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Kel Markert KMarkert

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"description": "Global residential/non-residential landuse classification generated based on spatial distribution and semantic attributes of Points of Interest(POI) data.\n \nPlease refer to the [journal article]( for technical details about the methodology used to generate the dataset. \n\nSee [Office Website of MapSpace Program](\n for\nmore details.\n",
"extent": {
"spatial": {
"bbox": [
KMarkert / ee_stac_crawl.ipynb
Created August 27, 2024 20:11
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KMarkert / g4g23_python_climate_example.ipynb
Last active October 19, 2024 17:19
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KMarkert / nwm_bq_flood_analysis.ipynb
Last active May 17, 2023 11:44
Example notebook on how to execute BigQuery jobs through a notebook for analyzing the National Water Model data
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"description": "Orthorectified Surface reflectance (0-1 unitless, scaled by 10,000) \ncomputed from the NEON Imaging Spectrometer (NIS) per pixel; data \nare orthorectified and output onto a fixed, uniform spatial grid \nusing nearest-neighbor resampling (tbr). Level 1 flight lines over \na given site are mosaicked into 1 km by 1 km tiles with a spatial \nresolution of 1m.\nData are is a calibrated and atmospherically corrected product \ndistributed as scaled reflectance. It includes QA and ancillary \nrasters used as inputs to ATCOR for atmospheric correction as well \nas outputs from ATCOR for diagnostic purposes. L3 reflectance is \ndistributed in 1 km by 1 km tiles with one HDF5 file per tile \nincluding the reflectance data and all metadata and ancillary data. \nThe mosaic is created using the most-nadir pixels from the flight \nlines observed with the least cloud cover. \nCitation\nPlease use the appropriate citation(s) in your publications. \nSee Data Policies & Citation Guidelines for more info.\
KMarkert / g4g-2022-rest-api-demo.ipynb
Last active July 10, 2023 08:41
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KMarkert / g4g-2022-rest-api-demo-serviceaccount.ipynb
Last active September 21, 2022 11:36
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KMarkert / julia_colab_notebook_earthengine.ipynb
Last active November 18, 2021 22:07
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