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Korayem /
Created August 9, 2021 10:10 — forked from unoexperto/
How to patch Android app to sniff its HTTPS traffic with self-signed certificate

How to patch Android app to sniff its HTTPS traffic with self-signed certificate

  • Download apktool from
  • Unpack apk file: java -jar /home/expert/work/tools/apktool.jar d [email protected]
  • Modify AndroidManifest.xml by adding android:networkSecurityConfig="@xml/network_security_config" attribute to application element.
  • Create file /res/xml/network_security_config.xml with following content:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
Korayem /
Created August 7, 2021 20:22 — forked from scottopell/
Fix corrupted exFAT disk macOS/OSX

exFAT support on macOS seems to have some bugs because my external drives with exFAT formatting will randomly get corrupted.

Disk Utility is unable to repair this at first, but the fix is this:

  1. Use diskutil list to find the right drive id.
  2. You want the id under the IDENTIFIER column, it should look like disk1s1
  3. Run sudo fsck_exfat -d <id from above>. eg sudo fsck_exfat -d disk1s3
  4. -d is debug so you'll see all your files output as they're processed.
  5. Answer YES if it gives you the prompt Main boot region needs to be updated. Yes/No?
Korayem / migrate_rubocop_style_to_layout.rb
Last active January 10, 2019 11:30 — forked from wojtha/migrate_rubocop_style_to_layout.rb
Ruby script to migrate Rubocop settings from Style to Layout
# source:
# Fixes complains such as:
# .rubocop.yml: Style/IndentationConsistency has the wrong namespace - should be Layout
# .rubocop.yml: Style/IndentationWidth has the wrong namespace - should be Layout
# .rubocop.yml: Style/DotPosition has the wrong namespace - should be Layout
layouts = %w[