The first thing to do is to install Git on the remote server.
Once you do that the rest of the process is split into three sections:
- Server set-up
- Local set-up (push commits)
- Server (pull commits)
ssh -pxxxx [email protected]
(this is you connecting to your remote server)cd ../
(this gets you to the 'absolute root' of the server)cd www/..../
(navigate to the directory one level above your website directory - e.g. your website directory being where you would upload yourHTML
files etc)
Note: if (for example) your web directory is httpdocs
then move up one level from there.
The following example assumes httpdocs
is your web directory...
rm -rf httpdocs
(remove the web directory - you'll recreate it again in a minute)mkdir httpdocs && cd httpdocs
(create new web directory folder and move inside it)git init
(initiate new git repo)cd ../
(jump back up a directory level)
The following three commands are the black magic for getting a remote git repo setup:
git clone --bare httpdocs httpdocs.git
mv httpdocs httpdocs.backup
git clone httpdocs.git
cd ~/Desktop/Sites/myWebsite
git init
git add *
git commit -m 'Start of new project'
git remote add origin ssh://[email protected]:xxxx/www/.../httpdocs.git
git push origin master
cd ../
cd www/..../httpdocs/
git fetch
git diff origin/master
git merge origin/master
Good job, thanks