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Created March 18, 2022 04:20
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  • Save JoeStrout/33cae15171593222b9a4d69a1e847536 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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Test of a Wolfenstein3D-style rendering engine for Mini Micro. Use arrow keys to move forward/backward/turn; alt+left/right to strafe. You can move right through walls, so... try not to.
// 3D-ish rendering of walls, decorationss, and entities,
// using stretched sprites.
import "qa"
import "mathUtil"
display(2).mode = displayMode.pixel
debugDisp = display(2)
gfx.fillRect 0, 0, 960, 320, color.silver // floor
gfx.fillRect 0, 320, 960, 320, color.gray // ceiling
// Handy constants
twoPi = pi * 2
halfPi = pi / 2
degToRad = pi / 180
radToDeg = 180 / pi
// Coordinate system:
// We'll work mainly in 2D, with map points represented as [x,y].
// (We'll call the vertical dimension Z, often omitted/ignored.)
// 1 unit is the width (and height) of 1 wall section. Where
// z matters at all, the floor is at 0 and the ceiling is at 1.
// Camera: defines the current view point and angle, as well
// as parameters like field of view (fov) and distance limit.
// There is only one camera; this is a global object.
camera = {}
// camera.pos: position of the camera. Note the z position;
// when this is < 0.5 the ceiling feels high, because the camera
// is less than half the way to the ceiling. When it is close
// to 1, then the ceiling feels low and cramped.
camera.pos = [9.46, 3.43, 0.6]
// the forward direction, in degrees (-180 to 180) and radians
camera.angle = 148
camera.angleRad = camera.angle * degToRad
// half the horizontal field of view, in degrees (0 to 90) and radians
camera.halfFov = 22.5
camera.halfFovRad = camera.halfFov * degToRad
camera.setAngle = function(degrees)
camera.angle = (degrees + 180) % 360 - 180
if camera.angle < -180 then camera.angle = camera.angle + 360
camera.angleRad = camera.angle * degToRad
end function
camera.turn = function(degreesCCW)
self.setAngle self.angle + degreesCCW
end function
camera.moveForward = function(dist)
self.pos[0] = self.pos[0] + cos(self.angleRad) * dist
self.pos[1] = self.pos[1] + sin(self.angleRad) * dist
end function
camera.moveRight = function(dist)
self.pos[0] = self.pos[0] + sin(self.angleRad) * dist
self.pos[1] = self.pos[1] - cos(self.angleRad) * dist
end function
// Calculate the angle (in radians) of the given point,
// relative to the camera's forward direction.
camera.relativeAngle = function(point)
ang = (atan(point[1] - self.pos[1], point[0] - self.pos[0]) -
self.angleRad + pi) % twoPi - pi
if ang < -pi then ang = ang + twoPi
return ang
end function
// Renderer: holds all the data needed for rendering the scene.
Renderer = {}
Renderer.depthBuf = [0] * 960 // (actually a 1/depth buffer)
Renderer.depthBufWall = [null] * 960
// Make a Wall class. A wall is represented by two ordered
// points: left and right (when viewed from the visible side).
Wall = {}
Wall.p = null // [left, right]
Wall.image = file.loadImage("/sys/pics/textures/ToonBrickA.png")
Wall.sprite = null
Wall.make = function(left, right)
w = new Wall
w.p = [left, right]
w.sprite = new Sprite
w.sprite.image = w.image
if left[0] == right[0] then w.sprite.tint = "#CCCCCC"
return w
end function
// Calculate the angle of each endpoint, in radians (range -pi to pi),
// relative to the current viewpoint and angle.
// Store in self.angles, and the (shortest) angle span in self.angSpan.
Wall.calcAngles = function
self.angles = [camera.relativeAngle(self.p[0]), camera.relativeAngle(self.p[1])]
self.angSpan = self.angles[0] - self.angles[1]
end function
// Call this method when a wall extends beyond the left end of the screen.
// Give it a reference point somewhere on the screen (at refScreenX), and
// the corresponding point on the wall in world coordinates. This method
// will then set self.x0 and self.invD0 so that the wall looks correct at
// the edge of the screen (by extrapolating way beyond it as needed).
