A terrible language that could pass as a real thing if you gave it to a webdev.
functions (func param1
objects (package, class, int, etc.)
Variable Declaration
There is no explicit variable declaration, nor type safety
hello = 5
There are none.
// package is a type too
// file name as variable, imports are a redundant feature, less redundancy = less to learn
// conceptually, `java` is interpretted as a `package` object, then the property `lang` is retrieved from it, which on packages, just creates a new package with the name `<current>/<methodinvocationanem>`, or if a class is present, returns a file name
System = java lang System
// prints 'null'
System out println(helo)
// like lua, typos = get fucked
Having operators as a seperate concept means making the language harder to learn, so now they're infix functions.
Less features = Less time wasted learning.
is optional, except for functions with no parameters
System out println a add(a)
// instance functions are infix too
System out println a foo()
System out println a foo param
// prints null
System out println a methodThatDoesntExist()
Scope and Control Flow
There are no brackets, it's all indentation based
a = Random randInt(5)
if a
System out println(a)
System out println("a == 0")
while a
// no --, less features = lower learning curve
a = a sub(1)
There is no return keyword, it's not even an option. Less Options = More consistency = More readability
functionName = func param1 param2 param3
param1 add(param2 add(param3))
// because of order of operations, this works
println = System out println
There is no static.
There are no access flags, no final/private/public etc.
All invocations and field accesses are dynamic.\
constant = 4
notReallyStaticFunction = func a
System out print a
class InnerClassName SuperType InterfaceTypeA InterfaceTypeB
field = 3
func <init>
<init> = func _field
field = _field
foo = func field
System out println this field
System out println this field
// creates a new FileName, invokes notReallyStaticFunction on it with 5 as the parameter. I told you there is no static!
FileName notReallyStaticFunction 5
// creates a new FileName, and gets `constant`. Again, no statics!
FileName constant
test = FileName InnerClassName 5
test foo 4
// failed constructors return null
test = FileName InnerClassName 4 5
test = FileName
Order of Operations
0) parenthesis
- variable in order of localest to globalest scope. (local, class, global)
- null
Advanced Features
foo = func name, params...
for param params
java lang System println param
array tuples
tuple = 5, 6
// prints 6
println tuple 2
mymethod tuple
// or (this isn't a syntax feature, it's just how parantheses already work)
mymethod (5, 6)
// tuples can be split
a, b = mymethod 4
The package object needs to intercept all incoming method calls, this can be done like this
<init> = func _name, _parent
name = _name
parent = _parent
toString = func
if parent // if parent != null
parent toString add "." add name
<property> = func name, params...
fun = super <property> name // invokes the <property> method, which ironically is itself a property
clsldr = getClass getClassLoader
clsname = toString() add "." add name
cls = Classes forName clsldr clsname
if cls
Package name this
if you wanted to intercept an object's property resolution