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Forked from Sarjuuk/com525.class.php
Created January 21, 2024 08:22
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communication interface for SIEMENS S5-CP524 and S5-CP525 communications processor
// Procedure 3964R
// Interpreter RK512
class Com525
// commands
private const CMD_SEND = 0x41; // 'A'
private const CMD_SEND_X = 0x4F; // 'O'
private const CMD_FETCH = 0x45; // 'E'
// control chars
private const NUL = 0x00; // NULL
private const STX = 0x02; // start transaction
private const ETX = 0x03; // end transaction
private const DLE = 0x10; // pos. ACK
private const NAK = 0x15; // neg. ACK
private const DEL = 0xFF; // delete
// private const BCC = ; // individual packet checksum
Am Ende jedes Datenblocks wird
zur Datensichenmg ein Blockprüfzeichen (BCC) gesendet. Das
Blockprüfzeichen BCC ist die gerade Längsparität der Informationsbits
aller Datenbytes eines gesendeten bzw. empfangenen
Blocks (EXCLUSIV-ODER-Verknüpfung). Die Bildung beginnt mit dem
ersten Nutzdatenbyte nach dem Verbindungsaufbau und endet nach
dem Zeichen DLE ETX beim Verbindungsabbau. Für die Informationszeichen
ist kein Code vorgeschrieben (Codetransparenz).
... XOR everything!
// processes
public const PROC_3964 = 1;
public const PROC_3964R = 2;
// log levels
public const LOG_NONE = 0;
public const LOG_ERROR = 1;
public const LOG_WARN = 2;
public const LOG_INFO = 3;
public const LOG_DEBUG = 4;
// timer
private const SEND_DELAY = 80 * 1000;
private const NAK_DELAY = 1000 * 1000;
private $baud = array(
11 => 110,
15 => 150,
30 => 300,
60 => 600,
12 => 1200,
24 => 2400,
48 => 4800,
96 => 9600,
19 => 19200
private $dataSrc = array( // ! deDE compatible !
'DB' => ['D', 2], // data block
'DX' => ['X', 2], // ext. data block
'EB' => ['E', 1], // input byte
'AB' => ['A', 1], // output byte
'MB' => ['M', 1], // flag byte
'PB' => ['P', 1], // I/O byte
'ZB' => ['Z', 2], // counter location
'TB' => ['T', 2], // timer location
'AS' => ['S', 2], // absolute address
'BS' => ['B', 2], // system address
'QB' => ['Q', 1] // ext. I/O
private $logLevel;
private $doHash;
private $hasMore;
private $serial;
private $byteBuffer;
private $bbIdx;
public function __construct(string $port = 'COM1', int $baud = 96, int $proc = self::PROC_3964R, int $logLevel = self::LOG_NONE, array $params = [])
if (substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3) != 'WIN')
$this->log('ERR: OS not supported :(');
if ($proc == self::PROC_3964)
$this->doHash = false;
else if ($proc == self::PROC_3964R)
$this->doHash = true;
$this->log('ERR: unknown procedure selected');
// dafault baud rate
if (!in_array($baud, $this->baud) || !isset($this->baud[$baud]))
$baud = 96;
if (!preg_match('/^COM\d+$/i', $port))
$this->log('ERR: '.$port.' is not a valid COM port');
$this->logLevel = $logLevel;
foreach ($params as $n => $p)
$this->$n = $p;
// Parity, Databits and Stopbits are fixed for Procedure 3964R
MODE COMm[:] [BAUD=b] [PARITY=n|o|e] [DATA=d] [STOP=s]
[to=on|off] [xon=on|off] [odsr=on|off]
[octs=on|off] [dtr=on|off|hs]
[rts=on|off|hs|tg] [idsr=on|off]
Baudrate: 9600
Parität: Even
Datenbits: 8
Stoppbits: 1
Timeout: OFF
CTS-Handshaking: OFF
DSR-Handshaking: OFF
DSR-Prüfung: OFF
DTR-Signal: OFF
RTS-Signal: OFF
exec('mode '.$port.': BAUD='.$baud.' PARITY=E DATA=8 STOP=1 to=off xon=off odsr=off octs=off dtr=off rts=off idsr=off');
$this->serial = fopen($port, 'r+b');
if (!$this->serial)
$this->log('ERR: could not open communications port');
stream_set_blocking($this->serial, 0);
/* public access */
public function fetchDirect(string $src, int $srcIdx, int $startAddr, int $len, int $cpu = 0, string $cf = '') : array
if (!$this->isConnected())
$this->log('ERR: not connected', self::LOG_ERROR);
