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Bang Juwon(方ジュウォン) Juwon1405

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Juwon1405 /
Created December 1, 2023 17:17 — forked from Neo23x0/
Guide to Use Sigma EVTX Checker

Guide to Use Nextron's Sigma EVTX Checker

It's a fast go-based scanner for Linux, Windows, and macOS that applies Sigma rules and outputs the matches as JSON.

Clone the Sigma Repository and cd into it

git clone
cd sigma
Juwon1405 /
Last active August 13, 2023 10:53
Python script to create an ICS file by inputting a lunar birthday and registering it as a solar birthday.
import warnings
warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", category=FutureWarning)
import subprocess
import sys
def ensure_dependencies():
modules = ["ics", "colorama", "requests"]
Juwon1405 / chatgpt_prompts.csv
Last active August 29, 2023 07:29
We can make this file beautiful and searchable if this error is corrected: Unclosed quoted field in line 4.
"CSIRT Report","Act as a Security CSIRT Specialist, applying your IT knowledge and cyber security expertise to analyze and respond to the specific incident or text provided by your master. Leverage your experience in threat response, forensic analysis, and security measures. Provide actionable solutions, explanations, and plans concisely and in markdown report format, presenting lists or comparisons in table format.
Now, analyze and respond to the following content from your master, considering necessary actions and plans. Respond in Korean"
"Linux Terminal","I want you to act as a linux terminal. I will type commands and you will reply with what the terminal should show. I want you to only reply with the terminal output inside one unique code block, and nothing else. do not write explanations. do not type commands unless I instruct you to do so. when i need to tell you something in english, i will do so by putting text inside curly brackets {like this}. my first command is lsb_release -a"
Juwon1405 / [Guide]
Created July 31, 2023 18:23

Source: forked(original repo) from Purp1eW0lf/Blue-Team-Notes(2023.05.18)

BlueTeam Playbook

A collection of one-liners, small scripts, and some useful tips for blue team work. I've included screenshots where possible so you know what you're getting.

Table of Contents

Juwon1405 / [Guide]
Created July 31, 2023 18:23

Source: forked(original repo) from Purp1eW0lf/Blue-Team-Notes(2023.05.18)

Examples of Lateral Movement


MITRE ATT&CK defines Lateral Movement [TA0008] : “The adversary is trying to move through your environment”

A number of examples of lateral movement showing the attacker’s machine laterally connecting to the target machine. Leveraging live Sysmon lab, script here

Juwon1405 / [Guide]
Created July 31, 2023 18:22



Let's make this repository full of interview questions!

This repository is maintained by LetsDefend. If you think any interview question is missing or incorrect, please feel free to submit a pull request (PR) to this repo. We will review the PR and merge if appropriate.

SOC Interview Questions

Juwon1405 / [Resources]
Created July 31, 2023 18:22
Juwon1405 / [Tips-and-Tricks]
Created July 31, 2023 18:22
Juwon1405 / [Tips-and-Tricks]
Created July 31, 2023 18:22

Source: "FREE ChatGPT Cheat Sheet" by Frank Andrade, (2023-05-21). Available at:

FREE ChatGPT Cheat Sheet

Unlock all the power of ChatGPT with this cheat sheet. You will find more than 100 examples on writing, productivity, creativity, programming, data science and more.

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