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Juan Rodríguez Juansero29

  • Masao
  • France
  • 03:57 (UTC +01:00)
View GitHub Profile
Juansero29 /
Last active January 14, 2025 16:34
Menu hiver du Bouillon Pigalle (2021-2023)

Carte d'hiver 2021 - 2023

Entrées :

  • Œufs mayonnaise - 2,50 €
  • Tarama maison - 2,90 €
  • Soupe à l’oignon - 3,80 €
  • Poireaux vinaigrette - 3,40 €
  • Bouillon de volaille, minestrone & vermicelles - 2,90 €
  • Artichauts, vinaigrette aux herbes et citron - 3,70 €
Juansero29 /
Last active June 10, 2024 09:44
Analyse de la dissolution de l'assamblé nationale par macron le 9 juin 2024

Coefficient Politique : Explications

Le coefficient politique est une mesure qui situe un individu ou un parti politique sur un spectre allant de -100 à 100, où :

  • -100 représente l'extrême gauche,
  • 0 représente le centre,
  • 100 représente l'extrême droite.

Calcul du Coefficient

Les valeurs sont déterminées en prenant en compte :

  1. Orientation Politique Déclarée : Positionnement officiel du parti ou de l'individu (ex. socialiste, conservateur, libéral).
Juansero29 /
Last active June 10, 2024 08:42
Élections Européenes 2024 - comment les comprendre ? J'ai demandé à ChatGPT de faire une analyse du spectre politique gauche-droite du parlement européen et le spectre politique des différents présidents des états membres de l'UE.
Juansero29 /
Last active September 26, 2023 09:17
Halloween Challenge 2023

Juansero's Halloween Challenge 2023

| Title | Time Played (hours) | STATUS | Year | Console/ Format | Bat | Cat | Ghost/ Haunting | Graveyard | Jack-o’-lantern/ Pumpkin | Monster | Scarecrow | Killer/ Murder | Tricks/ Treats | Vampire | Werewolf | Witch

Juansero29 /
Created August 3, 2023 13:34
How my team solved Unhandled exception at 0x7726BF4B (MrmCoreR.dll) in AppName_UWP.exe: 0xC0000005: Access violation reading location 0x02000087 for a UWP app
  1. A teammate watched on App launch after installation in Process Monitor (by Sysinternals) and saw before App starting WerFault (preparing crash report) it is doing many stuff like "OverrideLanguagesList".
  2. My teammate remembered that, in the app, we had code that was doing ApplicationLanguages.PrimaryLanguageOverride = stuff, and that when doing this app would be closed or restarted.
  3. My teammate searched for where we played with PrimaryLanguageOverride and saw indeed, during first launch it was overriden by some code, then during 2nd launch it is not overriden any more
  4. By analyzing with my teamate we saw that crash was generated because of how we handled language change in or BindableStrings class, we changed the responsible code as follows image
  5. Now app didn't crash anymore :)

So main points:

  • You can use [Process Monito
Juansero29 / DisableAutoReverse.cs
Created January 10, 2023 16:32
Script for disabling auto reverse when pressing the breaks in GTA IV
///// AutoReversOff by EuGene v.1.11 (2015-05-02) /////
///// Updated by Juansero29 v.2.0 (2023-01-10) //////
using System;
using AdvancedHookManaged;
using System.IO;
using GTA;
Juansero29 /
Last active August 21, 2023 08:27
A simple file containing general info on how to play modded GTA IV in 2023 for better car driving and global bug fixes. The basic goals of my modding are - fixing cars honking and crashing with Niko when stopped at red light - adding light blinkers for turning left, right and warning lights - global fixes (shadows, performance, draw distance, fr…

GTA IV Simple Modding Guide (January 2023)

A simple file containing general info on how to play modded GTA IV in 2023 for better car driving and global bug fixes. The basic goals of my modding are

  • fixing cars honking and crashing with Niko when stopped at red light
  • adding light blinkers for turning left, right and warning lights (with controller support)
  • adding gear boxes to the game (manual cars)
  • global fixes (shadows, performance, draw distance, freezing, etc)
  • recover old Vladivostok radio
  • a moder trainer to have fun sometimes
Juansero29 / DELETE_OBJ_BIN.ps1
Created November 21, 2022 16:54
A script to use in Visual Studio projects to delete bin/obj when VS gives weird compilation errors or warnings, useful cleaning script
# How to use this script
# - This scripts needs to be launched in a folder containing a Visual Studio solution (.sln)
# - It is recommended that Visual Studio is closed during the execution of this script
# - It is best if the latest changest have been pulled with git before using this script
# - All necessary environement variables must be set in order to the script to work appropriately
# - Team Explorer
Juansero29 / LaunchArcRenderer.cs
Created October 10, 2021 18:07
Basketball Launch Arc Renderer
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
public class LaunchArcRenderer : MonoBehaviour
Juansero29 / gist:4da581c88cfe776b5d70a4b06b5d258e
Created February 12, 2021 20:04
# Consignes d'utilisation de ce script :
# - Il faut lancer ce script dans un répertoire qui contient à la racine une solution Visual Studio (.sln)
# - Il est préférable que Visual Studio soit fermé pendant que le script se éxécute
# - Il est préférable que l'on aie fait un "Get Latest" des fichiers concernées par cette
# solution avant de lancer le script
# - Il faut s'assurer que toutes les variables d'environnement systèmes nécessaires soient