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Created January 12, 2013 03:49
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JavaScript Basics - 1
// What Javascript is Made of
// It ain't sugar, spice, and everything nice, but it'll do
// Variables
// Javascript is reference based, meaning that variables only ever point to a piece of data. Defining a variable lets you use a piece of data elsewhere.
// NOTE: This is global, meaning no matter where you set the variable, it will be available everywhere
name = 'Timothy Kempf';
// This is scoped. This variable will only exist inside the "scope" it exists in. You'll learn about that later
// NOTE: since this scope is global, this variable is technically global too!
var scoped_name = 'Timothy Kempf';
// Booleans
// Either true or false, that's it
var my_boolean = true;
var my_boolean2 = false;
// and we're all out.
// Integers
// Integers are whole numbers, negative and positive
var my_integer = 5;
var my_integer2 = -5;
var my_integer3 = 2342349573498574389589345895345;
// Floats
// Floating point numbers. Basically anything with a decimal point
var my_float = 5.5;
var my_float2 = -5000.4353;
// Strings
// Letters/numbers/characters, are generally used to store text or words
var my_string = 'My name is Timothy Kempf. I make websites and sandwiches.';
var my_string2 = ' \' You can escape special characters with backslashes';
// NOTE: This is NOT an integer! When numbers are wrapped in quotes they're strings just like anything else!
var my_string3 = '54';
// Arrays
// Groups of other javascript data types
var my_array = [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ];
// NOTE: You can put whatever you want into arrays, including other arrays, variables, etc. my_array will be the array we defined just before.
var my_array2 = [ 'anything can go in these', 23.4, 0, 'they\'re awesome', my_array ];
// NOTE: This is how you access data inside of an array! Remember that computers count from 0
my_array[0] === 0;
my_array[3] === 3;
my_array2[0] === 'anything can go in these';
my_array2[4] === my_array;
// Objects
// Groups of other javascript data types, arranged with "keys"
var my_object = {
my_key: 'my value',
my_key2: 'my other value',
my_key3: 3,
my_key4: my_array
// NOTE: This is how you access data inside of an array! You use the name of the key to get what you want...
my_object['my_key'] === 'my value';
my_object['my_key4'] === my_array;
// NOTE: You can also access data like this. This is usually how you access data in objects
my_object.my_key2 === 'my other value';
// Functions
// Blocks of executable code
// NOTE: This is how you assign a function globally. You pretty much never do it this way if you're cool
function addIntegers( integer_1, integer_2 ){
return integer_1 + integer_2;
var multiplyIntegers = function( integer_1, integer_2 ){
return integer_1 * integer_2;
// NOTE: This is how you access a function
that_cool_integer_function = addIntegers;
// NOTE: This is how you run a function
var result = multiplyIntegers( 5, 3 );
// result is 15
// Regular Expressions
// Use these to match strings, or parts of strings
// Regex is a world unto itself. For now, just know what these look like.
var my_regex = /a/;
// this returns true
// NOTE: They usually end up looking worse than this
var youtube_id_regex = /(www\.youtube\.com\/watch)|(youtu\.be\/.{11})/;
// EXTRA: Identifying what jQuery is made out of!
// This is a function! Note the parentheses. Javascript variables can actually use any unicode character for a name, jQuery uses $ for short
// This is a function nested inside of an object!
$('html').append('<div>Hi mom!</div>');
// Since every time a jQuery function runs, it returns the original jQuery $ object again, you can do things like this
$('html').append('<div>Hi dad!</div>').append('<div>Hi sis!</div?').append('<div>Hi bro!</div>');
// Some jQuery functions return something that is not the jQuery $ object
// This returns the contents of the <html> tag as a string
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