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So much to code, so little sleep...

Dan Walsh Daniel-Walsh

So much to code, so little sleep...
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mnpenner / color.ts
Last active April 22, 2024 02:41
RGB color hex to lightness
// based on
type RGB = [r: number, g: number, b: number]
const UNK = 255 / 2
* @param hex RGB hex string like "#CCCFDB"
* @returns RGB tuple in [0-255]
flaksp /
Last active March 7, 2025 23:35
Convert BitWarden JSON export file to Apple iCloud Keychain CSV import file saving TOTP and notes

BitWarden to Apple iCloud Keychain passwords converter

This Python scripts allows you to move your passwords from BitWarden to Apple iCloud.

You need to know:

  • It ignores secure notes, credit cards and other types that are not passwords.
  • It ignores BitWarden entries without usernames, passwords and URLs.
  • It also ignores URLs that do not start with http:// or https://.
  • It normalizes all TOTP tokens, e.g. wskg vtqa h5kl bhb4 v4v2 ybyo woc6 qme2 will be converted to otpauth://totp/[email protected]?secret=WSKGVTQAH5KLBHB4V4V2YBYOWOC6QME2&
LeZuse /
Last active February 11, 2025 03:08
Install node on Apple Silicon M1 both ARM and x86 (Rosetta)

Node.js on Apple Silicon

Node Version Manager ( works perfectly across native node installations as well as emulated Rosetta installations. The trick I am using here is to install one LTS version of node under Rosetta and another stable version as native binary.


  • find a way how to run the same node version on both platforms