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Forked from axman6/Tracked Exceptions.hs
Last active November 8, 2024 04:36
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Checked exceptions implemented by grading IO with the set of exceptions an action may throw.
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds, TypeFamilies, UndecidableInstances, RoleAnnotations
, QuantifiedConstraints, RebindableSyntax, BlockArguments
, RequiredTypeArguments
module Graded (
GradedAppl(..), (<*>), (<*), (*>),
GradedMonad(..), (>>),
throwsToIO, ioToThrows,
relaxl, relaxr,
type (\/), idemp,
type (|>), type (\\),
throw, catch, try,
mask, uninterruptibleMask,
mask_, uninterruptibleMask_,
onException, finally, bracket,
) where
import Prelude qualified as Base
import Prelude hiding (Applicative(..), Monad(..))
import Unsafe.Coerce (unsafeCoerce)
import Data.Kind (Type)
import Data.Type.Equality ((:~:)(..))
import Data.Coerce (coerce)
import Data.Functor (($>))
import Control.Exception qualified as Base
import Control.Exception
( Exception, SomeException(..), SomeAsyncException
, ArithException(DivideByZero), PatternMatchFail(..), NonTermination(..)
class (forall g. Functor (f g)) => GradedAppl (f :: k -> Type -> Type) where
type E f :: k
type Ap f (g1 :: k) (g2 :: k) :: k
leftId :: forall f' g -> f' ~ f => Ap f (E f) g :~: g
rightId :: forall f' g -> f' ~ f => Ap f g (E f) :~: g
assocAp :: forall f' g1 g2 g3 -> f' ~ f
=> Ap f (Ap f g1 g2) g3 :~: Ap f g1 (Ap f g2 g3)
pure :: a -> f (E f) a
liftA2 :: (a -> b -> c) -> f g1 a -> f g2 b -> f (Ap f g1 g2) c
(<*>) :: GradedAppl f => f g1 (a -> b) -> f g2 a -> f (Ap f g1 g2) b
(<*>) = liftA2 ($)
(<*) :: GradedAppl f => f g1 a -> f g2 b -> f (Ap f g1 g2) a
(<*) = liftA2 \x _ -> x
(*>) :: GradedAppl f => f g1 a -> f g2 b -> f (Ap f g1 g2) b
(*>) = liftA2 \_ y -> y
class GradedAppl f => GradedAlt f where
type Alt f (g1 :: k) (g2 :: k) :: k
assocAlt :: forall f' g1 g2 g3 -> f' ~ f
=> Alt f (Alt f g1 g2) g3 :~: Alt f g1 (Alt f g2 g3)
(<|>) :: f g1 a -> f g2 a -> f (Alt f g1 g2) a
class GradedAppl m => GradedMonad (m :: k -> Type -> Type) where
(>>=) :: m g1 a -> (a -> m g2 b) -> m (Ap m g1 g2) b
(>>) :: GradedMonad m => m g1 a -> m g2 b -> m (Ap m g1 g2) b
ma >> mb = ma >>= \_ -> mb
type role Throws nominal representational
newtype Throws (es :: [Type]) a = UnsafeThrows (IO a)
deriving Functor
throwsToIO :: Throws es a -> IO a
throwsToIO = coerce
ioToThrows :: IO a -> Throws '[SomeException] a
ioToThrows = coerce
relaxl :: forall es1 -> Throws es2 a -> Throws (es1 \/ es2) a
_ `relaxl` t = coerce t
relaxr :: Throws es1 a -> forall es2 -> Throws (es1 \/ es2) a
t `relaxr` _ = coerce t
instance GradedAppl Throws where
type E Throws = '[]
type Ap Throws es1 es2 = es1 \/ es2
leftId _ _ = unsafeCoerce Refl
rightId _ _ = Refl
assocAp _ _ _ _ = unsafeCoerce Refl
pure x = coerce (Base.pure @IO x)
liftA2 f = coerce (Base.liftA2 @IO f)
instance GradedAlt Throws where
