OnChangeBossTowerEntrancePlayer(FName BossType, const TArray<class APalPlayerCharacter*>& PlayerList);
FPalPlayerCharacterOnCombatStartUIAction OnCombatStartUIAction; // 0x08C0 (size: 0x10)
void OnCombatStartUIActionDelegate();
FPalPlayerCharacterOnChangeRegionArea OnChangeRegionArea; // 0x08D0 (size: 0x10)
void OnChangeRegionAreaDelegate(const FName& RegionNameID);
FName LastInsideRegionNameID; // 0x08E0 (size: 0x8)
float PlayerCameraYaw; // 0x08E8 (size: 0x4)
float PlayerCameraPitch; // 0x08EC (size: 0x4)
bool IsAdjustedLocationByLoad; // 0x08F0 (size: 0x1)
class UAnimMontage* IdleAnimMontage; // 0x08F8 (size: 0x8)
class UPalPlayerBattleSituation* PlayerBattleSituation; // 0x0900 (size: 0x8)
bool IsNearCommonEnemyFlag; // 0x0908 (size: 0x1)
bool bIsSetRespawnTelemetry; // 0x0909 (size: 0x1)
FTimerHandle InDoorTimerHandle; // 0x0910 (size: 0x8)
TSubclassOf<class UPalPlayerGenderChanger> GenderChangerClass; // 0x0920 (size: 0x8)
class UPalPlayerGenderChanger* GenderChanger; // 0x0928 (size: 0x8)
bool bSpectatorMode; // 0x0930 (size: 0x1)
FPalPlayerDataCharacterMakeInfo CharacterMakeInfo; // 0x0934 (size: 0x94)
void StopIdleAnimation();
void SetSpectatorMode(bool bSpectator);
void SetNearCommonEnemy(bool IsExistNearEnemy);
void PlayIdleAnimation(class UAnimMontage* Montage);
void PlayEatAnimation();
void OnUpdateEssentialItemContainer(class UPalItemContainer* Container);
void OnTriggerInteract(class AActor* OtherActor, EPalInteractiveObjectIndicatorType IndicatorType);
void OnStartGliding();
void OnSPOverhead();
void OnRep_SpectatorMode(bool before);
void OnRep_CharacterMakeInfo();
void OnReloadStart();
void OnPlayerReviveDelegate__DelegateSignature(class APalPlayerCharacter* Player);
void OnPlayerRespawnDelegate__DelegateSignature(class APalPlayerCharacter* Player);
void OnPlayerMoveToRespawnLocationDelegate__DelegateSignature(class APalPlayerCharacter* Player, FVector Location);
void OnPlayerDeathAction__DelegateSignature();
void OnMontageEnded(class UAnimMontage* Montage, bool bInterrupted);
void OnJumpDisable();
void OnEnterBaseCamp_StartBaseCampCombat(class UPalBaseCampModel* CampModel);
void OnEndIdle();
void OnEndGliding();
void OnDownBattleEnemyRank(EPalPlayerBattleFinishType FinishType);
void OnDamagePlayer_Server(FPalDamageResult DamageResult);
void OnCombatStartUIActionDelegate__DelegateSignature();
void OnCombatRankDownDelegate__DelegateSignature(EPalPlayerBattleFinishType FinishType);
void OnChangeShooterState(bool IsAim, bool IsShoot);
void OnChangeRegionAreaDelegate__DelegateSignature(const FName& RegionNameID);
void OnChangePrevWeapon();
void OnChangePlayerBattleMode__DelegateSignature(bool IsBattle);
void OnChangeNextWeapon();
void OnChangeNearEnemy_ToAll(bool IsExist);
void OnChangeMovementMode(class UPalCharacterMovementComponent* Component, TEnumAsByte<EMovementMode> prevMode, TEnumAsByte<EMovementMode> newMode, EPalCharacterMovementCustomMode PrevCustomMode, EPalCharacterMovementCustomMode NewCustomMode);
void OnChangeBossTowerEntrancePlayer__DelegateSignature(FName BossType, const TArray<class APalPlayerCharacter*>& PlayerList);
void OnChangeBattleEnemyRank(EPalBattleBGMType Rank, bool IsAdd);
void OnBeginAction(const class UPalActionBase* action);
void OnAddRemoveEnemyDelegate__DelegateSignature(EPalBattleBGMType Rank, bool IsAdd);
bool IsIdle();
bool IsGuildMaster();
bool IsGliding();
bool IsAdjustedLocation();
class APalPlayerController* GetPalPlayerController();
void GetLastInsideRegionNameID(FName& OutNameID);
FPalPlayerDataCharacterMakeInfo GetCharacterMakeInfo();
FRotator GetCameraRotator();
void CreateLantern();
void ChangeToMale();
void ChangeToFemale();
void CallReviveDelegate();
void CallRespawnDelegate();
void CallMoveToRespawnLocationDelegate(FVector Location);
void AdjustLocationByLoad(class APalCharacter* InCharacter);
}; // Size: 0x9D0
class APalPlayerController : public ACommonPlayerController
bool bAdmin; // 0x0850 (size: 0x1)
class UPalAIActionComponent* AIActionComponent; // 0x0858 (size: 0x8)
class UPalNetworkMulticastGateComponent* MulticastGateComponent; // 0x0860 (size: 0x8)
class UPalCutsceneComponent* CutsceneComponent; // 0x0868 (size: 0x8)
class APalNetworkTransmitter* Transmitter; // 0x0870 (size: 0x8)
float WeaponPaletteLongPressTime; // 0x0878 (size: 0x4)
float PawnChangeCameraInterpChangeTime; // 0x087C (size: 0x4)
bool isOpenConstructionMenu; // 0x0880 (size: 0x1)
FPalPlayerControllerOnCoopRequestDelegate OnCoopRequestDelegate; // 0x0888 (size: 0x10)
void OnCoopRequestDelegate();
FPalPlayerControllerOnCoopReleaseDelegate OnCoopReleaseDelegate; // 0x0898 (size: 0x10)
void OnCoopReleaseDelegate();
FPalPlayerControllerOnInteractDelegate OnInteractDelegate; // 0x08A8 (size: 0x10)
void OnInteractDelegate();
FPalPlayerControllerOnPressedJumpDelegate OnPressedJumpDelegate; // 0x08B8 (size: 0x10)
void OnPressedJumpDelegate();
FPalPlayerControllerOnInputMoveForwardDelegate OnInputMoveForwardDelegate; // 0x08C8 (size: 0x10)
void OnPressedMoveForwardDelegate(float InputValue, bool IsController);
FPalPlayerControllerOnPressedThrowPalButtonDelegate OnPressedThrowPalButtonDelegate; // 0x08E8 (size: 0x10)
void OnPressedThrowPalButtonDelegate();
FPalPlayerControllerOnReleasedThrowPalButtonDelegate OnReleasedThrowPalButtonDelegate; // 0x08F8 (size: 0x10)
void OnReleasedThrowPalButtonDelegate();
FPalPlayerControllerOnPressedSpawnPalButtonDelegate OnPressedSpawnPalButtonDelegate; // 0x0908 (size: 0x10)
void OnPressedSpawnPalButtonDelegate();
FPalPlayerControllerOnLongPressedSpawnPalButtonDelegate OnLongPressedSpawnPalButtonDelegate; // 0x0918 (size: 0x10)
void OnLongPressedSpawnPalButtonDelegate();
FPalPlayerControllerOnReleasedSpawnPalButtonDelegate OnReleasedSpawnPalButtonDelegate; // 0x0928 (size: 0x10)
void OnReleasedSpawnPalButtonDelegate();
FPalPlayerControllerOnLongReleasedSpawnPalButtonDelegate OnLongReleasedSpawnPalButtonDelegate; // 0x0938 (size: 0x10)
void OnLongReleasedSpawnPalButtonDelegate();
FPalPlayerControllerOnPressedPartnerInstructionsButtonDelegate OnPressedPartnerInstructionsButtonDelegate; // 0x0948 (size: 0x10)
void OnPressedPartnerInstructionsButtonDelegate();
FPalPlayerControllerOnPressConstructionMenuButtonDelegate OnPressConstructionMenuButtonDelegate; // 0x0958 (size: 0x10)
void OnPressConstructionMenuButtonDelegate();
class UCurveFloat* RecoilCurve; // 0x0A30 (size: 0x8)
FVector TimerGaugeDisplayOffset; // 0x0AA8 (size: 0x18)
TSubclassOf<class UCameraShakeBase> DamageCameraShake; // 0x0AC0 (size: 0x8)
TSubclassOf<class UPalPlayerDamageCamShakeRegulator> DamageCamShakeRegulatorClass; // 0x0AC8 (size: 0x8)
class UPalPlayerDamageCamShakeRegulator* DamageCamShakeRegulator; // 0x0AD0 (size: 0x8)
TArray<class UPalLongPressObject*> LongPressObjects; // 0x0AD8 (size: 0x10)
TMap<FName, float> cameraRotateModifierMap; // 0x0AE8 (size: 0x50)
TArray<FRotator> AutoAimRotatorList; // 0x0B38 (size: 0x10)
FDelegateTickFunction PawnAfterTickFunction; // 0x0C48 (size: 0x38)
class AActor* AutoAimTarget; // 0x0C80 (size: 0x8)
FVector ReticleTargetOffset; // 0x0C88 (size: 0x18)
FVector2D GamePadNativeAxis; // 0x0CA0 (size: 0x10)
FVector2D MouseNativeAxis; // 0x0CB0 (size: 0x10)
FRotator CacheActorRotator; // 0x0CC0 (size: 0x18)
bool TrySwitchOtomo();
void ThrowPalByOutSide(class AActor* PreOtomoPal);
void TeleportToSafePoint_ToServer();
void StartStepCoolDownCoolTimer();
void StartFlyToServer();
void SetRiderRelativeRotation_ToServer(FRotator Rotator);
void SetOtomoSlot(int32 SlotID);
void SetHoldOtomo(int32 HoldID, class UPalIndividualCharacterHandle* OtomoHandle);
void SetDisableThrowPalFlag(FName flagName, bool isDisable);
void SetDisableSwitchPalFlag(FName flagName, bool isDisable);
void SetDisableInputFlag(FName flagName, bool isDisable);
void SetCameraRotatorToPlayerCharacter_ToServer(FRotator CameraRotator);
void SendScreenLogToClient(FString Message, FLinearColor Color, float Duration, const FName& Key);
void SendLog_ToClient(const EPalLogPriority Priority, const FText& Text, const FPalLogAdditionalData& AdditionalData);
void RPCDummy();
void RequestLiftupThrow_ToServer(class AActor* Target);
void RequestLiftup_ToServer(class APalCharacter* TargetCharacter);
void RequestFastTravel_ToServer(const FGuid& LocationId);
void RemoveCameraRotateSpeedModifierRate(const FName& modifierName);
void ReceiveLiftupRequestResult_ToClient(EPalLiftupRequestResult Result);
void PlaySkill(int32 SlotID);
void PalDeprojectScreenPositionToWorld(FVector& StartLocation, FVector& RayDirection);
void OnWeaponNotify(EWeaponNotifyType Type);
void OnUpdateWeightInventory(float Weight);
void OnSwitchOtomoSpawn();
void OnStartCoopRequest();
void OnStartAim();
void OnSpawnAndRideSupportPal();
void OnReleasedThrowPalButtonDelegate__DelegateSignature();
void OnReleasedSpawnPalButtonDelegate__DelegateSignature();
void OnReleasedSpawnPalButton();
void OnPressedUseRecoveryItemButton();
void OnPressedThrowPalButtonDelegate__DelegateSignature();
void OnPressedSpawnPalButtonDelegate__DelegateSignature();
void OnPressedPartnerInstructionsButtonDelegate__DelegateSignature();
void OnPressedMoveForwardDelegate__DelegateSignature(float InputValue, bool IsController);
void OnPressedJumpDelegate__DelegateSignature();
void OnPressConstructionMenuButtonDelegate__DelegateSignature();
void OnOverWeightInventory(float Weight);
void OnOtomoChangeIncrement();
void OnOtomoChangeDecrement();
void OnOtomo_ShortReleased();
void OnOtomo_Pressed();
void OnOtomo_LongReleased();
void OnOtomo_LongPressed();
void OnLongReleasedSpawnPalButtonDelegate__DelegateSignature();
void OnLongReleasedSpawnPalButton();
void OnLongPressedSpawnPalButtonDelegate__DelegateSignature();
void OnLongPressedCoopButton();
void OnLanded(class UPalCharacterMovementComponent* MovementComponent, const FHitResult& Hit);
void OnJump(class UPalCharacterMovementComponent* MovementComponent);
void OnInteractDelegate__DelegateSignature();
void OnInitializeLocalPlayer_BP();
void OnGetOffAndDespawnSupportPal();
void OnFlyRideTakeOff();
void OnFixedWeightInventory(float Weight);
void OnEndRolling();
void OnEndCoopRequest();
void OnEndAim();
void OnDestroyPawn(class AActor* DestroyedActor);
void OnDamage(FPalDamageResult DamageResult);
void OnCoopRequestDelegate__DelegateSignature();
void OnCoopReleaseDelegate__DelegateSignature();
void OnChangeSwimming(bool IsInSwimming);
void OnChangePadOption(const FPalOptionPadSettings& PrevSettings, const FPalOptionPadSettings& NewSettings);
void OnChangeOtomoSlot();
void OnChangeKeyboardOption(const FPalOptionKeyboardSettings& PrevSettings, const FPalOptionKeyboardSettings& NewSettings);
void OnChangeInstructions();
void JumpCancelPalThrow(class UPalCharacterMovementComponent* MovementComponent);
bool IsSwimming();
bool IsRidingFlyPal();
bool IsRiding();
bool IsCooping();
void InactiveOtomo();
TSubclassOf<class UPalUserWidgetTimerGaugeBase> GetTimerGaugeWidgetClass();
class AActor* GetRidingCharacter();
FGuid GetPlayerUId();
class APalPlayerState* GetPalPlayerState();
void GetOffToServer();
class APawn* GetLowBodyPawn();
class APalCharacter* GetLowBodyPalCharacter();
class UPalLoadoutSelectorComponent* GetLoadoutSelectorComponent();
FVector2D GetKeyboardMoveValue();
class APalCharacter* GetDefaultPlayerCharacter();
class APalCharacter* GetControlPalCharacter();
FVector2D GetControllerRightStickValue();
FVector2D GetControllerLeftStickValue();
void EndFlyToServer();
void EnableShootingByAction(const class UPalActionComponent* Component);
void DoStep(EPalStepAxisType Axis, FVector2D StepDirection);
void Debug_TogglePartnerSkillNoDecrease();
void Debug_TeleportToNearestPlayer();
void Debug_TeleportToNearestCamp();
void Debug_TeleportToBotLocation(int32 botIndex);
void Debug_TeleportToBotCamp(int32 botIndex);
void Debug_Teleport2D(const FVector& Location);
void Debug_ShowInvaderDeubgLog();
void Debug_SetPalWorldTimeScale(float Rate);
void Debug_SetPalWorldTime(int32 Hour);
void Debug_SetFPSForServer(float fps);
void Debug_RerollCharacterMake();
void Debug_ReceiveCheatCommand_ToClient(FString Message);
void Debug_ParallelForUpdateActiveTiles();
void Debug_NotConsumeMaterialsInCraft();
void Debug_NotConsumeMaterialsInBuild();
void Debug_Muteki_ToServer();
void Debug_InvaderMarchRandom();
void Debug_InvaderMarch();
void Debug_InsightsTraceStop_ToServer();
void Debug_InsightsTraceStart_ToServer();
void Debug_IgnoreRestrictedByItemsForPartnerSkill();
void Debug_ForceSpawnRarePal_ToServer();
void Debug_EnableCollectPalCount();
void Debug_CheatCommand_ToServer(FString Command);
void Debug_AddPlayerExp_ToServer(int32 addExp);
void Debug_AddPartyExp_ToServer(int32 addExp);
void Debug_AddMoney_ToServer(int64 addValue);
void Debug_AddExpForALLPlayer_ToServer(int32 addExp);
bool CanCooping();
void CallOnCoopReleaseDelegate_ToServer();
void AddCameraRotateSpeedModifierRate(const FName& modifierName, float Rate);
void ActivateCurrentOtomoNearThePlayer();
}; // Size: 0xCE8
class APalPlayerState : public APlayerState
FUniqueNetIdRepl WinGDKUniqueId; // 0x03A8 (size: 0x30)
FPalPlayerStateOnReportCrimeIdsDelegate OnReportCrimeIdsDelegate; // 0x0460 (size: 0x10)
void ReportCrimeIdsDelegate(class UPalIndividualCharacterHandle* CriminalHandle, const TArray<FName>& CrimeIds);
FPalPlayerStateOnReleaseWantedDelegate OnReleaseWantedDelegate; // 0x0470 (size: 0x10)
void ReleaseWantedDelegate(class UPalIndividualCharacterHandle* CriminalHandle);
FPalPlayerStateOnStartCrimeDelegate OnStartCrimeDelegate; // 0x0480 (size: 0x10)
void StartCrimeDelegate(FGuid CrimeInstanceId);
FPalPlayerStateOnEndCrimeDelegate OnEndCrimeDelegate; // 0x0490 (size: 0x10)
void EndCrimeDelegate(FGuid CrimeInstanceId);
FPalPlayerStateOnCompleteLoadInitWorldPartitionDelegate_InClient OnCompleteLoadInitWorldPartitionDelegate_InClient; // 0x04A0 (size: 0x10)
void OnCompleteLoadInitWorldPartitionDelegate();
FGuid PlayerUId; // 0x04B0 (size: 0x10)
FPalInstanceID IndividualHandleId; // 0x04C0 (size: 0x30)
FVector CachedPlayerLocation; // 0x04F0 (size: 0x18)
FQuat CachedPlayerRotation; // 0x0510 (size: 0x20)
class UPalPlayerOtomoData* OtomoData; // 0x0530 (size: 0x8)
class UPalPlayerDataCharacterMake* CharacterMakeData; // 0x0538 (size: 0x8)
class UPalPlayerInventoryData* InventoryData; // 0x0540 (size: 0x8)
class UPalPlayerDataPalStorage* PalStorage; // 0x0548 (size: 0x8)
class UPalTechnologyData* TechnologyData; // 0x0550 (size: 0x8)
class UPalPlayerRecordData* RecordData; // 0x0558 (size: 0x8)
bool bIsSelectedInitMapPoint; // 0x0560 (size: 0x1)
bool bDetectedInValidPlayer; // 0x0561 (size: 0x1)
class UPalPlayerLocalRecordData* LocalRecordData; // 0x0568 (size: 0x8)
class UPalWorldMapUIData* WorldMapData; // 0x0570 (size: 0x8)
class UPalQuestManager* QuestManager; // 0x0578 (size: 0x8)
class UPalGroupGuildBase* GuildBelongTo; // 0x0580 (size: 0x8)
class UPalNetworkPlayerStateComponent* NetworkComp; // 0x05A8 (size: 0x8)
class UPalSyncTeleportComponent* SyncTeleportComp; // 0x05B0 (size: 0x8)
FDateTime StartPlayTime; // 0x05B8 (size: 0x8)
bool bIsNewCharacter; // 0x05C0 (size: 0x1)
FGuid LoginTryingPlayerUId_InServer; // 0x05C4 (size: 0x10)
bool bIsCompleteSyncPlayerFromServer_InClient; // 0x05EE (size: 0x1)
FPalPlayerAccountInitData AcountInitData; // 0x05F0 (size: 0xA8)
TArray<FPalLogInfo_DropPal> DropPalInfo; // 0x0698 (size: 0x10)
class UPalDialogParameter_RequestJoinGuild* RequestJoinGuildDialogParameter; // 0x06A8 (size: 0x8)
TMap<class FGuid, class FTimerHandle> WaitLoadingWorldPartitionTimerMap; // 0x06B0 (size: 0x50)
int32 ChatCounter; // 0x0750 (size: 0x4)
void WaitWorldPartitionDelegate(FTimerHandle& OutTimerHandle, FWaitWorldPartitionDelegateDelegate Delegate);
void StartCrimeDelegate__DelegateSignature(FGuid CrimeInstanceId);
void ShowTowerBossDefeatRewardUI();
void ShowBossDefeatRewardUI(int32 TechPoint);
void SendDeath_ToServer(class APalCharacter* Target);
void SendDamage_ToServer(class APalCharacter* Target, const FPalDamageInfo& Info);
void SendAccountInitData_ForServer(const FPalPlayerAccountInitData& accountInitData);
void ReturnSelfSingleDelegate__DelegateSignature(class APalPlayerState* PlayerState);
void ReturnSelfDelegate__DelegateSignature(class APalPlayerState* PlayerState);
void RequestUnlockFastTravelPoint_ToServer(const FName UnlockFlagKey);
void RequestSpawnMonsterForPlayer(const FName& CharacterID, int32 Num, int32 Level);
void RequestRespawn();
void RequestObtainLevelObject_ToServer(class APalLevelObjectObtainable* TargetObject);
void RequestJoinPlayer_ToServer(const FGuid& JoinPlayerUId, const FPalPlayerInitializeParameter& InitPlayerParam);
void RequestBotLocation();
void RequestAccountInitData_ForClient();
void ReportCrimeIdsDelegate__DelegateSignature(class UPalIndividualCharacterHandle* CriminalHandle, const TArray<FName>& CrimeIds);
void ReleaseWantedDelegate__DelegateSignature(class UPalIndividualCharacterHandle* CriminalHandle);
void RegisterForPalDex_ToClient(const FPalUIPalCaptureInfo& CaptureInfo);
void RegisterForPalDex_ServerInternal(FPalInstanceID IndividualId);
void ReceiveNotifyLoginComplete();
void OpenRequestJoinGuildDialog_ToClient(const FPalInstanceID& RequestPlayerInstanceId);
void OnUpdatePlayerInfoInGuildBelongTo(const class UPalGroupGuildBase* Guild, const FGuid& InPlayerUId, const FPalGuildPlayerInfo& InPlayerInfo);
void OnRep_WinGDKUniqueId();
void OnRep_PlayerUId();
void OnRep_GuildBelongTo(class UPalGroupGuildBase* OldValue);
void OnRelicNumAdded(int32 AddNum);
void OnRecievedGuildJoinRequestResult(const EPalGuildJoinRequestResult ResultType, const FPalInstanceID& RequestPlayerInstanceId, const FPalInstanceID& TargerPlayerInstanceId);
void OnNotifiedReturnToFieldFromStage_ToClient();
void OnNotifiedEnteredStage_ToClient();
void OnCreatePlayerIndividualHandle_InServer(FPalInstanceID ID);
void OnCreatedGrantedIndividualHandle_ServerInternal(FPalInstanceID IndividualId);
void OnCompleteSyncWorld_InClient(class APalPlayerState* PlayerState);
void OnCompleteSyncPlayer_InClient(class APalPlayerState* PlayerState);
void OnCompleteSyncAll_InClient(class APalPlayerState* PlayerState);
void OnCompleteLoadWorldPartitionDelegate__DelegateSignature();
void OnCompleteLoadInitWorldPartitionDelegate__DelegateSignature();
void OnCompleteLoadInitWorldPartition_InClient(class APalPlayerState* PlayerState);
void OnClosedRequestJoinGuildDialog(bool Result);
void OnClosedOverBaseCampDialog(bool Result);
void OnClosedCheckBaseCampAuthorityDialog(bool Result);
void NotifyStartInitSelectMap_ToServer();
void NotifyRunInitialize_ToClient();
void NotifyRemovedCharacterFromPalBox_ToServer(const FPalInstanceID& IndividualId);
void NotifyOpenClosePalBox_ToServer(bool IsOpen);
void NotifyObtainComplete_ToServer(const FPalInstanceID& IndividualId);
void NotifyInvalidPlayer_ToClient();
void NotifyForceUpdateInventory_ToServer(bool IsOpen);
void NotifyFailedJoin_ToClient(const EPalPlayerJoinResult Result);
void NotifyDropOtomoInfo(const TArray<FPalLogInfo_DropPal>& InDropPalInfo);
void NotifyCompleteInitSelectMap_ToServer();
void NotifyClientInitializeToServer(FUniqueNetIdRepl ReceiveUniqueId);
void NotifyClientInitializedEssential_ToServer();
void LoadTitleLevel(bool bIsSaveSuccess);
bool IsSelectedInitMapPoint();
bool IsInStage();
bool IsCompleteLoadInitWorldPartition();
void GrantExpForParty(const int32 ExpValue);
class UPalWorldMapUIData* GetWorldMapData();
class UPalTechnologyData* GetTechnologyData();
class UPalSyncTeleportComponent* GetSyncTeleportComp();
class UPalPlayerRecordData* GetRecordData();
class UPalQuestManager* GetQuestManager();
FPalPlayerInfoForMap GetPlayerInfoForMap();
class UPalPlayerDataPalStorage* GetPalStorage();
class UPalPlayerOtomoData* GetPalPlayerOtomoData();
class UPalPlayerDataCharacterMake* GetPalPlayerCharacterMakeData();
class UPalPlayerLocalRecordData* GetLocalRecordData();
class UPalPlayerInventoryData* GetInventoryData();
TArray<FPalLogInfo_DropPal> GetAndClearLastDropPalInfo();
void FixedCharacterName(FString CharacterName);
void FixedCharacterMakeData(const FPalPlayerDataCharacterMakeInfo& MakeInfo);
void EnterChat_Receive(const FPalChatMessage& ChatMessage);
bool EnterChat(FText Msg, EPalChatCategory Category);
void EndCrimeDelegate__DelegateSignature(FGuid CrimeInstanceId);
void DropOtomoSingle_ToServer(const FVector DropLocation, const FPalInstanceID& dropID);
void Debug_ShutdownToClient();
void Debug_SetDestructionByCompleteBuiltFlag_ToServer();
void Debug_RequestStopAICheckOfCharacter_ToServer(class APalCharacter* TargetCharacter);
void Debug_RequestStartAICheckOfCharacter_ToServer(class APalCharacter* TargetCharacter);
void Debug_RequestShutdownRemoteServer_ToServer();
void Debug_RequestShutdownRemoteServer();
void Debug_RequestDeletePlayerSelf_ToServer();
void Debug_RequestDeletePlayerSelf();
void Debug_RequestCauseServerCrash_ToServer();
void Debug_RequestCauseServerCrash();
void Debug_RequestAllowBroadcastAIInfoOfCharacter_ToServer(class APalCharacter* TargetCharacter);
void Debug_RepairEquipment_ToServer();
void Debug_ReceiveDeletePlayerSelf_ToRequestClient(const bool bResult);
void Debug_OnCreatedIndividual(FPalInstanceID ID);
void Debug_DeleteWorldAndShutdownRemoteServer_ToServer();
void Debug_DeleteWorldAndShutdownRemoteServer();
void Debug_CaptureNewMonsterByDebugOtomoInfo_ToServer(const FPalDebugOtomoPalInfo& Info);
void Debug_CaptureNewMonster_ToServer(FName CharacterID);
void Debug_BuildDebugBaseCamp_ToServer(FName CampMode, int32 workerCount);
void CapturePalDelegate__DelegateSignature(const FPalUIPalCaptureInfo& CaptureInfo);
void CallOrRegisterOnCompleteSyncPlayerFromServer_InClient(FCallOrRegisterOnCompleteSyncPlayerFromServer_InClientDelegate Delegate);
void CallOrRegisterOnCompleteLoadInitWorldPartition_InClient(FCallOrRegisterOnCompleteLoadInitWorldPartition_InClientDelegate Delegate);
void AddItemGetLog_ToClient(const FPalStaticItemIdAndNum& ItemAndNum);
void AddFullInventoryLog_ToClient();
}; // Size: 0x7B0
class APalRandomIncidentNPCSpawner : public APalNPCSpawnerBase
FPalRandomIncidentNPCSpawnerOnNPCSpawnedDelegate OnNPCSpawnedDelegate; // 0x0368 (size: 0x10)
void NPCSpawned(const FName& RowName);
FPalRandomIncidentNPCSpawnerOnNPCDespawnedDelegate OnNPCDespawnedDelegate; // 0x0378 (size: 0x10)
void NPCDespawned(const FName& RowName);
TMap<int32, FGuid> GroupMap; // 0x0388 (size: 0x50)
void SpawnNPC(const FName& RowName, const FPalRandomIncidentSpawnNPCData& SpawnData, int32 SpawnPointIndex, int32 SpawnPointCount);
void SpawnMonster(const FName& RowName, const FPalRandomIncidentSpawnMonsterData& SpawnData, int32 SpawnPointIndex, int32 SpawnPointCount);
void RequestCreateGroups(TArray<int32> Groups);
void NPCSpawned__DelegateSignature(const FName& RowName);
void NPCDespawned__DelegateSignature(const FName& RowName);
bool IsSpawnedCharacter(const class UPalIndividualCharacterHandle* Handle);
void GetSpawnedCharacters(TArray<class AActor*>& SpawnedCharacters);
class UPalIndividualCharacterHandle* FindIndividualCharacterHandleByName(const TMap<class UPalIndividualCharacterHandle*, class FName>& RowNames, const FName& Name);
class APalCharacter* FindCharacterByName(const FName& Name);
void DespawnCharacters();
void AddGroupCharacterByGroupNo(class UPalIndividualCharacterHandle* AddIndividualHandle, int32 GroupNo);
}; // Size: 0x3D8
class APalRandomIncidentSpawnerBase : public AActor
TMap<class FName, class FPalRandomIncidentWalkPathReferenceData> WalkPointRefarences; // 0x0290 (size: 0x50)
TSubclassOf<class UPalRandomIncidentLotteryBase> LotteryClass; // 0x02E0 (size: 0x8)
float CoolDownTimeMinute; // 0x02E8 (size: 0x4)
double CoolDownTimeSecRemain; // 0x02F0 (size: 0x8)
TMap<EPalRandomIncidentSpawnerAreaType, float> AreaRadius; // 0x02F8 (size: 0x50)
int32 PlayerId; // 0x0348 (size: 0x4)
class UPalIncidentBase* ExecIncident; // 0x0350 (size: 0x8)
EPalRandomIncidentSpawnerStatus Status; // 0x0358 (size: 0x1)
class UPalIncidentDynamicParameterRandom* Parameter; // 0x0360 (size: 0x8)
class UPalRandomIncidentLotteryBase* Lottery; // 0x0368 (size: 0x8)
void UpdateStatusWaitPlayerOutside(float DeltaTime);
void UpdateStatusIdle(float DeltaTime);
void UpdateStatusExecuting(float DeltaTime);
void UpdateStatusCoolDown(float DeltaTime);
void StartCoolDown();
void SetStatus(EPalRandomIncidentSpawnerStatus NewStatus);
void SetAreaRadius(EPalRandomIncidentSpawnerAreaType AreaType, float Radius);
void OnIncidentSpawned(class UPalIncidentBase* Incident, class UPalIncidentDynamicParameterRandom* DynamicParameter);
bool IsInsideArea(EPalRandomIncidentSpawnerAreaType Area, const class ACharacter* pPlayer);
TMap<EPalRandomIncidentSpawnerAreaType, float> GetAreaRadiusAll();
float GetAreaRadius(EPalRandomIncidentSpawnerAreaType AreaType);
class APalCharacter* FindPlayerInsideArea(EPalRandomIncidentSpawnerAreaType AreaType);
void EndIncident();
void DestroyUnuseActors(TArray<class AActor*>& OutList);
void CreateWalkPathList();
void CollectWalkPoints(const TArray<class AActor*>& WalkPoints);
void CollectChildActors(TArray<class AActor*>& OutList);
void AddWalkPath(const FName& PathName, const TArray<class AActor*>& PointList);
}; // Size: 0x3C0
class APalRecastNavMesh : public ARecastNavMesh
}; // Size: 0x638
class APalRegionAreaTriggerBase : public AActor
FName BindRegionNameMsgID; // 0x0290 (size: 0x8)
void OnOverlap(class AActor* OtherActor);
void OnEndOverlap(class AActor* OtherActor);
}; // Size: 0x298
class APalSimpleInteractableObject : public AActor
EPalInteractiveObjectIndicatorType GetIndicatorType();
}; // Size: 0x298
class APalSkillEffectBase : public AActor
float EffectSize; // 0x02E8 (size: 0x4)
float MinSize; // 0x02EC (size: 0x4)
float MaxSize; // 0x02F0 (size: 0x4)
float LifeTime; // 0x02F4 (size: 0x4)
class UPalAttackFilter* AttackFilter; // 0x02F8 (size: 0x8)
class UPalHitFilter* HitFilterGround; // 0x0300 (size: 0x8)
class UPalHitFilter* HitFilterCustomRange; // 0x0308 (size: 0x8)
class AActor* AttackTarget; // 0x0310 (size: 0x8)
FTimerHandle LifeTimeHandler; // 0x0318 (size: 0x8)
class UPalSoundPlayer* SoundPlayer; // 0x0320 (size: 0x8)
FRandomStream RandomStream; // 0x0328 (size: 0x8)
void StopAllNiagaraSound();
void StopAkSound();
FTimerHandle SetTimeCallbackBySkillEffectSpawnParameter(const class UObject* WorldContextObject, const FSkillEffectSpawnParameter& Parameter, class UObject* callObject, FSetTimeCallbackBySkillEffectSpawnParameterTimeDelegate timeDelegate);
void SetActorTransformByOwner(const class AActor* SkillOwner, const FVector& MyOffset);
void SetActionTargetActor(class AActor* Target);
void PlayAkSound(class UAkAudioEvent* AudioEvent);
void OnInitialize();
void LifeTimeCallback();
bool IsSelfOwnerCharacterOrRaider(class AActor* HitTarget);
bool IsRidden();
void Initialize(const class AActor* SkillOwner, const FVector& MyOffset, class AActor* Target, FRandomStream RandomStream);
class APalCharacter* GetOwnerCharacter();
FVector GetActionTargetLocation();
class AActor* GetActionTargetActor();
class APalSkillEffectBase* CreateChildSkillEffect(TSubclassOf<class APalSkillEffectBase> EffectClass, FTransform SpawnTransform, FRandomStream RandomStream, ESpawnActorCollisionHandlingMethod collisionMethod, class AActor* ownerActor);
}; // Size: 0x330
class APalSkyLightVolume : public AActor
class USkyLightComponent* Component; // 0x0290 (size: 0x8)
uint8 bEnabled; // 0x0298 (size: 0x1)
bool bDisableEnabledFlag; // 0x029C (size: 0x1)
void OnRep_bEnabled();
}; // Size: 0x2A0
class APalSoundDebugModel : public AActor
void Initialize(class UAkAudioEvent* AudioEvent);
}; // Size: 0x290
class APalSpectator : public APalCharacter
}; // Size: 0x800
class APalSphereBodyBase : public AActor
void RPCDummy();
}; // Size: 0x290
class APalSpotAreaBase : public AActor
EPalAudioState AudioState; // 0x0290 (size: 0x1)
bool bIsOverlappedLocalPlayer; // 0x0291 (size: 0x1)
void OnEndOverlap(class UPrimitiveComponent* OverlappedComponent, class APalPlayerCharacter* PlayerCharacter);
void OnBeginOverlap(class UPrimitiveComponent* OverlappedComponent, class APalPlayerCharacter* PlayerCharacter);
EPalAudioState GetAudioState();
class UPrimitiveComponent* GetAreaCollision();
}; // Size: 0x298
class APalStageAreaBounds : public AActor
}; // Size: 0x290
class APalStageAreaVolume : public AActor
class UDataLayerAsset* RelatedDataLayerAsset; // 0x0290 (size: 0x8)
void SetRelatedDataLayerAsset(class UDataLayerAsset* DataLayerAsset);
class UDataLayerAsset* GetRelatedDataLayerAsset();
FBox GetBoundingBox();
}; // Size: 0x298
class APalStationaryWeaponBase : public APalWeaponBase
float GetAttackableDistance();
float GetAttackableAngle();
}; // Size: 0x538
class APalTestMapObjectRegistrationToManager : public AActor
bool bReadyVirtualBaseCamp; // 0x0290 (size: 0x1)
void ForceBuildComplete();
}; // Size: 0x298
class APalTestNetArchiveTransmition : public AActor
void SendTest();
void OnRecieveTest(const FPalNetArchive& Ar);
}; // Size: 0x290
class APalTreasureBoxVisualBase : public AActor
class UPalSkeletalMeshComponent* SkeletalMeshComponent; // 0x0290 (size: 0x8)
void SetTickEnabled(bool bEnabled);
void OnPlayMontageNotifyBegin_BP(FName NotifyName);
void OnPlayMontageNotifyBegin(FName NotifyName, const FBranchingPointNotifyPayload& BranchingPointPayload);
}; // Size: 0x298
class APalTriggerAreaBase : public AActor
FPalTriggerAreaBaseOnTriggerHitBeginDelegate OnTriggerHitBeginDelegate; // 0x0290 (size: 0x10)
void PalEventNotifyTriggerHitDelegate(class AActor* HitActor, const FGuid& AreaInstanceId);
FPalTriggerAreaBaseOnTriggerHitEndDelegate OnTriggerHitEndDelegate; // 0x02A0 (size: 0x10)
void PalEventNotifyTriggerHitDelegate(class AActor* HitActor, const FGuid& AreaInstanceId);
FGuid InstanceId; // 0x02B0 (size: 0x10)
FGuid GetInstanceId();
}; // Size: 0x2C0
class APalUIDisplayCharacter : public AActor
class USceneComponent* DefaultSceneRoot; // 0x0290 (size: 0x8)
class UPalSkeletalMeshComponent* PalSkeletalMeshComponent; // 0x0298 (size: 0x8)
void GetHairBaseColor(class UPalSkeletalMeshComponent* TargetSkeletalMesh, FLinearColor& OutColor);
void GetEyeBaseColor(class UPalSkeletalMeshComponent* TargetSkeletalMesh, FLinearColor& OutColor);
void GetBrowBaseColor(class UPalSkeletalMeshComponent* TargetSkeletalMesh, FLinearColor& OutColor);
void GetBodyBaseColor(class UPalSkeletalMeshComponent* TargetSkeletalMesh, FLinearColor& OutColor);
void ApplyCharacterMakeInfoFromPlayerData();
void ApplyCharacterMakeInfo(const FPalPlayerDataCharacterMakeInfo& MakeInfo);
}; // Size: 0x2A0
class APalUIInframeRenderer : public AActor
class UPalStaticCharacterParameterComponent* GetStaticParameteComponentFromActorClassr(const TSubclassOf<class AActor>& TargetActorClass);
class USkeletalMeshComponent* GetSkeletalMeshComponentFromActorClass(const TSubclassOf<class AActor>& TargetActorClass);
void ClearOverrideMaterials(class USkeletalMeshComponent* TargetSkeletalMesh);
}; // Size: 0x290
class APalUniqueRideWeaponBase : public APalWeaponBase
void ShootOneBulletByDefault();
void ShootOneBullet(TSubclassOf<class APalBullet> bulletClass, class UNiagaraSystem* MuzzleEffect, FVector MuzzleLocation, FRotator MuzzleRotate, float BulrAngle, TSubclassOf<class AActor> AmmoClass, FTransform AmmoEject);
void OnUniqueShoot();
void OnCancellShooting();
void OnActionCompleted(const class UPalActionComponent* ActionComp);
void OnActionBegin(const class UPalActionBase* action);
FRotator GetMuzzleRotation();
FVector GetMuzzleLocation();
class UNiagaraSystem* GetMuzzleEffect();
FVector GetCommonTargetLocation();
float GetBulrAngle();
TSubclassOf<class APalBullet> GetBulletClass();
FTransform GetAmmoEjectTransform();
TSubclassOf<class AActor> GetAmmoClass();
void GetAllMeshComponent(TArray<class UMeshComponent*>& OutMesh);
bool CanUse();
}; // Size: 0x540
class APalWeaponBase : public AActor
FPalWeaponBaseOnReloadDelegate OnReloadDelegate; // 0x0298 (size: 0x10)
void ReloadBulletsDelegate(int32 bulletsNum);
FPalWeaponBaseOnUseBulletDelegate OnUseBulletDelegate; // 0x02A8 (size: 0x10)
void UseBulletDelegate(int32 remainingBulletsNum);
FPalWeaponBaseOnShootBulletDelegate OnShootBulletDelegate; // 0x02B8 (size: 0x10)
void OnShootBulletDelegate();
FPalWeaponBaseOnChangeCoolDownStateDelegate OnChangeCoolDownStateDelegate; // 0x02C8 (size: 0x10)
void OnChangeCoolDownStateDelegate(bool IsStart);
FPalWeaponBaseOnCoolDownUpdateDelegate OnCoolDownUpdateDelegate; // 0x02D8 (size: 0x10)
void OnCoolDownUpdateDelegate(float RemainingTime, float CoolDownTime);
FPalWeaponBaseOnCreatedBulletDelegate OnCreatedBulletDelegate; // 0x02E8 (size: 0x10)
void CreatedBulletDelegate(class APalBullet* Bullet);
FPalWeaponBaseOnGetWeaponDamageDelegate OnGetWeaponDamageDelegate; // 0x02F8 (size: 0x10)
int32 GetWeaponDamageDelegate();
FPalWeaponBaseOnAttachWeaponDelegate OnAttachWeaponDelegate; // 0x0308 (size: 0x10)
void OnAttachWeaponDelegate();
FPalWeaponBaseOnDetachWeaponDelegate OnDetachWeaponDelegate; // 0x0318 (size: 0x10)
void OnDetachWeaponDelegate();
FPalWeaponBaseOnWeaponNotifyDelegate OnWeaponNotifyDelegate; // 0x0328 (size: 0x10)
void WeaponNotifyDelegate(EWeaponNotifyType NotifyType);
float BulletDeleteTime; // 0x0338 (size: 0x4)
float BulletDecayStartRate; // 0x033C (size: 0x4)
class UCurveFloat* RecoilCurve; // 0x0340 (size: 0x8)
float RecoilYawRange; // 0x0348 (size: 0x4)
float RecoilPitchTotalMax; // 0x034C (size: 0x4)
float RecoilDecaySpeed; // 0x0350 (size: 0x4)
TSubclassOf<class UCameraShakeBase> ShotCameraShake; // 0x0358 (size: 0x8)
EWeaponCoopType WeaponCoopType; // 0x0360 (size: 0x1)
EPalWeaponType WeaponType; // 0x0361 (size: 0x1)
bool IsRequiredBullet; // 0x0362 (size: 0x1)
FName BulletItemName; // 0x0364 (size: 0x8)
class UMaterialInterface* ShootBlurMaterial; // 0x0370 (size: 0x8)
class UCurveFloat* ShootBlurAlphaCurve; // 0x0378 (size: 0x8)
TArray<FPalSpecialAttackRateInfo> SpecialAttackRateInfos; // 0x0380 (size: 0x10)
TSoftObjectPtr<UTexture2D> weaponIconTexture; // 0x0390 (size: 0x30)
EPalDamageAnimationReactionType weaponBulletDamageReactionType; // 0x03C0 (size: 0x1)
TSoftClassPtr<UPalSoundSlot> PalSoundSlotClass; // 0x03C8 (size: 0x30)
TMap<class EWeaponPlaySoundType, class FPalDataTableRowName_SoundID> PlaySoundIds; // 0x03F8 (size: 0x50)
bool IsEmptyOtomoPal; // 0x0448 (size: 0x1)
float CoolDownTime; // 0x044C (size: 0x4)
class UMaterialInstanceDynamic* ShootBlurMaterialDynamic; // 0x0450 (size: 0x8)
FPalItemId ownItemID; // 0x046C (size: 0x28)
FPalItemData ownItemData; // 0x0498 (size: 0x10)
class UPalStaticWeaponItemData* ownWeaponStaticData; // 0x04A8 (size: 0x8)
class UPalDynamicWeaponItemDataBase* ownWeaponDynamicData; // 0x04B0 (size: 0x8)
FFlagContainer HiddenWeapon; // 0x04B8 (size: 0x50)
class UPalSoundSlot* PalSoundSlotCache; // 0x0508 (size: 0x8)
float RecoilPowerRate; // 0x0510 (size: 0x4)
bool IsScopeMode; // 0x0514 (size: 0x1)
bool IsOneBulletReloadWeapon; // 0x0515 (size: 0x1)
float DelayDestorySecond; // 0x0518 (size: 0x4)
bool IsUnnecessaryDynamicData; // 0x051C (size: 0x1)
EPalShooterFlagContainerPriority ShooterFlagPriority; // 0x051D (size: 0x1)
TSubclassOf<class APalBackWeaponBase> BackWeaponClass; // 0x0520 (size: 0x8)
class APalBackWeaponBase* BackWeaponModel; // 0x0528 (size: 0x8)
int32 LoadoutSelectorIndex; // 0x0530 (size: 0x4)
void WeaponNotifyDelegate__DelegateSignature(EWeaponNotifyType NotifyType);
void UseBulletDelegate__DelegateSignature(int32 remainingBulletsNum);
void UnbindGetWeaponDamageDelegate();
class UPalDynamicWeaponItemDataBase* TryGetDynamicWeaponData();
void StartCoolDown();
void SetupWeaponSkill();
void SetHiddenWeaponMyself(bool isHidden);
void SetHiddenWeaponDefault(bool isHidden);
void SetHiddenWeapon(FName flagName, bool isHidden);
void SendWeaponNotify(EWeaponNotifyType Type);
bool SeekRightHandOpen();
bool SeekLeftHandOpen();
void RPCDummy();
void RequestConsumeItem_ForThrowWeapon(const FName& StaticItemId, int32 ConsumeNum);
void RequestConsumeItem(const FName& StaticItemId, int32 ConsumeNum);
void ReloadBulletsDelegate__DelegateSignature(int32 bulletsNum);
bool ReloadBullets();
void PlaySoundWithOption(const FPalDataTableRowName_SoundID& ID, const FPalSoundOptions& Arg);
void PlaySound(const FPalDataTableRowName_SoundID& ID);
void OnWeaponNotify(EWeaponNotifyType Type);
void OnStartAim();
void OnShootBulletDelegate__DelegateSignature();
void OnRequestClosing();
void OnReloadStart();
void OnReleaseTrigger();
void OnPullTrigger();
void OnPullCancel();
void OnEndAim();
void OnDetachWeaponDelegate__DelegateSignature();
void OnDetachWeapon(class AActor* detachActor);
void OnCreatedBullet(class APalBullet* Bullet);
void OnCoolDownUpdateDelegate__DelegateSignature(float RemainingTime, float CoolDownTime);
void OnChangeTargetDirection(FVector Direction);
void OnChangeCoolDownStateDelegate__DelegateSignature(bool IsStart);
void OnAttachWeaponDelegate__DelegateSignature();
void OnAttachWeapon(class AActor* attachActor);
bool IsUseLeftHandAttach();
bool IsHiddenWeapon();
bool IsFullMagazine();
bool IsExistBulletInPlayerInventory();
bool IsEnableAutoAim();
bool IsEmptyMagazine();
bool IsCoolDown();
int32 GetWeaponEffectValue();
EPalAdditionalEffectType GetWeaponEffectType();
int32 GetWeaponDamageFromDelegate();
int32 GetWeaponDamageDelegate__DelegateSignature();
int32 GetWeaponDamage();
int32 GetWeaponBaseDamage();
class AActor* GetWeaponAttacker();
float GetSneakAttackRate();
TArray<FPalPassiveSkillEffect> GetSkillEffectList();
float GetShooterComponentBlurRate();
void GetRequiredBulletName(FName& outName);
float GetRemainingCoolDownTime();
int32 GetRemainBulletCount();
float GetRandomFloat(float Min, float Max);
float GetParameterWithPassiveSkillEffect(float originalValue, EPalPassiveSkillEffectType EffectType);
class APalCharacter* GetOwnerCharacter();
int32 GetNPCWeaponDamage();
class USceneComponent* GetMainMesh();
int32 GetMagazineSize();
FTransform GetLeftHandTransform();
FPalItemId GetItemId();
FName GetEquipSocketName();
float GetDefaultBlurAngle();
float GetBlurModifierValue();
int32 DecrementCurrentSelectPalSphere(int32 RequestConsumeNum, FName& UsedItemID);
bool DecrementBullet();
void CreatedBulletDelegate__DelegateSignature(class APalBullet* Bullet);
void ClearWeaponSkill();
float CalcStability();
float CalcRange();
float CalcDPS();
float CalcAccuracy();
}; // Size: 0x538
class APalWindController : public AInfo
FFloatInterval WindDirectionChangeInterval; // 0x0290 (size: 0x8)
float WindDirectionResponse; // 0x0298 (size: 0x4)
FFloatInterval WindSpeedInterval; // 0x029C (size: 0x8)
FFloatInterval WindSpeedChangeInterval; // 0x02A4 (size: 0x8)
float LastChangedDirectionTime; // 0x0B40 (size: 0x4)
float LastChangedSpeedTime; // 0x0B44 (size: 0x4)
void UpdateNiagaraParameterCollection(const FPalWindInfo& WindInfo);
void OnActorSpawned(class AActor* InActor);
}; // Size: 0xB60
class APalWorldMapCapture : public AActor
class USceneCaptureComponent2D* SceneCaptureComponent; // 0x0290 (size: 0x8)
class UTexture2D* worldMapTexture; // 0x0298 (size: 0x8)
class UTextureRenderTarget2D* worldMapDetailRenderTexture; // 0x02A0 (size: 0x8)
class UTexture2D* worldMapHeightTexture; // 0x02A8 (size: 0x8)
class UTexture2D* GetWorldMapHeightMap();
class UTextureRenderTarget2D* GetRenderedWorldMapTexture();
bool CreateWorldMapTexture();
void CaptureWorldMapTexture_Perspective();
void CaptureWorldMapTexture_Ortho();
}; // Size: 0x2B0
class APalWorldPartitionLoadingRangeVolume : public AActor
TMap<int32, float> LoadingRangeMap; // 0x0290 (size: 0x50)
void SetOverrideLoadingRange(bool Enable);
}; // Size: 0x2E0
class APalWorldSettings : public AWorldSettings
TSubclassOf<class UPalDungeonWorldSubsystem> DungeonWorldSubsystemClass; // 0x04B8 (size: 0x8)
FVector DungeonCreateInitialLocation; // 0x04C0 (size: 0x18)
class UDataLayerAsset* FieldEnvironmentDataLayerAsset; // 0x04D8 (size: 0x8)
TSubclassOf<class UPalAudioWorldSubsystem> AudioWorldSubsystemClass; // 0x04E0 (size: 0x8)
bool bIsPalTimerEnabled; // 0x04E8 (size: 0x1)
TSubclassOf<class UPalOptionSubsystem> OptionWorldSubsystemClass; // 0x04F0 (size: 0x8)
TSubclassOf<class UPalTimeManager> TimeManagerClass; // 0x04F8 (size: 0x8)
TSubclassOf<class UPalInvaderManager> InvaderManagerClass; // 0x0500 (size: 0x8)
TSubclassOf<class UPalIncidentSystem> IncidentSystemClass; // 0x0508 (size: 0x8)
TSubclassOf<class UPalFunnelCharacterManager> FunnelCharacterManagerClass; // 0x0510 (size: 0x8)
bool bRequestCharacterMake; // 0x0518 (size: 0x1)
}; // Size: 0x520
class IBossBattleLevelSequenceRootInterface : public IInterface
}; // Size: 0x28
class IPalAIActionCompositeOrderCommandInterface : public IInterface
}; // Size: 0x28
class IPalAIActionWorkerInterruptInterface : public IInterface
bool IsInterruptibleBySleep();
bool IsInterruptibleByRecoverHungry();
}; // Size: 0x28
class IPalAIControllerWorkerInterface : public IInterface
TSubclassOf<class UPalAIControllerWorkerModule> GetWorkerModuleClass();
}; // Size: 0x28
class IPalAISightResponseTransitionableInterface : public IInterface
void GetTransitionableJudgementType(TArray<EPalAISightJudgementType>& JudgeTypeList);
}; // Size: 0x28
class IPalBaseCampAssignableObjectInterface : public IInterface
TScriptInterface<class IPalMapObjectModelInterface> ToMapObjectModel();
EPalBaseCampAssignType GetAssignType();
}; // Size: 0x28
class IPalBaseCampEnergyGeneratorInterface : public IInterface
}; // Size: 0x28
class IPalBaseCampModulePassiveEffectWorkSpeedApplierInterface : public IInterface
}; // Size: 0x28
class IPalBaseCampModuleResourceCollectorTargetInterface : public IInterface
}; // Size: 0x28
class IPalBaseCampModuleTransportItemDepotInterface : public IInterface
}; // Size: 0x28
class IPalBaseCampModuleTransportItemRequirerInterface : public IInterface
}; // Size: 0x28
class IPalBuildObjectSpawnValidationCheckInterface : public IInterface
}; // Size: 0x28
class IPalGamePlayerDataSaveInterface : public IInterface
}; // Size: 0x28
class IPalGameSystemNeedSync : public IInterface
}; // Size: 0x28
class IPalGameSystemNeedWorldSync : public IInterface
}; // Size: 0x28
class IPalGameWorldDataSaveInterface : public IInterface
}; // Size: 0x28
class IPalHUDServiceProviderInterface : public IInterface
void PlayAkSound(class UAkAudioEvent* AkEvent);
class UPalSoundPlayer* GetSoundPlayer();
}; // Size: 0x28
class IPalInflictDamageNotifyInterface : public IInterface
void OnInflictDamage(const FPalDamageResult& DamageResult);
void OnDefeatCharacter(const FPalDeadInfo& DeadInfo);
}; // Size: 0x28
class IPalInteractiveInterface : public IInterface
bool IsEnableTriggerInteract();
}; // Size: 0x28
class IPalInteractiveObjectComponentInterface : public IPalInteractiveInterface
void SetIndicatorInterface(TScriptInterface<class IPalInteractiveObjectIndicatorInterface> InIndicatorInterface);
class UObject* Self();
FText GetIndicatorText(const class UObject* WorldContextObject, EPalInteractiveObjectIndicatorType IndicatorType);
FVector GetIndicatorLocation();
void GetIndicatorInfo(FPalInteractiveObjectActionInfoSet& ActionInfo, const FPalInteractiveObjectActionBy& SituationInfo);
void EnableTriggerInteract();
class UPalInteractDelegates* Delegates();
}; // Size: 0x28
class IPalInteractiveObjectIndicatorInterface : public IInterface
}; // Size: 0x28
class IPalLevelObjectInterface : public IInterface
}; // Size: 0x28
class IPalLimitVolumeInterface : public IInterface
}; // Size: 0x28
class IPalMapObjectConcreteModelModuleItemHolderInterface : public IInterface
}; // Size: 0x28
class IPalMapObjectItemCollectableInterface : public IInterface
EPalMapObjectItemCollectableType GetItemCollectableType();
void GetCollectableStaticItemIds(TArray<FName>& OutStaticItemIds);
}; // Size: 0x28
class IPalMapObjectLauncherControlInterface : public IInterface
void TurnToTarget(const class AActor* TargetActor, float DeltaTime);
void SetOwnerCharacter(const class APalCharacter* OwnerCharacter);
void SetEnableTrigger(bool EnableTrigger);
FRotator GetCharacterRotation();
FVector GetCharacterLocation();
}; // Size: 0x28
class IPalMapObjectModelInterface : public IInterface
FGuid GetModelId();
}; // Size: 0x28
class IPalMapObjectWaterRecievableInterface : public IInterface
void OnWaterOneshot(class AActor* Waterer);
void OnWateringEnd(class AActor* Waterer);
void OnWateringBegin(class AActor* Waterer);
}; // Size: 0x28
class IPalMapObjectWorkerAvailableFacilityInterface : public IInterface
}; // Size: 0x28
class IPalMonsterControllerBaseCampInterface : public IInterface
void TerminateBaseCampActionByClass(TSubclassOf<class UPalAIActionBase> actionClass);
void SetDefaultPositionAction();
void SetCapturedStorageAction();
void SetBaseCampFighterGunnerAction();
void SetBaseCampFighterAction();
void SetBaseCampActionWithFixAssign(const FGuid& TargetWorkProgressId, const float DistanceFixAssignTargetting);
void SetBaseCampActionSpawningForWork();
void SetBaseCampActionSleepMedicalBed(const FGuid& TargetBedConcreteModelId);
class UPalAIActionBaseCampSleep* SetBaseCampActionSleep();
void SetBaseCampActionLift();
class UPalAIActionBase* SetBaseCampActionByClass(TSubclassOf<class UPalAIActionBase> actionClass);
void SetBaseCampAction();
void NotifyOrderCommand(const EPalMapBaseCampWorkerOrderType OrderType);
void InterruptSleepActivelyAction(const FPalAIActionBaseCampSleepActivelyParameter& Parameter);
void InterruptReturnBackToBaseCamp();
void InterruptRecoverHungryAction(const FPalMonsterControllerBaseCampHungryParameter Parameter);
void InterruptPlayWorkerEventAction(class UPalAIActionBase* action, const TEnumAsByte<EAIRequestPriority::Type> Priority);
}; // Size: 0x28
class IPalMonsterControllerLogInterface : public IInterface
void ShowBaseCampLog(const FPalMonsterControllerBaseCampLogContent& Content);
}; // Size: 0x28
class IPalNPCTalkSystemCustomFunctionInterface : public IInterface
void SetCustomFunctionResult(EPalNPCTalkCustomFunctionResult CustomFunctionResult);
void SetCustomFunctionChoseIndex(int32 Index);
void AddArgument(FString Key, const FText& Text);
}; // Size: 0x28
class IPalNiagaraSoundStopInterface : public IInterface
}; // Size: 0x28
class IPalObjectDurabilityInterface : public IInterface
void SetDurability(float NewDurability);
float GetMaxDurability();
float GetDurability();
}; // Size: 0x28
class IPalOwnerCharacterAcquirableInterface : public IInterface
class APalCharacter* GetOwnerCharacter();
}; // Size: 0x28
class IPalReticleTargetableInterface : public IInterface
bool IsShowOutlineInReticleTargetting();
}; // Size: 0x28
class IPalSystemInitializeInterface : public IInterface
}; // Size: 0x28
class IPalUICharacterDisplayOptionInterface : public IInterface
bool IsSelectableSlot(const class UPalIndividualCharacterSlot* Slot);
}; // Size: 0x28
class IPalWorkProgressWorkableCheckInterface : public IInterface
}; // Size: 0x28
class UActionDynamicParameterUtility : public UBlueprintFunctionLibrary
void SetBlackboard(FActionDynamicParameter& DynamicParameterRef, FPalNetArchive& Blackboard);
}; // Size: 0x28
class UFixedPoint64MathLibrary : public UBlueprintFunctionLibrary
FFixedPoint64 Subtract_FixedPoint64Integer(FFixedPoint64 A, int64 B);
FFixedPoint64 Subtract_FixedPoint64Float(FFixedPoint64 A, float B);
FFixedPoint64 Subtract_FixedPoint64FixedPoint64(FFixedPoint64 A, FFixedPoint64 B);
bool NotEqual_FixedPoint64Integer(FFixedPoint64 A, int64 B);
bool NotEqual_FixedPoint64Float(FFixedPoint64 A, float B);
bool NotEqual_FixedPoint64FixedPoint64(FFixedPoint64 A, FFixedPoint64 B);
FFixedPoint64 Multiply_FixedPoint64Integer(FFixedPoint64 A, int64 B);
FFixedPoint64 Multiply_FixedPoint64Float(FFixedPoint64 A, float B);
FFixedPoint64 Multiply_FixedPoint64FixedPoint64(FFixedPoint64 A, FFixedPoint64 B);
bool LessEqual_FixedPoint64Integer(FFixedPoint64 A, int64 B);
bool LessEqual_FixedPoint64Float(FFixedPoint64 A, float B);
bool LessEqual_FixedPoint64FixedPoint64(FFixedPoint64 A, FFixedPoint64 B);
bool Less_FixedPoint64Integer(FFixedPoint64 A, int64 B);
bool Less_FixedPoint64Float(FFixedPoint64 A, float B);
bool Less_FixedPoint64FixedPoint64(FFixedPoint64 A, FFixedPoint64 B);
bool GreaterEqual_FixedPoint64Integer(FFixedPoint64 A, int64 B);
bool GreaterEqual_FixedPoint64Float(FFixedPoint64 A, float B);
bool GreaterEqual_FixedPoint64FixedPoint64(FFixedPoint64 A, FFixedPoint64 B);
bool Greater_FixedPoint64Integer(FFixedPoint64 A, int64 B);
bool Greater_FixedPoint64Float(FFixedPoint64 A, float B);
bool Greater_FixedPoint64FixedPoint64(FFixedPoint64 A, FFixedPoint64 B);
bool EqualEqual_FixedPoint64Integer(FFixedPoint64 A, int64 B);
bool EqualEqual_FixedPoint64Float(FFixedPoint64 A, float B);
bool EqualEqual_FixedPoint64FixedPoint64(FFixedPoint64 A, FFixedPoint64 B);
FFixedPoint64 Divide_FixedPoint64Integer(FFixedPoint64 A, int64 B);
FFixedPoint64 Divide_FixedPoint64Float(FFixedPoint64 A, float B);
FFixedPoint64 Divide_FixedPoint64FixedPoint64(FFixedPoint64 A, FFixedPoint64 B);
FFixedPoint64 Convert_IntToFixedPoint64(int32 Value);
FFixedPoint64 Convert_Int64ToFixedPoint64(int64 Value);
FFixedPoint64 Convert_FloatToFixedPoint64(float Value);
int64 Convert_FixedPoint64ToInt64(FFixedPoint64 Value);
int32 Convert_FixedPoint64ToInt(FFixedPoint64 Value);
float Convert_FixedPoint64ToFloat(FFixedPoint64 Value);
FFixedPoint64 Add_FixedPoint64Integer(FFixedPoint64 A, int64 B);
FFixedPoint64 Add_FixedPoint64Float(FFixedPoint64 A, float B);
FFixedPoint64 Add_FixedPoint64FixedPoint64(FFixedPoint64 A, FFixedPoint64 B);
}; // Size: 0x28
class UFixedPointMathLibrary : public UBlueprintFunctionLibrary
FFixedPoint Subtract_FixedPointInteger(FFixedPoint A, int32 B);
FFixedPoint Subtract_FixedPointFloat(FFixedPoint A, float B);
FFixedPoint Subtract_FixedPointFixedPoint(FFixedPoint A, FFixedPoint B);
bool NotEqual_FixedPointInteger(FFixedPoint A, int32 B);
bool NotEqual_FixedPointFloat(FFixedPoint A, float B);
bool NotEqual_FixedPointFixedPoint(FFixedPoint A, FFixedPoint B);
FFixedPoint Multiply_FixedPointInteger(FFixedPoint A, int32 B);
FFixedPoint Multiply_FixedPointFloat(FFixedPoint A, float B);
FFixedPoint Multiply_FixedPointFixedPoint(FFixedPoint A, FFixedPoint B);
bool LessEqual_FixedPointInteger(FFixedPoint A, int32 B);
bool LessEqual_FixedPointFloat(FFixedPoint A, float B);
bool LessEqual_FixedPointFixedPoint(FFixedPoint A, FFixedPoint B);
bool Less_FixedPointInteger(FFixedPoint A, int32 B);
bool Less_FixedPointFloat(FFixedPoint A, float B);
bool Less_FixedPointFixedPoint(FFixedPoint A, FFixedPoint B);
bool GreaterEqual_FixedPointInteger(FFixedPoint A, int32 B);
bool GreaterEqual_FixedPointFloat(FFixedPoint A, float B);
bool GreaterEqual_FixedPointFixedPoint(FFixedPoint A, FFixedPoint B);
bool Greater_FixedPointInteger(FFixedPoint A, int32 B);
bool Greater_FixedPointFloat(FFixedPoint A, float B);
bool Greater_FixedPointFixedPoint(FFixedPoint A, FFixedPoint B);
bool EqualEqual_FixedPointInteger(FFixedPoint A, int32 B);
bool EqualEqual_FixedPointFloat(FFixedPoint A, float B);
bool EqualEqual_FixedPointFixedPoint(FFixedPoint A, FFixedPoint B);
FFixedPoint Divide_FixedPointInteger(FFixedPoint A, int32 B);
FFixedPoint Divide_FixedPointFloat(FFixedPoint A, float B);
FFixedPoint Divide_FixedPointFixedPoint(FFixedPoint A, FFixedPoint B);
FFixedPoint Convert_IntToFixedPoint(int32 Value);
FFixedPoint Convert_FloatToFixedPoint(float Value);
int32 Convert_FixedPointToInt(FFixedPoint Value);
float Convert_FixedPointToFloat(FFixedPoint Value);
FFixedPoint Add_FixedPointInteger(FFixedPoint A, int32 B);
FFixedPoint Add_FixedPointFloat(FFixedPoint A, float B);
FFixedPoint Add_FixedPointFixedPoint(FFixedPoint A, FFixedPoint B);
}; // Size: 0x28
class UPaRichTextDecorator_KeyGuideIcon : public URichTextBlockDecorator
FString GetTextStringInternal(const class UObject* WorldContextObject, FName ID);
class UWidget* CreateWidget(FName KeyGuideActionName, float IconScale, int32 OverrideType);
}; // Size: 0x28
class UPalAIActionBase : public UPawnAction_BlueprintBase
bool bIsAutoStopBehaviorTree; // 0x0090 (size: 0x1)
EPalAIActionCategory AiActionCategory; // 0x0091 (size: 0x1)
FPalAIActionDynamicParameter DynamicParameter; // 0x0098 (size: 0x50)
TEnumAsByte<EAIRequestPriority::Type> DefaultPriority; // 0x00E8 (size: 0x1)
FPalAIActionBaseOnStartActionDelegate OnStartActionDelegate; // 0x00F0 (size: 0x10)
void OnActionDelegate(class UPalAIActionBase* action);
FPalAIActionBaseOnPauseActionDelegate OnPauseActionDelegate; // 0x0100 (size: 0x10)
void OnActionByDelegate(class UPalAIActionBase* action, const class UPawnAction* byAction);
FPalAIActionBaseOnResumeActionDelegate OnResumeActionDelegate; // 0x0110 (size: 0x10)
void OnActionDelegate(class UPalAIActionBase* action);
FPalAIActionBaseOnFinishActionDelegate OnFinishActionDelegate; // 0x0120 (size: 0x10)
void OnActionDelegate(class UPalAIActionBase* action);
void SetWalkSpeed_ForAIAction(EPalMovementSpeedType MoveSpeedType);
class UPalAIActionBase* SetAIActionClassParameter(TSubclassOf<class UPalAIActionBase> NewActionClass, FPalAIActionDynamicParameter Parameter);
bool PushChildAction(class UPawnAction* action);
void OnChildActionFinished(class UPawnAction* action, TEnumAsByte<EPawnActionResult::Type> WithResult);
void OnActionDelegate__DelegateSignature(class UPalAIActionBase* action);
void OnActionByDelegate__DelegateSignature(class UPalAIActionBase* action, const class UPawnAction* byAction);
bool IsPaused();
bool IsActive();
FString GetSimpleName();
TEnumAsByte<EAIRequestPriority::Type> GetRequestPriority();
class APalAIController* GetPalAIController();
class UPawnActionsComponent* GetOwnerComponent();
class AController* GetController();
class UPalCharacterParameterComponent* GetCharacterParameter();
class APalCharacter* GetCharacter();
class UPalAIActionComponent* GetAIActionComponent();
class UPalActionComponent* GetActionComponent();
class UPawnAction* CreateActionInstanceFixName(class UObject* WorldContextObject, TSubclassOf<class UPawnAction> actionClass, FName ActionName);
void ActionAbort(class APawn* ControlledPawn);
}; // Size: 0x130
class UPalAIActionBaseCampBase : public UPalAIActionBase
float WalkSpeedDefault; // 0x0138 (size: 0x4)
void StartCombatAction(TSubclassOf<class UPalAIActionCombatBase> CombatActionClass);
void OnUpdateFullStomach(const float Current, const float Last);
void OnTriggerInteract(class AActor* OtherActor, EPalInteractiveObjectIndicatorType IndicatorType);
void OnClosedWorkerRadialMenu(class UPalHUDDispatchParameterBase* Parameter);
void NotifyOrderCommand(const EPalMapBaseCampWorkerOrderType OrderType);
void InterruptActionToRecoverHungry(const FPalMonsterControllerBaseCampHungryParameter Parameter);
FGuid GetBaseCampIdBelongTo();
class UPalBaseCampModel* GetBaseCampBelongTo();
void FinishCombatAction();
void ChangeChildAction(class UPalAIActionBaseCampChildBase* action);
void ChangeActionToWorker();
void ChangeActionToFighter();
}; // Size: 0x140
class UPalAIActionBaseCampCage : public UPalAIActionBase
}; // Size: 0x138
class UPalAIActionBaseCampChildBase : public UPalAIActionBase
TWeakObjectPtr<class UPalAIActionBaseCampBase> BaseCampParentAction; // 0x0130 (size: 0x8)
}; // Size: 0x138
class UPalAIActionBaseCampDefenseBase : public UPalAIActionBase
class AActor* TargetActor; // 0x0138 (size: 0x8)
class APalCharacter* SelfActor; // 0x0140 (size: 0x8)
class UPalAICombatModule* CombatModule; // 0x0148 (size: 0x8)
EPalWorkType CurrentWorkType; // 0x0150 (size: 0x1)
FPalWorkAssignHandleId CurrentWorkAssignId; // 0x0154 (size: 0x18)
EPalWorkDefenseCombatType DefenseCombatType; // 0x016C (size: 0x1)
TSubclassOf<class UPalActionBase> DefenseActionClass; // 0x0170 (size: 0x8)
TSubclassOf<class UPalActionBase> DefenseWaitActionClass; // 0x0178 (size: 0x8)
TWeakObjectPtr<class UPalMapObjectDefenseBulletLauncherModel> WeakDefenseModel; // 0x0180 (size: 0x8)
class APalAIController* GetControllerRef();
}; // Size: 0x188
