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Jannik Vogel JayFoxRox

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JayFoxRox /
Last active December 11, 2024 16:33
3D Gaussian Splatting

Notes about gsplat / 3DGS: 3D Gaussian Splatting (~WIP)

I'm planning to turn this into an "awesome-gsplat" repository ( or a wiki on some repository.

Feel free to add comments to this gist for now.

I'm contiuining to update this, and will hopefully get to reformatting it with thumbnails and further information (especially on performance and capabilities of implementations).

vadimkozhin / simpleBLEPeripheral.c
Created August 3, 2022 10:22
Bare minimum OSH tag implementation using ST17H66 based cheap tags
Filename: simpleBLEPeripheral.c
Description: This file contains the Simple BLE Peripheral sample application
iamgreaser /
Last active August 13, 2022 23:30
`*.psx` - Apocalypse / THPS / Spiderman / whatever model format

*.psx - Apocalypse / THPS / Spiderman / whatever model format

Documented by GreaseMonkey

Document version v2

I release this document into the public domain.

This information aims to cover the format used as per the PS1 and PC versions of THPS2.

iamgreaser / psxviewer.c
Created August 19, 2017 00:31
THPS2 model viewer - quick release 1
THPS2 level viewer
quick release 1
by GreaseMonkey, 2017 - Public Domain
takes two args
first arg is the main model (e.g. skhan.psx, skhan_o.psx)
second arg is the texture lib (e.g. skhan_l.psx)
needs SDL2 and OpenGL
a*x + b*y + c*z + d*w
1 MUL A, X (4, 0.5)
2 MOV X, A
3 SHUFPS A, A (1, 1)
4 ADD A, X (4, 0.5)
5 MOV X, A
6 SHUFPS A, A (1, 1)
7 ADD A, X (4, 0.5)
darkf /
Created March 20, 2017 13:56
A quick script for seeing the intersection between contributors to different GitHub repositories
from github import Github
from collections import Counter
import sys
USER = None
def get_repo(repo_name):
contribs = list(g.get_repo(repo_name).get_contributors())
wwylele /
Last active November 21, 2024 01:45

3DS CRO Information

AKA reference for citra CRO code.

wwylele: I am not a English native speaker, so there can be some strange words and sentences below. Suggestions for improvement are welcome.

Warning: CRO is still not completely understood, and there can be mistakes below. Please keep the sense of suspecting.


Note: some terms are given by comparing the behavior with similar concept. They may be inaccurate, or even incorrect.

  • Module is a chunk of executable code and data. Modules can be linked to each other.