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#!/usr/bin/env python2
# Gimp-Python - allows the writing of Gimp plugins in Python.
# Copyright (C) 2024 draco18s <draco18s(at)>
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
"SaveName": "",
"Date": "",
"VersionNumber": "",
"GameMode": "",
"GameType": "",
"GameComplexity": "",
"Tags": [],
"Gravity": 0.5,
"PlayArea": 0.5,
We can make this file beautiful and searchable if this error is corrected: It looks like row 2 should actually have 1 column, instead of 8 in line 1.
Code;Flavor Text;Game Text;Item Name
1222;You've crafted many things from stones – some tools, some weapons. But never with a stone this sharp, so imbued with raw power and violence. This could only be used the make a weapon. And while different weapons have different strengths and weaknesses, there's no denying that a spear is the most versatile. And so you set to work, crafting a spear tipped with a piece of an actual behemoth. While tying the last binding, your hand slips and the deadly stone cuts deep. You'll heal in time, but you now have a sobering reminder of the weapon's deadly power. Use it wisely.;Suffer a major injury. You are now wise (add this trait to your character card). Discard the Ruinous Shard item card and the material used in crafting, then gain the Ruinous Spear item card (search the Item Card deck facedown for IT94).;Ruinous Spear
1330;You've kept the piece of discarded skin as a trophy from your encounter with the behemoth. The hue of the skin shifts and sometimes shimmers in the light
We can make this file beautiful and searchable if this error is corrected: It looks like row 3 should actually have 1 column, instead of 2 in line 2.
Code;Flavor Text;Game Text;Item Name
1111;You've made rope! Rope may prove useful while exploring.;Discard the materials used and gain the Rope item card (search the Item Card deck facedown for IT29). Record the recipe for this item in your tribe's journal.;Rope
1120;You've made a piton! This sturdy spike with a rope attached could be useful for navigating underground tunnels. If you need to make more, you could probably also make one with a sharpened shell.;Discard the materials used and gain the Piton item card (search the Item Card deck facedown for IT76). Record the recipe for this item in your tribe's journal.;Piton
1121;You've made a snare! You can set this at night, with a bit of bait, and hopefully catch a small animal.;Discard the materials used and gain the Snare item card (search the Item Card deck facedown for IT78). Record the recipe for this item in your tribe's journal.;Snare
1122;You've made a travois! It's a simple sled that can be dragged behind you, allowing you to haul materials.;Discard t
We can make this file beautiful and searchable if this error is corrected: It looks like row 5 should actually have 1 column, instead of 2 in line 4.
Code;Flavor Text;Game Text;Item Name
1110;You've made a necklace of feathers! This necklace displays your trophies and wearing it makes you feel more capable. ;Discard the materials used and gain the Necklace of Feathers item card (search the Item Card deck facedown for IT43). Record the recipe for this item in your tribe's journal.;Necklace of Feathers
1111;You've made rope! Rope may prove useful while exploring.;Discard the materials used and gain the Rope item card (search the Item Card deck facedown for IT29). Record the recipe for this item in your tribe's journal.;Rope
1120;You've made a necklace of teeth! This necklace displays your trophies and wearing it makes you feel more capable.;Discard the materials used and gain the Necklace of Teeth item card (search the Item Card deck facedown for IT44). Record the recipe for this item in your tribe's journal.;Necklace of Teeth
1122;You've made a travois! It's a simple sled that can be dragged behind you, allowing you to haul materials.;Discard the materials
We can make this file beautiful and searchable if this error is corrected: It looks like row 2 should actually have 1 column, instead of 2 in line 1.
Code;Flavor Text;Game Text;Item Name
1210;You've made a bundle of wooden arrows! You'll need hardened wood for the shafts, and extra for when they break. You'll also need a bow to use this item.;Discard the materials used and gain the Wooden Arrows item card (search the Item Card deck facedown for IT06). Record the recipe for this item in your tribe's journal.;Wooden Arrows
1211;You've made a snare! You can set this at night, with a bit of bait, and hopefully catch a small animal.;Discard the materials used and gain the Snare item card (search the Item Card deck facedown for IT78). Record the recipe for this item in your tribe's journal.;Snare
1222;You've made a wooden spear! It's simple, but it will be useful for hunting, fishing, and defending yourself.;Discard the materials used and gain the Wooden Spear item card (search the Item Card deck facedown for IT03). Record the recipe for this item in your tribe's journal.;Wooden Spear
1232;You've made a wooden awl! An awl can be used to drill holes in various ma
Automated process to discover and gain control of servers in Bitburner
/** @param {NS} ns */
let knowntargets = [];
let lastlevel = -1;
export async function main(ns) {
knowntargets = [];
if (knowntargets.length == 0) init(ns);
Draco18s / graph.js
Last active December 29, 2022 01:28
Requires color.js
Graph drawing function intended for Bitburner.
Bar graphs should be drawn first so that their color can be used as a background color maintaing the graph when later line graphs are drawn
StockPosition should be drawn last so that it can use special characters when intersecting with line graphs.
StockPosition should also not take Red or Green as its line color as it uses those to colorize buy and sell entries. Black is also used for position == 0 along with a dashed character.
Maximum width is approximately 120 before linewrapping occurs.
Bar and Line
▁ ▁⎼
All Ansi color code constants that are valid in Bitburner
nano functions/color.js
export const Color = {
black: "\x1b[30m",
red: "\x1b[31m",
green: "\x1b[32m",
yellow: "\x1b[33m",
blue: "\x1b[34m",
Type eventType = typeof(T);
MessengerInternal.OnBroadcasting(eventType, mode);
Action<T>[] invocationList = MessengerInternal.GetInvocationList<Action<T>>(eventType);
foreach(Action<T> del in invocationList) {