return [];
$mult; // word = 2 * byte
if (isset($this->dataSrc[$src]))
$mult = $this->dataSrc[$src][1];
$src = ord($this->dataSrc[$src][0]);
else if ($x = array_search($src, array_column($this->dataSrc, 0)))
$mult = $this->dataSrc[array_keys($this->dataSrc)[$x]][1];
$src = ord($src);
$this->log('ERR: unknown data source supplied - '.$src, self::LOG_ERROR);
return [];
if ($len <= 0)
$this->log('ERR: len too small (min. 1)- '.$len, self::LOG_ERROR);
return [];
if ($cpu > 15)
$this->log('ERR: cpuID too large (max. 15) - '.$cpu, self::LOG_ERROR);
return [];
if ($cf && !preg_match('/^[0-9]+\.[0-7]$/', $cf))
$this->log('ERR: malformed coord. flag supplied - '.$cf, self::LOG_ERROR);
return [];
$this->byteBuffer = [];
// max data length per request: 128B
for ($i = 0; $i <= ($len * $mult - 1) / 128; $i++)
$this->hasMore = $i > 0;
$tsx = $this->createTransaction(self::CMD_FETCH, $src, $srcIdx, $startAddr, $len, [], $cpu, $cf);
if (!$this->process($tsx))
return [];
// return words if needed
if ($mult == 2)
$result = [];
$i = 0;
foreach ($this->byteBuffer as $idx => $byte)
if (!($idx % 2))
if (!$i)
$i = $idx;
$result[$i] = ($byte << 8);
$result[$i] |= $byte;
return $result;
return $this->byteBuffer;
public function sendDirect(string $dest, int $destIdx, int $startAddr, array $data, int $cpu = 0, string $cf = '') : bool
if (!$this->isConnected())
return false;
$mult; // word = 2 * byte
if ($this->dataSrc[$dest])
$mult = $this->dataSrc[$dest][1];
$dest = ord($this->dataSrc[$dest][0]);
else if ($x = array_search($dest, array_column($this->dataSrc, 0)))
$mult = $this->dataSrc[$x][1];
$dest = ord($dest);
$this->log('ERR: unknown data source supplied - '.$dest, self::LOG_ERROR);
return false;
if (!$data)
$this->log('ERR: no data to send', self::LOG_ERROR);
return false;
if ($cpu > 15)
$this->log('ERR: cpuID too large (max. 15) - '.$cpu, self::LOG_ERROR);
return false;
if ($cf && !preg_match('/^[0-9]+\.[0-7]$/', $cf))
$this->log('ERR: malformed coord. flag supplied - '.$cf, self::LOG_ERROR);
return false;
$cmd = chr($dest) == 'X' ? self::CMD_SEND_X : self::CMD_SEND;
$this->byteBuffer = [];
// words to bytes
if ($mult == 2)
foreach ($data as $d)
$this->byteBuffer[] = ($d >> 8) & 0xFF; // hi byte
$this->byteBuffer[] = $d & 0xFF; // lo byte
$this->byteBuffer = $data;
// max data length per request: 128B
for ($i = 0; $i <= ((count($this->byteBuffer) - 1) / 128); $i++)
$this->hasMore = $i > 0;
$tsx = $this->createTransaction($cmd, $dest, $destIdx, $startAddr, count($data), array_slice($this->byteBuffer, $i * 128, 128), $cpu, $cf);
if (!$this->process($tsx))
return false;
return true;
public function isConnected() : bool
return $this->serial !== false;
public function flushFileBuffer() : void
while (fread($this->serial, 1));
/* WRITE */
private function doACK() : void
private function doNAK() : void
private function startTransaction() : void
private function commitTransaction(int ...$bytes) : void
// append end transaction bytes
array_push($bytes, self::DLE, self::ETX);
// ... also append BCC
if ($this->doHash)
$bcc = 0x0;
foreach ($bytes as $b)
$bcc ^= $b; // xor
$bytes[] = $bcc;
/* READ */
private function expectACK() : bool
$bytes = [];
return $bytes === [self::DLE];
private function expectTransaction(&$gotNAK = false) : bool
$bytes = [];
$gotNAK = ($bytes === [self::NAK]);
return $bytes === [self::DLE, self::STX];
private function receiveData() : bool
$bytes = [];
$this->read($bytes, 50);
// BCC check if applicable
if ($this->doHash)
$bcc = array_pop($bytes);
$hash = 0x0;
foreach ($bytes as $b)
$hash ^= $b;
if ($bcc !== $hash)
$this->log('packet hash mismatch - received: '.$bcc.' calculated: '.$hash, self::LOG_WARN);
return false;
// check HEADER for errors (byte:0)