class UPalAIActionBaseCampDefenseGunner : public UPalAIActionBaseCampDefenseBase
void StopTrigger();
void OnShootBullet();
}; // Size: 0x190
class UPalAIActionBaseCampDefenseWait : public UPalAIActionBaseCampDefenseBase
}; // Size: 0x188
class UPalAIActionBaseCampDodgeWork : public UPalAIActionBase
float WalkAroundArrivalRange; // 0x0130 (size: 0x4)
float WalkAroundNextDistance; // 0x0134 (size: 0x4)
FFloatInterval WalkAroundRandomTime; // 0x0138 (size: 0x8)
}; // Size: 0x160
class UPalAIActionBaseCampFighter : public UPalAIActionBaseCampBase
bool TryGetDefenseMapObjectModel(class UPalMapObjectDefenseModelBase*& OutModel);
void RegisterAssignDefenseModelId(const FGuid& InDefenseMapObjectModelId);
void ChangeActionWait();
}; // Size: 0x140
class UPalAIActionBaseCampFighterChildBase : public UPalAIActionBaseCampChildBase
TWeakObjectPtr<class UPalAIActionBaseCampFighter> WeakParentFighterActionCache; // 0x0138 (size: 0x8)
class UPalAIActionBaseCampFighter* GetParentFighterAction();
}; // Size: 0x140
class UPalAIActionBaseCampFighterCombat : public UPalAIActionCombatBase
}; // Size: 0x178
class UPalAIActionBaseCampFighterCombatGunner : public UPalAIActionCombatBase
float FaceAngleRange; // 0x0178 (size: 0x4)
TWeakObjectPtr<class UPalMapObjectDefenseBulletLauncherModel> WeakDefenseModel; // 0x017C (size: 0x8)
}; // Size: 0x188
class UPalAIActionBaseCampFighterWait : public UPalAIActionBaseCampFighterChildBase
bool TrySearchEnemy();
bool TryGetWaitLocation(FVector& Location);
}; // Size: 0x140
class UPalAIActionBaseCampInUsingAmusement : public UPalAIActionBaseCampBase
float GetUsingTime();
}; // Size: 0x150
class UPalAIActionBaseCampRecoverHungry : public UPalAIActionBaseCampBase
FGuid WantFoodHUDId; // 0x0148 (size: 0x10)
TSubclassOf<class UPalUserWidgetWorldHUD> WantFoodHUDClass; // 0x0158 (size: 0x8)
FVector WantFoodHUDOffset; // 0x0160 (size: 0x18)
FPalMonsterControllerBaseCampHungryParameter HungeryParameter; // 0x0178 (size: 0xC)
void ChangeActionEat();
void ChangeActionApproach();
}; // Size: 0x188
class UPalAIActionBaseCampRecoverHungryApproachToFoodBox : public UPalAIActionBaseCampRecoverHungryChildBase
}; // Size: 0x148
class UPalAIActionBaseCampRecoverHungryChildBase : public UPalAIActionBaseCampChildBase
bool TryGetTargetMapObjectConcreteModel(class UPalMapObjectConcreteModelBase*& OutTargetModel);
void ToggleShowWantFoodHUD(const bool bShow);
bool IsExistEnoughFoodInTarget();
bool IsAvailableDistance();
FVector GetTargetLocation();
class UPalAIActionBaseCampRecoverHungry* GetParentRecoverHungryAction();
void GetHungryParameter(FPalMonsterControllerBaseCampHungryParameter& HungeryParameter);
}; // Size: 0x140
class UPalAIActionBaseCampRecoverHungryEat : public UPalAIActionBaseCampRecoverHungryChildBase
float EatTime; // 0x0140 (size: 0x4)
float TurnSpeed; // 0x0144 (size: 0x4)
void OnFinishEatingTime();
}; // Size: 0x170
class UPalAIActionBaseCampRecoverHungryProductFood : public UPalAIActionBaseCampRecoverHungryChildBase
}; // Size: 0x148
class UPalAIActionBaseCampReturnBack : public UPalAIActionBase
}; // Size: 0x138
class UPalAIActionBaseCampSleep : public UPalAIActionBaseCampBase
}; // Size: 0x150
class UPalAIActionBaseCampSleepActively : public UPalAIActionBaseCampBase
FGuid ReservedBedModelInstanceId; // 0x0148 (size: 0x10)
EPalAIActionBaseCampSleepActivelyMode Mode; // 0x0158 (size: 0x1)
void SetParameter(const FPalAIActionBaseCampSleepActivelyParameter& Parameter);
}; // Size: 0x198
class UPalAIActionBaseCampSpawningForWorker : public UPalAIActionBase
FPalAIActionBaseCampSpawningForWorkerOnLandedWorldStaticDelegate OnLandedWorldStaticDelegate; // 0x0130 (size: 0x10)
void SimpleMulticastDelegate();
void SimpleMulticastDelegate__DelegateSignature();
void OnLanded(const FHitResult& Hit);
}; // Size: 0x140
class UPalAIActionBaseCampTrantrum : public UPalAIActionBase
float Duration; // 0x0130 (size: 0x4)
float RadiusAttackTo; // 0x0134 (size: 0x4)
FInt32Interval AttackNumRange; // 0x0138 (size: 0x8)
float TurnSpeedToAttack; // 0x0140 (size: 0x4)
FGuid AttackTargetMapObjectInstanceId; // 0x0144 (size: 0x10)
}; // Size: 0x160
class UPalAIActionBaseCampUtility : public UBlueprintFunctionLibrary
TEnumAsByte<EAIRequestPriority::Type> GetRequestSoftScriptPriority(const EPalRequestSoftScriptPriorityAdd AddPriority);
}; // Size: 0x28
class UPalAIActionCollectItemToStorage : public UPalAIActionBase
}; // Size: 0x130
class UPalAIActionCombatBase : public UPalAIActionBase
FPalAIActionCombatBaseOnCombatFinish OnCombatFinish; // 0x0138 (size: 0x10)
void CombatFinishDelegate();
class AActor* TargetActor; // 0x0148 (size: 0x8)
class APalCharacter* SelfActor; // 0x0150 (size: 0x8)
class UPalAICombatModule* CombatModule; // 0x0158 (size: 0x8)
bool NextIsWaza; // 0x0160 (size: 0x1)
int32 NextWazaSlotIndex; // 0x0164 (size: 0x4)
TSubclassOf<class UPalActionBase> NextActionClass; // 0x0168 (size: 0x8)
int32 InterruptSkillSlotID; // 0x0170 (size: 0x4)
bool bInterruptSkill; // 0x0174 (size: 0x1)
void StartNextAction_Event(const class UPalActionComponent* ActionComponent);
void SkillSlotSetUp();
void SetTargetAndNextAction(class AActor* Target);
bool PreTickFinishCheck();
void PlayActionWhenDarknessStatus();
void OnDeadDeledate_Event(FPalDeadInfo DeadInfo);
void MoveToTarget();
bool LineTraceTarget();
void InterruptAction(int32 SkillSlotID);
class UPalStaticCharacterParameterComponent* GetStaticParamCompRef();
class UPalActiveSkillSlot* GetSkillSlotRef();
class UPalCharacterParameterComponent* GetParamCompRef();
class APalAIController* GetControllerRef();
class UPalActionComponent* GetActorActionComponentRef();
void CombatFinishDelegate__DelegateSignature();
void ChangeNextAction();
}; // Size: 0x178
class UPalAIActionCombat_BaseCamp : public UPalAIActionCombatBase
}; // Size: 0x178
class UPalAIActionCombat_Standard : public UPalAIActionCombatBase
}; // Size: 0x178
class UPalAIActionComponent : public UPawnActionsComponent
TArray<class UPalAIActionCompositeBase*> ActionCompositeRoots; // 0x00E0 (size: 0x10)
void TerminateCurrentActionByClass(TSubclassOf<class UPalAIActionBase> actionClass);
void SetWalkSpeed_ForAIAction(EPalMovementSpeedType MoveSpeedType);
void SetRootComposite(class UPalAIActionCompositeBase* NewCompositeAction, TEnumAsByte<EAIRequestPriority::Type> Priority);
class UPalAIActionBase* SetActionClassParameter(TSubclassOf<class UPalAIActionBase> NewActionClass, FPalAIActionDynamicParameter Parameter);
void SetAction(class UPawnAction* NewAction, TEnumAsByte<EAIRequestPriority::Type> Priority, class UObject* Instigator);
bool IsActionEmpty();
bool HasAction(const TSubclassOf<class UPawnAction>& checkClass, TEnumAsByte<EAIRequestPriority::Type> checkPriority);
class UPawnAction* GetCurrentTopParentAction_BP();
EPalAIActionCategory GetCurrentAIActionCategory();
class UPawnAction* GetCurrentAction_BP();
class UPalAIActionCompositeBase* GetCompositeRoot(TEnumAsByte<EAIRequestPriority::Type> Priority);
void CacheControlledPawn_BP();
void AllCancelPushedAction(const class UObject* Instigator);
void AllCancelActionPriorThanSoftScript(const class UObject* Instigator);
void AllCancelAction_Logic_HardScript_Reaction(const class UObject* Instigator);
}; // Size: 0xF0
class UPalAIActionCompositeActionDummy : public UPalAIActionCompositeBase
void OnResumeAction(class UPalAIActionBase* action);
void OnPauseAction(class UPalAIActionBase* action, const class UPawnAction* PausedBy);
void OnFinishAction(class UPalAIActionBase* action);
}; // Size: 0x50
class UPalAIActionCompositeBase : public UObject
class UPalAIActionCompositeBase* Child; // 0x0030 (size: 0x8)
class UPalAIActionComponent* OwnerComponent; // 0x0040 (size: 0x8)
void SetChildActionComposite(class UPalAIActionCompositeBase* Composite);
void SetChildAction(class UPalAIActionBase* action, class UObject* Instigator);
bool IsPaused();
class APawn* GetPawn();
class UPalAIActionComponent* GetOwnerComponent();
class AController* GetController();
class UPalAIActionCompositeBase* GetChild();
class UPalCharacterParameterComponent* GetCharacterParameter();
class UPalActionComponent* GetActionComponent();
}; // Size: 0x48
class UPalAIActionCompositeBaseCamp : public UPalAIActionCompositeBase
float WalkSpeedDefault; // 0x0048 (size: 0x4)
void NotifyOrderCommand(const EPalMapBaseCampWorkerOrderType OrderType);
void InterruptActionToSleep();
void InterruptActionToRecoverHungry(const FPalMonsterControllerBaseCampHungryParameter& Parameter);
void ChangeActionToWorker();
void ChangeActionToFighter();
}; // Size: 0x98
class UPalAIActionCompositeWorker : public UPalAIActionCompositeBase
TSubclassOf<class UPalAIActionBase> WaitActionClass; // 0x0048 (size: 0x8)
TSubclassOf<class UPalAIActionBase> ApproachActionClass; // 0x0050 (size: 0x8)
TSubclassOf<class UPalAIActionBase> WaitForWorkableActionClass; // 0x0058 (size: 0x8)
TSubclassOf<class UPalAIActionBase> WorkingActionClass; // 0x0060 (size: 0x8)
TSubclassOf<class UPalAIActionBase> CurrentActionClass; // 0x0068 (size: 0x8)
FName SpeedFlagName; // 0x0070 (size: 0x8)
float DefaultWalkSpeed; // 0x0078 (size: 0x4)
void UnregisterFixAssignWork();
bool TryFindNextWork();
void RegisterFixedAssignWorkAttack(const FGuid& MapObjectModelInstanceId);
void RegisterFixedAssignWork(const FGuid& WorkId);
void OnTickInWaitAction(float DeltaTime);
void OnStartAction(class UPalAIActionBase* action);
bool IsTargetWorkable();
bool IsTargetAssignable();
bool IsAssignedToTarget();
void ChangeActionWorking();
void ChangeActionWaitForWorkable();
void ChangeActionWait();
void ChangeActionApproachToWorkArea();
}; // Size: 0x88
class UPalAIActionCompositeWorkerBaseCamp : public UPalAIActionCompositeWorker
TSubclassOf<class UPalAIActionCombatBase> CombatActionClass; // 0x0090 (size: 0x8)
TSubclassOf<class UPalAIActionBaseCampDefenseBase> DefenseActionClass; // 0x0098 (size: 0x8)
}; // Size: 0xA0
class UPalAIActionCompositeWorkerModuleBase : public UObject
class UPalAIActionCompositeWorker* Owner; // 0x0028 (size: 0x8)
}; // Size: 0x30
class UPalAIActionCompositeWorkerModuleBaseCamp : public UPalAIActionCompositeWorkerModuleBase
FGuid GetBaseCampIdBelongTo();
class UPalBaseCampModel* GetBaseCampBelongTo();
}; // Size: 0x30
class UPalAIActionCompositeWorkerModuleNormal : public UPalAIActionCompositeWorkerModuleBase
}; // Size: 0x30
class UPalAIActionCoopAssaultrifleMode : public UPalAIActionBase
float SearchEnemyRadius; // 0x0130 (size: 0x4)
float SearchLocationRadiusMax; // 0x0134 (size: 0x4)
float SearchLocationRadiusStep; // 0x0138 (size: 0x4)
float SearchLocationDegStep; // 0x013C (size: 0x4)
float SearchingLocationRadius; // 0x0140 (size: 0x4)
class APalCharacter* TargetCharacter; // 0x0148 (size: 0x8)
class APalCharacter* ReticleTarget; // 0x0150 (size: 0x8)
FVector AimStartPoint; // 0x0158 (size: 0x18)
void Update(float DeltaTime);
void SetAimStartPoint(const FVector& OffsetLocation);
void SearchForTargetAndShootingLocation();
void ProgressSeraching(float DeltaTime);
void Progress_VerifyShootableEnemy();
void Progress_CollectShootableLocation();
void OnUpdateShootingLocation(class APalCharacter* Target, const FVector& ShootLocation);
void OnRoadBlocked();
bool IsSearching();
bool HasReached(const FVector& Goal);
class APalCharacter* GetTrainer();
void GetTargetEnemies(TArray<class APalCharacter*>& Enemies);
class APalCharacter* GetTargetCharacter();
class APalCharacter* GetReticleTarget();
void GetCandidateLocations(float Radius, float DegStep, TArray<FPalCoopSkillAssaultrifleModeCandidateLocation>& Results);
bool FindLocationToShootEnemy(class APalCharacter* Target, FPalCoopSkillAssaultrifleModeCandidateLocation& OutLocation);
void ClearTargetCharacter();
}; // Size: 0x1E8
class UPalAIActionFed : public UPalAIActionBase
class APalCharacter* ApproachTarget; // 0x0138 (size: 0x8)
}; // Size: 0x148
class UPalAIActionFunnelCharacterDefault : public UPalAIActionCompositeBase
bool ShouldSetSkillAction();
void SetSkillAction();
void SetOtomoFollowAction();
void OnTick_BP(float DeltaTime);
void CreateSkillActionModule(TSubclassOf<class UPalFunnelSkillModule> FunnelSkillModuleClass);
}; // Size: 0x50
class UPalAIActionFunnelSkillBase : public UPalAIActionBase
class UPalFunnelSkillModule* Module; // 0x0130 (size: 0x8)
void SetModule(class UPalFunnelSkillModule* InModule);
}; // Size: 0x138
class UPalAIActionLiftup : public UPalAIActionBase
void OnLanded();
void CallOnLanded(const FHitResult& Hit);
}; // Size: 0x140
class UPalAIActionOtomoDefault : public UPalAIActionCompositeBase
bool ShouldSetCombatAction();
void SetOtomoWorkActionFixedAssign(class AActor* HitActor);
void SetOtomoWorkAction();
void SetOtomoFollowAction();
void SetOtomoCombatAction();
void SetOtomoBaseCampAction();
}; // Size: 0x50
class UPalAIActionWorkerApproachToWorkArea : public UPalAIActionWorkerChildBase
void OnReceiveMoveCompleted(FAIRequestID AIRequestID, TEnumAsByte<EPathFollowingResult::Type> Result);
}; // Size: 0x158
class UPalAIActionWorkerChildBase : public UPalAIActionBase
void LookToTarget(const float TurnSpeed, const float DeltaTime);
bool IsTargetWorkable();
bool IsTargetAssignable();
bool IsAssignedToTarget();
FVector GetWorkLookAtLocation();
class UPalAIActionCompositeWorker* GetParent();
}; // Size: 0x138
class UPalAIActionWorkerReaction : public UPalAIActionBase
class APalCharacter* LookTargetCharacter; // 0x0130 (size: 0x8)
}; // Size: 0x140
class UPalAIActionWorkerWait : public UPalAIActionWorkerChildBase
void ReturnToDefaultPosition();
void OnTickForWait(float DeltaTime);
TEnumAsByte<EPathFollowingRequestResult::Type> MoveToLocation(const FVector& ToLocation);
bool CalcWalkAroundDestination(const float Radius, FVector& OutDestination);
}; // Size: 0x138
class UPalAIActionWorkerWaitForWorkable : public UPalAIActionWorkerChildBase
}; // Size: 0x150
class UPalAIActionWorkerWorking : public UPalAIActionWorkerChildBase
EPalWorkType CurrentWorkType; // 0x0138 (size: 0x1)
float TurnSpeedToTarget; // 0x013C (size: 0x4)
}; // Size: 0x158
class UPalAIAction_LeaveBase : public UPalAIActionBase
class AActor* TargetActor; // 0x0130 (size: 0x8)
class APalCharacter* SelfActor; // 0x0138 (size: 0x8)
class UPalCharacterMovementComponent* Movement; // 0x0140 (size: 0x8)
void InitializeObject(class AActor* CombatTarget, class APalCharacter* SelfCharactor);
}; // Size: 0x148
class UPalAIBlackboardBase : public UObject
}; // Size: 0x28
class UPalAICombatModule : public UObject
void UpdateBattleState();
void Setup();
void OnBattleFinish();
bool IsReachable_NavMesh_ForActor(class AActor* Target);
bool IsReachable_NavMesh(FVector TargetPos);
bool IsBattleMode();
class AActor* GetTargetActor();
bool AIMoveToTargetActor(class AActor* Target);
}; // Size: 0x28
class UPalAICombatModule_BaseCamp : public UPalAICombatModule
TWeakObjectPtr<class UPalAIActionBaseCampFighter> ParentFighterAction; // 0x0028 (size: 0x8)
}; // Size: 0x30
class UPalAICombatModule_EnemyNormal : public UPalAICombatModule
}; // Size: 0x28
class UPalAICombatModule_Invader : public UPalAICombatModule
void OnBattleFinish_forDelegate(class AActor* Actor);
}; // Size: 0x40
class UPalAICombatModule_Otomo : public UPalAICombatModule
}; // Size: 0x28
class UPalAICombatModule_Wild : public UPalAICombatModule
void OnBattleFinish_forDelegate(class AActor* Actor);
bool JudgeReturnCombatStartPosition();
}; // Size: 0x50
class UPalAIControllerBaseCampStatus : public UObject
FGuid GetBaseCampId();
class UPalBaseCampModel* GetBaseCamp();
}; // Size: 0x38
class UPalAIControllerWorkerModule : public UObject
}; // Size: 0x28
class UPalAIControllerWorkerModuleBaseCamp : public UPalAIControllerWorkerModule
}; // Size: 0x28
class UPalAIControllerWorkerModuleNormal : public UPalAIControllerWorkerModule
}; // Size: 0x28
class UPalAIDamageReactionComponent : public UActorComponent
void FunctionTest();
}; // Size: 0xA0
class UPalAIResponsePreset : public UObject
EPalAIResponseType Discover_Player; // 0x0028 (size: 0x1)
EPalAIResponseType Discover_Greater; // 0x0029 (size: 0x1)
EPalAIResponseType Discover_Equal; // 0x002A (size: 0x1)
EPalAIResponseType Discover_Smaller; // 0x002B (size: 0x1)
EPalAIResponseType Damaged_Player; // 0x002C (size: 0x1)
EPalAIResponseType Damaged_Greater; // 0x002D (size: 0x1)
EPalAIResponseType Damaged_Equal; // 0x002E (size: 0x1)
EPalAIResponseType Damaged_Smaller; // 0x002F (size: 0x1)
}; // Size: 0x30
class UPalAISensorComponent : public UActorComponent
class AActor* SelfPawn; // 0x00A0 (size: 0x8)
float SightAngleThreshold; // 0x00A8 (size: 0x4)
float SightDistance; // 0x00AC (size: 0x4)
float HearingRate; // 0x00B0 (size: 0x4)
bool HumanAndNoneWeapon; // 0x00B4 (size: 0x1)
bool IsIgnoreSoundReaction; // 0x00B5 (size: 0x1)
float RecentMaxSoundLevel; // 0x00B8 (size: 0x4)
int32 ResponsedMaxBiologicalGrade; // 0x00C4 (size: 0x4)
class UPalAIResponsePreset* AIResponsePreset; // 0x00C8 (size: 0x8)
class UPalAISightResponse* AISightResponse; // 0x00D0 (size: 0x8)
FFlagContainer DisableSightFlag; // 0x00D8 (size: 0x50)
FPalAISensorComponentOnFReceiveSoundDelegate OnFReceiveSoundDelegate; // 0x0128 (size: 0x10)
void ReceiveSoundDelegate(FVector EmitLocation);
void SightCheckAllPlayer(TArray<class APalCharacter*>& InSightPlayers, float RangeRate);
void SightCheckAllEdibleDeadNPC(TArray<class APalCharacter*>& InSightCharacters);
void SightCheckAllAliveNPC(TArray<class APalCharacter*>& InSightCharacters);
void Setup();
void SetDisableSightFlag(FName flagName, bool isDisable);
void SetDebugAIResponse(TSubclassOf<class UPalAIResponsePreset> PresetClass);
EPalAIResponseType SelectResponseBySenses(EPalAIResponseType CurrentBehavior, const TArray<class APalCharacter*>& FindCharacters, bool IsDamaged, class APalCharacter*& OutTargetCharacter);
void ResetResponsedMaxBiologicalGrade();
void ReceiveSoundDelegate__DelegateSignature(FVector EmitLocation);
void ReceiveSound(int32 SoundRadius, FVector EmitLocation, class AActor* Emitter);
void OnResponseSpecialLookat();
class APalCharacter* MaximumStrengthEnemy(const TArray<class APalCharacter*>& FindCharacters, EPalBiologicalGradeComparedResult& Result);
bool IsInSightKillerAndDeadBody(class AActor* Killer, class AActor* DeadBody);
void EnableHearing();
void DisableHearing();
void DeadAutoRemoveDelegate(FPalDeadInfo DeadInfo);
}; // Size: 0x138
class UPalAISightResponse : public UObject
class UPalAISightResponsePreset* SightResponsePreset; // 0x0028 (size: 0x8)
}; // Size: 0x80
class UPalAISightResponsePreset : public UObject
TMap<class EPalAISightJudgementType, class TSubclassOf<UPalAIActionBase>> AIActionMap; // 0x0028 (size: 0x50)
FPalAISightResponsePresetAimedByPlayerDelegate AimedByPlayerDelegate; // 0x0078 (size: 0x10)
void FindDelegate(class APalCharacter* SelfCharacter, class APalCharacter* FoundCharacter);
TMap<class EPalAISightJudgementType, class FPalAISightResponsePresetDelegateMap> DelegateMap; // 0x0088 (size: 0x50)
void FindDelegate__DelegateSignature(class APalCharacter* SelfCharacter, class APalCharacter* FoundCharacter);
void BlueprintDelegateSetup();
}; // Size: 0xD8
class UPalAbilityPassiveSkill : public UObject
FPalAbilityPassiveSkillIsRestrictedDelegate IsRestrictedDelegate; // 0x0028 (size: 0x10)
bool IsRestricted(class AActor* Trainer);
bool isReserving; // 0x0038 (size: 0x1)
bool bIsRestricted; // 0x0039 (size: 0x1)
bool bRequireWorkerWorkingPassiveSkill; // 0x003A (size: 0x1)
bool bIsWorking; // 0x003B (size: 0x1)
TArray<FPalPassiveAbilitySkills> PassiveSkills; // 0x0040 (size: 0x10)
TMap<class FPalDataTableRowName_PassiveSkillData, class FPalPassiveAbilitySkillStatus> SkillStatus; // 0x0050 (size: 0x50)
int32 CurrentRank; // 0x00A0 (size: 0x4)
void OnWorkerAssignChanged(class UPalCharacterParameterComponent* Parameter);
void OnUpdateOtomoHolder(class APalCharacter* Character);
void OnUpdateInventoryContainer(class UPalItemContainer* Container);
void OnRideInactivated();
void OnRideActivated();
void OnReserveInactivated();
void OnReserveActivated();
void OnInactivatedAsWorker();
void OnInactivatedAsOtomoHolder();
void OnInactivatedAsOtomo();
void OnActivatedAsWorker();
void OnActivatedAsOtomoHolder();
void OnActivatedAsOtomo();
void ObserveWorking();
bool IsRestricted__DelegateSignature(class AActor* Trainer);
bool IsRestricted();
void Initialize(const TArray<FPalPassiveAbilitySkills>& _PassiveSkills);
void InactivateWorkingSkill();
class APalPlayerController* GetTrainerController();
class APalCharacter* GetTrainerActor();
class ACharacter* GetTrainer();
TArray<FName> GetPassiveSkillList();
class APalCharacter* GetOwner();
int32 GetOtomoRank();
}; // Size: 0xF8
class UPalAbilitySkillParameterComponent : public UActorComponent
TArray<FPalPassiveAbilitySkills> AbilitySkills; // 0x00A0 (size: 0x10)
class UPalAbilityPassiveSkill* PassiveSkill; // 0x00B0 (size: 0x8)
void OnRideInactivated();
void OnRideActivated();
void OnOwnerCharacterSpawned(FPalInstanceID ID);
void OnInitializedCharacter(class APalCharacter* OwnerCharacter);
void OnInactivatedAsWorker();
void OnInactivatedAsPartner();
void OnInactivatedAsOtomoHolder();
void OnActivatedAsWorker();
void OnActivatedAsPartner();
void OnActivatedAsOtomoHolder();
}; // Size: 0xB8
class UPalActionBase : public UObject
FPalActionBaseOnActionEndDelegate OnActionEndDelegate; // 0x0028 (size: 0x10)
void ActionEndDelegate();
bool bIsEndAction; // 0x0038 (size: 0x1)
bool bCanDeleteInstance; // 0x0039 (size: 0x1)
bool bCanInterruptWaza; // 0x003A (size: 0x1)
bool bIsChangeWorkAnimPlayRate; // 0x003B (size: 0x1)
bool bIsChangeWalkableFloorAngle; // 0x003C (size: 0x1)
float ActionWalkableFloorAngle; // 0x0040 (size: 0x4)
bool bIsReflectForClient; // 0x0044 (size: 0x1)
FActionDynamicParameter DynamicParameter; // 0x0050 (size: 0xE0)
void TickAction(float DeltaTime);
void SetAnimRateScale(FName flagName, float AnimRateScale);
void SendNotify(FName NotifyName);
void OnUpdatePassiveSkill(EPalPassiveSkillEffectType EffectType, float Value);
void OnEndPassiveSkill(EPalPassiveSkillEffectType EffectType);
void OnEndAction();
void OnChangeCurrentWorkSuitability();
void OnBreakAction();
void OnBeginAction();
bool IsInServer();
bool IsInLocalControlled();
bool IsEndAction();
FVector GetTargetLocation();
FString GetSimpleName();
FRandomStream GetRandomStream();
int32 GetGeneralPurposeIndex();
FPalNetArchive GetBlackboard();
FVector GetActionVelocity();
class AActor* GetActionTarget();
class UPalIndividualCharacterParameter* GetActionIndividualCharacterParameter();
class APalCharacter* GetActionCharacter();
bool CanStepCancel();
bool CanNextActionCancel();
bool CanGainSP();
bool CanDeleteInstance();
void AnimEventSpawn();
void AnimEventOther();
void AnimEventAttack();
void ActionEndDelegate__DelegateSignature();
}; // Size: 0x140
class UPalActionComponent : public UActorComponent
TMap<class EPalActionType, class TSubclassOf<UPalActionBase>> ActionMap; // 0x00A0 (size: 0x50)
FPalActionComponentOnAllActionFinishDelegate OnAllActionFinishDelegate; // 0x00F0 (size: 0x10)
void AllActionFinishDelegate(const class UPalActionComponent* ActionComponent);
FPalActionComponentOnActionBeginDelegate OnActionBeginDelegate; // 0x0100 (size: 0x10)
void ActionStartDelegate(const class UPalActionBase* action);
FPalActionComponentOnActionNotifyDelegate OnActionNotifyDelegate; // 0x0110 (size: 0x10)
void ActionNotify(const class UPalActionBase* action, FName NotifyName);
class UPalActionBase* CurrentAction; // 0x0120 (size: 0x8)
TArray<class UPalActionBase*> ActionQueue; // 0x0128 (size: 0x10)
TArray<class UPalActionBase*> TerminateWaitActionList; // 0x0138 (size: 0x10)
class UPalActionBase* PlayActionParameter(FActionDynamicParameter Param, TSubclassOf<class UPalActionBase> actionClass);
class UPalActionBase* PlayActionLocationByType(FVector Location, EPalActionType Type);
class UPalActionBase* PlayActionLocation(FVector Location, TSubclassOf<class UPalActionBase> actionClass);
class UPalActionBase* PlayActionByTypeParameter(FActionDynamicParameter Param, EPalActionType Type);
class UPalActionBase* PlayActionByType(class AActor* ActionTarget, EPalActionType Type);
void PlayAction_ToServer(FActionDynamicParameter Param, TSubclassOf<class UPalActionBase> actionClass, int32 issuerID);
void PlayAction_ToALL(FActionDynamicParameter Param, TSubclassOf<class UPalActionBase> actionClass, int32 issuerID);
class UPalActionBase* PlayAction_LocalOnly(FActionDynamicParameter Param, TSubclassOf<class UPalActionBase> actionClass);
class UPalActionBase* PlayAction_Internal(FActionDynamicParameter Param, TSubclassOf<class UPalActionBase> actionClass);
class UPalActionBase* PlayAction(class AActor* ActionTarget, TSubclassOf<class UPalActionBase> actionClass);
void OnOwnerEndPlay(class AActor* Actor, TEnumAsByte<EEndPlayReason::Type> reasonType);
void OnCompleteCharacter(class APalCharacter* InCharacter);
EPalActionType GetCurrentActionType();
class UPalActionBase* GetCurrentAction();
void CancelAllAction_Internal();
void CancelAllAction();
void CancelActionByType(EPalActionType Type);
void CancelAction_Internal(FGuid ActionID);
void CancelAction(class UPalActionBase* action);
void BeginPlay();
void AllActionFinishDelegate__DelegateSignature(const class UPalActionComponent* ActionComponent);
void ActionStartDelegate__DelegateSignature(const class UPalActionBase* action);
void ActionNotify__DelegateSignature(const class UPalActionBase* action, FName NotifyName);
bool ActionIsEmpty();
}; // Size: 0x150
class UPalActionDummyTargetManager : public UPalWorldSubsystem
TArray<class APalActionDummyTargetActor*> ActionDummyTargetCache; // 0x0070 (size: 0x10)
}; // Size: 0x80
class UPalActionOneShotAnimation : public UPalActionBase
void OnEndMontage(class UAnimMontage* Montage, bool bInterrupted);
}; // Size: 0x150
class UPalActionSpawnItem : public UPalActionBase
FName SpawnSocketName; // 0x0138 (size: 0x8)
FVector SpawnLocationOffset; // 0x0140 (size: 0x18)
FRotator SpawnItemRotator; // 0x0158 (size: 0x18)
void WriteBlackboard(FPalNetArchive& BlackboardRef, const FPalStaticItemIdAndNum& ItemInfo);
void SpawnItemInServer();
void ReadBlackboard(FPalStaticItemIdAndNum& ItemInfo);
}; // Size: 0x170
class UPalActionTransportItem : public UPalActionBase
FName ItemAttachSocketName; // 0x0138 (size: 0x8)
class AActor* ItemActor; // 0x0140 (size: 0x8)
void WriteBlackboard(FPalNetArchive& BlackboardRef, const FName StaticItemId);
void StartSetupItemActor(const FName StaticItemId);
void ReadBlackboard(FName& StaticItemId);
}; // Size: 0x160
class UPalActionWazaBase : public UPalActionBase
EPalWazaID WazaID; // 0x0138 (size: 0x1)
class UPalSoundPlayer* SoundPlayer; // 0x0140 (size: 0x8)
bool bApplyFullStomachCost; // 0x0148 (size: 0x1)
void StopAkSound();
void PlayAkSound(class UAkAudioEvent* AudioEvent);
EPalWazaID GetWazaID();
class APalPlayerCharacter* GetRiderPlayer();
}; // Size: 0x150
class UPalAction_BeLiftup : public UPalActionBase
void OnStartLifting();
void OnStartInterpTransform();
void OnEndInterpTransform();
void OnDeadOwner_ServerInternal(FPalDeadInfo DeadInfo);
void OnAttachedForBP();
}; // Size: 0x140
class UPalAction_BeThrown : public UPalActionBase
class UAnimMontage* PlayingMontage; // 0x0138 (size: 0x8)
class UNiagaraComponent* NiagaraComponent; // 0x0140 (size: 0x8)
void PlayThrownMontage();
void PlayThrownFX();
}; // Size: 0x150
class UPalAction_DrownCheckBase : public UPalStatusBase
}; // Size: 0x60
class UPalAction_FeedItemToCharacter : public UPalActionBase
float TurnSpeed; // 0x0148 (size: 0x4)
class UPalAIActionFed* TargetCharacterAction; // 0x0150 (size: 0x8)
void TimeoutStartTargetCharacterApproachAction();
void SimpleDelegate__DelegateSignature();
void PlayMontageFeeding();
void OnNotifiedMontage_OnReachFeeding();
void OnFinishPlayMontageFeeding();
void OnCancelByInputGuard();
}; // Size: 0x180
class UPalAction_Liftup : public UPalActionBase
float AttachRelativeLocationOffsetZ; // 0x0138 (size: 0x4)
bool bIsAttachToLeftHand; // 0x013C (size: 0x1)
void StartRagdollForTargetCharacter();
void StartInterpTransformForAttachCharacter();
void PlayWeaponChangeAnime();
void PlayTargetBeLiftupAction(class APalCharacter* TargetCharacter);
void PlayStartLiftupMontage();
void OnTriggerPlayerInteract();
void OnCompleteStartLiftupMontage();
void AttachLiftedCharacter();
}; // Size: 0x140
class UPalAction_LiftupThrow : public UPalActionBase
float AttachRelativeLocationOffsetZ; // 0x0138 (size: 0x4)
bool bIsAttachToLeftHand; // 0x013C (size: 0x1)
void PlayWeaponChangeAnime();
void PlayPlayerThrowMontage();
void LaunchLiftObject();
}; // Size: 0x140
class UPalAction_SleepPlayerBed : public UPalActionBase
FPalAction_SleepPlayerBedOnGetupTriggerDelegate OnGetupTriggerDelegate; // 0x0138 (size: 0x10)
void OnGetupTriggerDelegate();
void OnGetupTriggerDelegate__DelegateSignature();
void OnGetupPlayerBedFromModel();
bool IsSleepLooping();
void GetupBroadcast();
}; // Size: 0x150
class UPalActivatableWidget : public UCommonActivatableWidget
EPalWidgetInputMode InputConfig; // 0x03C8 (size: 0x1)
EMouseCaptureMode GameMouseCaptureMode; // 0x03C9 (size: 0x1)
}; // Size: 0x3D0
class UPalActiveSkill : public UObject
FPalActiveSkillOnCoolTimeUpdate OnCoolTimeUpdate; // 0x0028 (size: 0x10)
void OnCoolTimeUpdateDelegate(float CoolRate);
FPalActiveSkillOnCoolStart OnCoolStart; // 0x0038 (size: 0x10)
void OnCoolStateChange();
FPalActiveSkillOnCoolFinish OnCoolFinish; // 0x0048 (size: 0x10)
void OnCoolStateChange();
bool IsCooling; // 0x0058 (size: 0x1)
float ReuseCoolTimer; // 0x005C (size: 0x4)
EPalWazaID WazaType; // 0x0060 (size: 0x1)
bool IsStopTimer; // 0x0061 (size: 0x1)
float DatabaseCoolTime; // 0x0064 (size: 0x4)
bool bIsTransient; // 0x0068 (size: 0x1)
void OnRep_UpdateCoolTime();
void OnRep_ChangeCTState();
void OnCoolTimeUpdateDelegate__DelegateSignature(float CoolRate);
void OnCoolStateChange__DelegateSignature();
bool IsCoolTimeFinish();
}; // Size: 0x70
class UPalActiveSkillSlot : public UObject
class AActor* SelfActor; // 0x0028 (size: 0x8)
TMap<int32, UPalActiveSkill*> SkillMap; // 0x0030 (size: 0x50)
bool IsEndInit; // 0x0080 (size: 0x1)
FFloatContainer CoolDownSpeedRateMap; // 0x0088 (size: 0x10)
void UpdateCoolTime(float DeltaTime);
void StopCoolTime(int32 SlotID);
void SetTransient(int32 SlotID, bool IsTransient);
void SetSkill(int32 SlotID, EPalWazaID WazaType);
void SetCoolTimeRate(FName Key, float Rate);
void RestartCoolTime(int32 SlotID);
void RemoveSkill(int32 SlotID);
void OnChangeEquipWaza(class UPalIndividualCharacterParameter* IndividualParameter);
bool IsValidSkill(int32 SlotID);
bool IsTransient(int32 SlotID);
bool IsNearMaxRange(int32 SlotID, class AActor* TargetActor);
bool IsFarMinRange(int32 SlotID, class AActor* TargetActor);
bool IsCoolTimeFinish(int32 SlotID);
void InitObject(class AActor* ActorSelf);
EPalWazaID GetWazaType(int32 SlotID);
TMap<int32, UPalActiveSkill*> GetSkillMap();
TArray<int32> GetEnableSlotIDs();
float GetCoolTimeRate(int32 SlotID);
float GetCoolTime(int32 SlotID);
int32 FindMostEffectiveSlotID(class AActor* TargetActor);
int32 ChoiceEnableSlotIDByRandom();
bool CanUse(int32 SlotID, class AActor* TargetActor);
}; // Size: 0x98
class UPalActorChannel : public UActorChannel
}; // Size: 0x290
class UPalAkComponent : public UAkComponent
bool PersistAcrossLevelTransition; // 0x0488 (size: 0x1)
}; // Size: 0x490
class UPalAmbientSoundLineComponent : public UBoxComponent
class UAkAudioEvent* AmbientEvent; // 0x0578 (size: 0x8)
bool bIsEnableAmbientSound; // 0x0580 (size: 0x1)
class UPalAmbientSoundLineObject* AmbinetSoundLineObject; // 0x0588 (size: 0x8)
class UAkComponent* AkComponent; // 0x0590 (size: 0x8)
}; // Size: 0x5A0
class UPalAmbientSoundLineObject : public UObject
TArray<class USplineComponent*> SplineComponents; // 0x0030 (size: 0x10)
class UBoxComponent* ActivateTrigger; // 0x0040 (size: 0x8)
class UAkComponent* AkComponent; // 0x0048 (size: 0x8)
void OnActivateTriggerOverlapBegin(class UPrimitiveComponent* OverlappedComp, class AActor* OtherActor, class UPrimitiveComponent* OtherComp, int32 OtherBodyIndex, bool bFromSweep, const FHitResult& SweepResult);
void OnActivateTriggerLineOverlapEnd(class UPrimitiveComponent* OverlappedComponent, class AActor* OtherActor, class UPrimitiveComponent* OtherComp, int32 OtherBodyIndex);
}; // Size: 0x50
class UPalAnimInstance : public UAnimInstance
FPalAnimInstanceOnMontageNotifyBeginDelegate OnMontageNotifyBeginDelegate; // 0x0348 (size: 0x10)
void OnMontageNotifyBegin(class UAnimMontage* Montage, FName NotifyName);
FPalAnimInstanceOnMontageNotifyEndDelegate OnMontageNotifyEndDelegate; // 0x0358 (size: 0x10)
void OnMontageNotifyEnd(class UAnimMontage* Montage, FName NotifyName);
TArray<class TSubclassOf<UAnimInstance>> ImplementationClassList; // 0x0368 (size: 0x10)
FGeneralAnimationParameter GeneralAnimationParameter; // 0x0378 (size: 0x168)
bool IsRotateYawInterpolation; // 0x04E0 (size: 0x1)
float RotateYawInterpolation_Acceleration; // 0x04E4 (size: 0x4)
TMap<class FName, class UPalBoneInfo*> BoneListFullBody; // 0x04E8 (size: 0x50)
TMap<class FName, class UPalBoneInfo*> BoneListOnlySpines; // 0x0538 (size: 0x50)
TArray<FReserveMontage> ReservedMontageList; // 0x0588 (size: 0x10)
FFloatContainer AdditiveAnimationRate; // 0x05A0 (size: 0x10)
FFlagContainer DisableUpperOverrideFlag; // 0x05B8 (size: 0x50)
void SetUpperOverrideDisableFlag(FName flagName, bool isDisable);
void SetAdditiveAnimationRate(FName flagName, float Rate);
void OnNotifyEndReceived(FName NotifyName, const FBranchingPointNotifyPayload& BranchingPointNotifyPayload);
void OnNotifyBeginReceived(FName NotifyName, const FBranchingPointNotifyPayload& BranchingPointNotifyPayload);
void OnMontageNotifyEnd__DelegateSignature(class UAnimMontage* Montage, FName NotifyName);
void OnMontageNotifyBegin__DelegateSignature(class UAnimMontage* Montage, FName NotifyName);
void OnMontageEndedCallback(class UAnimMontage* Montage, bool bInterrupted);
void Montage_PlayList(TArray<FReserveMontage> montageList);
FName GetNearBoneInSpines(FVector fromPos);
FName GetNearBoneInFullBody(FVector fromPos);
float GetCurrentMontagePlayTimeToEnd();
FTransform GetBoneTransform(FName BoneName);
FQuat GetBoneRotationComponentSpace(FName BoneName);
FQuat GetBoneRotation(FName BoneName);
FVector GetBonePosition(FName BoneName);
class UPalBoneInfo* GetBoneInfo(FName BoneName);
void CalcLength(FName Target, FName nextBone, float tipLength);
void BodyInstance_SetSimulate(FName BoneName, bool SimulateActive);
void AddSpinesListFromBoneList(FName BoneName);
void AddList(FName BoneName);
}; // Size: 0x610
class UPalAnimNotifyDynamicParameterAttackCollision : public UPalAnimNotifyDynamicParameterBase
class UPalHitFilter* AttackFilter; // 0x0030 (size: 0x8)
TArray<class UShapeComponent*> TransientShapeComponents; // 0x0038 (size: 0x10)
float HitStopCount; // 0x0048 (size: 0x4)
class USkeletalMeshComponent* MyMesh; // 0x0050 (size: 0x8)
class AActor* MyActor; // 0x0058 (size: 0x8)
}; // Size: 0x60
class UPalAnimNotifyDynamicParameterAvoidTime : public UPalAnimNotifyDynamicParameterBase
TMap<UPrimitiveComponent*, TEnumAsByte<ECollisionResponse>> AttackResponseMap; // 0x0030 (size: 0x50)
}; // Size: 0x80
class UPalAnimNotifyDynamicParameterBase : public UObject
}; // Size: 0x30
class UPalAnimNotifyParameterComponent : public UActorComponent
TMap<class FString, class UPalAnimNotifyDynamicParameterBase*> DynamicParameterMap; // 0x00A0 (size: 0x50)
}; // Size: 0xF0
class UPalAnimNotifyState_AttackCollision : public UAnimNotifyState
FName attachBoneName; // 0x0030 (size: 0x8)
bool bIsEnableHitStop; // 0x0038 (size: 0x1)
float OverrideHitStopTime; // 0x003C (size: 0x4)
class UPalHitFilter* AttackFilter; // 0x0040 (size: 0x8)
class UShapeComponent* ShapeComponent; // 0x0048 (size: 0x8)
TArray<class UShapeComponent*> ShapeComponents; // 0x0050 (size: 0x10)
void OnHit(class UPrimitiveComponent* MyHitComponent, class AActor* HitActor, class UPrimitiveComponent* HitComponent, const TArray<int32>& FoliageIndex, FVector HitLocation, int32 HitCount);
}; // Size: 0x60
class UPalAnimNotifyState_AvoidTime : public UAnimNotifyState
TMap<UPrimitiveComponent*, TEnumAsByte<ECollisionResponse>> AttackResponseMap; // 0x0030 (size: 0x50)
TMap<UPrimitiveComponent*, TEnumAsByte<ECollisionResponse>> BulletResponseMap; // 0x0080 (size: 0x50)
}; // Size: 0xD0
class UPalAnimNotifyState_Effect : public UAnimNotifyState_TimedNiagaraEffect
TMap<FName, float> UserParameterMap; // 0x0078 (size: 0x50)
}; // Size: 0xC8
class UPalAnimNotifyState_FacialEye : public UAnimNotifyState
EPalFacialEyeType EyeType; // 0x0030 (size: 0x1)
bool AutoDefaultWhenEnd; // 0x0031 (size: 0x1)
}; // Size: 0x38
class UPalAnimNotifyState_FacialMouth : public UAnimNotifyState
EPalFacialMouthType MouthType; // 0x0030 (size: 0x1)
bool AutoDefaultWhenEnd; // 0x0031 (size: 0x1)
}; // Size: 0x38
class UPalAnimNotifyState_FlyMeshHeight : public UAnimNotifyState
bool IsToLand; // 0x0030 (size: 0x1)
}; // Size: 0x38
class UPalAnimNotifyState_HidePalWeapon : public UAnimNotifyState
}; // Size: 0x30
class UPalAnimNotifyState_LookAtDisable : public UAnimNotifyState
}; // Size: 0x30
class UPalAnimNotifyState_MovementControl : public UAnimNotifyState
float MovementSpeedRate; // 0x0030 (size: 0x4)
float AirControlXYRate; // 0x0034 (size: 0x4)
float YawRotatorRate; // 0x0038 (size: 0x4)
float GravityRate; // 0x003C (size: 0x4)
float FixedGravityZ; // 0x0040 (size: 0x4)
float SlideAlpha; // 0x0044 (size: 0x4)
bool bIsDisableMovement; // 0x0048 (size: 0x1)
bool bIsDisableJump; // 0x0049 (size: 0x1)
}; // Size: 0x50
class UPalAnimNotifyState_WeaponControl : public UAnimNotifyState
bool bIsDisableShoot; // 0x0030 (size: 0x1)
bool bIsDisableAim; // 0x0031 (size: 0x1)
bool bIsDisableAttachLeftHand; // 0x0032 (size: 0x1)
bool bIsDisableReload; // 0x0033 (size: 0x1)
bool bIsDisableChangeWeapon; // 0x0034 (size: 0x1)
EPalShooterFlagContainerPriority Priority; // 0x0035 (size: 0x1)
}; // Size: 0x38
class UPalAnimNotify_FacialEye : public UAnimNotify
EPalFacialEyeType EyeType; // 0x0038 (size: 0x1)
}; // Size: 0x40
class UPalAnimNotify_FacialMouth : public UAnimNotify
EPalFacialMouthType MouthType; // 0x0038 (size: 0x1)
}; // Size: 0x40
class UPalAnimNotify_FootStep : public UAnimNotify
TSoftClassPtr<UPalFootStepEffectAssetBase> DefaultEffectAssetClass; // 0x0038 (size: 0x30)
class UPalFootStepEffectAssetBase* EffectAssetCache; // 0x0068 (size: 0x8)
void SpawnFootStepEffect(class UObject* WorldObject, EPalLandingType LandingType, TEnumAsByte<EPhysicalSurface> PhysicalSurface, const FVector& Location, const FRotator& Rotation, class UPalStaticCharacterParameterComponent* StaticParam);
void SpawnFootStepDecal(class AActor* Owner, TEnumAsByte<EPhysicalSurface> PhysicalSurface, EPalFootType FootType, FVector Location, FVector CurrentNormal, float LifeSpan, float FadeTime);
bool GetFloorPosition(class AActor* Owner, FTransform FootTransform, FHitResult& HitResult);
}; // Size: 0x70
class UPalAnimNotify_PlayNiagaraEffect : public UAnimNotify_PlayNiagaraEffect
TMap<FName, float> UserParameterMap; // 0x00D0 (size: 0x50)
}; // Size: 0x120
class UPalAnimNotify_RequestJump : public UAnimNotify
}; // Size: 0x38
class UPalAnimNotify_RequestRideShakeAnimation : public UAnimNotify
float ApplyRate; // 0x0038 (size: 0x4)
float PlaySpeedRate; // 0x003C (size: 0x4)
bool bIsAdjustAnimationSpeed; // 0x0040 (size: 0x1)
TWeakObjectPtr<class APalCharacter> cacheCharacter; // 0x0044 (size: 0x8)
TArray<float> RateList; // 0x0050 (size: 0x10)
void OnStartAim();
void OnEndMotion(class UAnimMontage* Montage, bool bInterrupted);
}; // Size: 0x60
class UPalAnimNotify_SendActionEvent : public UAnimNotify
EPalCurrentActionNotifyType NotifyType; // 0x0038 (size: 0x1)
}; // Size: 0x40
class UPalAnimNotify_SpawnActor : public UAnimNotify
TSubclassOf<class AActor> SpawnActorClass; // 0x0038 (size: 0x8)
FVector SpawnLocationOffset; // 0x0040 (size: 0x18)
FRotator SpawnRotationOffset; // 0x0058 (size: 0x18)
}; // Size: 0x70
class UPalAnimNotify_StaminaMeleeAttack : public UAnimNotify
}; // Size: 0x38
class UPalAnimNotify_WeaponNotify : public UAnimNotify
EWeaponNotifyType WeaponNotifyType; // 0x0038 (size: 0x1)
}; // Size: 0x40
class UPalAssetStreamableManager : public UObject
}; // Size: 0x60
class UPalAttackFilter : public UPalHitFilter
FPalAttackFilterOnAttackDelegate OnAttackDelegate; // 0x0158 (size: 0x10)
void OnAttackDelegate(class AActor* Defencer, FPalDamageInfo DamageInfo, int32 HitCount, class UPrimitiveComponent* AttackerComponent);
EPalWazaID Waza; // 0x0168 (size: 0x1)
EPalBlowVelocityOwner VelocityOwner; // 0x0169 (size: 0x1)
FVector NativeBlowVelocity; // 0x0170 (size: 0x18)
float WazaPowerRate; // 0x0188 (size: 0x4)
class AActor* Attacker; // 0x0190 (size: 0x8)
}; // Size: 0x198
class UPalAudioSettingSystem : public UObject
TMap<class EPalAudioBus, class FFloatContainer> BusVolumeMap; // 0x0030 (size: 0x50)
TMap<class EPalAudioBus, class FPalAudioFadeParameter> BussFadeMap; // 0x0080 (size: 0x50)
void Tick_BP(float DeltaTime);
void StartAudioFade(EPalAudioBus AudioBus, EPalAudioFadeType FadeType, bool bImmediately);
void SetAudioBusVolume(EPalAudioBus AudioBus, const FName& Key, float Volume);
void SetAudioBusMute(EPalAudioBus AudioBus, bool IsMute);
FString PalAudioBusToString(EPalAudioBus AudioBus);
bool IsAudioBusMute(EPalAudioBus AudioBus);
void Initialize();
float GetAudioBusVolume(EPalAudioBus AudioBus);
}; // Size: 0xD0
class UPalAudioUtility : public UBlueprintFunctionLibrary
void OnPlayerExitSpot(class UObject* WorldContextObject, class APalPlayerCharacter* Player, class APalSpotAreaBase* SpotArea);
void OnPlayerExitBaseCamp(class UObject* WorldContextObject, class APalPlayerCharacter* Player, class UPalBaseCampModel* BaseCampModel);
void OnPlayerExitAmbientArea(class UObject* WorldContextObject, class APalPlayerCharacter* Player, class APalAmbientSoundAreaBase* SpotArea);
void OnPlayerEnterSpot(class UObject* WorldContextObject, class APalPlayerCharacter* Player, class APalSpotAreaBase* SpotArea);
void OnPlayerEnterBaseCamp(class UObject* WorldContextObject, class APalPlayerCharacter* Player, class UPalBaseCampModel* BaseCampModel);
void OnPlayerEnterAmbientArea(class UObject* WorldContextObject, class APalPlayerCharacter* Player, class APalAmbientSoundAreaBase* SpotArea);
}; // Size: 0x28
class UPalAudioWorldSubsystem : public UPalWorldSubsystem
int32 FadeDuration; // 0x0070 (size: 0x4)
class UPalSoundPlayer* SoundPlayer; // 0x0078 (size: 0x8)
void Tick_BP(float DeltaTime);
void StopSound();
void SetSwitch(FString SwitchGroup, FString SwitchState);
void SetStateFlagByName(FName StateGroup, bool flg);
void SetStateFlagByEnum(EPalAudioStateGroup StateGroup, bool flg);
void SetStateByName(FName StateGroup, FName State);
void SetStateByEnum(EPalAudioStateGroup StateGroup, EPalAudioState State);
void SetSoundPlayerLocation(const FVector& Location);
void SetRTPCValueByName(const FName& Name, float Value, float interpolSec);
void SetRTPCValueByEnum(EPalAudioRTPC RTPC, float Value, float interpolSec);
void SetOutputBusVolume(float Volume);
void PostTriggerByString(FString Trigger);
void PostTriggerByEnum(EPalAudioTrigger Trigger);
int32 PlaySound(class UAkAudioEvent* AudioEvent, const FPalSoundOptions& Options);
void OnSpawnedLocalPlayerCharacter(class APawn* Pawn, class AController* Controller);
void OnPlayerExitSpotArea(class APalPlayerCharacter* Player, class APalSpotAreaBase* SpotArea);
void OnPlayerExitBaseCamp(class APalPlayerCharacter* Player, class UPalBaseCampModel* BaseCampModel);
void OnPlayerExitAmbientArea(class APalPlayerCharacter* Player, class APalAmbientSoundAreaBase* AmbientSoundArea);
void OnPlayerEnterSpotArea(class APalPlayerCharacter* Player, class APalSpotAreaBase* SpotArea);
void OnPlayerEnterBaseCamp(class APalPlayerCharacter* Player, class UPalBaseCampModel* BaseCampModel);
void OnPlayerEnterAmbientArea(class APalPlayerCharacter* Player, class APalAmbientSoundAreaBase* AmbientSoundArea);
void OnEndOfEvent();
void OnAkPostEventCallback(EAkCallbackType CallbackType, class UAkCallbackInfo* CallbackInfo);
void InitializeSystem(class AActor* AkOwnerActor);
void GetSoundPlayerLocation(FVector& OutLocation);
void FadeOutByPlayingId(int32 PlayingID);
void BeginPlay();
}; // Size: 0x80
class UPalAutoDestroyActorHolder : public UObject
TArray<TWeakObjectPtr<AActor>> HoldActors; // 0x0028 (size: 0x10)
void AddActor(class AActor* TargetActor);
}; // Size: 0x38
class UPalBaseCampEnemyObserver : public UObject
FPalBaseCampEnemyObserverOnFirstAppearEnemyDelegate OnFirstAppearEnemyDelegate; // 0x0028 (size: 0x10)
void BaseCampEnemyDelegate();
FPalBaseCampEnemyObserverOnEmptyEnemyDelegate OnEmptyEnemyDelegate; // 0x0038 (size: 0x10)
void BaseCampEnemyDelegate();
FPalBaseCampEnemyObserverOnPassedTimeAfterEmptyEnemyDelegate OnPassedTimeAfterEmptyEnemyDelegate; // 0x0048 (size: 0x10)
void BaseCampEnemyDelegate();
FGuid BaseCampId; // 0x0058 (size: 0x10)
TArray<class UPalIndividualCharacterHandle*> EnemyList; // 0x0068 (size: 0x10)
float CampAreaRange; // 0x0078 (size: 0x4)
FVector CampLocation; // 0x0080 (size: 0x18)
void OnEndPlayEnemy(class AActor* Actor, TEnumAsByte<EEndPlayReason::Type> EndPlayReason);
void OnDeadEnemy(FPalDeadInfo DeadInfo);
bool IsBattleMode();
void BaseCampEnemyDelegate__DelegateSignature();
}; // Size: 0xA0
class UPalBaseCampFunctionModuleBase : public UObject
}; // Size: 0x28
class UPalBaseCampManager : public UPalWorldSubsystem
FName WorkerEventClassDirectoryPath; // 0x00A0 (size: 0x8)
TSubclassOf<class AController> BaseCampAIControllerClass; // 0x00A8 (size: 0x8)
int32 WorkerCapacityNumDefault; // 0x00B0 (size: 0x4)
FString WorkableBoundShapeName; // 0x00B8 (size: 0x10)
int32 DisplayCapacityNum; // 0x00C8 (size: 0x4)
FDataTableRowHandle WarningSanityValueTextId; // 0x00D0 (size: 0x10)
TMap<class EPalBaseCampWorkerEventType, class UPalBaseCampWorkerEventBase*> WorkerEventMap; // 0x0130 (size: 0x50)
class UDataTable* WorkerEventMasterDataTable; // 0x0180 (size: 0x8)
class UDataTable* WorkerSickMasterDataTable; // 0x0188 (size: 0x8)
int32 WorkerEventTriggerTickMaxCount; // 0x0190 (size: 0x4)
TArray<class TSubclassOf<UPalAIActionBaseCampDefenseBase>> DefenseAIActionArray; // 0x0198 (size: 0x10)
TArray<FPalBaseCampSignificanceInfo> BaseCampSignificanceInfoList; // 0x01A8 (size: 0x10)
float UpdateIntervalSquaredDistanceFromPlayer; // 0x01B8 (size: 0x4)
int32 BaseCampTickInvokeMaxNumInOneTick; // 0x01C4 (size: 0x4)
bool TryGetModel(const FGuid& BaseCampId, class UPalBaseCampModel*& OutModel);
void RequestDismantalDistanceBaseCamp(const FGuid& InstanceId);
void OnUpdateLocationWork_ServerInternal(class UPalWorkBase* Work);
void OnUnregisteredWork_ServerInternal(class UPalWorkBase* Work);
void OnRegisteredNewWork_ServerInternal(class UPalWorkBase* Work);
void OnCreateMapObjectModelInServer(class UPalMapObjectModel* CreatedModel, const FVector& Location);
class UPalBaseCampModel* GetNearestBaseCamp(const FVector& Location);
class UPalBaseCampModel* GetInRangedBaseCamp(const FVector& Location, const float Margin);
void GetBaseCampIds(TArray<FGuid>& OutIds);
}; // Size: 0x1C8
class UPalBaseCampMapObjectCollection : public UObject
FPalBaseCampMapObjectCollectionOnRegisteredMapObjectInstance OnRegisteredMapObjectInstance; // 0x0028 (size: 0x10)
void MapObjectInstanceDelegate(class UPalMapObjectModel* Model);
FPalBaseCampMapObjectCollectionOnAvailableConcreteModelDelegate OnAvailableConcreteModelDelegate; // 0x0038 (size: 0x10)
void MapObjectConcreteModelDelegate(class UPalMapObjectConcreteModelBase* Model);
FPalBaseCampMapObjectCollectionOnNotAvailableConcreteModelDelegate OnNotAvailableConcreteModelDelegate; // 0x0048 (size: 0x10)
void MapObjectConcreteModelDelegate(class UPalMapObjectConcreteModelBase* Model);
TArray<FGuid> MapObjectInstanceIds; // 0x0058 (size: 0x10)
void OnNotAvailableConcreteModel(class UPalMapObjectConcreteModelBase* Model);
void OnDisposeMapObject(class UPalMapObjectModel* Model, const FPalMapObjectDisposeOptions& Options);
void OnAvailableConcreteModel(class UPalMapObjectConcreteModelBase* Model);
void MapObjectInstanceDelegate__DelegateSignature(class UPalMapObjectModel* Model);
void MapObjectConcreteModelDelegate__DelegateSignature(class UPalMapObjectConcreteModelBase* Model);
}; // Size: 0x78
class UPalBaseCampModel : public UObject
FPalBaseCampModelOnUpdateStatusDelegate OnUpdateStatusDelegate; // 0x0028 (size: 0x10)
void SimpleDelegate(class UPalBaseCampModel* Model);
FPalBaseCampModelOnDisposeDelegate OnDisposeDelegate; // 0x0038 (size: 0x10)
void SimpleDelegate(class UPalBaseCampModel* Model);
FGuid ID; // 0x0058 (size: 0x10)
FString BaseCampName; // 0x0068 (size: 0x10)
EPalBaseCampState CurrentState; // 0x0078 (size: 0x1)
FTransform Transform; // 0x0080 (size: 0x60)
float AreaRange; // 0x00E0 (size: 0x4)
FGuid GroupIdBelongTo; // 0x00E4 (size: 0x10)
FTransform FastTravelLocalTransform; // 0x0100 (size: 0x60)
class UPalBaseCampWorkerDirector* WorkerDirector; // 0x0160 (size: 0x8)
class UPalBaseCampMapObjectCollection* MapObjectCollection; // 0x0168 (size: 0x8)
class UPalBaseCampWorkCollection* WorkCollection; // 0x0170 (size: 0x8)
class UPalBaseCampEnemyObserver* EnemyObserver; // 0x0178 (size: 0x8)
TArray<class UPalBaseCampFunctionModuleBase*> ModuleArray; // 0x0180 (size: 0x10)
TArray<FGuid> PlayerUIdsExistsInsideInServer; // 0x0190 (size: 0x10)
FGuid OwnerMapObjectInstanceId; // 0x01A0 (size: 0x10)
int32 Level_InGuildProperty; // 0x01B0 (size: 0x4)
FGuid LocationId; // 0x01B4 (size: 0x10)
FPalBaseCampSignificanceInfo SignificanceInfo; // 0x01C4 (size: 0x8)
float ProgressTimeSinceLastTick; // 0x01CC (size: 0x4)
void UpdateLevel_ServerInternal(int32 PlayerId, int32 NewLevel);
bool TryGetRandomPositionInside(const FVector& Origin, const float Radius, FVector& ToLocation);
void SimpleDelegate__DelegateSignature(class UPalBaseCampModel* Model);
void ReflectLevel_InGuildProperty_Internal(int32 NewLevel);
void OnRep_Level_InGuildProperty(int32 OldLevel);
void OnPassedTimeAfterEmptyEnemy();
void OnFirstAppearEnemy();
void OnDamageInCampActor(FPalDamageResult DamageResult);
void OnAddNewWorker(class UPalIndividualCharacterHandle* AddCharacterHandle);
class UPalBaseCampWorkCollection* GetWorkCollection();
FTransform GetTransform();
EPalBaseCampState GetState();
float GetRange();
FGuid GetOwnerMapObjectInstanceId();
int32 GetLevel();
FGuid GetId();
FGuid GetGroupIdBelongTo();
class UPalBaseCampEnemyObserver* GetEnemyObserver();
FString GetBaseCampName();
bool FindWorkAssignableObject(const class UPalIndividualCharacterHandle* AssignIndividualHandle, const FGuid& WorkId, const bool bFixedAssign, class UPalWorkBase*& FoundObject);
bool FindNearestAssignableObject(const class UPalIndividualCharacterHandle* AssignIndividualHandle, const FTransform& Origin, const float Range, const bool bFixedAssign, TScriptInterface<class IPalBaseCampAssignableObjectInterface>& FoundObject);
void BaseCampGuildPalStorageUpdateDelegate__DelegateSignature(class UPalBaseCampModel* Model, class UPalGuildPalStorage* GuildPalStorage);
}; // Size: 0x1D0
class UPalBaseCampModuleEnergy : public UPalBaseCampFunctionModuleBase
TArray<class UPalBaseCampModuleEnergy_FunctionBase*> FunctionArray; // 0x0028 (size: 0x10)
}; // Size: 0x38
class UPalBaseCampModuleEnergy_Electric : public UPalBaseCampModuleEnergy_FunctionBase
}; // Size: 0x60
class UPalBaseCampModuleEnergy_FunctionBase : public UObject
FPalBaseCampModuleEnergy_FunctionBaseOnUpdateEnergyAmountDelegate OnUpdateEnergyAmountDelegate; // 0x0028 (size: 0x10)
void UpdateEnergyAmountDelegate(class UPalBaseCampModuleEnergy_FunctionBase* Function);
TArray<FGuid> EnergyGeneratorConcreteModelIds; // 0x0038 (size: 0x10)
TArray<FGuid> EnergyConsumerConcreteModelIds; // 0x0048 (size: 0x10)
EPalBaseCampModuleEnergyState CurrentState; // 0x0058 (size: 0x1)
float ProvideWaitRemainTime; // 0x005C (size: 0x4)
void UpdateEnergyAmountDelegate__DelegateSignature(class UPalBaseCampModuleEnergy_FunctionBase* Function);
void InvokeOnUpdateEnergyAmount(class UPalMapObjectGenerateEnergyModel* Model);
}; // Size: 0x60
class UPalBaseCampModuleFacilityReservation : public UPalBaseCampFunctionModuleBase
TMap<class EPalMapObjectWorkerAvailableFacilityType, class FPalBaseCampFacilityUsageInfoSet> FacilityUsageInfoSetMap; // 0x0028 (size: 0x50)
TArray<FPalBaseCampFacilityCountPair> FacilityCounts; // 0x0078 (size: 0x10)
void OnStartUseFacility_ServerInternal(class UPalMapObjectConcreteModelBase* Model, class UPalIndividualCharacterHandle* IndividualHandle);
void OnNotAvailableMapObjectInServer(class UPalMapObjectConcreteModelBase* ConcreteModel);
void OnFinishUseFacility_ServerInternal(class UPalMapObjectConcreteModelBase* Model);
void OnAvailableMapObjectInServer(class UPalMapObjectConcreteModelBase* ConcreteModel);
}; // Size: 0x88
class UPalBaseCampModuleItemStorage : public UPalBaseCampFunctionModuleBase
FPalBaseCampModuleItemStorageOnUpdateAnyItemContainerDelegate OnUpdateAnyItemContainerDelegate; // 0x0028 (size: 0x10)
void MulticastReturnSelfAndUpdatedContainerDelegate(class UPalBaseCampModuleItemStorage* Self, class UPalItemContainer* UpdatedContainer);
TArray<FPalBaseCampItemContainerInfo> ContainerInfos; // 0x0038 (size: 0x10)
TMap<class FGuid, class FPalBaseCampItemExistsInfo> RepairKitItemExistsInfos; // 0x0048 (size: 0x50)
void OnUpdateItemContainer(class UPalMapObjectItemContainerModule* ItemContainerModule);
void OnNotAvailableConcreteModel(class UPalMapObjectConcreteModelBase* ConcreteModel);
void OnAvailableConcreteModel(class UPalMapObjectConcreteModelBase* ConcreteModel);
void MulticastReturnSelfAndUpdatedContainerDelegate__DelegateSignature(class UPalBaseCampModuleItemStorage* Self, class UPalItemContainer* UpdatedContainer);
void GetContainerIds(TArray<FPalContainerId>& OutContainerIds);
}; // Size: 0x98
class UPalBaseCampModuleMedical : public UPalBaseCampFunctionModuleBase
TArray<FGuid> ReviveWorkIds; // 0x0028 (size: 0x10)
void OnReviveCharacter_ServerInternal(class UPalIndividualCharacterParameter* IndividualParameter);
void OnRemovedWorkerInServer(class UPalIndividualCharacterHandle* IndividualHandle);
}; // Size: 0x38
class UPalBaseCampModuleObjectMaintenance : public UPalBaseCampFunctionModuleBase
TArray<class UPalBaseCampModuleObjectMaintenance_WayBase*> MaintenanceWayDOs; // 0x0028 (size: 0x10)
void OnRegisteredMapObject_ServerInternal(class UPalMapObjectModel* Model);
void OnGrantedEffectToMapObject_ServerInternal(class UPalMapObjectModel* Model, class UPalMapObjectModelEffectBase* Effect);
void OnDisposeMapObject_ServerInternal(class UPalMapObjectModel* Model, const FPalMapObjectDisposeOptions& Options);
}; // Size: 0x38
class UPalBaseCampModuleObjectMaintenance_ExtinguishFire : public UPalBaseCampModuleObjectMaintenance_WayBase
void OnTriggerByReachAccumulateTriggerValue(class UPalMapObjectModelEffect_AccumulateTrigger* Effect_AccumulateTrigger, class UPalMapObjectModel* OwnerModel);
}; // Size: 0x28
class UPalBaseCampModuleObjectMaintenance_WayBase : public UObject
}; // Size: 0x28
class UPalBaseCampModulePassiveEffect : public UPalBaseCampFunctionModuleBase
FPalFastBaseCampPassiveEffectRepInfoArray RepInfoArray; // 0x0028 (size: 0x118)
void OnNotAvailableMapObjectInServer(class UPalMapObjectConcreteModelBase* Model);
void OnAvailableMapObjectInServer(class UPalMapObjectConcreteModelBase* Model);
}; // Size: 0x140
class UPalBaseCampModuleResourceCollector : public UPalBaseCampFunctionModuleBase
TMap<class FGuid, class FPalBaseCampModuleResourceCollectWorkInfo> MapObjectWorkInfoMap; // 0x0028 (size: 0x50)
void OnRegisteredMapObjectModel(class UPalMapObjectModel* Model);
void OnRegisteredFoliageModel(TScriptInterface<class IPalMapObjectModelInterface> Model);
