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Last active January 11, 2022 02:59
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DOTNET_SYSTEM_NET_SOCKETS_INLINE_COMPLETIONS=1 noticeably improves simple TE benchmarks such as the following ones on all UNIX archs. From my understanding, it avoids dispatching from the event-thread to threadpool and does the work in the same thread it got request from.

TE Benchmark Baseline, RPS MyTest, RPS diff, %
ARM64 Platform-JSON PGO 661,663 778,925 +17.72%
ARM64 Platform-Caching PGO 186,188 218,004 +17.09%
ARM64 Platform-Plaintext PGO 6,933,964 7,563,428 +9.08%
x64 Platform-JSON PGO 1,299,388 1,432,200 +10.22%
x64 Platform-Caching PGO 413,123 445,144 +7.75%
x64 Platform-Plaintext PGO 12,529,587 13,137,836 +4.85%

(+17% on arm64 seems to be a sign that something can be improved on it, e.g. Threads-per-engine heuristic, or SpinWait params?)

However, it most likely regresses pretty much anything more complicated than "receive a tiny request and immediately send something back":

TE Benchmark Baseline, RPS MyTest, RPS diff, %
ARM64 Platform-Fortunes PGO 88,765 51,648 -41.81%
x64 Platform-Fortunes PGO 494,777 410,766 -16.98%

Can we do a sort of PGO (static or dynamic) but on managed level to adapt to users' workloads dynamicly?

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