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Dipesh Bhardwaj Dev-Dipesh

  • The Contentment Foundation
  • San Francisco, California
View GitHub Profile
Dev-Dipesh /
Last active December 1, 2024 05:13
Turning Zomato Order History into Insights: A Personal Project
// This is the main code that processes the raw data from the 'Raw Data' sheet and places it in 'Formatted Data' sheet.
function processRawData() {
var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
var rawSheet = sheet.getSheetByName('Raw Data'); // Raw data arrives here from Zapier
var formattedSheet = sheet.getSheetByName('Formatted Data'); // Formatted data is posted here after processing
// Get the data from the Raw Data sheet
var rawData = rawSheet.getDataRange().getValues();
for (var i = 1; i < rawData.length; i++) { // Start from row 1 to skip headers
Dev-Dipesh /
Last active May 10, 2024 07:10
Javascript loops can be quite confusing. Knowing the write loop to use can make a big difference in performance.

A4 Image file if you would like to print it ♥ JS Loops Cheatsheet

Dev-Dipesh /
Created April 27, 2024 09:27
Google Cloud Spanner Transaction Commit Explanation with an Example

Google Cloud Spanner Transaction Commit using True Time API

Mermaid Diagram

Imagine you're organizing a surprise party (a transaction) that needs to happen precisely at 5 PM (the commit time). However, all your friends (the database nodes) have slightly different watches, and you can't trust them to be perfectly synchronized. To avoid the surprise being ruined by someone arriving early or late, you decide to use a special app (TrueTime) that allows everyone to agree on a time window when 5 PM will definitely occur, say between 4:59 PM and 5:01 PM.

You tell your friends to be ready and in position anytime within that window, but the surprise will only start exactly at 5 PM, as determined by the app. Because of the app's accuracy, you're confident that no one will act before 4:59 PM or after 5:01 PM, and since everyone prepares in advance, the party kicks off flawlessly at 5 PM without further coordination needed. This is akin to how Spanner uses TrueTime to set a global commit timestamp that ensures all

CleanShot 2024-04-26 at 21 05 31@2x

Hack for the Game

Remember to change the query selector before running the script in your browser.

Laymen Explanation

  • Game Character = sleeping emoji
  • Obstacle = Notification emoji

Here's what each part of the code does:

Dev-Dipesh / seed.ts
Last active April 18, 2024 13:58
Project: Evento
import { PrismaClient } from "@prisma/client";
const prisma = new PrismaClient();
const events = [
id: 1,
name: "DJ Practice Session",
slug: "dj-practice-session",
city: "Austin",

Challenge Solutions

  1. Secret Key: F5LABS4445663337899
  2. Coded: F5LABS7776888678123
  3. UI Checks: F5LABS3425563334219
  4. Authorization Mess: F5LABS34255676246218
  5. Version Trouble: F5LABS0099876655774
  6. Bypass Controls: F5LABS9899877665588
  7. Weak Tokens: F5LABS1116536788549
  8. Credentials Stuff: F5LABS4445663337899, F5LABS8387288577236

Clark-Wilson Model

The Clark-Wilson model is a security framework designed to ensure that computer systems process transactions securely and maintain data integrity. It revolves around two main concepts:

  1. Constrained Data Items (CDIs): These are sensitive data elements that must be protected to ensure they remain accurate and reliable. The model ensures that CDIs can only be modified through specific, authorized procedures.
  2. Transformation Procedures (TPs): These are the only processes that can change CDIs. Each TP must be certified to meet certain integrity conditions, ensuring they only manipulate data in allowed ways.

In practical terms, the model requires users to be authenticated before accessing the system and ensures they have permission to execute TPs. It monitors and logs all transactions, both successful and those denied due to integrity issues or unauthorized access attempts. This framework is particularly useful in environments requiring strict audit capabilities and rigorous data integrit

Embracing Secure Remote Work: Exploring the Synergy of VDI, VPN, RBI, and Zero Trust Technologies

In this Gist, I've shared two tables that outline the steps and technologies involved in creating a secure remote work environment using VDI, VPN, RBI, and other security measures. The first table is a 6-step user journey highlighting risks and mitigation strategies. The second table presents additional steps and technologies to create a Zero Trust remote work environment.

VDI (Virtual Desktop Infrastructure): VDI is a virtualization technology that allows users to access a fully functional desktop environment remotely. It creates virtual machines on a centralized server, each running a separate operating system instance. Users can access these virtual desktops from their devices using a remote desktop protocol. VDI helps enhance security by keeping sensitive data within the data center, simplifying patch management, and providing centralized control over user access.

RBI (Remote Browser Isolation):

Dev-Dipesh /
Last active December 13, 2019 01:25
Cube.Js Realtime Dashboard App Logs

Full logs

> [email protected] dev /Users/dipesh/Desktop/Contentment Projects/TEST_REPO/super_admin
> node index.js

🔓 Authentication checks are disabled in developer mode. Please use NODE_ENV=production to enable it.
🦅 Dev environment available at http://localhost:4000
🚀 Cube.js server is listening on 4000
Dev-Dipesh /
Created May 14, 2019 09:27
Boostnote Cheatsheet

📋 📘 Boostnote Markdown CheatSheet

The missing markdown feature cheat sheet for Boostnote.
It tries to give a short summary of all formatting options which are available in Boostnote.

⚠️ Only works in Boostnote.
👉 Open the Preview Page to see how it's rendered.
🈴 Chinese Version