void OnDestroyedMapObjectModel(class UPalMapObjectModel* Model, const FPalMapObjectDisposeOptions& Options);
void OnDestroyedFoliageInstance(class UPalFoliageInstance* Instance);
}; // Size: 0x78
class UPalBaseCampModuleTransportItemDirector : public UPalBaseCampFunctionModuleBase
TMap<class FGuid, class FPalBaseCampModuleTransportItemStatus> TransportItemStatusMap; // 0x0028 (size: 0x50)
TMap<class FGuid, class FPalBaseCampModuleTransportItemTarget> TransportTargetMap; // 0x0078 (size: 0x50)
void OnUpdateMapObjectContainer(class UPalMapObjectItemContainerModule* ContainerModule);
void OnUnassignWorkTransportItemTarget(class UPalWorkBase* Work, const FPalInstanceID& IndividualId);
void OnUnassignWorkRequirement(class UPalWorkBase* Work, const FPalInstanceID& IndividualId);
void OnNotAvailableMapObjectConcreteModel(class UPalMapObjectConcreteModelBase* ConcreteModel);
void OnAvailableMapObjectConcreteModel(class UPalMapObjectConcreteModelBase* ConcreteModel);
void OnAssignWorkTransportItemTarget(class UPalWorkBase* Work, const FPalInstanceID& IndividualId);
void OnAssignWorkRequirement(class UPalWorkBase* Work, const FPalInstanceID& IndividualId);
}; // Size: 0xC8
class UPalBaseCampPassiveEffectBase : public UObject
TMap<class FName, class FPalBaseCampPassiveEffectMapObjectInfo> MapObjectInfoMapByMapObjectId; // 0x0028 (size: 0x50)
}; // Size: 0x78
class UPalBaseCampPassiveEffect_WorkHard : public UPalBaseCampPassiveEffectBase
FPalBaseCampPassiveEffect_WorkHardOnUpdateWorkHardTypeDelegate OnUpdateWorkHardTypeDelegate; // 0x0080 (size: 0x10)
void ReturnSelfDelegate(class UPalBaseCampPassiveEffect_WorkHard* Self);
EPalBaseCampPassiveEffectWorkHardType WorkHardType; // 0x0090 (size: 0x1)
void ReturnSelfDelegate__DelegateSignature(class UPalBaseCampPassiveEffect_WorkHard* Self);
void OnRep_WorkHardType();
EPalBaseCampPassiveEffectWorkHardType GetWorkHardType();
}; // Size: 0x98
class UPalBaseCampPassiveEffect_WorkSuitability : public UPalBaseCampPassiveEffectBase
TMap<EPalWorkSuitability, float> WorkSpeedAdditionalRateMap; // 0x0080 (size: 0x50)
}; // Size: 0xD0
class UPalBaseCampReplicator : public UPalGameStateReplicatorBase
FFastPalBaseCampRepInfoArray RepInfoArray; // 0x0028 (size: 0x148)
}; // Size: 0x1C0
class UPalBaseCampTaskChecker : public UObject
class UDataTable* taskDataTable; // 0x0028 (size: 0x8)
}; // Size: 0x30
class UPalBaseCampUtility : public UObject
}; // Size: 0x28
class UPalBaseCampWorkCollection : public UObject
FPalBaseCampWorkCollectionOnUnassignWorkDelegate OnUnassignWorkDelegate; // 0x0038 (size: 0x10)
void WorkAssignUpdateDelegate(class UPalWorkBase* Work, const FPalInstanceID& IndividualId);
FGuid BaseCampId; // 0x0048 (size: 0x10)
TArray<FGuid> WorkIds; // 0x0058 (size: 0x10)
TMap<class FGuid, class FPalBaseCampWorkCollectionStashInfo> CannotMoveToWorkInfoMap; // 0x0070 (size: 0x50)
void WorkAssignUpdateDelegate__DelegateSignature(class UPalWorkBase* Work, const FPalInstanceID& IndividualId);
void WorkAssignRequirementDelegate__DelegateSignature(class UPalWorkBase* Work, const FPalWorkAssignRequirementParameter& RequirementParameter);
void OnUnassignWork_ServerInternal(class UPalWorkBase* Work, const FPalInstanceID& IndividualId);
void OnRequiredAssign_ServerInternal(class UPalWorkBase* Work, const FPalWorkAssignRequirementParameter& RequirementParameter);
}; // Size: 0xC0
class UPalBaseCampWorkerDirectionBattleTypeUtility : public UBlueprintFunctionLibrary
}; // Size: 0x28
class UPalBaseCampWorkerDirector : public UObject
FPalBaseCampWorkerDirectorOnAddNewWorkerDelegate OnAddNewWorkerDelegate; // 0x0040 (size: 0x10)
void AddNewWorkerDelegate(class UPalIndividualCharacterHandle* NewCharacter);
FPalBaseCampWorkerDirectorOnRemovedWorkerInServerDelegate OnRemovedWorkerInServerDelegate; // 0x0050 (size: 0x10)
void RemovedWorkerDelegate(class UPalIndividualCharacterHandle* IndividualHandle);
FGuid BaseCampId; // 0x0060 (size: 0x10)
FTransform SpawnTransform; // 0x0070 (size: 0x60)
class UPalIndividualCharacterContainer* CharacterContainer; // 0x00D0 (size: 0x8)
EPalMapBaseCampWorkerOrderType CurrentOrderType; // 0x00D8 (size: 0x1)
EPalBaseCampWorkerDirectionBattleType CurrentBattleType; // 0x00D9 (size: 0x1)
class UPalIndividualCharacterSlotsObserver* SlotObserverForServer; // 0x00E0 (size: 0x8)
TArray<FPalBaseCampWorkAssignRequest> RequiredAssignWorks; // 0x00E8 (size: 0x10)
TArray<FPalInstanceID> WaitingWorkerIndividualIds; // 0x00F8 (size: 0x10)
int32 WorkerEventTickCount; // 0x0108 (size: 0x4)
TArray<class UPalBaseCampWorkerTaskBase*> WorkerTasks; // 0x0110 (size: 0x10)
EPalBaseCampWorkerDirectorState State; // 0x0121 (size: 0x1)
void RemovedWorkerDelegate__DelegateSignature(class UPalIndividualCharacterHandle* IndividualHandle);
void OrderCommand(const EPalMapBaseCampWorkerOrderType OrderType);
void OnUpdateOwnerBaseCampStatus_ServerInternal(class UPalBaseCampModel* OwnerBaseCamp);
void OnSpawnedCharacterInServer(FPalInstanceID IndividualId);
void OnRequiredAssignWork_ServerInternal(class UPalWorkBase* Work, const FPalWorkAssignRequirementParameter& RequirementParameter);
void OnRep_CharacterContainer();
void OnRemovedNewCharacterInServer(const FPalInstanceID& IndividualId);
void OnReflectSlotCompleteInServer();
void OnRaisedPhantomCharacterInServer(FPalInstanceID IndividualId, int32 PhantomId);
void OnNotifiedUnassignWork_ServerInternal(class UPalWorkBase* Work, const FPalInstanceID& IndividualId);
void OnDeadWorkerInServer_Internal(class APalCharacter* DeadCharacter);
void OnDeadWorkerInServer(const FPalDeadInfo Info);
void OnChangeWorldSettings_ServerInternal(const FPalOptionWorldSettings& PrevSettings, const FPalOptionWorldSettings& NewSettings);
void OnAddedNewCharacterInServer(const FPalInstanceID& IndividualId);
void GetCharacterHandleSlots(TArray<class UPalIndividualCharacterSlot*>& OutSlots);
class UPalIndividualCharacterSlot* FindSlotByHandle(class UPalIndividualCharacterHandle* Handle);
void AddNewWorkerDelegate__DelegateSignature(class UPalIndividualCharacterHandle* NewCharacter);
}; // Size: 0x130
class UPalBaseCampWorkerEventBase : public UObject
FPalDataTableRowName_BaseCampWorkerEventData MasterDataId; // 0x0028 (size: 0x8)
EPalLogType logType; // 0x0030 (size: 0x1)
FPalBaseCampWorkerEventMasterData MasterData; // 0x0038 (size: 0x28)
TSoftObjectPtr<UNiagaraSystem> OverrideSleepFX; // 0x0060 (size: 0x30)
bool IsTriggerEventBySanity(const float SanityValue);
bool IsTriggerEventByCharacter(const class APalCharacter* Character);
FString Debug_CreateTextTriggerEventSanity();
FText CreateNotifyMessageText(const FText& LocalizedFormatText, class APalCharacter* Character);
}; // Size: 0x90
class UPalBaseCampWorkerEventUtility : public UObject
}; // Size: 0x28
class UPalBaseCampWorkerEvent_DestroyBuilding : public UPalBaseCampWorkerEventBase
}; // Size: 0x90
class UPalBaseCampWorkerEvent_DodgeWork : public UPalBaseCampWorkerEventBase
TSubclassOf<class UPalAIActionBase> actionClass; // 0x0090 (size: 0x8)
float AIActionDuration; // 0x0098 (size: 0x4)
float TerminateSanityValueOver; // 0x009C (size: 0x4)
}; // Size: 0xA0
class UPalBaseCampWorkerEvent_DodgeWork_Short : public UPalBaseCampWorkerEvent_DodgeWork
}; // Size: 0xA0
class UPalBaseCampWorkerEvent_DodgeWork_Sleep : public UPalBaseCampWorkerEvent_DodgeWork
int32 SleepMinTime; // 0x00A0 (size: 0x4)
int32 SanityValueStillSleeping; // 0x00A4 (size: 0x4)
FFloatInterval WalkTime_BeforeSleep; // 0x00A8 (size: 0x8)
}; // Size: 0xB0
class UPalBaseCampWorkerEvent_EatTooMuch : public UPalBaseCampWorkerEventBase
float RecoverSanityTo; // 0x0090 (size: 0x4)
int32 EatMaxNum; // 0x0094 (size: 0x4)
}; // Size: 0x98
class UPalBaseCampWorkerEvent_Escape : public UPalBaseCampWorkerEventBase
}; // Size: 0x90
class UPalBaseCampWorkerEvent_FightWithFriend : public UPalBaseCampWorkerEventBase
}; // Size: 0x90
class UPalBaseCampWorkerEvent_OverworkDeath : public UPalBaseCampWorkerEventBase
}; // Size: 0x90
class UPalBaseCampWorkerEvent_Sick : public UPalBaseCampWorkerEventBase
}; // Size: 0x90
class UPalBaseCampWorkerEvent_Tantrum : public UPalBaseCampWorkerEventBase
TSubclassOf<class UPalAIActionBaseCampTrantrum> actionClass; // 0x0090 (size: 0x8)
}; // Size: 0x98
class UPalBaseCampWorkerEvent_TurnFoodBox : public UPalBaseCampWorkerEventBase
}; // Size: 0x90
class UPalBaseCampWorkerTaskBase : public UObject
FGuid OwnerBaseCampId; // 0x0028 (size: 0x10)
}; // Size: 0x38
class UPalBaseCampWorkerTask_IgnitionTorchAtNight : public UPalBaseCampWorkerTaskBase
TArray<FGuid> TorchInstanceIds; // 0x0038 (size: 0x10)
void OnNotAvailableMapObjectInServer(class UPalMapObjectConcreteModelBase* ConcreteModel);
void OnAvailableMapObjectInServer(class UPalMapObjectConcreteModelBase* ConcreteModel);
}; // Size: 0x48
class UPalBattleManager : public UPalWorldSubsystem
TMap<class AActor*, class FActorArray> EnemyListPerPlayer; // 0x0070 (size: 0x50)
TSubclassOf<class APalNPCSpawnerBase> DebugSpawnerClass; // 0x00C8 (size: 0x8)
FPalBattleManagerOnFExclamationMarkDelegate OnFExclamationMarkDelegate; // 0x00D0 (size: 0x10)
void ExclamationMarkDelegate(class APalCharacter* TargetCharacter);
FPalBattleManagerOnFQuestionMarkDelegate OnFQuestionMarkDelegate; // 0x00E0 (size: 0x10)
void QuestionMarkDelegate(class APalCharacter* TargetCharacter);
FPalBattleManagerOnFEmitSoundDelegate OnFEmitSoundDelegate; // 0x00F0 (size: 0x10)
void EmitSoundDelegate(int32 SoundRadius, FVector EmitLocation, class AActor* Emitter);
FPalBattleManagerOnFEmitSoundOnlyPalmiDelegate OnFEmitSoundOnlyPalmiDelegate; // 0x0100 (size: 0x10)
void EmitSoundOnlyPalmiDelegate(int32 SoundLevel);
bool TargetIsPlayerOrPlayersOtomoPal(class AActor* TargetCharacter);
void SoundReactionStart(class APalCharacter* SelfCharacter);
void SetUpPlayerMap(class AActor* Player);
void RemovePlayerMap(class AActor* Player);
void RemoveEnemyActor_AllPlayer(class AActor* Enemy, EPalPlayerBattleFinishType FinishType);
void RemoveEnemyActor(class AActor* Player, class AActor* Enemy, EPalPlayerBattleFinishType FinishType);
void QuestionMarkDelegate__DelegateSignature(class APalCharacter* TargetCharacter);
bool IsBattleModeAnyPlayer();
class AActor* GetRandomActor(TArray<class AActor*> targetList);
class AActor* GetNearestActor(TArray<class AActor*> targetList, FVector Location);
bool GetConflictEnemies(class AActor* Player, TArray<class AActor*>& OutEnemyes, bool IgnoreOtomoStopByBall);
void GetAllPlayerAndOtomo_ForEnemySelf(TArray<class AActor*> TargetPlayers, TArray<class AActor*>& OutCharacters);
void ExclamationMarkDelegate__DelegateSignature(class APalCharacter* TargetCharacter);
void EnemyNearPlayerListUpdate(class AActor* Enemy, float Distance);
void EmitSoundOnlyPalmiDelegate__DelegateSignature(int32 SoundLevel);
void EmitSoundDelegate__DelegateSignature(int32 SoundRadius, FVector EmitLocation, class AActor* Emitter);
void EmitSound(FName SoundRowName, class AActor* Emitter, FVector EmitLocation, float VolumeRate);
void AddEnemyActor_PlayerOrOtomo(class AActor* PlayerOrOtomo, class AActor* Enemy);
void ActionMenaceStart(class APalCharacter* SelfCharacter);
}; // Size: 0x110
class UPalBiomeDetectComponent : public UActorComponent
FPalBiomeDetectComponentOnChangedBiome OnChangedBiome; // 0x00A0 (size: 0x10)
void OnChangedBiomeDelegate(class AActor* OverlapActor, class APalBiomeAreaTriggerBase* BiomeTriggerActor);
void OnChangedBiomeDelegate__DelegateSignature(class AActor* OverlapActor, class APalBiomeAreaTriggerBase* BiomeTriggerActor);
void ChangeBiome(class APalBiomeAreaTriggerBase* BiomeTriggerActor);
}; // Size: 0xB8
class UPalBlueprintLibrary : public UBlueprintFunctionLibrary
bool NotEqual_PalInstanceIDPalInstanceID(FPalInstanceID A, FPalInstanceID B);
bool EqualEqual_PalInstanceIDPalInstanceID(FPalInstanceID A, FPalInstanceID B);
}; // Size: 0x28
class UPalBodyPartsBoxComponent : public UBoxComponent
EPalBodyPartsType BodyPartsType; // 0x0578 (size: 0x1)
FName DefaultCollisionProfileName; // 0x057C (size: 0x8)
FName BroadcastCollisionProfileName; // 0x0584 (size: 0x8)
void OnRep_BroadcastCollisionProfileName();
}; // Size: 0x590
class UPalBodyPartsCapsuleComponent : public UCapsuleComponent
EPalBodyPartsType BodyPartsType; // 0x0560 (size: 0x1)
FName DefaultCollisionProfileName; // 0x0564 (size: 0x8)
FName BroadcastCollisionProfileName; // 0x056C (size: 0x8)
void OnRep_BroadcastCollisionProfileName();
}; // Size: 0x580
class UPalBodyPartsSphereComponent : public USphereComponent
EPalBodyPartsType BodyPartsType; // 0x0560 (size: 0x1)
FName DefaultCollisionProfileName; // 0x0564 (size: 0x8)
FName BroadcastCollisionProfileName; // 0x056C (size: 0x8)
void OnRep_BroadcastCollisionProfileName();
}; // Size: 0x580
class UPalBodyTemperatureComponent : public UActorComponent
FPalBodyTemperatureComponentOnChangeTemperatureDelegate OnChangeTemperatureDelegate; // 0x00A0 (size: 0x10)
void OnChangeTemperatureDelegate(int32 NextTemperature);
FPalBodyTemperatureComponentOnChangeResistRankDelegate OnChangeResistRankDelegate; // 0x00B0 (size: 0x10)
void OnChangeResistRankDelegate(int32 NextResistHeat, int32 NextResistCold);
FPalBodyTemperatureComponentOnChangeBodyStateDelegate OnChangeBodyStateDelegate; // 0x00C0 (size: 0x10)
void OnChangeBodyStateDelegate(EPalBodyTemperatureState BodyState);
TMap<class FName, class FPalHeatSourceInfo> HeatSourceInfoMap; // 0x00D0 (size: 0x50)
int32 CurrentTemperature; // 0x0120 (size: 0x4)
FName SelfKeyName; // 0x0124 (size: 0x8)
FTimerHandle SlipDamageTimer; // 0x0130 (size: 0x8)
int32 CurrentResistRank_Heat; // 0x0138 (size: 0x4)
int32 CurrentResistRank_Cold; // 0x013C (size: 0x4)
EPalBodyTemperatureState CurrentBodyState; // 0x0140 (size: 0x1)
void RequestReSend_ToServer();
void RemoveHeatSource(FName UniqueName);
void OnUpdatePassiveSkill(EPalPassiveSkillEffectType EffectType, float Value);
void OnUpdateEquipment(class UPalItemSlot* itemSlot, EPalPlayerEquipItemSlotType slotType);
void OnInitializedPlayer_ForClient(class APalCharacter* Character);
void OnInitializedPlayer(class APalCharacter* Character);
void OnEndPassiveSkill(EPalPassiveSkillEffectType EffectType);
void OnChangeTemperatureDelegate__DelegateSignature(int32 NextTemperature);
void OnChangeResistRankDelegate__DelegateSignature(int32 NextResistHeat, int32 NextResistCold);
void OnChangeHour();
void OnChangeBodyStateDelegate__DelegateSignature(EPalBodyTemperatureState BodyState);
void CallOnChangeTemperature(int32 Next);
void CallOnChangeResistRank(int32 Heat, int32 Cold);
void CallOnChangeBodyState(EPalBodyTemperatureState State);
void CallAllDelegate();
void AddHeatSourceInfo(FName UniqueName, FPalHeatSourceInfo HeatInfo);
void AddHeatSource(FName UniqueName, int32 HeatLevel);
}; // Size: 0x148
class UPalBoneInfo : public UObject
float Length; // 0x0028 (size: 0x4)
float Radius; // 0x002C (size: 0x4)
}; // Size: 0x30
class UPalBossBattleInstanceModel : public UObject
FTransform FrontWarpPointTransform; // 0x0080 (size: 0x60)
FVector_NetQuantize RepFrontWarpPointtLocation; // 0x00E0 (size: 0x18)
FTransform TopWarpPointTransform; // 0x0100 (size: 0x60)
FTransform StartPointTransform; // 0x0160 (size: 0x60)
FTransform DeadItemDropTransform; // 0x01C0 (size: 0x60)
FPalStageInstanceId StageInstanceId; // 0x0220 (size: 0x14)
EPalBossType BossType; // 0x0234 (size: 0x1)
TSoftClassPtr<APalCutsceneActor> IntroCutsceneActor; // 0x0238 (size: 0x30)
TSoftClassPtr<ALevelInstance> BossRoomLevelInstanceAsset; // 0x0268 (size: 0x30)
TSoftObjectPtr<UAkAudioEvent> BGMAudioEvent; // 0x0298 (size: 0x30)
int32 Level; // 0x02C8 (size: 0x4)
int32 CombatTimeMax; // 0x02CC (size: 0x4)
class APalBossBattleLevelInstance* BossBattleLevelInstance; // 0x02D0 (size: 0x8)
class APalBossTower* BossTower; // 0x02D8 (size: 0x8)
EPalBossBattleState BossBattleState; // 0x02E0 (size: 0x1)
TArray<class APalPlayerCharacter*> EntryPlayers; // 0x02E8 (size: 0x10)
TArray<class APalPlayerCharacter*> WonPlayers; // 0x02F8 (size: 0x10)
FDateTime CombatTimeLimit; // 0x0308 (size: 0x8)
class UPalBossBattleSequencer* LocalBattleSequencer; // 0x0310 (size: 0x8)
class UDataLayerAsset* ReservedDataLayerAsset; // 0x0318 (size: 0x8)
void OnUpdateCombatTimeLimit();
void OnUpdateBossBattleState();
void OnRep_EntryPlayers();
void OnRep_CombatTimeLimit();
void OnRep_BossBattleState();
void OnRep_BossBattleLevelInstance();
void OnChangeEntryPlayerDelegate__DelegateSignature(TArray<class APalPlayerCharacter*> EntryPlayers);
void OnChangeCombatTimeLimitDelegate__DelegateSignature(FDateTime CombatTimeLimit);
void OnChangeBossBattleStateDelegate__DelegateSignature(EPalBossBattleState BossBattleState);
bool IsLevelInstanceLoaded();
int32 GetLevel();
EPalBossType GetBossType();
EPalBossBattleState GetBossBattleState();
}; // Size: 0x320
class UPalBossBattleManager : public UPalWorldSubsystem
FPalBossBattleManagerOnLocalBossBattleSuccessDelegate OnLocalBossBattleSuccessDelegate; // 0x0070 (size: 0x10)
void OnLocalPlayerBossBattleSuccessDelegate(class APalPlayerCharacter* LocalJoinedPlayer, EPalBossType BossType);
FPalBossBattleManagerOnCombatStartUIDelegate OnCombatStartUIDelegate; // 0x0080 (size: 0x10)
void OnCombatStartUIDelegate(class APalBossTower* BossTower);
FPalBossBattleManagerOnCombatEndUIAction OnCombatEndUIAction; // 0x0090 (size: 0x10)
void OnCombatEndUIActionDelegate(EPalBossBattleCombatResult CombatResult);
int32 MAX_TIME_LIMIT; // 0x00A0 (size: 0x4)
float PlayerRespawnTimeLimit; // 0x00A4 (size: 0x4)
float BGMFadeDuration; // 0x00A8 (size: 0x4)
TMap<int32, float> MultiPlayerBossHPMap; // 0x00B0 (size: 0x50)
TSubclassOf<class UPalBossBattleSequencer> BossBattleSequencerClass; // 0x0100 (size: 0x8)
TMap<class EPalBossType, class FPalBossBattleStaticInfo> BossInfoMap; // 0x0108 (size: 0x50)
TMap<class EPalBossType, class UPalBossBattleInstanceModel*> InstanceModelMap; // 0x0158 (size: 0x50)
TMap<class EPalBossType, class UPalBossBattleSequencer*> BossBattleSequencerMap; // 0x01A8 (size: 0x50)
FGuid GroupGuid; // 0x01F8 (size: 0x10)
EPalBossType DisableSkyBossType_LocalPlayer; // 0x0208 (size: 0x1)
void UnlockAchievement(EPalBossType BossType);
void UnloadBossBattle_ServerInternal(EPalBossType BossType);
void OnLocalPlayerBossBattleSuccessDelegate__DelegateSignature(class APalPlayerCharacter* LocalJoinedPlayer, EPalBossType BossType);
void OnCombatStartUIDelegate__DelegateSignature(class APalBossTower* BossTower);
void OnCombatEndUIActionDelegate__DelegateSignature(EPalBossBattleCombatResult CombatResult);
void OnBossBattleCombatStart(EPalBossType BossType);
void LoadAsyncBossBattle_ServerInternal(EPalBossType BossType);
FTransform GetTopWarpPointTransform(EPalBossType BossType);
FPalBossBattleStaticInfo GetStaticInfo(EPalBossType BossType);
FTransform GetPlayerSpawnTransformForMultiPlayer(int32 Index, FVector Location, FRotator Rotate, float Offset);
int32 GetMaxJoinablePlayerNum();
bool GetIsServer();
float GetBossHPMultiPlayerRate(int32 JoinedPlayerNum);
int32 GetBossAchievementIndex(EPalBossType BossType);
float GetBattleTimeLimit();
void EmptyInstanceCleanup();
void DisableSkyCreator(bool Disable);
bool CanStartBossBattle(EPalBossType BossType);
void BossBattleExit(EPalBossType BossType, class APalPlayerCharacter* ExitPlayer);
void BossBattleEntryCancel(EPalBossType BossType, class APalPlayerCharacter* EntryPlayer);
void BossBattleEntry(EPalBossType BossType, class APalPlayerCharacter* EntryPlayer);
void AddGroupCharacter(class UPalIndividualCharacterHandle* AddIndividualHandle);
}; // Size: 0x210
class UPalBossBattleSequenceBase : public UObject
FPalBossBattleSequenceBaseOnSequenceFinishDelegate OnSequenceFinishDelegate; // 0x0028 (size: 0x10)
void SequenceFinishDelegate(bool IsSuccess);
EPalBossBattleSequenceType NextSequenceType; // 0x0038 (size: 0x1)
void TickSequence(float DeltaTime);
void SetupLevelSequenceActor(class ALevelSequenceActor* LevelSequenceActor, class ULevelSequence* LevelSequence, class ALevelInstance* LevelInstance);
void SequenceFinishDelegate__DelegateSignature(bool IsSuccess);
void SelfFinish_ForBP();
void OnBeginSequence();
void NoticeSequenceEnd_ToServer();
bool IsServer();
class UPalBossBattleSequencer* GetOuterSequencer();
class APalPlayerCharacter* GetJoinedLocalControlPlayer();
class AActor* GetBossRoomSequenceRootActor(class ALevelInstance* LevelInstance);
FPalBossBattleStaticInfo GetBossBattleStaticInfo();
void FinishSequence(bool IsSuccess);
}; // Size: 0x40
class UPalBossBattleSequencer : public UObject
FPalBossBattleSequencerOnCombatStartDelegate OnCombatStartDelegate; // 0x0028 (size: 0x10)
void BossBattleCombatStart(EPalBossType BossType);
float RemainBattleTimer; // 0x0038 (size: 0x4)
bool IsBattleTimerCountDown; // 0x003C (size: 0x1)
EPalBossBattleCombatResult CombatResult; // 0x003D (size: 0x1)
TMap<class EPalBossBattleSequenceType, class TSubclassOf<UPalBossBattleSequenceBase>> SequenceClassMap; // 0x0040 (size: 0x50)
TMap<class EPalBossBattleSequenceType, class UPalBossBattleSequenceBase*> SequenceMap; // 0x0090 (size: 0x50)
class UPalBossBattleSequenceBase* CurrentSequence; // 0x00E0 (size: 0x8)
class UPalBossBattleInstanceModel* BossBattleInstanceModel; // 0x00E8 (size: 0x8)
TArray<class APalPlayerCharacter*> InRoomPlayers; // 0x00F0 (size: 0x10)
TArray<class APalPlayerCharacter*> SequenceEndPlayers; // 0x0100 (size: 0x10)
EPalBossType SelfBossType; // 0x0111 (size: 0x1)
class APalCharacter* BossCharacter; // 0x0118 (size: 0x8)
int32 PlayingBGMId; // 0x0120 (size: 0x4)
bool bIsClientOnly; // 0x0124 (size: 0x1)
void Tick_ForBP(float DeltaTime);
void StopBGM();
void SetPlayerMoveDisable(class APalPlayerCharacter* Player, bool Disable);
void SetMutekiAllPlayer(bool bIsMuteki);
void SetBossCharacter(class APalCharacter* BossActor);
void SetAllPlayerMoveDisable(bool Disable);
void RemovePlayerFromInRoomList(class APalPlayerCharacter* Player);
void RemoveDyingStatus();
void PlayBGM(class UAkAudioEvent* BGMAudioEvent);
void OnPlayerRespawn(class APalPlayerCharacter* Player);
void OnPlayerDeadStopBGM(class APalPlayerCharacter* PlayerCharacter);
void OnOpeningEnd(bool Success);
void OnEndingEnd(bool Success);
void OnDyingDeadEndDelegate(class APalPlayerCharacter* PlayerCharacter);
void OnCompletedEnd(bool Success);
void OnCombatFinish(EPalBossBattleCombatResult InCombatResult);
void OnCombatEnd(bool Success);
void NoticeClientCombatResult();
void KillAllPlayer();
bool IsClientOnly();
bool IsAllPlayerDead();
TArray<class APalPlayerCharacter*> GetSequencePlayers();
float GetRemainTimeSecond();
class APalPlayerCharacter* GetJoinedLocalPlayer();
class APalPlayerCharacter* GetJoinedAndServerLocalPlayer();
TArray<class APalPlayerCharacter*> GetInRoomPlayers();
EPalBossType GetBossType();
class APalCharacter* GetBossCharacter();
class UPalBossBattleInstanceModel* GetBossBattleInstanceModel();
TArray<class APalPlayerCharacter*> GetAliveOrDyingPlayers();
void FullRecoveryHPAllPlayer();
void ForceRespawnPlayer();
class APalPlayerCharacter* FindFirstCombatTargetForBossAI();
void BossBattleCombatStart__DelegateSignature(EPalBossType BossType);
}; // Size: 0x128
class UPalBossEntryWaitInfoHUD : public UPalUserWidgetWorldHUD
bool EnableCountDown; // 0x0408 (size: 0x1)
class APalBossTower* BossTower; // 0x0410 (size: 0x8)
FDateTime TimeLimitDate; // 0x0418 (size: 0x8)
void UpdateWaitInfo(bool bIsCountDown, FDateTime TimeLimit);
void UpdateCountDown();
void OnCloseHUD();
}; // Size: 0x420
class UPalBuildObjectDataMap : public UObject
TMap<class FName, class FPalBuildObjectData> BuildObjectDataIdMap; // 0x0028 (size: 0x50)
FPalBuildObjectData GetByMapObjectId(const FName MapObjectId);
FPalBuildObjectData GetById(const FName ID);
void GetBuildObjectDataMapForType(const EPalBuildObjectTypeA TypeA, TArray<FPalBuildObjectData>& OutArray);
void GetBuildObjectDataArrayForTypeAByTypeB(const EPalBuildObjectTypeA TypeA, TArray<FPalBuildObjectDataSetTypeB>& OutArray);
}; // Size: 0x90
class UPalBuildObjectDataUtility : public UBlueprintFunctionLibrary
int32 ToSortPriorityTypeB(const EPalBuildObjectTypeB TypeB);
int32 ToSortPriorityTypeA(const EPalBuildObjectTypeA TypeA);
int32 ToInt(const EPalBuildObjectTypeA TypeA);
EPalBuildObjectTypeA ToBuildObjectTypeA(const int32 Value);
void MaterialInfos(const FPalBuildObjectData& BuildObjectData, TArray<FPalItemRecipeMaterialInfo>& MaterialInfos);
}; // Size: 0x28
class UPalBuildObjectInstallStrategyAttachToCeil : public UPalBuildObjectInstallStrategyAttachToObjectBase
}; // Size: 0x38
class UPalBuildObjectInstallStrategyAttachToObjectBase : public UPalBuildObjectInstallStrategyBase
}; // Size: 0x38
class UPalBuildObjectInstallStrategyAttachToWall : public UPalBuildObjectInstallStrategyAttachToObjectBase
}; // Size: 0x38
class UPalBuildObjectInstallStrategyBase : public UObject
class APalBuildObject* TargetBuildObject; // 0x0028 (size: 0x8)
}; // Size: 0x38
class UPalBuildObjectInstallStrategyBaseCampPoint : public UPalBuildObjectInstallStrategySinkableNormal
class APalBuildObjectBaseCampPoint* TargetBuildObjectCache; // 0x0038 (size: 0x8)
}; // Size: 0x40
class UPalBuildObjectInstallStrategyFloor : public UPalBuildObjectInstallStrategyBase
class AActor* HitActorCache; // 0x0038 (size: 0x8)
class APalBuildObject* HitBuildObjectCache; // 0x0040 (size: 0x8)
}; // Size: 0x50
class UPalBuildObjectInstallStrategyFoundation : public UPalBuildObjectInstallStrategyBase
class AActor* HitActorCache; // 0x0038 (size: 0x8)
class APalBuildObject* HitBuildObjectCache; // 0x0040 (size: 0x8)
}; // Size: 0x50
class UPalBuildObjectInstallStrategyGroundWall : public UPalBuildObjectInstallStrategyBase
class AActor* HitActorCache; // 0x0038 (size: 0x8)
class APalBuildObject* HitBuildObjectCache; // 0x0040 (size: 0x8)
}; // Size: 0x68
class UPalBuildObjectInstallStrategyNormal : public UPalBuildObjectInstallStrategyBase
}; // Size: 0x38
class UPalBuildObjectInstallStrategyPalStorage : public UPalBuildObjectInstallStrategySinkableNormal
class APalBuildObjectPalStorage* TargetPalStorageCache; // 0x0038 (size: 0x8)
}; // Size: 0x40
class UPalBuildObjectInstallStrategyRoof : public UPalBuildObjectInstallStrategyBase
class AActor* HitActorCache; // 0x0038 (size: 0x8)
class APalBuildObject* HitBuildObjectCache; // 0x0040 (size: 0x8)
}; // Size: 0x50
class UPalBuildObjectInstallStrategySinkableNormal : public UPalBuildObjectInstallStrategyBase
}; // Size: 0x38
class UPalBuildObjectInstallStrategyStairs : public UPalBuildObjectInstallStrategyBase
class AActor* HitActorCache; // 0x0038 (size: 0x8)
class APalBuildObject* HitBuildObjectCache; // 0x0040 (size: 0x8)
}; // Size: 0x50
class UPalBuildObjectInstallStrategyWall : public UPalBuildObjectInstallStrategyBase
class AActor* HitActorCache; // 0x0038 (size: 0x8)
class APalBuildObject* HitBuildObjectCache; // 0x0040 (size: 0x8)
}; // Size: 0x68
class UPalBuildObjectInstallStrategyWallV2 : public UPalBuildObjectInstallStrategyBase
class AActor* HitActorCache; // 0x0038 (size: 0x8)
class APalBuildObject* HitBuildObjectCache; // 0x0040 (size: 0x8)
}; // Size: 0x68
class UPalBuildObjectOverlapChecker : public UObject
class UShapeComponent* Collision; // 0x0030 (size: 0x8)
class APalBuildObject* Owner; // 0x0038 (size: 0x8)
TArray<class APalBuildObject*> OverlapBuildObjects; // 0x0040 (size: 0x10)
TArray<class UObject*> OverlapOtherObjects; // 0x0050 (size: 0x10)
class AActor* OverlappedActor; // 0x0060 (size: 0x8)
TArray<FName> AllowOverlapCollisionPresetNames; // 0x0068 (size: 0x10)
void OnOverlapEnd(class UPrimitiveComponent* OverlappedComp, class AActor* OtherActor, class UPrimitiveComponent* OtherComp, int32 OtherBodyIndex);
void OnOverlapBegin(class UPrimitiveComponent* OverlappedComp, class AActor* OtherActor, class UPrimitiveComponent* OtherComp, int32 OtherBodyIndex, bool bFromSweep, const FHitResult& SweepResult);
}; // Size: 0x78
class UPalBuildObjectVisualControlComponent : public UActorComponent
TMap<class UMeshComponent*, class FPalBuildObjectMaterialArray> NormalMaterialMapCache; // 0x00A0 (size: 0x50)
TMap<class UDecalComponent*, class UMaterialInterface*> DecalNormalMaterialMapCache; // 0x00F0 (size: 0x50)
class UNiagaraComponent* DamageNiagaraComp; // 0x0158 (size: 0x8)
}; // Size: 0x160
class UPalBuildOperator : public UObject
FPalBuildOperatorOnCompleteBuildInServerDelegate OnCompleteBuildInServerDelegate; // 0x0028 (size: 0x10)
void MapObjectModelDynamicDelegate(class UPalMapObjectModel* MapObjectModel);
FBuildingSurfaceMaterialSet BuildingSurfaceMaterialSet; // 0x0038 (size: 0x38)
class UPalBuildObjectDataMap* DataMap; // 0x0070 (size: 0x8)
TArray<class APalBuildObject*> BuildObjects; // 0x0078 (size: 0x10)
}; // Size: 0x88
class UPalBuildProcess : public UObject
FPalBuildProcessOnUpdateStateDelegate OnUpdateStateDelegate; // 0x0028 (size: 0x10)
void UpdateStateDelegate(class UPalBuildProcess* BuildProcess);
FPalBuildProcessOnFinishBuildDelegate OnFinishBuildDelegate; // 0x0038 (size: 0x10)
void UpdateStateDelegate(class UPalBuildProcess* BuildProcess);
EPalBuildProcessState State; // 0x0048 (size: 0x1)
class UPalWorkProgress* BuildWork; // 0x0050 (size: 0x8)
void UpdateStateDelegate__DelegateSignature(class UPalBuildProcess* BuildProcess);
void OnRep_StateChanged();
void OnRep_BuildWork();
void OnReflectFinishBuildWork(class UPalWorkBase* Work);
void OnFinishWorkInServer(class UPalWorkBase* Work);
bool IsCompleted();
class UPalWorkProgress* GetWorkProgress();
}; // Size: 0x68
class UPalBuildProgressWorldHUDParameter : public UPalHUDDispatchParameterBase
class UPalBuildProcess* BuildProcess; // 0x0038 (size: 0x8)
class APalBuildObject* BuildObject; // 0x0040 (size: 0x8)
}; // Size: 0x48
class UPalBuilderComponent : public UActorComponent
FPalBuilderComponentOnUpdatePossessMaterials OnUpdatePossessMaterials; // 0x00A0 (size: 0x10)
void MulticastReturnSelfDelegate(class UPalBuilderComponent* Self);
FPalBuilderComponentOnStartBuildingMode_Local OnStartBuildingMode_Local; // 0x00B0 (size: 0x10)
void MulticastReturnSelfDelegate(class UPalBuilderComponent* Self);
FPalBuilderComponentOnEndBuildingMode_Local OnEndBuildingMode_Local; // 0x00C0 (size: 0x10)
void MulticastReturnSelfDelegate(class UPalBuilderComponent* Self);
float InstallDistanceNormalFromOwner; // 0x00D0 (size: 0x4)
float InstallableRange; // 0x00D4 (size: 0x4)
class UCameraComponent* OwnerCamera; // 0x00D8 (size: 0x8)
class APalBuildObjectInstallChecker* InstallChecker; // 0x00E0 (size: 0x8)
class APalDismantleObjectChecker* DismantleChecker; // 0x00E8 (size: 0x8)
void RequestBuild_ToServer(const FName BuildObjectId, const FVector& Location, const FQuat& Rotation, const TArray<FPalNetArchive>& ExtraParameterArchives, FPalBuildRequestDebugParameter DebugParameter);
void ReceiveBuildResult_ToRequestClient(const EPalMapObjectOperationResult Result);
void OnExitBaseCamp(class UPalBaseCampModel* BaseCampModel);
void OnEnterBaseCamp(class UPalBaseCampModel* BaseCampModel);
void MulticastReturnSelfDelegate__DelegateSignature(class UPalBuilderComponent* Self);
bool IsInstallAtReticle();
bool IsExistsMaterialForBuildObject(const FPalBuildObjectData& BuildObjectData);
bool IsExecuting();
bool IsEnableDismantle();
EPalMapObjectOperationResult IsEnableBuild();
class APalBuildObject* GetDismantleTargetObject();
void CollectItemInfoEnableToUseMaterial(TArray<FName> StaticItemIds, TArray<FPalStaticItemIdAndNum>& OutItemInfos);
}; // Size: 0x100
class UPalBulletCreator : public UObject
class APalBullet* SpawnBullet(const class UObject* WorldContextObject, TSubclassOf<class APalBullet> bulletClass, const FTransform& SpawnTransform, ESpawnActorCollisionHandlingMethod collisionHandlingOverride, class AActor* Owner, class APawn* instigato);
class APalBullet* CreateBullet(const class UObject* WorldContextObject, class APalWeaponBase* weapon, TSubclassOf<class APalBullet> bulletClass, const FTransform& SpawnTransform, ESpawnActorCollisionHandlingMethod collisionHandlingOverride, class AActor* Owner, class APawn* Instigator);
}; // Size: 0x28
class UPalBulletModifierComponent : public UActorComponent
void Initialize(const class APalBullet* Bullet);
}; // Size: 0xA0
class UPalBurnBoxComponent : public UBoxComponent
void EndOverlapEvent(class UPrimitiveComponent* OverlappedComponent, class AActor* OtherActor, class UPrimitiveComponent* OtherComp, int32 OtherBodyIndex);
void BeginOverlapEvent(class UPrimitiveComponent* OverlappedComponent, class AActor* OtherActor, class UPrimitiveComponent* OtherComp, int32 OtherBodyIndex, bool bFromSweep, const FHitResult& SweepResult);
}; // Size: 0x580
class UPalCameraShakeBase : public UCameraShakeBase
class UCurveFloat* CurveAsset; // 0x00E8 (size: 0x8)
float OscillationDuration; // 0x00F0 (size: 0x4)
float OscillationBlendInTime; // 0x00F4 (size: 0x4)
float OscillationBlendOutTime; // 0x00F8 (size: 0x4)
FROscillator RotOscillation; // 0x00FC (size: 0x24)
FVOscillator LocOscillation; // 0x0120 (size: 0x24)
FFOscillator FOVOscillation; // 0x0144 (size: 0xC)
float OscillatorTimeRemaining; // 0x0150 (size: 0x4)
}; // Size: 0x1D0
class UPalCameraShakePattern : public UCameraShakePattern
}; // Size: 0x28
class UPalCaptureBallEffectSettingDataAsset : public UDataAsset
TMap<class EPalSizeType, class FPalCaptureBallEffectSettingData> EffectSettingDataArray; // 0x0030 (size: 0x50)
FPalCaptureBallEffectSettingData GetEffectSettingData(const EPalSizeType PalSizeType);
}; // Size: 0x80
class UPalCaptureReactionComponent : public UActorComponent
}; // Size: 0xA0
class UPalCharacterAroundInfoCollectorComponent : public USphereComponent
FPalCharacterAroundInfoCollectorComponentOnOverlapBeginDelegate OnOverlapBeginDelegate; // 0x0560 (size: 0x10)
void OverlapDelegate(class AActor* OtherActor);
FPalCharacterAroundInfoCollectorComponentOnOverlapEndDelegate OnOverlapEndDelegate; // 0x0570 (size: 0x10)
void OverlapDelegate(class AActor* OtherActor);
TArray<FGuid> MapObjectModelIds; // 0x0580 (size: 0x10)
void OverlapDelegate__DelegateSignature(class AActor* OtherActor);
void OnOverlapEnd(class UPrimitiveComponent* OverlappedComp, class AActor* OtherActor, class UPrimitiveComponent* OtherComp, int32 OtherBodyIndex);
void OnOverlapBegin(class UPrimitiveComponent* OverlappedComp, class AActor* OtherActor, class UPrimitiveComponent* OtherComp, int32 OtherBodyIndex, bool bFromSweep, const FHitResult& SweepResult);
}; // Size: 0x590
class UPalCharacterCameraComponent : public UCameraComponent
float WalkFOV; // 0x0A30 (size: 0x4)
float SprintFOV; // 0x0A34 (size: 0x4)
float SprintFOVInterpSpeed; // 0x0A38 (size: 0x4)
float PostProcessInterpTime; // 0x0A3C (size: 0x4)
float DepthOfFieldFocalDistance_NoAim; // 0x0A40 (size: 0x4)
float DepthOfFieldDepthBlurAmount_NoAim; // 0x0A44 (size: 0x4)
float DepthOfFieldDepthBlurRadius_NoAim; // 0x0A48 (size: 0x4)
float DepthOfFieldFstop_NoAim; // 0x0A4C (size: 0x4)
float DepthOfFieldFocalDistance_Aim; // 0x0A50 (size: 0x4)
float DepthOfFieldDepthBlurAmount_Aim; // 0x0A54 (size: 0x4)
float DepthOfFieldDepthBlurRadius_Aim; // 0x0A58 (size: 0x4)
float DepthOfFieldFstop_Aim; // 0x0A5C (size: 0x4)
TMap<class EPalWeaponType, class FPalCameraDOFSetting> DefaultWeaponDOFSetting; // 0x0A60 (size: 0x50)
TMap<class TSoftClassPtr<APalWeaponBase>, class FPalCameraDOFSetting> UniqueWeaponDOFSetting; // 0x0AB0 (size: 0x50)
bool bIsDynamicDOFFocalDistance; // 0x0B00 (size: 0x1)
float DynamicDOFFocalDistanceSpeed; // 0x0B04 (size: 0x4)
float DynamicDOFFocalDistanceMAX; // 0x0B08 (size: 0x4)
bool bIsEnableSpeedBlur; // 0x0B0C (size: 0x1)
class UMaterialInterface* DynamicSpeedBlurMaterial; // 0x0B10 (size: 0x8)
float SpeedBlurInterpSpeed; // 0x0B18 (size: 0x4)
float MinSpeedBlurSpeed; // 0x0B1C (size: 0x4)
float MaxSpeedBlurSpeed; // 0x0B20 (size: 0x4)
float MaxSpeedBlurAlpha; // 0x0B24 (size: 0x4)
bool bIsEnableAimBlur; // 0x0B28 (size: 0x1)
class UMaterialInterface* DynamicAimBlurMaterial; // 0x0B30 (size: 0x8)
float BlendInAimBlurInterpTime; // 0x0B38 (size: 0x4)
float BlendOutAimBlurInterpTime; // 0x0B3C (size: 0x4)
float AimFOVInterpTime; // 0x0B40 (size: 0x4)
float AimFOV; // 0x0B44 (size: 0x4)
float RotateSpeedRate; // 0x0B48 (size: 0x4)
class UMaterialInstanceDynamic* DynamicSpeedBlurMaterialDynamic; // 0x0BB8 (size: 0x8)
class UMaterialInstanceDynamic* DynamicAimBlurMaterialDynamic; // 0x0BC0 (size: 0x8)
void OnStartAim();
void OnEndAim();
}; // Size: 0xBD0
class UPalCharacterContainerDefine : public UBlueprintFunctionLibrary
}; // Size: 0x28
class UPalCharacterContainerManager : public UPalWorldSubsystem
TMap<class FPalContainerId, class UPalIndividualCharacterContainer*> ContainerMap_InServer; // 0x0080 (size: 0x50)
TMap<class FPalContainerId, class UPalIndividualCharacterContainer*> LocalContainerMap; // 0x0120 (size: 0x50)
bool TryGetContainer(const FPalContainerId& ContainerId, class UPalIndividualCharacterContainer*& Container);
class UPalIndividualCharacterSlot* GetLocalSlot(const FPalContainerId& ContainerId, const int32 SlotIndex);
class UPalIndividualCharacterContainer* GetLocalContainer(const FPalContainerId& ContainerId);
class UPalIndividualCharacterContainer* GetContainer(const FPalContainerId& ContainerId);
}; // Size: 0x170
class UPalCharacterImportanceManager : public UObject
TArray<class APalPlayerCharacter*> PlayerList; // 0x0030 (size: 0x10)
TArray<class APalPlayerCharacter*> PlayerList_ForOutsideGet; // 0x0040 (size: 0x10)
TMap<class EPalCharacterImportanceType, class FCharacterListForImportanceManager> CharacterMap; // 0x0050 (size: 0x50)
TArray<class APalNPCSpawnerBase*> SpawnerList; // 0x00A0 (size: 0x10)
void GetImportantNPC(TArray<class APalCharacter*>& OutArray);
void GetAllPlayer(TArray<class APalCharacter*>& OutArray);
void GetAllPalCharacter(TArray<class APalCharacter*>& OutArray);
void GetAllNPC(TArray<class APalCharacter*>& OutArray);
}; // Size: 0xD0
class UPalCharacterLiftupObjectComponent : public UActorComponent
bool bIsLifting; // 0x00AA (size: 0x1)
bool bEnableLiftup; // 0x00B4 (size: 0x1)
void SetEnable(const bool bInEnable);
void OnOverlapEndCageAreaWalls();
void OnHitOwnerMainMesh(class UPrimitiveComponent* HitComponent, class AActor* OtherActor, class UPrimitiveComponent* OtherComponent, FVector NormalImpulse, const FHitResult& Hit);
bool IsLifting();
FGuid GetLastLiftRequestedPlayerUId();
void BroadcastSetBeingThrown(const bool bInBeingThrown);
}; // Size: 0x100
class UPalCharacterManager : public UPalWorldSubsystem
FPalCharacterManagerOnIndividualParameterSynced OnIndividualParameterSynced; // 0x00C8 (size: 0x10)
void CharacterParameterAddedDelegate(FPalInstanceID InstanceId);
TSubclassOf<class UPalActionBase> AttackNearBaseClass; // 0x00D8 (size: 0x8)
TSubclassOf<class UPalActionBase> AttackFarBaseClass; // 0x00E0 (size: 0x8)
TMap<class FPalInstanceID, class UPalIndividualCharacterParameter*> IndividualParameterMap; // 0x00E8 (size: 0x50)
TMap<class FPalInstanceID, class TWeakObjectPtr<UPalIndividualCharacterHandle>> WeakIndividualHandleMap; // 0x0138 (size: 0x50)
TArray<class UPalIndividualCharacterHandle*> InitializeWaitingHandles; // 0x0188 (size: 0x10)
TArray<class UPalIndividualCharacterHandle*> NoHoldHandles; // 0x0198 (size: 0x10)
TMap<class FPalInstanceID, class UPalIndividualCharacterHandleReference*> CachedRefenrenceOnlyHandles; // 0x01A8 (size: 0x50)
TArray<class UPalIndividualCharacterHandle*> CreatingHandles; // 0x0200 (size: 0x10)
TArray<class UPalIndividualCharacterHandle*> SpawningActorHandles; // 0x0210 (size: 0x10)
TArray<class UPalIndividualCharacterHandle*> ReserveDestroyActorHandles; // 0x0220 (size: 0x10)
TArray<class UPalIndividualCharacterParameter*> CachedIndividualParameterList; // 0x0230 (size: 0x10)
void SpawnPhantomByHandle(class UPalIndividualCharacterHandle* Handle, FNetworkActorSpawnParameters SpawnParameter, FSpawnPhantomByHandleSpawnCallback spawnCallback);
class UPalIndividualCharacterHandle* SpawnNewCharacterWithInitializeParameterCallback(FPalIndividualCharacterSaveParameter initParameter, FNetworkActorSpawnParameters SpawnParameter, EPalCharacterCompleteDelegatePriority InitializeParameterCallbackPriority, FSpawnNewCharacterWithInitializeParameterCallbackInitializeParameterCallback InitializeParameterCallback, FSpawnNewCharacterWithInitializeParameterCallbackSpawnCallback spawnCallback);
class UPalIndividualCharacterHandle* SpawnNewCharacter(FPalIndividualCharacterSaveParameter initParameter, FNetworkActorSpawnParameters SpawnParameter, FSpawnNewCharacterSpawnCallback spawnCallback);
void SpawnCharacterByHandleWithInitializeParameterCallback(class UPalIndividualCharacterHandle* Handle, FNetworkActorSpawnParameters SpawnParameter, EPalCharacterCompleteDelegatePriority InitializeParameterCallbackPriority, FSpawnCharacterByHandleWithInitializeParameterCallbackInitializeParameterCallback InitializeParameterCallback, FSpawnCharacterByHandleWithInitializeParameterCallbackSpawnCallback spawnCallback);
void SpawnCharacterByHandle(class UPalIndividualCharacterHandle* Handle, FNetworkActorSpawnParameters SpawnParameter, FSpawnCharacterByHandleSpawnCallback spawnCallback);
void RaiseToMainActor(class UPalIndividualCharacterHandle* Handle, int32 PhantomId, FRaiseToMainActorCallback Callback);
void OnCreateIndividualID(FPalInstanceID ID);
void IndividualPhantomIDCallback__DelegateSignature(FPalInstanceID ID, int32 PhantomId);
void IndividualIDCallback__DelegateSignature(FPalInstanceID ID);
class UPalIndividualCharacterHandleReference* GetIndividualHandleReference(FPalInstanceID ID);
class UPalIndividualCharacterHandle* GetIndividualHandleFromCharacterParameter(class UPalIndividualCharacterParameter* Parameter);
class UPalIndividualCharacterHandle* GetIndividualHandle(FPalInstanceID ID);
class UPalIndividualCharacterParameter* GetIndividualCharacterParameter(const FPalInstanceID& IndividualId);
void DespawnPhantomByHandle(class UPalIndividualCharacterHandle* Handle, int32 PhantomId, FDespawnPhantomByHandleSpawnCallback spawnCallback);
void DespawnCharacterByHandle(class UPalIndividualCharacterHandle* Handle, FDespawnCharacterByHandleSpawnCallback spawnCallback);
class UPalIndividualCharacterHandle* CreateIndividualByFixedID(FPalInstanceID ID, FPalIndividualCharacterSaveParameter initParameter, FCreateIndividualByFixedIDSpawnCallback spawnCallback);
class UPalIndividualCharacterHandle* CreateIndividual(FPalIndividualCharacterSaveParameter initParameter, FCreateIndividualSpawnCallback spawnCallback);
void CharacterParameterAddedDelegate__DelegateSignature(FPalInstanceID InstanceId);
void CharacterHandleDelegate__DelegateSignature(class UPalIndividualCharacterHandle* CharacterHandle);
}; // Size: 0x240
class UPalCharacterManagerReplicator : public UPalGameStateReplicatorBase
FFastCharacterParameterRepInfoArray CharacterParameterInfosFast; // 0x0028 (size: 0x148)
void OnPreReplicatedRemoveItem(const FCharacterParameterRepInfo& Item);
void OnPostReplicatedChangeItem(const FCharacterParameterRepInfo& Item);
void OnPostReplicatedAddItem(const FCharacterParameterRepInfo& Item);
void OnPep_CharacterParameterInfos();
}; // Size: 0x170
class UPalCharacterMovementComponent : public UCharacterMovementComponent
FPalCharacterMovementComponentOnMovementModeChangedDelegate OnMovementModeChangedDelegate; // 0x0EF8 (size: 0x10)
void OnMovementModeChangedDelegate(class UPalCharacterMovementComponent* Component, TEnumAsByte<EMovementMode> prevMode, TEnumAsByte<EMovementMode> newMode, EPalCharacterMovementCustomMode PrevCustomMode, EPalCharacterMovementCustomMode NewCustomMode);
FPalCharacterMovementComponentOnJumpDelegate OnJumpDelegate; // 0x0F08 (size: 0x10)
void OnJumpDelegate(class UPalCharacterMovementComponent* Component);
FPalCharacterMovementComponentOnFlyDelegate OnFlyDelegate; // 0x0F18 (size: 0x10)
void OnFlyDelegate(class UPalCharacterMovementComponent* Component);
FPalCharacterMovementComponentOnLandedDelegate OnLandedDelegate; // 0x0F28 (size: 0x10)
void OnLandedDelegate(class UPalCharacterMovementComponent* Component, const FHitResult& Hit);
FPalCharacterMovementComponentOnChangeCrouchDelegate OnChangeCrouchDelegate; // 0x0F38 (size: 0x10)
void OnChangeCrouch(class UPalCharacterMovementComponent* Component, bool IsInCrouch);
FPalCharacterMovementComponentOnChangeSprintDelegate OnChangeSprintDelegate; // 0x0F48 (size: 0x10)
void OnChangeSprint(class UPalCharacterMovementComponent* Component, bool IsInSprint);
FPalCharacterMovementComponentOnChangeSlidingDelegate OnChangeSlidingDelegate; // 0x0F58 (size: 0x10)
void OnChangeSliding(class UPalCharacterMovementComponent* Component, bool IsInSliding);
FPalCharacterMovementComponentOnChangeSwimmingDelegate OnChangeSwimmingDelegate; // 0x0F68 (size: 0x10)
void OnChangeSwimming(bool IsInSwimming);
FPalCharacterMovementComponentOnEnterWaterDelegate OnEnterWaterDelegate; // 0x0F78 (size: 0x10)
void OnEnterWater();
FPalCharacterMovementComponentOnExitWaterDelegate OnExitWaterDelegate; // 0x0F88 (size: 0x10)
void OnExitWater();
FPalCharacterMovementComponentOnJumpDisableDelegate OnJumpDisableDelegate; // 0x0F98 (size: 0x10)
void OnJumpDisable();
float DyingMaxSpeed; // 0x0FA8 (size: 0x4)
float FatigueMaxSpeed; // 0x0FAC (size: 0x4)
float SprintMaxSpeed; // 0x0FB0 (size: 0x4)
float SprintMaxAcceleration; // 0x0FB4 (size: 0x4)
float SprintYawRate; // 0x0FB8 (size: 0x4)
float GliderMaxSpeed; // 0x0FBC (size: 0x4)
float GliderAirControl; // 0x0FC0 (size: 0x4)
float GliderGravityScale; // 0x0FC4 (size: 0x4)
float SlidingStartSpeed; // 0x0FC8 (size: 0x4)
float SlidingMaxSpeed; // 0x0FCC (size: 0x4)
float SlidingAddRate; // 0x0FD0 (size: 0x4)
float SlidingSubRate; // 0x0FD4 (size: 0x4)
float SlidingYawRate; // 0x0FD8 (size: 0x4)
bool bIsEnableSkySliding; // 0x0FDC (size: 0x1)
float ClimbMaxSpeed; // 0x0FE0 (size: 0x4)
float RollingMaxSpeed; // 0x0FE4 (size: 0x4)
int32 LastLandedTransformCacheNum; // 0x0FE8 (size: 0x4)
bool bIsUseLastLandedCache; // 0x0FEC (size: 0x1)
TMap<int32, float> OverrideJumpZVelocityMap; // 0x0FF0 (size: 0x50)
TMap<FName, float> MaxAccelerationMultiplierMap; // 0x1040 (size: 0x50)
TMap<FName, float> WalkSpeedMultiplierMap; // 0x1090 (size: 0x50)
TMap<FName, float> YawRotatorMultiplierMap; // 0x10E0 (size: 0x50)
TMap<FName, float> GravityZMultiplierMap; // 0x1130 (size: 0x50)
TMap<FName, float> AirControlXYMultiplierMap; // 0x1180 (size: 0x50)
TMap<FName, float> SlideAlphaMultiplierMap; // 0x11D0 (size: 0x50)
FFlagContainer MoveDisableFlag; // 0x1220 (size: 0x50)
FFlagContainer InputDisableFlag; // 0x1270 (size: 0x50)
FFlagContainer JumpDisableFlag; // 0x12C0 (size: 0x50)
FFlagContainer DriveMoveFlag; // 0x1310 (size: 0x50)
FFlagContainer PysicsAccelerationFlag; // 0x1360 (size: 0x50)
FVector ClientLocation; // 0x13B0 (size: 0x18)
FFlagContainer CrouchDisableFlag; // 0x13D0 (size: 0x50)
FFlagContainer SlidingDisableFlag; // 0x1420 (size: 0x50)
FFlagContainer GliderDisableFlag; // 0x1470 (size: 0x50)
FFlagContainer SplintDisableFlag; // 0x14C0 (size: 0x50)
bool bRequestCrouch; // 0x1510 (size: 0x1)
bool bRequestSprint; // 0x1511 (size: 0x1)
FVector LastLandingInputVelocity; // 0x1518 (size: 0x18)
TArray<FVector> LastLandingLocationCache; // 0x1530 (size: 0x10)
FFlagContainer StepDisableFlag; // 0x1540 (size: 0x50)
TMap<EPalWalkableFloorAnglePriority, float> WalkableFloorAngleOverridesMap; // 0x1590 (size: 0x50)
float SlowWalkSpeed_Default; // 0x15E0 (size: 0x4)
float WalkSpeed_Default; // 0x15E4 (size: 0x4)
float RunSpeed_Default; // 0x15E8 (size: 0x4)
float RideSprintSpeed_Default; // 0x15EC (size: 0x4)
float TransportSpeed_Default; // 0x15F0 (size: 0x4)
float TemporaryAccelerationTimeCount; // 0x15F4 (size: 0x4)
bool IsFlyDashMode; // 0x15F8 (size: 0x1)
bool bIsGrapplingMoving; // 0x15F9 (size: 0x1)
float DefaultMaxStepHeight; // 0x15FC (size: 0x4)
EPalCharacterMovementCustomMode CustomMovementMode_ForReplicate; // 0x1600 (size: 0x1)
float InWaterRate; // 0x1604 (size: 0x4)
float DashSwimMaxSpeed; // 0x1608 (size: 0x4)
float JumpableInWaterDepth; // 0x160C (size: 0x4)
EEnterWaterFlag EnteredWaterFlag; // 0x1610 (size: 0x1)
float WaterPlaneZ; // 0x1614 (size: 0x4)
float WaterPlaneZPrev; // 0x1618 (size: 0x4)
float WaitTimeToSwimInFalling; // 0x161C (size: 0x4)
bool bIsDashSwim; // 0x1620 (size: 0x1)
void SetYawRotatorMultiplier(FName flagName, float Rate);
void SetWalkSpeedMultiplier(FName flagName, float Speed);
void SetWalkSpeedByType(FName flagName, EPalMovementSpeedType MoveSpeedType);
void SetWalkableFloorAngleOverrides(EPalWalkableFloorAnglePriority Priority, float Angle);
void SetupDatabaseSpeedByCharacterId(class APalCharacter* InCharacter, FName charaID);
void SetupDatabaseSpeed(class APalCharacter* InCharacter);
void SetStepDisableFlag(FName flagName, bool isDisable);
void SetSplintDisbleFlag(FName flagName, bool Disable);
void SetSlidingDisbleFlag(FName flagName, bool Disable);
void SetSlideAlphaMultiplier(FName flagName, float Rate);
void SetPysicsAccelerationFlag(FName flagName, bool isEnable);
void SetMoveDisableFlag(FName flagName, bool isDisable);
void SetMaxAccelerationMultiplier(FName flagName, float Speed);
void SetJumpDisableFlag(FName flagName, bool isDisable);
void SetInputDisableFlag(FName flagName, bool isDisable);
void SetGravityZMultiplier(FName flagName, float Rate);
void SetGrapplingMoving(bool IsMoving);
void SetGliderDisbleFlag(FName flagName, bool Disable);
void SetForceMaxAccel(bool bIsEnable);
void SetFlyDashMode_ToServer(bool IsDash);
void SetDriveMoveFlag(FName flagName, bool isEnable);
void SetDisableLeftHandAttachFlag(bool isDisable);
void SetDashSwimming_ToServer(bool _isDash);
void SetDashSwimming(bool _isDash);
void SetCustomMovementMode(EPalCharacterMovementCustomMode NewCustomMode);
void SetCrouchDisbleFlag(FName flagName, bool Disable);
void SetAirControlXYMultiplier(FName flagName, float Rate);
void ResetLastLandingLocationCache();
void RequestTemporaryAcceleration();
void RemoveWalkableFloorAngleOverrides(EPalWalkableFloorAnglePriority Priority);
void OnRep_CustomMovementMode_ForReplicate();
void OnMovementModeChangedDelegate__DelegateSignature(class UPalCharacterMovementComponent* Component, TEnumAsByte<EMovementMode> prevMode, TEnumAsByte<EMovementMode> newMode, EPalCharacterMovementCustomMode PrevCustomMode, EPalCharacterMovementCustomMode NewCustomMode);
void OnLandedDelegate__DelegateSignature(class UPalCharacterMovementComponent* Component, const FHitResult& Hit);
void OnJumpDisable__DelegateSignature();
void OnJumpDelegate__DelegateSignature(class UPalCharacterMovementComponent* Component);
void OnFlyDelegate__DelegateSignature(class UPalCharacterMovementComponent* Component);
void OnExitWater__DelegateSignature();
void OnExitWater();
void OnEnterWater__DelegateSignature();
void OnEnterWater();
void OnDeactivated(class UActorComponent* Component);
void OnChangeSwimming__DelegateSignature(bool IsInSwimming);
void OnChangeSprint__DelegateSignature(class UPalCharacterMovementComponent* Component, bool IsInSprint);
void OnChangeSliding__DelegateSignature(class UPalCharacterMovementComponent* Component, bool IsInSliding);
void OnChangeCrouch__DelegateSignature(class UPalCharacterMovementComponent* Component, bool IsInCrouch);
void OnChangeCrouch(class UPalCharacterMovementComponent* Component, bool IsInCrouch);
void MergeLastLandingLocationCache(const class UPalCharacterMovementComponent* MovementComponent);
void Jump();
bool IsStepDisabled();
bool IsSprint();
bool IsSliding();
bool IsRequestSliding();
bool IsPysicsAcceleration();
bool IsMoveDisabled();
bool IsJumpDisabled();
bool IsInputDisabled();
bool IsGrapplingMoving();
bool IsGliding();
bool IsFallingFromSwimming();
bool IsEnteredWater();
bool IsEnableSkySliding();
bool IsDriveMove();
bool IsDashSwimming();
bool IsClimbing();
float GetYawRotatorMultiplier();
FVector GetWaterPlaneNormal();
FVector GetWaterPlaneLocation();
float GetWalkSpeedMultiplier();
float GetWalkableFloorAngleByPriority();
FVector GetVelocity();
float GetSlideAlphaMultiplier();
float GetMaxAccelerationMultiplier();
FVector GetLastLandingLocationFromLastOfCache();
FVector GetLastLandingLocation();
float GetInWaterRate();
float GetGravityZMultiplier();
float GetDefaultRunSpeed();
EPalCharacterMovementCustomMode GetCustomMovementMode();
float GetAirControlXYMultiplier();
void CheckReturnToNavWakl();
bool CanSliding();
bool CanGainSP();
bool CanDashSwimming();
}; // Size: 0x1680
class UPalCharacterOnCompleteInitializeParameterWrapper : public UObject
FPalCharacterOnCompleteInitializeParameterWrapperOnCompleteInitializeParameterDelegate OnCompleteInitializeParameterDelegate; // 0x0028 (size: 0x10)
void OnCompleteInitializeParameter(class APalCharacter* InCharacter);
void Broadcast(class APalCharacter* Character);
}; // Size: 0x38
class UPalCharacterParameterComponent : public UActorComponent
bool bIsCooping; // 0x00A0 (size: 0x1)
bool bIsEnableSendReticleTarget; // 0x00A1 (size: 0x1)
bool bIsEnableMuteki; // 0x00A2 (size: 0x1)
FFixedPoint64 LeanBackPoint; // 0x00A8 (size: 0x8)
FFixedPoint64 LeanBackMaxPoint; // 0x00B0 (size: 0x8)
FFixedPoint64 StunPoint; // 0x00B8 (size: 0x8)
FFixedPoint64 StunMaxPoint; // 0x00C0 (size: 0x8)
bool IsSPOverheat; // 0x00C8 (size: 0x1)
bool bIsHyperArmor; // 0x00C9 (size: 0x1)
bool bIsDebugMuteki; // 0x00CA (size: 0x1)
EPalElementType ElementType1; // 0x00CB (size: 0x1)
EPalElementType ElementType2; // 0x00CC (size: 0x1)
bool IsOverrideTarget; // 0x00CD (size: 0x1)
FVector OverrideTargetLocation; // 0x00D0 (size: 0x18)
class APalCharacter* Trainer; // 0x00E8 (size: 0x8)
class APalCharacter* OtomoPal; // 0x00F0 (size: 0x8)
TWeakObjectPtr<class AActor> ReticleTargetActor; // 0x00F8 (size: 0x8)
class UPalIndividualCharacterHandle* IndividualHandle; // 0x0100 (size: 0x8)
class UPalIndividualCharacterParameter* IndividualParameter; // 0x0108 (size: 0x8)
bool IsStun; // 0x0110 (size: 0x1)
bool IsEnableSpeedCollision; // 0x0111 (size: 0x1)
bool IsCanSneakAttacked; // 0x0112 (size: 0x1)
bool IsFriendBulletIgnore; // 0x0113 (size: 0x1)
int32 BiologicalGrade; // 0x0114 (size: 0x4)
bool IsPredator; // 0x0118 (size: 0x1)
bool IsEdible; // 0x0119 (size: 0x1)
int32 HiddenCollisionOverlapCount; // 0x011C (size: 0x4)
int32 BurnCollisionOverlapCount; // 0x0120 (size: 0x4)
int32 LavaCollisionOverlapCount; // 0x0124 (size: 0x4)
EPalElementType DamageUpElement_ByElementStatus; // 0x0129 (size: 0x1)
EPalElementType DamageDownElement_ByElementStatus; // 0x012A (size: 0x1)
bool IsDarknessRandomAttack; // 0x012B (size: 0x1)
int32 AttackUp; // 0x012C (size: 0x4)
int32 DefenseUp; // 0x0130 (size: 0x4)
TMap<class EPalAdditionalEffectType, class FPalStatusAccumulate> StatusAccumulateMap; // 0x0138 (size: 0x50)
bool IsSleepAction; // 0x0188 (size: 0x1)
FVector WildPalDrinkWaterPoint; // 0x0190 (size: 0x18)
bool IsDisableOtomoReturnEffect; // 0x01A8 (size: 0x1)
FHitResult GroundHitResult; // 0x01B0 (size: 0xE8)
bool bIsUseGroundRayCast; // 0x029C (size: 0x1)
FFlagContainer DisableGroundRayCast; // 0x02A0 (size: 0x50)
FFixedPoint64 SP; // 0x02F0 (size: 0x8)
FGuid BaseCampDefenseModelId; // 0x02F8 (size: 0x10)
EPalMapBaseCampWorkerOrderType BaseCampWorkerOrderType; // 0x0308 (size: 0x1)
bool bBaseCampWorkerAttackableFriend; // 0x0309 (size: 0x1)
TMap<class FGuid, class FPalMapObjectAppearanceData> UnreachableMapObjectInfos; // 0x0310 (size: 0x50)
FPalCharacterParameter_Work Work; // 0x0360 (size: 0x78)
FPalWorkAssignHandleId WorkAssignId; // 0x03D8 (size: 0x18)
EPalWorkType WorkType; // 0x03F0 (size: 0x1)
FGuid BaseCampWalkAroundExcludeMapObjectInstanceId; // 0x03F4 (size: 0x10)
FName PossessStaticItemId; // 0x0404 (size: 0x8)
bool bBeingRescued; // 0x040C (size: 0x1)
float DyingHP; // 0x0410 (size: 0x4)
float DyingMaxHP; // 0x0414 (size: 0x4)
class UPalItemContainer* ItemContainer; // 0x0418 (size: 0x8)
bool IsCapturedProcessing; // 0x0420 (size: 0x1)
FPalCharacterParameterComponentOnUpdatePossessItemDelegate OnUpdatePossessItemDelegate; // 0x0428 (size: 0x10)
