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Damiaan Dufaux Dev1an

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Dev1an / ArtifactPassing.groovy
Created September 9, 2024 15:39
Jenkins - pass files across jobs
def buildResult = build job: "/PackagePublishers/ArtifactPassingChild", propagate: true
println buildResult.number
copyArtifacts(projectName: '/PackagePublishers/ArtifactPassingChild', selector: specific("${buildResult.number}"))
Dev1an / Explicitly Opened Existentials.swift
Last active June 10, 2022 09:12
This is a workaround for the "Protocol 'Encodable' as a type cannot conform to the protocol itself" paradox. It provides a way to explicitly open up existential Encodable types and encode them using an encoder.
// Encode Existentials.swift
// This is a workaround for the "Protocol 'Encodable' as a type cannot conform to the protocol itself" paradox.
// All the code in this file can be safely removed after upgrading to the swift 5.7 compiler.
// Calls to ``TopLevelEncoder/encode(existential: Encodable)`` can then safely be replaced
// with a call to the encoder's `encode(_:)` function
// due to the "Implicitly Opened Existentials" (SE-0352) feature implemented in swift 5.7:
// Created by Damiaan Dufaux on 09/06/2022.
enum TypeGenerator {
private static var last: Chainable.Type = Chain<Void>.self
private enum Chain<X>: Chainable {
static func chain() -> Chainable.Type { Chain<Self>.self }
static func next() -> Chainable.Type {
Self.last = Self.last.chain()
return Self.last
Dev1an / TwoSidedAlignmentOverlay.swift
Created July 28, 2021 06:48
Create an overlay, aligning a guide of the reference view to a different guide of the overlaid view.
extension View {
@available(iOS 15.0, macOS 12.0, *)
func overlay<Target: View>(align originAlignment: Alignment, to targetAlignment: Alignment, of target: Target) -> some View {
let hGuide = HorizontalAlignment(Alignment.TwoSided.self)
let vGuide = VerticalAlignment(Alignment.TwoSided.self)
return alignmentGuide(hGuide) {$0[originAlignment.horizontal]}
.alignmentGuide(vGuide) {$0[originAlignment.vertical]}
.overlay(alignment: Alignment(horizontal: hGuide, vertical: vGuide)) {
.alignmentGuide(hGuide) {$0[targetAlignment.horizontal]}
import SwiftUI
// Include this CGPoint extension:
public struct RegularPolygon: Shape {
let corners: [CGPoint]
Create a polygon shape with provided number of sides.
Dev1an / Jumper example.swift
Last active May 14, 2021 08:07
Add a jump animation whenever a value changes in SwiftUI
// ContentView.swift
// badger
// Created by Damiaan on 12/05/2021.
import SwiftUI
struct Badge: View {
let stack = UIStackView(arrangedSubviews: [])
stack.axis = .vertical
let marginGuide = UILayoutGuide()
let hugger = marginGuide.widthAnchor.constraint(equalToConstant: 0)
hugger.priority = .defaultHigh
func addRow(label: String, text: String) {
let labelView = UILabel()



  • Songtekst one record per line (UTF16 little endian) [9-266]
  • VerseID [277-278]


Records start with 10 01 00 ?? 1F F2 5D

4 Manieren om licht manueel bij te stellen RX100:

  • ISO: 100 - 12800
    • betekenis: gevoeligheid van de sensor
    • side-effect: ruis
      • 100: weinig ruis
      • 12800: veel ruis
  • Aperture: f16 - f1.8
    • betekenis: opening van de lens
  • side-effect: depth of field