Wall.extrapolateOnLeft = function(refScreenX, refWallPt)
// First, calculate t (distance along wall from right to left)
// and inverse-distance of where the wall intersects left
// edge of screen, from the wall reference point.
angRad = camera.angleRad + camera.halfFovRad // angle at screen edge
screenEdgeWorld = [camera.pos[0] + cos(angRad)*10,
camera.pos[1] + sin(angRad)*10] // a world position at screen edge
t = mathUtil.lineIntersectProportion(refWallPt, self.p[0],
camera.pos, screenEdgeWorld) // t along wall (ref->0) at screen edge
posCut = mathUtil.lerp2d(refWallPt, self.p[0], t) // wall pos at screen edge
invDcut = 1 / mathUtil.distance(posCut, camera.pos) // invD at screen edge
// Now we know all about the point on the wall at the edge
// of the screen, extrapolate to find a proper x0 and invD0.
self.x0 = refScreenX - refScreenX * (1/t)
refInvD1 = 1 / mathUtil.distance(refWallPt, camera.pos)
self.invD0 = refInvD1 + (invDcut - refInvD1) * (1/t)
end function
// Call this method when a wall extends beyond the right end of the screen.
// Give it a reference point somewhere on the screen (at refScreenX), and
// the corresponding point on the wall in world coordinates. This method
// will then set self.x1 and self.invD1 so that the wall looks correct at
// the edge of the screen (by extrapolating way beyond it as needed).
Wall.extrapolateOnRight = function(refScreenX, refWallPt)
// First, calculate t (distance along wall from ref point to right)
// and inverse-distance of where the wall intersects right
// edge of screen.
angRad = camera.angleRad - camera.halfFovRad // angle at screen edge
screenEdgeWorld = [camera.pos[0] + cos(angRad)*10,
camera.pos[1] + sin(angRad)*10] // a world position at screen edge
t = mathUtil.lineIntersectProportion(refWallPt, self.p[1],
camera.pos, screenEdgeWorld) // t along wall (0->1) at screen edge
posCut = mathUtil.lerp2d(refWallPt, self.p[1], t) // wall pos at screen edge
invDcut = 1 / mathUtil.distance(posCut, camera.pos) // invD of wall
// Now we know all about the point on the wall at the edge
// of the screen, extrapolate to find a proper x1 and invD1.
self.x1 = refScreenX + (960 - refScreenX) * (1/t)
refInvD1 = 1 / mathUtil.distance(refWallPt, camera.pos)
self.invD1 = refInvD1 + (invDcut - refInvD1) * (1/t)
end function
Wall.writeToDepthBuffer = function
// Assumes that calcAngles has already been called.
if self.angles[1] > camera.halfFovRad or self.angles[0] < -camera.halfFovRad then return // (out of view)
// Find the start and end screen column.
self.x0 = 480 - tan(self.angles[0])*1158 // (1158 ~= 480 / tan(halfFovRad))
self.x1 = 480 - tan(self.angles[1])*1158
cutOnLeft = self.angles[0] > camera.halfFovRad
cutOnRight = self.angles[1] < -camera.halfFovRad
if cutOnLeft and cutOnRight then
// This wall is cut off on both sides. Dang, what a pain.
// Let's find a point in the wall at the middle of the screen.
screenMidWorld = [camera.pos[0] + cos(camera.angleRad)*10,
camera.pos[1] + sin(camera.angleRad)*10]
t = mathUtil.lineIntersectProportion(self.p[0], self.p[1],
camera.pos, screenMidWorld) // t along wall (0->1) at screen midpoint
posMid = mathUtil.lerp2d(self.p[0], self.p[1], t) // wall pos at screen mid
// OK, now we know where the wall is in the center of the screen.
// Let's use this, and the intersection of each screen edge,
// to compute where the off-screen wall ends should be.
self.extrapolateOnLeft 480, posMid
self.extrapolateOnRight 480, posMid
else if cutOnLeft then
// This wall is cut off on the left. Let's compute exactly
// where on the wall that screen intersection happens, and
// deal with just the visible part.
self.invD1 = 1 / mathUtil.distance(self.p[1], camera.pos)
self.extrapolateOnLeft self.x1, self.p[1]
else if cutOnRight then
self.invD0 = 1 / mathUtil.distance(self.p[0], camera.pos)
self.extrapolateOnRight self.x0, self.p[0]
// Easy case: wall is entirely on screen.
self.invD0 = 1 / mathUtil.distance(self.p[0], camera.pos)
self.invD1 = 1 / mathUtil.distance(self.p[1], camera.pos)
end if
self.x0 = round(self.x0)
self.x1 = round(self.x1)
self.invDmid = (self.invD0 + self.invD1) / 2
invDstep = (self.invD1 - self.invD0) / (self.x1 - self.x0)
invD = self.invD0
for x in range(self.x0, self.x1)
if x >= 0 and x < 960 then
if Renderer.depthBuf[x] < invD then
Renderer.depthBuf[x] = invD
Renderer.depthBuf[x] = invD
Renderer.depthBufWall[x] = self
end if
end if
// to-do: skip ahead to X=0, rather than stepping there like this
invD = invD + invDstep
end for
end function
Wall.positionSprite = function
sp = self.sprite
sp.x = (self.x0 + self.x1)/2
sp.y = 320
h0 = 300 * self.invD0
h1 = 300 * self.invD1
sp.setCorners [[self.x0, sp.y-h0], [self.x1, sp.y-h1],
[self.x1, sp.y+h1], [self.x0, sp.y+h0]]
end function
// Make some helper methods to generate sets of walls.