void UpdateParameterDelegate(class UPalCharacterParameterComponent* Parameter);
FPalCharacterParameterComponentOnUpdateWorkAssignIdDelegate OnUpdateWorkAssignIdDelegate; // 0x0438 (size: 0x10)
void UpdateWorkAssignIdDelegate(class UPalCharacterParameterComponent* Parameter);
FPalCharacterParameterComponentOnSPOverheatDelegate OnSPOverheatDelegate; // 0x0448 (size: 0x10)
void SPOverheatDelegate();
FPalCharacterParameterComponentOnChangeTrapLegHoldDelegate OnChangeTrapLegHoldDelegate; // 0x0458 (size: 0x10)
void OnChangeTrapDelegate(bool IsExist);
FPalCharacterParameterComponentOnChangeTrapMovingPanelDelegate OnChangeTrapMovingPanelDelegate; // 0x0468 (size: 0x10)
void OnChangeTrapDelegate(bool IsExist);
FVector TrapDirection; // 0x0478 (size: 0x18)
TMap<FPalInstanceID, int32> DamageMap; // 0x0490 (size: 0x50)
bool CanDropItem; // 0x04E0 (size: 0x1)
FFlagContainer DisableNaturalHealing_Component; // 0x04E8 (size: 0x50)
TArray<TWeakObjectPtr<AActor>> TrapLegHoldList; // 0x0638 (size: 0x10)
TArray<TWeakObjectPtr<AActor>> TrapMovingPanelList; // 0x0648 (size: 0x10)
class UPalOtomoAttackStopJudgeByBallList* OtomoAttackStopJudge; // 0x0658 (size: 0x8)
TArray<FPalMapObjectAppearanceDataWithId> UnreachableMapObjectRepInfoArray; // 0x0660 (size: 0x10)
void ZeroDyingHP_ToServer();
void ZeroDyingHP();
void UpdateWorkAssignIdDelegate__DelegateSignature(class UPalCharacterParameterComponent* Parameter);
void UpdateParameterDelegate__DelegateSignature(class UPalCharacterParameterComponent* Parameter);
void SubDyingHP(float SubHP);
void SPOverheatDelegate__DelegateSignature();
void SetupBiologicalGradeFromDatabase();
void SetTrainer(class APalCharacter* inTrainer);
void SetSP(FFixedPoint64 NewSP);
void SetReticleTarget_ToServer(class AActor* Actor);
void SetOverrideTargetLocation_ToServer(FVector TargetLocation);
void SetOverrideTargetLocation(FVector TargetLocation);
void SetMuteki(FName flagName, bool isEnable);
void SetMP(FFixedPoint64 NewMP);
void SetMaxSP(FFixedPoint64 NewMaxSP);
void SetMaxMP(FFixedPoint64 NewMaxMP);
void SetMaxHP(FFixedPoint64 NewMaxHP);
void SetIsOverrideTarget_Innner(bool IsOverride);
void SetIsOverrideTarget(bool IsOverride);
void SetIsCapturedProcessing(bool IsCaptureProcess);
void SetHP(FFixedPoint64 NewHP);
void SetEnableSendReticleTarget(FName flagName, bool isEnable);
void SetElementTypeFromDatabase(class APalCharacter* InCharacter);
void SetDisableNaturalHealing_Component(FName Key, bool Disable);
void SetDisableCreateUNKO(FName flagName, bool isDisable);
void SetCoopingFlag(bool isEnable);
void ReviveFromDying();
void ResetSP();
void ResetDyingHP();
void RemoveTrapMovingPanel(class AActor* TrapActor);
void RemoveTrapLegHold(class AActor* TrapActor);
void OnSlipDamage(int32 Damage);
void OnRep_Trainer();
void OnRep_PossessStaticItemId();
void OnRep_ItemContainer();
void OnRep_IndividualParameter();
void OnInitializedCharacter(class APalCharacter* OwnerCharacter);
void OnInitialize_AfterSetIndividualParameter(class APalCharacter* Character);
void OnDamage(FPalDamageResult DamageResult);
void OnChangeTrapDelegate__DelegateSignature(bool IsExist);
bool IsOtomo();
bool IsMuteki();
bool IsLive();
bool IsInHiddenCollision();
bool IsHyperArmor();
bool IsHittingLava();
bool IsDyingHPZero();
bool IsDyingHPMax();
bool IsDying();
bool IsDead();
bool IsCooping();
bool IsAssignedToAnyWork();
bool IsAssignedFixed();
bool HasFloorPhysMaterial();
bool HasElementType(const EPalElementType ElementType);
FGuid GetWorkId();
class UPalWorkAssign* GetWorkAssign();
class UPalWorkBase* GetWork();
FFixedPoint64 GetSP();
int32 GetShotAttack();
float GetSanity();
float GetRadius();
FVector GetOverrideTargetLocation_ConsiderRide();
class UPalOtomoAttackStopJudgeByBallList* GetOtomoAttackStopJudge();
void GetNickname(FString& outName);
FFixedPoint64 GetMP();
int32 GetMeleeAttack();
FFixedPoint64 GetMaxSP();
float GetMaxSanity();
FFixedPoint64 GetMaxMP();
FFixedPoint64 GetMaxHP();
float GetMaxFullStomach();
FGuid GetMapObjectInstanceIdApproachTo();
int32 GetLevel();
int32 GetLegHoldResistLevel();
bool GetIsCapturedProcessing();
class UPalIndividualCharacterParameter* GetIndividualParameter();
FFixedPoint64 GetHP();
FHitResult GetHitGroundResult();
float GetFullStomach();
TEnumAsByte<EPhysicalSurface> GetFloorPhisicalSurface();
FVector GetFloorLocation();
int32 GetDefense();
int32 GetCraftSpeed_WorkSuitability(const EPalWorkSuitability WorkSuitability);
int32 GetCraftSpeed();
FGuid GetBaseCampId();
void AddTrapMovingPanel(class AActor* TrapActor);
void AddTrapLegHold(class AActor* TrapActor);
void AddDyingHP(float AddHP);
}; // Size: 0x670
class UPalCharacterParameterStorageSubsystem : public UPalWorldSubsystem
FPalCharacterParameterStorageSubsystemOnStoredParameterDelegate_ForServer OnStoredParameterDelegate_ForServer; // 0x0078 (size: 0x10)
void StoredParameterDelegate(const FPalCharacterStoredParameterId& StoredID);
FPalCharacterParameterStorageSubsystemOnRemovedParameterDelegate_ForServer OnRemovedParameterDelegate_ForServer; // 0x0088 (size: 0x10)
void RemovedParameterDelegate(const FPalCharacterStoredParameterId& RemovedID);
TMap<class FPalCharacterStoredParameterId, class FPalCharacterStoredParameterInfo> StoredParameterInfoMap; // 0x0098 (size: 0x50)
}; // Size: 0xE8
class UPalCharacterShop : public UPalShopBase
TArray<class UPalShopProduct_LostPal*> LocalLostPalProductArray; // 0x00B8 (size: 0x10)
}; // Size: 0xC8
class UPalCharacterStatusOperation : public UObject
TMap<FName, int32> GetReturnItemsForResetCharacterStatusAll(const class UObject* WorldContextObject, const class UPalIndividualCharacterParameter* TargetIndividualParameter);
int32 GetRequiredRelicCountForLocalPlayer(const class UObject* WorldContextObject);
int32 GetRequiredMoneyCountForResetLocalPlayer(const class UObject* WorldContextObject);
int32 GetRequiredMoneyCountForResetCharacterStatusAll(const class UObject* WorldContextObject, class UPalIndividualCharacterHandle* targetHandle);
int32 GetRequiredMoneyCountForResetCharacterStatus(const class UObject* WorldContextObject, class UPalIndividualCharacterHandle* targetHandle, const EPalCharacterStatusOperationName StatusName);
void GetRequiredItemCountForCharacterStatus(const class UObject* WorldContextObject, class UPalIndividualCharacterHandle* targetHandle, const EPalCharacterStatusOperationName StatusName, FName& OutStaticItemId, int32& OutItemNum);
int32 GetCurrentStatusRank(const class UPalIndividualCharacterParameter* TargetIndividualParameter, const EPalCharacterStatusOperationName StatusName);
int32 GetCurrentLocalPlayerStatusPoint(const class UObject* WorldContextObject, const FName StatusName);
}; // Size: 0x28
class UPalCheatManager : public UCheatManager
class UPalDebugWindowSetting* DebugWindowSetting; // 0x0090 (size: 0x8)
class UDataTable* DebugProgressPresetDataTable; // 0x0098 (size: 0x8)
TSubclassOf<class APalDebug_SpawnInfoReporter> SpawnerInfoReporterClass; // 0x00A0 (size: 0x8)
class APalImGui* PalImGui; // 0x00A8 (size: 0x8)
class UPalStatPalCount* PalCountSystem; // 0x00B0 (size: 0x8)
class APalDebug_SpawnInfoReporter* SpawnInfoReporter; // 0x00B8 (size: 0x8)
void WorkerEventLog();
void WorkerEventInterval(const float Interval);
void WildPalCombatStart();
void WazaCoolTimeFastMode();
void VisitorTravel();
void UpdateBaseCampWorkerSlotNum(const int32 SlotNum);
void UpdateBaseCampTickInvokeMaxNumInOneTick(const int32 Value);
void UpdateBaseCampLevelMax();
void UnlockTechnologyByLvCap(int32 Lv);
void UnlockOneTechnology(FName technologyName);
void UnlockMap(FName regionId);
void UnlockAllRecipeTechnology();
void UnlockAllCategoryTechnology();
void UnlockAchievement(FString AchievementId, int32 Progress);
void UNKO();
void TriggerBaseCampWorkerEvent(const EPalBaseCampWorkerEventType EventType);
void ToggleVisibleFoliageChunk();
void ToggleShowReticleLocation();
void ToggleShowDropItemHitEventLog();
void ToggleRevision_BP();
void ToggleRevision();
void TogglePartnerSkillNoDecrease();
void ToggleLoadingScreen();
void ToggleHUD();
void ToggleBuildInstallCheckLookToCamera();
void ToggleBaseCampWorkerSanityDetail();
void TimeStopForBP();
void TeleportToSafePoint();
void TeleportToNearestPlayer();
void TeleportToNearestCamp();
void TeleportToLocationByClipboard();
void TeleportToLocation(float X, float Y, float Z);
void TeleportToLastLandingLocation();
void TeleportToDungeonEntranceRandom();
void TeleportToDungeonEntranceByRandomScattered();
void TeleportToDungeonEntranceByIndex(const int32 Index);
void TeleportToDungeonEntranceByDataLayer(const FName DataLayerName);
void TeleportToCurrentDungeonTreasureBox();
void TeleportToCurrentDungeonGoal();
void TeleportToBotLocation(int32 botIndex);
void TeleportToBotCamp(int32 botIndex);
void TeleportToBossTower(EPalBossType BossType);
void TeleportNearestPlayerToMe();
void StringToPlayerUID(FString Str);
void StopTimerDropItem();
void StopOtomoMovement();
void StopOtomoAI();
void StartWildPalCombat();
void StartTraceAllOption();
void StartDismantlingMode();
void StartBuildMode(const FName BuildObjectId);
void SpectatorOnForBP();
void SpectatorOn();
void SpectatorOffForBP();
void SpectatorOff();
void SpawnPalEggBreedFarm(const FName MonsterId, const float Range);
void SpawnMonsterForPlayer(const FName& CharacterID, int32 Num, int32 Level);
void SpawnMonster(const FName CharacterID, int32 Level);
void SleepAllEnemy();
void SkipCutscene();
void ShutdownRemoteServer();
void ShowTargetLocalPlayerEnemyList();
void ShowSpawnerInfo();
void ShowPlayers();
void ShowPlayerMoveSpeed();
void ShowPalEggStatus();
void ShowPalCount();
void ShowObjectNameGround();
void ShowObjectNameForward();
void ShowMovementMode();
void ShowMapObjectStatus();
void ShowMapObjectFoliageStatus();
void ShowMapObjectConnector();
void ShowLocalSaveData();
void ShowLaunchArguments();
void ShowInviteCode();
void ShowInvaderDeubgLog();
void ShowHateArrow();
void ShowFloorLocation();
void ShowDialog(FText Msg);
void ShowDefenseAttackTarget();
void ShowDefenseAttackableRange();
void ShowDebugWorkAssignTarget();
void ShowDebugWorkAssign();
void ShowDebugWanted();
void ShowDebugCrime();
void ShowCharacterStatus();
void ShowBuildObjectInstallCheck();
void ShowAlert(FText Msg);
void ShowAISound();
void ShowActionName();
void ShowActionAndStatus_ToServer();
void ShowActionAndStatus();
void SetWorldPartitionLoadParameter(float Range, bool bIsActivated);
void SetVoiceID(int32 VoiceID);
void SetSunLightShadowDistance(const float InDistance);
void SetSanityToBaseCampPal(const float Sanity);
void SetPlayerSP(int32 NewSP);
void SetPlayerHP(int32 NewHP);
void SetPlayerCameraBoomLengthRate(const float Rate);
void SetPassive_PlayerWeapon(FName firstPassive, FName secondPassive, FName thirdPassive);
void SetPalWorldTimeScale(float Rate);
void SetPalWorldTime(int32 Hour);
void SetPalEggStatusRange(const float Range);
void SetPaldexComplete(bool IsComplete);
void SetOtomoPalWorkSpeedRank(int32 Rank);
void SetOtomoPalRank(int32 Rank);
void SetOtomoPalHPRank(int32 Rank);
void SetOtomoPalDefenceRank(int32 Rank);
void SetOtomoPalAttackRank(int32 Rank);
void SetMultiplayRestriction(bool bRestriction);
void SetMapObjectStatusRange(const float Range);
void SetLoadingSceneVisible(bool IsVisible);
void SetInventoryItemDurability(const float Percent);
void SetGameTime_NextNight_SecondsAgo(const int32 SecondsAgo);
void SetGameTime_NextNight();
void SetGameTime_NextDay_SecondsAgo(const int32 SecondsAgo);
void SetGameTime_NextDay();
void SetFPSForServer(float fps);
void SetForceLocationTeleport(bool bForceLocationTeleport);
void SetDisableInteractReticleTarget(bool bIsEnable);
void SetDebugRespawnPointForPlayer(class APalPlayerCharacter* Character, FVector Location);
void SetDebugFullStomachDecreaseRate(const float Rate);
void SetCharacterName(FString Name);
void SetCharacterMakeColor(FColor Color);
void SetCharacterMakeAllRed();
void SetCharacterMakeAllNormal();
void SetCharacterMakeAllMin();
void SetCharacterMakeAllMax();
void SetCharacterMakeAllGreen();
void SetCharacterMakeAllBlue();
void SetBaseCampWorkerHpSingle(const float Percentage);
void SetBaseCampWorkerHp(const float Percentage);
void SetAlwaysGrantPassiveSkillMode(bool Flag);
void SetActivity(FString ConnStr, int32 maxPlayer, int32 currentPlayer);
void SendChatToBroadcast(FString Text);
void SaikyoGamePreset();
void RideIKEnable();
void RideIKDisable();
void RespawnPlayer();
void RerollCharacterMake();
void RequestLogTreasureBoxLocalPlayerAround();
void RequestFillSlotChestToInventory();
void RequestFillSlotChestFromInventory();
void RepairEquipment();
void RandomizePassive_PlayerWeapon();
void PrintInventoryDynamicItemLog();
void PrintGameTime();
void Ping(const FString Address);
void ParallelForUpdateActiveTiles();
void PalmiTargetEnemny();
void OrderBaseCampWorker(const EPalMapBaseCampWorkerOrderType OrderType);
void OpenTitleForBP();
void OpenTitle();
void OpenPrivateServerForBP();
void OpenPrivateServer();
void OpenMultiBattleMapForBP();
void OpenMultiBattleMap();
void OpenDefaultMap();
void OnPingComplete(class UPingIP* PingIP, FString Address, int32 TimeMS);
void NotDecreaseWeaponItem();
void NotConsumeMaterialsInCraft();
void NotConsumeMaterialsInBuild();
void MutekiForPlayer();
void MutekiForFriend();
void MutekiALL();
void ManyUNKO();
void LoginNative();
void LoginEOS();
void LogBaseCampInfo();
void KillPlayer();
void KillGuildFriend();
void KillBaseCampWorkerSingle();
void KillBaseCampWorker();
void KillAllFriend();
void KillAllEnemy();
void KickPlayer(FString PlayerUIdORSteamId, FText KickReason);
void JumpToClientStartLocation();
void JoinInviteCode(FString InviteCode);
void JoinClientPlayerToServerGuild();
bool IsShowCharacterStatus();
bool IsNotDecreaseWeaponItem();
bool IsNotConsumeMaterialsInBuild();
bool IsMutekiForPlayer();
bool IsMutekiForFriend();
bool IsMutekiALL();
bool IsIgnoreBuildRestrictionBaseCamp();
bool IsFixedSP();
bool IsDisableEnemyEyeSight();
bool IsCaptureSuccessAlways();
bool IsCaptureFailAlways();
void IsAllStreamingCompleted();
bool IsActionName();
void InvaderMarchRandom();
void InvaderMarch();
void InstallVirtualBaseCamp();
void InsightsTraceStopForServer();
void InsightsTraceStopForLocal();
void InsightsTraceStartForServer();
void InsightsTraceStartForLocal();
void InitInventory(const FName StaticItemId, const int32 Count);
void IgnoreRestrictedByItemsForPartnerSkill();
void IgnoreBuildRestrictionBaseCamp();
void HPOneAllCharacter();
void HideTutorialQuest_BP();
void HideTutorialQuest();
void GetRelic(int32 Count);
void GetPlanerPal();
void GetPalEgg(const FName CharacterID);
void GetItemWithPassiveSkill(FName StaticItemId, int32 Count, FName PassiveSkillId);
void GetItemWithPassive(FName StaticItemId, int32 Count);
void GetItemToLoadoutWithPassive(FName StaticItemId, int32 Count);
void GetItemToLoadout(FName StaticItemId, int32 Count);
void GetItem(FName StaticItemId, int32 Count);
void GenerateCombiMonster();
void FullPowerForPlayer();
void ForceUpdateBaseCampWorkerEvent();
void ForceSpawnRarePal();
void ForceReportCriminal();
void ForceReloadPlayerParameter();
void ForceReleaseWanted();
void ForceLowerSpecSetting();
void ForceExitStageAllPlayer();
void ForceExitStage();
void ForceDisableTimerLight();
void ForceDisablePalMeshCollision();
void FootIKEnable();
void FootIKDisable();
void FixedUseEagleForGlider();
void FixedSP();
void FixedActionRandomSeed();
void ExitGuildPlayer(FString GuildName, class APalPlayerCharacter* Player);
void ExitGuildLocalPlayer(FString GuildName);
void EnterGuildPlayer(FString GuildName, class APalPlayerCharacter* Player);
void EnterGuildLocalPlayer(FString GuildName);
void EnterGroup(FString GroupName, FPalInstanceID IndividualId);
void EnableStatUnit();
void EnableStatPlayerInfo();
void EnableStatPalnet();
void EnableCommandToServer();
void EnableCollectServerPalCount();
void EasyGamePreset();
void DropItems(const FName StaticItemId, const int32 Num, const int32 DropCount);
void DropItemByTimer(const FName StaticItemId, const int32 Num, const float Interval);
void DropItem(const FName StaticItemId, const int32 Num);
void DrawDebugRangeBaseCamp(const float LifeTime);
void DrawDebugLimitVolume(const EPalLimitVolumeFlag Flag, const float Range, const float Duration);
void DisposeGuild(FString GuildName);
void DismantleBaseCampFirst();
void DismantleBaseCampByBaseCampId(const FGuid& BaseCampId);
void DisableScreenMessage();
void DisableEnemyEyeSight();
void DeleteWorldAndShutdownRemoteServer();
void DeletePlayerAndQuitGame();
void DebugWindow();
void DebugSaveWorldOptionData(FString WorldName);
void DebugSaveWorldData(FString saveName);
void DebugSaveLocalWorldData(FString saveName);
void DebugSaveFullWorldData(FString WorldName);
void DebugDeleteEnemyCampSaveData();
void DebugChangeAutoSaveTimespan(float saveSpan);
void DebugAutoSave();
void DebugAutoRun();
void CreateGuildWithAdmin(FString GuildName, const FGuid& AdminPlayerUId);
void CreateGuildAndEnterLocalPlayer(FString GuildName);
void CreateGuild(FString GuildName);
void CountPalCharacter();
void CopyWorldDirectoryName();
void CopyPlayerLocation();
void CommandToServer(const FString Command);
void CleatDebugInfoText();
void CheckFoliageChunkStatus(const bool bShowInstanceDetail, const bool bShowGridDetail);
void ChangePassive_PlayerWeapon(int32 Index, FName SkillName);
void ChangeHUDScale(float Scale);
void CauseServerCrash();
void CauseEnsure();
void CauseCrash();
void CaptureSuccessAlways();
void CaptureNewMonster(const FName CharacterID);
void CaptureFailAlways();
void CaptureAllMonsters();
void CaptureAllEnemy();
void BuildNotConsumeMaterials();
void BuildDebugBaseCamp(FName Mode);
void BotOn();
void BotOff();
void ApplyDebugGameProgress(FName PresetName);
void AddTechnologyPoints(int32 AddPoints);
void AddPlayerExp(int32 addExp);
void AddPartyExp(int32 addExp);
void AddOneStatusPlayer();
void AddOneStatusOtomo();
void AddOneStatusEnemy();
void AddMoney(int64 addValue);
void AddMapObjectEffectVisualAround_Burn(const float Range);
void AddMapObjectEffectVisualAround(const float Range, const EPalMapObjectVisualEffectType EffectType);
void AddGameTime_Minutes(const int32 Minutes);
void AddGameTime_Hours(const int32 Hours);
void AddExpForALLPlayer(int32 addExp);
void AddBossTechnologyPoints(int32 AddPoints);
void AddBaseCampEnergyAmount(const EPalEnergyType EnergyType, const float Amount);
}; // Size: 0xC8
class UPalClimbingComponent : public UActorComponent
void StartClimb(const FHitResult& Result);
void ForceCancelClimb();
}; // Size: 0xA0
class UPalCombiMonsterParameter : public UObject
}; // Size: 0x28
class UPalComboBoxString : public UWidget
TArray<FString> DefaultOptions; // 0x0150 (size: 0x10)
FString SelectedOption; // 0x0160 (size: 0x10)
FComboBoxStyle WidgetStyle; // 0x0170 (size: 0x660)
FTableRowStyle ItemStyle; // 0x07D0 (size: 0xD50)
FMargin ContentPadding; // 0x1520 (size: 0x10)
float MaxListHeight; // 0x1530 (size: 0x4)
bool HasDownArrow; // 0x1534 (size: 0x1)
bool EnableGamepadNavigationMode; // 0x1535 (size: 0x1)
FSlateFontInfo Font; // 0x1538 (size: 0x60)
FSlateColor ForegroundColor; // 0x1598 (size: 0x14)
bool bIsFocusable; // 0x15AC (size: 0x1)
FPalComboBoxStringOnGenerateWidgetEvent OnGenerateWidgetEvent; // 0x15B0 (size: 0x10)
class UWidget* GenerateWidgetForString(FString Item);
FPalComboBoxStringOnGenerateTopWidgetEvent OnGenerateTopWidgetEvent; // 0x15C0 (size: 0x10)
class UWidget* GenerateWidgetForString(FString Item);
FPalComboBoxStringOnSelectionChanged OnSelectionChanged; // 0x15D0 (size: 0x10)
void OnSelectionChangedEvent(FString SelectedItem, TEnumAsByte<ESelectInfo::Type> SelectionType);
FPalComboBoxStringOnOpening OnOpening; // 0x15E0 (size: 0x10)
void OnOpeningEvent();
void SetSelectedOption(FString Option);
void SetSelectedIndex(const int32 Index);
bool RemoveOption(FString Option);
void RefreshOptions();
void OnSelectionChangedEvent__DelegateSignature(FString SelectedItem, TEnumAsByte<ESelectInfo::Type> SelectionType);
void OnOpeningEvent__DelegateSignature();
bool IsOpen();
FString GetSelectedOption();
int32 GetSelectedIndex();
int32 GetOptionCount();
FString GetOptionAtIndex(int32 Index);
int32 FindOptionIndex(FString Option);
void ClearSelection();
void ClearOptions();
void AddOption(FString Option);
}; // Size: 0x1640
class UPalCommonBoundActionButton : public UCommonBoundActionButton
}; // Size: 0x1510
class UPalCommonQuestRewardGiver : public UPalQuestRewardGiver
FPalCommonQuestRewardData RewardData; // 0x0028 (size: 0x58)
void SetCommonRewardData(FPalCommonQuestRewardData InRewardList);
}; // Size: 0x80
class UPalCommonScrollListBase : public UPalUserWidget
void MoveItem(const int32 Num, class UPalItemSlot* MoveItemSlot, const FPalContainerId& TargetContainerId);
}; // Size: 0x408
class UPalCommonUIActionRouter : public UCommonUIActionRouterBase
}; // Size: 0x158
class UPalContainerBase : public UObject
FPalContainerBaseOnDisposeContainerDelegate OnDisposeContainerDelegate; // 0x0028 (size: 0x10)
void DisposeContainerDelegate();
FPalContainerId ID; // 0x0038 (size: 0x10)
EPalContainerOperationRestrictType OperationRestrictType; // 0x0048 (size: 0x1)
bool IsEmpty();
FPalContainerId GetId();
void DisposeContainerDelegate__DelegateSignature();
}; // Size: 0x50
class UPalContainerIdUtility : public UBlueprintFunctionLibrary
FPalContainerId NoneContainerId();
bool IsNoneContainerId(const FPalContainerId& ContainerId);
bool BP_NotEqual(const FPalContainerId& A, const FPalContainerId& B);
bool BP_Equal(const FPalContainerId& A, const FPalContainerId& B);
}; // Size: 0x28
class UPalContainerUtility : public UObject
}; // Size: 0x28
class UPalCoopClimbPlayer : public UObject
class APalCharacter* Player; // 0x0028 (size: 0x8)
class UPalAnimInstance* PlayerAnime; // 0x0030 (size: 0x8)
TArray<EHumanBone> BoneChain; // 0x0038 (size: 0x10)
int32 CurrentIndex; // 0x0048 (size: 0x4)
FTransform TargetWorldTf; // 0x0050 (size: 0x60)
float Progress; // 0x00B0 (size: 0x4)
bool Complete; // 0x00B4 (size: 0x1)
FPalCoopClimbPlayerStartStandAnimeDelegate StartStandAnimeDelegate; // 0x00B8 (size: 0x10)
void StartStandAnimeDelegate();
FTransform UpdateTransform(FTransform Climber, float ProgressSpeed, float LeapPosSpeed, float LeapRotateSpeed, float DeltaTime);
void StartStandAnimeDelegate__DelegateSignature();
void InitializeNode(EHumanBone EntryBone, class APalCharacter* PlayerCharacter, FTransform Climber);
}; // Size: 0xD0
class UPalCoopSkillModuleAssignPassiveSkill : public UPalCoopSkillModuleBase
TArray<FPalCoopSkillModuleAssignPassiveSkillNames> AssignSkillNamesPerRank; // 0x0038 (size: 0x10)
FName PassiveSkillAssignFlagName; // 0x0048 (size: 0x8)
void RemovePassiveSkills();
void AssignPassiveSkills(const TArray<FPalDataTableRowName_PassiveSkillData>& AssignSkillName);
void AssignPassiveSkill(const FName& SkillName);
}; // Size: 0x50
class UPalCoopSkillModuleBase : public UObject
EPalLogType ExecuteLog; // 0x0028 (size: 0x1)
class APalCharacter* OwnerCharacter; // 0x0030 (size: 0x8)
void Start();
void SetTrainerCoopFlag(bool IsCoop);
void OnTick(float DeltaTime);
void OnStartSkill();
void OnSkillOverheat();
void OnInitialized();
void Initialize(class UPalPartnerSkillParameterComponent* PartnerSkillComponent);
int32 GetOwnerRank();
class APalCharacter* GetOwner();
void AddSkillLog();
void Abort();
}; // Size: 0x38
class UPalCoopSkillSearchBase : public UObject
TArray<float> SearchRangeMaxByRank; // 0x0028 (size: 0x10)
TArray<float> ExtendRangePerSecByRank; // 0x0038 (size: 0x10)
FVector SearchOrigin; // 0x0048 (size: 0x18)
float SearchRangeMax; // 0x0060 (size: 0x4)
float ExtendRangePerSec; // 0x0064 (size: 0x4)
float ElapsedTime; // 0x0068 (size: 0x4)
int32 SkillRank; // 0x006C (size: 0x4)
FGuid CalledPlayerUId; // 0x0070 (size: 0x10)
bool bIsRunning; // 0x0080 (size: 0x1)
TArray<FPalCoopSkillSearchResultParameter> SearchResultParameters; // 0x0088 (size: 0x10)
void Tick(float DeltaTime, class UPalCoopSkillSearchLocationRegister* LocationRegister);
void Terminate();
void Start(const FVector& Origin, int32 Rank, const FGuid& RequestPlayerUId);
void OnRemoveLocationForCompass_BP(const FGuid& LocationId, class UPalLocationBase* Location);
void OnRemoveLocationForCompass(const FGuid& LocationId, class UPalLocationBase* Location);
void OnAddedLocationForCompass_BP(const FGuid& LocationId, class UPalLocationBase* Location);
void OnAddedLocationForCompass(const FGuid& LocationId, class UPalLocationBase* Location);
bool IsRunning();
bool IsFinished();
float GetSearchRangeMax();
float GetSearchRangeByRank(int32 Rank);
int32 GetRank();
FVector GetOrigin();
float GetExtendSearchRangePerSec();
float GetExtendRangePerSecByRank(int32 Rank);
float GetCurrentSearchRadius();
void End();
void ClearSearchResultParameters();
void AddSearchResultParameter(const FPalCoopSkillSearchResultParameter& ResultParameter);
}; // Size: 0x98
class UPalCoopSkillSearchCharacter : public UPalCoopSkillSearchBase
void SearchMonsters(const FVector& Origin, float SearchRadius, const FGuid& RequestPlayerUId);
}; // Size: 0x98
class UPalCoopSkillSearchDungeonPortal : public UPalCoopSkillSearchBase
void SearchDungeonPortal(const FVector& Origin, float SearchRadius, const FGuid& RequestPlayerUId);
}; // Size: 0x98
class UPalCoopSkillSearchEffectController : public UObject
void Tick(float DeltaTime);
void Start(const FVector& Origin, float RadiusFrom, float RadiusTo, float ExtRadiusPerSec);
bool IsRunning();
bool IsFinished();
void End();
}; // Size: 0x28
class UPalCoopSkillSearchLocationRegister : public UObject
TArray<FGuid> RegisteredLocationIds; // 0x0028 (size: 0x10)
TMap<FGuid, float> RegisteredLocationElapsedSec; // 0x0038 (size: 0x50)
float LocationDisplayTimeSec; // 0x0088 (size: 0x4)
void UnregisterMapObjectLocationsFromCompass(const FGuid& guiid);
void RegisterMapObjectLocationsToCompass(const FPalCoopSkillSearchResultParameter& ResultParameter);
}; // Size: 0xE0
class UPalCoopSkillSearchMapObject : public UPalCoopSkillSearchBase
void SearchMapObjects(const TArray<FName>& SearchMapObjIds, const FVector& Origin, float SearchRadius, const FGuid& RequestPlayerUId);
}; // Size: 0x98
class UPalCoopSkillSearchSystem : public UObject
TSubclassOf<class UPalCoopSkillSearchEffectController> EffectControllerClass; // 0x0030 (size: 0x8)
class UPalCoopSkillSearchLocationRegister* LocationRegister; // 0x0038 (size: 0x8)
class UPalCoopSkillSearchEffectController* EffectController; // 0x0040 (size: 0x8)
TArray<class UPalCoopSkillSearchBase*> SearchObjects; // 0x0048 (size: 0x10)
void StartSearchEffect(const FPalCoopSkillSearchEffectParameter& EffectParam);
class UPalCoopSkillSearchBase* CreateSearchObject(TSubclassOf<class UPalCoopSkillSearchBase> SearchClass);
}; // Size: 0x58
class UPalCryComponentBase : public UActorComponent
}; // Size: 0xA0
class UPalCustomPrimitiveWidget : public UPalUserWidget
class USlateBrushAsset* SlateBrush; // 0x0408 (size: 0x8)
TArray<FPalUMGCustomVertexData> VertexData; // 0x0410 (size: 0x10)
TArray<int32> vertexIndexes; // 0x0420 (size: 0x10)
void UpdateVertexData(int32 Index, const FPalUMGCustomVertexData& inVertexData);
void PushVertexData(const FPalUMGCustomVertexData& inVertexData);
void DrawVertexData(FPaintContext& Context);
}; // Size: 0x430
class UPalCutsceneComponent : public UActorComponent
FPalCutsceneComponentOnPlayCutsceneDelegate OnPlayCutsceneDelegate; // 0x00A0 (size: 0x10)
void CutsceneDelegate();
FPalCutsceneComponentOnFinishCutsceneDelegate OnFinishCutsceneDelegate; // 0x00B0 (size: 0x10)
void CutsceneFinishDelegate(bool bIsSkipped);
class APalCutsceneActor* CutsceneActor; // 0x00C0 (size: 0x8)
class UPalHUDDispatchParameter_FadeWidget* FadeParam; // 0x00D0 (size: 0x8)
void StopCutsceneToServer();
void StopCutscene();
void StartFadeOut();
class APalCutsceneActor* SpawnCutsceneActor(TSubclassOf<class APalCutsceneActor> CutsceneActorClass, FVector Location, FRotator Rotation, class AActor* Owner);
void PlayCutsceneToServer();
void PlayCutscene(class APalCutsceneActor* InCutsceneActor, bool IsAutoDestroy);
void OnFinished();
void OnEndFadeOut();
bool IsPlayingCutscene();
void CutsceneFinishDelegate__DelegateSignature(bool bIsSkipped);
void CutsceneDelegate__DelegateSignature();
}; // Size: 0xE8
class UPalDamageDisplayCanvas : public UPalUserWidget
int32 CalcDisplayDamage(const FPalDamageInfo& DamageInfo, class AActor* Defender, float& outSpecialDamageRate, int32& weakCount);
}; // Size: 0x408
class UPalDamageExplodeComponent : public UActorComponent
float ExplosionDelayTime; // 0x00A8 (size: 0x4)
FPalDamageExplodeComponentOnDamageDelegate_Ex OnDamageDelegate_Ex; // 0x00B0 (size: 0x10)
void OnDamageDelegate_Ex(FPalDamageInfo DamageInfo);
bool IsExploded; // 0x00C0 (size: 0x1)
void SpawnExplosionActor_Delay(class AActor* Attacker, float DelayTime);
void SpawnExplosionActor(class AActor* Attacker);
void OnDamageDelegate_Ex__DelegateSignature(FPalDamageInfo DamageInfo);
void ForceExplode(class AActor* Attacker);
}; // Size: 0xC8
class UPalDamageInfoUtility : public UObject
float GetSpecialAttackRate(const FPalDamageInfo& DamageInfo, const EPalSpecialAttackRateType Type);
}; // Size: 0x28
class UPalDamagePopUpManager : public UObject
FPalDamagePopUpManagerOnAddDamagePopupDelegate OnAddDamagePopupDelegate; // 0x0028 (size: 0x10)
void AddDamagePopupDelegate(const FPalDamageInfo& DamageInfo, class AActor* Defender);
void AddDamagePopupDelegate__DelegateSignature(const FPalDamageInfo& DamageInfo, class AActor* Defender);
void AddDamagePopUp(const FPalDamageInfo& DamageInfo, class AActor* Defender);
}; // Size: 0x38
class UPalDamageReactionComponent : public UActorComponent
FPalDamageReactionComponentOnDamageDelegate OnDamageDelegate; // 0x00A8 (size: 0x10)
void OnDamageDelegate(FPalDamageResult DamageResult);
FPalDamageReactionComponentOnDamageDelegate_Always OnDamageDelegate_Always; // 0x00B8 (size: 0x10)
void OnDamageDelegate(FPalDamageResult DamageResult);
FPalDamageReactionComponentOnDeadDelegate OnDeadDelegate; // 0x00C8 (size: 0x10)
void OnDeadDelegate(FPalDeadInfo DeadInfo);
FPalDamageReactionComponentOnDyingDeadEndDelegate OnDyingDeadEndDelegate; // 0x00D8 (size: 0x10)
void OnDyingDeadEnd(class APalPlayerCharacter* PlayerCharacter);
FPalDamageReactionComponentOnMentalDamageDelegate OnMentalDamageDelegate; // 0x00E8 (size: 0x10)
void OnMentalDamageDelegate(FPalDamageResult DamageResult);
FPalDamageReactionComponentOnSleepDelegate OnSleepDelegate; // 0x00F8 (size: 0x10)
void OnSleepDelegate(int32 LastDamage);
FPalDamageReactionComponentOnDamageReactionDelegate OnDamageReactionDelegate; // 0x0108 (size: 0x10)
void OnDamageReactionDelegate(FPalDamageRactionInfo ReactionInfo);
FPalDamageReactionComponentOnEachDamageReactionDelegate OnEachDamageReactionDelegate; // 0x0118 (size: 0x10)
void OnEachDamageReactionDelegate(FPalEachDamageRactionInfo EachReactionInfo);
FPalDamageReactionComponentOnSlipDamageDelegate OnSlipDamageDelegate; // 0x0128 (size: 0x10)
void OnSlipDamageDelegate(int32 Damage);
FPalDamageReactionComponentOnCaptureStartDelegate OnCaptureStartDelegate; // 0x0138 (size: 0x10)
void OnCaptureStartDelegate();
FPalDamageReactionComponentOnNooseTrapDelegate OnNooseTrapDelegate; // 0x0148 (size: 0x10)
void OnNooseTrapDelegate(class AActor* TrapActor, FVector FixLocation);
TSubclassOf<class UPalHitEffectSlot> DamageEffectSlotClass; // 0x0158 (size: 0x8)
class UPalHitEffectSlot* EffectSlot; // 0x0160 (size: 0x8)
TArray<float> RateList; // 0x0168 (size: 0x10)
void SlipDamageAndBlowWhenDead(int32 Damage, FVector Velocity);
void SlipDamage(int32 Damage, bool ShieldIgnore);
void ProcessDeath_ToServer();
void ProcessDamage_ToServer(const FPalDamageInfo& Info);
void PopupDamageBySlipDamage_ToALL(int32 Damage);
void PlayEachDamageReaction(FPalEachDamageRactionInfo EachReactionInfo);
void PlayDamageReaction(FPalDamageRactionInfo ReactionInfo);
void PlayAddDamageMotion(EPalDamageAnimationReactionType reactionType);
void OnSlipDamageDelegate__DelegateSignature(int32 Damage);
void OnSleepDelegate__DelegateSignature(int32 LastDamage);
void OnNooseTrapDelegate__DelegateSignature(class AActor* TrapActor, FVector FixLocation);
void OnMentalDamageDelegate__DelegateSignature(FPalDamageResult DamageResult);
void OnHitNooseTrap(class AActor* TrapActor, FVector FixLocation);
void OnEndDamageMotion(class UAnimMontage* Montage, bool bInterrupted);
void OnEachDamageReactionDelegate__DelegateSignature(FPalEachDamageRactionInfo EachReactionInfo);
void OnDyingDeadEndDelegate_ToALL();
void OnDyingDeadEnd__DelegateSignature(class APalPlayerCharacter* PlayerCharacter);
void OnDeadDelegate__DelegateSignature(FPalDeadInfo DeadInfo);
void OnDamageReactionDelegate__DelegateSignature(FPalDamageRactionInfo ReactionInfo);
void OnDamageDelegate__DelegateSignature(FPalDamageResult DamageResult);
void OnCaptureStartDelegate__DelegateSignature();
void ForceDamageDelegateForCaptureBall(class AActor* Attacker);
void DeathDamage_ForSelfDestruct(FVector Velocity, EPalWazaID WazaID);
void CallOnDamageDelegateAlways(FPalDamageResult DamageResult);
void CallDeadDelegate_ToALL(FPalDeadInfo DeadInfo);
void ApplyDamageForMP(FPalDamageResult DamageResult);
void ApplyDamageForHP(FPalDamageResult DamageResult);
void ApplyDamageForDyingHP(FPalDamageResult DamageResult);
void AddDeadImplus(FPalDamageResult DamageResult);
}; // Size: 0x178
class UPalDamageText : public UPalUserWidget
FVector2D RandomPositionMin; // 0x0408 (size: 0x10)
FVector2D RandomPositionMax; // 0x0418 (size: 0x10)
}; // Size: 0x428
class UPalDataTableRowIdMapper : public UObject
TArray<class UDataTable*> DataTables; // 0x0028 (size: 0x10)
TMap<FName, int32> RowNameHashMap; // 0x0038 (size: 0x50)
}; // Size: 0x88
class UPalDatabaseCharacterParameter : public UObject
TMap<class FName, class TSubclassOf<UPalAIResponsePreset>> AIResponsePresetMap; // 0x0028 (size: 0x50)
TMap<class FName, class TSubclassOf<UPalAISightResponsePreset>> AISightResponsePresetMap; // 0x0078 (size: 0x50)
TSubclassOf<class UPalPettingPresset> PettingPressetClass; // 0x00C8 (size: 0x8)
class UDataTable* PlayerParameterDataTable; // 0x00D0 (size: 0x8)
class UDataTable* MonsterParameterDataTable; // 0x00D8 (size: 0x8)
class UDataTable* HumanParameterDataTable; // 0x00E0 (size: 0x8)
class UDataTable* DropItemDataTable; // 0x00E8 (size: 0x8)
class UDataTable* MonsterNameDataTable; // 0x00F0 (size: 0x8)
class UDataTable* HumanNameDataTable; // 0x00F8 (size: 0x8)
class UDataTable* CharacterIconDataTable; // 0x0100 (size: 0x8)
class UDataTable* BPClassDataTable; // 0x0108 (size: 0x8)
class UDataTable* PartnerSkillDataTable; // 0x0110 (size: 0x8)
class UDataTable* PalSizeParameterDataTable; // 0x0118 (size: 0x8)
class UDataTable* PalCapturedCageDataTable; // 0x0120 (size: 0x8)
class UDataTable* PalStatusEffectFoodDataTable; // 0x0128 (size: 0x8)
class UDataTable* PalCombiUniqueDataTable; // 0x0130 (size: 0x8)
TArray<float> TalentMagnificationList; // 0x0140 (size: 0x10)
class UPalPettingPresset* PettingPressetInstance; // 0x0150 (size: 0x8)
class UPalCombiMonsterParameter* CombiMonsterParameter; // 0x0158 (size: 0x8)
void UpdateApplyDatabaseToIndividualParameter(class UPalIndividualCharacterParameter* IndividualParameter);
bool SetupSaveParameter(const FName CharacterID, const int32 Level, const FGuid& OwnerPlayerUId, FPalIndividualCharacterSaveParameter& outParameter);
int32 HigherLevelOtomoFromTrainer(const class UPalIndividualCharacterParameter* IndividualCharacterParameter);
void GetWorkSuitabilityRank(FName RowName, TMap<EPalWorkSuitability, int32>& WorkSuitabilities);
void GetWorkSuitabilityMaterialSubTypes(FName RowName, TArray<EPalMapObjectMaterialSubType>& MaterialSubTypes);
void GetWorkSuitability(FName RowName, TArray<EPalWorkSuitability>& WorkSuitabilities);
EPalWeaponType GetWeaponType(FName RowName);
bool GetWeaponEquip(FName RowName);
int32 GetViewingDistance_cm(FName RowName);
int32 GetViewingAngle_Degree(FName RowName);
EPalTribeID GetTribe(FName RowName);
int32 GetSupportBySaveParameter(const FPalIndividualCharacterSaveParameter& SaveParameter);
int32 GetSupport(class UPalIndividualCharacterParameter* IndividualParameter);
EPalSizeType GetSize(FName RowName);
int32 GetShotAttackBySaveParameter(const FPalIndividualCharacterSaveParameter& SaveParameter);
int32 GetShotAttack(const class UPalIndividualCharacterParameter* IndividualParameter);
int32 GetRarity(FName RowName);
float GetPriceRate(FName RowName);
void GetPrefixNameMsgID(const FName& CharacterID, FName& OutMsgID);
class UPalPettingPresset* GetPettingPreset();
void GetPassiveSkill(FName RowName, TArray<FName>& PassiveSkill);
void GetPartnerSkillMsgID(const FName& CharacterID, FName& OutMsgID);
EPalOrganizationType GetOrganizationType(FName RowName);
bool GetNocturnal(FName RowName);
int32 GetMeleeAttackBySaveParameter(const FPalIndividualCharacterSaveParameter& SaveParameter);
int32 GetMeleeAttack(class UPalIndividualCharacterParameter* IndividualParameter);
void GetLocalizedCharacterName(const FName& CharacterID, FText& OutText);
bool GetIsTowerBoss(FName RowName);
bool GetIsPal(FName RowName);
bool GetIsBoss(FName RowName);
int32 GetHPBySaveParameter(const FPalIndividualCharacterSaveParameter& SaveParameter);
int32 GetHP(class UPalIndividualCharacterParameter* IndividualParameter);
float GetHearingRate(FName RowName);
EPalGenusCategoryType GetGenusCategory(FName RowName);
int32 GetFoodAmount(FName RowName);
float GetExpRatio(FName RowName);
void GetElementType(FName RowName, EPalElementType& Element1, EPalElementType& Element2);
bool GetDropItemData(const FName& CharacterID, const int32 Level, FPalDropItemDatabaseRow& OutData);
int32 GetDefenseBySaveParameter(const FPalIndividualCharacterSaveParameter& SaveParameter);
int32 GetDefense(const class UPalIndividualCharacterParameter* IndividualParameter);
TArray<FPalWorkSuitabilityInfo> GetCraftSpeeds(class UPalIndividualCharacterParameter* IndividualParameter);
int32 GetCraftSpeedBySaveParameter(const FPalIndividualCharacterSaveParameter& SaveParameter);
int32 GetCraftSpeed(class UPalIndividualCharacterParameter* IndividualParameter);
FSoftObjectPath GetCharacterIconTexturePath(const FName CharacterID);
TSoftObjectPtr<UTexture2D> GetCharacterIconTextureByTribeID(const EPalTribeID TribeID);
TSoftObjectPtr<UTexture2D> GetCharacterIconTexture(const FName CharacterID);
float GetCaptureRateCorrect(FName RowName);
FName GetBPClassName(FName RowName);
TSoftClassPtr<APalCharacter> GetBPClass(FName RowName);
EPalBattleBGMType GetBattleBGM(FName RowName);
bool FindPalSizeParameter(EPalSizeType CharacterSize, FPalSizeParameterDataRow& RowData);
int32 CalcCorrectedLevel(const int32 TrainerLevel, const int32 TargetCharacterLevel, const class UObject* WorldContextObject);
}; // Size: 0x160
class UPalDeadBodyManager : public UObject
TArray<class UPalIndividualCharacterHandle*> DeadPalList; // 0x0028 (size: 0x10)
void GetDeadPalList(TArray<class UPalIndividualCharacterHandle*>& OutArray);
}; // Size: 0x38
class UPalDeathPenaltyManager : public UObject
float StageDeathPenaltyRayStartHeight; // 0x0028 (size: 0x4)
float StageDeathPenaltyChestRadius; // 0x002C (size: 0x4)
float StageDeathPenaltySpaceWidth; // 0x0030 (size: 0x4)
float StageDeathPenaltySpaceDepth; // 0x0034 (size: 0x4)
TMap<class FGuid, class FPalDeathPenaltyList> DeathPenaMap; // 0x0038 (size: 0x50)
void DropDeathPenaltyChest(class APalPlayerCharacter* Player);
}; // Size: 0x88
class UPalDebugInfoGameInstanceSubsystem : public UGameInstanceSubsystem
class UFont* FontObject; // 0x0038 (size: 0x8)
}; // Size: 0x40
class UPalDebugSetting : public UObject
bool bEnableCommandToServer; // 0x0028 (size: 0x1)
EPalLanguageType EditorPlayTextLanguageType; // 0x0029 (size: 0x1)
bool IsRequiredLoadPlayerSaveData; // 0x002A (size: 0x1)
FString DefaultLoadPlayerSaveDataName; // 0x0030 (size: 0x10)
bool IsRequiredLoadWorldSaveData; // 0x0040 (size: 0x1)
FString DefaultLoadWorldSaveDataName; // 0x0048 (size: 0x10)
bool bIsRequiredLoadLocalWorldSaveData; // 0x0058 (size: 0x1)
TMap<int32, FGuid> EditorPlayerSaveDataOverwriteMap; // 0x0060 (size: 0x50)
FString PlayerAutoSaveDataName; // 0x00B0 (size: 0x10)
FString WorldAutoSaveDataName; // 0x00C0 (size: 0x10)
bool bDontAutoSaveInMulti; // 0x00D0 (size: 0x1)
FName EditorSaveDirectoryName; // 0x00D4 (size: 0x8)
float autoSaveSpan; // 0x00DC (size: 0x4)
bool autoSaveEnable; // 0x00E0 (size: 0x1)
bool bAutoSetTruePalMainStats; // 0x00E1 (size: 0x1)
FPalDataTableRowName_GameProgressPreset PlayerDefaultPreset; // 0x00E4 (size: 0x8)
int32 PlayerLevel; // 0x00EC (size: 0x4)
int32 ForceFixLevelForWildPal; // 0x00F0 (size: 0x4)
int32 ForceFixTalent; // 0x00F4 (size: 0x4)
TArray<FPalDebugOtomoPalInfo> DefaultOtomoPal; // 0x00F8 (size: 0x10)
TArray<FPalDebugPalCaptureInfo> DefaultCapturePalInfos; // 0x0108 (size: 0x10)
int32 DefaultCapturePalRandomNum; // 0x0118 (size: 0x4)
TArray<FPalDebugItemCreateInfo> DefaultItem; // 0x0120 (size: 0x10)
TArray<FPalDebugItemCreateInfo> DefaultLoadoutItem; // 0x0130 (size: 0x10)
int32 PlayStart_PalWorldTime; // 0x0140 (size: 0x4)
float DebugRate_PalWorldTime; // 0x0144 (size: 0x4)
bool bIgnoreOverWeightMove; // 0x0148 (size: 0x1)
bool bIsDisableReticleShoot; // 0x0149 (size: 0x1)
bool bEquipDefaultWeapon; // 0x014A (size: 0x1)
bool bGetAllBulletItems; // 0x014B (size: 0x1)
bool bIgnoreItemDurabilityDecrease; // 0x014C (size: 0x1)
bool bNotConsumeMaterialsInRepair; // 0x014D (size: 0x1)
bool bIsMutekiALL; // 0x014E (size: 0x1)
bool bIsMutekiForPlayer; // 0x014F (size: 0x1)
bool bIsMutekiForFriend; // 0x0150 (size: 0x1)
bool bDisableDeathPenalty; // 0x0151 (size: 0x1)
bool bIgnoreRespawnTimer; // 0x0152 (size: 0x1)
bool bIsDisableDyingCountdown; // 0x0153 (size: 0x1)
bool bIsFixedSP; // 0x0154 (size: 0x1)
bool bDisiablePlayerShield; // 0x0155 (size: 0x1)
bool bIsFullPowerForPlayer; // 0x0156 (size: 0x1)
bool bIsCaptureSuccessAlways; // 0x0157 (size: 0x1)
bool bIsCaptureFailAlways_BounceBall; // 0x0158 (size: 0x1)
bool bIsShowActionName; // 0x0159 (size: 0x1)
bool bIsShowCharacterStatus; // 0x015A (size: 0x1)
bool bIsShowCharacterTickInfo; // 0x015B (size: 0x1)
bool bIsWazaCoolTimeFast; // 0x015C (size: 0x1)
bool bIsShowUseRootMotion; // 0x015D (size: 0x1)
bool bIsEnableClimbing; // 0x015E (size: 0x1)
bool bIsDisableFallDamage; // 0x015F (size: 0x1)
bool bIsShowPlayerFallHeight; // 0x0160 (size: 0x1)
bool bIsShowGroundObjectName; // 0x0161 (size: 0x1)
bool bIsShowForwardObjectName; // 0x0162 (size: 0x1)
bool bDisableStatus_Darkness; // 0x0163 (size: 0x1)
bool bIsIgnoreBuildRestrictionBaseCamp; // 0x0164 (size: 0x1)
EPalMovementSpeedType ConfirmTransportItemBaseSpeedType; // 0x0165 (size: 0x1)
float ConfirmTransportItemSpeedMultipleRate; // 0x0168 (size: 0x4)
bool bNotConsumeMaterialsInBuild; // 0x016C (size: 0x1)
float BuildRequiredWorkAmount; // 0x0170 (size: 0x4)
bool bIsDisableEnemyEyeSight; // 0x0174 (size: 0x1)
bool bIsEnableNPCDrawRaycastDebug; // 0x0175 (size: 0x1)
bool bIsHideScreenMessage; // 0x0176 (size: 0x1)
bool bIsHungerDisable; // 0x0177 (size: 0x1)
bool bIsAllRecipeUnlock; // 0x0178 (size: 0x1)
bool bNotDecreaseWeaponItem; // 0x0179 (size: 0x1)
bool bNotRequiredBulletWhenReload; // 0x017A (size: 0x1)
bool bShowReticleLocation; // 0x017B (size: 0x1)
bool bShowAutoAimInfo; // 0x017C (size: 0x1)
bool bIsEnableMouseAutoAim; // 0x017D (size: 0x1)
float MouseSensitivityRate; // 0x0180 (size: 0x4)
int32 CaptureFPS; // 0x0184 (size: 0x4)
bool bIsDisableDropItem; // 0x0188 (size: 0x1)
bool bShowDropItemHitEvent; // 0x0189 (size: 0x1)
bool bPrintLogGroupsWhenGroupOperated; // 0x018A (size: 0x1)
bool bIsSoundRangeVisual; // 0x018B (size: 0x1)
bool bIsToggleHUDWhenEject; // 0x018C (size: 0x1)
bool bIsLookAtDisable; // 0x018D (size: 0x1)
bool bPalBoxInLevelBelongingToServerPlayer; // 0x018E (size: 0x1)
bool bCreateGameInstanceViewActor; // 0x018F (size: 0x1)
bool bIsFixedLightingControllerTime; // 0x0190 (size: 0x1)
float LightingControllerTimeIfFixed; // 0x0194 (size: 0x4)
bool bIsShowFloorLocation; // 0x0198 (size: 0x1)
bool bIsShowGroundTilt; // 0x0199 (size: 0x1)
bool bIsDisableShiftKey; // 0x019A (size: 0x1)
bool IsSpawnAlwaysFromSpawner; // 0x019B (size: 0x1)
bool IsDisableSpawner; // 0x019C (size: 0x1)
float OverrideSpawnRadius; // 0x01A0 (size: 0x4)
float OverrideDespawnRadius; // 0x01A4 (size: 0x4)
bool bIsPlayerCompleteSTEALTH; // 0x01A8 (size: 0x1)
bool bIsShowEnemyHate; // 0x01A9 (size: 0x1)
bool bIsShowEnemyHateArrow; // 0x01AA (size: 0x1)
bool bIsShowTargetLocalPlayerList; // 0x01AB (size: 0x1)
bool bIsShowMovementMode; // 0x01AC (size: 0x1)
bool bIsShowOrganization; // 0x01AD (size: 0x1)
bool bCanAccessToOtherGuildMapObject; // 0x01AE (size: 0x1)
bool bFirstBuildPalBox; // 0x01AF (size: 0x1)
float WorkExtraRate; // 0x01B0 (size: 0x4)
bool bIsDisableFootIK; // 0x01B4 (size: 0x1)
bool bBuildInstallCheckLookToCamera; // 0x01B5 (size: 0x1)
bool bBuildFXDebugLog; // 0x01B6 (size: 0x1)
bool bDamageTextStack; // 0x01B7 (size: 0x1)
bool bFootStepNotify_DebugDisplay; // 0x01B8 (size: 0x1)
bool bSkipBossCutscene; // 0x01B9 (size: 0x1)
bool bShowRangeDistributeExpAround; // 0x01BA (size: 0x1)
bool bNotDropOtomoAtPlayerDeath; // 0x01BB (size: 0x1)
bool bNotDropItemsAtPlayerDeath; // 0x01BC (size: 0x1)
bool bEnableDebugMoveSpeed; // 0x01BD (size: 0x1)
bool bForceToggleDash; // 0x01BE (size: 0x1)
bool bDebugAutoRun; // 0x01BF (size: 0x1)
bool bDrawPlayerInDoor; // 0x01C0 (size: 0x1)
int32 PlayerPalStoragePage; // 0x01C4 (size: 0x4)
bool ShowPlayerMoveSpeed; // 0x01C8 (size: 0x1)
bool bSwimming_DebugDisplay; // 0x01C9 (size: 0x1)
bool bSwimming_NoDecreaseSP; // 0x01CA (size: 0x1)
bool bPartnerSkill_DebugDisplay; // 0x01CB (size: 0x1)
bool bPartnerSkill_NoDecrease; // 0x01CC (size: 0x1)
float PartnerSkill_CooldownSpeedRate; // 0x01D0 (size: 0x4)
bool PartnerSkill_IgnoreRestrictedByItems; // 0x01D4 (size: 0x1)
bool bNotConsumeMaterialsInCraft; // 0x01D5 (size: 0x1)
bool bSelectableRecipeWhenNothingMaterials; // 0x01D6 (size: 0x1)
bool bIgnoreWorkableElementType; // 0x01D7 (size: 0x1)
bool bIgnoreWorkableGenusCategories; // 0x01D8 (size: 0x1)
bool bShowDebugWorkAssign; // 0x01D9 (size: 0x1)
bool bShowDebugWorkAssignTarget; // 0x01DA (size: 0x1)
bool bForceRunInWork; // 0x01DB (size: 0x1)
bool bContinueSpeedInTransportWork; // 0x01DC (size: 0x1)
bool bNotInterruptTransportingWork; // 0x01DD (size: 0x1)
bool bPrintLogWorkerEventDetail; // 0x01DE (size: 0x1)
float BaseCampWorkerEventTriggerInterval; // 0x01E0 (size: 0x4)
bool IgnoreBaseCampTask; // 0x01E4 (size: 0x1)
bool bBaseCampSpawnLevelMax; // 0x01E5 (size: 0x1)
bool bBaseCampWorkerSanityDetail; // 0x01E6 (size: 0x1)
float BaseCampWorkerEatTime; // 0x01E8 (size: 0x4)
bool bBaseCampShowCannotTransportTarget; // 0x01EC (size: 0x1)
FPalArrowSettings BaseCampCannotTransportTargetArrowSettings; // 0x01F0 (size: 0xC)
bool bBaseCampMoveModeTeleportForce; // 0x01FC (size: 0x1)
int32 fallBackDefense; // 0x0200 (size: 0x4)
bool bDebugLogWorldSecurity; // 0x0204 (size: 0x1)
bool bDebugLogEnableCriminal; // 0x0205 (size: 0x1)
bool bDebugLogEnableWanted; // 0x0206 (size: 0x1)
bool bDebugLogEnableCriminalPlayer; // 0x0207 (size: 0x1)
bool bShowDebugWantedSpawnerSphere; // 0x0208 (size: 0x1)
bool bTransportGrantedMonsterToPalBox; // 0x0209 (size: 0x1)
bool bInvaderDisable; // 0x020A (size: 0x1)
float DebugSpawnWildPal_DistanceFromPlayer; // 0x020C (size: 0x4)
EPalStatusID DebugAddStatus; // 0x0210 (size: 0x1)
bool bIsDisplayDebug_PassiveSkill; // 0x0211 (size: 0x1)
bool bShowPassiveSkillStatus; // 0x0212 (size: 0x1)
float ShowPassiveSkillStatusRange; // 0x0214 (size: 0x4)
bool bIgnorePalPassiveSkill; // 0x0218 (size: 0x1)
TArray<FPalDataTableRowName_PassiveSkillData> PalPassiveSkillOverride; // 0x0220 (size: 0x10)
bool bGrantPassiveSkillAlways; // 0x0230 (size: 0x1)
TMap<class FPalDataTableRowName_PalMonsterData, class FPalDebugAttachPassiveSkillInfo> PassiveSkill_AttachSkill; // 0x0238 (size: 0x50)
bool bPassiveSkill_CollectItem_10Sec; // 0x0288 (size: 0x1)
bool bPassiveSkill_LifeSteal_DisplayRecoverHp; // 0x0289 (size: 0x1)
bool bLogMapObjectFailedSpawn; // 0x028A (size: 0x1)
bool bShowMapObjectStatus; // 0x028B (size: 0x1)
bool bShowMapObjectFoliageStatus; // 0x028C (size: 0x1)
float ShowMapObjectStatusRange; // 0x0290 (size: 0x4)
bool bDisablePalFoliageComponentBeginPlay; // 0x0294 (size: 0x1)
bool bShowMapObjectSpawnerStatus; // 0x0295 (size: 0x1)
bool bDisableMapObjectEffect; // 0x0296 (size: 0x1)
bool bDrawDetectMapObjectInDoor; // 0x0297 (size: 0x1)
bool bCanDamageToMapObjectFromSameGroup; // 0x0298 (size: 0x1)
int32 MapObjectHpOverride; // 0x029C (size: 0x4)
float FoliageRespawnIntervalOverrideSeconds; // 0x02A0 (size: 0x4)
bool bVisibleFoliageChunk; // 0x02A4 (size: 0x1)
bool bShowPalEggStatus; // 0x02A5 (size: 0x1)
float ShowPalEggStatusRange; // 0x02A8 (size: 0x4)
bool bIsHideAllHUD; // 0x02AC (size: 0x1)
bool bIsNowHUDHide; // 0x02AD (size: 0x1)
bool bForceCreateDispatchParameterByHUDService; // 0x02AE (size: 0x1)
bool bShowDebugMapIcon; // 0x02AF (size: 0x1)
bool bIsHideUIForPV; // 0x02B0 (size: 0x1)
bool bIsCompletePaldex; // 0x02B1 (size: 0x1)
bool bUseFixedPositionPlayerUI; // 0x02B2 (size: 0x1)
bool bForceShowHPGauge; // 0x02B3 (size: 0x1)
bool bIsFixedRandomSeed; // 0x02B4 (size: 0x1)
int32 actionRandomSeed; // 0x02B8 (size: 0x4)
bool bAvailableBuildObjectInDevelop; // 0x02BC (size: 0x1)
bool bShowBuildObjectInstallCheck; // 0x02BD (size: 0x1)
TArray<EPalMapObjectOperationResult> IgnoreInstallErrors; // 0x02C0 (size: 0x10)
bool bDrawDebugInstallConnection; // 0x02D0 (size: 0x1)
bool bUseEagleForGlider; // 0x02D1 (size: 0x1)
bool bEquipDefaultGlider; // 0x02D2 (size: 0x1)
float ExtraHpRegenRateInSleepingBed; // 0x02D4 (size: 0x4)
bool bForceDisableLamp; // 0x02D8 (size: 0x1)
bool bForceDisableTimerLight; // 0x02D9 (size: 0x1)
bool bForceDisableTickOptimization; // 0x02DA (size: 0x1)
bool bForceDisableDamagePopup; // 0x02DB (size: 0x1)
bool bIsShowTickOptimizationType; // 0x02DC (size: 0x1)
bool bIgnoreFastTravelLock; // 0x02DD (size: 0x1)
TMap<EPalAudioBus, float> AudioBusVolumes; // 0x02E0 (size: 0x50)
TMap<class EPalAudioBus, class bool> AudioBusMute; // 0x0330 (size: 0x50)
bool bIsShowPostAkEvent; // 0x0380 (size: 0x1)
TSubclassOf<class APalSoundDebugModel> SoundDebugModelClass; // 0x0388 (size: 0x8)
bool bIsMuteForPlayerSoundOnly; // 0x0390 (size: 0x1)
bool bDisplayPlaySoundId; // 0x0391 (size: 0x1)
bool bPlayFootStepSound; // 0x0392 (size: 0x1)
TArray<FName> IgnoreSoundIds; // 0x0398 (size: 0x10)
bool bIsSpawnFootStepEffect; // 0x03A8 (size: 0x1)
bool bIsDisableCameraPitchLimit; // 0x03A9 (size: 0x1)
bool bIsIgnoreNetworkVersionCompatible; // 0x03AA (size: 0x1)
bool bIsUseClientOtomoSetting; // 0x03AB (size: 0x1)
TArray<FPalDebugOtomoPalInfo> DefaultOtomoPalForClient; // 0x03B0 (size: 0x10)
bool bIsForcedSynchronizedMapObject; // 0x03C0 (size: 0x1)
bool bEnableCharacterCountInServer; // 0x03C1 (size: 0x1)
bool bUseDedicatedServerOptimizeInListenServer; // 0x03C2 (size: 0x1)
bool bIsDisableInitRandomCharacterMake; // 0x03C3 (size: 0x1)
bool bForceSpawnTreasureBox; // 0x03C4 (size: 0x1)
bool bForceSpawnEnemyCamp; // 0x03C5 (size: 0x1)
bool bForceSpawnPalEgg; // 0x03C6 (size: 0x1)
bool bForceSpawnRarePal; // 0x03C7 (size: 0x1)
bool IgnoreAudio; // 0x03C8 (size: 0x1)
bool bIsShowAudioSoundPlayer; // 0x03C9 (size: 0x1)
bool bForceSpawnRandomIncident; // 0x03CA (size: 0x1)
bool bForceDisableSpawnRandomIncident; // 0x03CB (size: 0x1)
FString ForceSpawnRandomIncidentName; // 0x03D0 (size: 0x10)
bool bShowRandomIncidentSpawnArea; // 0x03E0 (size: 0x1)
bool bShowRandomIncidentEndArea; // 0x03E1 (size: 0x1)
bool bShowRandomIncidentExcludeArea; // 0x03E2 (size: 0x1)
bool bInvadeSetting_Override; // 0x03E3 (size: 0x1)
float InvadeProbability_Override; // 0x03E4 (size: 0x4)
int32 InvadeOccurablePlayerLevel_Override; // 0x03E8 (size: 0x4)
FString ForceOccurInvaderName; // 0x03F0 (size: 0x10)
EPalBiomeType Biome_Override; // 0x0400 (size: 0x1)
int32 InvadeJudgmentInterval_Minutes_Override; // 0x0404 (size: 0x4)
int32 InvadeCollTime_Max_Minutes_Override; // 0x0408 (size: 0x4)
int32 InvadeCollTime_Min_Minutes_Override; // 0x040C (size: 0x4)
int32 InvadeReturnTime_Minutes_Override; // 0x0410 (size: 0x4)
int32 InvadeStartPoint_BaseCampRadius_Min_cm_Override; // 0x0414 (size: 0x4)
int32 InvadeStartPoint_BaseCampRadius_Max_cm_Override; // 0x0418 (size: 0x4)
float VisitorNPCProbability_Override; // 0x041C (size: 0x4)
FString ForceOccurVisitorNPCName; // 0x0420 (size: 0x10)
int32 VisitorNPCReturnTime_Minutes_Override; // 0x0430 (size: 0x4)
bool bIsDisableCrossKeyQuickSwitch; // 0x0434 (size: 0x1)
bool bIsEnableAirRolling; // 0x0435 (size: 0x1)
bool bIsEnablePalWarp; // 0x0436 (size: 0x1)
bool bDungeonDevelopFlag; // 0x0437 (size: 0x1)
bool bIsDisableOptionWorldLoadConfig; // 0x0438 (size: 0x1)
bool bIsShowNightSkipLog; // 0x0439 (size: 0x1)
bool bIsApplyOptionWorldModePreset; // 0x043A (size: 0x1)
bool bShowAnimRateScale; // 0x043B (size: 0x1)
float ShowAnimRateScaleRange; // 0x043C (size: 0x4)
bool bIsParallelForUpdateActiveTiles; // 0x0440 (size: 0x1)
bool bIsDisablePlayerTeleportTimeout; // 0x0441 (size: 0x1)
bool bUseMalePlayer; // 0x0442 (size: 0x1)
bool bEnableLoadingScreen; // 0x0443 (size: 0x1)
FPalDebugSettingOnLoadingScreenVisibilityChanged OnLoadingScreenVisibilityChanged; // 0x0448 (size: 0x10)
void OnLoadingScreenVisibilityChangedDelegate(bool Visible);
bool bIsSkipCharacterMake; // 0x0458 (size: 0x1)
bool bDrawHitCollision; // 0x0459 (size: 0x1)
bool bDisableGrapplingCoolDown; // 0x045A (size: 0x1)
bool bDrawGrapplingLine; // 0x045B (size: 0x1)
bool bDrawGrapplingHitPoint; // 0x045C (size: 0x1)
bool bDrawAmbientSoundLinePlayLocation; // 0x045D (size: 0x1)
bool bDrawAmbientSoundActivateTrigger; // 0x045E (size: 0x1)
bool bDrawDefenseAttackableRange; // 0x045F (size: 0x1)
bool bShowDefenseAttackTarget; // 0x0460 (size: 0x1)
float ShowDefenseRange; // 0x0464 (size: 0x4)
float WorldPartitionLoadCheckRange; // 0x0468 (size: 0x4)
bool WorldPartitionLoadActivatedCheck; // 0x046C (size: 0x1)
bool bDisableInteractRecicleTarget; // 0x046D (size: 0x1)
bool bShowStageDeathPenaltyLocation; // 0x046E (size: 0x1)
bool bForceLocationTeleport; // 0x046F (size: 0x1)
bool bShowInvaderDeubgLog; // 0x0470 (size: 0x1)
}; // Size: 0x478
class UPalDebugWindowSetting : public UDataAsset
TArray<FString> PriorityFunctions; // 0x0030 (size: 0x10)
}; // Size: 0x40
class UPalDefine : public UBlueprintFunctionLibrary
FGameplayTag UILayerTag_Modal();
FGameplayTag UILayerTag_Menu();
FGameplayTag UILayerTag_GameMenu7();
FGameplayTag UILayerTag_GameMenu6();
FGameplayTag UILayerTag_GameMenu5();
FGameplayTag UILayerTag_GameMenu4();
FGameplayTag UILayerTag_GameMenu3();
FGameplayTag UILayerTag_GameMenu2();
FGameplayTag UILayerTag_GameMenu();
FGameplayTag UILayerTag_Game();
FName TextId_UICommon_SystemMessageUnlockFastTravel();
FName TextId_UICommon_SystemErrorCantMoveNotOwned();
FName TextId_UICommon_LOG_NeedItemToOpenTreasureBox();
FName TextId_UICommon_LOG_ConsumeItem();
FName TextId_UICommon_InteractIndicator_InputPassword_CannotTry();
FName TextId_UICommon_InteractIndicator_ConsumeAndOpen();
FName TextId_UICommon_INFINITE();
FName StatusPointName_AddWorkSpeed();
FName StatusPointName_AddPower();
FName StatusPointName_AddMaxSP();
FName StatusPointName_AddMaxInventoryWeight();
FName StatusPointName_AddMaxHP();
FName StatusPointName_AddCaptureLevel();
FName StaticItemID_UnlockLantern();
FName StaticItemID_UnlockAutoMeal_Tier(int32 Num);
FName StaticItemID_Money();
FName Socket_Mouth();
FName Socket_JumpEffect();
FName Socket_EquipWeapon3();
FName Socket_EquipWeapon2();
FName Socket_EquipWeapon1();
FName Socket_BulletMuzzle();