if ($this->hasMore && $bytes[0] != self::DEL)
$this->log('ERR: received packet not tagged as followup packet', self::LOG_WARN);
return false;
else if (!$this->hasMore && $bytes[0] != self::NUL)
$this->log('ERR: received packet not tagged as initial packet', self::LOG_WARN);
return false;
// check HEADER for errors (byte:3)
if ($bytes[3])
$this->log('Received Error Byte: 0x'.$bytes[3], self::LOG_WARN);
foreach ($this->errors as $k => $e)
if (($k & $bytes[3]) == $k)
$this->log($e, self::LOG_WARN);
return false;
// strip HEADER and FOOTER
$bytes = array_slice($bytes, 4, -2);
// <DLE> escapes <DLE> .. unescape
for ($i = 1; $i < count($bytes); $i++)
if ($bytes[$i] != self::DLE || $bytes[$i-1] != $bytes[$i])
unset($bytes[$i]); // preserves numeric keys in rest of array
foreach ($bytes as $b)
$this->byteBuffer[$this->bbIdx++] = $b;
return true;
/* communication */
private function createTransaction(int $cmd, int $src, int $srcIdx, int $startAddr, int $len, array $data = [], int $cpu = 0, string $cf = '') : array
if (!$this->hasMore)
$this->bbIdx = $startAddr;
$packet = array(
$this->hasMore ? self::DEL : self::NUL, // 0: head 1
self::NUL, // 1: head 2
$cmd, // 2: FETCH | SEND
$src, // 3: DB probably
if (!$this->hasMore)
if ($cf)
$cf = explode('.', $cf); // [byte, bit]
$byte10 = ($cf ? (int)$cf[1] : 0xF);
if (!$cpu && !$cf)
$byte10 |= 0xF0;
else if ($cpu && $cf)
$byte10 |= $cpu << 4;
$packet[] = $srcIdx; // 4: Block No.
$packet[] = $startAddr; // 5:
$packet[] = ($len & 0xFF00) >> 8; // 6: length hi-byte
$packet[] = $len & 0xFF; // 7: length lo-byte
$packet[] = $cf ? (int)$cf[0] : self::DEL; // 8: coordination flag - byte
$packet[] = $byte10; // 9: coordination flag - bit | CPU-Nr
if ($cmd == self::CMD_SEND || $cmd == self::CMD_SEND_X)
foreach ($data as $d)
$packet[] = $d;
return $packet;
private function process(array $tsx) : bool
/* 1 */
/* 2 */
if (!$this->expectACK())
// $this->doNAK();
return false;
/* 3 */
/* 4 */
// up to 5sec delay
$delay = 2000;
$update = 50;
$gotNAK = false;
while (!$this->expectTransaction($gotNAK) && !$gotNAK && $delay)
$delay -= $update;
usleep($update * 1000);
if ($gotNAK)
// $this->doACK();
return false;
/* 5 */
/* 6 */
if (!$this->receiveData())
// $this->doNAK();
return false;
/* 7 */
return true;
private function write(int ...$bytes) : void
$buff = '';
foreach ($bytes as $p)
$buff .= chr($p);
$this->log(' >> WRITE >> '.implode(' ', array_map(function($x) { return '0x'.str_pad(strtoupper(dechex($x)), 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT); }, $bytes)), self::LOG_DEBUG);
fwrite($this->serial, $buff);
private function read(array &$bytes, int $idleTime = 0) : void
$bytes = [];
// hickups are possible during receive. recheck 5x $idleTime
$maxDelay = 5 * $idleTime;
while ($maxDelay > 0 && !$this->isEOT($bytes))
usleep($idleTime * 1000);
$maxDelay -= $idleTime;
$this->log(' << RECV << '.implode(' ', array_map(function($x) { return '0x'.str_pad(strtoupper(dechex($x)), 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT); }, $bytes)), self::LOG_DEBUG);
private function _read(array &$bytes) : void
$chr = fread($this->serial, 1);
while ($chr !== '')
$bytes[] = ord($chr);
$chr = fread($this->serial, 1);
/* misc internals */
// received data dump is closed by end transaction bytes
private function isEOT(array $data) : bool
$base = $this->doHash ? 3 : 2;
if (count($data) < (4 + $base)) // header + footer + no data
return false;
return array_slice($data, -$base, 2) == [self::DLE, self::ETX];
private function log(string $msg, int $lvl = self::LOG_ERROR /*, $raw = true*/) : void
if (!$this->logLevel || $lvl > $this->logLevel)
if ($msg)
echo str_pad(date('H:i:s'), 12).$msg;
echo "\n";
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