Extract the downloaded drivers
sudo tar -xvjf r8152.53.56-2.15.0.tar.bz2 -C /usr/src/
Create a DKMS.conf file
sudo echo -e 'PACKAGE_NAME="r8152"\nPACKAGE_VERSION="2.15.0"\nBUILT_MODULE_NAME[0]="$PACKAGE_NAME"\nDEST_MODULE_LOCATION[0]="/updates/dkms"\nAUTOINSTALL="YES"\nREMAKE_INITRD="YES"' > /usr/src/r8152-2.15.0/dkms.conf
Copy the .rules file to /usr/lib/udev/rules.d
sudo cp /usr/src/r8152-2.15.0/50-usb-realtek-net.rules /usr/lib/udev/rules.d/50-usb-realtek-net.rules
Install and load the driver
sudo dkms add -m r8152 -v 2.15.0
sudo dkms build -m r8152 -v 2.15.0
sudo dkms install -m r8152 -v 2.15.0
sudo depmod -a
sudo modprobe r8152
After installation:
Tried installing the drivers that way, however had no success. Tried https://github.com/wget/realtek-r8152-linux before, same result.
Once I switch the LAN port from PCIe to the USB adapter the connection to my server can't be established again - do you have any ideas?
Version I used:
on proxmox kernel6.2.16-15-pve
I'll try to debug it with a screen attached!:)
Thanks for the straightforward guide! 🙏