FName Socket_BodyCenter();
FName NP_PlayerCenterPosition();
FName MS_HumanHeadName();
FName MS_HumanHairName();
FName MS_HumanEyeName();
FName MS_HumanClothName();
FName MS_HumanBrowName();
FName MS_HumanBodyName();
FName MP_TorsoNormalMinIntensityName();
FName MP_TorsoNormalMaxIntensityName();
FName MP_PalLitBaseColorName();
FName MP_LegNormalMinIntensityName();
FName MP_LegNormalMaxIntensityName();
FName MP_CharacterMakeSubsurfaceColorName();
FName MP_CharacterMakeBaseColorSaturationName();
FName MP_CharacterMakeBaseColorHueName();
FName MP_CharacterMakeBaseColorBrightnessName();
FName MP_ArmNormalMinIntensityName();
FName MP_ArmNormalMaxIntensityName();
FName FlagName_OverWeightInventory();
FName FlagName_DebugBotGuildName();
FName FlagName_CameraOffsetInLiftup();
FName DecreaseSanityRate_WorkHard();
FName DecreaseFullStomachRate_WorkHard();
FName DecreaseFullStomachRate_Work();
FName BS_TorsoArmMinName();
FName BS_TorsoArmMaxName();
FName BS_LegArmMinName();
FName BS_LegArmMaxName();
FName BS_BodyArmMinName();
FName BS_BodyArmMaxName();
FName ActionNotify_MiningImpactTiming();
FName ActionNotify_MiningEndTiming();
FName ActionBBKey_FeedItem();
}; // Size: 0x28
class UPalDialogParameterBase : public UPalHUDDispatchParameterBase
EPalDialogType DialogType; // 0x0038 (size: 0x1)
FText Message; // 0x0040 (size: 0x18)
FPalDialogParameterBaseCallback Callback; // 0x0058 (size: 0x10)
void PalDialogBoolCallback(bool bResult);
FPalDialogParameterBaseCallbackWithParameter CallbackWithParameter; // 0x0068 (size: 0x10)
void PalDialogCallback(bool bResult, class UPalDialogParameterBase* Parameter);
bool IsCloseWhenDamaged; // 0x0078 (size: 0x1)
bool IsEnableShortcutConfirmInput; // 0x0079 (size: 0x1)
void InvokeCallback(const bool bResult);
}; // Size: 0x80
class UPalDialogParameterDialog : public UPalDialogParameterBase
bool bDefaultNegative; // 0x0080 (size: 0x1)
void SetParameters(const FText InMessage, const EPalDialogType InDialogType, const bool bInNegativeDefault);
}; // Size: 0x88
class UPalDialogParameter_RequestJoinGuild : public UPalDialogParameterDialog
FGuid RequestPlayerUId; // 0x0088 (size: 0x10)
FPalInstanceID RequestPlayerInstanceId; // 0x0098 (size: 0x30)
FGuid TargetPlayerUId; // 0x00C8 (size: 0x10)
FPalInstanceID TargetPlayerInstanceId; // 0x00D8 (size: 0x30)
}; // Size: 0x108
class UPalDialogParameter_RequestMapObjectDismantle : public UPalDialogParameterDialog
FGuid MapObjectInstanceId; // 0x0088 (size: 0x10)
}; // Size: 0x98
class UPalDungeonDefines : public UObject
}; // Size: 0x28
class UPalDungeonInfoParameterUtility : public UObject
float CalcDisappearRemainSeconds(const class UObject* WorldContextObject, const FPalDungeonInfoParameter& InParameter);
}; // Size: 0x28
class UPalDungeonInstanceModel : public UObject
FPalDungeonInstanceModelOnChangeInstanceStatusDelegate OnChangeInstanceStatusDelegate; // 0x0060 (size: 0x10)
void ReturnSelfDelegate(class UPalDungeonInstanceModel* Self);
FGuid DungeonInstanceId; // 0x0070 (size: 0x10)
FGuid MarkerPointId; // 0x0080 (size: 0x10)
FName DungeonSpawnAreaId; // 0x0090 (size: 0x8)
FName DungeonLevelName; // 0x0098 (size: 0x8)
FName OverrideDungeonNameTextId; // 0x00A0 (size: 0x8)
FVector_NetQuantize RepFieldWarpPointLocation; // 0x00A8 (size: 0x18)
FTransform FieldWarpPointTransform; // 0x00C0 (size: 0x60)
FTransform StartPointTransform; // 0x0120 (size: 0x60)
FTransform DeadItemDropTransform; // 0x0180 (size: 0x60)
EPalDungeonInstanceBossState BossState; // 0x01E0 (size: 0x1)
FName EnemySpawner_Boss_RowName; // 0x01E4 (size: 0x8)
TSoftClassPtr<APalNPCSpawnerBase> EnemySpawnerClass_Boss; // 0x01F0 (size: 0x30)
FGameDateTime DisappearTimeAt; // 0x0220 (size: 0x8)
int32 Level; // 0x0228 (size: 0x4)
FPalStageInstanceId StageInstanceId; // 0x022C (size: 0x14)
TArray<FPalMapObjectSaveData> MapObjectSaveDataArray; // 0x0240 (size: 0x10)
int32 ReservedDataLayerAssetIndex; // 0x0250 (size: 0x4)
class UDataLayerAsset* ReservedDataLayerAsset; // 0x0258 (size: 0x8)
void ReturnSelfDelegate__DelegateSignature(class UPalDungeonInstanceModel* Self);
void OnUpdateBossState();
void OnSpawnedCharacter_ServerInternal(class UPalIndividualCharacterHandle* IndividualHandle);
void OnRep_DisappearTimeAt();
void OnRep_BossState();
void OnDeadBoss_ServerInternal(FPalDeadInfo DeadInfo);
void OnChangeInstanceStatus();
void OnCapturedBoss_ServerInternal(class APalCharacter* Character, class APalCharacter* Attacker);
int32 GetLevel();
FName GetDungeonSpawnAreaId();
FText GetDungeonNameText();
FGameDateTime GetDisappearTimeAt();
EPalDungeonInstanceBossState GetBossState();
float CalcRemainSecondsBy(const class UObject* WorldContextObject, const FGameDateTime& TimeAt);
float CalcDisappearRemainSeconds(const class UObject* WorldContextObject, const FGameDateTime& InDisappearTimeAt);
}; // Size: 0x270
class UPalDungeonInstanceModelFixedDungeon : public UPalDungeonInstanceModel
FGameDateTime RespawnBossTimeAt; // 0x0268 (size: 0x8)
FGameDateTime GetRespawnBossTimeAt();
}; // Size: 0x270
class UPalDungeonLevelDataAsset : public UDataAsset
FBox LevelBounds; // 0x0030 (size: 0x38)
}; // Size: 0x68
class UPalDungeonSpawnerDataAsset : public UDataAsset
TArray<FName> SpawnerPatternNames; // 0x0030 (size: 0x10)
}; // Size: 0x40
class UPalDungeonWorldSubsystem : public UPalWorldSubsystem
TMap<class FGuid, class FPalDungeonMarkerPointData> MarkerPointDataMap; // 0x0080 (size: 0x50)
TMap<class FGuid, class UPalDungeonInstanceModel*> InstanceModelMap; // 0x00D0 (size: 0x50)
FVector DungeonMargin; // 0x0120 (size: 0x18)
float TickInterval; // 0x0138 (size: 0x4)
TMap<class FName, class FPalDungeonDataLayerAssetSet> DataLayerAssetMap; // 0x0140 (size: 0x50)
TArray<class APalDungeonPointMarker*> PointMarkersWaitSystemInitializeInServer; // 0x0190 (size: 0x10)
bool bInitializedWithSaveData; // 0x01A0 (size: 0x1)
bool TryGetDungeonInfo(const FPalStageInstanceId& StageInstanceId, FPalDungeonInfoParameter& OutInfo);
FGuid Debug_GetDungeonInstanceIdByIndex(const int32 Index);
}; // Size: 0x1A8
class UPalDynamicArmorItemDataBase : public UPalDynamicItemDataBase
float Durability; // 0x0070 (size: 0x4)
float MaxDurability; // 0x0074 (size: 0x4)
float OldDurability; // 0x0078 (size: 0x4)
TArray<FName> PassiveSkillList; // 0x0080 (size: 0x10)
void SetDurability(float NewDurability);
void OnRep_Durability();
TArray<FName> GetPassiveSkillList();
float GetMaxDurability();
float GetDurability();
void DeleteAllPassive();
bool ChangePassiveSkill(int32 passiveIndex, FName SkillName);
bool AddPassiveSkill(FName SkillName);
}; // Size: 0xA8
class UPalDynamicItemDataBase : public UObject
FPalDynamicItemId ID; // 0x0040 (size: 0x20)
FName StaticId; // 0x0060 (size: 0x8)
FName GetStaticId();
FPalDynamicItemId GetId();
}; // Size: 0x68
class UPalDynamicItemDataManager : public UObject
FPalDynamicItemDataManagerOnCreateItemInServerDelegate OnCreateItemInServerDelegate; // 0x0038 (size: 0x10)
void CreateItemDelegate(class UPalDynamicItemDataBase* CreatedItemData, const FPalItemCreateParameter& CreateParameter);
TMap<class FPalDynamicItemId, class UPalDynamicItemDataBase*> ItemDynamicDataMap; // 0x0048 (size: 0x50)
float DisposeReservedDynamicItemRemainingTime; // 0x0098 (size: 0x4)
int32 DynamicItemDisposeReserveCount; // 0x00B0 (size: 0x4)
TMap<class FGuid, class FPalDynamicItemDisposeWaitNotifyInfo> DisposeDynamicItemIdRequestWaitInfoMap_ServerInternal; // 0x00B8 (size: 0x50)
}; // Size: 0x110
class UPalDynamicItemWorldSubsystem : public UPalWorldSubsystem
TMap<class FPalDynamicItemId, class UPalDynamicItemDataBase*> DynamicItemDataMap_InServer; // 0x0090 (size: 0x50)
TMap<class FPalDynamicItemId, class FPalDynamicItemInfo> WeakDynamicItemDataMap_InClient; // 0x00E0 (size: 0x50)
TArray<class UPalDynamicItemDataBase*> DynamicItemDataCache_InClient; // 0x0130 (size: 0x10)
}; // Size: 0x140
class UPalDynamicPalEggItemDataBase : public UPalDynamicItemDataBase
FName CharacterID; // 0x0068 (size: 0x8)
FPalIndividualCharacterSaveParameter SaveParameter; // 0x0070 (size: 0x218)
}; // Size: 0x288
class UPalDynamicWeaponItemDataBase : public UPalDynamicItemDataBase
float Durability; // 0x0070 (size: 0x4)
float MaxDurability; // 0x0074 (size: 0x4)
float OldDurability; // 0x0078 (size: 0x4)
int32 RemainingBullets; // 0x007C (size: 0x4)
TArray<FName> PassiveSkillList; // 0x0080 (size: 0x10)
int32 UseBullets(int32 useNum);
bool UseBullet();
void SetDurability(float NewDurability);
void SetBulletsNum(int32 bulletsNum);
void OnRep_Durability();
bool IsEmptyMagazine();
int32 GetRemainingBulletsNum();
TArray<FName> GetPassiveSkillList();
float GetMaxDurability();
float GetDurability();
void DeleteAllPassive();
bool ChangePassiveSkill(int32 passiveIndex, FName SkillName);
bool AddPassiveSkill(FName SkillName);
}; // Size: 0xA8
class UPalEditorNpcMultiTalkDataUtility : public UBlueprintFunctionLibrary
}; // Size: 0x28
class UPalEditorSetting : public UObject
FSoftObjectPath ItemDataTableAssetPath; // 0x0028 (size: 0x20)
FSoftObjectPath PalMonsterDataTableAssetPath; // 0x0048 (size: 0x20)
FSoftObjectPath PalHumanDataTableAssetPath; // 0x0068 (size: 0x20)
FSoftObjectPath MapObjectDataTableAssetPath; // 0x0088 (size: 0x20)
FSoftObjectPath FarmCropDataTableAssetPath; // 0x00A8 (size: 0x20)
FSoftObjectPath CrimeMasterDataTableAssetPath; // 0x00C8 (size: 0x20)
FSoftObjectPath PassiveSkillDataTableAssetPath; // 0x00E8 (size: 0x20)
FSoftObjectPath ItemProductDataTableAssetPath; // 0x0108 (size: 0x20)
FSoftObjectPath NPCUniqueDataTableAssetPath; // 0x0128 (size: 0x20)
FSoftObjectPath RecipeTechnologyDataTableAssetPath; // 0x0148 (size: 0x20)
FSoftObjectPath BaseCampWorkerEventDataTableAssetPath; // 0x0168 (size: 0x20)
FSoftObjectPath UIInputActionTableAssetPath; // 0x0188 (size: 0x20)
FSoftObjectPath SoundIDTableAssetPath; // 0x01A8 (size: 0x20)
FSoftObjectPath ItemShopCreateDataTableAssetPath; // 0x01C8 (size: 0x20)
FSoftObjectPath ItemShopLotteryDataTableAssetPath; // 0x01E8 (size: 0x20)
FSoftObjectPath PalShopCreateDataTableAssetPath; // 0x0208 (size: 0x20)
FSoftObjectPath DungeonSpawnAreaDataTableAssetPath; // 0x0228 (size: 0x20)
FSoftObjectPath FieldLotteryNameDataTableAssetPath; // 0x0248 (size: 0x20)
FSoftObjectPath NoteDataTableAssetPath; // 0x0268 (size: 0x20)
FSoftObjectPath GameProgressPresetTableAssetPath; // 0x0288 (size: 0x20)
}; // Size: 0x2A8
class UPalEditorTalkTreeDataTable : public UObject
}; // Size: 0x28
class UPalEditorTalkTreeDataUtility : public UBlueprintFunctionLibrary
}; // Size: 0x28
class UPalEnergyTypeUtility : public UBlueprintFunctionLibrary
void CollectWorkableElementTypes(const EPalEnergyType EnergyType, TArray<EPalElementType>& ElementTypes);
}; // Size: 0x28
class UPalEquipItemContainerUtility : public UBlueprintFunctionLibrary
}; // Size: 0x28
class UPalEquipWeaponShooterComponent : public UActorComponent
TMap<class EPalMonsterEquipWeaponSocketType, class FPalEquipWeaponInfo> SpawnedWeaponInfoMap; // 0x00A0 (size: 0x50)
void SetWeapon_ForDebug_DirectBP(EPalMonsterEquipWeaponSocketType SocketType, TSubclassOf<class APalMonsterEquipWeaponBase> WeaponActorClass);
void SetWeapon_ForDebug(EPalMonsterEquipWeaponSocketType SocketType, FName ItemName);
void PullTrigger();
}; // Size: 0xF0
class UPalEventNotifyBase : public UObject
}; // Size: 0x28
class UPalEventNotifySystem : public UPalWorldSubsystem
TArray<class TSubclassOf<UPalEventNotifyBase>> EventNotifyClassArray; // 0x0070 (size: 0x10)
TMap<class TSubclassOf<UPalEventNotifyBase>, class UPalEventNotifyBase*> EventNotifyMap; // 0x0080 (size: 0x50)
class UPalEventNotifyBase* GetEventNotify(TSubclassOf<class UPalEventNotifyBase> Class);
}; // Size: 0xD0
class UPalEventNotifySystem_Concrete : public UBlueprintFunctionLibrary
}; // Size: 0x28
class UPalEventNotify_Area : public UPalEventNotifyBase
FPalEventNotify_AreaOnNotifyEventBeginInvasionInServer OnNotifyEventBeginInvasionInServer; // 0x0028 (size: 0x10)
void PalEventNotifyCharacterInvasionDelegate(class AActor* InvasionActor, const FGuid& AreaInstanceId);
FPalEventNotify_AreaOnNotifyEventEndInvasionInServer OnNotifyEventEndInvasionInServer; // 0x0038 (size: 0x10)
void PalEventNotifyCharacterInvasionDelegate(class AActor* InvasionActor, const FGuid& AreaInstanceId);
void OnRegiterdArea_ServerInternal(class APalTriggerAreaBase* TriggerBase);
void OnEndAreaInvasion_ServerInternal(class AActor* HitActor, const FGuid& AreaInstanceId);
void OnBeginAreaInvasion_ServerInternal(class AActor* HitActor, const FGuid& AreaInstanceId);
class UPalEventNotify_Area* GetEventNotify_Area(const class UObject* WorldContextObject);
}; // Size: 0x48
class UPalEventNotify_Character : public UPalEventNotifyBase
FPalEventNotify_CharacterOnNotifyEventDamagedInServer OnNotifyEventDamagedInServer; // 0x0028 (size: 0x10)
void PalEventNotifyCharacterDamagedDelegate(const FPalDamageResult& DamageResult);
FPalEventNotify_CharacterOnNotifyEventDeadInServer OnNotifyEventDeadInServer; // 0x0038 (size: 0x10)
void PalEventNotifyCharacterDeadDelegate(const FPalDeadInfo& DeadInfo);
void OnCharacterSpawned_ServerInternal(class UPalIndividualCharacterHandle* CharacterHandle);
void OnCharacterDead_ServerInternal(FPalDeadInfo DeadInfo);
void OnCharacterDamaged_ServerInternal(FPalDamageResult DamageResult);
class UPalEventNotify_Character* GetEventNotify_Character(const class UObject* WorldContextObject);
}; // Size: 0x48
class UPalEventNotify_ItemContainer : public UPalEventNotifyBase
FPalEventNotify_ItemContainerOnNotifyEventMoveInServer OnNotifyEventMoveInServer; // 0x0028 (size: 0x10)
void PalEventNotifyItemMoveDelegate(const FPalItemOperationInfo_Move& EventInfo);
void OnItemOperationMove_ServerInternal(const TArray<FPalItemOperationInfo_Move>& OperationInfoSet);
class UPalEventNotify_ItemContainer* GetEventNotify_Item(const class UObject* WorldContextObject);
}; // Size: 0x38
class UPalExpDatabase : public UObject
class UDataTable* ExpDataTable; // 0x0028 (size: 0x8)
class UDataTable* PaldexBonusExpDataTable; // 0x0030 (size: 0x8)
int32 GetTotalExp(int32 Level, bool IsPlayer);
int32 GetNextExp(int32 Level, bool IsPlayer);
int32 GetDropExp(int32 Level, FName RowName);
void DistributionExpValue_forPlayerParty_Server(int32 ExpValue, TArray<class APalPlayerCharacter*> GiftPlayerList, bool isCallDelegate);
int32 CalcPaldexBonusExp(const FName CharacterID, int32 CaptureCount, class APalPlayerState* captureOwnerState);
int32 CalcLevelFromTotalExp(int32 TotalEXP, bool IsPlayer);
void AddExpValue_forPlayerParty_Server(int32 ExpValue, TArray<class APalPlayerCharacter*> GiftPlayerList, bool isCallDelegate);
void AddExp_forPlayerParty_TowerBoss(class UPalIndividualCharacterHandle* DeadEnemyHandle, TArray<class APalPlayerCharacter*> GiftPlayerList, bool isCallDelegate);
void AddExp_forBaseCamp(class UPalIndividualCharacterHandle* DeadEnemyHandle, class UPalBaseCampModel* CampModel);
void AddExp_EnemyDeath(FPalDeadInfo DeadInfo);
}; // Size: 0x38
class UPalFacialComponent : public UActorComponent
bool bIsEnableEyeBlink; // 0x00A0 (size: 0x1)
class UPalFacial_MainModule* MainModule; // 0x00A8 (size: 0x8)
void SetUpTestMesh(class USkeletalMeshComponent* SkeletalMeshComponent);
void SetDisableNotify(bool Disable);
void SetDefaultLayer(EPalFacialEyeType Eye);
bool ExistFacialNotifyInMontage(class UAnimMontage* Montage);
bool ExistEyeNotifyInMontage(class UAnimMontage* Montage);
void ChangeMouth_ForMontageNotify(EPalFacialMouthType Mouth);
void ChangeEyeAndMouthMesh(EPalFacialEyeType Eye);
void ChangeEye_ForMontageNotify(EPalFacialEyeType Eye);
void ChangeDefaultFacial();
void Blink();
}; // Size: 0xC8
class UPalFacial_MainModule : public UObject
int32 EyeMaterialIndex; // 0x0068 (size: 0x4)
int32 MouthMaterialIndex; // 0x006C (size: 0x4)
int32 BrowMaterialIndex; // 0x0070 (size: 0x4)
TMap<class EPalFacialEyeType, class FPalMorphSetting> MorphSetting_Eye; // 0x00C8 (size: 0x50)
TMap<class EPalFacialMouthType, class FPalMorphSetting> MorphSetting_Mouth; // 0x0118 (size: 0x50)
TMap<EPalFacialEyeType, float> BlendShape_TypeEyeWeight; // 0x0170 (size: 0x50)
TMap<EPalFacialMouthType, float> BlendShape_TypeMouthWeight; // 0x01C0 (size: 0x50)
TMap<FName, float> BlendShape_EyeWeight; // 0x0210 (size: 0x50)
TMap<FName, float> BlendShape_MouthWeight; // 0x0260 (size: 0x50)
void Setup_FacialModule(class USkeletalMeshComponent* SkeletalMeshComponent);
}; // Size: 0x2B0
class UPalFadeWidgetBase : public UPalUserWidget
}; // Size: 0x408
class UPalFirePointLightComponent : public UPointLightComponent
}; // Size: 0x420
class UPalFlyMeshHeightCtrlComponent : public UActorComponent
float FlingAdditionalHeight; // 0x00A0 (size: 0x4)
float HighFlingAddtionalHeight; // 0x00A4 (size: 0x4)
EPalFlyHeightType State; // 0x00A8 (size: 0x1)
bool bIsHighFling; // 0x00B4 (size: 0x1)
bool bIsHighFlingCache; // 0x00B5 (size: 0x1)
class USkeletalMeshComponent* SK; // 0x00B8 (size: 0x8)
void ToLand(float Duration);
void ToFly(float Duration);
void SetupMesh();
void OnRep_bIsHighFling();
void OnInitializedCharacter(class APalCharacter* OwnerCharacter);
void OnChangeBattleMode(bool bIsBattleMode);
bool IsFlying();
void HighFlingEnd_Server();
void HighFlingEnd_Implementation();
void HighFlingEnd();
float GetDefaultMeshLocationZ();
void Debug_ForceHighFlingEnd();
}; // Size: 0xE0
class UPalFoliageDamageReactionComponent : public UActorComponent
class UPalHitEffectSlot* EffectSlot; // 0x00B8 (size: 0x8)
}; // Size: 0xC0
class UPalFoliageGridModel : public UObject
TMap<class FName, class UPalMapObjectFoliageModel*> FoliageModelMapInServer; // 0x0048 (size: 0x50)
TMap<class FName, class FPalFoliageGridInstanceMap> InstanceMapByComponentId; // 0x0140 (size: 0x50)
TMap<class FVector, class FPalFoliageInstanceId> InstanceIdMapByLocation; // 0x0190 (size: 0x50)
}; // Size: 0x1E0
class UPalFoliageISMComponent : public UFoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent
}; // Size: 0x900
class UPalFoliageISMComponentBase : public UPalFoliageISMComponent
TMap<FVector, int32> InstanceIndexMapByLocation; // 0x0900 (size: 0x50)
void SpawnInstance(class UPalFoliageInstance* Instance);
void OnRemoveInstance(const FName FoliageTypeId, class UPalFoliageInstance* Instance);
void OnRegisterInstance(const FName FoliageTypeId, class UPalFoliageInstance* Instance);
void OnReceiveDamageInClient(const FPalDamageInfo& DamageInfo);
void OnDisposeModel(class UPalMapObjectFoliageModel* Model);
void DespawnInstance(class UPalFoliageInstance* Instance);
}; // Size: 0x950
class UPalFoliageInstallDataAsset : public UDataAsset
TMap<class FName, class TSoftObjectPtr<UPalFoliageInstallDataAssetByIFA>> InstallDataSetMap; // 0x0030 (size: 0x50)
}; // Size: 0x80
class UPalFoliageInstallDataAssetByIFA : public UDataAsset
TMap<class FName, class FPalFoliageInstallDataArray> InstallDataArrayMap; // 0x0030 (size: 0x50)
}; // Size: 0x80
class UPalFoliageInstance : public UObject
TMap<int32, bool> DirtyMap; // 0x0048 (size: 0x50)
FGuid ModelInstanceId; // 0x00B8 (size: 0x10)
FName FoliageTypeId; // 0x00C8 (size: 0x8)
int32 HP; // 0x00D0 (size: 0x4)
bool bAlive; // 0x00D4 (size: 0x1)
FPalFoliageInstanceTransform WorldTransform; // 0x00D8 (size: 0x38)
FTransform WorldTransformCache; // 0x0110 (size: 0x60)
FGameDateTime RespawnTimeAt; // 0x0170 (size: 0x8)
void OnRep_WorldTransform();
void OnRep_Alive(bool bOldValue);
void FoliageInstanceDelegate__DelegateSignature(class UPalFoliageInstance* Instance);
}; // Size: 0x180
class UPalFoliagePresetDataSet : public UDataAsset
TMap<class EPalFoliagePresetType, class FPalFoliagePresetData> Presets; // 0x0030 (size: 0x50)
}; // Size: 0x80
class UPalFoliageType_InstancedStaticMesh : public UFoliageType_InstancedStaticMesh
EPalFoliagePresetType PresetType; // 0x04F0 (size: 0x1)
}; // Size: 0x4F8
class UPalFollowingComponent : public UPathFollowingComponent
}; // Size: 0x2B8
class UPalFootIKComponent : public UActorComponent
bool bIsEnableFootIK; // 0x00A0 (size: 0x1)
float MinMeshOffset; // 0x00A4 (size: 0x4)
float FootIKInterpTime; // 0x00A8 (size: 0x4)
TMap<class EPalFootType, class FFootIKSetting> FootIKSettings; // 0x00B0 (size: 0x50)
float FootIKMeshOffset; // 0x0100 (size: 0x4)
TMap<class EPalFootType, class FHitResult> FootGroundResult; // 0x0108 (size: 0x50)
void SetFootIKDisable(FName flagName, bool bIsDisable);
bool IsEnableFootIK();
}; // Size: 0x1A8
class UPalFootStepEffectAssetBase : public UObject
TMap<class EPalLandingType, class FFootStepEffectInfo> FootStepEffectInfo; // 0x0028 (size: 0x50)
TSoftObjectPtr<UNiagaraSystem> GetEffectObjectPtr(EPalLandingType LandingType, TEnumAsByte<EPhysicalSurface> PhysicalSurface);
bool GetEffectInfo(EPalLandingType LandingType, FFootStepEffectInfo& OutVal);
}; // Size: 0x78
class UPalFunnelCharacterManager : public UPalWorldSubsystem
TMap<class FGuid, class FPalFunnelCharacterManagementInfo> ManagedCharacterInfo; // 0x0070 (size: 0x50)
TMap<class FGuid, class FPalInstanceID> PickupTarget; // 0x00C0 (size: 0x50)
void SpawnActorCallback(const FGuid& Guid, class AActor* Actor);
void SetFunnelCharacterActive(class APalFunnelCharacter* FunnelCharacter, bool IsActive);
void InitializeForServer_BP();
void Initialize_BP();
class APalCharacter* GetOwnerCharacter(const class APalFunnelCharacter* FunnelCharacter);
int32 GetIndexOfFunnelsWithinSameTrainer(class APalFunnelCharacter* FunnelCharacter);
}; // Size: 0x110
class UPalFunnelSkillModule : public UObject
class APalFunnelCharacter* FunnelCharacter; // 0x0028 (size: 0x8)
bool ShouldSetSkillAction();
void SetCharacter(class APalCharacter* Character);
void OnTick(float DeltaTime);
void OnNotifyFinishSkillAction();
class APalCharacter* GetCharacter();
}; // Size: 0x30
class UPalFunnelSkillModuleCollectItem : public UPalFunnelSkillModule
TArray<float> SearchItemRange; // 0x0030 (size: 0x10)
FGuid CollectItemId; // 0x0040 (size: 0x10)
bool bShouldSetSkillAction; // 0x0050 (size: 0x1)
TMap<class FGuid, class FPalFunnelSkillModuleCollectItemSearchInfo> SearchItemInfoList; // 0x0058 (size: 0x50)
void SearchCollectableItem(float DeltaTime);
void Reset();
bool Pickup();
void ObserveCollectItem(float DeltaTime);
bool IsNearTargetLocation(FVector Location);
class APalMapObject* GetTargetObject();
bool GetTargetLocation(FVector& Location);
FGuid GetTargetId();
}; // Size: 0xA8
class UPalFunnelSkillModuleReticleTargetAttack : public UPalFunnelSkillModule
bool bShouldSetSkillAction; // 0x0030 (size: 0x1)
float SearchRange; // 0x0034 (size: 0x4)
float CoolTime; // 0x003C (size: 0x4)
TWeakObjectPtr<class APalCharacter> ReticleTarget; // 0x0040 (size: 0x8)
void Reset();
class APalCharacter* GetTarget();
}; // Size: 0x48
class UPalGameInstance : public UGameInstance
FPalGameInstanceOnCompletedCharacterMakeDelegate OnCompletedCharacterMakeDelegate; // 0x01C0 (size: 0x10)
void OnCompletedCharacterMake();
FPalGameInstanceOnPawnLocalPlayerControllerChangedDelegates OnPawnLocalPlayerControllerChangedDelegates; // 0x01D0 (size: 0x10)
void OnPawnLocalPlayerControllerChanged(class APawn* Pawn, class AController* Controller);
bool bNetworkError; // 0x01E0 (size: 0x1)
FString DisplayVersion; // 0x01E8 (size: 0x10)
FString ErrorString; // 0x0200 (size: 0x10)
FString InputPassword; // 0x0210 (size: 0x10)
TArray<FString> BanList; // 0x0220 (size: 0x10)
TSubclassOf<class UPalGameSetting> GameSettingClass; // 0x03C0 (size: 0x8)
class UPalGameSetting* GameSetting; // 0x03C8 (size: 0x8)
TSubclassOf<class UPalMasterDataTables> MasterDataTablesClass; // 0x03D0 (size: 0x8)
class UPalMasterDataTables* MasterDataTables; // 0x03D8 (size: 0x8)
TSubclassOf<class UPalMapObjectManager> MapObjectManagerClass; // 0x03E0 (size: 0x8)
TSubclassOf<class UPalGroupManager> GroupManagerClass; // 0x03E8 (size: 0x8)
TSubclassOf<class UPalCharacterManager> CharacterManagerClass; // 0x03F0 (size: 0x8)
TSubclassOf<class UPalCharacterContainerManager> CharacterContainerManagerClass; // 0x03F8 (size: 0x8)
class UPalCharacterContainerManager* CharacterContainerManager; // 0x0400 (size: 0x8)
TSubclassOf<class UPalBaseCampManager> BaseCampManagerClass; // 0x0408 (size: 0x8)
TSubclassOf<class UPalWorkProgressManager> WorkProgressManagerClass; // 0x0410 (size: 0x8)
TSubclassOf<class UPalDamagePopUpManager> DamagePopUpManagerClass; // 0x0418 (size: 0x8)
class UPalDamagePopUpManager* DamagePopUpManager; // 0x0420 (size: 0x8)
TSubclassOf<class UPalItemContainerManager> ItemContainerManagerClass; // 0x0428 (size: 0x8)
TSubclassOf<class UPalItemIDManager> ItemIDManagerClass; // 0x0430 (size: 0x8)
class UPalItemIDManager* ItemIDManager; // 0x0438 (size: 0x8)
TSubclassOf<class UPalWazaDatabase> WazaDatabaseClass; // 0x0440 (size: 0x8)
class UPalWazaDatabase* WazaDatabase; // 0x0448 (size: 0x8)
TSubclassOf<class UPalBattleManager> BattleManagerClass; // 0x0450 (size: 0x8)
TSubclassOf<class UPalBossBattleManager> BossBattleManagerClass; // 0x0458 (size: 0x8)
TSubclassOf<class UPalPlayerDataStorage> PlayerDataStorageClass; // 0x0460 (size: 0x8)
class UPalPlayerDataStorage* PlayerDataStorage; // 0x0468 (size: 0x8)
TSubclassOf<class UPalHUDService> HUDServiceClass; // 0x0470 (size: 0x8)
class UPalHUDService* HUDService; // 0x0478 (size: 0x8)
TSubclassOf<class UPalExpDatabase> ExpDatabaseClass; // 0x0480 (size: 0x8)
class UPalExpDatabase* ExpDatabase; // 0x0488 (size: 0x8)
TSubclassOf<class UPalDatabaseCharacterParameter> DatabaseCharacterParameterClass; // 0x0490 (size: 0x8)
class UPalDatabaseCharacterParameter* DatabaseCharacterParameter; // 0x0498 (size: 0x8)
TSubclassOf<class UPalAssetStreamableManager> AssetStreamableManagerClass; // 0x04A0 (size: 0x8)
class UPalAssetStreamableManager* AssetStreamableManager; // 0x04A8 (size: 0x8)
TSubclassOf<class UPalPassiveSkillManager> PassiveSkillManagerClass; // 0x04B0 (size: 0x8)
class UPalPassiveSkillManager* PassiveSkillManager; // 0x04B8 (size: 0x8)
TSubclassOf<class UPalDataTableRowIdMapper> DataTableRowIdMapperClass; // 0x04C0 (size: 0x8)
class UPalDataTableRowIdMapper* DataTableRowIdMapper; // 0x04C8 (size: 0x8)
TSubclassOf<class UPalDeadBodyManager> DeadBodyManagerClass; // 0x04D0 (size: 0x8)
class UPalDeadBodyManager* DeadBodyManager; // 0x04D8 (size: 0x8)
TSubclassOf<class UPalBulletCreator> BulletCreatorClass; // 0x04E0 (size: 0x8)
class UPalBulletCreator* BulletCreator; // 0x04E8 (size: 0x8)
TSubclassOf<class UPalPlayerManager> PlayerManagerClass; // 0x04F0 (size: 0x8)
TSubclassOf<class UPalSaveGameManager> SaveGameManagerClass; // 0x04F8 (size: 0x8)
class UPalSaveGameManager* SaveGameManager; // 0x0500 (size: 0x8)
TSubclassOf<class UPalVisualEffectDataBase> VisualEffectDataBaseClass; // 0x0508 (size: 0x8)
class UPalVisualEffectDataBase* VisualEffectDataBase; // 0x0510 (size: 0x8)
TSubclassOf<class UPalEventNotifySystem> EventNotifySystemClass; // 0x0518 (size: 0x8)
TSubclassOf<class UPalWorldSecuritySystem> WorldSecuritySystemClass; // 0x0520 (size: 0x8)
TSubclassOf<class UPalLocationManager> LocationManagerClass; // 0x0528 (size: 0x8)
TSubclassOf<class UPalNPCManager> NPCManagerClass; // 0x0530 (size: 0x8)
class UPalNPCManager* NPCManager; // 0x0538 (size: 0x8)
TSubclassOf<class UPalDeathPenaltyManager> DeathPenaltyManagerClass; // 0x0540 (size: 0x8)
class UPalDeathPenaltyManager* DeathPenaltyManager; // 0x0548 (size: 0x8)
TSubclassOf<class UPalCoopSkillSearchSystem> CoopSkillSearchSystemClass; // 0x0550 (size: 0x8)
class UPalCoopSkillSearchSystem* CoopSkillSearchSystem; // 0x0558 (size: 0x8)
TSubclassOf<class UPalCharacterImportanceManager> CharacterImportanceManagerClass; // 0x0560 (size: 0x8)
class UPalCharacterImportanceManager* CharacterImportanceManager; // 0x0568 (size: 0x8)
TSubclassOf<class UPalAudioSettingSystem> AudioSettingClass; // 0x0570 (size: 0x8)
class UPalAudioSettingSystem* AudioSettingSystem; // 0x0578 (size: 0x8)
TSubclassOf<class UPalCharacterParameterStorageSubsystem> CharacterParameterStorageSubsystemClass; // 0x0580 (size: 0x8)
TSubclassOf<class UPalTutorialManager> TutorialManagerClass; // 0x0588 (size: 0x8)
TSubclassOf<class UPalObjectCollector> ObjectCollectorClass; // 0x0590 (size: 0x8)
TSubclassOf<class UPalActionDummyTargetManager> ActionDummyTargetManager; // 0x0598 (size: 0x8)
TSubclassOf<class UPalLogManager> LogManagerClass; // 0x05A0 (size: 0x8)
int32 revisionNum; // 0x05A8 (size: 0x4)
FPalGameInstanceFxiedCharacterMakeDataDelegate FxiedCharacterMakeDataDelegate; // 0x05B0 (size: 0x10)
void FxiedCharacterMakeData(const FPalPlayerDataCharacterMakeInfo& MakeInfo);
FPalGameInstanceFxiedCharacterNameDelegate FxiedCharacterNameDelegate; // 0x05C0 (size: 0x10)
void FxiedCharacterName(FString Name);
TArray<TScriptInterface<IPalGameSystemNeedSync>> NeedWorldSyncSystems; // 0x05D0 (size: 0x10)
TSubclassOf<class UPalPersistentSoundPlayer> TitleBGMPlayerClass; // 0x0600 (size: 0x8)
class UPalPersistentSoundPlayer* TitleBGMPlayer; // 0x0608 (size: 0x8)
FString SelectedWorldName; // 0x0610 (size: 0x10)
FString SelectedWorldSaveDirectoryName; // 0x0620 (size: 0x10)
bool bIsNewGame; // 0x0630 (size: 0x1)
FPalOptionWorldSettings NewGameWorldSetting; // 0x0638 (size: 0x128)
void ShowUIMultiplayRestriction(bool bOverrideChecking);
void ShowCharacterMakeScreen();
void SetupGameInit();
void SetNewWorldName(FString WorldName);
void SetIsNewGame();
bool SelectWorldSaveDirectoryName(FString WorldSaveDirectoryName);
bool SelectWorld(FString WorldName);
void OnPawnLocalPlayerControllerChanged__DelegateSignature(class APawn* Pawn, class AController* Controller);
void OnInitializeCompleteSystem();
void OnCompletedJoinSession(bool IsSuccess, JoinSessionResultType Type);
void OnCompletedFindSessions(bool bIsSuccess, const TArray<FBlueprintSessionResult>& Results, FString ErrorStr);
void OnCompletedCharacterMake__DelegateSignature();
void LoadingFinished();
bool IsPlayFromTitle();
bool IsNewGame();
void GoToDefaultMap();
FString GetSelectedWorldSaveDirectoryName();
FString GetSelectedWorldName();
void FxiedCharacterName__DelegateSignature(FString Name);
void FxiedCharacterMakeData__DelegateSignature(const FPalPlayerDataCharacterMakeInfo& MakeInfo);
void CompleteInitCharacterMakeData();
void ClearNetworkError();
void CheckInvite();
void ApplicationHasReactivated();
void ApplicationHasEnteredForeground();
}; // Size: 0x760
class UPalGameLocalSettings : public UObject
FPalOptionAudioSettings AudioSettings; // 0x0028 (size: 0x1C)
EPalOptionGraphicsLevel GraphicsLevel; // 0x0044 (size: 0x1)
EPalOptionGraphicsLevel DefaultGraphicsLevel; // 0x0045 (size: 0x1)
bool bRunedBenchMark; // 0x0046 (size: 0x1)
bool bHasAppliedUserSetting; // 0x0047 (size: 0x1)
FString DedicatedServerName; // 0x0048 (size: 0x10)
TEnumAsByte<EAntiAliasingMethod> AntiAliasingType; // 0x0058 (size: 0x1)
UDLSSMode DLSSMode; // 0x0059 (size: 0x1)
int32 GraphicsCommonQuality; // 0x005C (size: 0x4)
bool RequireBenchMarkScalaBility();
}; // Size: 0x60
class UPalGameSetting : public UBlueprintFunctionLibrary
int32 CharacterMaxLevel; // 0x0028 (size: 0x4)
int32 GuildCharacterMaxLevel; // 0x002C (size: 0x4)
int32 OtomoLevelSyncAddMaxLevel; // 0x0030 (size: 0x4)
EPalPlayerSprintStaminaDecreaseType PlayerSprintStaminaType; // 0x0034 (size: 0x1)
int32 CharacterMaxRank; // 0x0038 (size: 0x4)
int32 ConsumStamina_PalThrow; // 0x003C (size: 0x4)
float ReturnOtomoPalCoolTime; // 0x0040 (size: 0x4)
int32 OtomoSlotNum; // 0x0044 (size: 0x4)
float OtomoWazaCoolDownSpeedRate; // 0x0048 (size: 0x4)
float PlayerHPRateFromRespawn; // 0x004C (size: 0x4)
float PlayerStomachRateFromRespawn; // 0x0050 (size: 0x4)
float RarePal_AppearanceProbability; // 0x0054 (size: 0x4)
float RarePal_LevelMultiply; // 0x0058 (size: 0x4)
int32 BossOrRarePal_TalentMin; // 0x005C (size: 0x4)
int32 CharacterRankUpRequiredNumDefault; // 0x0060 (size: 0x4)
TMap<int32, int32> CharacterRankUpRequiredNumMap; // 0x0068 (size: 0x50)
float NaturalUpdateSaveParameterInterval; // 0x00B8 (size: 0x4)
float CharacterHUDDisplayRange; // 0x00BC (size: 0x4)
float CharacterFedEatingTime; // 0x00C0 (size: 0x4)
float CharacterStayingSecondsInSpa; // 0x00C4 (size: 0x4)
int32 PalBoxPageNum; // 0x00C8 (size: 0x4)
int32 PalBoxSlotNumInPage; // 0x00CC (size: 0x4)
float PlayerBattleJudge_EnemyDistance; // 0x00D0 (size: 0x4)
TMap<int32, float> BodyTemperature_SlipDamage_Percent; // 0x00D8 (size: 0x50)
TMap<int32, float> BodyTemperature_StomachDecreaceRate; // 0x0128 (size: 0x50)
TSoftObjectPtr<UNiagaraSystem> SleepFXDefault; // 0x0178 (size: 0x30)
float LiftupCharacterThrownVelocityScalar; // 0x01A8 (size: 0x4)
float LiftupCharacterClearCollisionDelayTime; // 0x01AC (size: 0x4)
int32 NickNameMaxLength; // 0x01B0 (size: 0x4)
float IntervalForPalAttackFromBall; // 0x01B4 (size: 0x4)
bool CanShootRiderByFullRide; // 0x01B8 (size: 0x1)
bool HitWazaAttackForMapObject; // 0x01B9 (size: 0x1)
int32 KnockBack_MaxHpPercent; // 0x01BC (size: 0x4)
float KnockBack_Power; // 0x01C0 (size: 0x4)
float StunTime; // 0x01C4 (size: 0x4)
float StepCooldownTime; // 0x01C8 (size: 0x4)
float Stun_GunDamageRate; // 0x01CC (size: 0x4)
bool IsEnableAutoReload; // 0x01D0 (size: 0x1)
float DeadShootImpulseRate; // 0x01D4 (size: 0x4)
float DeadShootImpulseMax; // 0x01D8 (size: 0x4)
float OtomoDamageRate_Defense; // 0x01DC (size: 0x4)
int32 DamageValueMin_MapObject; // 0x01E0 (size: 0x4)
float DamageRate_WealPoint; // 0x01E4 (size: 0x4)
float DamageRate_StrongPoint; // 0x01E8 (size: 0x4)
float DamageRate_SleepHit; // 0x01EC (size: 0x4)
float FinalDamageRate_Waza; // 0x01F0 (size: 0x4)
float FinalDamageRate_Weapon; // 0x01F4 (size: 0x4)
float FinalDamageRate_Mine; // 0x01F8 (size: 0x4)
float FinalDamageRate_MapObject_Waza; // 0x01FC (size: 0x4)
float FinalDamageRate_MapObject_Weapon; // 0x0200 (size: 0x4)
float FinalDamageRate_MapObject_Mine; // 0x0204 (size: 0x4)
float FoliageDefault_Defense; // 0x0208 (size: 0x4)
float WazaAttackerLevelDamage_Power; // 0x020C (size: 0x4)
float DamageRandomRate_Min; // 0x0210 (size: 0x4)
float DamageRandomRate_Max; // 0x0214 (size: 0x4)
float LevelDamageCorrect; // 0x0218 (size: 0x4)
float LevelStatusAccumulateCorrect; // 0x021C (size: 0x4)
float DamageElementMatchRate; // 0x0220 (size: 0x4)
float MineAttack_DefensePower; // 0x0224 (size: 0x4)
float StatusCalculate_LevelMultiply_HP; // 0x0228 (size: 0x4)
int32 StatusCalculate_TribePlus_HP; // 0x022C (size: 0x4)
int32 StatusCalculate_ConstPlus_HP; // 0x0230 (size: 0x4)
float StatusCalculate_LevelMultiply_Attack; // 0x0234 (size: 0x4)
int32 StatusCalculate_ConstPlus_Attack; // 0x0238 (size: 0x4)
float StatusCalculate_LevelMultiply_Defense; // 0x023C (size: 0x4)
int32 StatusCalculate_ConstPlus_Defense; // 0x0240 (size: 0x4)
float StatusCalculate_TribeMultiply_CraftSpeed; // 0x0244 (size: 0x4)
float StatusCalculate_GenkaiToppa_PerAdd; // 0x0248 (size: 0x4)
float StatusCalculate_Talent_PerAdd; // 0x024C (size: 0x4)
float BreakedWeaponDamageRate; // 0x0250 (size: 0x4)
float BreakedArmorDefenseRate; // 0x0254 (size: 0x4)
float ArmorDurabilityDamageDivide; // 0x0258 (size: 0x4)
float ClimbingStamina_Move; // 0x025C (size: 0x4)
float ClimbingStamina_Jump; // 0x0260 (size: 0x4)
float RideWazaStaminaRate; // 0x0264 (size: 0x4)
bool bIsEnableJumpPreliminary; // 0x0268 (size: 0x1)
float JumpInterval; // 0x026C (size: 0x4)
float FlyMaxHeight; // 0x0270 (size: 0x4)
float FlyHover_SP; // 0x0274 (size: 0x4)
float FlyHorizon_SP; // 0x0278 (size: 0x4)
float FlyHorizon_Dash_SP; // 0x027C (size: 0x4)
float FlyVertical_SP; // 0x0280 (size: 0x4)
float AimingSpeedRateInRide; // 0x0284 (size: 0x4)
float SlidingEndSpeed; // 0x0288 (size: 0x4)
int32 JumpSP; // 0x028C (size: 0x4)
int32 StepSP; // 0x0290 (size: 0x4)
int32 MeleeAttackSP; // 0x0294 (size: 0x4)
float SprintSP; // 0x0298 (size: 0x4)
float GliderSP; // 0x029C (size: 0x4)
float SwimmingFallWaitTimeSec; // 0x02A0 (size: 0x4)
float Swimming_SP_Idle; // 0x02A4 (size: 0x4)
float Swimming_SP_Swim; // 0x02A8 (size: 0x4)
float Swimming_SP_DashSwim; // 0x02AC (size: 0x4)
float FluidFriction; // 0x02B0 (size: 0x4)
float OverWeightSpeedZero_AddPercent; // 0x02B4 (size: 0x4)
float WalkableFloorAngleForDefault; // 0x02B8 (size: 0x4)
float WalkableFloorAngleForRide; // 0x02BC (size: 0x4)
bool IsEnableSpeedCollision; // 0x02C0 (size: 0x1)
float CollisionDamageMinSpeed; // 0x02C4 (size: 0x4)
float SpeedCollisionDamagePower; // 0x02C8 (size: 0x4)
float CollisionDamageSpeedMultiplay; // 0x02CC (size: 0x4)
float CollisionDamageWeightThreshold; // 0x02D0 (size: 0x4)
float AutoHPRegene_Percent_perSecond; // 0x02D4 (size: 0x4)
float AutoHPRegene_Percent_perSecond_Sleeping; // 0x02D8 (size: 0x4)
float PosionHPDecrease_Percent_perSecond; // 0x02DC (size: 0x4)
float Starvation_DecreaseHP_Percent_perSecond; // 0x02E0 (size: 0x4)
float AutoSANRegene_Percent_perSecond_PalStorage; // 0x02E4 (size: 0x4)
float StomachDecreace_perSecond_Monster; // 0x02E8 (size: 0x4)
float StomachDecreace_perSecond_Player; // 0x02EC (size: 0x4)
float StomachDecreace_AutoHealing; // 0x02F0 (size: 0x4)
float StomachDecreace_WorkingRate; // 0x02F4 (size: 0x4)
int32 HungerStart_StomachValue; // 0x02F8 (size: 0x4)
int32 FullStomachPalStartEatFood; // 0x02FC (size: 0x4)
float FullStomachCost_ByWazaUse_Base; // 0x0300 (size: 0x4)
TMap<int32, float> FullStomachCost_ByWazaUse_RateMap; // 0x0308 (size: 0x50)
float StomachDecreaceRate_GroundRide_Sprint; // 0x0358 (size: 0x4)
float StomachDecreaceRate_WaterRide; // 0x035C (size: 0x4)
float StomachDecreaceRate_WaterRide_Sprint; // 0x0360 (size: 0x4)
float StomachDecreaceRate_FlyRide; // 0x0364 (size: 0x4)
float StomachDecreaceRate_FlyRide_Sprint; // 0x0368 (size: 0x4)
int32 RemainderOfLife_Second; // 0x036C (size: 0x4)
float HpDecreaseRate_Drowning; // 0x0370 (size: 0x4)
float PlayerShield_RecoverStartTime; // 0x0374 (size: 0x4)
float PlayerShield_RecoverPercentPerSecond; // 0x0378 (size: 0x4)
float StaminaRecover_PercentPerSecond; // 0x037C (size: 0x4)
float ResuscitationTime; // 0x0380 (size: 0x4)
int32 PlayerDeath_DropOtomoNum; // 0x0384 (size: 0x4)
float PlayerDeath_DropOtomoRange; // 0x0388 (size: 0x4)
int32 PlayerDeath_DropOtomoDisappearHours; // 0x038C (size: 0x4)
float PlayerDyingDamagePerTime; // 0x0390 (size: 0x4)
int32 ElementStatus_ResistanceInitialValue; // 0x0394 (size: 0x4)
float ElementStatus_AutoDecreasePerSecond; // 0x0398 (size: 0x4)
int32 ElementStatus_ResetResistanceSecond; // 0x039C (size: 0x4)
int32 BuildExp; // 0x03A0 (size: 0x4)
int32 CraftExp; // 0x03A4 (size: 0x4)
int32 PickupItemOnLevelExp; // 0x03A8 (size: 0x4)
int32 MapObjectDestroyProceedExp; // 0x03AC (size: 0x4)
float MapObjectDistributeExpRange; // 0x03B0 (size: 0x4)
TMap<int32, int32> OtomoExp_LevelDifferenceMap; // 0x03B8 (size: 0x50)
int32 OtomoExp_HigherPlayerLevel; // 0x0408 (size: 0x4)
int32 CaptureExpBonus_Tier1_TableReferenceNum; // 0x040C (size: 0x4)
int32 CaptureExpBonus_Tier2_TableReferenceNum; // 0x0410 (size: 0x4)
int32 CaptureExpBonus_Tier3_TableReferenceNum; // 0x0414 (size: 0x4)
TArray<FPalDebugOtomoPalInfo> NewGameOtomoPalSet; // 0x0418 (size: 0x10)
TMap<FName, int32> NewGameInventoryItemSet; // 0x0428 (size: 0x50)
TMap<FName, int32> NewGameLoadoutItemSet; // 0x0478 (size: 0x50)
FVector WorldHUDDisplayOffsetDefault; // 0x04C8 (size: 0x18)
float WorldHUDDisplayRangeDefault; // 0x04E0 (size: 0x4)
float WorldHUDDetailDisplayRange; // 0x04E4 (size: 0x4)
TArray<FPalDataTableRowName_ItemData> FarmCropWaterItemIds; // 0x04E8 (size: 0x10)
float FarmCropGrowupSpeedBySec; // 0x04F8 (size: 0x4)
float FarmCropIncreaseRateByWaterFillRate; // 0x04FC (size: 0x4)
FString MaxMoney; // 0x0500 (size: 0x10)
int32 DefaultMoney; // 0x0510 (size: 0x4)
float SneakAttackBackJudgeAngle_Degree; // 0x0514 (size: 0x4)
float SneakAttack_PalMeleeWaza_AttackRate; // 0x0518 (size: 0x4)
float AutoAimCameraMoveRate; // 0x051C (size: 0x4)
float AutoAimCharacterMoveRate; // 0x0520 (size: 0x4)
float AutoAimCameraAdsorptionSpeed; // 0x0524 (size: 0x4)
float AutoAimLockOnScreenSpaceRate; // 0x0528 (size: 0x4)
float ForceAutoAimTime; // 0x052C (size: 0x4)
float SellItemRate; // 0x0530 (size: 0x4)
float PalPriceConstantValueA; // 0x0534 (size: 0x4)
float PalPriceConstantValueB; // 0x0538 (size: 0x4)
float SellPalRate; // 0x053C (size: 0x4)
float SearchRangeOnThrowedCharacterLanded; // 0x0540 (size: 0x4)
float WorkCompleteReactionRangeFromPlayer; // 0x0544 (size: 0x4)
int32 WorkerCollectResourceStackMaxNum; // 0x0548 (size: 0x4)
EPalFacialEyeType FacialTypeHardWork; // 0x054C (size: 0x1)
float Timeout_WorkerApproachToTarget; // 0x0550 (size: 0x4)
float WaitTime_WorkRepairFailedFindPath; // 0x0554 (size: 0x4)
float WorkerWaitingNotifyInterval; // 0x0558 (size: 0x4)
float WarpCheckInterval; // 0x055C (size: 0x4)
float WarpCheckMoveDistanceThreshold; // 0x0560 (size: 0x4)
float WarpThreshold; // 0x0564 (size: 0x4)
float AutoDecreaseHateValue_PercentMaxHP_PerSecond; // 0x0568 (size: 0x4)
float HateDecreaseDamageRate; // 0x056C (size: 0x4)
float Hate_ForceUp_HPRate_OtomoActive; // 0x0570 (size: 0x4)
float Hate_ForceUp_HPRate_IncidentBattle; // 0x0574 (size: 0x4)
float CombatEndDistance_BattleStartSelfPos_To_SelfPos; // 0x0578 (size: 0x4)
float CombatEndDistance_BattleStartSelfPos_To_TargetPos; // 0x057C (size: 0x4)
float CombatEndDistance_BattleStartSelfPos_To_TargetPos_AddFirstTargetDistance; // 0x0580 (size: 0x4)
float NavigationAreaDivideExtents; // 0x0584 (size: 0x4)
TArray<FPalNavigationUpdateFrequencySetting> NavigationUpdateFrequencySettingsFromPlayer; // 0x0588 (size: 0x10)
float autoSaveSpan; // 0x0598 (size: 0x4)
FName SaveDataName_WorldBaseInfo; // 0x059C (size: 0x8)
FName SaveDataName_World; // 0x05A4 (size: 0x8)
FName SaveDataName_PlayerDirectory; // 0x05AC (size: 0x8)
FName SaveDataName_LocalData; // 0x05B4 (size: 0x8)
FName SaveDataName_WorldOption; // 0x05BC (size: 0x8)
TMap<EPalSupportedPlatformType, int32> MaxWorldDataNumMap; // 0x05C8 (size: 0x50)
int32 PalWorldTime_GameStartHour; // 0x0618 (size: 0x4)
int32 PalWorldMinutes_RealOneMinute; // 0x061C (size: 0x4)
int32 NightStartHour; // 0x0620 (size: 0x4)
int32 NightEndHour; // 0x0624 (size: 0x4)
int32 PlayerMorningHour; // 0x0628 (size: 0x4)
int32 PlayerSleepStartHour; // 0x062C (size: 0x4)
int32 NightSkipWaitSecond; // 0x0630 (size: 0x4)
float LocalPlayerAndOtomo_LightRangeScale; // 0x0634 (size: 0x4)
FVector BuildBaseUnitGridDefinition; // 0x0638 (size: 0x18)
float BuildSimulationVerticalAdjustRate; // 0x0650 (size: 0x4)
float BuildSimulationVerticalMinLength; // 0x0654 (size: 0x4)
float BuildSimulationFoundationFloatingAllowance; // 0x0658 (size: 0x4)
TMap<class EPalBuildObjectInstallStrategy, class FVector> BuildSimulationFoundationCheckCollisionScale; // 0x0660 (size: 0x50)
float BuildSimulationRoofHeightOffset; // 0x06B0 (size: 0x4)
float BuildSimulationStairHeightOffset; // 0x06B4 (size: 0x4)
float BuildSimulationLeanAngleMax; // 0x06B8 (size: 0x4)
float BuildingProgressInterpolationSpeed; // 0x06BC (size: 0x4)
int32 PlayerRecord_BuildingObjectMaxNum; // 0x06C0 (size: 0x4)
float BuildingMaxZ; // 0x06C4 (size: 0x4)
int32 BuildObj_HatchedPalCharacterLevel; // 0x06C8 (size: 0x4)
float BuildObj_DamageScarecrowStartRecoveryTime; // 0x06CC (size: 0x4)
float BaseCampAreaRange; // 0x06D0 (size: 0x4)
float BaseCampPalFindWorkRange; // 0x06D4 (size: 0x4)
float PalArriveToWorkLocationRange; // 0x06D8 (size: 0x4)
float PalArriveToWorkLocationRangeZ; // 0x06DC (size: 0x4)
float BaseCampNeighborMinimumDistance; // 0x06E0 (size: 0x4)
float PalRotateSpeedToWork; // 0x06E4 (size: 0x4)
float BaseCampFoliageWorkableRange; // 0x06E8 (size: 0x4)
float BaseCampHungerApproachToPlayer; // 0x06EC (size: 0x4)
float BaseCampHungerUnreachableObjectTimeoutRealSeconds; // 0x06F0 (size: 0x4)
float HungerHUDDisplayRange; // 0x06F4 (size: 0x4)
float WorkAmountBySecForPlayer; // 0x06F8 (size: 0x4)
float BaseCampWorkerEventTriggerInterval; // 0x06FC (size: 0x4)
float BaseCampWorkerEventTriggerProbability; // 0x0700 (size: 0x4)
float BaseCampWorkerSanityWarningThreshold; // 0x0704 (size: 0x4)
float BaseCampWorkerFinishEatingFullStomach; // 0x0708 (size: 0x4)
float BaseCampWorkerFinishEatingSanity; // 0x070C (size: 0x4)
int32 BaseCampWorkerFinishEatCount; // 0x0710 (size: 0x4)
float BaseCampWorkerRecoverHungryTurnToTargetTimeout; // 0x0714 (size: 0x4)
float BaseCampWorkerStartSleepHpPercentage; // 0x0718 (size: 0x4)
float BaseCampWorkerSleepInPlaceRecoverSanityRate; // 0x071C (size: 0x4)
float BaseCampWorkerDistancePickableItem; // 0x0720 (size: 0x4)
TArray<EPalBaseCampItemContainerType> BaseCampBuildingItemContainerPriority; // 0x0728 (size: 0x10)
float FoliageRespawnFailedExtraRangeOfBaseCamp; // 0x0738 (size: 0x4)
float BaseCampPalCombatRange_AddCampRange; // 0x073C (size: 0x4)
FFloatInterval BaseCampPalWalkTime_BeforeSleep; // 0x0740 (size: 0x8)
float BaseCampTimeFinishBattleModeAfterEmptyEnemy; // 0x0748 (size: 0x4)
EPalCharacterImportanceType BaseCampWorkerMoveModeChangeThreshold; // 0x074C (size: 0x1)
int32 BaseCampWorkerDirectorTickForAssignWorkByCount; // 0x0750 (size: 0x4)
float BaseCampWorkerLookToTargetWork; // 0x0754 (size: 0x4)
float ReviveWorkAdditionalRange; // 0x0758 (size: 0x4)
float WorkAroundRangeDefault; // 0x075C (size: 0x4)
TArray<EPalWorkType> IssueNotifyWorkTypes; // 0x0760 (size: 0x10)
float WorkAmountByManMonth; // 0x0770 (size: 0x4)
float WorkNotifyDelayTime; // 0x0774 (size: 0x4)
float WorkFinishDelayCallAddWorkNotifyDelayTime; // 0x0778 (size: 0x4)
float WorkIgnitionTorchWaitTime; // 0x077C (size: 0x4)
TMap<class EPalWorkAssignableCheckResult, class EPalMonsterControllerBaseCampLogType> WorkAssignFailedLogTypeMap; // 0x0780 (size: 0x50)
float WorkTransportingSpeedRate; // 0x07D0 (size: 0x4)
TArray<FPalDataTableRowName_ItemData> BaseCampNotTransportItemBlackList; // 0x07D8 (size: 0x10)
float WorkTransportingDelayTimeDropItem; // 0x07E8 (size: 0x4)
float BaseCampStopProvideEnergyInterval; // 0x07EC (size: 0x4)
TMap<class EPalBaseCampPassiveEffectWorkHardType, class FPalBaseCampPassiveEffectWorkHardInfo> BaseCampPassiveEffectWorkHardInfoMap; // 0x07F0 (size: 0x50)
float BaseCampWorkCollectionRestoreStashSeconds; // 0x0840 (size: 0x4)
TArray<FPalWorkTypeSet> WorkTypeAssignPriorityOrder; // 0x0848 (size: 0x10)
FPalWorkAssignDefineDataStaticSetting WorkAssignDefineData_Build; // 0x0858 (size: 0x40)
FPalWorkAssignDefineDataStaticSetting WorkAssignDefineData_FoliageWork; // 0x0898 (size: 0x40)
FPalWorkAssignDefineDataStaticSetting WorkAssignDefineData_ReviveCharacterWork; // 0x08D8 (size: 0x40)
FPalWorkAssignDefineDataStaticSetting WorkAssignDefineData_TransportItemInBaseCamp; // 0x0918 (size: 0x40)
FPalWorkAssignDefineDataStaticSetting WorkAssignDefineData_RepairBuildObjectInBaseCamp; // 0x0958 (size: 0x40)
FPalWorkAssignDefineDataStaticSetting WorkAssignDefineData_BreedFarm; // 0x0998 (size: 0x40)
FPalWorkAssignDefineDataStaticSetting WorkAssignDefineData_ExtinguishBurn; // 0x09D8 (size: 0x40)
int32 WorkSuitabilityMaxRank; // 0x0A18 (size: 0x4)
TMap<class EPalWorkSuitability, class FPalWorkSuitabilityDefineData> WorkSuitabilityDefineDataMap; // 0x0A20 (size: 0x50)
FPalWorkSuitabilityCollectionDefineData WorkSuitabilityDefineData_Collection; // 0x0A70 (size: 0x28)
FPalWorkSuitabilityDeforestDefineData WorkSuitabilityDefineData_Deforest; // 0x0A98 (size: 0x28)
FPalWorkSuitabilityMiningDefineData WorkSuitabilityDefineData_Mining; // 0x0AC0 (size: 0x28)
int32 DropItemWaitInsertMaxNumPerTick; // 0x0AE8 (size: 0x4)
FPalDungeonMarkerPointSpawnParameter DungeonSpawnParameterDefault; // 0x0AEC (size: 0x10)
float GamePad_NotAimCameraRotateSpeed_DegreePerSecond; // 0x0AFC (size: 0x4)
float GamePad_AimCameraRotateSpeed_DegreePerSecond; // 0x0B00 (size: 0x4)
float Mouse_NotAimCameraRotateSpeed; // 0x0B04 (size: 0x4)
float Mouse_AimCameraRotateSpeed; // 0x0B08 (size: 0x4)
float YawCameraMaxSpeedRate; // 0x0B0C (size: 0x4)
float TimeForCameraMaxSpeed; // 0x0B10 (size: 0x4)
float AimInterpInterval; // 0x0B14 (size: 0x4)
int32 InvaderSelfDeleteAddTime; // 0x0B18 (size: 0x4)
float InvadeProbability; // 0x0B1C (size: 0x4)
int32 InvadeOccurablePlayerLevel; // 0x0B20 (size: 0x4)
int32 InvadeJudgmentInterval_Minutes; // 0x0B24 (size: 0x4)
int32 InvadeCollTime_Max_Minutes; // 0x0B28 (size: 0x4)
int32 InvadeCollTime_Min_Minutes; // 0x0B2C (size: 0x4)
int32 InvadeReturnTime_Minutes; // 0x0B30 (size: 0x4)
int32 InvadeStartPoint_BaseCampRadius_Min_cm; // 0x0B34 (size: 0x4)
int32 InvadeStartPoint_BaseCampRadius_Max_cm; // 0x0B38 (size: 0x4)
float VisitorNPCProbability; // 0x0B3C (size: 0x4)
int32 VisitorNPCReturnTime_Minutes; // 0x0B40 (size: 0x4)
float RidingAimOpacity; // 0x0B44 (size: 0x4)
float hideUITimeWhenNotConflict; // 0x0B48 (size: 0x4)
float firstCapturedUIDisplayTime; // 0x0B4C (size: 0x4)
float capturedUIDisplayTime; // 0x0B50 (size: 0x4)
float firstActivatedOtomoInfoDisplayTime; // 0x0B54 (size: 0x4)
float playerLevelUpUIDIsplayTime; // 0x0B58 (size: 0x4)
float playerExpGaugeUIDisplayTime; // 0x0B5C (size: 0x4)
float otomoExpGaugeUIDisplayTime; // 0x0B60 (size: 0x4)
float npcGaugeDisplayDistance; // 0x0B64 (size: 0x4)
float npcGaugeDisplayRange_CameraSight; // 0x0B68 (size: 0x4)
float GuildMemberGaugeDisplayDIstance; // 0x0B6C (size: 0x4)
float downPlayerLoupeDisplayDistance; // 0x0B70 (size: 0x4)
float downPlayerGaugeDisplayRange_CameraSight; // 0x0B74 (size: 0x4)
FVector2D ReticleOffsetRate; // 0x0B78 (size: 0x10)
int32 lowHealthEffectParcent; // 0x0B88 (size: 0x4)
TMap<EPalDamageTextType, int32> damageTextMargineMap; // 0x0B90 (size: 0x50)
float DamageTextDisplayLength; // 0x0BE0 (size: 0x4)
FVector2D damageTextMaxOffset; // 0x0BE8 (size: 0x10)
float damageTextOffsetInterpolationLength; // 0x0BF8 (size: 0x4)
TMap<EPalDamageTextType, float> damageTextScaleMap; // 0x0C00 (size: 0x50)
FVector2D damageTextRandomOffset; // 0x0C50 (size: 0x10)
int32 strongEnemyMarkLevel; // 0x0C60 (size: 0x4)
float otomoInteractUIDisplayDistance; // 0x0C64 (size: 0x4)
float enemyMarkUIMinScale; // 0x0C68 (size: 0x4)
float enemyMarkScaleInterpolationLength; // 0x0C6C (size: 0x4)
FVector2D npcHPGaugeGlobalOffset; // 0x0C70 (size: 0x10)
float delayGaugeStartTime; // 0x0C80 (size: 0x4)
float delayGaugeProgressPerSecond; // 0x0C84 (size: 0x4)
float inventoryWeaponRangeMaxBorder; // 0x0C88 (size: 0x4)
float inventoryWeaponStabilityMinBorder; // 0x0C8C (size: 0x4)
float inventoryWeaponAccuracyMinBorder; // 0x0C90 (size: 0x4)
float worldmapUIMaskClearSize; // 0x0C94 (size: 0x4)
float worldmapUIFTMergeDistance; // 0x0C98 (size: 0x4)
int32 worldmapUIMaxMarker; // 0x0C9C (size: 0x4)
float NPCHPGaugeUpdateSpan; // 0x0CA0 (size: 0x4)
float CaptureFailedUIDisplayTime; // 0x0CA4 (size: 0x4)
TArray<FPalDataTableRowName_ItemData> CaptureSphereSortArray; // 0x0CA8 (size: 0x10)
float OpenGameOverUITime; // 0x0CB8 (size: 0x4)
float BlockRespawnTime; // 0x0CBC (size: 0x4)
float InventoryWeightAlertRate; // 0x0CC0 (size: 0x4)
float InventoryWeightGaugeDIsplayTime; // 0x0CC4 (size: 0x4)
float OtomoLevelUpNoticeUIDisplayTime; // 0x0CC8 (size: 0x4)
float OtomoMasteredWazaNoticeUIDisplayTime; // 0x0CCC (size: 0x4)
float ProgressGaugeInterpolationSpeed; // 0x0CD0 (size: 0x4)
float TeleportFadeInTime; // 0x0CD4 (size: 0x4)
float TeleportFadeOutTime; // 0x0CD8 (size: 0x4)
float PlayerTeleportTimeoutTime; // 0x0CDC (size: 0x4)
TArray<float> PassiveSkillAppendNumWeights; // 0x0CE0 (size: 0x10)
bool bIsEggLauncherExplosion; // 0x0CF0 (size: 0x1)
float ThrowPalBattleRadius; // 0x0CF4 (size: 0x4)
float ThrowPalWorkRadius; // 0x0CF8 (size: 0x4)
float RopeHitPowe; // 0x0CFC (size: 0x4)
float RopePullPower; // 0x0D00 (size: 0x4)
float DefaultMaxInventoryWeight; // 0x0D04 (size: 0x4)
float RaycastLengthForDetectIndoor; // 0x0D08 (size: 0x4)
float MapObjectConnectAnyPlaceRaycastLength; // 0x0D0C (size: 0x4)
float ShootingTargetRayCastDistance; // 0x0D10 (size: 0x4)
TArray<float> CaptureJudgeRateArray; // 0x0D18 (size: 0x10)
int32 CaptureBallBoundCountMax; // 0x0D28 (size: 0x4)
TArray<FName> ExceptCapturedItemList; // 0x0D30 (size: 0x10)
TMap<EPalCaptureSphereLevelType, int32> CaptureSphereLevelMap; // 0x0D40 (size: 0x50)
TMap<EPalStatusID, float> CaptureRateAddByStatusMap; // 0x0D90 (size: 0x50)
float IgnoreFirstCaptureFailedHPRate; // 0x0DE0 (size: 0x4)
float CaptureRateAdd_ByLegHold; // 0x0DE4 (size: 0x4)
float LongPressInterval; // 0x0DE8 (size: 0x4)
float LongPressInterval_EnemyCampCage; // 0x0DEC (size: 0x4)
float LongPressInterval_GetHatchedPal; // 0x0DF0 (size: 0x4)
float CrouchLockAttenuation; // 0x0DF4 (size: 0x4)
bool IsEnableCharacterWazaScale; // 0x0DF8 (size: 0x1)
bool IsOverrideDamageAdditiveAnimation; // 0x0DF9 (size: 0x1)
float BlinkInterval; // 0x0DFC (size: 0x4)
float CrimeStateMaintainDurationBaseDefault; // 0x0E00 (size: 0x4)
int32 technologyPointPerLevel; // 0x0E04 (size: 0x4)
int32 bossTechnologyPointPerTowerBoss; // 0x0E08 (size: 0x4)
int32 bossTechnologyPointPerNormalBoss; // 0x0E0C (size: 0x4)
TArray<FPalDataTableRowName_RecipeTechnologyData> DefaultUnlockTechnology; // 0x0E10 (size: 0x10)
int32 DefaultTechnologyPoint; // 0x0E20 (size: 0x4)
int32 TechnologyPoint_UnlockFastTravel; // 0x0E24 (size: 0x4)
float DecreaseSanity_DamagedMultiply; // 0x0E28 (size: 0x4)
int32 FullStomachPercent_RecoverySanity; // 0x0E2C (size: 0x4)
float RecoverySanity_FullStomach; // 0x0E30 (size: 0x4)
float DecreaseSanity_Hunger; // 0x0E34 (size: 0x4)
float DecreaseSanity_Starvation; // 0x0E38 (size: 0x4)
bool Spawner_IsCheckLoadedWorldPartition; // 0x0E3C (size: 0x1)
float SpawnerDisableDistanceCM_FromBaseCamp; // 0x0E40 (size: 0x4)
float Spawner_DefaultSpawnRadius_S; // 0x0E44 (size: 0x4)
float Spawner_DefaultSpawnRadius_M; // 0x0E48 (size: 0x4)
float Spawner_DefaultSpawnRadius_L; // 0x0E4C (size: 0x4)
float Spawner_DefaultSpawnRadius_NPC; // 0x0E50 (size: 0x4)
float Spawner_DefaultDespawnDistance_S; // 0x0E54 (size: 0x4)
float Spawner_DefaultDespawnDistance_M; // 0x0E58 (size: 0x4)
float Spawner_DefaultDespawnDistance_L; // 0x0E5C (size: 0x4)
float Spawner_DefaultDespawnDistance_NPC; // 0x0E60 (size: 0x4)
class UDataTable* CharacterHeadMeshDataTable; // 0x0E68 (size: 0x8)
class UDataTable* CharacterBodyMeshDataTable; // 0x0E70 (size: 0x8)
class UDataTable* CharacterHairMeshDataTable; // 0x0E78 (size: 0x8)
class UDataTable* CharacterEquipmentArmorMeshDataTable; // 0x0E80 (size: 0x8)
class UDataTable* CharacterEyeMaterialDataTable; // 0x0E88 (size: 0x8)
float CharacterMakeColorLimit_SV; // 0x0E90 (size: 0x4)
bool IsAutoEquipMasteredWaza; // 0x0E94 (size: 0x1)
bool ActiveUNKO; // 0x0E95 (size: 0x1)
int32 MaxSpawnableDeathPenaltyChest; // 0x0E98 (size: 0x4)
FName BuildObjectInstallStrategy_SinkAllowCollisionPresetName; // 0x0E9C (size: 0x8)
float MapObjectShakeTimeOnDamaged; // 0x0EA4 (size: 0x4)
FVector MapObjectShakeOffsetOnDamaged; // 0x0EA8 (size: 0x18)
int32 MapObjectOutlineByReticleTargetting; // 0x0EC0 (size: 0x4)
int32 MapObjectOutlineByInteractable; // 0x0EC4 (size: 0x4)
FPalMapObjectRepairInfo MapObjectRepairInfo; // 0x0EC8 (size: 0x10)
float FoliageExtentsXY; // 0x0ED8 (size: 0x4)
int32 FoliageChunkSeparateScale; // 0x0EDC (size: 0x4)
float MapObjectHPDisplayDistance; // 0x0EE0 (size: 0x4)
float MapObjectHPDisplayTime; // 0x0EE4 (size: 0x4)
float MapObjectGateLockTime; // 0x0EE8 (size: 0x4)
bool bDirectObtainFromTreasureBox; // 0x0EEC (size: 0x1)
float MapObjectEffectTriggerAccumulate_Burn; // 0x0EF0 (size: 0x4)
float MapObjectEffect_Burn_DamageHpRate; // 0x0EF4 (size: 0x4)
FVector MapObjectEffect_Burn_DamageAroundRange; // 0x0EF8 (size: 0x18)
float MapObjectEffect_Burn_DamageAroundInterval; // 0x0F10 (size: 0x4)
float MapObjectEffect_Burn_DamageAroundDamageValue; // 0x0F14 (size: 0x4)
float MapObjectEffect_Burn_DamageAroundAccumulateValue; // 0x0F18 (size: 0x4)
float MapObjectEffect_Burn_DamageAroundAccumulateValue_ForCharacter; // 0x0F1C (size: 0x4)
int32 PasswordLockFailedMaxNum; // 0x0F20 (size: 0x4)
float MapObjectItemChestCorruptionRateFromWorkSpeed; // 0x0F24 (size: 0x4)
