This guide is applicable to all models. Head to the original guide made by Giovix92
- A PC
- MTKClient Download Here Offical Repo | Prebuilt
- Install USBdk driver.
- If you have choosen mtkclient from offical repo then you will need to install MTK VCOM USB drivers.
- Open MtkClient gui.
- Trun of your phone
- Press Volume UP + Down, then connect the USB cable, your phone will boot into BROM mode.(It may take a few tries)
- After Your phone is conneted, Go to Read Partition Tab.
- Select All Partitions except userdata.
- Click on read partiton at the bottom.
- Select the folder where you want to keep the backup.
- Wait until it shows done.
- Disconnect your phone and Reboot.
- I have made two backup zips for EU & IND A20 Download , if it shows an empty page refresh.
- nvcfg.img, nvdata.img, nvram.img, persist.img, proinfo.img, protect1.img, protect2.img ( These are device Specific files)
- Seccfg (Related to bootloader, it could lock your phone)
- Open MtkClient gui.
- Trun of your phone.
- Press Volume UP + Down, then connect the USB cable, your phone will boot into BROM mode.(It may take a few tries).
- After Your phone is conneted, Go to Write Partition Tab.
- Now select the folder where backup is stored.
- As soon as you select the folder, the files in the folder will get automatically selected.
- Unselect the Partitons mentioned above.
- (How to) To unselect a partiton click on select, when the file manager pop us shows, select cancel,It will get unselected
- Now click on Write Partitons.
- It will take some time, wait until it's completely done.
- Disconnect your phone.
- Format Data either by Stock Recovery or Fastboot using fastboot -w
- To reboot in fastboot press vol down + power buttron.
- Reboot
If You have tried to relock and run into the "Boot image destroyed/corrupted" with a big red triangle on it. Then
Head over to Giovix92's guide relock section. It explains how to fix it. In a nutshell you need to unlock your bootloader again and flash the stock boot.img. If you have locked your bootloader, then to boot into fastboot press vol up + down + power button.