type Alt Throws es1 es2 = es2
assocAlt _ _ _ _ = Refl
ta1 <|> ta2 = UnsafeThrows do
throwsToIO ta1 `Base.catch` \SomeException{} -> do
throwsToIO ta2
instance GradedMonad Throws where
ta >>= k = UnsafeThrows (throwsToIO ta Base.>>= throwsToIO . k)
type family (xs :: [k]) \/ (ys :: [k]) :: [k] where
es \/ '[ ] = es
ls \/ (r ': rs) = ls |> r \/ rs
infixr 3 \/
idemp :: forall es -> (es \/ es) :~: es
idemp _ = unsafeCoerce Refl
type family (es :: [k]) |> (e :: k) :: [k] where
(e ': es) |> e = e ': es
(e ': es) |> x = e ': (es |> x)
'[ ] |> x = '[x]
infixl 4 |>
type family (es :: [k]) \\ (e :: k) :: [k] where
(e ': es) \\ e = es
(e ': es) \\ x = e ': (es \\ x)
'[ ] \\ x = '[]
infixl 4 \\
throw :: Exception e => e -> Throws '[e] a
throw = UnsafeThrows . Base.throwIO
:: Exception e
=> Throws es1 a
-> (e -> Throws es2 a)
-> Throws (es1 \\ e \/ es2) a
catch ta h = UnsafeThrows do
throwsToIO ta `Base.catch` \e -> throwsToIO (h e)
:: Exception e
=> Throws es a
-> Throws (es \\ e) (Either e a)
try = UnsafeThrows . Base.try . throwsToIO
:: ((forall a es1. Throws es1 a -> Throws es1 a) -> Throws es2 b)
-> Throws es2 b
mask f = UnsafeThrows do
Base.mask \restoreIO -> throwsToIO do
f (UnsafeThrows . restoreIO . throwsToIO)
:: ( (forall a es1. Throws (es1 \\ SomeAsyncException) a -> Throws es1 a)
-> Throws (es2 \\ SomeAsyncException) b
) -> Throws es2 b
uninterruptibleMask f = UnsafeThrows do
Base.uninterruptibleMask \restoreIO -> throwsToIO do
f (UnsafeThrows . restoreIO . throwsToIO)
mask_ :: Throws es b -> Throws es b
mask_ act = mask \_ -> act
:: Throws (es2 \\ SomeAsyncException) b
-> Throws es2 b
uninterruptibleMask_ act = uninterruptibleMask \_ -> act
onException :: Throws es1 a -> Throws es2 b -> Throws (es1 \/ es2) a
onException ta tb = UnsafeThrows do
throwsToIO ta `Base.catch` \(SomeException e) ->
throwsToIO tb Base.>> Base.throwIO e
:: forall es1 es2 es3 a b c
. Throws es1 a
-> (a -> Throws es3 c)
-> (a -> Throws es2 b)
-> Throws (es1 \/ es2 \/ es3) b
bracket initialise finalise body = case assocAp Throws es2 es3 es3 of
Refl -> case idemp es3 of
Refl -> mask \restore -> do
resource <- initialise
result <- restore (body resource) `onException` finalise resource
finalise resource $> result
:: forall es1 es2 a b
. Throws es1 a -> Throws es2 b -> Throws (es1 \/ es2) a
act `finally` finalise = case leftId Throws (es1 \/ es2) of
Refl -> bracket (pure ()) (const finalise) (const act)
_test0 :: Throws '[] ()
_test0 = pure ()
_test1 :: Throws '[ArithException] a
_test1 = throw DivideByZero
_test2 :: Throws '[NonTermination] a
_test2 = throw NonTermination
_test3 :: Throws '[PatternMatchFail] a
_test3 = throw (PatternMatchFail "")
_test4 :: Throws [ArithException, NonTermination, PatternMatchFail] (a, b)
_test4 = do
a <- _test2
b <- _test3
pure (a, b)
_test5 :: Throws [ArithException, PatternMatchFail] (a, b)
_test5 = _test4 `catch` \NonTermination -> _test1
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