Save JoshCheek/8ee060600f69018a1a3faa284dbf4751 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
# these are reconstructed from a shell session without runnig them, so make | |
# sure you check that it's a sane thing to do before running it, I make no | |
# guarantees of fitness, and accept no liability. Run at your own risk. | |
sudo launchctl remove com.snap.SnapCameraRemover | |
rm -r ~/Library/Caches/Snap/ | |
rm -r ~/Library/Caches/com.snap.SnapCamera/ | |
rm -r ~/Library/Preferences/Snap/ | |
rm ~/Library/Preferences/com.snap.SnapCamera.plist | |
rm ~/Library/Preferences/com.snap.Snap\ Camera.plist | |
sudo rm -rf /Applications/Snap\ Camera.app/ | |
# my camera didn't work again until I ran this one: | |
sudo rm -r /Library/CoreMediaIO/Plug-Ins/DAL/SnapCamera.plugin | |
# if this doesn't work for you, know that the "Snap Camera 1.0.0.pkg" installer | |
# is just a tape archive, so you can `tar -xf Snap\ Camera 1.0.0.pkg` and then | |
# start analyzing the files, which is how I figured it out. To analyze them, | |
# I used `file whatever_file` to discover that most of them are just gzipped, | |
# and then I would do `mv whatever_file whatever_file.gz` so that I could | |
# `gunzip whatever_file.gz`, at which point I could open it in my editor. | |
# The relevant one for me was `Scripts`, which, after gunzipping, | |
# turned out to be a shell script that contained the install locations. |
Instructions provided by snap:
launchctl remove com.snap.AssistantService
rm ~/Library/LaunchAgents/com.snap.AssistantService.plist
rm -r ~/Library/Caches/Snap/Snap\ Camera
rm -r ~/Library/Preferences/Snap/Snap\ Camera
osascript -e 'do shell script "launchctl remove com.snap.SnapCameraRemover; rm /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.snap.SnapCameraRemover.plist; rm -r /Library/CoreMediaIO/Plug-Ins/DAL/SnapCamera.plugin; exit 0" with administrator privileges'
Thank you @JoshCheek! This worked for me. A really akward uninstall process. I don´t recommend this app.
Thanks SO much @JoshCheek. What a pain in the ass application.
If an application purposely does not allow a clean uninstall due to dark design choices, I am definitely not going to download it again in the future when I have use for it again. I will find something better. Fix your sh*t, snapchat, desperation is not a good look.
Nice solution! Thanks, dude.
This has saved me. Thank you.
Can you check if you need to also sudo launchctl remove com.snap.SnapCameraRemover
? I first tweeted this (here) and commented that I had also done that, but it's not in that gist. If someone tries it, LMK, and I'll add it in if it's relevant.
thank you! This was bothering me for so long!
This worked for me. Thank you!!
Thank you, this worked for me. ✌️
Thanks man 🥇
Thaaaank you!
Thanks For that.. That worked for me
I still don't understand what im supposed to do to get the snap cam off of my Mac