makeLongWall = function(leftmost, rightmost)
result = []
if leftmost[0] == rightmost[0] then
if leftmost[1] < rightmost[1] then
for y in range(leftmost[1], rightmost[1]-1)
result.push Wall.make([leftmost[0], y], [leftmost[0], y+1])
end for
for y in range(rightmost[1], leftmost[1]-1)
result.push Wall.make([leftmost[0], y+1], [leftmost[0], y])
end for
end if
else if leftmost[1] == rightmost[1] then
if leftmost[0] < rightmost[0] then
for x in range(leftmost[0], rightmost[0]-1)
result.push Wall.make([x, leftmost[1]], [x+1, leftmost[1]])
end for
for x in range(rightmost[0], leftmost[0]-1)
result.push Wall.make([x+1, leftmost[1]], [x, leftmost[1]])
end for
end if
else "walls must differ in only one dimension"
end if
return result
end function
// Make a box with the walls facing inward (e.g., for
// the outer walls of the map)
makeInwardBox = function(left, bottom, width, height)
top = bottom + height
right = left + width
return makeLongWall([left,bottom], [left,top]) +
makeLongWall([left,top], [right,top]) +
makeLongWall([right,top], [right,bottom]) +
makeLongWall([right,bottom], [left,bottom])
end function
// Make a box with the walls facing outward (a column or obstacle).
makeOutwardBox = function(left, bottom, width, height)
top = bottom + height
right = left + width
return makeLongWall([left,top], [left,bottom]) +
makeLongWall([right,top], [left,top]) +
makeLongWall([right,bottom], [right,top]) +
makeLongWall([left,bottom], [right,bottom])
end function
// First let's define the map.
walls = []
walls = makeInwardBox(0, 0, 10, 10)
walls = walls + makeOutwardBox(2, 3, 3, 2)
walls = walls + makeOutwardBox(7, 6, 2, 2)
walls = walls + makeOutwardBox(5, 8, 1, 1)
Renderer.analyze = function
self.depthBuf = [0]*960
self.depthBufWall = [null]*960
// Find the walls within the viewing angle,
// AND potentially visible at all.
// Write these to the depth buffer.
maxAng = camera.halfFovRad
minAng = -maxAng
for w in walls
w.visible = false
if w.angSpan <= 0 then continue // backside
if w.angSpan > pi then continue // behind us
if w.angles[0] < minAng or w.angles[1] > maxAng then continue // out of view
end for
// Then, prepare the list of visible walls, sorted by depth.
self.visibleWalls = []
lastWall = null
for x in Renderer.depthBuf.indexes
if not Renderer.depthBufWall[x] or Renderer.depthBuf[x] == 0 then continue
if Renderer.depthBufWall[x] == lastWall then continue
lastWall = Renderer.depthBufWall[x]
if not lastWall.visible then
lastWall.visible = true
self.visibleWalls.push lastWall
end if
end for
self.visibleWalls.sort "invDmid"
end function
Renderer.renderWithLines = function
for x in Renderer.depthBuf.indexes
if not Renderer.depthBufWall[x] or Renderer.depthBuf[x] == 0 then continue
h = 300 * Renderer.depthBuf[x]
gfx.line x, 150+h, x, 150-h, Renderer.depthBufWall[x].color
end for
end function
Renderer.render = function
// Assume that Renderer.analyze has already been called.
// So all we have to do is display the sprites for visible walls.
// (ToDo: and decorations, and entities.)
display(4).sprites = []
for wall in self.visibleWalls
display(4).sprites.push wall.sprite
end for
end function
rerender = function
end function
while true
needRender = true
alt = key.pressed("left alt") or key.pressed("right alt")
if key.pressed("escape") then
else if key.pressed("left") then
if alt then camera.moveRight -0.1 else camera.turn 2
else if key.pressed("right") then
if alt then camera.moveRight 0.1 else camera.turn -2
else if key.pressed("up") then
camera.moveForward 0.1
else if key.pressed("down") then
camera.moveForward -0.1
needRender = false
end if
if needRender then rerender
end while
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