FPalOptimizeParameter RuntimeOptimizeParameter; // 0x0F28 (size: 0x490)
TMap<int32, FPalWorldSecurityWantedPoliceSettingData> WorldSecurityWantedPoliceSettingDataMap; // 0x13B8 (size: 0x50)
TMap<int32, FPalWorldSecurityWantedPoliceSettingData> WorldSecurityWantedPoliceSettingDataMapForDS; // 0x1408 (size: 0x50)
int32 StatusPointPerLevel; // 0x1458 (size: 0x4)
float AddMaxHPPerStatusPoint; // 0x145C (size: 0x4)
float AddMaxSPPerStatusPoint; // 0x1460 (size: 0x4)
float AddPowerPerStatusPoint; // 0x1464 (size: 0x4)
float AddMaxInventoryWeightPerStatusPoint; // 0x1468 (size: 0x4)
float AddCaptureLevelPerStatusPoint; // 0x146C (size: 0x4)
float AddWorkSpeedPerStatusPoint; // 0x1470 (size: 0x4)
float AddMaxHPPerHPRank; // 0x1474 (size: 0x4)
float AddAttackPerAttackRank; // 0x1478 (size: 0x4)
float AddDefencePerDefenceRank; // 0x147C (size: 0x4)
float AddWorkSpeedPerWorkSpeedRank; // 0x1480 (size: 0x4)
TArray<float> Combi_TalentInheritNum; // 0x1488 (size: 0x10)
TArray<float> Combi_PassiveInheritNum; // 0x1498 (size: 0x10)
TArray<float> Combi_PassiveRandomAddNum; // 0x14A8 (size: 0x10)
TArray<FPalEggRankInfo> PalEggRankInfoArray; // 0x14B8 (size: 0x10)
TMap<class EPalElementType, class FPalDataTableRowName_MapObjectData> PalEggMapObjectIdMap; // 0x14C8 (size: 0x50)
TMap<int32, float> PalEggHatchingSpeedRateByTemperature; // 0x1518 (size: 0x50)
class UFont* DebugInfoFont; // 0x1568 (size: 0x8)
int32 MaxGuildNameLength; // 0x1570 (size: 0x4)
float JoinGuildRequestInteractLongPushTime; // 0x1574 (size: 0x4)
float TutorialMinDisplayTime; // 0x1578 (size: 0x4)
float TutorialDisplayTime; // 0x157C (size: 0x4)
TMap<EPalUIRewardDisplayType, float> CommonRewardDisplayTime; // 0x1580 (size: 0x50)
float DeadBodyDestroySecond; // 0x15D0 (size: 0x4)
float EnemyCampRespawnCoolTime; // 0x15D4 (size: 0x4)
float EnemyCampDespawnDelayTime; // 0x15D8 (size: 0x4)
float PalBoxReviveTime; // 0x15DC (size: 0x4)
float AfterNPCTalkDelayTime_Interact; // 0x15E0 (size: 0x4)
float MinSprintThreshold; // 0x15E4 (size: 0x4)
float MaxSprintThreshold; // 0x15E8 (size: 0x4)
float MinHPGaugeDisplayTime; // 0x15EC (size: 0x4)
class UDataTable* SoundSourceDataTable; // 0x15F0 (size: 0x8)
TMap<class EPalPlatformType, class TSubclassOf<UPalOptimizeParameterSetting>> OptimizeParameterSettingClass; // 0x15F8 (size: 0x50)
bool TryGetWorkSuitabilityDefineData(const EPalWorkSuitability WorkSuitability, FPalWorkSuitabilityDefineData& outDefineData);
bool IsSoundMuteable(FName RowName);
float GetWeakScale(int32 weakCount);
int32 GetSoundRadius_cm(FName RowName);
class UPalOptionSubsystem* GetOptionSubsystem(const class UObject* WorldContextObject);
void GetMiningRankDefineData(int32 MiningRank, FPalMiningRankDefineData& outDefineData);
float GetMiningDamageRate(int32 MiningRank);
float GetEnemyMarkScale(const FVector& targetPosition, const FVector& selfPosition);
void GetDeforestRankDefineData(int32 DeforestRank, FPalDeforestRankDefineData& outDefineData);
float GetDeforestDamageRate(int32 DeforestRank);
float GetCollectionDropNumRate(int32 CollectionRank);
float GetCaptureRateByStatus_ForGameSettingBP(const class AActor* TargetPal);
int32 GetCaptureLevelBySphereType(EPalCaptureSphereLevelType SphereType);
float CalcCaptureRate(float captureItemLevel, const class UPalIndividualCharacterHandle* targetHandle, const class UPalIndividualCharacterHandle* throwCharacterHandle);
}; // Size: 0x1648
class UPalGameStateReplicatorBase : public UObject
}; // Size: 0x28
class UPalGameSystemInitManagerComponent : public UGameStateComponent
TArray<FPalGameSystemInitSequenceSet> InitSequences; // 0x00E0 (size: 0x10)
int32 CurrentSequenceIndex; // 0x00F0 (size: 0x4)
void OnChangeProcessState(class UPalGameSystemInitProcessHandle* ChangedProcessHandle);
void OnChangeProcessProgressRate(class UPalGameSystemInitProcessHandle* ChangedProcessHandle);
}; // Size: 0xF8
class UPalGameSystemInitProcessHandle : public UObject
TArray<class UPalGameSystemInitProcessHandle*> ChildProcessHandles; // 0x0050 (size: 0x10)
}; // Size: 0x68
class UPalGameSystemInitSequenceBase : public UObject
TArray<class UPalGameSystemInitProcessHandle*> ProcessHandles; // 0x0028 (size: 0x10)
}; // Size: 0x38
class UPalGameSystemInitSequence_ApplyWorldSaveData : public UPalGameSystemInitSequenceBase
}; // Size: 0x38
class UPalGameSystemInitSequence_CreateSystemForDedicatedServer : public UPalGameSystemInitSequenceBase
}; // Size: 0x38
class UPalGameSystemInitSequence_InitializeWorld : public UPalGameSystemInitSequenceBase
}; // Size: 0x38
class UPalGameSystemInitSequence_InitializeWorldAfterAppliedSaveData : public UPalGameSystemInitSequenceBase
}; // Size: 0x38
class UPalGameSystemInitSequence_MapObjectRegistration : public UPalGameSystemInitSequenceBase
}; // Size: 0x38
class UPalGameSystemInitSequence_ReadyWorldSaveData : public UPalGameSystemInitSequenceBase
}; // Size: 0x38
class UPalGameSystemInitSequence_StartAutoSave_WorldAndLocal : public UPalGameSystemInitSequenceBase
}; // Size: 0x38
class UPalGameSystemInitSequence_StartAutoSave_WorldOnly : public UPalGameSystemInitSequenceBase
}; // Size: 0x38
class UPalGameSystemInitSequence_WaitForLocalNetworkTransmitter : public UPalGameSystemInitSequenceBase
}; // Size: 0x38
class UPalGameSystemInitSequence_WaitForLocalPlayerStateSetup : public UPalGameSystemInitSequenceBase
}; // Size: 0x38
class UPalGameSystemInitSequence_WaitForWorldSystemInit : public UPalGameSystemInitSequenceBase
}; // Size: 0x38
class UPalGameViewportClient : public UCommonGameViewportClient
}; // Size: 0x3E0
class UPalGameWorldSettings : public UObject
FPalOptionWorldSettings OptionSettings; // 0x0028 (size: 0x128)
}; // Size: 0x150
class UPalGaugeInterpolationCalculatorUtility : public UBlueprintFunctionLibrary
void TickGaugeInterpolation(const class UObject* WorldContextObject, FPalGaugeInterpolationCalculator& Target, const float DeltaTime);
void SetGaugeInterpolationTargetValue(FPalGaugeInterpolationCalculator& Target, const float TargetValue);
}; // Size: 0x28
class UPalGetWorldUObject : public UObject
}; // Size: 0x28
class UPalGliderComponent : public UActorComponent
FPalGliderComponentOnStartGlidingDelegate OnStartGlidingDelegate; // 0x00A0 (size: 0x10)
void OnStartGliding();
FPalGliderComponentOnEndGlidingDelegate OnEndGlidingDelegate; // 0x00B0 (size: 0x10)
void OnEndGliding();
TArray<FPalGliderPalInfo> GliderPalInfos; // 0x00C0 (size: 0x10)
class APalGliderObject* CurrentGlider; // 0x00D0 (size: 0x8)
TSoftClassPtr<APalGliderObject> CurrentGliderSoftClass; // 0x00D8 (size: 0x30)
TSubclassOf<class APalGliderObject> CurrentGliderClass; // 0x0108 (size: 0x8)
bool bIsGliding; // 0x0110 (size: 0x1)
class UPalIndividualCharacterHandle* TryGetGliderIndividualHandleFromOtomoHolder();
void StopGliderSound(const FPalDataTableRowName_SoundID& ID);
void StartGliding_ToServer();
void StartGliding();
void SetCurrentGliderSoftClass_ToServer(const TSoftClassPtr<APalGliderObject>& gliderSoftClass);
void PlayGliderSound(const FPalDataTableRowName_SoundID& ID, const FPalSoundOptions& Option);
void OnUpdateOtomoHolderSlot(int32 SlotIndex, class UPalIndividualCharacterHandle* LastHandle);
void OnUpdateOtomoHolderInitialized(class APalCharacter* Character);
void OnUpdateInventoryContainer(class UPalItemContainer* Container);
void OnUpdateIndividualActor(class UPalIndividualCharacterHandle* Handle);
void OnUpdateEquipmentSlot(class UPalItemSlot* itemSlot, EPalPlayerEquipItemSlotType slotType);
void OnStartGliding__DelegateSignature();
void OnStartGliding();
void OnRep_IsGliding();
void OnRep_CurrentGliderSoftClass();
void OnInitializeGlider();
void OnEndGliding__DelegateSignature();
void OnEndGliding();
void OnDeadGliderPal(FPalDeadInfo DeadInfo);
void OnCompleteOwnerInitialize();
void OnChangeMovementMode(class UPalCharacterMovementComponent* Component, TEnumAsByte<EMovementMode> prevMode, TEnumAsByte<EMovementMode> newMode, EPalCharacterMovementCustomMode PrevCustomMode, EPalCharacterMovementCustomMode NewCustomMode);
void OnChangeGliderVisibility(bool bIsVisibility);
bool IsGliding();
bool IsEquipGlider();
bool HasGliderPal();
TArray<FName> GetAllGliderPalNames();
void EndGliding_ToServer();
void EndGliding();
bool CanGliding();
bool CanEndGliding();
void CancelGliding();
}; // Size: 0x118
class UPalGroupBase : public UObject
FPalGroupBaseOnChangedGroupName OnChangedGroupName; // 0x0030 (size: 0x10)
void ChangedGroupNameDelegate(FString NewGroupName);
FPalGroupBaseOnEnterCharacterDelegate OnEnterCharacterDelegate; // 0x0040 (size: 0x10)
void IndividualHandleDelegate(class UPalIndividualCharacterHandle* IndividualHandle);
FPalGroupBaseOnExitCharacterDelegate OnExitCharacterDelegate; // 0x0050 (size: 0x10)
void IndividualHandleDelegate(class UPalIndividualCharacterHandle* IndividualHandle);
FGuid ID; // 0x0060 (size: 0x10)
FString GroupName; // 0x0070 (size: 0x10)
TArray<FPalInstanceID> IndividualCharacterHandleIds; // 0x0080 (size: 0x10)
void OnUpdateIndividualActor(class UPalIndividualCharacterHandle* CharacterHandle);
void OnRep_GroupName();
void IndividualHandleDelegate__DelegateSignature(class UPalIndividualCharacterHandle* IndividualHandle);
FGuid GetId();
FString GetGroupName();
void ChangedGroupNameDelegate__DelegateSignature(FString NewGroupName);
}; // Size: 0x98
class UPalGroupDefine : public UObject
}; // Size: 0x28
class UPalGroupGuild : public UPalGroupGuildBase
FPalFastGuildPlayerInfoRepInfoArray PlayerInfoRepInfoArray; // 0x0130 (size: 0x148)
FGuid AdminPlayerUId; // 0x0278 (size: 0x10)
void OnChangedGuildMemberNickName(class UPalIndividualCharacterParameter* Parameter, FString NickName);
}; // Size: 0x288
class UPalGroupGuildBase : public UPalGroupOrganization
class UPalGuildPalStorage* PalStorage; // 0x00F0 (size: 0x8)
TArray<FGuid> MapObjectInstanceIds_BaseCampPoint; // 0x00F8 (size: 0x10)
int32 BaseCampLevel; // 0x0108 (size: 0x4)
TWeakObjectPtr<class APalGuildInfo> WeakGuildInfo; // 0x010C (size: 0x8)
FString GuildName; // 0x0118 (size: 0x10)
bool bAllPlayerNotOnlineAndAlreadyReset; // 0x0128 (size: 0x1)
void UpdatedGuildNameDelegate__DelegateSignature(FString NewGuildName);
void ReturnSelfDelegate__DelegateSignature(class UPalGroupGuildBase* Self);
EPalGroupOperationResult RequestDismantleBaseCamp(const FGuid& BaseCampId);
void OnRep_Guildname();
void OnRep_BaseCampLevel(int32 OldValue);
void OnDeletePlayerAccount_ServerInternal(class UPalPlayerAccount* DeleteAccount);
void NotifyPlayerInfoDelegate__DelegateSignature(const class UPalGroupGuildBase* Self, const FGuid& PlayerUId, const FPalGuildPlayerInfo& PlayerInfo);
FString GetGuildName();
int32 GetBaseCampMaxNumInGuild();
int32 GetBaseCampLevel();
}; // Size: 0x130
class UPalGroupIndependentGuild : public UPalGroupGuildBase
FGuid PlayerUId; // 0x0130 (size: 0x10)
FPalGuildPlayerInfo PlayerInfo; // 0x0140 (size: 0x20)
}; // Size: 0x160
class UPalGroupManager : public UPalWorldSubsystem
TMap<class FGuid, class UPalGroupBase*> GroupMap; // 0x0078 (size: 0x50)
TMap<class FGuid, class UPalGroupGuildBase*> GuildMap; // 0x00C8 (size: 0x50)
TMap<class EPalOrganizationType, class EPalGroupType> StaticOrganizationGroupTypeMap; // 0x0118 (size: 0x50)
TMap<class EPalOrganizationType, class FGuid> StaticOrganizationGroupIdMap; // 0x0168 (size: 0x50)
bool TryGetGuildName(const FGuid& GroupID, FString& OutGuildName);
bool TryGetGroupName(const FGuid& GroupID, FString& OutGroupName);
bool IsExistGroup(FString GroupName);
FGuid GetOrganizationGroupId(const class UObject* WorldContextObject, const EPalOrganizationType OrganizationType);
void Debug_RequestNewGroup(FPalGroupCreateParameter CreateParam, FDebug_RequestNewGroupCallback Callback);
void Debug_RequestExitGroup(const FPalInstanceID& IndividualId, FDebug_RequestExitGroupCallback Callback);
void Debug_RequestEnterGroup(const FPalInstanceID& IndividualId, const FGuid& GroupID, FDebug_RequestEnterGroupCallback Callback);
void Debug_RequestDisposeGroup(const FGuid& GroupID, FDebug_RequestDisposeGroupCallback Callback);
class UPalGroupBase* Debug_GetFirstGroupByType(const EPalGroupType Type);
}; // Size: 0x1C8
class UPalGroupNeutral : public UPalGroupBase
}; // Size: 0x98
class UPalGroupOperationResultUtility : public UObject
}; // Size: 0x28
class UPalGroupOrganization : public UPalGroupBase
EPalOrganizationType OrganizationType; // 0x00A0 (size: 0x1)
TArray<FGuid> BaseCampIds; // 0x00A8 (size: 0x10)
void OnDead(FPalDeadInfo DeadInfo);
void OnDamage(FPalDamageResult DamageResult);
}; // Size: 0xB8
class UPalGroupUtility : public UBlueprintFunctionLibrary
EPalOrganizationType GetOrganizationTypeByIndividualId(const class UObject* WorldContextObject, const FPalInstanceID& IndividualId);
EPalOrganizationType GetOrganizationTypeByIndividualHandle(const class UObject* WorldContextObject, class UPalIndividualCharacterHandle* IndividualHandle);
class UPalGroupGuildBase* GetLocalPlayerGuild(const class UObject* WorldContextObject);
FGuid GetGroupIdByIndividualId(const class UObject* WorldContextObject, const FPalInstanceID& IndividualId);
}; // Size: 0x28
class UPalGuildJoinRequestResultUtility : public UObject
}; // Size: 0x28
class UPalGuildPalStorage : public UObject
void OnNotifiedRemovedCharacterFromPalBoxInServer(class UPalIndividualCharacterHandle* Handle);
void OnNotifiedObtainCharacterInServer(class UPalIndividualCharacterHandle* Handle);
}; // Size: 0x38
class UPalGuildPlayerInfoUtility : public UBlueprintFunctionLibrary
bool IsValid(const FPalGuildPlayerInfo& PlayerInfo);
}; // Size: 0x28
class UPalHUDDispatchParame_JoinGameInputCode : public UPalHUDDispatchParameterBase
EPalUIJoinGameInputCodeType InputCodeType; // 0x0038 (size: 0x1)
FPalUIServerDisplayData TargetServerDisplayInfo; // 0x0040 (size: 0x1A0)
}; // Size: 0x1E0
class UPalHUDDispatchParameterBase : public UObject
FPalHUDDispatchParameterBaseOnClose OnClose; // 0x0028 (size: 0x10)
void BeginDestroyDelegate(class UPalHUDDispatchParameterBase* Param);
}; // Size: 0x38
class UPalHUDDispatchParameter_Authentication : public UPalHUDDispatchParameter_MapObject
bool IsAuthentication; // 0x0040 (size: 0x1)
}; // Size: 0x48
class UPalHUDDispatchParameter_BaseCampTask : public UPalHUDDispatchParameterBase
FGuid TargetBaseCampId; // 0x0038 (size: 0x10)
}; // Size: 0x48
class UPalHUDDispatchParameter_CharacterDisplay : public UPalHUDDispatchParameterBase
class UPalMapObjectDisplayCharacterModel* Model; // 0x0038 (size: 0x8)
}; // Size: 0x40
class UPalHUDDispatchParameter_CharacterMake : public UPalHUDDispatchParameterBase
bool bIsNewGame; // 0x0038 (size: 0x1)
}; // Size: 0x40
class UPalHUDDispatchParameter_CharacterRankUp : public UPalHUDDispatchParameterBase
class UPalMapObjectRankUpCharacterModel* ConcreteModel; // 0x0038 (size: 0x8)
}; // Size: 0x40
class UPalHUDDispatchParameter_CharacterStatusOperator : public UPalHUDDispatchParameterBase
void GetCharacterStatusOperationResultText(const class UObject* WorldContextObject, const EPalCharacterStatusOperationResult Type, FText& OutText);
void BindReceiveRequestResultDelegate(const class UObject* WorldContextObject, FBindReceiveRequestResultDelegateDelegate Delegate);
}; // Size: 0x38
class UPalHUDDispatchParameter_ConvertItem : public UPalHUDDispatchParameterBase
class UPalMapObjectConvertItemModel* ConvertItemModel; // 0x0038 (size: 0x8)
}; // Size: 0x40
class UPalHUDDispatchParameter_CutsceneOverlay : public UPalHUDDispatchParameterBase
class UPalCutsceneComponent* CutsceneComponent; // 0x0038 (size: 0x8)
}; // Size: 0x40
class UPalHUDDispatchParameter_FadeWidget : public UPalHUDDispatchParameterBase
EPalFadeWidgetType FadeWidgetType; // 0x0038 (size: 0x1)
FLinearColor CustomColor; // 0x003C (size: 0x10)
float FadeInTime; // 0x004C (size: 0x4)
float FadeOutTime; // 0x0050 (size: 0x4)
FPalHUDDispatchParameter_FadeWidgetOnStartFadeIn OnStartFadeIn; // 0x0058 (size: 0x10)
void FadeWidgetDelegate();
FPalHUDDispatchParameter_FadeWidgetOnEndFadeIn OnEndFadeIn; // 0x0068 (size: 0x10)
void FadeWidgetDelegate();
FPalHUDDispatchParameter_FadeWidgetOnStartFadeOut OnStartFadeOut; // 0x0078 (size: 0x10)
void FadeWidgetDelegate();
FPalHUDDispatchParameter_FadeWidgetOnEndFadeOut OnEndFadeOut; // 0x0088 (size: 0x10)
void FadeWidgetDelegate();
}; // Size: 0x98
class UPalHUDDispatchParameter_HatchingEgg : public UPalHUDDispatchParameterBase
class UPalMapObjectHatchingEggModel* HatchingEggModel; // 0x0038 (size: 0x8)
}; // Size: 0x40
class UPalHUDDispatchParameter_HungerIcon : public UPalHUDDispatchParameterBase
bool IsExistFood; // 0x0038 (size: 0x1)
FGuid BelongGroupId; // 0x003C (size: 0x10)
}; // Size: 0x50
class UPalHUDDispatchParameter_Invader : public UPalHUDDispatchParameterBase
TSoftObjectPtr<APalCharacter> ParentCharacter; // 0x0038 (size: 0x30)
}; // Size: 0x68
class UPalHUDDispatchParameter_ItemShop : public UPalHUDDispatchParameterBase
class UPalShopBase* Shop; // 0x0038 (size: 0x8)
}; // Size: 0x40
class UPalHUDDispatchParameter_MapObject : public UPalHUDDispatchParameterBase
class UPalMapObjectConcreteModelBase* MapObjectConcreteModel; // 0x0038 (size: 0x8)
}; // Size: 0x40
class UPalHUDDispatchParameter_MapObjectEnergyModule : public UPalHUDDispatchParameterBase
class UPalMapObjectEnergyModule* EnergyModule; // 0x0038 (size: 0x8)
}; // Size: 0x40
class UPalHUDDispatchParameter_MonsterDetail : public UPalHUDDispatchParameterBase
class UPalIndividualCharacterHandle* IndividualHandle; // 0x0038 (size: 0x8)
}; // Size: 0x40
class UPalHUDDispatchParameter_PalBox : public UPalHUDDispatchParameterBase
FGuid BaseCampId; // 0x0038 (size: 0x10)
}; // Size: 0x48
class UPalHUDDispatchParameter_PalShop : public UPalHUDDispatchParameterBase
class UPalShopBase* Shop; // 0x0038 (size: 0x8)
}; // Size: 0x40
class UPalHUDDispatchParameter_RecoverOtomo : public UPalHUDDispatchParameterBase
class UPalMapObjectRecoverOtomoModel* RecoverOtomoModel; // 0x0038 (size: 0x8)
}; // Size: 0x40
class UPalHUDDispatchParameter_RepairBench : public UPalHUDDispatchParameterBase
class UPalMapObjectRepairItemModel* Model; // 0x0038 (size: 0x8)
}; // Size: 0x40
class UPalHUDDispatchParameter_SelectItemInventory : public UPalHUDDispatchParameterBase
FText TitleText; // 0x0038 (size: 0x18)
TArray<EPalPlayerInventoryType> showInventoryTypes; // 0x0050 (size: 0x10)
TArray<EPalItemTypeA> showItemTypesA; // 0x0060 (size: 0x10)
TArray<EPalItemTypeB> showItemTypesB; // 0x0070 (size: 0x10)
bool shouldSelectNum; // 0x0080 (size: 0x1)
FPalHUDDispatchParameter_SelectItemInventoryCallback Callback; // 0x0084 (size: 0x10)
void PalSelectedItemPlayerInventoryDelegate(const FPalItemSlotId& itemSlotId, const int32 itemNum);
void InvokeCallback(const FPalItemSlotId& itemSlotId, const int32 itemNum);
}; // Size: 0x98
class UPalHUDDispatchParameter_Signboard : public UPalHUDDispatchParameter_MapObject
FString InText; // 0x0040 (size: 0x10)
FString OutText; // 0x0050 (size: 0x10)
FPalHUDDispatchParameter_SignboardOnUpdateTextDelegate OnUpdateTextDelegate; // 0x0060 (size: 0x10)
void UpdateTextDelegate(FString TextValue);
}; // Size: 0x70
class UPalHUDDispatchParameter_WorkerRadialMenu : public UPalHUDDispatchParameterBase
class UPalIndividualCharacterHandle* IndividualHandle; // 0x0038 (size: 0x8)
EPalWorkerRadialMenuResult ResultType; // 0x0040 (size: 0x1)
}; // Size: 0x48
class UPalHUDDispatchParameter_WorldMap : public UPalHUDDispatchParameterBase
bool CanFastTravel; // 0x0038 (size: 0x1)
bool ForRespawn; // 0x0039 (size: 0x1)
bool IsInitSelect; // 0x003A (size: 0x1)
}; // Size: 0x40
class UPalHUDDispatchParameter_WorldSetting : public UPalHUDDispatchParameterBase
bool IsNewWorld; // 0x0038 (size: 0x1)
FString WorldSaveDirectoryName; // 0x0040 (size: 0x10)
FString WorldName; // 0x0050 (size: 0x10)
}; // Size: 0x60
class UPalHUDLayout : public UPalActivatableWidget
TSoftClassPtr<UCommonActivatableWidget> EscapeMenuClass; // 0x03D0 (size: 0x30)
}; // Size: 0x400
class UPalHUDService : public UObject
FPalHUDServiceOnPushedStackableUI OnPushedStackableUI; // 0x0030 (size: 0x10)
void OnPushedStackableUI(const FGuid& pushedWidgetID);
FPalHUDServiceOnSuccessedCapturePal OnSuccessedCapturePal; // 0x0040 (size: 0x10)
void OnSuccessedCapturePal(const FPalUIPalCaptureInfo& CaptureInfo);
FPalHUDServiceOnApplicationActivationStateChanged OnApplicationActivationStateChanged; // 0x0050 (size: 0x10)
void OnApplicationActivationStateChangedDelegate(bool bIsFocused);
FPalHUDServiceOnInvalidatePlayerInputGuard OnInvalidatePlayerInputGuard; // 0x0060 (size: 0x10)
void InvalidatePlayerInputGuard();
FUITransientData TransientData; // 0x0070 (size: 0x14)
TScriptInterface<class IPalHUDServiceProviderInterface> ServiceProvider; // 0x0088 (size: 0x10)
void StartFadeOut(EPalFadeWidgetLayerType LayerType);
void StartFadeIn(EPalFadeWidgetLayerType LayerType, class UPalHUDDispatchParameter_FadeWidget* FadeParameter);
FGuid ShowCommonUI(const EPalWidgetBlueprintType WBPType, class UPalHUDDispatchParameterBase* Parameter);
void ShowCommonReward(const FPalUICommonRewardDisplayData& RewardDisplayData);
void ShowCommonItemInfo(const FPalUICommonItemInfoDisplayData& DisplayData);
void SetHUDLayerHideFlag(const FGameplayTag& LayerTagName, const FName& HideReasonName, bool IsHide);
void RemoveWorldHUDFromWidgetId(const FGuid& ID);
void RemoveWorldHUD(const FGuid& ID);
void RemoveHUD(const FGuid& ID);
FGuid Push(TSubclassOf<class UPalUserWidgetStackableUI> WidgetClass, class UPalHUDDispatchParameterBase* Parameter);
void PlayAkSound(class UAkAudioEvent* AkEvent);
void OnSuccessedCapturePal__DelegateSignature(const FPalUIPalCaptureInfo& CaptureInfo);
void OnPushedStackableUI__DelegateSignature(const FGuid& pushedWidgetID);
void OnApplicationActivationStateChangedDelegate__DelegateSignature(bool bIsFocused);
void InvokeFunction_Int32(const FName FunctionName, int32 Value);
void InvokeFunction_FName(const FName FunctionName, FName Value);
void InvokeFunction(const FName FunctionName);
void InvalidatePlayerInputGuard__DelegateSignature();
void HideCommonItemInfo();
class UPalSoundPlayer* GetSoundPlayer();
class UPalUILiftSlotModel* GetLiftSlotModel();
void DeactivateFocusCursor();
class UPalHUDDispatchParameterBase* CreateDispatchParameterForK2Node(const class UObject* WorldContextObject, TSubclassOf<class UPalHUDDispatchParameterBase> ParameterClass);
void CloseOwnerStackableUI(const class UObject* InObject);
void CloseOverlayUIAll();
void Close(const FGuid& ID);
FGuid AddWorldHUD(FPalWorldHUDParameter Parameter);
FGuid AddHUD(TSubclassOf<class UPalUserWidget> WidgetClass, const EPalHUDWidgetPriority Priority, class UPalHUDDispatchParameterBase* Parameter);
void ActivatePlayerInputGuard();
void ActivateFocusCursor(class UWidget* TargetWidget);
}; // Size: 0x98
class UPalHate : public UObject
TMap<FPalInstanceID, float> HateMap; // 0x0028 (size: 0x50)
FTimerHandle HateTimerHandle; // 0x0078 (size: 0x8)
void SelfDeathEvent(FPalDeadInfo DeadInfo);
void ForceHateUp_ForActiveAndAttackOtomoPal(const class AActor* OtomoPal);
class AActor* FindMostHateTarget();
void DamageEvent(FPalDamageResult DamageResult);
void ChangeHate(const class AActor* Attacker, float PlusHateValue);
void AttackSuccessEvent(FPalDamageResult DamageResult);
}; // Size: 0x80
class UPalHeadUpDisplayComponent : public UActorComponent
float HeadUpOffset; // 0x00A0 (size: 0x4)
void UpdateInvaderHUD();
void ShowInvaderHUD();
void OnUpdatePossessItem(class UPalCharacterParameterComponent* Parameter);
void OnUpdateOwnerCharacterGroupId(const FGuid& GroupID);
void OnInitializedCharacter(class APalCharacter* OwnerCharacter);
}; // Size: 0xD8
class UPalHeatSourceBoxComponent : public UBoxComponent
bool DefaultActive; // 0x0578 (size: 0x1)
class UPalHeatSourceModule* HeatSourceModule; // 0x0580 (size: 0x8)
void SetActiveHeatSource(bool NextIsActive);
class UPalHeatSourceModule* GetModule();
}; // Size: 0x590
class UPalHeatSourceModule : public UObject
TArray<TWeakObjectPtr<AActor>> PlayerList; // 0x0028 (size: 0x10)
TArray<TWeakObjectPtr<AActor>> ActorList; // 0x0038 (size: 0x10)
bool IsActive; // 0x0048 (size: 0x1)
FName UnieqName; // 0x004C (size: 0x8)
FPalHeatSourceInfo HeatSourceInfo; // 0x0054 (size: 0x8)
void SetActivate(bool Active);
void RemovePlayer(class AActor* Player);
void RemoveActor(class AActor* Actor);
void InitializeHeatSource(FName SourceName, FPalHeatSourceInfo Info, bool DefaultActive);
void AddPlayer(class AActor* Player);
void AddActor(class AActor* Actor);
}; // Size: 0x60
class UPalHeatSourceSphereComponent : public USphereComponent
bool DefaultActive; // 0x0560 (size: 0x1)
class UPalHeatSourceModule* HeatSourceModule; // 0x0568 (size: 0x8)
void SetActiveHeatSource(bool NextIsActive);
class UPalHeatSourceModule* GetModule();
}; // Size: 0x570
class UPalHiddenBoxComponent : public UBoxComponent
void EndOverlapEvent(class UPrimitiveComponent* OverlappedComponent, class AActor* OtherActor, class UPrimitiveComponent* OtherComp, int32 OtherBodyIndex);
void BeginOverlapEvent(class UPrimitiveComponent* OverlappedComponent, class AActor* OtherActor, class UPrimitiveComponent* OtherComp, int32 OtherBodyIndex, bool bFromSweep, const FHitResult& SweepResult);
}; // Size: 0x580
class UPalHiddenCapsuleComponent : public UCapsuleComponent
void EndOverlapEvent(class UPrimitiveComponent* OverlappedComponent, class AActor* OtherActor, class UPrimitiveComponent* OtherComp, int32 OtherBodyIndex);
void BeginOverlapEvent(class UPrimitiveComponent* OverlappedComponent, class AActor* OtherActor, class UPrimitiveComponent* OtherComp, int32 OtherBodyIndex, bool bFromSweep, const FHitResult& SweepResult);
}; // Size: 0x560
class UPalHitEffectSlot : public UObject
void PlayHitEffect(const FPalDamageInfo& Info);
void Initialize();
}; // Size: 0x28
class UPalHitFilter : public UObject
int32 MaxHitNum; // 0x0030 (size: 0x4)
float HitInterval; // 0x0034 (size: 0x4)
TSubclassOf<class UPalHitLocationCalculator> HitLocationCalculator; // 0x0038 (size: 0x8)
bool bIsIntersectionCollision; // 0x0040 (size: 0x1)
int32 IntersectionNum; // 0x0044 (size: 0x4)
FPalHitFilterOnHitDelegate OnHitDelegate; // 0x0048 (size: 0x10)
void OnHitDelegate(class UPrimitiveComponent* MyHitComponent, class AActor* OtherHitActor, class UPrimitiveComponent* OtherHitComponent, const TArray<int32>& FoliageIndex, FVector HitLocation, int32 HitCount);
FPalHitFilterOnOverlapEndDelegate OnOverlapEndDelegate; // 0x0058 (size: 0x10)
void OverlapEndDelegate(class UPrimitiveComponent* MyHitComponent, class AActor* OtherHitActor, class UPrimitiveComponent* OtherHitComponent);
void UnbindPrimitiveComponent(class UPrimitiveComponent* Component);
void SetIntersectionNum(int32 Num);
void SetAttacker(class AActor* Attacker);
void ResetFilter();
void OverlapEndDelegate__DelegateSignature(class UPrimitiveComponent* MyHitComponent, class AActor* OtherHitActor, class UPrimitiveComponent* OtherHitComponent);
void OnHitDelegate__DelegateSignature(class UPrimitiveComponent* MyHitComponent, class AActor* OtherHitActor, class UPrimitiveComponent* OtherHitComponent, const TArray<int32>& FoliageIndex, FVector HitLocation, int32 HitCount);
void OnEndOverlap(class UPrimitiveComponent* OverlappedComp, class AActor* Other, class UPrimitiveComponent* OtherComp, int32 OtherBodyIndex);
void OnBeginOverlap(class UPrimitiveComponent* HitComp, class AActor* OtherActor, class UPrimitiveComponent* OtherComp, int32 OtherBodyIndex, bool bFromSweep, const FHitResult& Hit);
void BindPrimitiveComponent(class UPrimitiveComponent* Component);
}; // Size: 0x158
class UPalHitLocationCalculator : public UObject
FVector CalcLocation(class UPrimitiveComponent* MyHitComponent, class UPrimitiveComponent* OtherHitComponent);
}; // Size: 0x28
class UPalIncidentBase : public UObject
FPalIncidentExecutionSettings ExecSettings; // 0x0028 (size: 0x1)
FPalIncidentIdParameter IdParameter; // 0x0030 (size: 0x38)
class UPalIncidentBase* ParentIncident; // 0x0068 (size: 0x8)
class UPalIncidentDynamicParameter* DynamicParameter; // 0x0070 (size: 0x8)
FPalIncidentSystemFunctionAccessor FunctionAccessor; // 0x0080 (size: 0xC0)
bool bForceStop; // 0x0140 (size: 0x1)
class UObject* OccuredObject; // 0x0148 (size: 0x8)
class UObject* OwnerObject; // 0x0150 (size: 0x8)
EPalIncidentState ExecState; // 0x0158 (size: 0x1)
void Tick(float DeltaTime);
void SetDynamicParameter(class UPalIncidentDynamicParameter* Parameter);
int32 RequestConsumeInventoryItem(class UPalPlayerInventoryData* InventoryData, FName ItemId, int32 ConsumeNum);
void OnInitialized();
void OnGenerated();
void OnForceStop();
void OnEnd();
void OnChildInitialized(class UPalIncidentBase* Child);
void OnCanceled();
void OnBegin();
bool IsInitialized();
bool IsExecuting();
bool IsCompleted();
bool IsCanceled();
bool HasOption(const FName& Option);
class UPalIncidentBase* GetRootIncident();
class UPalIncidentBase* GetParentIncident();
class UObject* GetOwner();
class UObject* GetOccuredObject();
FName GetIncidentType();
FName GetIncidentId();
class UPalIncidentDynamicParameter* GetDynamicParameter();
TArray<FName> GetArgs();
FName GetArg(int32 Index);
void ForceStop();
void Finish();
void DropItem(FName ItemId, int32 DropNum, FVector SpawnLocation, FVector ReleaseDirection);
}; // Size: 0x160
class UPalIncidentDynamicParameter : public UObject
class AActor* Other; // 0x0028 (size: 0x8)
}; // Size: 0x30
class UPalIncidentDynamicParameterInvader : public UPalIncidentDynamicParameter
FGuid TargetBaseCampId; // 0x0030 (size: 0x10)
}; // Size: 0x40
class UPalIncidentDynamicParameterRandom : public UPalIncidentDynamicParameter
FName SettingName; // 0x0030 (size: 0x8)
int32 PlayerId; // 0x0038 (size: 0x4)
}; // Size: 0x40
class UPalIncidentDynamicParameterTalk : public UPalIncidentDynamicParameter
EPalIncidentTalkType TalkType; // 0x0030 (size: 0x1)
FName TalkId; // 0x0034 (size: 0x8)
FName RequestItem; // 0x003C (size: 0x8)
int32 RequestItemNum; // 0x0044 (size: 0x4)
bool IsRequestSucceed; // 0x0048 (size: 0x1)
}; // Size: 0x50
class UPalIncidentList : public UPalIncidentBase
TArray<FName> FirstIncidentIds; // 0x0160 (size: 0x10)
TArray<class UPalIncidentBase*> WaitingIncidents; // 0x0170 (size: 0x10)
class UPalIncidentBase* CurrentIncident; // 0x0180 (size: 0x8)
TArray<class UPalIncidentBase*> CompletedIncidents; // 0x0188 (size: 0x10)
int32 ProgressCount; // 0x0198 (size: 0x4)
void OnIncidentProgressed(class UPalIncidentBase* PrevIncident, class UPalIncidentBase* NextIncident, int32 ProcessCount);
void OnAllIncidentsCompleted();
void InsertIncidentToTop(const FName& ID);
void InsertIncidentsToTop(const TArray<FName>& IDs);
void AddIncidents(const TArray<FName>& IDs);
void AddIncident(const FName& ID);
}; // Size: 0x1A0
class UPalIncidentNotifyListener : public UObject
FPalIncidentNotifyListenerOnIncidentStateNotifyDelegate OnIncidentStateNotifyDelegate; // 0x0028 (size: 0x10)
void IncidentStateNotifyDelegate(class UPalIncidentNotifyListener* Listener, EPalIncidentState IncidentState, const FPalIncidentNotifyParameter& Parameter);
class UObject* FilterOccuredObject; // 0x0038 (size: 0x8)
class UObject* FilterOwnerObject; // 0x0040 (size: 0x8)
TArray<FName> FilterIncidentIds; // 0x0048 (size: 0x10)
TArray<FName> FilterIncidentTypes; // 0x0058 (size: 0x10)
void UnregisterFromIncidentSystem();
void RegisterToIncidentSystemWithFilterOwner(class UObject* FilterOwner);
void RegisterToIncidentSystemWithFilterOccuredOwner(class UObject* FilterOccured, class UObject* FilterOwner);
void RegisterToIncidentSystemWithFilterOccured(class UObject* FilterOccured);
void RegisterToIncidentSystemWithFilterIdsOwner(const TArray<FName>& FilterIds, class UObject* FilterOwner);
void RegisterToIncidentSystemWithFilterIdsOccuredOwner(const TArray<FName>& FilterIds, class UObject* FilterOccured, class UObject* FilterOwner);
void RegisterToIncidentSystemWithFilterIdsOccured(const TArray<FName>& FilterIds, class UObject* FilterOccured);
void RegisterToIncidentSystemWithFilterIds(const TArray<FName>& FilterIds);
void RegisterToIncidentSystemWithFilterIdOwner(FName FilterId, class UObject* FilterOwner);
void RegisterToIncidentSystemWithFilterIdOccuredOwner(FName FilterId, class UObject* FilterOccured, class UObject* FilterOwner);
void RegisterToIncidentSystemWithFilterIdOccured(FName FilterId, class UObject* FilterOccured);
void RegisterToIncidentSystemWithFilterId(FName FilterId);
void RegisterToIncidentSystem();
void OnIncidentStateNotify(class UPalIncidentNotifyListener* Listener, EPalIncidentState IncidentState, const FPalIncidentNotifyParameter& Parameter);
void IncidentStateNotifyDelegate__DelegateSignature(class UPalIncidentNotifyListener* Listener, EPalIncidentState IncidentState, const FPalIncidentNotifyParameter& Parameter);
}; // Size: 0x68
class UPalIncidentSystem : public UPalWorldSubsystem
TArray<FName> ResidentIncidentList; // 0x0070 (size: 0x10)
TMap<class FName, class TSubclassOf<UPalIncidentBase>> IncidentClassMap; // 0x0080 (size: 0x50)
class UDataTable* IncidentParameterDataTable; // 0x00D0 (size: 0x8)
FPalIncidentSystemOnIncidentStateNotifyDelegate OnIncidentStateNotifyDelegate; // 0x00D8 (size: 0x10)
void IncidentStateNotify(EPalIncidentState IncidentState, const FPalIncidentNotifyParameter& Parameter);
TArray<class UPalIncidentBase*> WaitingIncidents; // 0x00E8 (size: 0x10)
TArray<class UPalIncidentBase*> ExecuteIncidents; // 0x00F8 (size: 0x10)
TArray<class UPalIncidentBase*> ResidentIncidents; // 0x0108 (size: 0x10)
TArray<class UPalIncidentNotifyListener*> Listeners; // 0x0118 (size: 0x10)
class UPalIncidentList* RequestIncidents(const TArray<FName>& Incidents, class UObject* OccuredObject, class UObject* OwnerObject, class UPalIncidentDynamicParameter* Parameter);
class UPalIncidentBase* RequestIncident(FName IncidentId, class UObject* OccuredObject, class UObject* OwnerObject, class UPalIncidentDynamicParameter* Parameter);
void NotifyIncidentState(EPalIncidentState NotifyType, const FPalIncidentNotifyParameter& Parameter);
bool IsIncidentBeginAllowed(class UPalIncidentBase* Incident);
void IncidentStateNotify__DelegateSignature(EPalIncidentState IncidentState, const FPalIncidentNotifyParameter& Parameter);
class UPalIncidentBase* GenerateIncident(FPalIncidentInitializeParameter& InitializeParam);
void ForceStopByOwner(class UObject* OwnerObject);
void ForceStopByOccuredObject(class UObject* OccuredObject);
void ForceStopByIncidentType(FName IncidentType);
void ForceStopByIncidentId(FName IncidentId);
}; // Size: 0x1F0
class UPalIndividualCharacterContainer : public UPalContainerBase
FPalIndividualCharacterContainerOnUpdateContentsDelegate OnUpdateContentsDelegate; // 0x0050 (size: 0x10)
void UpdateContentsDelegate(class UPalIndividualCharacterContainer* Container);
FPalIndividualCharacterContainerOnUpdateSlotsDelegate OnUpdateSlotsDelegate; // 0x0060 (size: 0x10)
void UpdateContentsDelegate(class UPalIndividualCharacterContainer* Container);
TArray<class UPalIndividualCharacterSlot*> SlotArray; // 0x0080 (size: 0x10)
void UpdateContentsDelegate__DelegateSignature(class UPalIndividualCharacterContainer* Container);
void OnRep_Slots();
int32 Num();
TArray<class UPalIndividualCharacterSlot*> GetSlots();
class UPalIndividualCharacterSlot* Get(const int32 Index);
class UPalIndividualCharacterSlot* FindEmptySlot();
class UPalIndividualCharacterSlot* FindByHandle(class UPalIndividualCharacterHandle* Handle);
}; // Size: 0x90
class UPalIndividualCharacterHandle : public UObject
FPalIndividualCharacterHandleOnUpdateIndividualActorDelegate OnUpdateIndividualActorDelegate; // 0x0028 (size: 0x10)
void UpdateIndividualActorDelegate(class UPalIndividualCharacterHandle* Handle);
FPalInstanceID ID; // 0x0038 (size: 0x30)
void UpdateIndividualActorDelegate__DelegateSignature(class UPalIndividualCharacterHandle* Handle);
class APalCharacter* TryGetPhantomActor(int32 PhantomId);
class UPalIndividualCharacterParameter* TryGetIndividualParameter();
class APalCharacter* TryGetIndividualActor();
int32 GetPhantomIDByActor(class APalCharacter* Character);
FPalInstanceID GetIndividualID();
}; // Size: 0x68
class UPalIndividualCharacterHandleReference : public UPalIndividualCharacterHandle
}; // Size: 0x68
class UPalIndividualCharacterParameter : public UObject
FPalIndividualCharacterParameterOnUpdateLevelDelegate OnUpdateLevelDelegate; // 0x0028 (size: 0x10)
void UpdateLevelDelegate(int32 addLevel, int32 nowLevel);
FPalIndividualCharacterParameterOnUpdateRankDelegate OnUpdateRankDelegate; // 0x0038 (size: 0x10)
void UpdateRankDelegate(int32 nowRank, int32 oldRank);
FPalIndividualCharacterParameterOnAddExpDelegate OnAddExpDelegate; // 0x0048 (size: 0x10)
void AddExpDelegate(int32 addExp, int32 nowExp);
FPalIndividualCharacterParameterOnUpdateHPDelegate OnUpdateHPDelegate; // 0x0058 (size: 0x10)
void UpdateHPDelegate(FFixedPoint64 nowHP, FFixedPoint64 nowMaxHP);
FPalIndividualCharacterParameterOnUpdateSPDelegate OnUpdateSPDelegate; // 0x0068 (size: 0x10)
void UpdateSPDelegate(FFixedPoint64 nowSP, FFixedPoint64 nowMaxSP, bool isOverHeated);
FPalIndividualCharacterParameterOnUpdateFullStomachDelegate OnUpdateFullStomachDelegate; // 0x0078 (size: 0x10)
void UpdateFullStomachDelegate(float Current, float Last);
FPalIndividualCharacterParameterOnUpdateHungerTypeDelegate OnUpdateHungerTypeDelegate; // 0x0088 (size: 0x10)
void UpdateHungerTypeDelegate(EPalStatusHungerType Current, EPalStatusHungerType Last);
FPalIndividualCharacterParameterOnUpdateNickNameDelegate OnUpdateNickNameDelegate; // 0x0098 (size: 0x10)
void UpdateNickNameDelegate(FString newNickName);
FPalIndividualCharacterParameterOnUpdateNickNameWithParameterDelegate OnUpdateNickNameWithParameterDelegate; // 0x00A8 (size: 0x10)
void UpdateNickNameWithParameterDelegate(class UPalIndividualCharacterParameter* IndividualParameter, FString newNickName);
FPalIndividualCharacterParameterOnUpdateShieldMaxHPDelegate OnUpdateShieldMaxHPDelegate; // 0x00B8 (size: 0x10)
void UpdateShieldMaxHPDelegate(FFixedPoint64 nowShieldMaxHP);
FPalIndividualCharacterParameterOnUpdateShieldHPDelegate OnUpdateShieldHPDelegate; // 0x00C8 (size: 0x10)
void UpdateShieldHPDelegate(FFixedPoint64 nowShieldMaxHP, FFixedPoint64 nowShieldHP);
FPalIndividualCharacterParameterOnShieldDamageDelegate OnShieldDamageDelegate; // 0x00D8 (size: 0x10)
void ShieldDamageDelegate(int32 Damage, bool IsShieldBroken);
FPalIndividualCharacterParameterOnUpdateSanityDelegate OnUpdateSanityDelegate; // 0x00E8 (size: 0x10)
void UpdateSanityDelegate(float nowSanity, float oldSanity);
FPalIndividualCharacterParameterOnUpdateUnusedStatusPoint OnUpdateUnusedStatusPoint; // 0x00F8 (size: 0x10)
void UpdateUnusedStatusPointDelegate(int32 UnusedPoint);
FPalIndividualCharacterParameterOnUpdateStatusPointDelegate OnUpdateStatusPointDelegate; // 0x0108 (size: 0x10)
void UpdateStatusPointDelegate(FName StatusName, int32 prevPoint, int32 newPoint);
FPalIndividualCharacterParameterOnChangeBuffDelegate OnChangeBuffDelegate; // 0x0118 (size: 0x10)
void ChangeBuffStatusDelegate();
FPalIndividualCharacterParameterOnConditionChangedDelegate OnConditionChangedDelegate; // 0x0128 (size: 0x10)
void ConditionChangedDelegate();
FPalIndividualCharacterParameterOnWorkSuitabilityChangedDelegate OnWorkSuitabilityChangedDelegate; // 0x0138 (size: 0x10)
void WorkSuitabilityChangedDelegate();
FPalIndividualCharacterParameterOnGotStatusPointListChangedDelegate OnGotStatusPointListChangedDelegate; // 0x0148 (size: 0x10)
void GotStatusPointListChangedDelegate();
FPalIndividualCharacterParameterOnStatusRankChangedDelegate OnStatusRankChangedDelegate; // 0x0158 (size: 0x10)
void StatusRankChangedDelegate();
FPalIndividualCharacterParameterOnInvaderTargetChanged OnInvaderTargetChanged; // 0x0168 (size: 0x10)
void InvaderTargetChangedDelegate();
FPalIndividualCharacterParameterOnTriedConsumeFoodDelegate OnTriedConsumeFoodDelegate; // 0x0178 (size: 0x10)
void TriedConsumeFoodDelegate();
FPalIndividualCharacterParameterOnUpdateGroupIdDelegate OnUpdateGroupIdDelegate; // 0x0188 (size: 0x10)
void UpdateGroupIdDelegate(const FGuid& NewGroupId);
FPalIndividualCharacterParameterOnUpdateReviveTimerDelegate OnUpdateReviveTimerDelegate; // 0x0198 (size: 0x10)
void UpdateReviveTimerDelegate(float NowReviveTimer);
FPalIndividualCharacterParameterOnEndMedicalBedDelegate OnEndMedicalBedDelegate; // 0x01A8 (size: 0x10)
void EndMedicalBedDelegate();
FPalIndividualCharacterParameterOnRevivedDelegate OnRevivedDelegate; // 0x01B8 (size: 0x10)
void OnRevivedDelegate(class UPalIndividualCharacterParameter* IndividualParameter);
FPalIndividualCharacterParameterOnDeadBodyDelegate OnDeadBodyDelegate; // 0x01C8 (size: 0x10)
void DeadBodyDelegate(class UPalIndividualCharacterHandle* IndividualHandle);
class APalCharacter* IndividualActor; // 0x01D8 (size: 0x8)
FPalInstanceID IndividualId; // 0x01E0 (size: 0x30)
TMap<int32, APalCharacter*> PhantomActorMap; // 0x0210 (size: 0x50)
TArray<FPalPhantomReplicateInfo> PhantomActorReplicateArray; // 0x0260 (size: 0x10)
FPalIndividualCharacterSaveParameter SaveParameter; // 0x0270 (size: 0x218)
FPalIndividualCharacterParameterOnAddEquipWazaDelegate OnAddEquipWazaDelegate; // 0x0490 (size: 0x10)
void AddEquipWazaDelegate(EPalWazaID WazaID);
FPalIndividualCharacterParameterOnChangeEquipWazaDelegate OnChangeEquipWazaDelegate; // 0x04A0 (size: 0x10)
void ChangeEquipWazaDelegate(class UPalIndividualCharacterParameter* IndividualParameter);
FPalIndividualCharacterParameterOnChangeMasteredWazaDelegate OnChangeMasteredWazaDelegate; // 0x04B0 (size: 0x10)
void ChangeMasteredWazaDelegate(class UPalIndividualCharacterParameter* IndividualParameter, EPalWazaID WazaID);
FFlagContainer DisableNaturalHealing; // 0x0520 (size: 0x50)
FFloatContainer AdditionalNatureHealingRate; // 0x0570 (size: 0x10)
FPalIndividualCharacterSaveParameter SaveParameterMirror; // 0x0580 (size: 0x218)
class UPalItemContainer* EquipItemContainer; // 0x0798 (size: 0x8)
FGuid BaseCampId; // 0x07A0 (size: 0x10)
FString Debug_CurrentAIActionName; // 0x07B0 (size: 0x10)
void WorkSuitabilityChangedDelegate__DelegateSignature();
void UseItemInSlot(const FPalItemSlotIdAndNum SlotIdAndNum);
void UpdateUnusedStatusPointDelegate__DelegateSignature(int32 UnusedPoint);
void UpdateStatusPointDelegate__DelegateSignature(FName StatusName, int32 prevPoint, int32 newPoint);
void UpdateSPDelegate__DelegateSignature(FFixedPoint64 nowSP, FFixedPoint64 nowMaxSP, bool isOverHeated);
void UpdateShieldMaxHPDelegate__DelegateSignature(FFixedPoint64 nowShieldMaxHP);
void UpdateShieldHPDelegate__DelegateSignature(FFixedPoint64 nowShieldMaxHP, FFixedPoint64 nowShieldHP);
void UpdateSanityDelegate__DelegateSignature(float nowSanity, float oldSanity);
void UpdateReviveTimerDelegate__DelegateSignature(float NowReviveTimer);
void UpdateRankDelegate__DelegateSignature(int32 nowRank, int32 oldRank);
void UpdateNickNameWithParameterDelegate__DelegateSignature(class UPalIndividualCharacterParameter* IndividualParameter, FString newNickName);
void UpdateNickNameDelegate__DelegateSignature(FString newNickName);
void UpdateLevelDelegate__DelegateSignature(int32 addLevel, int32 nowLevel);
void UpdateHungerTypeDelegate__DelegateSignature(EPalStatusHungerType Current, EPalStatusHungerType Last);
void UpdateHPDelegate__DelegateSignature(FFixedPoint64 nowHP, FFixedPoint64 nowMaxHP);
void UpdateGroupIdDelegate__DelegateSignature(const FGuid& NewGroupId);
void UpdateFullStomachDelegate__DelegateSignature(float Current, float Last);
bool TryFindEatItem(const FPalContainerId& ContainerId, int32& SlotIndex);
void TriedConsumeFoodDelegate__DelegateSignature();
void StoreIndividualActorInfoToSaveParameter();
void StatusRankChangedDelegate__DelegateSignature();
void StartRemainderOfLifeTimer();
void StartRecuperatingInMedicalBed();
void ShieldDamageDelegate__DelegateSignature(int32 Damage, bool IsShieldBroken);
void SetStatusPoint(FName StatusName, int32 Point);
void SetShieldMaxHP(FFixedPoint64 NextSheildMaxHP);
void SetShieldHP(FFixedPoint64 NextSheildHP);
void SetPhysicalHealth(EPalStatusPhysicalHealthType PhysicalHealth);
void SetNoFallDamageHeightLastJumpedLocation();
void SetLastJumpedLocation(FVector Location);
void SetInvaderData(EPalInvaderType InvaderType, const FGuid InBaseCampId);
void SetDisableNaturalHealing(FName Key, bool Disable);
void SetDecreaseFullStomachRates(const FName Name, float Rate);
void ResetLastJumpedLocation();
void RemoveDecreaseFullStomachRates(const FName Name);
void PartyPalMealInventoryFood();
void OnRevivedDelegate__DelegateSignature(class UPalIndividualCharacterParameter* IndividualParameter);
void OnRep_SaveParameter();
void OnRep_PhantomActorReplicateArray();
void OnRep_IndividualActor();
void NaturalUpdateSaveParameter(const EPalCharacterNaturalUpdateType Type);
bool IsSleeping();
bool IsRarePal();
bool IsNoFallDamageLastJumpedLocation();
bool IsNocturnal();
bool IsLevelMax();
bool IsHPFullRecovered();
void InvaderTargetChangedDelegate__DelegateSignature();
float HungerParameterRate();
bool HasWorkSuitabilityRank(const EPalWorkSuitability InWorkSuitability, const int32 SuitabilityRank);
bool HasWorkSuitability(const EPalWorkSuitability InWorkSuitability);
bool HasMasteredWaza(EPalWazaID WazaID);
bool HasGenusCategory(EPalGenusCategoryType Category);
void GotStatusPointListChangedDelegate__DelegateSignature();
int32 GetWorkSuitabilityRankWithCharacterRank(const EPalWorkSuitability WorkSuitability);
TMap<EPalWorkSuitability, int32> GetWorkSuitabilityRanksWithCharacterRank();
int32 GetWorkSuitabilityRank(const EPalWorkSuitability InWorkSuitability);
int32 GetWorkSpeedRank();
EPalBaseCampWorkerSickType GetWorkerSick();
int32 GetUnusedStatusPoint();
EPalTribeID GetTribeID();
void GetStatusPointList(TArray<FPalGotStatusPoint>& OutPointList);
int32 GetStatusPoint(FName StatusName);
int32 GetShotAttack_withBuff();
int32 GetShotAttack();
FFixedPoint64 GetShieldMaxHP();
FFixedPoint64 GetShieldHP();
FPalIndividualCharacterSaveParameter GetSaveParameter();
float GetSanityValue();
float GetSanityRate();
float GetRatePassiveSkill(EPalPassiveSkillEffectType EffectType);
float GetRatePartnerSkill(EPalPassiveSkillEffectType EffectType);
int32 GetRank();
EPalStatusPhysicalHealthType GetPhysicalHealth();
TArray<FName> GetPassiveSkillList();
int32 GetPalSoulRank();
void GetNickname(FString& outName);
int32 GetMeleeAttack_withBuff();
int32 GetMeleeAttack();
float GetMaxSanityValue();
FFixedPoint64 GetMaxHP_withBuff();
int32 GetMaxHP();
float GetMaxFullStomach();
TArray<EPalWazaID> GetMasteredWaza();
int32 GetLevel();
FVector GetLastJumpedLocation();
EPalStatusHungerType GetHungerType();
int32 GetHPRank();
FFixedPoint64 GetHP();
FGuid GetGroupId();
EPalGenderType GetGenderType();
float GetFullStomachRate();
float GetFullStomachDecreasingRate();
float GetFullStomach();
float GetFoodStatusRate(EPalFoodStatusEffectType EffectType);
int32 GetExp();
TArray<EPalWazaID> GetEquipWaza();
FPalContainerId GetEquipItemContainerId();
FPalIndividualCharacterEquipItemContainerHandler GetEquipItemContainerHandler();
float GetEffectFoodTimeRate();
FName GetEffectFoodName();
int32 GetDefense_withBuff();
int32 GetDefense();
int32 GetDefenceRank();
EPalWorkSuitability GetCurrentWorkSuitability();
float GetCraftSpeedSickRate();
int32 GetCraftSpeedByWorkSuitability(const EPalWorkSuitability WorkSuitability);
float GetCraftSpeedBuffRate();
int32 GetCraftSpeed_withBuff_WorkSuitability(const EPalWorkSuitability Suitability);
int32 GetCraftSpeed_withBuff();
int32 GetCraftSpeed();
FName GetCharacterID();
TSoftClassPtr<APalCharacter> GetCharacterClass();
EPalBaseCampWorkerEventType GetBaseCampWorkerEventType();
FGuid GetBaseCampId();
int32 GetAttackRank();
float GetAffectSanityValue();
void FullRecoveryHP();
void EndRecuperatingInMedicalBed();
void EndMedicalBedDelegate__DelegateSignature();
void DecrementUnusedStatusPoint();
void DecreaseShieldHPByDamage(int32 Damage);
void DeadBodyDelegate__DelegateSignature(class UPalIndividualCharacterHandle* IndividualHandle);
void ConditionChangedDelegate__DelegateSignature();
void ClearEquipWaza();
void ChangeMasteredWazaDelegate__DelegateSignature(class UPalIndividualCharacterParameter* IndividualParameter, EPalWazaID WazaID);
void ChangeEquipWazaDelegate__DelegateSignature(class UPalIndividualCharacterParameter* IndividualParameter);
void ChangeBuffStatusDelegate__DelegateSignature();
void AddPassiveSkill(FName AddSkill, FName OverrideSkill);
void AddHP(FFixedPoint64 PlusHP);
void AddExpDelegate__DelegateSignature(int32 addExp, int32 nowExp);
void AddEquipWazaDelegate__DelegateSignature(EPalWazaID WazaID);
void AddEquipWaza(EPalWazaID WazaID);
}; // Size: 0x7C0
class UPalIndividualCharacterParameterUtility : public UBlueprintFunctionLibrary
int32 CraftSpeedWorkSuitability(const EPalWorkSuitability WorkSuitability, class UPalIndividualCharacterParameter* Parameter);
int32 CraftSpeed(class UPalIndividualCharacterParameter* Parameter);
}; // Size: 0x28
class UPalIndividualCharacterReferenceSlot : public UPalIndividualCharacterSlot
FPalIndividualCharacterReferenceSlotOnUpdateSlotReferenceHandleDelegate OnUpdateSlotReferenceHandleDelegate; // 0x00B8 (size: 0x10)
void UpdateSlotReferenceHandleDelegate(class UPalIndividualCharacterReferenceSlot* Slot, FPalInstanceID LastIndividualId);
FPalInstanceID IndividualId; // 0x00C8 (size: 0x30)
}; // Size: 0xF8
class UPalIndividualCharacterSaveParameterObject : public UObject
FPalIndividualCharacterSaveParameter SaveParameter; // 0x0028 (size: 0x218)
}; // Size: 0x240
class UPalIndividualCharacterSaveParameterUtility : public UObject
bool IsValid(const FPalIndividualCharacterSaveParameter& SaveParameter);
}; // Size: 0x28
class UPalIndividualCharacterSlot : public UObject
FPalIndividualCharacterSlotOnUpdateSlotHandleDelegate OnUpdateSlotHandleDelegate; // 0x0030 (size: 0x10)
void UpdateSlotHandleDelegate(class UPalIndividualCharacterSlot* Slot, class UPalIndividualCharacterHandle* LastHandle);
FPalIndividualCharacterSlotOnUpdateSlotLockDelegate OnUpdateSlotLockDelegate; // 0x0040 (size: 0x10)
void UpdateSlotLockDelegate(class UPalIndividualCharacterSlot* Slot);
class UPalIndividualCharacterHandle* Handle; // 0x0050 (size: 0x8)
FPalInstanceID ReplicateHandleID; // 0x0058 (size: 0x30)
FPalContainerId ContainerId; // 0x0090 (size: 0x10)
int32 SlotIndex; // 0x00A0 (size: 0x4)
FGuid LockPlayerUId; // 0x00A4 (size: 0x10)
EPalTribeID PermissionTribeID; // 0x00B4 (size: 0x1)
bool bIsReplicateCharacterParameter; // 0x00B5 (size: 0x1)
void UpdateSlotLockDelegate__DelegateSignature(class UPalIndividualCharacterSlot* Slot);
void UpdateSlotHandleDelegate__DelegateSignature(class UPalIndividualCharacterSlot* Slot, class UPalIndividualCharacterHandle* LastHandle);
void Setup(const int32 InSlotIndex, const FPalContainerId& InContainerId);
void OnRep_LockPlayerUId();
void OnRep_HandleID();
bool IsLocked();
bool IsEmpty();
int32 GetSlotIndex();
FPalCharacterSlotId GetSlotId();
FGuid GetLockPlayerUId();
class UPalIndividualCharacterHandle* GetHandle();
bool CanSetHandle(class UPalIndividualCharacterHandle* InHandle);
}; // Size: 0xB8
class UPalIndividualCharacterSlotsObserver : public UObject
FPalIndividualCharacterSlotsObserverOnUpdateContainerDelegate OnUpdateContainerDelegate; // 0x0028 (size: 0x10)
void UpdateContainerDelegate();
void UpdateContainerDelegate__DelegateSignature();
void OnUpdateSlot(class UPalIndividualCharacterSlot* Slot, class UPalIndividualCharacterHandle* LastHandle);
void OnUpdateContainerSlots(class UPalIndividualCharacterContainer* Container);
void OnUpdateContainerSize(class UPalIndividualCharacterContainer* Container);
void OnUpdateContainer(class UPalIndividualCharacterContainer* Container);
}; // Size: 0x60
class UPalInsideBaseCampCheckComponent : public UActorComponent
FPalInsideBaseCampCheckComponentOnEnterBaseCampDelegate OnEnterBaseCampDelegate; // 0x00A0 (size: 0x10)
void OnEnterBaseCampDelegate(class UPalBaseCampModel* Model);
FPalInsideBaseCampCheckComponentOnLeaveBaseCampDelegate OnLeaveBaseCampDelegate; // 0x00B0 (size: 0x10)
void OnLeaveBaseCampDelegate();
FGuid NowInsideBaseCampID; // 0x00C0 (size: 0x10)
void OnLeaveBaseCampDelegate__DelegateSignature();
void OnEnterBaseCampDelegate__DelegateSignature(class UPalBaseCampModel* Model);
bool IsInsideBaseCamp();
class UPalBaseCampModel* GetInsideBaseCampModel();
FGuid GetInsideBaseCampID();
}; // Size: 0xD0
class UPalInteractComponent : public UActorComponent
FPalInteractComponentOnStartInteractiveObjectDelegate OnStartInteractiveObjectDelegate; // 0x00A0 (size: 0x10)
void StartInteractiveObjectDelegate(TScriptInterface<class IPalInteractiveObjectComponentInterface> InteractiveObject);
FPalInteractComponentOnEndInteractiveObjectDelegate OnEndInteractiveObjectDelegate; // 0x00B0 (size: 0x10)
void EndInteractiveObjectDelegate();
FPalInteractComponentOnUpdateInteractiveObjectDelegate OnUpdateInteractiveObjectDelegate; // 0x00C0 (size: 0x10)
void UpdateInteractiveObjectDelegate(TScriptInterface<class IPalInteractiveObjectComponentInterface> InteractiveObject);
TArray<TScriptInterface<IPalInteractiveObjectComponentInterface>> InteractiveObjects; // 0x00D0 (size: 0x10)
TScriptInterface<class IPalInteractiveObjectComponentInterface> TargetInteractiveObject; // 0x00E0 (size: 0x10)
TScriptInterface<class IPalInteractiveObjectComponentInterface> LastInteractingObject; // 0x00F0 (size: 0x10)
FFlagContainer InteractDisableFlags; // 0x0140 (size: 0x50)
void UpdateInteractiveObjectDelegate__DelegateSignature(TScriptInterface<class IPalInteractiveObjectComponentInterface> InteractiveObject);
void TerminateInteract();
void StartTriggerInteract(EPalInteractiveObjectActionType ActionType);
void StartInteractiveObjectDelegate__DelegateSignature(TScriptInterface<class IPalInteractiveObjectComponentInterface> InteractiveObject);
void SetEnableInteractByFlagName(const FName& flagName, const bool bEnable, const bool bTerminateInteractIfDisable);
void SetEnableInteract(const bool bEnable, const bool bTerminateInteractIfDisable);
void OnEnableInteract(TScriptInterface<class IPalInteractiveObjectComponentInterface> Component);
bool IsInteracting();
bool IsEnableInteract();
void EndTriggerInteract(EPalInteractiveObjectActionType ActionType);
void EndInteractiveObjectDelegate__DelegateSignature();
}; // Size: 0x190
class UPalInteractDelegates : public UObject
FPalInteractDelegatesOnEnableTriggerInteract OnEnableTriggerInteract; // 0x0028 (size: 0x10)
void InteractSelfDelegate(TScriptInterface<class IPalInteractiveObjectComponentInterface> Component);
FPalInteractDelegatesOnInteractBegin OnInteractBegin; // 0x0038 (size: 0x10)
void InteractDelegate(class AActor* Other, TScriptInterface<class IPalInteractiveObjectComponentInterface> Component);
FPalInteractDelegatesOnInteractEnd OnInteractEnd; // 0x0048 (size: 0x10)
void InteractDelegate(class AActor* Other, TScriptInterface<class IPalInteractiveObjectComponentInterface> Component);
FPalInteractDelegatesOnInteracting OnInteracting; // 0x0058 (size: 0x10)
void InteractingDelegate(float DeltaTime);
FPalInteractDelegatesOnTriggerInteract OnTriggerInteract; // 0x0068 (size: 0x10)
void InteractTriggerDelegate(class AActor* Other, EPalInteractiveObjectIndicatorType IndicatorType);
FPalInteractDelegatesOnStartTriggerInteract OnStartTriggerInteract; // 0x0078 (size: 0x10)
void InteractTriggerDelegate(class AActor* Other, EPalInteractiveObjectIndicatorType IndicatorType);
FPalInteractDelegatesOnEndTriggerInteract OnEndTriggerInteract; // 0x0088 (size: 0x10)
void InteractTriggerDelegate(class AActor* Other, EPalInteractiveObjectIndicatorType IndicatorType);
FPalInteractDelegatesOnTriggeringInteract OnTriggeringInteract; // 0x0098 (size: 0x10)
void InteractTriggeringDelegate(class AActor* Other, EPalInteractiveObjectIndicatorType IndicatorType, float DeltaTime);
