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Forked from ptrv/
Created February 3, 2020 16:14
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Simple force directed graph drawing algorithm
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Force-Directed Graph Drawing
import Tkinter
import random
import math
# d = [
# [.0, .3, .3, .0],
# [.3, .0, .3, .0],
# [.3, .3, .0, .3],
# [.0, .0, .3, .0]
# ]
d = []
nrows = 5
ncols = 5
for i in xrange(nrows * ncols):
ci = i % ncols
ri = i / ncols
dr = []
for j in xrange(nrows * ncols):
cj = j % ncols
rj = j / ncols
if ((ci == cj) and (ri == rj - 1 or ri == rj + 1)
or (ri == rj and (ci == cj - 1 or ci == cj + 1))):
# mass
alpha = 1.0
beta = .0001
k = 1.0
eta = .99
delta_t = .01
m = len(d)
root = Tkinter.Tk()
canvas = Tkinter.Canvas(root, width=500, height=500, background="yellow")
x = []
v = []
ids = []
def move_oval(i):
newx = int(x[i][0] * 500)
newy = int(x[i][1] * 500)
canvas.coords(ids[i], newx - 5, newy - 5, newx + 5, newy + 5)
for i in xrange(m):
xi = [random.random(), random.random()]
v.append([0.0, 0.0])
id = canvas.create_oval(245, 245, 255, 255, fill="red")
lids = []
def move_line(id, xi, xj):
int(xi[0] * 500),
int(xi[1] * 500),
int(xj[0] * 500),
int(xj[1] * 500))
for i in xrange(m):
for j in xrange(m):
if d[i][j] != 0:
id = canvas.create_line(0, 0, 0, 0)
move_line(id, x[i], x[j])
def Coulomb_force(xi, xj):
dx = xj[0] - xi[0]
dy = xj[1] - xi[1]
ds2 = dx * dx + dy * dy
ds = math.sqrt(ds2)
ds3 = ds2 * ds
if ds3 == 0.0:
const = 0
const = beta / (ds2 * ds)
return [-const * dx, -const * dy]
def Hooke_force(xi, xj, dij):
dx = xj[0] - xi[0]
dy = xj[1] - xi[1]
ds = math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy)
dl = ds - dij
const = k * dl / ds
return [const * dx, const * dy]
def move():
ekint = [0.0, 0.0]
for i in xrange(m):
Fx = 0.0
Fy = 0.0
for j in xrange(m):
if j == 1:
dij = d[i][j]
Fij = 0.0
if dij == 0.0:
Fij = Coulomb_force(x[i], x[j])
Fij = Hooke_force(x[i], x[j], dij)
Fx += Fij[0]
Fy += Fij[1]
v[i][0] = (v[i][0] + alpha * Fx * delta_t) * eta
v[i][1] = (v[i][1] + alpha * Fy * delta_t) * eta
ekint[0] = ekint[0] + alpha * (v[i][0] * v[i][0])
ekint[1] = ekint[1] + alpha * (v[i][1] * v[i][1])
print "total kinetic energy: %lf" % math.sqrt(ekint[0] * ekint[0] + ekint[1] * ekint[1])
for i in xrange(m):
x[i][0] += v[i][0] * delta_t
x[i][1] += v[i][1] * delta_t
li = 0
for i in xrange(m):
for j in xrange(m):
if d[i][j] != 0:
id = lids[li]
move_line(id, x[i], x[j])
li += 1
root.after(1, move)
root.after(1, move)
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