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lolisamurai Francesco149

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Francesco149 /
Last active December 7, 2024 15:42
maplestory next showcase summary

MapleStory NEXT

non-comprehensive summary of changes. don't take this as absolute truth and wait for more details and proper translation

  • 3rd and 4th mastery core
  • new boss baldrix (the dude on the horse). drops brilliant set pendant baldrix
Francesco149 /
Last active October 17, 2024 19:28
example of making a side by side video with ffmpeg
# used to make this video:
ffmpeg -i finalboss-crt.mkv -ss 00:00:00.600 -i finalboss-lcd.mp4 -filter_complex \
"[0:v]crop=1287:1080:395:0[v1]; \
[1:v]scale=480:360[v2]; \
[v1][v2]xstack=inputs=2:layout=0_0|1287_40[v]; \
[v]pad=1920:1080:0:0:color=black[v]; \
[v]drawtext=text='CRT':fontcolor=white:fontsize=24:box=1:[email protected]:boxborderw=5:x=10:y=10, \
drawtext=text='LCD':fontcolor=white:fontsize=24:box=1:[email protected]:boxborderw=5:x=1297:y=10[outv]" \

non-exhaustive overview of the changed annonced in kms test server. NOT FINAL


  • 1.5h of 3x and 2 vip boosters per day 5 times a week from event. 40 claims over the whole event
  • afk room that gives exp, pay 3k maple points for extra exp for 1h ( max 12 per week ). apparently it's really good exp
  • maple world tour/halfling equivalent event, 5 times a week. can pick 2 things out of: black flames (3 guaranteed or 1 80% 11 20%), symbols (6 guaranteed or 1 80% 26 20%), sol erda energy (10 guaranteed or 1 80% 46 20%)
  • vip boosters drop from mobs, can use up to 10 per day
Francesco149 /
Last active June 8, 2024 14:41
milestone quick recap no pics because im running late

high mountain tldr

weekly dungeon that resets every thursday. it's a mix of mini bosses and killing mobs and you can swap characters between you and the god mitra. it's solo content. once per week per account, 1 character

you have to first complete story mode which is about 50 mins if you hold down spacebar, then you can run the real thing

if you're strong (like kobe's dark knight) it takes about 20 mins. you can leave and re enter where you left off so you don't have to do all stages in 1 sitting. if you're weak you probably wanna mostly play as mitra


  • 1 sol erda

dreamer event

event format similar to identisk but it's 12 weeks and has a lot more rewards

one lvl 270 growth potion (transcendent growth potion) from 1st part attendance

free fairy heart from 2nd part attendance

there's 2 event currencies but you can exchange between them so you are not forced to do minigames for the other one

#!/usr/bin/env python
from itertools import product
from functools import reduce
from operator import mul
BOSS = "boss"
IED = "ied"
ATT = "att"
ANY = "any"

summary of destiny changes. not everything, just the most relevant things

I don't know korean so don't 100% trust this. I just compiled info from streams and the showcase

showcase video

1st patch (dec 30th)

new sunny sundays

  • Extreme Level Up Time (3x exp event 10am ~ 10pm). note: KMS exp events are additive, not