}; // Size: 0xA8
class UPalInteractableSphereComponentNative : public UPalInteractiveObjectSphereComponent
}; // Size: 0x5D0
class UPalInteractiveObjectActionInfoUtility : public UObject
EPalInteractiveObjectIndicatorType GetIndicatorType(const FPalInteractiveObjectActionInfoSet& ActionInfo, const EPalInteractiveObjectActionType ActionType);
FPalInteractiveObjectActionBy CreateSituationInfo(const class UObject* WorldContextObject);
}; // Size: 0x28
class UPalInteractiveObjectBoxComponent : public UBoxComponent
class UPalInteractDelegates* InteractDelegates; // 0x0588 (size: 0x8)
bool bIsEnableTriggerInteract; // 0x0590 (size: 0x1)
bool bIsImplementedTriggerInteract; // 0x0591 (size: 0x1)
bool bIsEnableInteractingTick; // 0x0592 (size: 0x1)
bool bIsEnableInteractingTickInClientOnly; // 0x0593 (size: 0x1)
FComponentReference IndicatorOriginRef; // 0x0598 (size: 0x28)
bool bIsAdjustIndicatorLocationZForPlayer; // 0x05C0 (size: 0x1)
TScriptInterface<class IPalInteractiveObjectIndicatorInterface> IndicatorInterface; // 0x05C8 (size: 0x10)
FPalInteractiveObjectBoxComponentOnCreateInteractDelegatesDelegate OnCreateInteractDelegatesDelegate; // 0x05D8 (size: 0x10)
void OnCreateInteractDelegatesMultiCast(class UPalInteractDelegates* InteractDelegates);
void SetIndicatorInterface(TScriptInterface<class IPalInteractiveObjectIndicatorInterface> InIndicatorInterface);
void SetForceDisableInteract();
void OnOverlapEnd(class UPrimitiveComponent* OverlappedComp, class AActor* OtherActor, class UPrimitiveComponent* OtherComp, int32 OtherBodyIndex);
void OnOverlapBegin(class UPrimitiveComponent* OverlappedComp, class AActor* OtherActor, class UPrimitiveComponent* OtherComp, int32 OtherBodyIndex, bool bFromSweep, const FHitResult& SweepResult);
void OnCreateInteractsDelegates__DelegateSignature(class UPalInteractDelegates* InteractDelegates);
void OnCreateInteractDelegatesMultiCast__DelegateSignature(class UPalInteractDelegates* InteractDelegates);
FVector GetIndicatorLocation();
void EnableTriggerInteract();
class UPalInteractDelegates* Delegates();
void CallOrRegisterOnCreateInteractDelegates(FCallOrRegisterOnCreateInteractDelegatesDelegate Delegate);
}; // Size: 0x5F0
class UPalInteractiveObjectCapsuleComponent : public UCapsuleComponent
class UPalInteractDelegates* InteractDelegates; // 0x0570 (size: 0x8)
bool bIsEnableTriggerInteract; // 0x0578 (size: 0x1)
bool bIsImplementedTriggerInteract; // 0x0579 (size: 0x1)
bool bIsEnableInteractingTick; // 0x057A (size: 0x1)
bool bIsEnableInteractingTickInClientOnly; // 0x057B (size: 0x1)
FComponentReference IndicatorOriginRef; // 0x0580 (size: 0x28)
bool bIsAdjustIndicatorLocationZForPlayer; // 0x05A8 (size: 0x1)
TScriptInterface<class IPalInteractiveObjectIndicatorInterface> IndicatorInterface; // 0x05B0 (size: 0x10)
FPalInteractiveObjectCapsuleComponentOnCreateInteractDelegatesDelegate OnCreateInteractDelegatesDelegate; // 0x05C0 (size: 0x10)
void OnCreateInteractDelegatesMultiCast(class UPalInteractDelegates* InteractDelegates);
void SetIndicatorInterface(TScriptInterface<class IPalInteractiveObjectIndicatorInterface> InIndicatorInterface);
void OnOverlapEnd(class UPrimitiveComponent* OverlappedComp, class AActor* OtherActor, class UPrimitiveComponent* OtherComp, int32 OtherBodyIndex);
void OnOverlapBegin(class UPrimitiveComponent* OverlappedComp, class AActor* OtherActor, class UPrimitiveComponent* OtherComp, int32 OtherBodyIndex, bool bFromSweep, const FHitResult& SweepResult);
void OnCreateInteractsDelegates__DelegateSignature(class UPalInteractDelegates* InteractDelegates);
void OnCreateInteractDelegatesMultiCast__DelegateSignature(class UPalInteractDelegates* InteractDelegates);
FVector GetIndicatorLocation();
void EnableTriggerInteract();
class UPalInteractDelegates* Delegates();
void CallOrRegisterOnCreateInteractDelegates(FCallOrRegisterOnCreateInteractDelegatesDelegate Delegate);
}; // Size: 0x5D0
class UPalInteractiveObjectComponentUtility : public UObject
}; // Size: 0x28
class UPalInteractiveObjectIndicatorTypeUtility : public UObject
FText ToText(const class UObject* WorldObjectContext, const EPalInteractiveObjectIndicatorType Type);
}; // Size: 0x28
class UPalInteractiveObjectSphereComponent : public USphereComponent
class UPalInteractDelegates* InteractDelegates; // 0x0570 (size: 0x8)
bool bIsEnableTriggerInteract; // 0x0578 (size: 0x1)
bool bIsImplementedTriggerInteract; // 0x0579 (size: 0x1)
bool bIsEnableInteractingTick; // 0x057A (size: 0x1)
bool bIsEnableInteractingTickInClientOnly; // 0x057B (size: 0x1)
FComponentReference IndicatorOriginRef; // 0x0580 (size: 0x28)
TScriptInterface<class IPalInteractiveObjectIndicatorInterface> IndicatorInterface; // 0x05A8 (size: 0x10)
FPalInteractiveObjectSphereComponentOnCreateInteractDelegatesDelegate OnCreateInteractDelegatesDelegate; // 0x05B8 (size: 0x10)
void OnCreateInteractDelegatesMultiCast(class UPalInteractDelegates* InteractDelegates);
void SetIndicatorInterface(TScriptInterface<class IPalInteractiveObjectIndicatorInterface> InIndicatorInterface);
void OnOverlapEnd(class UPrimitiveComponent* OverlappedComp, class AActor* OtherActor, class UPrimitiveComponent* OtherComp, int32 OtherBodyIndex);
void OnOverlapBegin(class UPrimitiveComponent* OverlappedComp, class AActor* OtherActor, class UPrimitiveComponent* OtherComp, int32 OtherBodyIndex, bool bFromSweep, const FHitResult& SweepResult);
void OnCreateInteractsDelegates__DelegateSignature(class UPalInteractDelegates* InteractDelegates);
void OnCreateInteractDelegatesMultiCast__DelegateSignature(class UPalInteractDelegates* InteractDelegates);
FVector GetIndicatorLocation();
void EnableTriggerInteract();
class UPalInteractDelegates* Delegates();
void CallOrRegisterOnCreateInteractDelegates(FCallOrRegisterOnCreateInteractDelegatesDelegate Delegate);
}; // Size: 0x5D0
class UPalInvaderBaseCampObserver : public UObject
class UPalBaseCampModel* TargetBaseCamp; // 0x0028 (size: 0x8)
FGuid TargetBaseCampId; // 0x0030 (size: 0x10)
bool bIsInvading; // 0x0040 (size: 0x1)
bool bIsCoolTime; // 0x0041 (size: 0x1)
float CoolTimeFinish; // 0x0044 (size: 0x4)
float CoolTimeElapsed; // 0x0048 (size: 0x4)
float PlayerInBaseCampTimer; // 0x004C (size: 0x4)
}; // Size: 0x50
class UPalInvaderIncidentBase : public UPalIncidentBase
EPalInvaderType InvaderType; // 0x0160 (size: 0x1)
class UDataTable* InvaderDataTable; // 0x0168 (size: 0x8)
TSubclassOf<class APalAIController> MonsterAIControllerClass; // 0x0170 (size: 0x8)
TSubclassOf<class APalAIController> EnemyAIControllerClass; // 0x0178 (size: 0x8)
TArray<FPalInvaderSpawnCharacterParameter> InvaderMember; // 0x0180 (size: 0x10)
TArray<class APalAIController*> MemberController; // 0x0190 (size: 0x10)
FName ChosenInvaderDataRowName; // 0x01A0 (size: 0x8)
FGuid GroupGuid; // 0x01A8 (size: 0x10)
bool bCanExecute; // 0x01B8 (size: 0x1)
class UPalSquad* Squad; // 0x01C0 (size: 0x8)
TMap<class FPalInstanceID, class FGuid> LocationMap; // 0x01C8 (size: 0x50)
void StartInvader();
void SpawnMemberCharacters(FVector StartLocation);
bool SelectInvaders(int32 Grade, EPalBiomeType Biome, TArray<FPalInvaderSpawnCharacterParameter>& OutInvaderMember);
void RemoveGroupCharacter(class UPalIndividualCharacterHandle* RemoveIndividualHandle);
void OnStartInvade();
void OnInvaderArrived();
void OnEndInvade();
bool IsGroupCharacter(class UPalIndividualCharacterHandle* IndividualHandle);
int32 GetVisitorNPCReturnTimeMinutes();
class UPalBaseCampModel* GetTargetCampModel();
bool GetInvaderStartPoint(FVector& Result);
int32 GetInvadeReturnTimeMinutes();
void GetChosenInvaderGroupName(FText& OutText);
int32 GetCandidateStartLocations(TArray<FVector>& Result);
void GetBroadcastParameter(FPalIncidentBroadcastParameter& outParameter);
int32 GetAliveInvaderNum();
void EndInvadeByTimelimit();
void AddGroupCharacter(class UPalIndividualCharacterHandle* AddIndividualHandle, EPalCharacterLocationType LocationType);
}; // Size: 0x220
class UPalInvaderManager : public UPalWorldSubsystem
FPalInvaderManagerSpawnDummyNavInvokerDelegate SpawnDummyNavInvokerDelegate; // 0x0080 (size: 0x10)
class AActor* SpawnDummyNavInvokerDelegate(FTransform Transform);
FPalInvaderManagerOnInvaderStartDelegate OnInvaderStartDelegate; // 0x0090 (size: 0x10)
void InvaderStartDelegate(const FPalIncidentBroadcastParameter& Parameter);
FPalInvaderManagerOnInvaderEndDelegate OnInvaderEndDelegate; // 0x00A0 (size: 0x10)
void InvaderEndDelegate(const FPalIncidentBroadcastParameter& Parameter);
FPalInvaderManagerOnInvaderArrivedDelegate OnInvaderArrivedDelegate; // 0x00B0 (size: 0x10)
void InvaderOnArrivedDelegate(const FPalIncidentBroadcastParameter& Parameter);
TMap<class FGuid, class FPalInvaderStartPointInfo> InvadeStartLocationList; // 0x00C0 (size: 0x50)
TMap<class FGuid, class UPalInvaderBaseCampObserver*> Observers; // 0x0110 (size: 0x50)
TMap<class FGuid, class UPalInvaderIncidentBase*> Incidents; // 0x0160 (size: 0x50)
FGuid StartInvaderLogId; // 0x01B0 (size: 0x10)
void VisitorTravelTest();
void VisitorTravelLog(EPalLogType logType);
void StartInvaderMarchRandom();
void StartInvaderMarchAll();
class AActor* SpawnDummyNavInvokerDelegate__DelegateSignature(FTransform Transform);
class AActor* SpawnDummyNavInvoker(const FTransform& Transform);
class UPalInvaderIncidentBase* RequestIncidentVisitorNPC_BP(class UObject* OccuredBaseCamp, class UPalIncidentDynamicParameterInvader* Parameter);
bool RequestIncidentVisitorNPC(const FGuid& Guid, class UPalInvaderBaseCampObserver* Observer);
class UPalInvaderIncidentBase* RequestIncidentInvaderEnemy_BP(class UObject* OccuredBaseCamp, class UPalIncidentDynamicParameterInvader* Parameter);
bool RequestIncidentInvaderEnemy(const FGuid& Guid, class UPalInvaderBaseCampObserver* Observer);
void RemoveInvaderIncident(class UPalIncidentBase* Incident);
void InvaderStartDelegate__DelegateSignature(const FPalIncidentBroadcastParameter& Parameter);
void InvaderOnArrivedDelegate__DelegateSignature(const FPalIncidentBroadcastParameter& Parameter);
void InvaderEndDelegate__DelegateSignature(const FPalIncidentBroadcastParameter& Parameter);
}; // Size: 0x1C0
class UPalItemContainer : public UPalContainerBase
FPalItemContainerOnUpdateContentsDelegate OnUpdateContentsDelegate; // 0x0050 (size: 0x10)
void UpdateContentsDelegate(class UPalItemContainer* Container);
TArray<class UPalItemSlot*> ItemSlotArray; // 0x0060 (size: 0x10)
FPalItemPermission Permission; // 0x0070 (size: 0x30)
float CorruptionMultiplier; // 0x00A0 (size: 0x4)
void UpdateContentsDelegate__DelegateSignature(class UPalItemContainer* Container);
void OnUpdateSlotContent(class UPalItemSlot* Slot);
void OnRep_Permission();
void OnRep_ItemSlotArray();
int32 Num();
FPalItemPermission GetPermission();
int32 GetItemStackCount(const FName StaticItemId);
class UPalItemSlot* Get(const int32 Index);
}; // Size: 0xA8
class UPalItemContainerManager : public UPalWorldSubsystem
FPalItemContainerManagerOnItemOperationMoveDelegate OnItemOperationMoveDelegate; // 0x0080 (size: 0x10)
void ItemOperationMoveDelegate(const TArray<FPalItemOperationInfo_Move>& OperationInfoSet);
TMap<class FPalContainerId, class UPalItemContainer*> ItemContainerMap_InServer; // 0x0090 (size: 0x50)
TMap<class FPalContainerId, class FPalItemContainerBelongInfo> ItemContainerBelongInfo; // 0x0130 (size: 0x50)
bool TryGetSlot(const FPalItemSlotId& SlotID, class UPalItemSlot*& Slot);
bool TryGetContainer(const FPalContainerId& ContainerId, class UPalItemContainer*& Container);
void ItemOperationMoveDelegate__DelegateSignature(const TArray<FPalItemOperationInfo_Move>& OperationInfoSet);
FGuid GetGroupIdByItemSlotId(const class UObject* WorldContextObject, const FPalItemSlotId& SlotID);
FGuid GetGroupIdByItemContainerId(const class UObject* WorldContextObject, const FPalContainerId& ContainerId);
class UPalItemContainer* GetContainer(const FPalContainerId& ContainerId);
}; // Size: 0x190
class UPalItemContainerMultiHelper : public UObject
FPalItemContainerMultiHelperOnUpdateContentDelegate OnUpdateContentDelegate; // 0x0028 (size: 0x10)
void UpdateContentDelegate(class UPalItemContainerMultiHelper* Self);
TArray<class UPalItemContainer*> Containers; // 0x0038 (size: 0x10)
void UpdateContentDelegate__DelegateSignature(class UPalItemContainerMultiHelper* Self);
void OnUpdateContainerContent(class UPalItemContainer* Container);
void OnRep_Containers();
bool IsExistItems(const TArray<FPalStaticItemIdAndNum>& StaticItemInfos);
void FindByStaticItemIds(const TArray<FName>& StaticItemIds, TArray<FPalStaticItemIdAndNum>& StaticItemInfos);
void FindByStaticItemId(const FName StaticItemId, FPalStaticItemIdAndNum& StaticItemInfo);
}; // Size: 0x48
class UPalItemFlowSplineComponent : public USplineComponent
float ItemSpawnInterval; // 0x0638 (size: 0x4)
float FlowSpeedRate; // 0x063C (size: 0x4)
FFloatCounter FlowingItemSpawnTimer; // 0x0640 (size: 0x8)
TSubclassOf<class AActor> ItemVisualBlueprintClass; // 0x0648 (size: 0x8)
TArray<FPalItemFlowInSplineInfo> FlowingItemInfos; // 0x0650 (size: 0x10)
void UpdateTargetItem(const FName InStaticItemId);
void UpdateIsFlowing(const bool bOn);
}; // Size: 0x660
class UPalItemIDManager : public UObject
class UPalStaticItemDataAsset* StaticItemDataAsset; // 0x0028 (size: 0x8)
FPalDataTableRowName_ItemData WoodItemRowName; // 0x0030 (size: 0x8)
FPalDataTableRowName_ItemData EggItemRowName; // 0x0038 (size: 0x8)
FPalDataTableRowName_ItemData PalUpgradeStoneItemRowName; // 0x0040 (size: 0x8)
FPalDataTableRowName_ItemData MoneyItemRowName; // 0x0048 (size: 0x8)
class UPalStaticItemDataTable* StaticItemDataTable; // 0x0050 (size: 0x8)
FName GetStaticItemIdPalEgg(const class UObject* WorldContextObject, const FName CharacterID);
class UPalStaticItemDataBase* GetStaticItemData(const FName StaticItemId);
FPalItemData GetItemData(const FPalItemId& ItemId);
}; // Size: 0x58
class UPalItemInventoryBase : public UObject
}; // Size: 0x28
class UPalItemOperationResultUtility : public UObject
}; // Size: 0x28
class UPalItemSelectorComponent : public UActorComponent
FPalItemSelectorComponentOnChangeSelectedIndex OnChangeSelectedIndex; // 0x00A0 (size: 0x10)
void ChangeSelectedIndexDelegate(EPalPlayerInventoryType inventoryType, int32 Index);
TMap<class EPalPlayerInventoryType, class FPalPlayerInventorySelectData> itemSelectDataMap; // 0x00B0 (size: 0x50)
void SelectPrevItem(EPalPlayerInventoryType targetInventory);
void SelectNextItem(EPalPlayerInventoryType targetInventory);
void SelectItem(EPalPlayerInventoryType targetInventory, int32 Index);
bool RemoveTargetInventoryType(EPalPlayerInventoryType targetInventoryType);
class UPalItemSlot* GetNowSelectedItemSlot(EPalPlayerInventoryType targetInventory);
int32 GetNowSelectedIndex(EPalPlayerInventoryType targetInventory);
class UPalItemContainer* GetContainer(EPalPlayerInventoryType targetInventory);
void ChangeSelectedIndexDelegate__DelegateSignature(EPalPlayerInventoryType inventoryType, int32 Index);
bool AddTargetInventoryType(EPalPlayerInventoryType targetInventoryType);
}; // Size: 0x100
class UPalItemSlot : public UObject
FPalItemSlotOnUpdateSlotContentDelegate OnUpdateSlotContentDelegate; // 0x0028 (size: 0x10)
void UpdateSlotContentDelegate(class UPalItemSlot* Slot);
FPalItemSlotOnLiftedSlotContentDelegate OnLiftedSlotContentDelegate; // 0x0038 (size: 0x10)
void LiftedSlotContentDelegate(const int32 LiftItemNum);
FPalItemSlotOnFinishLiftedContentDelegate OnFinishLiftedContentDelegate; // 0x0048 (size: 0x10)
void FinishLiftedContentDelegate();
FPalItemSlotOnUpdateSlotContentDurabilityDelegate OnUpdateSlotContentDurabilityDelegate; // 0x0058 (size: 0x10)
void UpdateSlotContentDurabilityDelegate(float OldDurability, float NewDurability);
FPalItemSlotOnUpdateSlotCorruptionDelegate OnUpdateSlotCorruptionDelegate; // 0x0068 (size: 0x10)
void UpdateSlotContentDelegate(class UPalItemSlot* Slot);
TMap<int32, bool> DirtyMap; // 0x0078 (size: 0x50)
int32 SlotIndex; // 0x00C8 (size: 0x4)
FPalContainerId ContainerId; // 0x00CC (size: 0x10)
FPalItemId ItemId; // 0x00DC (size: 0x28)
int32 StackCount; // 0x0104 (size: 0x4)
float CorruptionProgressValue; // 0x0108 (size: 0x4)
FPalItemPermission Permission; // 0x0110 (size: 0x30)
class UPalDynamicItemDataBase* DynamicItemData; // 0x0140 (size: 0x8)
FPalItemId LastItemId_Client; // 0x0158 (size: 0x28)
void UpdateSlotContentDurabilityDelegate__DelegateSignature(float OldDurability, float NewDurability);
void UpdateSlotContentDelegate__DelegateSignature(class UPalItemSlot* Slot);
bool TryGetStaticItemData(class UPalStaticItemDataBase*& OutStaticItemData);
bool TryGetDynamicItemData(class UPalDynamicItemDataBase*& OutDynamicItemData);
void OnUpdateSlotContentDurability(float OldDurability, float NewDurability);
void OnRep_StackCount();
void OnRep_Permission();
void OnRep_ItemId();
void OnRep_DynamicItemData();
void OnRep_CorruptionProgressValue();
void LiftedSlotContentDelegate__DelegateSignature(const int32 LiftItemNum);
bool IsMaxStack();
bool IsEmpty();
int32 GetStackCount();
FPalItemSlotId GetSlotId();
FPalItemPermission GetPermission();
FPalItemId GetItemId();
FText GetCorruptionRemainTimeText();
float GetCorruptionProgressRate();
void FinishLiftedContentDelegate__DelegateSignature();
}; // Size: 0x180
class UPalItemUtility : public UBlueprintFunctionLibrary
bool TryGetItemVisualBlueprintClass(const class UObject* WorldContextObject, const FName StaticItemId, TSoftClassPtr<AActor>& VisualBlueprintClass);
void RestoreWithItem(const class UObject* WorldContextObject, FName staticItemName, class UPalIndividualCharacterParameter* targetParameter);
void MaterialInfos(const FPalItemRecipe& Recipe, TArray<FPalStaticItemIdAndNum>& MaterialInfos);
bool IsValid(const FPalItemRecipe& Recipe);
bool IsStatusPointResetItem(const class UPalStaticItemDataBase* ItemData);
bool IsRepairableItem(class UObject* WorldContextObject, const FPalItemId& TargetItemId);
bool IsEmpty(const FPalItemAndNum& ItemInfo);
int32 GetRecipeMaterialKindCount(const FPalItemRecipe& Recipe);
class UPalItemSlot* CreateLocalItemSlot(class UObject* WorldContextObject, const FName StaticItemId, const int32 Stack);
void CollectLocalPlayerControllableItemInfos(const class UObject* WorldContextObject, TArray<FName> StaticItemIds, TArray<FPalStaticItemIdAndNum>& OutItemInfos, const bool bIncludeInRangeBaseCamp);
bool CanUseHealItem(const class UObject* WorldContextObject, FName staticItemName, class UPalIndividualCharacterParameter* targetParameter);
}; // Size: 0x28
class UPalLandingTypeUtility : public UBlueprintFunctionLibrary
bool IsRollStep(EPalLandingType T);
bool IsJumpLanding(EPalLandingType T);
bool IsFootStep(EPalLandingType T);
}; // Size: 0x28
class UPalLavaBoxComponent : public UBoxComponent
void EndOverlapEvent(class UPrimitiveComponent* OverlappedComponent, class AActor* OtherActor, class UPrimitiveComponent* OtherComp, int32 OtherBodyIndex);
void BeginOverlapEvent(class UPrimitiveComponent* OverlappedComponent, class AActor* OtherActor, class UPrimitiveComponent* OtherComp, int32 OtherBodyIndex, bool bFromSweep, const FHitResult& SweepResult);
}; // Size: 0x580
class UPalLawUtility : public UBlueprintFunctionLibrary
bool IsEqualsGroupIndividualIdAndSlotIds(const class UObject* WorldContextObject, const FPalInstanceID& IndividualId, const TArray<FPalItemSlotId>& SlotIds, const bool IgnoreNoBelongSlot);
bool ExistOtherGroupFromSlotIds(const class UObject* WorldContextObject, const FPalInstanceID& IndividualId, const TArray<FPalItemSlotId>& SlotIds, const bool IgnoreNoBelongSlot, FGuid& OutGroupId);
}; // Size: 0x28
class UPalLevelObjectInterfaceUtility : public UObject
FGuid BP_GetLevelObjectInstanceId(TScriptInterface<class IPalLevelObjectInterface> Target);
}; // Size: 0x28
class UPalLimitVolumeBoxComponent : public UBoxComponent
int32 LimitFlags; // 0x0580 (size: 0x4)
}; // Size: 0x590
class UPalLimitVolumeSphereComponent : public USphereComponent
int32 LimitFlags; // 0x0568 (size: 0x4)
}; // Size: 0x570
class UPalLoadingScreenWidgetBase : public UPalUserWidget
}; // Size: 0x408
class UPalLoadoutSelectorComponent : public UPalItemSelectorComponent
TSoftClassPtr<APalWeaponBase> ThrowOtomoPalWeaponClass; // 0x0100 (size: 0x30)
TSubclassOf<class APalWeaponBase> DummyBallWeaponClass; // 0x0130 (size: 0x8)
FPalLoadoutSelectorComponentOnEquipmentItemDelegate OnEquipmentItemDelegate; // 0x0138 (size: 0x10)
void EquipmentItem(EPalPlayerInventoryType inventoryType, int32 Index);
FPalLoadoutSelectorComponentOnRemoveItemDelegate OnRemoveItemDelegate; // 0x0148 (size: 0x10)
void RemoveItem(EPalPlayerInventoryType inventoryType, int32 Index);
EPalPlayerInventoryType primaryTargetInventoryType; // 0x0158 (size: 0x1)
int32 currentItemSlotIndex; // 0x015C (size: 0x4)
FName NowEquipBallItemID; // 0x0160 (size: 0x8)
class APalWeaponBase* ThrowOtomoPalWeapon; // 0x0168 (size: 0x8)
TArray<class APalWeaponBase*> spawnedWeaponsArray; // 0x0170 (size: 0x10)
TMap<class FName, class APalWeaponBase*> spawnedBallMap; // 0x0180 (size: 0x50)
class APalWeaponBase* DummyBall; // 0x01D0 (size: 0x8)
EPalPlayerInventoryType replicatedPrimaryTargetInventoryType; // 0x01D8 (size: 0x1)
int32 replicatedCurrentItemSlotIndex; // 0x01DC (size: 0x4)
void TryEquipNowSelectedWeapon_ToAll();
bool TryEquipNowSelectedWeapon();
void SetWeaponLoadoutIndex_Internal(int32 Index);
void SetWeaponLoadoutIndex(int32 Index);
void SetupItemContainer();
void SetBallLoadoutIndex_Internal(int32 Index);
void SetBallLoadoutIndex(int32 Index);
void RequestChangeNowEquipBallItemID_ToServer(FName NextBallID);
void RemoveItem__DelegateSignature(EPalPlayerInventoryType inventoryType, int32 Index);
void OnUpdateWeaponLoadoutSlot(class UPalItemSlot* itemSlot);
void OnUpdateInventorySlot(class UPalItemSlot* itemSlot);
void OnRep_PrimaryTargetInventoryType();
void OnRep_CurrentItemSlotIndex();
void OnRemoveEquipItem(EPalPlayerInventoryType inventoryType, int32 Index);
void OnEquipItem(EPalPlayerInventoryType inventoryType, int32 Index);
EPalPlayerInventoryType GetPrimaryInventoryType();
void GetNowEquipedBallItemID(FName& OutBallItemID);
void EquipmentItem__DelegateSignature(EPalPlayerInventoryType inventoryType, int32 Index);
void CheckRespawnWeaponActor(TArray<FPalLoadoutSynchronalizedData> synchroData, TArray<class APalWeaponBase*> WeaponActorList, EPalPlayerInventoryType inventoryType);
void ChangeWeaponByReplicated();
void ChangePrimiryInventoryType(EPalPlayerInventoryType targetInventory);
void ChangePrevWeaponLoadout_Internal();
void ChangePrevWeaponLoadout();
void ChangePrevBallLoadout_Internal();
void ChangePrevBallLoadout();
void ChangeNextWeaponLoadout_Internal();
void ChangeNextWeaponLoadout();
void ChangeNextBallLoadout_Internal();
void ChangeNextBallLoadout();
void AttachSpawnOtomoPalThrowWeapon_ToServer(int32 issuerID, bool IsAttach, bool ShouldEquipDummyWeapon);
void AttachSpawnOtomoPalThrowWeapon_ToAll(int32 issuerID, bool IsAttach, bool ShouldEquipDummyWeapon);
}; // Size: 0x240
class UPalLocalPlayer : public UCommonLocalPlayer
}; // Size: 0x2E8
class UPalLocalWorldSaveGame : public USaveGame
int32 Version; // 0x0028 (size: 0x4)
FPalLocalSaveData SaveData; // 0x0030 (size: 0x2E0)
}; // Size: 0x310
class UPalLocationBase : public UObject
FGuid CalledPlayerUId; // 0x0028 (size: 0x10)
FGuid ID; // 0x0038 (size: 0x10)
bool bShouldDisplay; // 0x0048 (size: 0x1)
bool bShowInMap; // 0x0049 (size: 0x1)
bool bShowInCompass; // 0x004A (size: 0x1)
bool ShouldDisplay();
class UPalLocationPoint* LocationPoint();
bool IsShowInMap();
bool IsShowInCompass();
bool IsRequestedPlayer(const FGuid& LocalPlayerUId);
EPalLocationType GetType();
}; // Size: 0x50
class UPalLocationCreateParameter : public UObject
}; // Size: 0x50
class UPalLocationManager : public UPalWorldSubsystem
FPalLocationManagerOnAddedLocation OnAddedLocation; // 0x0070 (size: 0x10)
void LocationDelegate(const FGuid& LocationId, class UPalLocationBase* Location);
FPalLocationManagerOnRemoveLocation OnRemoveLocation; // 0x0080 (size: 0x10)
void LocationDelegate(const FGuid& LocationId, class UPalLocationBase* Location);
FPalLocationManagerOnAddedLocationForCompass OnAddedLocationForCompass; // 0x0090 (size: 0x10)
void LocationDelegate(const FGuid& LocationId, class UPalLocationBase* Location);
FPalLocationManagerOnRemoveLocationForCompass OnRemoveLocationForCompass; // 0x00A0 (size: 0x10)
void LocationDelegate(const FGuid& LocationId, class UPalLocationBase* Location);
TMap<class FGuid, class UPalLocationBase*> LocationMap; // 0x00B0 (size: 0x50)
TArray<class UPalLocationPoint_Custom*> CustomLocations; // 0x0100 (size: 0x10)
void RemoveLocalCustomLocation(const FGuid& LocationId);
void LocationDelegate__DelegateSignature(const FGuid& LocationId, class UPalLocationBase* Location);
class UPalLocationPoint* GetLocationPoint(const FGuid& ID);
TMap<class FGuid, class UPalLocationBase*> GetLocationMap();
class UPalLocationBase* GetLocation(const FGuid& ID);
int32 GetLocalCustomLocationCount();
FGuid AddLocalCustomLocation(FVector IconLocation, int32 IconType);
}; // Size: 0x118
class UPalLocationPoint : public UPalLocationBase
bool IsEnableFastTravel();
void InvokeFastTravel();
float GetRotationZ();
FQuat GetRotation();
void GetLocationAndRotationZ(FVector& OutLocation, float& OutRotationZ);
FVector GetLocation();
}; // Size: 0x50
class UPalLocationPointBaseCamp : public UPalLocationPointStatic
FGuid BaseCampId; // 0x0070 (size: 0x10)
bool bIsAvailable; // 0x0080 (size: 0x1)
void SetAvailable();
void OnDisposeTarget(class UPalBaseCampModel* Model);
bool IsSameGuildWithPlayer(FGuid PlayerUId);
FGuid GetBaseCampId();
}; // Size: 0x88
class UPalLocationPointCreateParameter_BaseCamp : public UPalLocationPointStaticCreateParameter
}; // Size: 0x80
class UPalLocationPointCreateParameter_BossTower : public UPalLocationPointStaticCreateParameter
}; // Size: 0x78
class UPalLocationPointCreateParameter_Character : public UPalLocationCreateParameter
}; // Size: 0x98
class UPalLocationPointCreateParameter_CustomMarker : public UPalLocationPointStaticCreateParameter
}; // Size: 0x88
class UPalLocationPointCreateParameter_DroppedCharacter : public UPalLocationPointStaticCreateParameter
}; // Size: 0x90
class UPalLocationPointCreateParameter_DroppedChest : public UPalLocationPointStaticCreateParameter
}; // Size: 0x80
class UPalLocationPointCreateParameter_DungeonPortal : public UPalLocationPointStaticCreateParameter
}; // Size: 0x70
class UPalLocationPointCreateParameter_FastTravel : public UPalLocationPointStaticCreateParameter
}; // Size: 0x90
class UPalLocationPointCreateParameter_MapObject : public UPalLocationCreateParameter
}; // Size: 0x60
class UPalLocationPointCreateParameter_Respawn : public UPalLocationPointStaticCreateParameter
}; // Size: 0x78
class UPalLocationPointDungeonPortal : public UPalLocationPointStatic
}; // Size: 0x70
class UPalLocationPointFastTravel : public UPalLocationPointStatic
FGuid LocationId; // 0x0070 (size: 0x10)
bool ShouldUnlockFlag; // 0x0080 (size: 0x1)
FName FastTravelPointID; // 0x0084 (size: 0x8)
}; // Size: 0x90
class UPalLocationPointStatic : public UPalLocationPoint
FVector Location; // 0x0050 (size: 0x18)
float RotationZ; // 0x0068 (size: 0x4)
}; // Size: 0x70
class UPalLocationPointStaticCreateParameter : public UPalLocationCreateParameter
}; // Size: 0x70
class UPalLocationPoint_BossTower : public UPalLocationPointStatic
class APalBossTower* BossTower; // 0x0070 (size: 0x8)
class APalBossTower* GetBossTower();
}; // Size: 0x78
class UPalLocationPoint_Character : public UPalLocationPoint
FPalInstanceID IndividualId; // 0x0050 (size: 0x30)
EPalCharacterLocationType CharacterLocationType; // 0x0080 (size: 0x1)
FGuid TargetBaseCampId; // 0x0084 (size: 0x10)
FName CharacterID; // 0x0094 (size: 0x8)
void OnDestroyedTarget(class AActor* Target);
void OnDeadTarget(FPalDeadInfo Info);
EPalCharacterLocationType GetCharacterLocationType();
FName GetCharacterID();
}; // Size: 0xA0
class UPalLocationPoint_Custom : public UPalLocationPointStatic
FPalLocationPoint_CustomOnIconTypeChanged OnIconTypeChanged; // 0x0070 (size: 0x10)
void OnIconTypeChangedDelegate(int32 NewType);
void SetIconType(int32 Index);
void OnIconTypeChangedDelegate__DelegateSignature(int32 NewType);
FGuid GetOwnerPlayerId();
int32 GetIconType();
}; // Size: 0x98
class UPalLocationPoint_DroppedCharacter : public UPalLocationPointStatic
FGuid MapObjectConcreteModelId; // 0x0070 (size: 0x10)
FGuid OwnerPlayerUId; // 0x0080 (size: 0x10)
FGuid GetOwnerPlayerUId();
class UPalMapObjectPickableCharacterModelBase* GetMapObjectConcreteModel();
}; // Size: 0x90
class UPalLocationPoint_DroppedChest : public UPalLocationPointStatic
FGuid OwnerPlayerUId; // 0x0070 (size: 0x10)
FGuid GetOwnerPlayerUId();
}; // Size: 0x80
class UPalLocationPoint_MapObject : public UPalLocationPoint
FGuid MapObjectModelId; // 0x0050 (size: 0x10)
FVector InitialLocationCache; // 0x0060 (size: 0x18)
void OnDisposeTarget(class UPalMapObjectModel* Model, const FPalMapObjectDisposeOptions& Options);
bool GetMapObjectName(FName& MapObjectName);
}; // Size: 0x78
class UPalLocationPoint_Respawn : public UPalLocationPointStatic
FName RespawnPointID; // 0x0070 (size: 0x8)
}; // Size: 0x78
class UPalLocationReplicator : public UPalGameStateReplicatorBase
FFastPalLocationRepInfoArray RepInfoArray; // 0x0028 (size: 0x148)
}; // Size: 0x1C0
class UPalLogManager : public UPalWorldSubsystem
float normalLogDisplayTime; // 0x0070 (size: 0x4)
float importantLogDisplayTime; // 0x0074 (size: 0x4)
float veryImportantLogDisplayTime; // 0x0078 (size: 0x4)
TMap<class FGuid, class FPalLogDataSet> veryImportantLogMap; // 0x0080 (size: 0x50)
TSubclassOf<class UPalStaticLogCollector> staticLogCollectorClass; // 0x00D0 (size: 0x8)
class UPalStaticLogCollector* staticLogCollector; // 0x00D8 (size: 0x8)
FPalLogManagerOnAddedNormalLogDelegate OnAddedNormalLogDelegate; // 0x00E0 (size: 0x10)
void AddedNormalLogDelegate(const FText& LogText, const FPalLogAdditionalData& logAdditionalData);
FPalLogManagerOnAddedImportantLogDelegate OnAddedImportantLogDelegate; // 0x00F0 (size: 0x10)
void AddedImportantLogDelegate(const FText& LogText, const FPalLogAdditionalData& logAdditionalData);
FPalLogManagerOnAddedVeryImportantLogDelegate OnAddedVeryImportantLogDelegate; // 0x0100 (size: 0x10)
void AddedVeryImportantLogDelegate(const FGuid& logId, const FText& LogText, const FPalLogAdditionalData& logAdditionalData);
FPalLogManagerOnRemovedVeryImportantLogDelegate OnRemovedVeryImportantLogDelegate; // 0x0110 (size: 0x10)
void RemovedVeryImportantLogDelegate(const FGuid& logId);
bool RemoveVeryImportantLog(const FGuid& targetLogId);
void RemovedVeryImportantLogDelegate__DelegateSignature(const FGuid& logId);
FGuid AddLog(EPalLogPriority logPriority, const FText& LogText, const FPalLogAdditionalData& logAdditionalData);
void AddedVeryImportantLogDelegate__DelegateSignature(const FGuid& logId, const FText& LogText, const FPalLogAdditionalData& logAdditionalData);
void AddedNormalLogDelegate__DelegateSignature(const FText& LogText, const FPalLogAdditionalData& logAdditionalData);
void AddedImportantLogDelegate__DelegateSignature(const FText& LogText, const FPalLogAdditionalData& logAdditionalData);
}; // Size: 0x120
class UPalLogUtility : public UBlueprintFunctionLibrary
void SetTextureToAdditionalDataFromStaticItemIDs(const class UObject* WorldContextObject, FPalLogAdditionalData& targetData, const TArray<FName>& StaticItemIds);
void SetTextureToAdditionalDataFromStaticItemID(const class UObject* WorldContextObject, FPalLogAdditionalData& targetData, const FName& StaticItemId);
void SetTextureToAdditionalDataFromHandles(const class UObject* WorldContextObject, FPalLogAdditionalData& targetData, const TArray<class UPalIndividualCharacterHandle*>& targetHandles);
void SetTextureToAdditionalDataFromHandle(const class UObject* WorldContextObject, FPalLogAdditionalData& targetData, const class UPalIndividualCharacterHandle* targetHandle);
void SetTextureToAdditionalDataFromCharacterID(const class UObject* WorldContextObject, FPalLogAdditionalData& targetData, const FName CharacterID);
void CreateLogText(const class UObject* WorldContextObject, EPalLogType logType, FText& OutText);
FText CreateItemGetLogText(const class UObject* WorldContextObject, const FPalStaticItemIdAndNum& ItemIDAndNum);
void AddWorkerStartWorking_ProductResource_Mining(const class UObject* WorldContextObject, const class UPalIndividualCharacterHandle* workerHandle, const FName MapObjectId);
void AddWorkerStartWorking_ProductResource_Deforest(const class UObject* WorldContextObject, const class UPalIndividualCharacterHandle* workerHandle);
void AddWorkerStartWorking_CollectResource(const class UObject* WorldContextObject, const class UPalIndividualCharacterHandle* workerHandle, const FName StaticItemId);
void AddWorkerStartWorking(const class UObject* WorldContextObject, const class UPalIndividualCharacterHandle* workerHandle, const EPalWorkType WorkType);
void AddWorkerStartRepairing(const class UObject* WorldContextObject, const class UPalIndividualCharacterHandle* workerHandle, const FName& buildedMapObjectName);
void AddWorkerStartBuilding(const class UObject* WorldContextObject, const class UPalIndividualCharacterHandle* workerHandle, const FName& buildedMapObjectName);
void AddWorkerCompleteItemConvertLog(const class UObject* WorldContextObject, const class UPalIndividualCharacterHandle* workerHandle, const FPalItemId& ItemId, const int32 Num);
void AddWorkerCompleteBuildLog(const class UObject* WorldContextObject, const class UPalIndividualCharacterHandle* workerHandle, const FName& buildedMapObjectName);
void AddSkillLog(const class UObject* WorldContextObject, EPalLogType logType, const FPalLogInfo_Skill& Info);
void AddItemGetLog(const class UObject* WorldContextObject, const FPalStaticItemIdAndNum& ItemIDAndNum);
void AddDropPalLog(const class UObject* WorldContextObject, const FPalLogInfo_DropPal& LogInfo);
}; // Size: 0x28
class UPalLogWidget : public UPalUserWidget
}; // Size: 0x408
class UPalLogWidgetBase : public UPalUserWidget
float destroyTime; // 0x0408 (size: 0x4)
float ElapsedTime; // 0x040C (size: 0x4)
EPalLogWidgetState logState; // 0x0410 (size: 0x1)
FPalStaticItemIdAndNum ItemIDAndNum; // 0x0414 (size: 0xC)
void StartDisplayLog(float inDestroyTime);
void SetState(EPalLogWidgetState ChangeState);
void SetLogText(const FText& InText);
void SetAdditionalData(const FPalLogAdditionalData& inAdditionalData);
void RequestOutAnime();
void RequestInAnime();
}; // Size: 0x420
class UPalLoginPlayer : public UObject
FPalLoginPlayerOnNotifyObtainNewInServerDelegate OnNotifyObtainNewInServerDelegate; // 0x0028 (size: 0x10)
void NotifyCharacterDelegate(class UPalIndividualCharacterHandle* Handle);
FPalLoginPlayerOnNotifyRemovedFromPalBoxInServerDelegate OnNotifyRemovedFromPalBoxInServerDelegate; // 0x0038 (size: 0x10)
void NotifyCharacterDelegate(class UPalIndividualCharacterHandle* Handle);
FGuid PlayerUId; // 0x0048 (size: 0x10)
FVector RegisteredRespawnLocation; // 0x0058 (size: 0x18)
}; // Size: 0x70
class UPalLongPressObject : public UObject
void ReleaseCallback();
void PressCallback();
void LongPressCallback();
}; // Size: 0x180
class UPalLookAtComponent : public UActorComponent
FVector LookAtTargetLocation; // 0x00A0 (size: 0x18)
FVector LookAtTargetLocation_forActor; // 0x00B8 (size: 0x18)
class AActor* LookAtTargetActor; // 0x00D0 (size: 0x8)
FVector LookAtTargetLocation_Interpolated; // 0x00D8 (size: 0x18)
FName LookAtTargetBoneName; // 0x00F0 (size: 0x8)
float LookAtInInterpTime; // 0x00F8 (size: 0x4)
float LookAtOutInterpTime; // 0x00FC (size: 0x4)
bool bIsEnableLookAt; // 0x0100 (size: 0x1)
FFlagContainer LookAtDisableFlag; // 0x0108 (size: 0x50)
float InterpolatedSpeed; // 0x0158 (size: 0x4)
bool bIsShowDebugImage; // 0x015C (size: 0x1)
void StopLookAt(float interpTime);
void StartLookAtForActor(class AActor* Actor, FName BoneName, float interpTime);
void StartLookAt(FVector LookAtTarget, float interpTime);
void SetLookAtDisable(FName flagName, bool bIsDisable);
void OnChangeShootState(bool IsAim, bool IsShooting);
bool IsEnableLookAt();
FVector GetLookAtTarget();
float GetLookAtOutInterpTime();
float GetLookAtInInterpTime();
}; // Size: 0x160
class UPalMapBaseCampWorkerOrderTypeUtility : public UBlueprintFunctionLibrary
bool IsBattleOrderType(const EPalMapBaseCampWorkerOrderType OrderType);
}; // Size: 0x28
class UPalMapObjectAmusementModel : public UPalMapObjectConcreteModelBase
FPalMapObjectAmusementModelOnUpdateCharacterDelegate OnUpdateCharacterDelegate; // 0x0240 (size: 0x10)
void SimpleDelegate(class UPalMapObjectAmusementModel* Model);
class UPalIndividualCharacterHandle* HealingCharacterHandle; // 0x0250 (size: 0x8)
FVector HealingLocationOffset; // 0x0258 (size: 0x18)
float AffectSanityRate; // 0x0270 (size: 0x4)
TSubclassOf<class UPalAIActionBase> AIActionClass; // 0x0278 (size: 0x8)
void SimpleDelegate__DelegateSignature(class UPalMapObjectAmusementModel* Model);
void OnInteractBegin(class AActor* Other, TScriptInterface<class IPalInteractiveObjectComponentInterface> Component);
void OnFinishHealingAction(class UPalAIActionBase* action);
class UPalIndividualCharacterHandle* GetHealingHandle();
void ClearCharacterHandle();
}; // Size: 0x280
class UPalMapObjectAmusementParameterComponent : public UActorComponent
float AffectSanityRate; // 0x00A0 (size: 0x4)
TSubclassOf<class UPalAIActionBase> AIActionClass; // 0x00A8 (size: 0x8)
}; // Size: 0xB0
class UPalMapObjectBaseCampPassiveEffectModel : public UPalMapObjectConcreteModelBase
}; // Size: 0x218
class UPalMapObjectBaseCampPassiveEffectParameterComponentBase : public UActorComponent
}; // Size: 0xA0
class UPalMapObjectBaseCampPassiveEffectWorkHardParameterComponent : public UPalMapObjectBaseCampPassiveEffectParameterComponentBase
}; // Size: 0xA0
class UPalMapObjectBaseCampPassiveEffectWorkSpeedParameterComponent : public UPalMapObjectBaseCampPassiveEffectParameterComponentBase
int32 AffectMaxNum; // 0x00A0 (size: 0x4)
EPalWorkSuitability TargetWorkSuitability; // 0x00A4 (size: 0x1)
float WorkSpeedAdditionalRate; // 0x00A8 (size: 0x4)
}; // Size: 0xB0
class UPalMapObjectBaseCampPassiveWorkHardModel : public UPalMapObjectBaseCampPassiveEffectModel
void RequestUpdateWorkHardType_ServerInternal(const int32 RequestPlayerId, const int32 TypeInt);
void RequestUpdateWorkHardType(const EPalBaseCampPassiveEffectWorkHardType Type);
class UPalBaseCampPassiveEffect_WorkHard* GetPassiveEffectWorkHard();
}; // Size: 0x218
class UPalMapObjectBaseCampPoint : public UPalMapObjectConcreteModelBase
TSubclassOf<class UPalUserWidgetOverlayUI> PalBoxWiget; // 0x0218 (size: 0x8)
TSubclassOf<class UPalUserWidgetOverlayUI> CampTaskWiget; // 0x0220 (size: 0x8)
FGuid BaseCampId; // 0x0228 (size: 0x10)
}; // Size: 0x238
class UPalMapObjectBaseCampWorkerDirectorModel : public UPalMapObjectConcreteModelBase
FPalMapObjectBaseCampWorkerDirectorModelOnNotifiedChangeBaseCampBattleTypeDelegate OnNotifiedChangeBaseCampBattleTypeDelegate; // 0x0218 (size: 0x10)
void ReturnSelfDelegate(class UPalMapObjectBaseCampWorkerDirectorModel* Model);
EPalBaseCampWorkerDirectionBattleType BaseCampBattleTypeForClientRead; // 0x0228 (size: 0x1)
void ReturnSelfDelegate__DelegateSignature(class UPalMapObjectBaseCampWorkerDirectorModel* Model);
void RequestUpdateBaseCampBattleType_ServerInternal(const int32 RequestPlayerId, const int32 BattleTypeInt);
void OnRep_BaseCampBattleTypeForClientRead();
void NotifyChangeBaseCampBattleType_ClientInternal();
}; // Size: 0x230
class UPalMapObjectBreedFarmModel : public UPalMapObjectConcreteModelBase
FPalMapObjectBreedFarmModelOnUpdateBreedProgress OnUpdateBreedProgress; // 0x0218 (size: 0x10)
void OnBreedProgressChangedDelegate(float CurrentProgress, float MaxProgress);
TArray<FGuid> SpawnedEggInstanceIds; // 0x0228 (size: 0x10)
int32 ExistPalEggMaxNum; // 0x0238 (size: 0x4)
float BreedRequiredRealTime; // 0x023C (size: 0x4)
float BreedProgressTime; // 0x0240 (size: 0x4)
TArray<FPalInstanceID> LastProceedWorkerIndividualIds; // 0x0248 (size: 0x10)
TArray<FName> TargetBreedItemIds; // 0x0258 (size: 0x10)
void OnUpdateAssignedCharacter(class UPalWorkBase* Work);
void OnRep_UpdateBreedProgress();
void OnBreedProgressChangedDelegate__DelegateSignature(float CurrentProgress, float MaxProgress);
void GetBreedProgress(float& NowProgress, float& MaxProgress);
bool CanProceedBreeding();
EPalItemOperationResult CanConsumeBreedItem(FPalItemSlotIdAndNum& ConsumableItem);
}; // Size: 0x268
class UPalMapObjectBreedFarmParameterComponent : public UActorComponent
float BreedRequiredRealTime; // 0x00A0 (size: 0x4)
int32 ExistPalEggMaxNum; // 0x00A4 (size: 0x4)
int32 SlotNum; // 0x00A8 (size: 0x4)
TArray<FPalDataTableRowName_ItemData> TargetItemIds; // 0x00B0 (size: 0x10)
}; // Size: 0xC0
class UPalMapObjectCharacterContainerModule : public UPalMapObjectConcreteModelModuleBase
class UPalIndividualCharacterContainer* TargetContainer; // 0x0030 (size: 0x8)
bool TryGetContainer(class UPalIndividualCharacterContainer*& OutContainer);
void OnRep_TargetContainer();
bool IsCompleteSetup();
FPalContainerId GetContainerId();
class UPalIndividualCharacterContainer* GetContainer();
}; // Size: 0x38
class UPalMapObjectCharacterStatusOperatorModel : public UPalMapObjectConcreteModelBase
}; // Size: 0x218
class UPalMapObjectCollectResourceParameterComponent : public UActorComponent
int32 SlotNum; // 0x00A0 (size: 0x4)
TArray<FPalDataTableRowName_ItemData> TargetItemIds; // 0x00A8 (size: 0x10)
float AdditionalRangeOutOfBaseCamp; // 0x00B8 (size: 0x4)
}; // Size: 0xC0
class UPalMapObjectConcreteModelBase : public UObject
FPalMapObjectConcreteModelBaseOnAvailableDelegate OnAvailableDelegate; // 0x0030 (size: 0x10)
void SimpleDelegate(class UPalMapObjectConcreteModelBase* Model);
FPalMapObjectConcreteModelBaseOnNotAvailableDelegate OnNotAvailableDelegate; // 0x0040 (size: 0x10)
void SimpleDelegate(class UPalMapObjectConcreteModelBase* Model);
TMap<class UClass*, class FPalMapObjectConcreteModelBaseOnSpawnedReadyModuleDelegateMap> OnSpawnedReadyModuleDelegateMap; // 0x0050 (size: 0x50)
FGuid InstanceId; // 0x00A0 (size: 0x10)
FGuid ModelInstanceId; // 0x00B0 (size: 0x10)
bool bDisposed; // 0x00C0 (size: 0x1)
FPalFastMapObjectModuleRepInfoArray ModuleRepInfoArray; // 0x00C8 (size: 0x148)
class UPalMapObjectWorkeeModule* WorkeeModuleCache; // 0x0210 (size: 0x8)
FName TryGetMapObjectId();
void SimpleDelegate__DelegateSignature(class UPalMapObjectConcreteModelBase* Model);
void OnTriggerInteract(class AActor* Other, EPalInteractiveObjectIndicatorType IndicatorType);
void OnTriggeringInteract(class AActor* Other, EPalInteractiveObjectIndicatorType IndicatorType, const float DeltaTime);
void OnStartTriggerInteract(class AActor* Other, EPalInteractiveObjectIndicatorType IndicatorType);
void OnRep_ModuleArray();
void OnEndTriggerInteract(class AActor* Other, EPalInteractiveObjectIndicatorType IndicatorType);
class UPalMapObjectWorkeeModule* GetWorkeeModule();
FTransform GetTransform();
class UPalMapObjectSwitchModule* GetSwitchModule();
class UPalMapObjectPasswordLockModule* GetPasswordLockModule();
void GetMapObjectLocation(FVector& outVector);
class UPalMapObjectItemContainerModule* GetItemContainerModule();
FGuid GetInstanceId();
class UPalMapObjectEnergyModule* GetEnergyModule();
class UPalMapObjectCharacterContainerModule* GetCharacterContainerModule();
class UPalBaseCampModel* GetBaseCampModelBelongTo();
FGuid GetBaseCampIdBelongTo();
void CallOrRegisterOnReadyModule(const EPalMapObjectConcreteModelModuleType ModuleType, FCallOrRegisterOnReadyModuleDelegate Delegate);
}; // Size: 0x218
class UPalMapObjectConcreteModelModuleBase : public UObject
bool bTriggeredOnSpawnedReady; // 0x0028 (size: 0x1)
}; // Size: 0x30
class UPalMapObjectConvertItemModel : public UPalMapObjectConcreteModelBase
FPalMapObjectConvertItemModelOnUpdateRecipeDelegate OnUpdateRecipeDelegate; // 0x0238 (size: 0x10)
void UpdateRecipeDelegate(class UPalMapObjectConvertItemModel* Model);
FPalMapObjectConvertItemModelOnFinishConvertDelegate OnFinishConvertDelegate; // 0x0248 (size: 0x10)
void FinishConvertDelegate(class UPalMapObjectConvertItemModel* Model);
FPalMapObjectConvertItemModelOnRecieveUpdateRecipeRequestResultDelegate OnRecieveUpdateRecipeRequestResultDelegate; // 0x0258 (size: 0x10)
void RecieveUpdateRecipeRequestResultDelegate(EPalMapObjectConvertItemModelRequestResult Result);
FPalMapObjectConvertItemModelOnUpdateSettingDelegate OnUpdateSettingDelegate; // 0x0268 (size: 0x10)
void UpdateSettingDelegate(class UPalMapObjectConvertItemModel* Model);
FName CurrentRecipeId; // 0x0278 (size: 0x8)
int32 RequestedProductNum; // 0x0280 (size: 0x4)
int32 RemainProductNum; // 0x0284 (size: 0x4)
bool bIsWorkable; // 0x0288 (size: 0x1)
TArray<FName> RecipeIds; // 0x0290 (size: 0x10)
float WorkSpeedAdditionalRate; // 0x02A0 (size: 0x4)
int32 CurrentRecipeRequestPlayerId; // 0x02A4 (size: 0x4)
TArray<EPalItemTypeA> TargetTypesA; // 0x02A8 (size: 0x10)
TArray<EPalItemTypeB> TargetTypesB; // 0x02B8 (size: 0x10)
int32 TargetRankMax; // 0x02C8 (size: 0x4)
bool IsPickUpInteractable; // 0x02CC (size: 0x1)
void UpdateSettingDelegate__DelegateSignature(class UPalMapObjectConvertItemModel* Model);
void UpdateRecipeDelegate__DelegateSignature(class UPalMapObjectConvertItemModel* Model);
void RequestUpdateRecipe(const FName RecipeID, const int32 ProductNum);
void RequestChangeRecipe_ServerInternal(const int32 RequestPlayerId, const FPalNetArchive& Archive);
void RequestCancel();
void RecieveUpdateRecipeRequestResultDelegate__DelegateSignature(EPalMapObjectConvertItemModelRequestResult Result);
void ReceivedPickProductResult(class UPalItemSlot* Slot);
void OnUpdateEnergyModuleState(class UPalMapObjectEnergyModule* EnergyModule);
void OnUpdateContainerContentInServer(class UPalItemContainer* Container);
void OnStartWorkAnyone_ServerInternal(class UPalWorkBase* Work, const FPalInstanceID& WorkerIndividualId);
void OnRep_RequestedProductNum();
void OnRep_RemainProductNum();
void OnRep_IsWorkable();
void OnRep_CurrentRecipeId();
void OnFinishWorkInServer(class UPalWorkBase* Work);
void OnEndWorkAnyone_ServerInternal(class UPalWorkBase* Work, const FPalInstanceID& WorkerIndividualId);
bool IsTransportToStorage();
bool IsProductNumInfinite(const int32 ProductNum);
class UPalItemSlot* GetSlotInjectableMaterial(const FName StaticItemId);
int32 GetSlotIndexProductOut();
TArray<int32> GetSlotIndexesMaterialInput();
int32 GetRemainCreateNum();
TArray<FName> GetRecipes();
class UPalItemSlot* GetProductSlot();
FName GetCurrentRecipeId();
FPalItemRecipe GetCurrentRecipe();
void FinishConvertDelegate__DelegateSignature(class UPalMapObjectConvertItemModel* Model);
float CalcRequiredAmount(const float BaseRequiredAmount);
void AddConvertItemResultLog(const FPalNetArchive& Archive);
}; // Size: 0x2D0
class UPalMapObjectDamageReactionComponent : public UActorComponent
class UPalHitEffectSlot* EffectSlot; // 0x00A8 (size: 0x8)
}; // Size: 0xB0
class UPalMapObjectDamagedScarecrowModel : public UPalMapObjectConcreteModelBase
float ProgressTimeStartAtDamaged; // 0x0218 (size: 0x4)
void OnDamage_ServerInternal(class UPalMapObjectModel* Model, const FPalDamageInfo& DamageInfo, const int32 LastHp);
}; // Size: 0x220
class UPalMapObjectDeathDroppedCharacterModel : public UPalMapObjectPickableCharacterModelBase
FPalMapObjectDeathDroppedCharacterModelOnNotifiedGuildUpdateInClientDelegate OnNotifiedGuildUpdateInClientDelegate; // 0x0458 (size: 0x10)
void ReturnSelfDelegate(class UPalMapObjectDeathDroppedCharacterModel* Model);
FGuid OwnerPlayerUId; // 0x0468 (size: 0x10)
void ReturnSelfDelegate__DelegateSignature(class UPalMapObjectDeathDroppedCharacterModel* Model);
void OnChangedPlayerInfoInLocalPlayerGuild_ClientInternal(class APalPlayerState* LocalPlayerState);
bool IsSameGuildInLocalPlayer();
}; // Size: 0x478
class UPalMapObjectDeathPenaltyStorageModel : public UPalMapObjectItemStorageModel
FPalMapObjectDeathPenaltyStorageModelOnNotifiedGuildUpdateInClientDelegate OnNotifiedGuildUpdateInClientDelegate; // 0x0220 (size: 0x10)
void ReturnSelfDelegate(class UPalMapObjectDeathPenaltyStorageModel* Model);
FGuid OwnerPlayerUId; // 0x0230 (size: 0x10)
FGuid LocationId; // 0x0240 (size: 0x10)
void ReturnSelfDelegate__DelegateSignature(class UPalMapObjectDeathPenaltyStorageModel* Model);
void OnChangedPlayerInfoInLocalPlayerGuild_ClientInternal(class APalPlayerState* LocalPlayerState);
bool IsSameGuildInLocalPlayer();
}; // Size: 0x250
class UPalMapObjectDefenseBulletLauncherModel : public UPalMapObjectDefenseModelBase
TWeakObjectPtr<class APalMapObject> WeakLauncherControlMapObject; // 0x0218 (size: 0x8)
TWeakObjectPtr<class APalStationaryWeaponBase> WeakWeapon; // 0x0220 (size: 0x8)
int32 remainingBulletsNum; // 0x0228 (size: 0x4)
int32 MagazineSize; // 0x022C (size: 0x4)
FName BulletItemName; // 0x0230 (size: 0x8)
void UseBullet();
void TurnToTarget(const class AActor* TargetActor, float DeltaTime);
bool TryGetWeapon(class APalStationaryWeaponBase*& OutWeapon);
void SetOwnerCharacter(const class APalCharacter* OwnerCharacter);
void SetEnableTrigger(bool EnableTrigger);
void ReloadBullets(int32 ReloadBulletsNum);
void OnUpdateEnergyModuleState(class UPalMapObjectEnergyModule* EnergyModule);
int32 GetRemainingBulletsNum();
int32 GetMagazineSize();
FName GetBulletName();
float GetAttackableDistance();
float GetAttackableAngle();
bool CanAvailable();
}; // Size: 0x238
class UPalMapObjectDefenseModelBase : public UPalMapObjectConcreteModelBase
bool TryGetLauncherControlMapObject(class APalMapObject*& OutMapObject);
FVector GetLocation();
EPalMapObjectDefenseType GetDefenseType();
}; // Size: 0x218
class UPalMapObjectDefenseWaitModel : public UPalMapObjectDefenseModelBase
TWeakObjectPtr<class APalMapObject> WeakLauncherControlMapObject; // 0x0218 (size: 0x8)
}; // Size: 0x220
class UPalMapObjectDisplayCharacterModel : public UPalMapObjectConcreteModelBase
float RecoverAmountBySec; // 0x0218 (size: 0x4)
FTransform CharacterSpawnLocalTransform; // 0x0220 (size: 0x60)
TSubclassOf<class AController> ControllerClass; // 0x0280 (size: 0x8)
TSubclassOf<class UPalUserWidgetOverlayUI> MenuUIWidgetClass; // 0x0288 (size: 0x8)
class UPalIndividualCharacterSlotsObserver* CharacterSlotsObserver; // 0x0290 (size: 0x8)
void TryMoveToDisplayCage(class UPalIndividualCharacterSlot* fromSlot);
void OnUpdateCharacterContainer_ServerInternal();
void OnSpawnedPhantomCharacter_ServerInternal(FPalInstanceID IndividualId, const int32 PhantomId);
bool GetDisplaySlots(TArray<class UPalIndividualCharacterSlot*>& Slots);
}; // Size: 0x2F0
class UPalMapObjectDisplayCharacterParameterComponent : public UActorComponent
int32 SlotNum; // 0x00A0 (size: 0x4)
float RecoverAmountBySec; // 0x00A4 (size: 0x4)
FTransform CharacterSpawnLocalTransform; // 0x00B0 (size: 0x60)
TSubclassOf<class AController> ControllerClass; // 0x0110 (size: 0x8)
TSubclassOf<class UPalUserWidgetOverlayUI> MenuUIWidgetClass; // 0x0118 (size: 0x8)
}; // Size: 0x120
class UPalMapObjectDoorModel : public UPalMapObjectConcreteModelBase
void RequestTrigger_ServerInternal(const int32 RequestPlayerId, const int32 ToStateInt);
}; // Size: 0x218
class UPalMapObjectDropItemModel : public UPalMapObjectPickableItemModelBase
FPalItemId ItemId; // 0x0248 (size: 0x28)
FVector ReleaseDirection; // 0x0270 (size: 0x18)
bool bEnableInteract; // 0x0288 (size: 0x1)
void OnUpdateItemContainerContentInServer(class UPalItemContainer* Container);
void OnInteracting(float DeltaTime);
void OnInteractEnd(class AActor* Other, TScriptInterface<class IPalInteractiveObjectComponentInterface> Component);
void OnInteractBegin(class AActor* Other, TScriptInterface<class IPalInteractiveObjectComponentInterface> Component);
void OnEnableTriggerInteract(TScriptInterface<class IPalInteractiveObjectComponentInterface> Component);
}; // Size: 0x298
class UPalMapObjectDropItemParameterComponent : public UActorComponent
TArray<FPalMapObjectDropItemData> DropItems; // 0x00A0 (size: 0x10)
}; // Size: 0xB0
class UPalMapObjectEnergyModule : public UPalMapObjectConcreteModelModuleBase
FPalMapObjectEnergyModuleOnUpdateCurrentStateDelegate OnUpdateCurrentStateDelegate; // 0x0030 (size: 0x10)
void ReturnSelfMulticastDelegate(class UPalMapObjectEnergyModule* Module);
EPalEnergyType EnergyType; // 0x0040 (size: 0x1)
float ConsumeEnergySpeed; // 0x0044 (size: 0x4)
float CurrentConsumeEnergySpeed; // 0x0048 (size: 0x4)
EPalMapObjectEnergyModuleStatusType CurrentState; // 0x004C (size: 0x1)
bool bRequiredConsumeEnergy; // 0x004D (size: 0x1)
FGuid StatusHUDId; // 0x0050 (size: 0x10)
void ReturnSelfMulticastDelegate__DelegateSignature(class UPalMapObjectEnergyModule* Module);
void RemoveHUD();
void OnRep_CurrentState();
bool IsRequiredEnergy();
EPalEnergyType GetEnergyType();
EPalMapObjectEnergyModuleStatusType GetCurrentState();
float GetCurrentConsumeEnergySpeed();
float GetConsumeEnergySpeed();
bool CanConsumeEnergy();
}; // Size: 0x68
class UPalMapObjectFarmBlockV2Model : public UPalMapObjectConcreteModelBase
FPalMapObjectFarmBlockV2ModelOnUpdateStateDelegate OnUpdateStateDelegate; // 0x0220 (size: 0x10)
void UpdateStateDelegate(EPalFarmCropState LastState, EPalFarmCropState NextState);
FReactivePropertyFloat CropProgressRate; // 0x0230 (size: 0x18)
FReactivePropertyFloat WaterStackRate; // 0x0248 (size: 0x18)
class UPalMapObjectFarmBlockV2ModelStateBehaviourMachine* StateBehaviourMachine; // 0x0260 (size: 0x8)
FName CurrentCropDataId; // 0x0268 (size: 0x8)
EPalFarmCropState CurrentState; // 0x0270 (size: 0x1)
float CropProgressRateValue; // 0x0274 (size: 0x4)
float WaterStackRateValue; // 0x0278 (size: 0x4)
void UpdateStateDelegate__DelegateSignature(EPalFarmCropState LastState, EPalFarmCropState NextState);
void OnUpdateWaterStackRate(const float UpdatedRate);
void OnUpdateCropProgressRate(const float ProgressRate);
void OnRep_WaterStackRateValue();
void OnRep_CurrentState();
void OnRep_CropProgressRateValue();
void NotifySimpleDelegate__DelegateSignature();
EPalFarmCropState GetCurrentState();
FName GetCurrentCropDataId();
}; // Size: 0x280
class UPalMapObjectFarmBlockV2ModelStateBehaviourBase : public UPalStateMachineStateBase
}; // Size: 0x30
class UPalMapObjectFarmBlockV2ModelStateBehaviourGrowup : public UPalMapObjectFarmBlockV2ModelStateBehaviourBase
}; // Size: 0x48
class UPalMapObjectFarmBlockV2ModelStateBehaviourHarvestable : public UPalMapObjectFarmBlockV2ModelStateBehaviourBase
void UpdateHarvestProgressRateDelegate__DelegateSignature(float ProgressRate);
void OnWorkStarted(class UPalWorkBase* Work, const FPalInstanceID& IndividualId);
void OnProgressWork(class UPalWorkProgress* WorkProgress);
void OnFinishWorkInServer(class UPalWorkBase* Work);
}; // Size: 0x48
class UPalMapObjectFarmBlockV2ModelStateBehaviourMachine : public UPalStateMachine
class UPalMapObjectFarmBlockV2ModelStateBehaviourBase* CurrentStateBehaviourCache; // 0x0088 (size: 0x8)
}; // Size: 0x98
class UPalMapObjectFarmBlockV2ModelStateBehaviourSeeding : public UPalMapObjectFarmBlockV2ModelStateBehaviourBase
void UpdateProgressRateDelegate__DelegateSignature(float ProgressRate);
void OnProgressWork(class UPalWorkProgress* WorkProgress);
void OnFinishWorkInServer(class UPalWorkBase* Work);
}; // Size: 0x40
class UPalMapObjectFarmBlockV2ModelStateBehaviourWatering : public UPalMapObjectFarmBlockV2ModelStateBehaviourBase
void UpdateWaterStackRateDelegate__DelegateSignature(float WaterStackRate);
void OnProgressWorkInServer(class UPalWorkProgress* WorkProgress);
void OnFinishWorkInServer(class UPalWorkBase* Work);
}; // Size: 0x40
