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Last active January 25, 2025 14:55
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Nord 2 Community notes

Nord 2 Guides

Those guides are applicable to every Nord 2 model:

  • DN2101/IND
  • DN2103/EEA
  • DN2103/EEA PAC-MAN Edition



Here's how to unlock your Nord 2, in normal conditions.


  • A fully charged phone
  • A backup of your phone somewhere safe (this will WIPE ALL YOUR DATA)
  • A working ADB setup on your pc
  • Basic knowledge to not fuck up everything


  • Open any terminal/command prompt on your pc.
  • If you don't have adb set as "system-wide", open a terminal inside your platform-tools folder, aka where you have the adb/fastboot binaries.
  • Enable USB Debug inside developer options, as well as OEM Unlock.
  • Reboot your phone in fastboot mode:
    • If you're using Android 11, you can just reboot into bootloader with the usual key combination (vol- and power).
    • If you're using Android 12, you'll need to use adb reboot fastboot to enter fastbootd.
  • Run, in your terminal, fastboot flashing unlock and agree to the unlock process
  • Finally, reboot your phone with fastboot reboot


The relock can be a bit tricky sometimes. The process is the same as before, except you need to run the command fastboot flashing lock. It can vary due to:

  • Previous Magisk/Zygisk installation
  • Other mods installed
  • Custom recoveries


  • Reboot your phone in fastboot mode:
    • If you're using Android 11, you can just reboot into bootloader with the usual key combination (vol- and power).
    • If you're using Android 12, you'll need to use adb reboot fastboot to enter fastbootd.
  • Run fastboot flashing lock, then fastboot reboot.
  • Done!

If you happen to run into the "Boot image destroyed/corrupted" with a big red triangle on it, don't panic: it's totally normal. Best thing to do is:

  • Using the note #stock_firmwares in the group, download ALL the images matching your version:

    • Images to download: dtbo, recovery, vbmeta, boot.
  • Reboot your phone in fastboot mode:

    • If you're using Android 11, you can just reboot into bootloader with the usual key combination (vol- and power).
    • If you're using Android 12, you'll need to use adb reboot fastboot to enter fastbootd.
    • EXTRA: if you can't use adb (stuck in fastboot mode etc.), you can use fastboot reboot fastboot to reboot into fastbootd mode, eg. by bootloader mode.
    • EXTRA 2: if you can't really access fastbootd whatsoever, you'll need to STOP here and restore a backup with MTKClient.
  • Flash the downloaded files with those commands:

    fastboot flash boot boot.img
    fastboot flash recovery recovery.img
    fastboot flash vbmeta vbmeta.img
    fastboot flash dtbo dtbo.img`
  • Run fastboot flashing lock, then fastboot reboot.

  • Your nord 2 is now locked! Congrats!

If you still have some issues, feel free to tag any admin (or me directly (@Giovix92)) on the group.


The rooting process is a bit different than usual. This involves patching the boot.img in order to gain root access. Works on both Android 11 and Android 12!


  • A phone fully charged


  • Use the note #stock_firmwares in the group to download the correct boot.img matching your current version.
  • Download the latest Magisk apk from Magisk's Github, and install it
  • Open it up, select 'Install' and select 'Select and Patch a File'
  • Select the file you've downloaded from telegram
  • Let it patch
  • Copy that file onto your pc (using MTP or whatever the most comfortable option you want)
  • Reboot your phone in fastboot mode:
    • If you're using Android 11, you can just reboot into bootloader with the usual key combination (vol- and power).
    • If you're using Android 12, you'll need to use adb reboot fastboot to enter fastbootd.
  • Assuming the file is called 'nicefile.img', the command would be: fastboot flash boot nicefile.img. Change the name accordingly!
  • Reboot your phone by running fastboot reboot

Voilà! Your Nord 2 is now rooted!


Q: Why didn't you use permanent TWRP + flash the Magisk zip instead of doing all of this.. thing?

