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Vitalii Kuznetsov Eeyore741

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raduchiriac / prepare-commit-msg
Last active September 3, 2024 06:13
Hook: Prepend Jira ticket ID to the git commit message
# Get the current branch name
current_branch=`git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD`
# Search Jira ID in a pattern such a "feature/ABCD-123-my-feature"
id=$(echo $current_branch | sed -nE 's,[a-z]+/([A-Z]+-[0-9]+)-.+,\1,p')
# only prepare commit message if pattern matched and jiraId was found
if [[ ! -z $id ]]; then
d-date / project.yml
Last active February 3, 2025 14:11
XcodeGen Example
name: XXXX
LastUpgradeCheck: 1140
bundleIdPrefix: com.xxxx.xxxxxxxx
iOS: 13.1.3
Develop Debug: debug
AvdLee / FileManagerExtensions.swift
Last active November 19, 2023 23:23
Easily print out useful locations for usage during debugging on the Simulator.
extension FileManager {
Prints out the locations of the simulator and the shared group folder.
This is useful for debugging file issues.
Example usage: FileManager.default.printFileLocations()
func printFileLocations() {
let paths = NSSearchPathForDirectoriesInDomains(.documentDirectory, .userDomainMask, true)
let simulatorFolder = paths.last!
chockenberry / Debug.swift
Last active April 11, 2024 13:22
Debug and release logging in Swift that's reminiscent of NSLog()
// Debug.swift
// Created by Craig Hockenberry on 3/15/17.
// Updated by Craig Hockenberry on 2/20/24.
// Usage:
// SplineReticulationManager.swift:
atereshkov / podspec-example
Last active April 29, 2023 16:11
Xcode 10 Fat framework - How to create universal binary iOS framework (+ Cocoapods podspec)
If you've got something like this:
file was built for arm64 which is not the architecture being linked (x86_64):
Than this gist is for you.
Let's say you have already developed the framework itself and just want to build the binary
and distribute it through the Cocoapods.
1. Make sure your framework "Deployment Target" is equal to all the dependencies from your podspec file.
erica sadun,
Core Geometry
import Foundation
import QuartzCore
# taken from blog post:
# Automatically sets version of target based on most recent tag in git
# Automatically sets build number to number of commits
# Add script to build phase in xcode at the top of the chain named "set build number"
# put this script in the root of the xcode project in a directory called scripts (good idea to version control this too)
# call the script as $SRCROOT/scripts/ in xcode
gauravkeshre /
Last active August 21, 2023 18:03
iOS Cocoa Touch Universal Framework Script

iOS Cocoa Touch Universal Framework Script


For an framework to be compatible with various devices it has to be compiled for them specifically, This script does those tasks in single shot.


Install Script

  1. Select Target
JohnSundell / Podfile
Last active September 4, 2019 15:20
A Podfile that demonstrates how to use dependencies that use an older Swift version
target 'MyTarget' do
# Post installation script that enables the Swift 4.2 compiler's
# legacy 4.1 mode for 4.2-incompatible pods
post_install do |installer|
incompatiblePods = ['PodA', 'PodB']
installer.pods_project.targets.each do |target|
if incompatiblePods.include?
brennanMKE / Async.swift
Last active March 6, 2023 13:01
Blocking with Semaphores and DispatchGroups in Swift
import PlaygroundSupport
import Foundation
class Worker {
private let queue = .background)
private let serialQueue = DispatchQueue(label: "com.acme.serial")
public private(set) var count = 0
func incrementCount() {