class UPalMapObjectFarmCropDataUtility : public UBlueprintFunctionLibrary
void MaterialInfos(const FPalMapObjectFarmCropData& Data, TArray<FPalStaticItemIdAndNum>& MaterialInfos);
bool IsValid(FPalMapObjectFarmCropData& Data);
}; // Size: 0x28
class UPalMapObjectFastTravelPointModel : public UPalMapObjectConcreteModelBase
FGuid LocationInstanceId; // 0x0218 (size: 0x10)
}; // Size: 0x228
class UPalMapObjectFoliage : public UObject
class UPalFoliagePresetDataSet* PresetDataSet; // 0x0028 (size: 0x8)
TMap<class FName, class UPalFoliageType_InstancedStaticMesh*> UsedPalFoliageTypeMap; // 0x0030 (size: 0x50)
TSet<EPalFoliagePresetType> LoadedPresetTypeSet; // 0x0080 (size: 0x50)
int32 GridSize; // 0x00D0 (size: 0x4)
TMap<class FPalCellCoord, class UPalFoliageGridModel*> GridModelMap; // 0x00D8 (size: 0x50)
}; // Size: 0x130
class UPalMapObjectFoliageModel : public UObject
FPalMapObjectFoliageModelOnRespawn OnRespawn; // 0x0028 (size: 0x10)
void InstanceDelegate(class UPalFoliageInstance* Instance);
FPalMapObjectFoliageModelOnDamage OnDamage; // 0x0038 (size: 0x10)
void InstanceDamageDelegate(class UPalFoliageInstance* Instance, const int32 DamageValue);
FPalMapObjectFoliageModelOnDestroy OnDestroy; // 0x0048 (size: 0x10)
void InstanceDelegate(class UPalFoliageInstance* Instance);
FPalMapObjectFoliageModelOnUpdatedRequiredTickInServer OnUpdatedRequiredTickInServer; // 0x0058 (size: 0x10)
void ReturnSelfDelegate(class UPalMapObjectFoliageModel* Self);
FPalMapObjectFoliageModelOnDisposeModelDelegate OnDisposeModelDelegate; // 0x0068 (size: 0x10)
void ReturnSelfDelegate(class UPalMapObjectFoliageModel* Self);
FName ModelId; // 0x0078 (size: 0x8)
TMap<class FPalFoliageInstanceId, class UPalFoliageInstance*> InstanceMap; // 0x0080 (size: 0x50)
FPalCellCoord CellCoord; // 0x0120 (size: 0x18)
EPalFoliagePresetType FoliagePresetType; // 0x0138 (size: 0x1)
void ReturnSelfDelegate__DelegateSignature(class UPalMapObjectFoliageModel* Self);
void RespawnInstance(class UPalFoliageInstance* Instance);
void OnDestroyInstance(class UPalFoliageInstance* Instance);
void InstanceDelegate__DelegateSignature(class UPalFoliageInstance* Instance);
void InstanceDamageDelegate__DelegateSignature(class UPalFoliageInstance* Instance, const int32 DamageValue);
}; // Size: 0x140
class UPalMapObjectFoodBoxParameterComponent : public UActorComponent
float CorruptionMultiplier; // 0x00A0 (size: 0x4)
}; // Size: 0xA8
class UPalMapObjectGateModel : public UPalMapObjectConcreteModelBase
FGameDateTime UnlockDateTime; // 0x0218 (size: 0x8)
TMap<class FPalInstanceID, class TWeakObjectPtr<UPalIndividualCharacterParameter>> WeakInteractingCharacterParameters; // 0x0220 (size: 0x50)
void RequestTrigger_ServerInternal(const int32 RequestPlayerId, const int32 ToStateInt);
void OnInteractEnd(class AActor* Other, TScriptInterface<class IPalInteractiveObjectComponentInterface> Component);
void OnInteractBegin(class AActor* Other, TScriptInterface<class IPalInteractiveObjectComponentInterface> Component);
}; // Size: 0x270
class UPalMapObjectGenerateEnergyModel : public UPalMapObjectConcreteModelBase
FPalMapObjectGenerateEnergyModelOnUpdateStoredEnergyAmountDelegate OnUpdateStoredEnergyAmountDelegate; // 0x0220 (size: 0x10)
void UpdateEnergyAmountDelegate(class UPalMapObjectGenerateEnergyModel* Model);
EPalEnergyType EnergyType; // 0x0230 (size: 0x1)
float GenerateEnergyRateByWorker; // 0x0234 (size: 0x4)
float MaxEnergyStorage; // 0x0238 (size: 0x4)
float StoredEnergyAmount; // 0x023C (size: 0x4)
float ConsumeEnergySpeed; // 0x0240 (size: 0x4)
void UpdateEnergyAmountDelegate__DelegateSignature(class UPalMapObjectGenerateEnergyModel* Model);
void OnUpdateAssignedCharacter_ServerInternal(class UPalWorkBase* Work);
void OnRep_StoredEnergyAmount();
float GetStoredEnergyAmount();
float GetMaxEnergyStorage();
EPalEnergyType GetEnergyType();
}; // Size: 0x248
class UPalMapObjectGenerateEnergyParameterComponent : public UActorComponent
EPalEnergyType GenerateEnergyType; // 0x00A0 (size: 0x1)
float GenerateEnergyRateByWorker; // 0x00A4 (size: 0x4)
float MaxEnergyStorage; // 0x00A8 (size: 0x4)
}; // Size: 0xB0
class UPalMapObjectHPWorldHUDParameter : public UPalHUDDispatchParameterBase
class APalMapObject* MapObject; // 0x0038 (size: 0x8)
}; // Size: 0x40
class UPalMapObjectHatchingEggModel : public UPalMapObjectConcreteModelBase
FPalMapObjectHatchingEggModelOnUpdateHatchedCharacterDelegate OnUpdateHatchedCharacterDelegate; // 0x0220 (size: 0x10)
void UpdateHatchedCharacterDelegate(class UPalMapObjectHatchingEggModel* Model);
FPalMapObjectHatchingEggModelOnUpdateHatchTemperaturDelegate OnUpdateHatchTemperaturDelegate; // 0x0230 (size: 0x10)
void UpdateHatchTemperatureDelegate(int32 Temperature);
FPalIndividualCharacterSaveParameter HatchedCharacterSaveParameter; // 0x0240 (size: 0x218)
bool bWorkable; // 0x0458 (size: 0x1)
TSubclassOf<class UPalUserWidgetOverlayUI> MenuUIWidgetClass; // 0x0460 (size: 0x8)
int32 CurrentPalEggTemperatureDiff; // 0x0468 (size: 0x4)
void UpdateWorkAmountBySec(const float NewWorkAmountBySec);
void UpdateHatchTemperatureDelegate__DelegateSignature(int32 Temperature);
void UpdateHatchedCharacterDelegate__DelegateSignature(class UPalMapObjectHatchingEggModel* Model);
void SetTemperatureDiff(int32 TemperatureDiff);
void OnUpdateContainerContentInServer(class UPalItemContainer* Container);
void OnRep_HatchTemperatureDiff();
void OnRep_HatchedCharacterSaveParameter();
void OnFinishWorkInServer(class UPalWorkBase* Work);
void ObtainHatchedCharacter_ServerInternal(const int32 RequestPlayerId);
int32 GetTemperatureDiff();
bool GetPalEggRankInfo(FPalEggRankInfo& OutPalEggRankInfo);
}; // Size: 0x470
class UPalMapObjectHatchingEggParameterComponent : public UActorComponent
float AutoWorkAmountBySec; // 0x00A0 (size: 0x4)
TSubclassOf<class UPalUserWidgetOverlayUI> MenuUIWidgetClass; // 0x00A8 (size: 0x8)
float GetDefaultAutoWorkAmountBySec();
}; // Size: 0xB0
class UPalMapObjectHeatSourceModel : public UPalMapObjectConcreteModelBase
void OnUpdateEnergyModuleState_ServerInternal(class UPalMapObjectEnergyModule* EnergyModule);
void OnUpdateAssignedCharacter_ServerInternal(class UPalWorkBase* Work);
}; // Size: 0x218
class UPalMapObjectInteractRestrictTypeUtility : public UBlueprintFunctionLibrary
}; // Size: 0x28
class UPalMapObjectItemChestModel : public UPalMapObjectItemStorageModel
void OnUpdateLocalPlayerPasswordLockInfo(const FPalMapObjectPasswordLockPlayerInfo& OldLocalPlayerInfo, const FPalMapObjectPasswordLockPlayerInfo& NewLocalPlayerInfo);
}; // Size: 0x228
class UPalMapObjectItemChestParameterComponent : public UActorComponent
int32 SlotNum; // 0x00A0 (size: 0x4)
TArray<EPalItemTypeA> TargetTypesA; // 0x00A8 (size: 0x10)
TArray<EPalItemTypeB> TargetTypesB; // 0x00B8 (size: 0x10)
EPalContainerOperationRestrictType OperationRestrictType; // 0x00C8 (size: 0x1)
bool bAutoDestroyIfEmpty; // 0x00C9 (size: 0x1)
float CorruptionMultiplier; // 0x00CC (size: 0x4)
}; // Size: 0xD0
class UPalMapObjectItemChest_AffectCorruption : public UPalMapObjectItemChestModel
}; // Size: 0x228
class UPalMapObjectItemContainerModule : public UPalMapObjectConcreteModelModuleBase
class UPalItemContainer* TargetContainer; // 0x0040 (size: 0x8)
bool bDropItemAtDisposed; // 0x0048 (size: 0x1)
TArray<FPalMapObjectItemContainerModuleSlotIndexes> SlotAttributeIndexes; // 0x0050 (size: 0x10)
TArray<EPalMapObjectItemContainerSlotAttribute> AllSlotAttribute; // 0x0060 (size: 0x10)
EPalContainerUsageType UsageType; // 0x00F0 (size: 0x1)
void UpdateContentsMulticastDelegate__DelegateSignature(class UPalMapObjectItemContainerModule* Module);
void UpdateContentsDelegate__DelegateSignature(class UPalMapObjectItemContainerModule* Module);
void UnbindUpdateContents(FUnbindUpdateContentsDelegate Delegate);
bool TryGetContainer(class UPalItemContainer*& OutContainer);
void RequestSortContainer_ServerInternal();
void RequestSortContainer();
void OnUpdateContents(class UPalItemContainer* Container);
void OnRep_TargetContainer();
FPalContainerId GetContainerId();
class UPalItemContainer* GetContainer();
void BindUpdateContents(FBindUpdateContentsDelegate Delegate);
}; // Size: 0x100
class UPalMapObjectItemConverterParameterComponent : public UActorComponent
TArray<EPalItemTypeA> TargetTypesA; // 0x00A0 (size: 0x10)
TArray<EPalItemTypeB> TargetTypesB; // 0x00B0 (size: 0x10)
int32 TargetRankMax; // 0x00C0 (size: 0x4)
float AutoWorkAmountBySec; // 0x00C4 (size: 0x4)
float WorkSpeedAdditionalRate; // 0x00C8 (size: 0x4)
}; // Size: 0xD0
class UPalMapObjectItemDropOnDamagModel : public UPalMapObjectConcreteModelBase
TArray<FPalItemAndNum> DropItemInfos; // 0x0230 (size: 0x10)
void OnDamage_ServerInternal(class UPalMapObjectModel* Model, const FPalDamageInfo& DamageInfo, const int32 LastHp);
}; // Size: 0x240
class UPalMapObjectItemSimpleProductParameterComponent : public UActorComponent
FPalDataTableRowName_ItemProductData ItemProductId; // 0x00A0 (size: 0x8)
int32 SlotNum; // 0x00A8 (size: 0x4)
float WorkSpeedAdditionalRate; // 0x00AC (size: 0x4)
bool bIsGainExp; // 0x00B0 (size: 0x1)
}; // Size: 0xB8
class UPalMapObjectItemStorageModel : public UPalMapObjectConcreteModelBase
bool bAutoDestroyIfEmpty; // 0x0218 (size: 0x1)
void RequestSortContainer();
void OnUpdateContainerContentInServer(class UPalItemContainer* Container);
}; // Size: 0x220
class UPalMapObjectLampModel : public UPalMapObjectConcreteModelBase
void OnUpdateEnergyModuleState(class UPalMapObjectEnergyModule* EnergyModule);
}; // Size: 0x218
class UPalMapObjectLocationComponent : public UActorComponent
FGuid LocationId; // 0x00A0 (size: 0x10)
void SetLocationId();
}; // Size: 0xB0
class UPalMapObjectManager : public UPalWorldSubsystem
FPalMapObjectManagerOnCreateMapObjectModelInServerDelegate OnCreateMapObjectModelInServerDelegate; // 0x00B8 (size: 0x10)
void MapObjectModelWithVectorDelegate(class UPalMapObjectModel* MapObjectModel, const FVector& Vector);
FPalMapObjectManagerOnRepMapObjectModelDelegate OnRepMapObjectModelDelegate; // 0x00C8 (size: 0x10)
void MapObjectModelDynamicDelegate(class UPalMapObjectModel* MapObjectModel);
FPalMapObjectManagerOnSpawnedMapObjectModelByInServerDelegate OnSpawnedMapObjectModelByInServerDelegate; // 0x00D8 (size: 0x10)
void MapObjectModelSpawnedByDelegate(class UPalMapObjectModel* MapObjectModel, class UPalMapObjectModelInitializeExtraParameterSpawnedBy* SpawnedBy);
TArray<TScriptInterface<IPalBuildObjectSpawnValidationCheckInterface>> BuildSpawnValidationCheckers; // 0x0110 (size: 0x10)
class UDataTable* BuildObjectDataTable; // 0x0120 (size: 0x8)
class UDataTable* BuildObjectNameTable; // 0x0128 (size: 0x8)
class UDataTable* BuildObjectDescTable; // 0x0130 (size: 0x8)
class UDataTable* MapObjectAssignTable; // 0x0138 (size: 0x8)
FBuildingSurfaceMaterialSet BuildingSurfaceMaterialSet; // 0x0140 (size: 0x38)
class UPalFoliagePresetDataSet* FoliagePresetDataSet; // 0x0178 (size: 0x8)
TSubclassOf<class APalFoliageModelChunk> FoliageModelChunkClass; // 0x0180 (size: 0x8)
int32 FoliageGridSize; // 0x0188 (size: 0x4)
class UPalMapObjectFoliage* Foliage; // 0x0190 (size: 0x8)
class UPalBuildOperator* BuildOperator; // 0x0198 (size: 0x8)
class UPalMapObjectWorldDisposer* WorldDisposerForServer; // 0x01A0 (size: 0x8)
TMap<class FGuid, class UPalMapObjectModel*> MapObjectModelMapForServer; // 0x01A8 (size: 0x50)
TMap<class FGuid, class UPalMapObjectConcreteModelBase*> MapObjectConcreteModelMapForServer; // 0x01F8 (size: 0x50)
TMap<class FName, class FPalMapObjectModelStaticData> MapObjectModelStaticDataCacheMap; // 0x0338 (size: 0x50)
FPalMapObjectStaticData StaticData; // 0x0388 (size: 0x48)
FName DropItemMapObjectId; // 0x03D0 (size: 0x8)
FName BuildObjectId_PalStorage; // 0x03D8 (size: 0x8)
TArray<TEnumAsByte<EObjectTypeQuery>> SearchObjectTypes; // 0x03E0 (size: 0x10)
TMap<class EPalMapObjectDestroyFXType, class UNiagaraSystem*> DestroyEffectMap; // 0x03F8 (size: 0x50)
FName MapObjectDestroyFXUserParamName_BoxSize; // 0x0448 (size: 0x8)
FName MapObjectDestroyFXUserParamName_BoxSurfaceArea; // 0x0450 (size: 0x8)
class UNiagaraSystem* BuildStartEffect; // 0x0458 (size: 0x8)
class UNiagaraSystem* BuildCompleteEffect; // 0x0460 (size: 0x8)
FName BuildFXUserParamName_BoxCenter; // 0x0468 (size: 0x8)
FName BuildFXUserParamName_BoxSize; // 0x0470 (size: 0x8)
FName BuildFXUserParamName_BoxSurfaceArea; // 0x0478 (size: 0x8)
class UAkAudioEvent* BuildCompleteSE; // 0x0480 (size: 0x8)
class UNiagaraSystem* RepairEffect; // 0x0488 (size: 0x8)
class UNiagaraSystem* DamageEffect; // 0x0490 (size: 0x8)
FName DamageFXUserParamName_Alpha; // 0x0498 (size: 0x8)
FName DamageFXUserParamName_Rate; // 0x04A0 (size: 0x8)
FName DamageFXUserParamName_Scale; // 0x04A8 (size: 0x8)
FName DamageFXUserParamName_RadiusScale; // 0x04B0 (size: 0x8)
FName DamageFXUserParamName_AddRate; // 0x04B8 (size: 0x8)
FName DamageFXUserParamName_EndAlpha; // 0x04C0 (size: 0x8)
float DamageParam_MaxRate; // 0x04C8 (size: 0x4)
float DamageParam_MaxAddRate; // 0x04CC (size: 0x4)
float DamageParam_MaxScale; // 0x04D0 (size: 0x4)
float DamageParam_MaxRadiusScale; // 0x04D4 (size: 0x4)
float DamageParam_RadiusScaleMultiplier; // 0x04D8 (size: 0x4)
float DamageFX_StartHPRate; // 0x04DC (size: 0x4)
float DamageFX_DefaultBoundsSphereRadius; // 0x04E0 (size: 0x4)
FVector DamageFX_SpanwLocationOffset; // 0x04E8 (size: 0x18)
float DamageFX_EndFadeTime; // 0x0500 (size: 0x4)
float DropItemSpawnLocationFromActorBounds; // 0x0504 (size: 0x4)
float DropItemSpawnDirectionZ; // 0x0508 (size: 0x4)
FVector FoliageDropItemSpawnOffset; // 0x0510 (size: 0x18)
FVector DropItemReleaseDirectionRelative; // 0x0528 (size: 0x18)
FVector FoliageDestroyFXExtentsDefault; // 0x0540 (size: 0x18)
TSubclassOf<class UPalHitEffectSlot> HitEffectSlotClass; // 0x0558 (size: 0x8)
TMap<class EPalMapObjectChangeMeshFXType, class UNiagaraSystem*> ChangeMeshEffectMap; // 0x0560 (size: 0x50)
FPalMapObjectVisualEffectAssets VisualEffectAssets; // 0x05B0 (size: 0x50)
TMap<class EPalMapObjectTreasureGradeType, class FPalDataTableRowName_ItemData> TreasureBoxOpenRequiredItemMap; // 0x0600 (size: 0x50)
TMap<class FGuid, class UPalMapObjectModel*> MapObjectModelHandlingMap; // 0x0650 (size: 0x50)
TArray<class APalMapObject*> LevelMapObjectsToRegister; // 0x06B0 (size: 0x10)
class APalTestMapObjectRegistrationToManager* Registrator; // 0x06C0 (size: 0x8)
TMap<class FGuid, class UPalMapObjectSpawnRequestHandler*> SpawnRequestHandlerMap; // 0x06D0 (size: 0x50)
int32 InDoorCheckProcessIndex_AnyThread; // 0x0768 (size: 0x4)
int32 InDoorCheckMaxNumPerFrame_AnyThread; // 0x076C (size: 0x4)
TArray<class APalMapObjectSpawnerBase*> SpawnedSpawners; // 0x0770 (size: 0x10)
TArray<TWeakObjectPtr<UObject>> SkeletalLODComponentArrayExec; // 0x0780 (size: 0x10)
TArray<TWeakObjectPtr<UObject>> SkeletalLODComponentArrayWait; // 0x0790 (size: 0x10)
TArray<TWeakObjectPtr<UObject>> PointLightComponents; // 0x07A8 (size: 0x10)
void UpdateSkeletalMeshComponentForLOD(int32 InExecuteCount);
void UpdatePointLightComponentForCulling();
void UnResisterSkeletalMeshComponentForLOD(class UObject* InComponent);
void UnResisterPointLightComponent(class UObject* InComponent);
void ResisterSkeletalMeshComponentForLOD(class UObject* InComponent);
void ResisterPointLightComponent(class UObject* InComponent);
void RequestDismantleObject_OnResponseDialog(const bool bResult, class UPalDialogParameterBase* DialogParameter);
void RecalcPointLightOverlap();
void MapObjectModelWithVectorDelegate__DelegateSignature(class UPalMapObjectModel* MapObjectModel, const FVector& Vector);
void MapObjectModelSpawnedByDelegate__DelegateSignature(class UPalMapObjectModel* MapObjectModel, class UPalMapObjectModelInitializeExtraParameterSpawnedBy* SpawnedBy);
void MapObjectModelInterfaceDelegate__DelegateSignature(TScriptInterface<class IPalMapObjectModelInterface> MapObjectModel);
void MapObjectModelDynamicDelegate__DelegateSignature(class UPalMapObjectModel* MapObjectModel);
class UPalMapObjectFoliage* GetFoliage();
class UPalBuildOperator* GetBuildOperator();
class UPalMapObjectModel* FindModel(const FGuid& InstanceId);
class UPalMapObjectConcreteModelBase* FindConcreteModel(const FGuid& InstanceId);
}; // Size: 0x7B8
class UPalMapObjectMedicalPalBedModel : public UPalMapObjectConcreteModelBase
FPalMapObjectMedicalPalBedModelOnUpdateSleepingCharacterDelegate OnUpdateSleepingCharacterDelegate; // 0x0240 (size: 0x10)
void SimpleDelegate(class UPalMapObjectMedicalPalBedModel* Model);
class UPalIndividualCharacterHandle* SleepingCharacterHandle; // 0x0250 (size: 0x8)
FVector SleepLocationOffset; // 0x0258 (size: 0x18)
FVector RemovedSleepLocationOffset; // 0x0270 (size: 0x18)
float AdditionalHealingRate; // 0x0288 (size: 0x4)
float AffectSanityRate; // 0x028C (size: 0x4)
void SimpleDelegate__DelegateSignature(class UPalMapObjectMedicalPalBedModel* Model);
void OnInteractBegin(class AActor* Other, TScriptInterface<class IPalInteractiveObjectComponentInterface> Component);
void OnFinishSleepAction(class UPalAIActionBase* action);
class UPalIndividualCharacterHandle* GetSleepingHandle();
void ClearSleepingCharacterHandle();
}; // Size: 0x290
class UPalMapObjectMedicalPalBedParameterComponent : public UActorComponent
float AdditionalHealingRate; // 0x00A0 (size: 0x4)
float AffectSanityRate; // 0x00A4 (size: 0x4)
}; // Size: 0xA8
class UPalMapObjectModel : public UObject
FPalMapObjectModelOnDamageInServerDelegate OnDamageInServerDelegate; // 0x0038 (size: 0x10)
void PalMapObjectDamageWithLastDelegate(class UPalMapObjectModel* Model, const FPalDamageInfo& DamageInfo, int32 LastHp);
FPalMapObjectModelOnDamageDelegate OnDamageDelegate; // 0x0048 (size: 0x10)
void PalMapObjectDamageDelegate(class UPalMapObjectModel* Model, const FPalDamageInfo& DamageInfo);
FPalMapObjectModelOnUpdateHp OnUpdateHp; // 0x0058 (size: 0x10)
void MapObjectModelDelegate(class UPalMapObjectModel* Model);
FPalMapObjectModelOnDestroyDelegate OnDestroyDelegate; // 0x0068 (size: 0x10)
void MapObjectModelDelegate(class UPalMapObjectModel* Model);
FPalMapObjectModelOnDisposeDelegateInServer OnDisposeDelegateInServer; // 0x0078 (size: 0x10)
void MapObjectModelDisposeDelegate(class UPalMapObjectModel* Model, const FPalMapObjectDisposeOptions& Options);
FPalMapObjectModelOnUpdatedEnableTickDelegate OnUpdatedEnableTickDelegate; // 0x0088 (size: 0x10)
void MapObjectModelDelegate(class UPalMapObjectModel* Model);
FPalMapObjectModelOnUpdateBaseCampIdBelongToInServerDelegate OnUpdateBaseCampIdBelongToInServerDelegate; // 0x0098 (size: 0x10)
void MapObjectModelDelegate(class UPalMapObjectModel* Model);
FPalMapObjectModelOnUpdateGroupIdBelongToInServerDelegate OnUpdateGroupIdBelongToInServerDelegate; // 0x00A8 (size: 0x10)
void MapObjectModelDelegate(class UPalMapObjectModel* Model);
FPalMapObjectModelOnRepBuildPlayerUIdDelegate_Client OnRepBuildPlayerUIdDelegate_Client; // 0x00B8 (size: 0x10)
void MapObjectModelDelegate(class UPalMapObjectModel* Model);
FGuid InstanceId; // 0x00F8 (size: 0x10)
FName MapObjectMasterDataId; // 0x0108 (size: 0x8)
FPalBoundsTransform WorkableBounds; // 0x0110 (size: 0x80)
FBox MeshBoxBounds; // 0x0190 (size: 0x38)
FGuid ConcreteModelInstanceId; // 0x01C8 (size: 0x10)
class UPalMapObjectConcreteModelBase* ConcreteModel; // 0x01D8 (size: 0x8)
FGuid BaseCampIdBelongTo; // 0x01E0 (size: 0x10)
FGuid GroupIdBelongTo; // 0x01F0 (size: 0x10)
FName BuildObjectId; // 0x0200 (size: 0x8)
class UPalBuildProcess* BuildProcess; // 0x0208 (size: 0x8)
EPalMapObjectDamagableType DamagableType; // 0x0210 (size: 0x1)
FPalMapObjectStatusValue HP; // 0x0214 (size: 0x8)
FTransform InitialTransformCache; // 0x0220 (size: 0x60)
class UPalMapObjectModelConnectorBase* Connector; // 0x0280 (size: 0x8)
class UPalMapObjectModelEffect* Effect; // 0x0288 (size: 0x8)
FGuid RepairWorkId; // 0x0290 (size: 0x10)
FGuid OwnerSpawnerLevelObjectInstanceId; // 0x02A0 (size: 0x10)
FGuid OwnerInstanceId; // 0x02B0 (size: 0x10)
FGuid BuildPlayerUId; // 0x02C0 (size: 0x10)
bool bInDoor; // 0x02D0 (size: 0x1)
EPalMapObjectInteractRestrictType InteractRestrictType; // 0x02D1 (size: 0x1)
FGameDateTime CreatedAt; // 0x02D8 (size: 0x8)
float DeteriorationDamage; // 0x02E4 (size: 0x4)
float DeteriorationTotalDamage; // 0x02E8 (size: 0x4)
bool bIgnoredSave; // 0x02EC (size: 0x1)
FGuid DungeonInstanceIdBelongTo; // 0x02F0 (size: 0x10)
FPalStageInstanceId StageInstanceIdBelongTo; // 0x0300 (size: 0x14)
FFlagContainer TickFlagContainer; // 0x0318 (size: 0x50)
void RequestRepairByPlayer_ToServer_ServerInternal(const FGuid& RequestPlayerUId);
void OnUpdateBuildProcess_ServerInternal(class UPalBuildProcess* TargetBuildProcess);
void OnUnassignWorkRepairBuildObject(class UPalWorkBase* Work, const FPalInstanceID& IndividualId);
void OnTriggerInteract(class AActor* Other, EPalInteractiveObjectIndicatorType IndicatorType);
void OnTriggeringInteract(class AActor* Other, EPalInteractiveObjectIndicatorType IndicatorType, float DeltaTime);
void OnStartTriggerInteract(class AActor* Other, EPalInteractiveObjectIndicatorType IndicatorType);
void OnRep_Effect();
void OnRep_ConcreteModel();
void OnRep_BuildPlayerUId();
void OnEndTriggerInteract(class AActor* Other, EPalInteractiveObjectIndicatorType IndicatorType);
void OnAssignWorkRepairBuildObject(class UPalWorkBase* Work, const FPalInstanceID& IndividualId);
bool IsDamaged();
FPalMapObjectStatusValue GetHP();
}; // Size: 0x370
class UPalMapObjectModelConnectorAttach : public UPalMapObjectModelConnectorBase
}; // Size: 0x48
class UPalMapObjectModelConnectorAttachToCeil : public UPalMapObjectModelConnectorAttach
}; // Size: 0x48
class UPalMapObjectModelConnectorAttachToWall : public UPalMapObjectModelConnectorAttach
}; // Size: 0x48
class UPalMapObjectModelConnectorBase : public UObject
int32 SupportedLevel; // 0x0028 (size: 0x4)
FPalMapObjectModelConnectInfo ConnectInfoAnyPlace; // 0x0030 (size: 0x18)
}; // Size: 0x48
class UPalMapObjectModelConnectorFoundation : public UPalMapObjectModelConnectorBase
FPalMapObjectModelConnectInfo FrontConnectInfo; // 0x0048 (size: 0x18)
FPalMapObjectModelConnectInfo BackConnectInfo; // 0x0060 (size: 0x18)
FPalMapObjectModelConnectInfo LeftConnectInfo; // 0x0078 (size: 0x18)
FPalMapObjectModelConnectInfo RightConnectInfo; // 0x0090 (size: 0x18)
}; // Size: 0xA8
class UPalMapObjectModelConnectorRoof : public UPalMapObjectModelConnectorBase
FPalMapObjectModelConnectInfo FrontConnectInfo; // 0x0048 (size: 0x18)
FPalMapObjectModelConnectInfo BackConnectInfo; // 0x0060 (size: 0x18)
FPalMapObjectModelConnectInfo LeftConnectInfo; // 0x0078 (size: 0x18)
FPalMapObjectModelConnectInfo RightConnectInfo; // 0x0090 (size: 0x18)
}; // Size: 0xA8
class UPalMapObjectModelConnectorStair : public UPalMapObjectModelConnectorBase
FPalMapObjectModelConnectInfo UpConnectInfo; // 0x0048 (size: 0x18)
FPalMapObjectModelConnectInfo DownConnectInfo; // 0x0060 (size: 0x18)
}; // Size: 0x78
class UPalMapObjectModelConnectorWallV2 : public UPalMapObjectModelConnectorBase
FPalMapObjectModelConnectInfo UpConnectInfo; // 0x0048 (size: 0x18)
FPalMapObjectModelConnectInfo DownConnectInfo; // 0x0060 (size: 0x18)
}; // Size: 0x78
class UPalMapObjectModelEffect : public UObject
FPalFastMapObjectModelEffectRepInfoArray RepInfoArray; // 0x0048 (size: 0x148)
}; // Size: 0x198
class UPalMapObjectModelEffectBase : public UObject
}; // Size: 0x40
class UPalMapObjectModelEffectGrantParameterBase : public UObject
class UPalMapObjectModel* OwnerModel; // 0x0028 (size: 0x8)
}; // Size: 0x30
class UPalMapObjectModelEffectGrantParameter_AccumulateTrigger : public UPalMapObjectModelEffectGrantParameterBase
float Value; // 0x0030 (size: 0x4)
}; // Size: 0x38
class UPalMapObjectModelEffectGrantParameter_Burn : public UPalMapObjectModelEffectGrantParameter_AccumulateTrigger
}; // Size: 0x38
class UPalMapObjectModelEffect_AccumulateTrigger : public UPalMapObjectModelEffectBase
float AccumulateValue; // 0x0050 (size: 0x4)
}; // Size: 0x58
class UPalMapObjectModelEffect_Burn : public UPalMapObjectModelEffect_AccumulateTrigger
bool bBurning; // 0x0058 (size: 0x1)
float PersistenceValue; // 0x005C (size: 0x4)
class APalHitCollisionBox* HitCollisionBox; // 0x0060 (size: 0x8)
void OnRep_Burning(bool bLastValue);
void OnHitCollisionBox(class UPrimitiveComponent* MyHitComponent, class AActor* OtherHitActor, class UPrimitiveComponent* OtherHitComponent, const TArray<int32>& FoliageIndex, FVector HitLocation, int32 HitCount);
}; // Size: 0x68
class UPalMapObjectModelInitializeExtraParameterBase : public UObject
}; // Size: 0x28
class UPalMapObjectModelInitializeExtraParameterBuild : public UPalMapObjectModelInitializeExtraParameterBase
float BuildWorkAmount; // 0x0028 (size: 0x4)
}; // Size: 0x30
class UPalMapObjectModelInitializeExtraParameterByPlayerUId : public UPalMapObjectModelInitializeExtraParameterBase
FGuid ByPlayerUId; // 0x0028 (size: 0x10)
}; // Size: 0x38
class UPalMapObjectModelInitializeExtraParameterDropItem : public UPalMapObjectModelInitializeExtraParameterBase
FPalContainerId TempContainerID; // 0x0028 (size: 0x10)
FVector ReleaseDirection; // 0x0038 (size: 0x18)
bool bAutoPickup; // 0x0050 (size: 0x1)
}; // Size: 0x58
class UPalMapObjectModelInitializeExtraParameterInitialCharacter : public UPalMapObjectModelInitializeExtraParameterBase
FPalIndividualCharacterSaveParameter CharacterSaveParameter; // 0x0028 (size: 0x218)
}; // Size: 0x240
class UPalMapObjectModelInitializeExtraParameterInitialItem : public UPalMapObjectModelInitializeExtraParameterBase
TArray<FPalItemAndNum> ItemInfos; // 0x0028 (size: 0x10)
}; // Size: 0x38
class UPalMapObjectModelInitializeExtraParameterInteract : public UPalMapObjectModelInitializeExtraParameterBase
EPalMapObjectInteractRestrictType RestrictType; // 0x0028 (size: 0x1)
}; // Size: 0x30
class UPalMapObjectModelInitializeExtraParameterItem : public UPalMapObjectModelInitializeExtraParameterBase
TArray<FPalItemAndNum> ItemInfos; // 0x0028 (size: 0x10)
}; // Size: 0x38
class UPalMapObjectModelInitializeExtraParameterItemContainerAttribute : public UPalMapObjectModelInitializeExtraParameterBase
TArray<EPalMapObjectItemContainerSlotAttribute> AllSlotAttribute; // 0x0028 (size: 0x10)
}; // Size: 0x38
class UPalMapObjectModelInitializeExtraParameterItemDropObject : public UPalMapObjectModelInitializeExtraParameterBase
TArray<FPalItemAndNum> ItemInfos; // 0x0028 (size: 0x10)
}; // Size: 0x38
class UPalMapObjectModelInitializeExtraParameterNote : public UPalMapObjectModelInitializeExtraParameterBase
FName NoteRowName; // 0x0028 (size: 0x8)
}; // Size: 0x30
class UPalMapObjectModelInitializeExtraParameterPalEgg : public UPalMapObjectModelInitializeExtraParameterBase
FName CharacterID; // 0x0028 (size: 0x8)
}; // Size: 0x30
class UPalMapObjectModelInitializeExtraParameterSpawnedBy : public UPalMapObjectModelInitializeExtraParameterBase
FGuid ByMapObjectModelInstanceId; // 0x0028 (size: 0x10)
}; // Size: 0x38
class UPalMapObjectModelInitializeExtraParameterSpawner : public UPalMapObjectModelInitializeExtraParameterBase
FGuid OwnerSpawnerLevelObjectInstanceId; // 0x0028 (size: 0x10)
FPalStageInstanceId OwnerSpawnerStageInstanceId; // 0x0038 (size: 0x14)
}; // Size: 0x50
class UPalMapObjectModelInitializeExtraParameterTreasureBox : public UPalMapObjectModelInitializeExtraParameterBase
EPalMapObjectTreasureGradeType GradeType; // 0x0028 (size: 0x1)
}; // Size: 0x30
class UPalMapObjectMonsterFarmModel : public UPalMapObjectConcreteModelBase
}; // Size: 0x218
class UPalMapObjectMonsterFarmParameterComponent : public UActorComponent
FFloatInterval ActionIntervalSeconds; // 0x00A0 (size: 0x8)
}; // Size: 0xA8
class UPalMapObjectNoteObjectParameterComponent : public UActorComponent
FPalDataTableRowName_NoteData NoteRowName; // 0x00A0 (size: 0x8)
}; // Size: 0xA8
class UPalMapObjectOperationResultUtility : public UObject
}; // Size: 0x28
class UPalMapObjectPalEggModel : public UPalMapObjectPickupItemOnLevelModel
}; // Size: 0x250
class UPalMapObjectPalFoodBoxModel : public UPalMapObjectConcreteModelBase
}; // Size: 0x220
class UPalMapObjectPalStorageModel : public UPalMapObjectConcreteModelBase
FPalMapObjectPalStorageModelOnSpawnedCharacterDelegate OnSpawnedCharacterDelegate; // 0x0218 (size: 0x10)
void SpawnedCharacterDelegate(FPalInstanceID IndividualId, int32 PhantomId);
TArray<FPalInstanceID> SpawnedIndividualIds; // 0x02F0 (size: 0x10)
void SpawnedCharacterDelegate__DelegateSignature(FPalInstanceID IndividualId, int32 PhantomId);
void OnUpdateGuildPalStorage_ServerInternal(class UPalBaseCampModel* BaseCampModel, class UPalGuildPalStorage* GuildPalStorage);
void OnTriggerInteract_BP(class AActor* Other, EPalInteractiveObjectIndicatorType IndicatorType);
void OnSpawnedPhantomCharacter(FPalInstanceID IndividualId, int32 PhantomId);
void OnOverlapEndCageWalls(class UPrimitiveComponent* OverlappedComp, class AActor* OtherActor, class UPrimitiveComponent* OtherComp);
void OnOverlapBeginCageWalls(class UPrimitiveComponent* OverlappedComp, class AActor* OtherActor, class UPrimitiveComponent* OtherComp);
void OnDroppedCharacterToPhantom(FPalInstanceID IndividualId, int32 PhantomId);
void OnAddGuildPalStorage_ServerInternal(class UPalIndividualCharacterHandle* NewCharacter);
}; // Size: 0x300
class UPalMapObjectPasswordLockModule : public UPalMapObjectConcreteModelModuleBase
FPalMapObjectPasswordLockModuleOnUpdateLockStateDelegate OnUpdateLockStateDelegate; // 0x0030 (size: 0x10)
void ReturnSelfMulticastDelegate(class UPalMapObjectPasswordLockModule* Module);
FPalMapObjectPasswordLockModuleOnAuthenticationResultNotifyDelegate OnAuthenticationResultNotifyDelegate; // 0x0070 (size: 0x10)
void NotifyAuthenticationResultDelegate(bool passed);
EPalMapObjectPasswordLockState LockState; // 0x0080 (size: 0x1)
FString Password; // 0x0088 (size: 0x10)
TArray<FPalMapObjectPasswordLockPlayerInfo> PlayerInfos; // 0x0098 (size: 0x10)
int32 TryAuthenticateMaxNum; // 0x00A8 (size: 0x4)
void ReturnSelfMulticastDelegate__DelegateSignature(class UPalMapObjectPasswordLockModule* Module);
void ReturnSelfAndPasswordMulticastDelegate__DelegateSignature(class UPalMapObjectPasswordLockModule* Module, FString Password);
void ReturnPlayerInfoDelegate__DelegateSignature(const FPalMapObjectPasswordLockPlayerInfo& OldLocalPlayerInfo, const FPalMapObjectPasswordLockPlayerInfo& NewLocalPlayerInfo);
void RequestUpdateUnlock_ServerInternal(const int32 RequestPlayerId);
void RequestUpdatePassword_ServerInternal(const int32 RequestPlayerId, const FPalNetArchive& Archive);
void RequestUpdatePassword(FString NewPassword);
void RequestUpdateLock(const EPalMapObjectPasswordLockState NewLockState);
void RequestOpenUIPasswordSetting();
void RequestAuthenticate_ServerInternal(const int32 RequestPlayerId, const FPalNetArchive& Archive);
void RequestAuthenticate(FString InputPassword);
void OpenMenuSecuritySetting();
void OnRep_PlayerInfos(const TArray<FPalMapObjectPasswordLockPlayerInfo>& OldValue);
void NotifyAuthenticationResultDelegate__DelegateSignature(bool passed);
void NotifyAuthenticationResult(const bool passed);
EPalMapObjectPasswordLockState GetLockState();
bool CanTryAuthenticateByPlayer(const FGuid& RequestPlayerUId);
}; // Size: 0xB0
class UPalMapObjectPickableCharacterModelBase : public UPalMapObjectConcreteModelBase
FPalCharacterStoredParameterId StoredParameterId; // 0x0218 (size: 0x10)
FPalIndividualCharacterSaveParameter ForRead_CharacterSaveParameter; // 0x0228 (size: 0x218)
FGuid LocationId; // 0x0440 (size: 0x10)
void RequestPickup_ServerInternal(const int32 RequestPlayerId);
void RequestPickup();
void OnRemovedStoredCharacter_ServerInternal(const FPalCharacterStoredParameterId& RemovedID);
void OnDisappearTimeAt();
FPalIndividualCharacterSaveParameter GetCharacterSaveParameter();
}; // Size: 0x458
class UPalMapObjectPickableItemModelBase : public UPalMapObjectConcreteModelBase
bool bAutoPickedUp; // 0x0230 (size: 0x1)
FTimerHandle RemovePickupGuardTimerHandle; // 0x0238 (size: 0x8)
void RequestPickup_ServerInternal(const int32 RequestPlayerId);
void RequestPickup();
void OnTimer_RemovePickupGuard();
TArray<FPalItemAndNum> CreatePickupItemInfo();
}; // Size: 0x240
class UPalMapObjectPickupItemOnLevelModel : public UPalMapObjectPickableItemModelBase
FName VisualStaticItemId; // 0x0248 (size: 0x8)
void OnUpdateItemContainerContents(class UPalItemContainer* Container);
FName GetVisualStaticItemId();
}; // Size: 0x250
class UPalMapObjectPickupItemPalEggParameterComponent : public UPalMapObjectPickupItemParameterComponent
FPalMapObjectPickupItemPalEggData PalEggData; // 0x00B0 (size: 0x8)
}; // Size: 0xB8
class UPalMapObjectPickupItemParameterComponent : public UPalMapObjectPickupItemParameterComponentBase
TArray<FPalMapObjectPickupItemData> DropItems; // 0x00A0 (size: 0x10)
}; // Size: 0xB0
class UPalMapObjectPickupItemParameterComponentBase : public UActorComponent
}; // Size: 0xA0
class UPalMapObjectPlayerBedModel : public UPalMapObjectConcreteModelBase
FVector RespawnLocationOffset; // 0x0218 (size: 0x18)
bool bHasAuthority; // 0x0230 (size: 0x1)
class ACharacter* SleepingCharacter; // 0x0238 (size: 0x8)
class UPalAction_SleepPlayerBed* SleepPlayerBedAction; // 0x0240 (size: 0x8)
void RequestTriggerSleepPlayerBed_ToServer(const int32 RequestPlayerId);
void RequestTriggerGetupPlayerBed_ToServer(const int32 RequestPlayerId);
void ReceiveTriggerSleepPlayerBedSuccess(const int32 RequestPlayerId);
void ReceiveTriggerGetupPlayerBedSuccess(const int32 RequestPlayerId);
void PutPlayerToSleep(class UPalIndividualCharacterHandle* CharacterHandle);
void OnPlayerActionBegin(const class UPalActionBase* ActionBase);
void OnGetupTrigger();
void OnEndSleep();
void OnDispose(class UPalMapObjectModel* MapObjectModel, const FPalMapObjectDisposeOptions& Options);
void OnDamagePlayer(FPalDamageResult DamageResult);
void BP_OnTriggerInteract_SleepPlayerBed(class AActor* Other, EPalInteractiveObjectIndicatorType IndicatorType);
}; // Size: 0x248
class UPalMapObjectPlayerRecordModule : public UPalMapObjectConcreteModelModuleBase
FPalMapObjectPlayerRecordModuleOnUpdatePlayerRecordBoolValDelegate OnUpdatePlayerRecordBoolValDelegate; // 0x0030 (size: 0x10)
void MulticastBoolValDelegate(class UPalMapObjectPlayerRecordModule* Module, const FName Key, const bool Value);
FPalMapObjectPlayerRecordModuleOnUpdatePlayerRecordIntValDelegate OnUpdatePlayerRecordIntValDelegate; // 0x0040 (size: 0x10)
void MulticastIntValDelegate(class UPalMapObjectPlayerRecordModule* Module, const FName Key, const int32 Value);
FName TargetKey; // 0x0070 (size: 0x8)
void OnUpdatePlayerRecordIntVal(const FName Key, const int32 Value);
void OnUpdatePlayerRecordBoolVal(const FName Key, const bool Value);
void OnCompleteSyncPlayerFromServer_InClient(class APalPlayerState* LocalPlayerState);
void MulticastIntValDelegate__DelegateSignature(class UPalMapObjectPlayerRecordModule* Module, const FName Key, const int32 Value);
void MulticastBoolValDelegate__DelegateSignature(class UPalMapObjectPlayerRecordModule* Module, const FName Key, const bool Value);
}; // Size: 0x78
class UPalMapObjectProductItemModel : public UPalMapObjectConcreteModelBase
FPalMapObjectProductItemModelOnFinishProductOneLoopDelegate OnFinishProductOneLoopDelegate; // 0x0220 (size: 0x10)
void SimpleDelegate(class UPalMapObjectProductItemModel* Model);
bool bIsWorkable; // 0x0230 (size: 0x1)
FName ProductItemId; // 0x0234 (size: 0x8)
float WorkSpeedAdditionalRate; // 0x023C (size: 0x4)
void SimpleDelegate__DelegateSignature(class UPalMapObjectProductItemModel* Model);
void OnUpdateContainerContent(class UPalItemContainer* Container);
void OnFinishWorkInServer(class UPalWorkBase* Work);
FName GetProductItemId();
class UPalItemContainer* GetItemContainer();
float CalcRequiredAmount(const float BaseRequiredAmount);
}; // Size: 0x240
class UPalMapObjectRankUpCharacterModel : public UPalMapObjectConcreteModelBase
FPalMapObjectRankUpCharacterModelOnReceiveRequestResultDelegate OnReceiveRequestResultDelegate; // 0x0218 (size: 0x10)
void PalMapObjectRankUpCharacterResultDelegate(const EPalMapObjectRankUpCharacterResult Result);
FGuid BaseCampIdBelongTo; // 0x0228 (size: 0x10)
TSubclassOf<class UPalUserWidgetOverlayUI> MenuUIWidgetClass; // 0x0238 (size: 0x8)
void RequestRankup_ServerInternal(const int32 RequestPlayerId, const FPalNetArchive& Archive);
void ReceiveOperationResult(const int32 ResultInt);
}; // Size: 0x240
class UPalMapObjectRecoverOtomoModel : public UPalMapObjectConcreteModelBase
float RecoverAmountBySec; // 0x0220 (size: 0x4)
TSubclassOf<class UPalUserWidgetOverlayUI> MenuUIWidgetClass; // 0x0228 (size: 0x8)
void StoreAllOtomo_ServerInternal(const int32 RequestPlayerId);
void RequestRecoverAllOtomo_ServerInternal(const int32 RequestPlayerId);
void OnUpdateCharacterContainer(class UPalIndividualCharacterContainer* Container);
void ObtainAll_ServerInternal(const int32 RequestPlayerId);
}; // Size: 0x230
class UPalMapObjectRecoverOtomoParameterComponent : public UActorComponent
int32 SlotNum; // 0x00A0 (size: 0x4)
float RecoverAmountBySec; // 0x00A4 (size: 0x4)
TSubclassOf<class UPalUserWidgetOverlayUI> MenuUIWidgetClass; // 0x00A8 (size: 0x8)
}; // Size: 0xB0
class UPalMapObjectRepairItemModel : public UPalMapObjectConcreteModelBase
float RequiredRepairItemRate; // 0x0228 (size: 0x4)
TSubclassOf<class UPalUserWidgetOverlayUI> WidgetClass; // 0x0230 (size: 0x8)
void RequestRepairItem(const TArray<FPalItemSlotId>& TargetItemSlotIdArray);
void RepairItem_ServerInternal(const int32 RequestPlayerId, const FPalNetArchive& Archive);
void OnNotifyRepairResult__DelegateSignature(bool IsSuccess);
void NotifyRepairResult(bool IsSuccess);
void GetRequiredMaterials(const TArray<FPalItemId>& TargetRepairItemIdArray, TArray<FPalStaticItemIdAndNum>& OutRequiredMaterials);
}; // Size: 0x238
class UPalMapObjectRepairItemParameterComponent : public UActorComponent
float RequiredRepairItemPercent; // 0x00A0 (size: 0x4)
}; // Size: 0xA8
class UPalMapObjectRespawnPointModel : public UPalMapObjectConcreteModelBase
FGuid LocationId; // 0x0218 (size: 0x10)
}; // Size: 0x228
class UPalMapObjectShippingItemModel : public UPalMapObjectConcreteModelBase
TArray<int32> ShippingHours; // 0x0218 (size: 0x10)
void OnChangeTimeHoursInServer();
}; // Size: 0x228
class UPalMapObjectShippingItemParameterComponent : public UActorComponent
int32 SlotNum; // 0x00A0 (size: 0x4)
TArray<int32> ShippingHours; // 0x00A8 (size: 0x10)
}; // Size: 0xB8
class UPalMapObjectSignboardModel : public UPalMapObjectConcreteModelBase
FPalMapObjectSignboardModelOnUpdateSignboardTextDelegate OnUpdateSignboardTextDelegate; // 0x0218 (size: 0x10)
void UpdateSignboardTextDelegate(FString TextValue);
TSubclassOf<class UPalUserWidgetOverlayUI> MenuUIWidgetClass; // 0x0228 (size: 0x8)
FString SignboardText; // 0x0230 (size: 0x10)
bool bIsEditing; // 0x0240 (size: 0x1)
void UpdateSignboardTextDelegate__DelegateSignature(FString TextValue);
void RequestUpdateText(const int32 RequestPlayerId, const FPalNetArchive& Archive);
void RequestEditText(const int32 RequestPlayerId, const bool IsEditing);
void OnUpdateText(FString Text);
void OnRep_Text();
void OnOpenEdit();
FString GetSignboardText();
}; // Size: 0x248
class UPalMapObjectSignboardParameterComponent : public UActorComponent
TSubclassOf<class UPalUserWidgetOverlayUI> MenuUIWidgetClass; // 0x00A0 (size: 0x8)
}; // Size: 0xA8
class UPalMapObjectSpawnRequestHandler : public UObject
FPalMapObjectModelInitializeExtraParameters ExtraParameters; // 0x0090 (size: 0x28)
}; // Size: 0xD0
class UPalMapObjectSpawnerDamageReactionComponent : public UActorComponent
bool bDropItemOnDamaged; // 0x00A8 (size: 0x1)
class UPalHitEffectSlot* EffectSlot; // 0x00B0 (size: 0x8)
}; // Size: 0xB8
class UPalMapObjectSpawnerMultiItemLocationComponent : public UStaticMeshComponent
}; // Size: 0x5F0
class UPalMapObjectStatusObserverModule : public UPalMapObjectConcreteModelModuleBase
FPalMapObjectStatusObserverModuleOnDamageInServerDelegate OnDamageInServerDelegate; // 0x0030 (size: 0x10)
void PalMapObjectDamageWithLastDelegate(class UPalMapObjectModel* Model, const FPalDamageInfo& DamageInfo, int32 LastHp);
void OnDamage_ServerInternal(class UPalMapObjectModel* Model, const FPalDamageInfo& DamageInfo, const int32 LastHp);
}; // Size: 0x40
class UPalMapObjectSwitchModule : public UPalMapObjectConcreteModelModuleBase
FPalMapObjectSwitchModuleOnUpdateSwitchStateDelegate OnUpdateSwitchStateDelegate; // 0x0030 (size: 0x10)
void ReturnSelfMulticastDelegate(class UPalMapObjectSwitchModule* Module);
EPalMapObjectSwitchState SwitchState; // 0x0040 (size: 0x1)
void ReturnSelfMulticastDelegate__DelegateSignature(class UPalMapObjectSwitchModule* Module);
void OnRep_SwitchState();
EPalMapObjectSwitchState GetSwitchState();
}; // Size: 0x48
class UPalMapObjectSwitchOnInWorking : public UPalMapObjectConcreteModelBase
void OnUpdateAssignedCharacter_ServerInternal(class UPalWorkBase* Work);
}; // Size: 0x218
class UPalMapObjectTestFunctionModel : public UPalMapObjectConcreteModelBase
void RequestCountUpSIngle_ServerInternal(const int32 RequestPlayerId);
void RequestCountUp_ServerInternal(const int32 RequestPlayerId, const int32 IncrementNum);
void RequestCountUp(const int32 IncrementNum);
void OnRecieveCountUp(const int32 ReflectedCounter);
}; // Size: 0x220
class UPalMapObjectTestGlobalContainerModel : public UPalMapObjectConcreteModelBase
void WatchContainer();
void Swap(const int32 ASlotIndex, const int32 BSlotIndex);
void ProduceWithSlotWithConsume(const FName StaticItemId, const int32 Num, const int32 SlotIndex, const int32 ConsumeSlotIndex, const int32 ConsumeNum);
void ProduceWithSlot(const FName StaticItemId, const int32 Num, const int32 SlotIndex);
void Produce(const FName StaticItemId, const int32 Num);
void OpenContainerUI();
void Move(const int32 Num, const int32 ToSlotIndex, const int32 FromSlotIndex);
void Dispose(const int32 SlotIndex, const int32 Num);
void CloseContainerUI();
}; // Size: 0x218
class UPalMapObjectTestItemDestroyedDropModel : public UPalMapObjectConcreteModelBase
TArray<FPalItemAndNum> DropItemInfos; // 0x0218 (size: 0x10)
void OnDestroy_ServerInternal(class UPalMapObjectModel* Model);
}; // Size: 0x228
class UPalMapObjectTorchModel : public UPalMapObjectConcreteModelBase
int32 IgnitionMinutes; // 0x0218 (size: 0x4)
FGameDateTime ExtinctionDateTime; // 0x0220 (size: 0x8)
void RequestTriggerIgnition_ToServer(const int32 RequestPlayerId);
void OnWorkBootUp_ServerInternal(class UPalWorkBootUp* Work);
}; // Size: 0x228
class UPalMapObjectTorchParameterComponent : public UActorComponent
int32 IgnitionMinutes; // 0x00A0 (size: 0x4)
}; // Size: 0xA8
class UPalMapObjectTreasureBoxModel : public UPalMapObjectConcreteModelBase
EPalMapObjectTreasureGradeType TreasureGradeType; // 0x0228 (size: 0x1)
FVector DropItemLocalLocation; // 0x0230 (size: 0x18)
bool bOpened; // 0x0248 (size: 0x1)
void RequestOpen_ServerInternal(const int32 RequestPlayerId);
void ReceiveOpenSuccess_ClientInternal(const FPalNetArchive& Archive);
void ReceiveOpenFailed_ClientInternal(const FPalNetArchive& Archive);
EPalMapObjectTreasureGradeType GetTreasureGradeType();
void Debug_ReceiveObtainInfo_ClientInternal(const FPalNetArchive& Archive);
TArray<FPalItemAndNum> CreateItemInfo();
}; // Size: 0x250
class UPalMapObjectUtility : public UBlueprintFunctionLibrary
bool TryGetItemVisualModelStaticMesh(TSubclassOf<class AActor> actorClass, class UStaticMesh*& OutStaticMesh, FTransform& OutComponentTransform, FVector& OutCenterOfMass, class UMaterialInterface*& OutMaterialInterface);
EPalMapObjectOperationResult ToMapObjectOperationResult(const int32 ResultIntValue);
EPalMapObjectOperationResult SelectPriorityResult(EPalMapObjectOperationResult Result1, EPalMapObjectOperationResult Result2);
FString MapObjectOperationResultToString(const EPalMapObjectOperationResult Result);
bool IsContainsCollisionProfiles(const class UPrimitiveComponent* Component, const TArray<FName>& CollisionProfiles);
}; // Size: 0x28
class UPalMapObjectVisualEffectComponent : public UActorComponent
TMap<class EPalMapObjectVisualEffectType, class FPalMapObjectVisualEffectInstanceSet> SpawnedEffectMap; // 0x00A0 (size: 0x50)
void UpdateVisualByEffect(class UPalMapObjectModelEffectBase* Effect);
void OnRemoveEffect(class UPalMapObjectModel* Model, class UPalMapObjectModelEffectBase* Effect);
void OnGrantedEffect(class UPalMapObjectModel* Model, class UPalMapObjectModelEffectBase* Effect);
}; // Size: 0xF0
class UPalMapObjectWorkeeModule : public UPalMapObjectConcreteModelModuleBase
class UPalWorkBase* TargetWork; // 0x0030 (size: 0x8)
void OnRep_TargetWork();
class UPalWorkProgress* GetWorkProgress();
class UPalWorkBase* GetWork();
}; // Size: 0x38
class UPalMapObjectWorldDisposer : public UObject
TArray<class UPalMapObjectWorldDisposerBase*> WorldDisposers; // 0x0028 (size: 0x10)
}; // Size: 0x38
class UPalMapObjectWorldDisposerBase : public UObject
}; // Size: 0x30
class UPalMapObjectWorldDisposer_DropItem : public UPalMapObjectWorldDisposerBase
TMap<class EPalDropItemType, class FPalMapObjectWorldDropItemInfoSet> DropItemInfoSetMap; // 0x0040 (size: 0x50)
void OnRestoreMapObject_ServerInternal(class UPalMapObjectModel* Model);
void OnCreateMapObject_ServerInternal(class UPalMapObjectModel* SpawnedModel, const FVector& SpawnLocation);
}; // Size: 0x90
class UPalMasterDataTableAccessBase : public UObject
class UDataTable* DataTable; // 0x0028 (size: 0x8)
TArray<FName> GetRowNames();
}; // Size: 0x30
class UPalMasterDataTableAccess_BaseCampLevelData : public UPalMasterDataTableAccessBase
int32 GetMaxLevel();
FPalBaseCampLevelMasterData GetLevelInfo(int32 Level);
}; // Size: 0x38
class UPalMasterDataTableAccess_BuildObjectData : public UPalMasterDataTableAccessBase
void BPExec_FindRowByMapObjectId(FName MapObjectId, EPalMasterDataExecPinType& ExecType, FPalBuildObjectData& OutData);
void BPExec_FindRow(FName RowName, EPalMasterDataExecPinType& ExecType, FPalBuildObjectData& OutData);
FPalBuildObjectData BP_FindRowByMapObjectId(FName MapObjectId, FName& OutRowName, bool& bResult);
FPalBuildObjectData BP_FindRow(FName RowName, bool& bResult);
}; // Size: 0x30
class UPalMasterDataTableAccess_BuildObjectIconData : public UPalMasterDataTableAccessBase
void BPExec_FindRow(FName RowName, EPalMasterDataExecPinType& ExecType, FPalBuildObjectIconData& OutData);
FPalBuildObjectIconData BP_FindRow(FName RowName, bool& bResult);
}; // Size: 0x30
class UPalMasterDataTableAccess_CharacterUpgradeData : public UPalMasterDataTableAccessBase
int32 GetMaxRank();
}; // Size: 0x38
class UPalMasterDataTableAccess_DungeonEnemySpawnerData : public UPalMasterDataTableAccessBase
}; // Size: 0x30
class UPalMasterDataTableAccess_DungeonItemLotteryData : public UPalMasterDataTableAccessBase
}; // Size: 0x30
class UPalMasterDataTableAccess_DungeonLevelData : public UPalMasterDataTableAccessBase
}; // Size: 0x30
class UPalMasterDataTableAccess_DungeonSpawnAreaData : public UPalMasterDataTableAccessBase
FPalDungeonSpawnAreaData BP_FindRow(FName RowName, bool& bResult);
}; // Size: 0x30
class UPalMasterDataTableAccess_FarmCropData : public UPalMasterDataTableAccessBase
void BPExec_FindRowByCropItemId(FName CropItemId, EPalMasterDataExecPinType& ExecType, FPalMapObjectFarmCropData& OutData);
void BPExec_FindRow(FName RowName, EPalMasterDataExecPinType& ExecType, FPalMapObjectFarmCropData& OutData);
FPalMapObjectFarmCropData BP_FindRowByCropItemId(FName CropItemId, bool& bResult);
FPalMapObjectFarmCropData BP_FindRow(FName RowName, bool& bResult);
}; // Size: 0x30
class UPalMasterDataTableAccess_FieldLotteryNameData : public UPalMasterDataTableAccessBase
}; // Size: 0x30
class UPalMasterDataTableAccess_ItemLotteryData : public UPalMasterDataTableAccessBase
}; // Size: 0x30
class UPalMasterDataTableAccess_ItemProductData : public UPalMasterDataTableAccessBase
}; // Size: 0x30
class UPalMasterDataTableAccess_ItemRecipe : public UPalMasterDataTableAccessBase
void BPExec_FindRow(FName RowName, EPalMasterDataExecPinType& ExecType, FPalItemRecipe& OutData);
FPalItemRecipe BP_FindRow(FName RowName, bool& bResult);
}; // Size: 0x30
class UPalMasterDataTableAccess_ItemShop : public UPalMasterDataTableAccessBase
}; // Size: 0x30
class UPalMasterDataTableAccess_ItemShopLottery : public UPalMasterDataTableAccessBase
}; // Size: 0x30
class UPalMasterDataTableAccess_LocalizeText : public UPalMasterDataTableAccessBase
FText FindRow(FName RowName);
}; // Size: 0x30
class UPalMasterDataTableAccess_MapObjectMasterData : public UPalMasterDataTableAccessBase
void BPExec_FindRow(FName RowName, EPalMasterDataExecPinType& ExecType, FPalMapObjectMasterData& OutData);
FPalMapObjectMasterData BP_FindRow(FName RowName, bool& bResult);
}; // Size: 0x30
class UPalMasterDataTableAccess_PalShop : public UPalMasterDataTableAccessBase
}; // Size: 0x30
class UPalMasterDataTableAccess_PlayerStatusRankData : public UPalMasterDataTableAccessBase
int32 GetMaxRank();
}; // Size: 0x38
class UPalMasterDataTableAccess_UIInputActionData : public UPalMasterDataTableAccessBase
}; // Size: 0x30
class UPalMasterDataTableAccess_WildSpawnerData : public UPalMasterDataTableAccessBase
}; // Size: 0x30
class UPalMasterDataTables : public UObject
class UDataTable* WildSpawnerDataTable; // 0x0028 (size: 0x8)
class UPalMasterDataTableAccess_WildSpawnerData* Access_WildSpawnerDataTable; // 0x0030 (size: 0x8)
class UDataTable* ItemRecipeDataTable; // 0x0038 (size: 0x8)
class UPalMasterDataTableAccess_ItemRecipe* Access_ItemRecipeDataTable; // 0x0040 (size: 0x8)
class UDataTable* FarmCropDataTable; // 0x0048 (size: 0x8)
class UPalMasterDataTableAccess_FarmCropData* Access_FarmCropDataTable; // 0x0050 (size: 0x8)
class UDataTable* MapObjectDataTable; // 0x0058 (size: 0x8)
class UPalMasterDataTableAccess_MapObjectMasterData* Access_MapObjectDataTable; // 0x0060 (size: 0x8)
class UDataTable* BuildObjectDataTable; // 0x0068 (size: 0x8)
class UPalMasterDataTableAccess_BuildObjectData* Access_BuildObjectDataTable; // 0x0070 (size: 0x8)
class UDataTable* BuildObjectIconDataTable; // 0x0078 (size: 0x8)
class UPalMasterDataTableAccess_BuildObjectIconData* Access_BuildObjectIconDataTable; // 0x0080 (size: 0x8)
class UDataTable* ItemProductDataTable; // 0x0088 (size: 0x8)
class UPalMasterDataTableAccess_ItemProductData* Access_ItemProductDataTable; // 0x0090 (size: 0x8)
class UDataTable* BaseCampLevelDataTable; // 0x0098 (size: 0x8)
class UPalMasterDataTableAccess_BaseCampLevelData* Access_BaseCampLevelDataTable; // 0x00A0 (size: 0x8)
class UDataTable* DungeonSpawnAreaDataTable; // 0x00A8 (size: 0x8)
class UPalMasterDataTableAccess_DungeonSpawnAreaData* Access_DungeonSpawnAreaDataTable; // 0x00B0 (size: 0x8)
class UDataTable* DungeonLevelDataTable; // 0x00B8 (size: 0x8)
class UPalMasterDataTableAccess_DungeonLevelData* Access_DungeonLevelDataTable; // 0x00C0 (size: 0x8)
class UDataTable* DungeonEnemySpawnerDataTable; // 0x00C8 (size: 0x8)
class UPalMasterDataTableAccess_DungeonEnemySpawnerData* Access_DungeonEnemySpawnerDataTable; // 0x00D0 (size: 0x8)
class UDataTable* DungeonItemLotteryDataTable; // 0x00D8 (size: 0x8)
class UPalMasterDataTableAccess_DungeonItemLotteryData* Access_DungeonItemLotteryDataTable; // 0x00E0 (size: 0x8)
class UDataTable* FieldLotteryNameDataTable; // 0x00E8 (size: 0x8)
class UPalMasterDataTableAccess_FieldLotteryNameData* Access_FieldLotteryNameDataTable; // 0x00F0 (size: 0x8)
class UDataTable* ItemLotteryDataTable; // 0x00F8 (size: 0x8)
class UPalMasterDataTableAccess_ItemLotteryData* Access_ItemLotteryDataTable; // 0x0100 (size: 0x8)
class UDataTable* PlayerStatusRankDataTable; // 0x0108 (size: 0x8)
class UPalMasterDataTableAccess_PlayerStatusRankData* Access_PlayerStatusRankDataTable; // 0x0110 (size: 0x8)
class UDataTable* CharacterUpgradeDataTable; // 0x0118 (size: 0x8)
class UPalMasterDataTableAccess_CharacterUpgradeData* Access_CharacterUpgradeDataTable; // 0x0120 (size: 0x8)
class UPalNoteDataAsset* NoteDataAsset; // 0x0128 (size: 0x8)
class UPalNoteDataAsset* HelpGuideDataAsset; // 0x0130 (size: 0x8)
TMap<class EPalLocalizeTextCategory, class UDataTable*> LocalizeTextDataTableMap; // 0x0138 (size: 0x50)
TMap<class EPalLocalizeTextCategory, class UPalMasterDataTableAccess_LocalizeText*> Access_LocalizeTextDataTables; // 0x0188 (size: 0x50)
class UDataTable* UIInputActionDataTable; // 0x01D8 (size: 0x8)
class UPalMasterDataTableAccess_UIInputActionData* Access_UIInputActionDataTable; // 0x01E0 (size: 0x8)
FPalTechnologyDataSet technologyDataSet; // 0x01E8 (size: 0x18)
class UDataTable* worldMapDataTable; // 0x0200 (size: 0x8)
class UDataTable* ItemShopLotteryDataTable; // 0x0208 (size: 0x8)
class UPalMasterDataTableAccess_ItemShopLottery* Access_ItemShopLotteryDataTable; // 0x0210 (size: 0x8)
class UDataTable* ItemShopDataTable; // 0x0218 (size: 0x8)
class UPalMasterDataTableAccess_ItemShop* Access_ItemShopDataTable; // 0x0220 (size: 0x8)
class UDataTable* PalShopDataTable; // 0x0228 (size: 0x8)
class UPalMasterDataTableAccess_PalShop* Access_PalShopDataTable; // 0x0230 (size: 0x8)
}; // Size: 0x238
class UPalMasterDataTablesUtility : public UBlueprintFunctionLibrary
class UPalMasterDataTableAccess_WildSpawnerData* GetWildSpawnerDataTableAccess(const class UObject* WorldContextObject);
class UDataTable* GetWildSpawnerDataTable(const class UObject* WorldContextObject);
class UPalMasterDataTableAccess_UIInputActionData* GetUIInputActionDataTableAccess(const class UObject* WorldContextObject);
class UDataTable* GetUIInputActionDataTable(const class UObject* WorldContextObject);
class UPalMasterDataTableAccess_PlayerStatusRankData* GetPlayerStatusRankDataTableAccess(const class UObject* WorldContextObject);
class UDataTable* GetPlayerStatusRankDataTable(const class UObject* WorldContextObject);
class UPalMasterDataTableAccess_PalShop* GetPalShopDataTableAccess(const class UObject* WorldContextObject);
class UDataTable* GetPalShopDataTable(const class UObject* WorldContextObject);
class UPalNoteDataAsset* GetNoteDataAsset(const class UObject* WorldContextObject);
class UPalMasterDataTableAccess_MapObjectMasterData* GetMapObjectDataTableAccess(const class UObject* WorldContextObject);
class UDataTable* GetMapObjectDataTable(const class UObject* WorldContextObject);
FText GetLocalizedText(const class UObject* WorldContextObject, EPalLocalizeTextCategory TextCategory, FName TextId);
class UPalMasterDataTableAccess_ItemShopLottery* GetItemShopLotteryDataTableAccess(const class UObject* WorldContextObject);
class UDataTable* GetItemShopLotteryDataTable(const class UObject* WorldContextObject);
class UPalMasterDataTableAccess_ItemShop* GetItemShopDataTableAccess(const class UObject* WorldContextObject);
class UDataTable* GetItemShopDataTable(const class UObject* WorldContextObject);
class UPalMasterDataTableAccess_ItemRecipe* GetItemRecipeDataTableAccess(const class UObject* WorldContextObject);
class UDataTable* GetItemRecipeDataTable(const class UObject* WorldContextObject);
class UPalMasterDataTableAccess_ItemLotteryData* GetItemLotteryDataTableAccess(const class UObject* WorldContextObject);
class UDataTable* GetItemLotteryDataTable(const class UObject* WorldContextObject);
class UPalNoteDataAsset* GetHelpGuideDataAsset(const class UObject* WorldContextObject);
class UPalMasterDataTableAccess_FieldLotteryNameData* GetFieldLotteryNameDataTableAccess(const class UObject* WorldContextObject);
class UDataTable* GetFieldLotteryNameDataTable(const class UObject* WorldContextObject);
class UPalMasterDataTableAccess_FarmCropData* GetFarmCropDataTableAccess(const class UObject* WorldContextObject);
class UData
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