A: TWRP + Magisk causes a bootloop combo that you can only exit out by formatting data.

Q: Got x issue, HELP!

A: Report that in the group.


The unrooting process is pretty simple.


  • Reboot your phone in bootloader mode
  • Pick the boot.img image you backed up in the rooting process, or pick it from any backup available of your same Android version from the group, using #stock_firmwares note.
  • Assuming the file is called 'nicefile.img', the command would be: fastboot flash boot nicefile.img. Change the name accordingly!
  • Reboot your phone by running fastboot reboot.

Voilà! Your Nord 2 is now unrooted!

Updating while being rooted

This can be a bit tricky sometimes. Although unrooting firstly should work fine, you may encounter some issues while doing so, like unability to update after unrooting. If that's the case, tag us in the group.

Passing safetynet

Never been that easier!


  • Open up magisk, open the settings and enable Zygisk, then reboot your phone as requested
  • Download latest Universal SafetyNet Fix from here. Make sure to pick the one that has "(Zygisk)" in the name!
  • Return back to magisk, go to 'Modules' and select 'Install from storage'
  • Select the downloaded zip, wait for the installation, reboot
  • Check safetynet status with any app like YASNAC on Play Store

Extra steps

  • Go to magisk, open the settings and enable DenyList
  • Configure denylist by selecting all those apps you want to "hide root from"
  • Reboot the phone, if needed

Enjoy Google Pay and other banking apps!

Backup and restore through MTKClient

This is, by far, the most accurate and safe way to backup and restore your phone.

Follow the installation from the official repo, and follow the given instructions after running the command to spawn the GUI.

If you're having troubles, follow Arnab's guide.

With a bit of patience you shall be able to backup (and restore) everything through it. If you need help, ask in the group.

If you have problems while using it, or you just feel too lazy, use the prebuilt MTKClient available here.

Backup ZIPs links

If you forgot to take a backup of your device and don't know how to restore it - don't panic! I've made some quite useful ZIPs ready to download, from servers without bandwidth limits or size limit.

Here you are:

If you have issues, feel free to ping me in the group. I'll add ya to the file directly. Remember also to do a backup of your important partitions before restoring anything! I won't be responsible for losses (such as data, IMEI, MACs etc.)

Remember to not flash these partitions: nvcfg, nvdata, nvram, persist, proinfo, protect1, protect2, seccfg, frp

Restore BROM

Disclaimer: Thanks to @NishantKumar6342 for discovering this BROM bypass!


  • A fully charged phone
  • Must be on F.50 or lower (TESTED) with USB Debugging enabled
  • ZIP containing all the necessary files: SourceForge

How to do - Restore BROM functionality

  • Extract all the files from the zip file, open your terminal, and run:

    adb reboot fastboot
    fastboot flash sda preloader_ufs_c01.img
    fastboot flash sdb preloader_ufs_c01.img
    fastboot flash lk lk_a20.bin
    fastboot flash lk2 lk2_a20.bin
    fastboot reboot

    ...or, if you're too lazy and you use a MacOS/Linux system, you can use this file.

  • Congrats! Your denniz is now brick-proof.


To update your (supposedly) rooted Nord 2, just do OTAs as always.

The first OTA will fail, and it'll ask you to download the fullOTA. Download it and install it.

That's it!


Telegram group: @Oneplusnord2Gcam

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sndev28 commented Jan 23, 2023

The backup zip links are empty now. Can you point to where the files are available?

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The files are missing?

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Hi there, unfortunately yes. My GDrive drive decided to die without any pre-announcement. I'll try to upload the backups I have somewhere else.

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hi , i lost my imei long ago , is there any way i can restore it by using other device backup , like is there any way in hell i can restore it??😂😂

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admteam commented Jan 13, 2025

Is there any way to unlock the bootloader of the DN3103_11_F.54? Thanks

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